Review Packet For Chemistry Final

  • June 2020
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Review Packet for Chemistry Final Chp 10 ____1. What is the small whole number that appears in front of a formula in a chemical equation? a. a subscript c. a ratio b. a superscript d. a coefficient ____2. In an equation, the symbol for a substance in water solution is followed by a. (1). c. (aq). b. (g). d. (s). ____3. The decomposition of a substance by an electric current is called a. electrolysis. c. ionization. b. conduction. d. transformation. ____4. In what kind of reaction do two or more substances combine to form a new compound? a. decomposition reaction c. double-replacement reaction b. ionic reaction d. synthesis reaction ____5. In what kind of reaction does one element replace a similar element in a compound? a. single-replacement reaction c. decomposition reaction b. double-replacement reaction d. ionic reaction ____6. In what kind of reaction does a single compound produce two or more simpler substances? a. decomposition reaction c. single-replacement reaction b. synthesis reaction d. ionic reaction ____7. The scientific principle which is the basis for balancing chemical equations is: a. The Law of conservation of Energy. b. The Law of conservation of Mass.

c. Avogadro’s Law d. The Law of Definite proportions.

____8. Which statement regarding balanced chemical equations is not true? a. The number of each kind of atoms must be the same on each side. b. Coeeficients are used in front of formulas to balance the equations. c. Subscripts may be changed to make an equation simpler to balance. d. Reactants are written to the left of the arrow.

____9. What is the term for the process of undergoing a chemical change? a. chemical equation b.chemical formula c. chemical reaction d.chemical symbol ____10. Which of the following is evidence for a chemical reaction producing a gas? a. A solution changes color b. A solution releases bubbles. c. A glowing wooden splint bursts into flame. d. All of the above. ____11. What is the predicted product from the following combination reaction? Li(s) + O2(g)

a. LiO

b. Li2O



d. Li2O3

_____12. What are the products from the following single-replacement reaction? Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → a. Cu and ZnSO4 c. Cu and ZnSO3

b. CuO and ZnSO3 d. CuO and ZnSO4

_____13. What are the products from the following double-replacement reaction? BaCl2(aq) + K2SO4(aq) → a. c.

BaS and KClO4 BaSO3 and KCl

b. BaSO3 and KClO4 d. BaSO4 and KCl

_____14. What is the coefficient of oxygen gas after balancing the following equation? __AgClO3(s) _ __AgCl(s) + __O2(g) a. 1

b. 2



d. 4

_____15. What is the coefficient of nickel metal after balancing the following equation? __Fe(s) + __Ni(NO3)2(aq) → __Fe(NO3)3(aq) + __Ni(s) a. 1







_____16. What is the coefficient of ammonia gas after balancing the following equation? ___N2(g) + ___H2(g) → ___NH3(g) a.








For Q 17-19, write balanced chemical equations for these word reactions. Each is 2 points


lithium reacts with nitrogen to form lithium nitride.

Q18. Chlorine reacts with potassium bromide to form potassium chloride and bromine.

Q19. Aluminum reacts with oxygen to produce aluminum oxide.

Q. 20 - 24 choose the correct lettered name that best describes the chemical reaction: a. b. c. d. e.

Combustion. single displacement. double displacement Synthesis. Decomposition.

____20) Ca(OH)2 → CaO + 2H2O. ____21) 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl. ____22) Cl2 + 2NaBr → Br2 + 2NaCl.

____23) 2KBr + Pb(NO)3 → 2KNO3 + PbBr2. ____24) CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O. 25) Which of the following is a general guideline for balancing an equation? A) Write correct formulas for reactants and products. B) Begin balancing with the most complex formula. C) Balance polyatomic ions as a single unit. D) Check each reactant and product to verify the coefficients. E) all of the above 26) What is the coefficient of oxygen gas after balancing the following equation? ___P(s) + ___O2(g) → ___P2O3(s) A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5 E) none of the above 27) What is the coefficient of carbon dioxide after balancing the following equation?  __KHCO3(s) __K2CO3(s) + __H2O(g) + __CO2(g) A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) none of the above 28) What is the predicted product from the following combination reaction?  Ca(s) + O2(g) A) CaO B) Ca2O C) CaO2 D) Ca2O3 E) Ca3O2 29) What is the predicted product from the following combination reaction?  Al(s) + O2(g) A) AlO B) Al2O C) AlO2 D) Al2O3 E) Al3O2

Study Guide For chapter 11 Moles, Formula mass and Mole conversions Your notes and worksheets Things to know include: f. g. h. i.


How to determine Formula and Molar mass Avogadro's number(6.02x1023) and what it means. Relationship between grams of a substance, number of moles of a substance and the number of formula units(atoms, ions or molecules) of a substance. How to convert between the three underlined items above(moles-> grams; grams>moles; moles-> molecules; molecules--> moles; atoms->grams; grams>atoms;moles->atoms;atoms-> moles. Your notes /examples/practice problems from text book and worksheets.

Percent composition Things to know include: A) How to calculate percent composition. B) Your notes and worksheet.

Empirical and Molecular formula Thins to know include: A) Definition of an empirical formula. B) Definition of an molecular formula. C) How to calculate an empirical formula given the percent composition of a substance. D) How to calculate the molecular formula given the formula mass and empirical formula. E) Your notes/examples/worksheet.

Chapter 11 Important Information: 1 Mole = 6.02 x 1023 atoms, molecules, ions ,formula units. Molecular formula = (empirical formula)n 1) Convert 2.65 x 1025 atoms of fluorine to moles of fluorine (F2). k. 44.00 moles

44 x 10-2 moles m. 4.4 x 10-24 moles n. 12.5 x 102 moles l.


How many krypton atoms are in 2.50 mol of Kr gas? A) 1.51 × 1022 atoms B) 1.51 × 1023 atoms C) 1.51 × 1024 atoms D) 2.41 × 1023 atoms


How many methane molecules are in 0.500 mol of CH4 gas? A) 1.20 × 1023 molecules B) 1.20 × 1024 molecules C) 3.01 × 1022 molecules D) 3.01 × 1023 molecules

4) A typical silicon chip such as those in calculators weighs 2.3 x 10-4 g. How many silicon atoms are in such a chip? F) 4.9 x 1018 atoms 1.4 x 1020 atoms H) 3.9 x 1021 atoms I) 2.6 x 1027 atoms G)

5) What is the empirical formula for a compound that is 53.3% O2 and 46.7% Si? C) SiO D) SiO2 E) Si2O F) Si2O3 6) What is the SI base unit used to measure the amount of a substance? A) meter B) kilogram C) mole D) gram

7) A compound’s empirical formula is C2H5. If the formula mass is 58 amu, what is the molecular formula? A) C3H6 B) C4H10 C) C5H8 D) C5H15 8) Determine the mass in g of 0.500 mol of Uranium. A) 119 g B) 11.9 g C) 130 g D) 19 g 9) The formula for the illegal drug cocaine is C17H21NO4. What is the percentage of hydrogen in the compound? A) 0.333% B) 4.62% C) 6.99% D) 21.1% 10) What is the term for the value corresponding to the number of atoms in 12.01 g of carbon? A) Avogadro's number B) atomic number C) mass number D) amu 11) Which of the following is equal to 1.00 mole of substance? A) 6.02 × 1023 sodium atoms, Na B) 6.02 × 1023 iodine molecules, I2 C) 6.02 × 1023 sodium iodide formula units, NaI D) all of the above 12) How many sodium sulfate formula units are in 0.333 mol of Na2SO4? A) 2.00 × 1021 formula units B) 2.00 × 1023 formula units C) 2.00 × 1024 formula units D) 5.53 × 1021 formula units

13) What is the molar mass of aspirin, C9H8O4? A) 29.02 g/mol B) 116.08 g/mol C) 180.17 g/mol D) 244.17 g/mol 14) How many moles are present in 32.5g of aluminum chloride? A) 0 .244mol B) 4.10mol C) 1.21 mol D) 720 mol 15) Name the following Compound: MgSO4 . 2 H2O A) Manganese sulfate dihydrate B) Manganese (11) sulfate dihydrate C) Magnesium sulfate dihydrate D) Magnesium sulfite dihydrate Write true if the statement is true: if the statement is false, change the underlined word to make the statement true. 16) If the atomic mass of manganese is 54.93 amu its molar mass is 54 .93 amu. 17) The percent by mass of each element in a compound is known as percent composition of the compound. 18) The molecular formula of the compound is the formula with the smallest whole number mole ratio of the elements. 19) An anhydrous substance is a compound that contains specific number of water molecules. 20) The number 6.02 x 1023 is called Dalton's number. 21) The molecular formula specifies the actual number of atoms of each element in one molecule or formula unit of the substance. 22)

The mass in grams of one mole of a substance is called its molar mass.


A mole of an ionic compound contains 6.02 x 1023 molecules.

Choose the best answer: _____ 1) How many krypton atoms are in 2.50 mol of Kr gas? A) 1.51 × 1022 atoms B) 1.51 × 1023 atoms C) 1.51 × 1024 atoms D) 2.41 × 1023 atoms E) 2.41 × 1024 atoms

______2) How many methane molecules are in 0.500 mol of CH4 gas? A) 1.20 × 1023 molecules B) 1.20 × 1024 molecules C) 3.01 × 1022 molecules D) 3.01 × 1023 molecules E) 3.01 × 1024 molecules

______3) How many moles of argon gas contain 7.52 × 1022 Ar atoms? A) 1.25× 10-1 mol B) 1.25 × 1046 mol C) 0.0125 mol D) 1.25× 1024 mol E) 1.25 mol _____4) What is the molar mass of aspirin, C9H8O4? A) 29.02 g/mol B) 116.08 g/mol C) 180.17 g/mol D) 244.17 g/mol E) 252.25 g/mol

_____5) What is the mass of 4.50 × 1022 atoms of gold, Au? A) 0.0679 g B) 14.7 g C) 1478 g D) 0.0748g E) 2640 g


How many grams are present in 5.50 moles of sodium chloride??

A) 9.13 × 1023 g B) 3.31 × 1024 g C) 321.42 g D) 3.21 g E) 8.61 × 1025 g

_____7) What is the term for the value corresponding to the number of atoms in 12.01 g of carbon? A) Avogadro's number B) atomic number C) mass number D) mole number E) none of the above

_____8) The first inert gas compound to be synthesized was XePtF6. What is the percentage of xenon in the compound? A) 4.31% B) 25.9% C) 29.8% D) 38.0% E) 44.3%

For # 9 Show work 9)Calculate the number of moles in

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