Resume Of 9/11 Commission Staffer Barbara Grewe

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  • Words: 814
  • Pages: 3
,.--•'' 9/11 P e r s o n a l



EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: U.S. General Accounting Office Associate General Counsel District of Columbia 2002 to present Legal advisor to Office of Special Investigations. Supervise attorneys working with the OSI agents on investigations of fraud in government operations or contracts. Member of Office of Legal Counsel management team. Assistant U.S. Attorney U.S. Attorney's Office 1989 - 2002 District of Columbia As Senior AUSA in the Fraud and Public Corruption Section directed investigations into theft of government property and government contract fraud. Served as in-house specialist on Sentencing Guidelines Member Guidelines Departure Committee. As Senior Appellate AUSA filed 70 bnefs and argued over 50 cases. Tried 37 criminal jury trials as lead or sole counsel, 13 trials in U.S. District Court. Special Investigative Counsel DOJ Office of Inspector General 1995 - 2002 (Three separate details) District of Columbia, San Diego, CA Directed OIG investigations into allegations of employee misconduct. Litigation Associate Covington & Burling 1985tol989 Washington, D.C. Specialized in financial and economic issues in litigation, including antitrust and tax cases. Acted as inhouse consultant on cost and damage issues and supervised economic and financial experts used in litigation. Strategic Management Research Consultant McKinsey & Co. 1980 to 1982 New York ; N ' Y Developed product and marketing strategies for industrial and consumer businesses. EDUCATION: University of Michigan Law School Ann Arbor, Ml J.D. 1985

Cum Laude Articles Editor Michigan Law Review

Oxford University Oxford, England B.A. 1980

Rhodes Scholar Politics/Economics

Wellesley College Weilesley. MA B.A. 1973

Wellesley Scholar Economics

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Women's Bar Association Elected to two-year term (1994-1996) as Treasurer and member of the Board ot Directors. Created budget for 1500-member organization and revamped the budgetary process and the organization's financial practices. Served as co-chair of the Judicial Endorsements Committee (1993-1994).

Barbara A. Grewe Page 2 MAJOR CASES & INVESTIGATIONS: Office of Inspector General Investigated FBI's handling of intelligence prior to 9/11. - Directed examination of prior intelligence community's knowledge of two of the Pentagon hijackers. - Examined intelligence sharing between the FBI and the CIA, investigated management of new counterterrorism priorities, and reviewed intelligence storage and retrieval systems. - Drafted sections of final report relating to the two hijackers. Directed investigation into allegations of conspiracy and fraud in the conduct and reporting of results of the Border Patrol's Operation Gatekeeper in San Diego County, California. - Led 17-member team's conduct of 364 interviews and review of more than 100,000 pages of documents and 8000 computer files. - Interviewed under oath the Attorney General, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California, the Commissioner of INS, Congressmen, and other significant officials. - Led briefings of the Attorney General and the Commissioner of INS on management issues in the conduct of Operation Gatekeeper and other Border Patrol operations. - Led briefings of Congressional committee chairman and staffers on investigative findings. - Drafted and produced 346-page report of findings. Directed investigation into allegations of racial misconduct and criminal offenses at the Good O1 Boy Roundup, an annual party for law enforcement officers in Ocoee, Tennessee. - Led 12-member team's conduct of over 500 interviews. - Conducted briefings for the Deputy Attorney General and other DOJ officials on investigative findings. - Drafted and produced 220-page report of findings. United States Attorney's Office Directed investigation into multi-million dollar fraud at the Department of Education that resulted in conviction of 18 individuals and led to major changes in DOE's internal controls over government contracts - Designed and supervised search operation that recovered over $200,000 of stolen government property at 13 locations in a single day. - Handled extensive discovery process involving over 10,000 pages of documents, over 40,000 thousand computer files, and hundreds of pieces of stolen equipment - Responsible for responding to and litigating over 60 pretrial motions. - Negotiated 7 cooperation agreements and 14 guilty pleas. Directed investigation into multi-million fraud and bribery conspiracy in D.C. government and Pentagon janitorial contracts - Used forensic accountants to trace funds through numerous bank accounts here and abroad - Negotiated cooperation agreement and conducted debriefings of president of janitorial company - Initiated extradition proceedings against the principals when they fled the United States.

Barbara A. Grewe Page 3 TEACHING EXPERIENCE: U.S. Attorney's Office Training Programs Created and taught program on prosecutorial error in closing arguments. Lecturer for Sentencing Guidelines training programs. Lecturer on collateral attacks for Appellate Division. Edited sections of Office trial manual. Attorney General's National Advocacy Institute Lecturer on plea bargaining under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Frequent lecturer, instructor, and judge for Appellate Advocacy course. D.C. Appellate Advocacy Seminar Co-chair of appellate advocacy course produced by the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Public Defender Service for practitioners in the D.C. Court of Appeals. Participated in the creation of the program, including content, faculty selection, and budget. Lecturer for program on subject of brief writing.

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