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  • November 2019
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The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? More reader's and reviewers comments: "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, by Wynn Free has had more of an impact on me than any other book I've read since reading The Autobiography of a Yogi in 1975, which totally changed my life.The timing of this book couldn't be better.....Wynn Free has done a most thorough and brilliant job of bringing all the pieces together as to what is really happening here on planet earth.....and in the world beyond." - Kristine Catalina, author, Man Woman Made Easy "It is a great book about the changes for 2012 and presents it such that the fear of catastrophe loses it's momentum. I also like the idea discussed that we need to work on our own personal light energy and through that we will have impact." Angela , as posted on a forum "Ten stars for author Wynn Free on The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce as this book has removed this reviewer's fear of death and has opened her heart to the most profound source of love and light she has ever experienced. May it do this and more for all who open it's pages." - Dr Maryel Mckinley, PHD, host KABC radio show, Back Talk "The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? addresses for his readers the profound issues of soul evolution, death, and contributes thoughtful and thought-provoking answers to a discussion of Jesus Christ. The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? is very strongly recommended reading for all students of metaphysics in general, and the accomplishments of Edgar Cayce in particular." - Midwest Book Review Favorite Book Read in the Last 5 Years: I think it would have to be The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, but I was also taken by a sleeper, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? by Wynn Free and David Wilcock - D.D. Delaney, journalist, Portfolioweekly, Hampton Roads, Va.

"THE REINCARNATION OF EDGAR CAYCE?” - Inter-dimensional Communication and Global Transformation - By: Wynn Free (with David Wilcock)

REVIEW BY DR. MARYEL MCKINLEY PhD CADCII Radio Show Host of "Back-Talk" KABC 590 AM/ Syndicated Book Reviewer

During my lifetime, having read numerous books on Edgar Cayce, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? is by far the #1 premier book, that’s been written about Cayce whether it’s about his reincarnation or the original. As far as the scrutiny of this PHD reviewer, the case put together by author Free, tying Wilcock to Cayce is bulletproof. The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce is not only the best book in the Cayce genre, but I would put it in the running as the most important book to be written thus far in the 21st century – period. This groundbreaking work will not only be a classic of classics, it has within it the keys to individual transformation as well as global transformation over the next several years, as it has already transformed my own life. As a syndicated book reviewer, it can be inferred that I am not a novice to new thought metaphysical books, authors, and thinking, having written numerous reviews on many of the most recognized and influential books in the marketplace, I am absolutely stunned to have discovered a book with a view of reality so huge that it could only have originated from the same source that spoke through Cayce – a book that credibly provides the missing pieces to the puzzle of what’s really happening on planet earth in our current period. Not only has the book clearly answered questions such as why we are here, and what we are to do while we are here; it has also quenched and fulfilled an age old thirst and unfathomable hunger that has been with me since I can first remember, asking my mother at four years of age “If God made us, who made God?” Upon completion of my read, I am as close as I have ever been to the answers of these questions that man has been ruminating over for thousands of years since the beginning of recorded history-AND it is all here in this book- and more! This reviewer foresees that this profoundly important work is just the beginning of many more profound pieces of work to come from Wynn Free (Free is the principal author of the book). Considering the purity of the wisdom contained herein, the reader can expect to experience a blowing of the mind simultaneously with a soothing of the soul. A must for every library...yes, your search for truth can finally rest as the perspective contained in this book far outweighs anything on the market today and most likely anything you've come across your entire life in the past and for years to come, as that voice of wisdom who spoke through Cayce comes forth in present time and explains the big picture of soul evolution, beyond theology, beyond religion, beyond philosophy and gives the most credible understanding of why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, what Jesus meant by “new heaven, new earth” and why we are in the most critical period in the history of humankind. Definitely New York Times best-selling material, I would urge and encourage other media and press members like myself to get the word out about this book - including film makers - as a film adaptation of this book and the messages contained within has the power to heal the world and bring a newfound peace to this suffering planet. I guarantee your life will never be the same and will immediately change for the better upon absorbing the messages contained within. At the very least you will have read a spellbinding and highly entertaining book that will forever change the way you view your life and may well be the catalyst for a new experience of an intense spiritual connection that is beyond your wildest dreams!

Ten stars for author Wynn Free on The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce as this book has removed this reviewer's fear of death and has opened her heart to the most profound source of love and light she has ever experienced. May it do this and more for all who open it's pages.

World Puja Responses: I'm new to much of what you have to say, I find myself very open to listening further. Since Dec I've been experiencing things that are not familiar to me and have been lead in your direction, as well as other people who seem to be taking high speed left-hand ally turns of the mind/heart.

Great interview on WP!!!!

I really enjoyed your interview on World Puja. It just makes so much sense! I am listening to your interviev on Maureen Moss and Puga from last week. I very much resonate with what and how you process information. The interview was great and it's so wonderful that you are sharing your knowledge and experiences with the public. It was such a joy to hear you speak on worldpuja a few days ago. I've listened to your interview with Maureen Moss three times on WorldPuja. Thank you for all that wonderful information. Thank you for spreading your magnificent light, I am just reaching out to touch you. I just wanted to tell how wonderful it is that you are doing what you are doing. I listened to your broadcast in the archives from Maureen's interview with world puja and immediately went to your website. I've listened to most of your channelings and the written transcripts. I recognize the tone and the purity of the energy of the messages that are coming through. For the past few years I have been going to India and residing and meditating in an area in south India known as Tiruvannamali, where the holy mountain of Arunachala is situated, and where the sage Ramana Maharshi lived his life. I recognize the vibration of your channelings is in line with the pillar of light that is endlessly entering in there from beyond the earth and well into its core. The harmonics of this light go very very deep and very, very high. Since my return, I have recognized the importance of maintaining the frequency of vibration I encountered there....and as you have said it is paramount now that we hold and attune to what is most highest, as the lower energies (I prefer that to negative energies)....are powerful and are about duality rather than the vibration of oneness that we are coming into.

An engaging biographical study of the remarkable parallels between the young David Wilcock and the legendary Edgar Cayce, June 7, 2006 Reviewer: Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA) - See all my reviews The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation by Wynn Free, with the assistance of David Wilcock, is an insightful and engaging biographical study of the remarkable parallels between the young David Wilcock and the legendary Edgar Cayce. Following the teachings of Wilcock's "dream voice" and his intuitive sense, The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? addresses for his readers the profound issues of soul evolution, death, and contributes thoughtful and thought-provoking answers to a discussion of Jesus Christ. The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? is very strongly recommended reading for all students of metaphysics in general, and the accomplishments of Edgar Cayce in particular.

Frog, Ltd.

For Immediate

Release 1435 Fourth St., Berkeley, CA 94710 800.337.2665 • Fax: 510.559.8279  

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation By Wynn Free with David Wilcock   Frog, Ltd. is proud to announce the release of The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? by Wynn Free with David Wilcock. Circumstances in Wilcock’s life led him to the inescapable conclusion that he has a connection to Edgar Cayce and Free presents the stunning case of the many synchronicities tying the two.

Edgar Cayce (1873-1945) was considered the most credible and accurate psychic in the western world. He would enter a sleep/trance state and demonstrate virtual omniscience in questions put to him. He was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian family and when his paranormal ability first surfaced, he wasn’t sure if it was positive, but as he began giving readings for others, he found that everyone was being helped. “The sleeping prophet,” who never remembered a word of what he said in his trance state was able to diagnose someone’s health, knowing just the person’s name and city. He would prescribe alternative remedies that had never been used before and his clients were being helped and healed. Even today, most major health food stores have a section of Edgar Cayce supplements. After fifteen years of doing health readings, he began to give people information about their past lives. Many who have studied the Edgar Cayce material have come to the conclusion that reincarnation may actually be the manner in which evolution of the soul occurs. When Cayce died, he left a legacy of 15,000 transcriptions of his readings. His children started a foundation to promote his work and opened a library in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Many skeptical journalists have researched the Cayce files and to this date, 500 books have been written based upon Cayce’s life and readings. A Google search on “Edgar Cayce” will bring up 104,000 websites. In addition to health and reincarnation, many of Cayce’s readings were future prophecies that have already come to pass. Cayce actually predicted that he would return in 1998. In 1997, 26-year-old David Wilcock had already spent a year writing and recording messages from what he called his “dream voice.” His messages were counseling him, predicting his future, and finally requested him to relocate to Virginia Beach, the home of the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Wilcock visited the foundation and people immediately commented on his amazing resemblance to Cayce. He asked his dream voice why this was so and was informed that he was in fact Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation and his mission in this life was to explain a dimensional shift in process on

planet Earth. Wilcock spent the next eighteen months researching Cayce and found amazing parallel after parallel linking the two. Free, a long time student of the Cayce material, discovered Wilcock’s website in the later part of 2000 and after scrutinizing all the correspondences, made the decision to write the book with Wilcock’s support. The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? often reads like science fiction. It includes many of Wilcock’s current readings and backs up the amazing premises of Wilcock’s dream voice with current scientific research, as well as solving the mystery of who Edgar Cayce’s (and Wilcock’s dream voice) source is. Some of life’s most profound questions are finally answered such as where we go when we die, how soul evolution occurs, and an esoteric and scientific explanation of Jesus‚ prophecies of ascension and rapture. If you sense the changing paradigms in the world and wonder what’s going on, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? may deliver some unexpected and comforting answers from the other side. Is it true? Only time will tell, but if it is, the book can be your guide for perilous times ahead.


Praise for The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? “Wynn Free introduces compelling arguments to demonstrate his thesis. I encourage you to read this book and make up your own mind.” —Drunvalo Melchizedek, originator of the Flower of Life Merkaba meditation “It answers many philosophical and spiritual questions which I have pondered for decades.” —Barbara Lamb, family counselor, past-life regressionist, and author “I am just stunned by your book…. [W]hen I got to page 26, I had to close it for a minute and pray like mad that I could be of proper service to support this.” —Sondra Ray, spiritual healer, teacher, and author of Healing and Holiness and Loving Relationships II “For those who recognize truth, this book resonates its wisdom. If you allow yourself to stretch into the fascinating realities herein, it may change your life forever.” —Konrad Kaserer, spiritual leader of Unity Church of Flagstaff, Arizona

THE REINCARNATION OF EDGAR CAYCE a by Wynn Free with David Wilcox is being studied in Unity-Versity Sundays from 9:30-10:20 AM facilitated by Neil Hanson. The class is held in the Chapel/Prayer Room. The book will be available in the Bookstore. mid=50 The return of the prophet Edgar Cayce before he died promised that he would be back. He even mentioned the year of his return, 1998. Then if he was right about it where is he now? In his book ‘The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce’, Wynn Free states that the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce is David Wilcock. Wynn Free has researched the claim made by David Wilcock himself that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. David Wilcock is not just another ordinary scientist; he calls himself an intuitive researcher and in fact is a psychic gifted person. He claims that he is in contact with the same source ‘Ra’ that was channelled by Carla Rueckert in the ‘Law of One’.

Wynn Free who investigated this claim now thinks that all three Edgar Cayce, Carla Rueckert and David Wilcock were in fact in contact with the same source ‘Ra’. It explains why Edgar Cayce so often made references to the ‘Law of One’! He mentioned the ‘Law of One’ a number of times in his readings in relation with the Atlantean people who were split into two camps, the followers of Belial and the ‘Law of One’. These camps were at war according to Cayce. According to David Wilcock, it was Ra who informed him that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Further more Ra urged him to reveal his relation with Edgar Cayce to the public. He was shocked to hear this in 1998 (the year mentioned by Cayce for return), because he knew that he would be ridiculed but Wilcock reluctantly went through with it. Wilcock says he prefers to be respected for his scientific work than for his connection with Edgar Cayce. David Wilcock has written three books called the Convergence series, ‘The Shift of the Ages’, ‘The Science of Oneness’ and the ‘Divine Cosmos’. All three of his extensive research books are getting respect from scientist all over the world. Currently he’s working together with ex-NASA scientist Richard C Hoagland who claims that NASA is withholding the truth about many things, for one example the energetic changes that are occurring in our Solar System. Wilcock and Hoagland are developing a hyperdimensional ether physics model to explain these phenomena and are presenting it within both the scientific and the public arena. Wilcock who has studied the ‘Law of One’ by Carla Rueckert was guided by his spiritual guide Ra to collect proof from scientists all over the world that could corroborate the science dictated by Ra in the ‘Law of One’. The result is collected in the Convergence series. Now why should we believe a young man like David Wilcock when he claims that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Of course only circumstantial evidence can be brought to the stand; however some pieces of the evidence are very convincing. For one thing as a young man he was already gifted with psychic powers. Today he gives readings just like Cayce did for his clients. He predicted the attacks on the Twin Tower on the 11th September 2001 in readings that were published on the Internet many years prior to the attacks. Wilcock’s readings are often very cryptic and are best understood in retrospect: Reading from 12th June 1996: It's the greatest science fiction story ever told. Someone comes in - Rescue 911. CBS and ABC give it adequate coverage. A cast-iron fence is wrought around the victim's body…

Reading July 9th 1998: World Trade Center bombing really shook things up. The next time one tries something like this, it will become a much larger story, if the details are worked out properly. (3) Another amazing fact is that he is the spitting image of the younger Edgar Cayce. The coincidence of facial alikeness doesn’t end with David Wilcock but continues with his friends and Edgar Cayce’s friends. According to Wynn Free it appears as if a group of persons acquainted to Edgar Cayce, reincarnated in this life as the friends of Wilcock again. The most convincing evidence however comes from the comparison of the astrological charts of the birth date of both Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock by astrologer Brian McNaughton. He discovered that the astronomical charts of the birth date of Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock are of such remarkable similarity as to rule out chance.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars that according to astrology determines a person’ s personality are in the same signs for both the birth date of Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock. McNaughton, starting from the astrological chart of the birth date of Edgar Cayce, determined all the dates between the birth of Edgar Cayce in 1877 and the year 2000 that have the same alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars and found to his astonishment only one date; the exact birth date of David Wilcock! (4) Although the proof seems rather convincing, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) that preserves the legacy of Edgar Cayce officially hasn’t recognized David Wilcock as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Whether we believe Wilcock’s reincarnation of Edgar Cayce to be true or not doesn’t change the fact that David Wilcock is a very remarkable scientist who has collected scientific evidence to sustain Edgar Cayce predictions and Ra’s physics from the ‘Law of One’. David Wilcock is actively formulating a new scientific paradigm; he’s blending science and spirituality to a new level of understanding that is no less than a renaissance in science.

Mystic Pop Magazine review “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?”, Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation, by Wynn Free with David Wilcock.

Fascinating! This book offers many instances for the reader to totally accept David Wilcock as the true reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, who died in 1945. As interesting as these instances are however that becomes secondary as one reads further. We discover David Wilcock is far from sleeping. He has a brilliant mind and his interests in scientific research findings, along with his channeled information from “Ra”, (the name of the “social memory complex” and the Egyptian Sun God, which was an early life of Cayce in Egypt. An interesting and informative read! I started to reaf this book and the moe i read it, the more i realized why wynn free had written the book about david wilcock and why it was important to read the book itself. He talks about the man. He talks about his past, a lot of things about where he's going in a way wilcock himself could not tell you because to some degree, people who are gifted in this sense don't really understand everything that's going on around them. They can channel ok. They can talk about it. But they may not understand the significance of who they are, what they're doing and why.

Hilly Rose, talk show host

Comments on Wynn Free’s work: Poetry (go to for samples of his work) "You are a very enlightened and gifted writer." "Insightful, and reveals little truths about life" “This is definitely going on my fridge... now all I need is a picture, of you, to go with it: Thank you for sharing your poetry. It was a beautiful combination of light and dark and it touched me deeply. “Oh my I resonate with all you said, I am crying...thank you for the gift of your words

in this poem, thank you!” “Fantastic, once I start Reading I can't stop... Gives me the same feeling as reading the works of Kahlil Gibran, and many others who through their words or music were able to cause the listener or reader to transcend space and time for a moment and connect with the "we" in us all.”

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (go to “Some of the most lucid and loving spiritual advice wisdom I have ever read.” “…awesome in its scope "of things to come". - Gary Mortimer, Pasadena Church of Truth “The true mastery of "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation" lies in the skill with which author Wynn Free weaves the disparate threads of Cayce's readings and life, David Wilcock's biography and channelings (including the revelation, from Ra himself, that he is Cayce reborn), and Rueckert's Law of One material into a single, tight braid that convincingly intertwines to reveal behind the many faces a single voice, the voice of Ra, calling Humanity to awaken.” – Chris Tannalund “I invite and encourage you to read Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? and integrate the astounding information it contains into your own evolving spiritual path. The book may be the most important work in contemporary spirituality explaining how to maintain one's connections to divinity on a planet in transition.” – Reverend Beverly Craig, La Crescenta Church of Religous Science “I really couldn't put the book down, it is really well written by the way. The more I read the wisdom contained within the book, the more I realized that whether or not David Wilcock was Edgar Cayce had little relevance to anything. The setup of the book is just perfect as it has a little bit of everything summed up quite nicely.” – Nathen. (17 years old) Dear Wynn, I was one of those "unforgettable" patrons at the What the Bleep conference in Santa Monica that you conned late Saturday night on the "bridge" into buying The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Oh well, another $20 isn’t going to kill me and my beautiful exwife gave "cheapo" the prompt he needed. "Just buy it!" Boy, am I glad! Congratulations. This is a masterpiece. I can't put it down. The thing that I like best, of course, is that it confirms all of my beliefs and prejudices plus a veritable plethora of information of which I had no idea and that tests out in my little "Cor Crucible". You have an amazing talent and perseverance and I am one of those deeply indebted to you for the diligence you clearly exerted in putting together this fascinating and superb volume. I hope we can talk sometime soon. My very best wishes for your every success in marketing this very, very important work. Gratefully, Phil Philip B. Rothenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S.

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce is a piece to the puzzle that you are looking to put together. The Book is an extremely lucid and well written case book on the spiritual

truths of this planet. If you had any doubts about the direction of this world, the nature of our work, and your role in it all, they'll be gone by the time you are finished. Bravo! Michael sharp Dear Friends, Recently, I was introduced to a book has had a profound effect on my own personal spiritual awakening. Although I have never endorsed a book before, I have been moved to do so for this book because I think it might become as important to you as it has for me. At the end of a presentation at the Burbank Unity Church given by James Redfield, a man approached me and handed me the book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?. He said, "Here, you are a minister. Perhaps you'll find this interesting reading." Although I'd read a few things about Edgar Cayce, and believed he was the healer that he was purported to be, I wasn't overly interested in the subject. However, something tugged at me to read the book. Perhaps it was because someone had gone to the trouble of writing it, and after all it was a gift. From the first sentence on, I was intrigued by the information that author, Wynn Free had included in this dynamic, leading edge treatise. Not only did he include well documented information to support his hypothesis of David Wilcock as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, he also included believable information about the ongoing evolution of human spirituality, as well. I couldn't put the book down! The information resonated as Truth deep within my being as the explanation was given for the rather unique period in the history of humankind we are in. The book explains via both current science and the wise words of David Wilcock's source, the real reason why opening our hearts to unconditional love and compassion is so important in this current period and why it's so important to put our power struggles behind us, and strive for the understanding that "we're all in this together," which is a simple way of expressing the Principle of Oneness. This important book validates the quest of Divine Emissaries throughout all of Planet Earth's spiritual traditions - that of uplifting humanity to a higher vibration that will guarantee "peace on earth, goodwill toward all planetary citizens." I invite and encourage you to read Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? and integrate the astounding information it contains into your own evolving spiritual path. The book may be the most important work in contemporary spirituality explaining how to maintain one's connections to divinity on a planet in transition. Peace & Blessings, Rev. Beverly G. Craig, Senior Minister La Crescenta Church of Religious Science ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

“They have created a book rich with information, ideas, and insight.” - New Age Retailer Summer 2004

“Whether Wilcock is Cayce reincarnated ultimately is unimportant compared to the wealth of valuable scientific and spiritual information contained in this enjoyable volume.” - New Age Retailer

“This book is a treasure chest waiting to enrich your journey. The only key you need is an open mind.” – Chris Tannelund, Uforia “Some of the most lucid and loving spiritual advice/wisdom I have ever read” – anon, Amazon “This book changed my perspective on life 180 degrees. If you have questions about life’s purpose, this book will certainly clarify the meaning of it all.” – anon, Amazon “...the words coming through this young man are, indeed, from the same source as the information which came through Edgar Cayce.” – Joann Turner, The Messenger “I highly recommend this beautifully written book” – Cynthia, Reality Shifters “It answers many philosophical and spiritual questions which I have pondered for decades” —Barbara Lamb, author “I'm 17 years old and I have just gotten finished reading "the Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?" and I really couldn't put the book down, I praise you on your book as it is one of the most well written books I have read.” – Nathan “What a great read it is and well worth the cost." – anon, Amazon I found the book "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?" to be a very well written and thought provoking book. I found it to be intelligently written and awesome in its scope "of things to come". Gary Mortimer

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? by Wynn Free with David Wilcock -- Review by Chris Tannlund Over the years, I've received some small flack (not a lot, but some...) from the "nuts and bolts UFOlogy" segment of the UFOria audience for openly entertaining the notion that at least some channeled material is both REAL and well-deserving of study by intelligenttruthseekers. If you're a channeling skeptic, you might want to skip this article. But if you're open to the possibility of "Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation," as author Wynn Free phrases it, then this month's UFOria Recommends featured selection is for you!

I've never personally focused much attention on the work of Edgar Cayce, the famed "Sleeping Prophet," so I want to make it clear from the outset that, while the Cayce angle is certainly interesting, fascination with his work and/or legacy is by no means a prerequisite for gaining benefit from this remarkable book. Don't buy it simply to learn about Cayce, or even David Wilcock, the man who claims to be Cayce's reincarnation and the bearer of a message for Humanity of even greater import and impact than that brought by the "Sleeping Prophet" himself. There's a deeper story here. At this book's core is an even more remarkable "biography" -- the story of a 12,500 year long (and still on-going) intervention in human history by "social memory complex" Sixth Density entity Ra, via physical incarnation as the Egyptian priest-king Ra-Ta, and later as Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock, as well as through the clear and highly-influential channeling of L/L Research's Carla L. Rueckert (McCarty), who's Law of One series (with Don Elkins) has, for decades, set the standard by which all channeled material would be measured. The true mastery of "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation" lies in the skill with which author Wynn Free weaves the disparate threads of Cayce's readings and life, David Wilcock's biography and channelings (including the revelation, from Ra himself, that he is Cayce reborn), and Rueckert's Law of One material into asingle, tight braid that convincingly intertwines to reveal behind the many faces a single voice, the voice of Ra, calling Humanity to awaken. As a source of information granting a new perspective on the life and teachings of Edgar Cayce, this book is, no doubt, a highly valuable resource. As an introduction to David Wilcock, "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?..." is a long-overdue public announcement I hope millions hear and attend to with due seriousness. But it is as a clearly-written, deeply-informative, even mind-expanding "Ascension Primer" that I most heartily recommend this work. No matter where you are along your spiritual path, if you can accept the possibility that entities more evolved than Humanity both exist and communicate directly with individual humans for the betterment of our species, this book is a treasure chest waiting to enrich your journey. The only key you need is an open mind Hi Wynn, I just want to say that I am so grateful for all the work you have done for all of us. I have almost finished reading your book and am so blown away is the most informative and enlightening book I've read so far on human evolution and planetary changesmany blessings Sabina review from Don't let the scorn and derision of others stop you from being effective in your goals. Keep a clear head and remain relaxed, knowing all the while that there is indeed final conclusion to these words as they now stand, and this moment does indeed approach with the unwavering certainty of the clock striking on the hour".

This book, to sum into a few words, is not an easy task. It is rather a strange book but without a shadow of a doubt worth reading for the insights it offers regardless if you believe that David Wilcock is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce or not. Both authors do offer good arguments for this to be the case though! The source of the content is questionable but if you endeavor to pick this book up you will find it hard to put down because although it reads like science fiction further on in the book we find that science backs up the obscure content believe it or not. Within its jam packed 400 pages is a lot of wisdom and few good philosophies on how to live, you will not find yourself bored reading this and you will be enthralled at the part where science is playing 'catch up', if you will, with the concepts put forward. Scientists should take heed of the message of this book, for the future, especially with so many disasters happening in this last year. Also this book has one of the most misleading titles. It should not play a factor in putting the reader off picking this book off the shelves and let's not forget, last but not least, that this book deals with the nature of the soul, definitely worth a look. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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