Revision Guide Mar 09[1]

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The Snaith School Making a difference Helping your son or daughter prepare for their GCSE’s Advice for parents and guardians

Examination Preparation Throughout your child’s career at The Snaith School we have been involved in the process of teaching. Learning and assessment in all subject areas. During the remaining weeks the focus will be on developing your child’s ability to turn that knowledge and understanding into the best exam results for them. The key ways in which the school and parents can work in partnership during this time are: • Encouraging and recognising what your child can achieve • Helping them with time management and organisation of their work • Ensuring that they have access to the relevant information • Regularly checking progress, homework and coursework • Above all continuing to recognise their efforts where appropriate We take every opportunity to motivate your child. I am sure that we can count upon your help in encouraging them still further.

The Exam Timetable All GCSE exams will take place between Monday 9 March and Tuesday 23 June 2009. There are no exams during the week of the bank holiday. In 2009 this is the week beginning 25 May. Taking a little time off over the bank holiday is a good idea, however this time off needs to be balanced with revision. Your son/daughter will need to do quite a bit of revision in that week. Please make sure that they have plenty of time for it, and that you have not planned to go on holiday for a full week.

Students who do their best in their GCSE exams work hard through Years 10 and 11 and do not rely upon last minute revision.

What can you do to help? Your child throughout this time may not want to communicate with you very much. This is natural in teenagers, but as parents/guardians you can help in a variety of ways, and in following these practical suggestions we believe you can make a difference in raising achievement and improving your child’s exam performance.

You can help by •

Recognising how important these exams are and how much time your son/daughter will need if they are to do as well as they can.

Not asking them to do too many chores, or look after their younger brother or sister.

Encouraging the rest of the family to help out by not disturbing their revision.

Securing a quiet place for study, where their work can be safely kept.

Encouraging planned relaxation time, but recognising when they have the balance right and praising them for that, but also being aware of when they have the balance wrong, and talking to them about it.

Making sure they don’t work too many hours if they have a part-time job.

Talk to them if possible, but do not lecture, harking back to the “Golden Age” of your youth will not necessarily inspire.

Encourage them and praise them for their hard work.

Emphasise the need for a good nights sleep.

Provide them with reasons for working, such as exam results, future prospects, sixth form college entry, employment prospects, and the satisfaction of achieving something.

Reminding them that it will soon be over and there will be a good break from school when they can catch up on all the things they have been missing.

10 Practical Tips Get your son or daughter to check that they have all the notes and books that they need for revision. Get them to talk to their teacher if they are missing any. Make sure that coursework deadlines are met; your son/daughter cannot hope to do much revision if they are still trying to finish coursework. Check that they have a revision timetable that indicates the dates and the times of the exams in May and June. School has supplied dates and times of the exams to students and a whole booklet about revision techniques, this includes a revision plan, ask to see it. Their revision plan or timetable should be used to plan revision sessions. These should be spread out evenly so that your son/daughter is not trying to do too much at once. Having a timetable displayed in their room is a good idea, as it will help them stick to their plan. Use the information provided by subject areas about what is to be examined, and advice given on subject reports. If you are unsure contact school, ask to speak to their subject teacher or Head of Year. Check how they are doing by letting them explain something to you that they have just learnt. It’s a good rule of thumb that if you can follow their explanation then they should be able to produce a good answer to an exam question on that topic. Encourage your son/daughter to ask for help at school on any parts of their work that they do not understand. Encourage them to persevere and to continue to work hard - reminding them that it will all be worth it in the end!

Different Ways of Learning Recent research indicates that we all learn in different ways. Your son or daughter by now should know how they learn best. They will have learned this at the Study Skills day. This research states that we learn not just by reading, but also by doing. Note taking, reducing information to cards and memorising it are still essential, but a variety of methods can be used to help improve their retention ability and make the tedious element of revision seem less severe. Use the GCSE revision guide that your son/daughter has been issued to consider what methods you might be able to help with (if you are allowed!!) Possible ways to help • Use the textbook/revision guide to devise questions • Ask your child to answer the question out loud to you. This way they can organise their answer in their mind before giving it to you, rather like an exam question. • Test vocabulary with them. • Reduce subject matter from notes down to revision cards, which contain important things such as key words. • Revising with friends can help especially with problem solving activities.

Encourage them to plan and organise their time effectively. There is no doubt that any contribution parents/guardians can offer at this time is helping their child’s time management skills.

Useful revision tips You can support your son/daughter by helping them follow these tips. • Plan for 25-30 minute sessions, any longer and it is likely that nothing more will sink in. Take a short break between sessions and have a glass of water or something similar to drink. • In the evenings after school, plan to revise one or two subjects only. Leave some time for relaxation. • Plan to revise specific topics in each subject, not everything at once. See the sheet in your child’s revision guide which helps them to revise a topic. • Ensure that each session starts with tackling the most difficult bits. • Plan to cover each subject several times and revisit each one nearer to the exams. • Revising with the TV or the radio on is not a good idea. Having their favourite music on in the background may help. • Reading is not generally enough. They need to be active learners, making notes, drawing pictures or diagrams. • Have everything to hand so that they can start revising, and then they don’t have to go off looking for a book, worksheet etc. • Working with a friend can be useful because it allows them to test each other and to talk about the work.

During the exam period Try to ensure that they: • Get a good nights sleep. • Have something to eat, missing breakfast or lunch will be counterproductive. • Have all the equipment that they need, and know when they will need it. • Know the time and the place of the exam. • Leave in plenty of time, a last minute rush will only make them panicky.

Remember to……. Wish them well!! Tell them they have worked hard enough and to do their best. Say that you will be thinking of them.

Revision Organiser Subject


Examination Dates Times Exam Venue Key Concepts

Key Facts

_________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ Key People

Key Formulae

The Snaith School Revision Timetable DAY/DATE Monday







Morning 1 8.00 – 10.00

Morning 2 10.00 – 12.00

Afternoon 1 1.00 – 3.00

Afternoon 2 3.00 – 5.00

Evening 1 6.00 – 8.00

Evening 2 8.00 – 10.00

Revision tips 2

Easter Holiday Schedule Monday







Time 9.00 – 10.00

10.00 – 11.00

11.00 – 12.00

12.00 – 1.00

1.00 – 2.00

2.00 – 3.00

You can adjust these timings but don’t plan to work for too long. Remember to plan time to relax.

Revision tips 2

Weekly Schedule Monday





Time 6.00 – 6.30

6.30 – 7.00

7.00 – 7.30

7.30 – 8.30

8.00 – 8.30

Revision Tips 2

Weekend Schedule What time is already committed? How much time are you actually prepared to spend working at the weekend? Saturday


Time 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

The Snaith School YEAR 11 REVISION CALENDAR March 01/03/09 02/03/09 03/03/09 04/03/09 05/03/09 06/03/09 07/03/09 08/03/09 09/03/09 10/03/09 11/03/09 12/03/09 13/03/09 14/03/09 15/03/09 16/03/09 17/03/09 18/03/09 19/03/09 20/03/09 21/03/09 22/03/09 23/03/09 24/03/09 25/03/09 26/03/09 27/03/09 28/03/09 29/03/09 30/03/09 31/03/09

Exams Start

April 01/04/09 02/04/09 03/04/09 04/04/09 05/04/09 06/04/09 07/04/09 08/04/09 09/04/09 10/04/09 11/04/09 12/04/09 13/04/09 14/04/09 15/04/09 16/04/09 17/04/09 18/04/09 19/04/09 20/04/09 21/04/09 22/04/09 23/04/09 24/04/09 25/04/09 26/04/09 27/04/09 28/04/09 29/04/09 30/04/09

May 01/05/09 02/05/09 03/05/09 04/05/09 05/05/09 06/05/09 07/05/09 08/05/09 09/05/09 10/05/09 11/05/09 12/05/09 13/05/09 14/05/09 15/05/09 16/05/09 17/05/09 18/05/09 19/05/09 20/05/09 21/05/09 22/05/09 23/05/09 24/05/09 25/05/09 26/05/09 27/05/09 28/05/09 29/05/09 30/05/09 31/05/09

June 01/06/09 02/06/09 03/06/09 04/06/09 05/06/09 06/06/09 07/06/09 08/06/09 09/06/09 10/06/09 11/06/09 12/06/09 13/06/09 14/06/09 15/06/09 16/06/09 17/06/09 18/06/09 19/06/09 20/06/09 21/06/09 22/06/09 23/06/09 24/06/09 25/06/09 26/06/09 27/06/09 28/06/09 29/06/09 30/06/09

Exams End

Summer 2009 Exam Timetable Date 09/03/09 10/03/09 7/03/0915/05/09 06/05/09 12/05/09 13/05/09 14/05/09 18/05/09 19/05/09 20/05/09 20/05/09 20/05/09 20/05/09 21/05/09 22/05/09

Start Time Mon am Tues am

01/06/09 01/06/09 02/06/09 02/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 04/06/09 04/06/09 04/06/09 05/06/09 08/06/09 09/06/09 09/06/09 10/06/09 10/06/09 11/06/09

Mon am Mon pm Tues am Tues pm Wed am Wed pm Wed pm Thur am Thur am Thur pm Fri pm Mon pm Tues am Tues pm Wed pm Wed pm Thur am

11/06/09 11/06/09 11/06/09 12/06/09

Thur pm Thur pm Thur pm Fri am

15/06/09 16/06/09 17/06/09 18/06/09 18/06/09 19/06/09

Mon am Tues am Wed am Thur pm Thur pm Fri am

23/06/09 23/06/09

Tues am Tues am

Wed am Tues pm Wed pm Thurs am Mon pm Tues am Wed am Wed pm Wed pm Wed pm Thurs am Fri am

Title EL English:Reading Paper EL English:Writing Paper MFL Oral exam Music Integrated Assignment Religious Studies B (Philosophy & Ethics):Paper 1 Music (Listening) & Appraising Physical Education:Paper 1 Mathematics B (Modular) Module 5 (non-calc) Written F/H English Literature Spec A Theory F/H Citizenship Studies:Written Paper Biology 3 Written F/H Biology 2 Written F/H AS Mathematics Statistics D & T (Food Tech) Written F/H Bus Studies Case Study G3704 and G3705 Half Term Holiday Mathematics B (Modular) Mod 5 (calc) Written F/H D & T (Resistant Mat Tech) Written F/H English Paper 1 F/H Geography A Written F/H Paper 1 History A 1 Written French Reading F/H French Listening F/H Chemistry 2 Written F/H Chemistry 3 Written F/H English Paper 2 F/H AS Mathematics Core 1 and Core 2 D & T (Graphic Products) Written F/H Geography A Written F/H Paper 2 Bus Studies Written G3701 and G3702 Physics 3 Written F/H Physics 2 Written F.H Drama Written Mathematics B (Modular) Mod 1 (non-calc) (2.05 pm) Written F/H Mathematics B (Modular) Mod 1 (calc) Written F/H History A 2A Written Biology 1 Written F/H Religious Studies B (Philosophy & Ethics):Paper 2 (Ethics, w/out C/Work) Statistics Written F/H Chemistry 1 Written F/H D & T (Textiles Tech) Written F/H D & T (Electronic Prod) Written F/H Physics 1 Written F/H Mathematics B (Modular) Mod 3 (non-calc) (9.50 am) Written F/H Mathematics B (Modular) Mod 3 (calc) Written F/H

* May involve some or all of the Year Group indicated.

Duration 1h 15m 1h 15m

Year Group Involved* 11 11

30 mins 2h 00m 1h 15m 1h 45m 1h 15m 2h 30m 1h 30m 0h 45m 0h 45m 1h 30m 2h 00m 1h 00m

11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

1h 15m 2h 00m 2h 1h 45m 1h 45m 0h 40m 0h 35m 0h 45m 0h 45m 2h 1h 30m 2h 00m 1h 30m 2h 00m 0h 45m 0h 45m 2h 00m

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

0h 30m 0h 30m 1h 45m 0h 45m

9.10.11 9.10.11 11 10.11

2h 00m 2h 00m 0h 45m 2h 00m 2h 00m 0h 45m

10 11 10.11 11 11 10.11

0h 45m 0h 45m

10.11 10.11

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