Revelation Chapters 12-16 Revealed

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The Book of Revelation Revealed By D. J. Love, Minister, TSN, SBC Written 9-7-2001 Updated 8-3-2003

Chapter Twelve Revelation 12:1-17 (The Underlying Spiritual Conflict Between Good and Evil)

A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman (Ancient Israel) clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars (12 tribes of Israel). 2 She was with child (The physical and Spiritual "Seed of Abraham"). She cried out, laboring and in pain, giving birth (ultimately to "The Root of Jesse," The Messiah). Another sign was seen in heaven. Behold, a great red dragon (Satan or those of Like Mind as Satan), having seven heads (seven hills of Rome) and ten horns (Daniel 7:24), and on his heads seven crowns (seven pagan Roman Emperors or Kings). 3

Revelation 17:9-13 (Another Woman - The Seducing Spirit of Satan's Babylon)

9 Here is the mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman (Roman government and Roman catholic "Universal" church) sits. 10 They are seven kings. Five have fallen, the one is, the other is not yet come. When he comes, he must continue a little while.

11 The beast (pagan Religion based church-state governments) that was (Babylon, Assyria, Greece), and is not (anymore), is himself (itself) also (Both a Ruler and a Religious government) an eighth (Ruler to come, as well as, a fourth Church-State government on Earth), and is (born or rises out) of the (first) seven (Roman emperor-gods); and he (ultimately) goes to destruction. 12 The ten horns that you saw are ten kings (future World Leaders of the Religious Beast governments), who have received no kingdom as yet (that was while John was alive), but they receive authority as kings (future Leaders), with the beast, for one hour (a short time as in the life of a Leadership). 13 These have one mind (These World Leaders have the same pagan based religious belief system, and they give their power and authority to either the Ancient Roman Beast Government OR the Reborn Modern Roman Beast Government of The Latter Days).

His (Satan's) tail drew one third of the stars (1/3 of the angels) of the sky, and threw (took) them (with him as demons) to the Earth. The dragon stood before the woman (Ancient 12 tribed Nation of Israel) who was about to give birth (to the seed of Abraham and King David as the Messiah), so that when she gave birth he might devour her child (King Herod and Satan both tried to do destroy Messiah Yahshua). 5 She (Israel not Mary) gave birth to a son (Messiah Yahshua), a male child, who is to (at his second coming) rule all the nations (of the Earth) with a rod of iron (without compromise). Her child (Messiah Yahshua) was caught up (resurrected) to (by) Yahweh, and to (the midst of) His throne (Realm or Seat of Power). 4

The woman (Physical and Spiritual Israel OR The Seed of Abraham) fled into the wilderness (a place of hardship among many nations), where she has a place prepared by Yahweh, that there they may nourish her one thousand two hundred sixty days (1,260 years). 6

Note: the following verses in Revelation 12:7-17 simply expound upon the prior verses in Revelation 12:1-6 .

There was war in the sky. Michael and his angels made war on the dragon (Satan). The dragon and his angels (now demons) made war. 8 They didn't prevail, neither was a place found for him (Satan or Lucifer) any more in heaven. 9 The great dragon was thrown down (Luke 10:18 like lightning), the old serpent, he who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the Earth, and his angels (now demons) were thrown down with him. 7

I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now is come the (Plan of) salvation (Messiah is Yahweh's Plan of Salvation), the power, and the kingdom of Yahweh, and the authority of Yahshua (received from Yahweh); for the accuser (Satan) of our brothers has been thrown down (like lightning), who accuses them before Yahweh day and night. 10


They overcame him (Satan) because of the Lamb's blood (self-sacrifice of

Love that results in Grace to True Believers, and ultimately Full Atonement for sin), and because of the word of their testimony (Good works of True Faith unto Righteousness). They didn't love their life, even unto death.

Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe for the land (or Earth) and for the sea, because the devil (Satan) has gone down (like lightning from heaven) to you, having great wrath (Oppressions through anger), knowing that he has but a short time (approximately 2000 years left at the time of Messiah's physical birth)." See Year of the Last Trump. 12

When the dragon (Satan) saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman (Physical and Spiritual Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Messiah Yahshua is both the Spiritual and physical seed of Abraham). 13

Two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman (Physical and Spiritual Israel), that she might fly into the wilderness (a place of hardship among many nations) to her place, where she (as a scattered assembly) was nourished (while individually under oppression) for a time, and times, and half a time (31/2 times 12 months equals 42 prophetic months OR 42 times 30 days equals 1260 prophetic days OR 1260 years), from the face of the serpent. 15 The serpent spewed water out of his mouth after the woman like a river, that he might cause her to be carried away by the stream (peoples, 14

multitudes, nations, and languages; where Satan hoped that she might forget her true identity by being absorbed into the world. A form of genocide by dilution of The Seed). 16 The Earth helped the woman (Physical and Spiritual Israel), and the Earth opened its mouth (the graves of nations, as in war) and swallowed up the river

which the dragon spewed out of his mouth. 17 The dragon grew angry with the woman (Spiritual and Physical Israel), and went away to make war with the rest of her (Spiritual) seed, who keep Yahweh's commandments and hold Yahshua's testimony (True Believers).

Note: The rest of her (Spiritual) seed is truly Spiritual Israel or The Assemblies of the Seven Lampstands of which only the Assemblies of the Two Witnesses have survived .

Revelation 17:14-18 14 These will war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will (ultimately) overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings. They, also, will overcome who are with him (The rest of her Spiritual seed), the "Called and Chosen and Faithful." (but not until their Faith has been tried in the fires of tribulation)

15 He said to me, "The waters which you saw, where the prostitute (seducing spirit) sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages. 16 The ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these (World Leaders) will (ultimately or eventually come to) hate the whore (Seducing spirit of the Babylonian Mystery Religion OR Christianity in its various forms), and will (over time) make her desolate and naked (expose her deceptions), and will (eventually) eat her flesh (consume her body OR assemblies), and will burn (destroy) her utterly with fire. 17 For Yahweh has put in their (world leaders') hearts to do what he has

in mind, and to come to unity of mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of Yahweh should be accomplished. 18 The woman whom you saw is the great city (Vatican City or Rome, Italy), which reigns (or reigned by feigning to be the True Church) over the kings of the Earth."

Chapter Thirteen (The Dragon, The First & Second unHoly Roman Beasts) (The Head Wound that healed, and 666)

Revelation 13:1-1 (Satan's Counterfeit Images) Then I stood on the sand of the sea. I saw a beast coming up out of the sea (Daniel 7:3 and Isaiah 57:20), having ten horns (Roman Empire or Roman Style Religious-Governments) and seven heads (seven hills of Rome or branches of pagan religion). On his horns were ten crowns, and on his heads (mountains or hills of Rome), blasphemous names (In Rome, Italy, even to this very day, each hill or head was dedicated to a different pagan god or goddess).

Note: They named the hills (or heads), Palatine, Aventine, Capitoline, Quarinal, Viminal, Esquiline and Caelian, and each hill or mountain (or head) represented one of seven celestial bodies that they worshiped as gods or goddesses: the Sun ("Sol Invictus"), the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Note: See Alexander Hislop's "Two Babylons." Main Index Mark of The Beast

Additional Note: In 46 BC, when the Roman "Julian Calendar" was adopted, December 24th was the shortest day of

the year. Therefore, December 25th was the first annual day that daylight began to increase. Thus, the origin of the REBIRTH or Annual Birthday of the Invincible SUN. In accordance with the Roman "Julian calendar," the "Saturnalia" festival appears to have taken place on or about December 17th; it was preceded by the "Consualia" on or about December 15th, and followed by the "Opalia" on or about December 19th. These pagan celebrations typically lasted for at least a week, ending just before the late Roman Imperial Festival for "Sol Invictus" (Invincible Sun) on December 25th. In 1582 AD. Roman catholic Pope Gregory the XIII caused the current "Gregorian Calendar" to be adopted, in order to eliminate the solar time shift error that was introduced over the time period of 1,629 years by the inaccurate "Julian Calendar." By December 1582 AD the shortest day of the year on the Roman "Julian Calendar" had shifted 12 days from Dec. 24, 46 BC. to Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1582 AD. However, the Original December 25th 'Birth Date' was retained for all pagan Sun gods by the Roman "Saturnalia," "Consualia," "Opalia," and "Sol Invictus" traditions; which were now incorporated into the catholic (Christopagan) "Twelve Days of Christ-mass." On the new Roman catholic Gregorian calendar the shortest annual day was numerically shifted back 10 days to the 22nd of December, where it remains to this day; while the original order of the seven days of the week remained unchanged. Therefore, Wednesday, December 12th, 1582 AD, became Wednesday, December 22nd, 1582 AD, and the True Sabbath Day (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) remained unchanged. Yahweh, the Only True G-d, would never have allowed The True Messiah to be born on or near the December 25th birthday period of the pagan Sun gods; during the time in which virgins were sacrificed, murder was commonplace, and orgies the

norm. This would be an entirely unacceptable association of Good and evil. Read: The Actual Birth Month of The Messiah. Therefore, make note it is entirely possible that the seven heads are not simply governments or hills/mountains that are identified by the seven heads, but are actually seven major branches of the Babylonian Mystery religion. These seven MAJOR branches (or Mountains) probably consist of The Harlot and her daughters of which, ALL would be sun worshippers and believers in a Trinity or Bi-entity god.

The beast which I saw was like a leopard (ever watching), and his feet (Paws) were like those of a bear (physically or militarily powerful), and his mouth like the mouth of a lion (devouring). The dragon (Satan) gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 2

Hosea 13:7-8 7 Therefore am I to them as a lion; as a leopard will I watch by the way; 8 I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rip open the breast that shields their heart; and there will I devour them like a lioness; 3

One of his heads (branches of the Babylonian Mystery Religion) looked like

it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled at the beast (This Church / branch / head received a great authoritative setback but survived).

Note: There have been so many speculations about popes, etc. being wounded in the head or as a head (a leader) and surviving that I thought I would uncover a far more probable possibility.

Seeing how it is that any and all heads have already been identified as pagan idolatry symbolized by, and established on the various hills or mountains of Rome; and seeing how the Roman catholic church was and is still centered in Rome (Vatican City). We can arrive at no other conclusion than what Scripture, history, and geography dictate, and that is it is not a pope that is or was wounded in the head, but the headquarters of the pagan Roman catholic church itself that was wounded, but the catholic church did not die. She (with the feminine attribute of a follower of Satan) only lost her powers to persecute the True Saints. To make a long story short on February 15, 1798 AD. on the anniversary of his elevation to the pontificate, Pope Pius VI repaired to the Sistine Chapel, and was receiving the felicitations of the (so called) Sacred College of cardinals, when, in the midst of the ceremony, shouts penetrated the conclave, intermingled with the strokes of axes on the doors. Soon General Haller, a Swiss Calvinist, with a band of his soldiers, broke into the chapel, and declared that the pope's reign was at an end. The Pope's Swiss guards were dismissed, and republican soldiers took control. Amazingly this "wound" occurred exactly 1,260 years after the year 538 A.D. when the Roman Emperor Justinian appointed that the catholic Pope should be both the temporal (physical or mortal) and spiritual (or immortal) "Ruler of the World." A little more than a year later Pope Pius VI died while in exile on July 14, 1799 AD. at the French fortress at Valence, in Dauphiny These are historical facts that can be verified in any good historical resource.

They worshiped the dragon (Satan), because he gave his authority to the beast, and they (The World) worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Satan's Roman Beast is "A War Machine," figuratively speaking). 4

A mouth (the voice of the catholic church) speaking great things and blasphemy was given to him (the unHoly Roman Beast of War). Authority to continue for forty-two months (42 prophetic months x 30 lunar days per month = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 years) was given to him. 5

Note: The unHoly Roman Beast of War was given their power by Satan so as to persecute the True Saints / Sabbath Keeping Sabbatarians not Protestants, as tradition would have you to believe. The Protestant churches today are actually catholic in origin, but the Sabbath Keeping Sabbatarians were never catholic in origin. The Protestant religions were literally given birth by their mother, the catholic church.

Note: The term "unHoly" is meant to represent an alliance of governments, peoples and the pagan religion of the unHoly Roman catholic church that professes to be Holy, but is not!

He (The unHoly Roman Beast of War) opened his mouth (the voice of the catholic church) for blasphemy (presented themselves as Yahweh's Apostles and 6

misrepresented the "Word of Yahweh," "The True Name of Yahweh," "The Dwelling Place of Yahweh," and "Yahweh's Servants.") against Yahweh, to

blaspheme his name, and his tent, those who dwell in heaven. 7

It was given to him (The unHoly Roman Beast of War) to make war (prior to

1798 mostly overt war was waged against the True Believers; since 1798 mostly covert war has been waged until now) with the saints, and to overcome them.

Authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation was given to him (The unHoly Roman Beast of War). All who dwell on the Earth will worship him (except those Few True Believers), everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the (Passover) Lamb who has been killed (self-sacrificed for our sins). See "Sacrifice of Messiah" 8


(This is wisdom) If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

If anyone gathers into captivity (slavery of any kind), into captivity (slavery) he goes. If anyone will kill with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. 10

A New Beast Arrives on The Scene (Note: this message was written just prior to September 11, 2001) (and presently this is where we are in prophecy)

I saw another (a second or a replacement) beast coming up out of the Earth. He had two horns like a lamb (The appearance of a Holy Savior), and he spoke like a dragon (but with an unHoly message of deceit and death). 11

Note: The phrase "Out of the Earth" refers to those things created by Yahweh from the dust of the Earth. In this case "Out of the Earth" refers to mankind or the "Religions of Mankind," which includes all man made religions, as well as, the "Religion of Science." There were only four beasts mentioned in Daniel chapter 2 that would rule over the Earth prior to the coming of the Messiah. The fourth beast was diverse from the others and was (is) a two fold prophecy in as much as it is obviously no longer the old unHoly Roman Empire, but is the rebirth of the unHoly Roman Empire. This newest beast is none other than the soon coming alliance of "The New World Order" (TNWO) government, and its voice (the catholic church and her Trinitarian Christo-pagan daughters of Christianity), who is (are) already pressing for Ecumenism. The New World Order is none other than the ten toes of clay and iron in Daniel's vision (Daniel 2:3234). As you are reading this message, there are those who would have Zionism declared as a racist doctrine. Well then, if Zionism is racist, then Yahweh is a racist, because Yahweh promised to return only the physical and Spiritual "Seed of Abraham" to the "Promised Land." Messiah Yahshua is BOTH, and he alone with his "Chosen Few" will fulfill this promise to Abraham during The Sabbath Millennium on Earth (Promised Land).


He (TNWO) exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence

(the unHoly Roman Beast of War controls "TNWO") . He (TNWO) makes the Earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast (The unHoly Roman Beast of War), whose fatal wound was healed (the unHoly Roman catholic church did not die in 1798AD, but temporarily lost the authority to persecute the inhabitants of the Earth).

Note: The True Sabbath will be taken away for all, and Sunday will be "The Law." Pagan religious rites (Xmas, Easter, Eucharist, etc.. will be the only recognized religious rites or holidays, not Holy Days, and those who do not adopt the Beast System will again be persecuted. He performs great signs, even making fire come down out of the sky on the Earth in the sight of men (This remains to be seen, and could be anything from atomic bombs or missiles to meteorites). 13

He deceives My own people (even the "Elect" if possible) who dwell on the Earth because of the signs which it was given him to do in front of the beast (unHoly Roman catholic Beast of War); saying to those who dwell on the Earth, that they should make an image (click) to the beast (of the pagan catholic religion) who had the sword (military defeat in 1798AD) wound and lived. 14

The very near future It was given to him (The Christo-pagan NWO) to give breath (symbolic life or spiritual ability to function as if it was alive) to it, to the (Christo-pagan) image of the (NWO) beast, that the image of the beast should both speak (have religious and governmental voice), and cause as many as wouldn't worship the (Christo-pagan) image of the (NWO) beast to be killed. 15

He (The Christo-pagan NWO) causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given a mark on their right 16

hand, or on their forehead (I hope this is a figure of speech that only means "What you do" or "What you believe," but I fear this may not be the case. Additionally this is a satanic parallel the "Mark of Yahweh's Servants," the Shema);

and that no one would be able to buy or to sell (In the USA "Blue Laws" and/or religious traditions already support no Sunday work, no alcoholic beverage sales, no burning, etc. ), unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name (666 or 616). 17


Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the

number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred, three-score, and six (It is important that we not alter this "six hundred, three-score, and six" wording, for if we do we will not be able to calculate the number of the beast, as you shall see). >

Note: The Anti-Messiah is basically Satan's spirit "In Three Human Persons" or an "Unholy Trinity." The Anti-Messiah is also Anti-Jew, Anti-Sabbath Keeper, and Anti-Semitic," which historically is predominately Christianity. •

The number of this unholy trinity is 666 or 616.

The number "6" represents human beings, because man was created on the sixth day. However, this does not necessarily mean a real human being, as it could just as well represent an imaginary human being.

The original concept of the pagan trinity was the human family. Most specifically "Father," "Mother," and "Child." Once the trinity concept was established in man's mind, then the feminine spirit concept replaced the "Mother," and the "Mother" (now called Mary) became the mother of god (now called Jesus by Christo-pagans).

Note: To the Hebrew the Holy Spirit was always in the feminine form, and as men the Hebrew mind understood this. Why? Because the Holy Spirit possesses feminine qualities, such as, giving Spiritual Birth, Spiritual nurturing, etc...

The chaos surrounding the number 666 has been blown so far out of proportion that it would be nearly impossible to recognize the truth concerning this value. However, there are a few clues: Verse 18 above says to calculate the number. While the beast is Roman in origin, the authors of the New Testament Epistles were Hebrew. Roman numbers are called "Roman Numerals." "Roman Numerals" look like "Letters of the alphabet." "Letters of the Alphabet" are used to SPELL NAMES or Titles. Thus, "Calculate the Number of his Name." The "Hebrew Alphabet" is a collection of 22 characters that have "phonetics," "numeric values," and "definitions."

Roman Numerals: I = 1, V or U = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1,000 The most popular concept today among non-Jews is the latin title of "VICARIVS FILII DEI," which means "Substitute for the Son of Yahweh" (A Vicar), which, also, has been used as a title for the catholic pope as early as the eighth century. If you add the Roman Numeral values for the Roman Numerals in the title, "VICARIVS FILII DEI," you will arrive at a total calculation of 666. VICIV = 5 + 1 + 100 + 1 + 5 = 112

ILII = 1 + 50 + 1 + 1 = 53 DI = 500 + 1 = 501 112 + 53 + 501 = 666

Note: The letter "M" will always be missing, as that will automatically be greater than 666.

Latest Update Added 11-13-2002

Table of the Hebrew and Latin Alphabet Names of Letters, Phonetics, Derivatives and Modern Equivalents

In the chart below if you take the values for "Mark or Cross" (400) and add it to the values for "Head" (200), "Hand" (Three Score or 20 times three equals 60) and "Nail or Spike" (6). You get 666 (or 616), which is exactly what is written in the Book of Revelation depending on the manuscript (666 or 616). Basically 666 (or 616) is the equivalent of making the "Sign of the Cross" or worshipping the "Cross" or worshipping Jesus Christ on the Cross. Definitely a Roman catholic Tradition; BUT more than a tradition, it is a belief or faith in the Image of the Anti-Messiah or the Christopagan savior, Jesus Christ on the Cross (Christianity or any Trinitarian type of religion that worships "The Cross of Jesus").

Exodus 20:1-6 G-d spoke all these words, saying, 2 "I am Yahweh your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt (Sin), out of the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me (Not even the real Messiah!). 4 "You shall not make for yourselves an idol (Crucifix), nor any image (includes Jesus) of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your G-d, am a jealous G-d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 and showing lovingkindness to thousands (Not Millions) of those who love me and keep my commandments (ALL of them).

Note: There are 22 basic letters in the Hebrew Alphabet; Plus about ten more variations of the basic 22 (Ask any knowledgeable Hebrew) Only the basic 22 have been given numerical values that represent numbers from 1-9, 10-90, and 100-400. These letters are easily confirmed in most any standard English dictionary with a "Table of Alphabets." See the American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, Copyright 1976, page 38 (or its equivalent). Additionally, each Hebrew letter "Name" may be looked up in most any standard English dictionary for its meaning (if any) in Hebrew.

GEMATRIA is numerical manipulation of the values of the letters to explain the meaning of a word or phrase. For example: The ALEPH is composed of a VAV (6) and 2 YUDS (20). Their combined value is 26 which is the numerical value of the name of Yahweh - YUD (10) HEY (5)VAV (6) HEY (5) (YHWH or YHVH). The highest prime denominator of 26 is 13 which is the numerical value of ECHAD - ONE. ECHAD - ALEPH (1) DALET (4) and CHET (8) = 13. In summary - ALEPH=ONE. The parts of ALEPH = 26. The name of Yahweh = 26. The highest prime denominator of 26 is 13 which again is ONE. Thus it is possible to use gematria to affirm the

ONENESS of Yahweh. And, as you will see, you can also explain the "Mark of the Beast - 666." Lati n Passe d to the Roma n Alpha bet via Etrus cans

Phoe nicia n/He brew

Nume Meani rical Lati Name ng Phonic Orde n / Value r 1st Oxen Lette or r Master of or the Aleph Teachi Hebr ng ew Alph value abet =1 2nd Lette r of the Hebr ew Alph abet

Beth or Beit or Veit

A larynge al consona nt

House or Home or B Contai consona ner nt value =2



Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent alryngeal consonant ('), or glottal stop. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed its form, changed its name to Alpha and made the sign stand for the vowel A.


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent b consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and inverted/reversed its form, changed its name to Beta and made the sign stand for the consonant B.

3rd Lette Camel r or of Rewar G the Gimel d consona Hebr nt ew value Alph =3 abet 4th Lette Door r or of Daleth Open the or Door Hebr Dalet ew value Alph =4 abet 5th Lette r of He the or Hebr Hey ew Alph abet 6th Lette r of the Hebr ew Alph abet

Vau or Vav or Waw

D consona nt

Windo w or H Behold consona nt value =5

Nail or Spike or Fasten value =6

W semiconsona nt double U

C, G

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent g consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/curved its form, changed its name to Gamma and made the sign stand for the consonant G.


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent d consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/curved its form, changed its name to Delta and made the sign stand for the consonant D.


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent h consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed its form, changed its name to Epsilon and made the sign stand for the vowel E.


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent w semi- consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/altered its form, changed its name to Digamma and made the sign stand for the semi- consonant W. Also, changed to Upsilon and made the sign stand for the vowel bare U.

7th Lette Sword r or of Zayin to Z the or Adorn consona Hebr Ayin nt ew value Alph =7 abet 8th Lette r of Heth the or Hebr Chet ew Alph abet 9th Lette r of Teth the or Hebr Tet ew Alph abet 10th Lette r of Yodh the or Hebr Yud ew Alph abet

Wall value =8

H larynge al consona nt

Associa ted with T Good consona nt value =9

Hand (Spirit Y semiuality) consona nt value =10





Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent z consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician as is, changed its name to Zeta and made the sign stand for the consonant Z.

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent h laryngeal consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and removed the upper and lower bars, changed its name to Eta and made the sign stand for the consonant H.

Some text reach the conclusion that the TET is excluded because it is the belly, and that the "TET is not included with the SEPHIROT"

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent y semi- consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and removed its bars, changed its name to Iota and made the sign stand for the vowel I.

11th Hand Lette (bent) r of Kaph or the or Hebr Caf Palm ew Alph value abet =20

K consona nt

Ox 12 Goad Lette or r Lame Correc of dh tion L the or or consona Hebr Lame Learni nt ew d ng Alph abet value =30



13th Lette r of the Mem Hebr ew Alph abet

Water or Mother or M Softnes consona s nt

14th Nun Lette r of the Hebr ew Alph

Fish N or consona Truth nt or Miracl e



Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent k consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/altered its form, changed its name to Kappa and made the sign stand for the consonant K.

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent l consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/altered its form, changed its name to Lamda and made the sign stand for the consonant L.

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent m consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/curved its form, changed its name to M???? and made the sign stand for the consonant M.

value =40



Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent n consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/curved its form, changed its name to Nu and made the sign stand for the consonant N.

abet 15th Lette r of the Hebr ew Alph abet

=50 Suppor Samek t h or or Trust S Samec or consona h Rely nt or Samek value =60

16th Lette r of the Ayin Hebr ew Alph abet 17th Lette r of Pe the or Hebr Pey ew Alph abet

Eye or 3 Founta larynge in al consona value nt =70

Mouth value =80


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent s consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and altered its form, changed its name to Xi and made the sign stand for the consonant X.


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent 3 laryngeal consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician but had no use for its sound in Indo-European. They called Omicron and made the sign stand for the vowel short O.


Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent g consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/curved its form, changed its name to Pi and made the sign stand for the consonant P or Ph.

P Ph consona nt

18th Sadhe Righte Ts Lette or ous r Tsade of value the =90 Hebr ew


Makes a sound similar to that which would be created if one pronounced the letters T and S at the same time like the TS in nuTS. No dictionary explanation.

Alph abet "To Surrou nd" 19th or Lette Monke r y of Qoph or the or Eye of Hebr Kuf a ew Needle Alph " abet

Q voiceles s velar

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent q voiceless velar. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and altered its form, changed its name to qoppa, but had no use for its sound in Indo-European so they used it for the sound K.


value =100 20th Lette r Resh of the from Hebr Rosh ew Alph abet

Head value =200

R consona nt


21st Lette r Sin of the or Hebr Shin ew Alph abet

Tooth or S Year or or Sh Repeat consona nt value =300

S Sh

22nd and

Mark or


Taw or

T consona

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent r consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/altered its form, changed its name to Rho and made the sign stand for the consonant R.

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent sh consonant. After 900 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/curved its form, changed its name to Sigma and made the sign stand for the consonant S.

Around 1000 B.C. this letter was used to represent t consonant. After 900 B.C. the

Last Lette r of Tav the or Hebr Tau ew Alph abet

Cross or Sign

Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and slightly altered its form, changed its name to Tau and made the sign stand for the consonant T.


value =400

See "Image of the Beast"

Hebrew Alphabet Wall Poster 22 Characters (Read from right to left and top to bottom)

 FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Hebrew Letters Link"

Chapter Fourteen The First Fruits Explained

Revelation 14:1-1 (The 144,000 Virgins) I saw, and behold, The Lamb (Yahshua) standing on Mount Zion, and with him one hundred forty-four thousand (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel), having his (Yahshua's) name, and the name of his Father (Yahweh), written on their foreheads (which is probably a figure of speech meaning "The Shema" in their pneuma, Spirit or minds). I heard a sound from heaven, like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of a great thunder. The sound which I heard was like that of harpers playing on their harps (ten stringed lyres). 2

They sing something like a new song (Psalms 33:3, Psalms 40:3, Psalms 96:1, Psalms 98:1, Psalms 144:9, Isaiah 42:10, Revelation 5:9) before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders. None could learn the song except the one hundred forty-four thousand, those who had been redeemed out of the Earth. 3

These are those (virgins) who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed by Yahshua from among men, the First Fruits to Yahweh and to the Lamb (Messiah Yahshua). 4


In their mouth was found no lie. They are without fault.

Leviticus 23:10-12 (The Spiritual meaning of "The First Fruits")

10 Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, When

you are

come into the land which I give to you (The Promised Land or "Kingdom of G_D on Earth"), and shall reap the harvest of it, then

you shall bring the sheaf of the first-fruits of your (Spring) harvest to the priest (This Levitical Priest has been replaced by Yahshua a Nazarite Priest): 11 and he (Yahshua) shall wave the sheaf before Yahweh, to be accepted for you: on the next day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. 12 In the day when you wave the sheaf, you shall offer a he-lamb (also Yahshua) without blemish a year old for a burnt offering to Yahweh (for remission of sins).

Note: Yahshua became the "First" of the "First Fruits" of Yahweh or the very First to be completely without sin (blemish) before Yahweh, and resurrected by Yahweh Himself. Yahshua, also, offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all True Believers in his Faith on an altar of wood. Yahshua was allowed to do this because of his sinlessness and his earned position as our "High Priest." Therefore Yahshua became Yahweh's "First Fruit" of "The First Fruits." On the other hand, the "Chosen Few" will be Yahshua's "First Fruits," and, as our High Priest, Yahshua will wave us before (present us as a Wave Sheaf to) Yahweh to be accepted by Him.

1 Corinthians 15:20-26 20 But now Yahshua has been raised from the dead. He became the first fruits of (out of all human beings) those who are asleep (in the Earth, Hades or the grave prior to the exact time of Yahshua's death). 21 For since death came by man (Adam), the resurrection of the dead also came by man (Yahshua's sinless self-sacrifice). 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Yahshua all (who truly believe) will be made alive.

23 But

each in his own order: (1st) Messiah the First Fruits (parallels the Spring harvest), then (2nd) those who are Messiah's, at his (second) coming (for to reap the Summer harvest). 24 Then the end comes, when he (Yahshua) will deliver up the kingdom to Yahweh, even the Father; when he will have abolished all (Earthly) rule and all (Earthly) authority and power. 25 For he (Yahshua) must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that will be abolished is death.

Note: The amount of time it will take Yahshua to accomplish the task of putting all his enemies under his feet is not yet fully understood.

I saw another angel flying in mid heaven, having an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language, and people. 6

He said with a loud voice, "Fear Yahweh, and give him glory; for the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the springs of waters!" 7

Another, a second angel, followed, saying, "'Babylon (the birthplace of paganism) the Great' has fallen, which has made all the nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her (spiritual-pagan) sexual immorality (idolatry)." 8

Another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a great voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead, or on his hand, 9

he, also, will drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahweh, which is prepared unmixed (not diluted) in the cup of his anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels, and in 10

the presence of the Lamb. The smoke of their torment (Gehenna Hell) goes up forever and ever. They have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name. 11

saints, (who are only) those who 'Dilligently Seek to Keep the Commandments of Yahweh', and the 'Faith of Yahshua'." 12

Here is the patience of the

Note: When the New Testament Epistles tell mankind to "Believe in Yahshua," (for Salvation) they are in all actuality saying "Keep the same Faith as Yahshua," which is "Obedience to Yahweh" and "Yahweh's Holy Word" (The Tanakh or Old Testament).

Remember: Yahshua (Messiah) never read or taught from the New Testament, because it did not yet exist while Yahshua was alive. Therefore, "The Faith of Yahshua" existed prior to the New Testament Epistles (or letters of the Apostles).

I heard the voice from heaven (after Yahshua's sacrifice and resurrection) saying, "Write, 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord 13

from now on.'" "Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow with them." I looked, and behold, a white cloud; and on the cloud one sitting like a son of man (Yahshua), having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle (for harvesting "The Blessed Believers of Yahshua's Faith" or "Yahshua's First Fruits"). 14

Another angel came out from the temple, crying with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, "Send forth your sickle, and reap; for the hour to 15

reap has come; for the harvest of the Earth is ripe!" He who sat on the cloud thrust his sickle on the earth, and the Earth was reaped (of Yahweh's and Yahshua's "Chosen" or "First Fruits" at the First Resurrection). 16

Another angel came out from the temple which is in heaven. He, also, had a sharp sickle. 17

Another angel came out from the altar, he who has power over fire, and he called with a great voice to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, "Send forth your sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe!" 18

The angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vintage of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of Yahweh. 19

Joel 3:1-2, 9-10, 12-16 "For, behold, in those days, And in that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all nations, And will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat ('Valley of Decision.'); And I will execute judgment on them there for my people, and for my heritage, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations. They have divided my land, 9 Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare war. "Stir up the mighty men. Let all the warriors draw near. Let them come up. 10 Beat your plowshares into swords, And your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak say, 'I am strong.' 12 "Let the nations arouse themselves, And come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat; For there will I sit to judge all the surrounding nations. 13 Put

in the sickle; For the harvest is ripe. Come,

tread, for the winepress is full, The vats overflow, for their wickedness is great." 14 "Multitudes, multitudes in the 'Valley of Decision!' For the day of Yahweh is near, in the 'Valley of Decision.' 15 The

sun and the moon are darkened, And the stars withdraw their shining. 16 Yahweh will roar from Zion, And thunder from Jerusalem; And the heavens and the earth will shake; But Yahweh will be a refuge to his people, And a stronghold to the children of Israel."

Isaiah 63:2-6 2 Why are you red in your clothing, and your garments like him who treads in the wine vat 3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the peoples there was no man with me: yes, I trod them in my anger, and trampled them in my wrath; and their lifeblood is sprinkled on my garments, and I have stained all my clothing. 4 For the 'Day of Vengeance' was in my heart, and the year of 'My Redeemed' ('My First Fruits') is come. 5 I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore my own arm brought salvation to me; and my wrath, it upheld me. 6 I trod down the peoples in my anger, and made them

drunk in my wrath, and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth.

Revelation 19:13-16 13 He (Yahshua) is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood (red

clothing). His name is called "The Word of Yahweh." 14 The armies which are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen. 15 Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp, two-edged sword, that with it he should strike the nations. He will rule them with a rod of iron. He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Yahweh, the Almighty. 16 He has on his garment and on his thigh a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

The winepress was trodden outside of the city, and blood came out from the winepress, even to the bridles of the horses, as far as one thousand six hundred furlongs (approximately 200 miles). 20

Chapter Fifteen A Review of Revelation 11-18-19

Revelation 15:1-1 (The Seven Last Plagues or The Third Woe) I saw another great and marvelous sign in the sky (first heaven): seven

angels having the seven last plagues, for in them Yahweh's wrath is finished. I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire. Those (True Believers) who overcame the beast, and his image, and the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps (Ten Stringed Lyres) of Yahweh. 2

They sang the song of Moses, the servant of Yahweh, and the song of the Lamb, saying, "Great and marvelous are your works, Lord Yahweh, the Almighty; Righteous and true are your ways, you King of the nations. 3

Who wouldn't fear you, Lord, And glorify your name? For you only are Holy. For all the nations will come and worship before you. For your righteous acts have been revealed." 4

After these things I looked, and the temple of the tent of the testimony in heaven was opened (This is Yahweh's Dwelling Place and the location of the Ark of the Covenant). 5

The seven angels who had the seven plagues came out from the temple, clothed with pure, bright linen, and wearing golden sashes around their breasts. 6

One of the four living creatures (Seraphim) gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of Yahweh, who lives forever and ever. 7

The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of Yahweh, and from his power. No one was able to enter into the temple, until the seven plagues of the seven angels would be finished. 8

Chapter Sixteen

Seven Last Plagues of Revelation Chapter 11 in Greater Detail

Revelation 16:1-1 (The Third Woe is made up of the Seven Last Plagues)

I heard a loud voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, "Go and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of Yahweh on the earth!" The first went, and poured out his bowl into the earth, and it became a harmful and evil sore on the men that had the mark of the beast, and that worshiped his image. 2

The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man. Every living thing in the sea died. 3

The third poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and it became blood. 4

I heard the angel of the waters saying, "You are righteous, who are and who were, you Holy One, because you judged this way. 5

For they poured out the blood of the saints and the prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. They deserve this." 6

I heard the altar saying, "Yes, Lord Yahweh, the Almighty, true and righteous are your judgments." 7

The fourth poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given to him to scorch men with fire. 8

Men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of Yahweh who has the power over these plagues. They didn't repent and give him glory. 9

The fifth poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was darkened. They gnawed their tongues because of the pain, 10

and they blasphemed the Yahweh of heaven because of their pains and their sores. They didn't repent of their works. 11

The sixth poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates. Its water was dried up, that the way might be made ready for the kings that come from the sunrise (East). 12

I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, something like frogs; 13

for they are spirits of demons, performing signs; which go forth to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of Yahweh, the Almighty. 14

Joel 3:1-2, 9-10, 12-16 "For, behold, in those days, And in that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all nations, And will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat ('Valley of Decision.'); And I will execute judgment on them there for my people, and for my heritage, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations. They have divided my land,

"Behold, I come like a thief (unexpectedly). Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes (True Faith in Yahshua and Yahweh), so that he doesn't walk naked (exposing a sinful nature), and they see his shame (sins)." 15


He gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew,


The seventh poured out his bowl into the air. A loud voice came forth out of the temple, from the throne, saying, "It is done!" 17

There were lightnings, sounds, and thunders; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since there were men on the earth, so great an earthquake, so mighty. 18

The great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. Babylon the great was remembered in the sight of Yahweh, to give to her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 19


Every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

Great hailstones, about the weight of a talent, came down out of the sky on men. Men blasphemed Yahweh because of the plague of the hail, for the plague of it is exceeding great. 21

The End of the Third Woe and the Seven Last Plagues

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