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Submitted by: JAYZER LENNIN S. LLOBRERA BSIE - ET 1A Student

Submitted to: PROF. LUCIEN D. PERALTA, M.T. Asst. Prof. 4 Shop Adviser

October 2007





PREFACE The COMPILATION OF ALL JOBS AND ACVTIVITIES IN ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY 1 approaches the study of electricity as theoretical and actual. It is a compilation of all activities and lessons that we discussed during are 1st semester this compilation features: a. Basic concept in electricity wherein the model of multiple intelligences is applied; b. Evaluation techniques in basic electricity using an review questions, exercises, research, evaluation, and challenge activities are employed in the duration of the course; c. Actual works which will permit you to make your own discoveries of the regularities and principle s which unify basic electricity and make it easier to understand; d. Activity-based works using simple set-ups and materials; e. Restructured to meet the requirements of the BSIE – ET course. This compilation covers the basic concepts of electricity, the history of electricity, were we could see were electricity start activities that we do during our semester, the uses and source of electricity (Unit 1), different materials that serve as conductor or insulator (Unit 2), the different tools and test equipment use in electrical or electronics work (Unit 3), different types of electrical and electronic symbol (Unit 4), the decoding of different value of resistor (Unit 5), how to read the value of different types of capacitor (Unit 6), the different types of wire splices and joints (Unit 7), different electrical terms (Unit 8), and what are the components of electric circuit (Unit 9), how to wire the house (Unit 10). Study each topic and familiarizes with each lesson and activities you are going to perform. Prepare know your self and start reading and understand this compilation.

AP PR OVAL SH EET This work entitled “Compilation of All Jobs and Activities in Basic Electricity and Electronics” prepared and submitted by JAYZER LENNIN S. LLOBRERA in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the course, Bachelor of Science In Industrial Education is hereby recommended for corresponding approval. Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment for the degree Bachelor of Science In Industrial Education Major in Electrical Technology.



First of all I would like to thank God who made all things possible that’s why I can now finished my study in Basis Electricity 1. Second my parent who gave me a financial support during of the semester, thanks for their love, support and encouragements during my studies. Third are my friends who gave me fun during my studies and my classmate who gave me a help when I facing difficulties in our studies. And to my full of motivation shop adviser Professor Lucien David Peralta, M. T. that motivate me to continue my study at TUP, the person who give me knowledge about the basic concept of electricity, to his wonderful jokes that makes are study fun and comedy, and last is the patient that he gave us when we are doing something wrong. Finally thanks to the print shop who print my compilation good and clear, and to the bookbinder who bind my compilation tight and secure. A million thanks to all of you.

TABLE OF C ONT EN TS        

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Co ver P a ge ………………………………………………………………………….. Title P a ge ……………………………………………………………………………. Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………… Appr oval Sheet ……………………………………………………………………. Pr ef ace ……………………………………………………………………………….. Intr oduction …………………………………………………………………………. Ac kno wledgement ……………………………………………………………….. Unit 1 ( Uses And Sour ces O f Electricity)  History of Electricity …………………………………………………………….  Sources and Uses of Electricity ……………………………………………… Unit 2 (Conductor s And I nsula to r s)  Conductors ………………………………………………………………………  Insulators ……………………………………………………………………….. Unit 3 ( Electrical and Electr onics Tools and E quipments)  Tools and Equipments ………………………………………………………… Unit 4 ( Electrical And E lectr onic Symbols)  Electrical Symbol Meaning …………………………………………………….  Electrical Symbol and Actual View ……………………………………………  Electronic Symbol and Actual View ………………………………………….. Unit 5 (R esistor)  Resistor Color Coding …………………………………………………………. Unit 6 (Ca pacitor)  Different Types of Capacitor …………………………………………………..  Capacitor Coding ………………………………………………………………. Unit 7 ( W ir e Splices And J oints)  Wire Splices and Joints ………………………………………………………… Unit 8 ( Electrical T er ms)  Electrical Terms ………………………………………………………………… Unit 9 ( Electric Ci rcuits)  Series Circuit …………………………………………………………………….  Parallel Circuit …………………………………………………………………..  Parallel – Series Circuit ………………………………………………………..  Series – Parallel Circuit ……………………………………………………….. Unit 10 ( House W iring )  House Wiring ……………………………………………………………………  PVC Bending ……………………………………………………………………. Ref er ences …………………………………………………………………………… Appendice s  Appendix A – Job Plan …………………………………………………………  Appendix B – Course Outline ………………………………………………….  Appendix B – Definition of Terms ……………………………………………..

 Appendix C – Metric Prefix …………………………………………………….

INTR ODUCTION Electricity has many uses. It is used in our homes. It gives us lights, helps cook our food, washes and iron our clothes, operates our radio, television set, cassette tape recorder, stereo set, phonograph, refrigerator, bread toaster, air conditioner and floor polisher. Electricity is also used in the farms. It operates incubators to hatch chicks in large number and keeps them warm. It operates pumps to water the rice fields. The tractor, the rice thresher and rice will not operate if there is no electricity. We use electricity too industry. Our factories cannot manufacture goods if there is no electricity. The car, truck, jeep, train, ship and airplane will not move if there is no electricity. Human beings and machines use electricity. Life becomes happier we have learned how to utilize electricity to our advantage. In this compilation we shall learn concepts and the basic principle of electricity.


USES AND SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY An electric generator generates or produces electricity. This machine converts mechanical energy into electrical power. The National Power Corporation maintains and operates generators that produce the electricity we use at home, farm and in the factories. The Meralco distributes this electrical power to the consumers throughout Metro Manila and the neighboring provinces. In the smaller communities, entrepreneurs and cooperatives operate electric power plants. Direct current and alternating current. Electricity produced by the batteries and direct current generators is called direct current (DC). Direct current flows in one direction that is why it is called direct current. Alternating current (AC) flows in one direction, then flows in the opposite direction and repeats the process, hence it is called alternating current Alternating current changes direction or reverses its flow 60 times per second, and is known as 60 cycle alternating current. The electricity we use at home is alternating current. Both DC and AC are useful to us. DC coming from the batteries is used by flashlights, by motor vehicles (like cars, jeeps, trucks), radio transistor, etc.. AC is widely used in the homes, schools, hospitals, offices, factories and household appliances.


CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS A conductor is a material where electric current can flow easily. Silver is the best-known conductor or carrier of electricity. It is not widely use because it is expensive. Copper wires are also good conductors of electric current are widely used because they are cheaper and easy to obtain. Electricity has to be transmitted from the source to the different users. This is done through the use of the conductors. An insulator is a material where electric current cannot pass through. It is used to over or protect bare electric wires. Listed below are some conductors and insulating materials. Conductors


Silver Aluminum Copper Iron Steel Galvanized iron Tin cans Screws Nails Water Brass Ground

Friction tape Porcelain Glass Rubber Braided cotton Dry cloth Bakelite Plastic asbestos thermoplastic

The widely used and popular conductor is copper. Copper is mined in the Philippines and manufactured into wires. The size of copper wire is determined by its diameter or what is known gauge number. Available sizes are Nos. 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 0. The higher the number the smaller the diameter of the wire. Gauge number 18 is slightly smaller in diameter than No. 16. No. 18 is commonly used in making transformers, ballasts of florescent lamps, volt ohmmeters and ammeter coils. Gauge no. 14 is smaller that no. 12 and so on. No. 14 copper wires are usually used in house wiring that uses only a few bulbs. No. 12 wires are used when there are several bulbs in the house. Nos. 10 and 8 wires are used when electric range, washing machine, oven and air conditioner are to be connected. When there are several home appliances in the home, use bigger wires like No. 12. Electric wires are insulated either with rubber, braided cotton, weatherproof insulation, thermo plastic and asbestos materials. Rubber – insulated wires are used in indoor wiring. Flexible armored cable or the BX is also used in indoor installation. Flexible rubber cords are used to connect radio, television, cassette, tape recorder etc.. Braided cotton and heavy rubber insulated wires are used to connect electric fans, iron, bread toaster, electric stove, oven range, washing machine, percolator and electric motor to the power source. Weatherproof insulated wires are used in outdoor installation. Copper wires can be purchased in hardware and in electrical supply stores. It is sold by the meter and by rolls. Magnet wires (Nos. 18 and 16) are sold by the kilo.


ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS TOOLS AND EQUIMENTS The common tools and equipments used in electrical and electronics are showed at the back. The ordinary screwdriver is used to drive or turn screw. To tighten screw, place the tip of the screwdriver on the slot of the screw and turn clockwise. To loosen a screw, turn counter clockwise. The Philip Screwdriver is used to tighten and loosens screw with cross-slot heads. Many household appliances have Philip type screws. They can also be tighten and loosen by turning clockwise and counter clockwise. Screwdrivers are available in the different sizes. They measure by their length. The side cutting pliers is used to cut, hold and bend wires. The cutting edge and the jaws of the pliers can be also used to “skin” and scrape the wire to make it shiny before making wire joint. The long – nose pliers is used to hold and bend wires. This plier is usually used in narrow and limited working space. The electrician’s knife is used to remove the insulation of copper wires. The backside of the knife can be used to scrape the wire before making wire splices. The diagonal plier is used to cut wires and friction tapes if the tape cannot be torn with the fingers. The hacksaw is used to cut flexible armored cable, metal conduit, plastic tubing’s and wood moldings. The soldering gun and soldering iron are used to join wires or terminals. Soldered wire joints are tight and sturdy. Loose wire connections are avoided when they are soldered. Soldering guns and soldering irons are rated 85, 100, 140 watts or higher; 60 cycles 220AC volts. The neon lamp tester is used to rest the presence of current in a circuit or convenient outlets. Insert one test probe to the left side and the other test probe to the right side of the convenience outlet. If the neon bulb lights, there is current in the outlet. If the bulb does not glow, then there in no current in the house or the outlet is disconnected. The light tester can also be used to test fuses in the cut out box. The continuity tester is used to test: 1. whether there is a current in the outlet 2. if a circuit is open and 3. if there is a grounded circuit. To find out if there is current in an outlet, plug in the male plug of the continuity tester and connect the two tests probes. If the bulb inside the wooden box lights the outlet has current. Sometimes called “hot” or “live”. The condition of an electric flat iron can be checked with the continuity tester. Plug in the continuity tester and connect the test probes to the terminals of the flat iron cord. If the test bulb lights, the heating element, the flat iron cord and the switch, if there is any, are in good working condition. The three parts of the flat iron (cord, heating element and switch were tested simultaneously. To find out if the flat iron if grounded, connect one test probe to the left terminal of the male plug of the flat iron and the other test probe pressed to the body of the flat iron. If the continuity tester bulb does not light the flat iron is no grounded at the left terminal. Connect the test probe to the other terminal of the flat iron cord and the other test probe to the flat iron body. If the test bulb lights, the right side terminal of the flat iron is grounded. A bare wire is touching the body of the flat iron. The point of contact must be located and insulated with mica insulation sheet. If the flat iron in not grounded the continuity test bulb will not light because there is no connection from the cord to the body of the flat iron. Grounded circuits cause shocks. Other household appliances can also be tested with the continuity tester. The neon test light and continuity tester can be assembled. They can be made as projects of electricity students. The volt ohmmeter (VOM) is a precision instrument. It is used to measure 1. voltage in a circuit, both alternating current and direct current and 2. resistance in a conductor or

appliances. With the volt ohmmeter you can check the voltage in a circuit. This instrument can measure both voltage and resistance (ohm) that is why it is called volt ohmmeter. The volt ohmmeter has 2 test probes – red (positive) and black (negative) terminals. Two pen light batteries power it usually. It has a selector switch. If you want to measure AC volts, set the selector to AC volts. The voltage range selected should be a little higher than the voltage to be measured. Thus, if you want to check the house voltage, turn the volt ohmmeter selector switch to AC volts at 250 volts because house voltage is 220 volts. If you want to test the voltage of a flashlight battery, turn the selector switch to DC at 3 volts. A flashlight battery is usually 1.5 volts. Car batteries are rated 12 and higher DC volts. In any case, turn the selector switch higher than the volts to be measured t avoid damage to the instrument. To measure the voltage, the volt ohmmeter is connected in parallel with the circuit, that is, each of the two test probes connected to each of the two lines of the circuit. The ammeter is also a precision instrument used to measure the current (amperes) flowing in the circuit. To measure the current, connect the ammeter in series with the circuit. The volt ohmmeter and ammeter are the eyes and ears of the technician. The job of the electrician becomes easier and accurate because of the test equipment and the right tools. Test equipment and hand tools must be used properly and handled with care. Other tools of the technician are the zigzag rule and the wooden stepladder. The technicians has to make measurements every no and then. Waste in material like copper wire, wood moldings, circular bloom and BX can be avoided with use of zigzag rule. Electrical installation requires the use of a stepladder. This is obvious because the technician has to install lights in ceilings, balcony garage and in the back yard. Wooden stepladder is proffered to avoid electrical shock.


ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS SYMBOLS Electrical symbols appear in electrical wiring plans. These symbol represent electrical fixture such as connection of wires, convenience outlets whether single or double, switches, wall and ceiling outlets, doorbell, buzzer, transformer and other fixture to be installed. The architect, engineer and the electrician are familiar with these symbols. You should learn them too. Many of them are found in our homes. The common electrical symbols are represented at the back. The two wires with vertical bend are not joined. The next two wires with a bold dot at the intersection either by a western union joint, ordinary cross splice or double wrapped cross joint. The ground wire symbol means a wire (No. 14) is connected to the body of the appliances such as electric stove, electric range or recriminator to the ground or usually to a water pipe. This ground wire prevents a person from electrical shock. If something goes wrong in the internal electrical wiring of the appliances, electricity will flow faster to the ground instead of the body. The ground has lower resistance than the body. The ceiling and wall outlets for our electric lights either bulbs or fluorescent lamp. The fixed resistors are commonly used in radio circuits although it can also represent the heater of electric stove, range, water heater, bread toaster and the ordinary bulb. Inside the bulb, there is a fine resistance wire that glows. The single pole switch is commonly used in the house. It can control one or more lights. The 3 – way switch to control a bulb in two different places. It is usually installed it two-storey building where one can control the light downstairs and the upstairs. It is also used in long corridors. The 3-way switches are install in both ends of the corridor. The rest symbols are self – explanatory and easy to identify.


RESISTOR / RESISTANCE Resistor is a device restricts the flow of current. It is used with a capacitor in a timing circuit. Resistor Color Coding

Color Code Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White Gold Silver None

1st Sig. Fig 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -

2nd Sig. Fig.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -

Multiplier 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 0.1 0.01

Tolerance +1% +2% +5% +10% +20%

Different Resistor Use In Electrical Circuit     

Wire wound resistor – or ceramic plastic forms case of rheostat etc. Carbon Resistor Deposited Metal Resistor – on ceramic base Deposited Carbon Resistor – on ceramic base Printed Painted or Etched circuit resistor – carbon composition resistor find use in electronics and light equipment control industries.

Effect of Temperature On Resistance Resistance for all materials is affected by the variations in temperature. The effect of temperature generally is as follows:  Resistance of most of the metallic conductors increases with rising temperature.  Resistance of non – conductors or insulators usually decrease with rising temperature. Temperature coefficient of carbon is negative. The negative as a value has a practical application in the use of carbon thermistor. A thermistor can be connected as a series component to decrease its resistance to compensate for the increased its resistance of wire conductors.

All metals in their pure form like copper and tungsten are having a positive temperature coefficient the tungsten for example 0.005. Although tungsten is not exactly constant an increase in wire resistance caused by a rise in temperature can be found out approximately from the formula Rt = Ro + Ro.

5 Band Resistor

Color Code Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White Gold Silver None

1st Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -

2nd Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -

3rd Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -

Multiplier 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 0.1 0.01

Tolerance +1% +2% +5% +10% +20%


CAPACITOR / CAPACITANCE Capacitor is a device use to store electric charge and used with resistor in a timing circuit. It can also be used as a filter. Different Types of Capacitor Mica Capacitor  These consist of alternate layers of metal foil and thin sheets of mica sheets connected together to increase plate.  The mica foil stack is encapsulated in a insulating such as Bakelite – Mica.  Capacitors are available with capacitors ranging from 1pF to 0.1 microF and voltage from 100 to 2500 volts temperature coefficient from –20 to 100 ppm / oC are common. Ceramic Capacitor  These capacitor utilize ceramic dielectric commonly available in a ceramic disk from in a multi – player radial – lead configuration ceramic capacitor typically has value ranging from 1pF to 2.2 microF with voltage rating up to 6 dy. A typically temperature coefficient for ceramic capacitor is 200.000 ppm / oC. Paper / Plastic Capacitor  Poly carbonate ponylene, polystyrene, propylene, mylar and paper are some of the more common materials used for plastic film capacitor and paper dielectric capacitor some of these types have values up to 100 pF. Electrolytic Capacitor  These capacitor are used for high capacitance values up to over 200.00 microF but they have relatively low breakdown voltage (350 v is a typical max) and high amount of leakage. Dielectric materials with corresponding dielectric strength and dielectric (relative permittivity)

DIELECTRIC Vacuum Air Teflon (Plastic) Parffined (Paper) Rubber Transformer Mica Porcelain (Ceramic) Bakelite (Plastic)

K = Er 1.0 1.0006 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

DIELECTRIC STRENTH (v/ mil) 75 1500 500 700 400 5000 200 400

Capacitance the ability of the device to store a certain amount of electric charges. F – Farad microF – micro Farad pF – picofarad

Tolerance a maximum / minimum charge in resistance from nominal vale. It is specific variation in capacitance expressed as a percentage at its specific value. Factors Affecting the Capacitance Ambient Temperature  The variation in capacitance expressed as a percentage of its specific value at 25 oC. the specified value at 25 oC is referred to as nominal value. Temperature Coefficient  The change in capacitance per degree in temperature.  Generally expressed in parts in parts per million degree celcius (ppm / oC). Working Voltage  Maximum voltage that can be impressed across a capacitor for continuous operation.  This rating must indicate whether the voltage is AC or DC. DC Leakage  Refers to the minute DC that flows in a capacitor at a specified direct voltage, leakage is due to the presence of charge in the dielectric for this reason a charge in a capacitor cannot be stored indefinitely and ultimately leaks off. Capacitive Reactance  The opposition in ohms, offered by a capacitor to the alternating current. OHMS LAW Over a hundred years ago George Simon Ohm discovered that every time he closed the switch in a circuit, the current became the same constant value. He also discovered that providing the temperature of the conductors did not change doubling the applied voltage doubled the current and stripling the applied voltage tripled the current in other words. For a given circuit, the ratio of the applied voltage to the current is a constant. This statement became known as OHM’S LAW OF CONSTANT PROPORTIONALITY. We can express ohms law in equation from as: E=K I Where: E – applied voltage in Volts I – resulting current in Amperes K – numerical constant Carrying the discovery a step further, ohm found that changing the conductors or the load to some other sizes resulted in a different magnitude of electric current hence different value for the numerical constant. If the current is one ampere we applied voltage is 10 volts the constant voltage is 10 volts, the constant becomes 10 / 0.5, or 20. From there results, ohm conclude that his constant E / I ratio for a given circuit therefore a property of that circuit. And

since for a given applied voltage. The current must decrease if the numerical value of the constant increase we can think of this constant as representing the opposition of the circuit to flow of charge carriers this property should then be given a name whivh suggest opposition such as resistance.


WIRE SPLICES AND JOINTS Electrical wiring installations branch out to the different sections of the building. In order to reach the other parts of the building, It necessary to join wires every now and then. The different wire splices or wire joints are shown at the back. Electricians usually use the western union joint, the loop tap, rat tail, cross joint and terminating fixture joint. Any of these wire joints can be used conveniently in house wiring. Wire joints should be strong and secure to prevent loose contact. Loose wire contact or loose wire joints produce aching and sparks. When feasible and convenient, solder the joints. Soldered wire splices are tight, strong, and secure and they ensure better contact. When making wire joints “skin” the insulation with an electrician’s knife or pocketknife as if sharpening a pencil. Take care not to nick the wire. Scrapped the wire with the back edge of the knife until the bare wire becomes shiny. This process will make better contact between the two wires to be joined. After the wires are connected wrap the joint spirally between the two wires to be joined. After the wires are connected wrap the joint spirally with friction tape as thick as the insulation that was removed. Be careful in joining cords of household appliances. The joints should be made one after the other. Tape carefully one wire independent of the second wire. When the joints have been insulated properly you can tape the two joints together for neatness and durability. Wires can also be joined with the use of wire connectors, screws, clamps or straps. They are known as solder less wire connectors. Clamps are usually used for grounding purposes like the ground wire of an electric stove, electric range, washing machine and refrigerator. The ground wire (No. 14) is usually connected to the body of the appliances and clamped to a water pipe. The clamps need not to be covered with friction tape. All other connections must be wrapped with insulating paper.





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COURSE OUTLINE CHAPTER I (Fundamentals) A. Brief History of Electricity B. Nature of Electronics / Electron Theory C. Electrical Properties of Solid D. Electrostatics CHAPTER II (Direct Current) A. Direct Current B. Voltage C. Current D. Capacitor / Capacitance E. Resistor / Resistance F. OHMS Law G. Watts Law CHAPTER III (Electromagnetism) A. Nature of Magnetism B. Electromagnetism CHAPTER IV (Alternating Current) A. AC Electricity B. Transformers C. AC Calculators D. Faradays Law E. Kickoffs Law F. Norton’s Law CHAPTER V (House Wiring) A. PVC Bending B. Philippine Electrical Code

DEFINITION OF TERMS  Alternating current – has one direction during one of part of a generating cycle and the opposite direction during the remainder of the cycle.  Ammeter – an electric design to measure current.  Ampere – the unit of electric current; one coulomb per second.  Anode – the positive electrode of an electric cell. The positive electrode of an electronic tube.  Atom – the smallest unit of particle of an element.  Capacitance – the ratio of the charges on either the plate of a capacitor to the potential differences between the plates.  Capacitor – a combination of conducting plates separated layers of dielectric that is used to store an electric charge.  Conductance – the reciprocal of an ohmic resistance.  Conductor – a material through which an electric charge is readily transferred.  Circuit – a complete path along which electrons can freely flow.  Coulomb – the quantity of electricity equal to a charge on 6.25 x 1018 electrons.  Coulombs law of electrostatics – the force between two points charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.  Coulombs law of magnetism – the force between two magnetic poles is directly proportional to the strengths of the poles and inversely proportional of the square of their distance apart.  Dielectric – the ratio of the capacitance with a particular material separating the plates of a capacitor to the capacitance with a vacuum between plates.  Direct current – an essentially constant value current in which the movement to the charge is only one direction.  Diode – a two – terminal device that will conduct electric current more easily in one direction than in the other.  Electricity – carry energy to one place to another. Produce heat and light.  Electric Current – the rate of flow of charge past a given point in an electric circuit.  Electric field – the region that a force acts on an electric charge brought into the region.  Electric Ground – a conductor connected with earth to establish zero potential.  Electrification – the process of charging a body by adding or removing electrons  Electrode – a conducting element in an electric cell, electronic tube, or semi – conductor device.  Electrolysis – the conduction of electricity through a solution of an electrolyte or through a fused ionic compound, together with the resulting chemical changes.  Electrolyte – a substance whose solution conducts an electric current.  Electrolytic cell – a cell in which electric energy is converted to a chemical energy y means of an electric transfer.  Electron – a negatively charge particle.  Electroscope – a device used to observe the presence of electrostatic charge.  Electromotive Force – the energy per unit charge supplied by a source of electric current.  Farad – unit of capacitance  Faradays 1st Law – the mass of an element deposited during electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of the charge that passes through the electrolytic cell.

 Faradays 2nd law – the mass of an element deposited during electrolysis is proportional to the chemical equivalent of the element.  Galvanometer – an instrument use to measure minute electric currents.  Generator – it converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.  Henry – the unit of inductance  Hertz – the unit if frequency which is equal to one cycle per second.  Inductance – the property of an electric circuit by which varying current induces a back emf in that circuit or a neighboring.  Induction – the process of charging one body  Insulators – a material which electric charge is not readily transferred.  Kilowatt Hour – an electric energy equal to 3.6 x 106 w/s.  Kirchhoffs 1st law – the algebraic sum of the currents at any circuits junction is equal to zero.  Kirchhoffs 2nd law – the algebraic sum of all changes in potential occurring around any loop in a circuit equal to 0.  Ohm – the unit of electric resistance.  Ohm’s law – the ratio of the emf applied to a closed circuit to the current in the circuit is a constant.  Parallel circuit – an electric circuit in which two or more components are connected across two common points in the circuit.  Photoelectric effect – the emissions of electrons by a substance when illuminated by electromagnetic radiation of sufficiently short wavelength.  Photoelectrons – electrons emitted from light.  Resistance – The ratio of potential difference.  Series Circuit – Devices arranged in such a way that charges flows continuously in a single path through each turn.  Source - one that provides the power in electric  Static electricity – electricity at rest.  Transformers – changing an alternating voltage from a potential to another.  Transistor – semi – conducting device used to substitute for vacuum tubes in electronic applications.  Volt – the unit for potential differences.  Voltmeter – a device used to measure volts.  Weber – the unit of magnetic flux.

METRIC PREFIXES Multiplier Prefix Symbol Numerical Exponential yotta Y 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1024 zetta Z 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1021 exa E 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 1018 peta P 1,000,000,000,000,000 1015 tera T 1,000,000,000,000 1012 giga G 1,000,000,000 109 mega M 1,000,000 106 kilo k 1,000 103 hecto h 100 102 deca da 10 101 no prefix means: 1 100 deci d 0.1 10¯1 centi c 0.01 10¯2 milli m 0.001 10¯3 micro m 0.000001 10¯6 nano n 0.000000001 10¯9 pico p 0.000000000001 10¯12 femto f 0.000000000000001 10¯15 atto a 0.000000000000000001 10¯18 zepto z 0.000000000000000000001 10¯21 yocto y 0.000000000000000000000001 10¯24

Article 435 Coated metals compatible with PVC jackets for bonded sheath cable applications K. E. Bow, D. G. Pikula, B. K. Grosser, P. B. Leng Granville Research Center, Plastics Department, Films/Coated Metals R & D, Dow Chemical U.S.A., Granville, Ohio 43023 Abstract Mechanical strength in the cable sheath is particularly valuable for both fiber optical and copper pair cable. By bonding a PVC jacket to a coated metal tape, a mechanically strong sheath construction is obtained. Changes in PVC jacket technologies have created the need for PVC compatible coated metals with greater tolerance for variations in PVC jacketing materials. This need has been met by the development of a variety of coated metals having thermoplastic coatings which adhere to PVC. As a consequence of this development, new cable sheath designs for use in a variety of applications, such as riser cable and direct buried cable destined for local area networks, are possible. These cables may utilize both copper conductors and/or optical fibers for signal transmission. Data will be provided in the paper to show the effects of extrusion process conditions on adhesion for a variety of PVC resins. The properties of a variety of coated metals - aluminum, copper, and steel - will be discussed. Data on environmental tests of adhesion will be presented. Relationships between adhesion, metal characteristics, jacket properties, and mechanical performance of the sheath will be discussed. Cable applications for the PVC compatible metals will be discussed. Data on the performance of the bonded sheath in riser cable and buried local area network cable will be presented. New cable applications where coated metals in the sheath can provide lightweight armoring will also be discussed.

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