
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 545
  • Pages: 3
Greetings Eastlake DECA Founding 54 Alumni Group! In preparation for our First Annual Leadership Summit on December 30th (save the date!), we’d like to hear from you. Please complete this short questionnaire and return it via email to [email protected] (new email address so please update.) We’ll send more details about the Summit soon.

1. What do you want most from your Founding 54 Alumni experience? (Rank each on a scale of 0 – 5 with 0 having no importance and 5 being most important) ___Business networking (for jobs and internships) ___Social (seeing DECA friends) ___Workshops (professional development) ___Current Events and Motivational speakers ___Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What industries are you considering for your career? (i.e.: business, marketing, journalism, tourism, real estate, construction, law, politics, civic service, retail, tech, medical, education, government, financial services, entrepreneurialism, international, sports, recreation, non-profit, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. If you can pinpoint it, what would be your ideal job be in five years? Ten years? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Which aspects of networking would you find most valuable? (Rank each on a scale of 0 – 5 with 0 having no importance and 5 being most important) ___Finding internships & jobs ___Mentoring ___Help in starting a business ___Business funding ___Undergrad & Grad school information ___Networking training (learning how to network) ___Networking tools (learning the do’s and don’ts of social media & networking) ___Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

5. Which workshops would be most helpful to you? (Rank each on a scale of 0 – 5 with 0 having no importance and 5 being most important) ___Resume & writing cover letters ___Business etiquette ___Deal making & negotiations (including compensation) ___Interviewing ___Presentation skills ___How to hold effective meetings ___Project management skills ___Goal planning ___Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Which financial topics are you interested in learning about? (Rank each on a scale of 0 – 5 with 0 having no importance and 5 being most important) ___College planning ___Scholarship strategies ___Investment & retirement accounts ___Credit card information ___Real estate investing ___Cash flow management ___The difference between “good” and “bad” debt ___The importance of establishing positive credit reports ___Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

7. Which business/political topics are you interested in learning more about? (Rank each on a scale of 0 – 5 with 0 having no importance and 5 being most important) ___Current financial crisis ___Free trade vs. fair trade ___International trade policies ___Corporate governance & SOx regulation ___Green business & clean tech ___Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Which marketing topics are you interested in learning more about? (Rank each on a scale of 0 – 5 with 0 having no importance and 5 being most important) ___Strategic planning and strategic thinking ___Advertising: integrated campaign development ___Media planning, budgeting, buying and reporting ___Social media and WOMM (word of mouth marketing) ___Public relations & event marketing ___Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

9. Who are Seattle based CEO/business executives you’d “love to be in the same room with”? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Yes! I would be willing to serve on a committee or help with Summit preparations ____________

11. Please provide your contact information: Daily email address __________________________________________________________________________________ School mailing address __________________________________________________________________________________ Permanent home address __________________________________________________________________________________ Cell phone __________________________________________________________________________________ College attending __________________________________________________________________________________ Current job __________________________________________________________________________________ Feel free to share other thoughts or comments:

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