Dear Mentee Thankyou for taking part in the third ever Monash College Student Mentor program as a student mentee. Hopefully you enjoyed your time as a mentee and you and your mentor experienced positive outcomes from the program. As part of our commitment to continually improve and deliver quality programs we ask for you cooperation in providing insight into your experiences as a student mentee. The attached survey will provide us with vital information which will lead to improvements that will benefit future Monash College Mentors andbeginning students. As part of the Mentee requirements you need to fill in the attached survey and return to your mentor or to myself at
[email protected] before May 9. Your mentor will not receive their certificates if your form has not been returned. You are invited to attend the certifiacte presenation to see you mentor receive their award on Wednesday 9 May, Atrium, Building 73 at 3.30pm. Refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to me before Friday 4May for catering purposes.
Once again thankyou for your hard work and cooperation.
Joel Evans Student programs Coordinator Phone: 03 9905 8674 Mobile: 0418 330 464 Fax 03 9905 5274 Email:
[email protected]
Your Name:________________________________
Your mentors name:____________________________
Did you enjoy your experience as a student mentee?
Will you continue to meet your mentor after the completion of the program?
What were the greatest benefits to having access to a mentor?
What benefits do you believe your mentor obtained from the program?
What were the key areas you believe you supported with by your mentor. Curriculum information
Social life in Melbourne
Administration queries
Where things are located
University services
Stress over study
Assistance with class work
Introducing to new friends
An ear for listening to problems
Social chat
Were you satisfied with the level of support from Monash College staff?
Is there anything you believe Monash College staff could have done to enhance the mentor program?
Would you recommend other new Monash College students become mentees? Why / Why not?
Do you believe the lunch activity during orientation week is the best time to be introduced to your mentor?
What other time and / or place would you recommend?
What do you believe would be sufficient reward for a student mentor?
Do you believe three face to face meetings are an appropriate number of meetings with your mentor?
What number do believe would be appropriate.
How did you first hear of the mentor program? Email Information In post Posters
Monash College Staff Other:
What do you believe would be the most effective way to attract new mentees?
Would you have preferred if there was another mentee assigned to your mentor? Why / Why not?
Would an online system be better way to register for the program?
Would you like to become a mentor for future Monash College programs?
What suggestions do you have which could improve the mentor program for next trimester?