Loic Castel 3 Place de la Nouvelle Aventure, France 33-6-72693392
[email protected] Objective: An internship or a temporary position in IT or Telecommunication field, utilizing my Network and Telecommunication major, and internship experiences. Education: Master of Science – Network and Telecommunication University of Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France High School Diploma – Math and Science Frederic Chopin School, Nancy, France Honors Related Courses: Networking Modeling Digital Signal Processing Computer Architecture Mathematic Real Analysis
Computer Programming Telecommunication Economy Communication Protocols Microprocessor-based System
July 2009 June 2004 GPA 3.50/4.00
Signal Theory Numeric Electronic Wireless Study Marketing
Work Experience: Embassy of France February - April 2007 EMarketing and Communication, Intern Bangkok, Thailand oCreated communication tools for the Press department oDesigned and developed French embassy website to be more attractive and functional oAdded a newsletter system to the website oIntegrated administration software with PHP/MySQL to manage French movie database oEdited press reviews in English and French oOrganized press conferences Orange April - July 2006 Network and Telecommunication, Intern Lille, France oManaged various network and detection tools for mobile phone activity tracking oCreated mobile detection tools, a user/administrator application, in PHP 4 oWrote data mining software to exploit mobile network data oLearned about GSM/UMTS architecture in mobile network Inter-marché September - December 2005 Accounting and Financial Unit, Intern Nancy, France oAssisted with accounts payable and receivable in Accounting department oAdministrated data input, and output procedures for Accounting database system oMaintained accurate monetary transactions oResearched and analyzed data gathered on company profit margins
oSupervised 20 cashiers to ensure customer satisfaction Boiron (Pharmaceutical Corporation) Production, Intern Nancy, France oMaintained accurate account information for clients oMade an electronic card system to manage a stock system oCommunicated between related departments oPerformed time studies on each process in a large production area oCompleted change requests on production procedures oParticipated in several pharmaceutical goods production
February-April 2005
EDF National Electrical Company Summer 2004 Accounting and Human Resources Nancy, France o Maintained accurate account information for employees o Assisted with the filing, printing, issuing and copying of documents for the department o Reviewed each document for completeness or errors o Assisted with the correction of documents required for use within the departments Technical Proficiencies: Platforms:
UNIX, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, Linux (Red Hat, Debian, Slackware, Gentoo), Max OS
Networking: TCP/IP, ISO/OSI, SMS/SQL, Ethernet, VPN, SSH, PGP, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Wi-Fi, TCP/IP, Router, NAT, PAT, Firewall, Bluetooth
Norton Firewall, Zone Alarm Firewall, Lotus Notes, Scyte, Eclipse, Microsoft Office Suite, Open Office Suite, Ethereal
Php, C, C++, Ruby, Basic, Python, CSS, SQL, MySQL
Web languages: HTML, Ruby on Rails, Django (python), CakePHP framework, XML, CSS, PHP Languages: oFrench (native speaker) oEnglish (fluent - TOEIC score: 880) oGerman (moderate) oJapanese (basic) Skills and Competencies: oExcellent analytical skills oWell-organized and proficient with details oExcellent interpersonal and team skills oWillingness to relocate and travel Activities and Interests: oTreasurer, Association of LIVE, France oInternational travel
oHobbies: Taek-Won-Do, piano and guitar playing, jogging, and swimming
References: Available upon request