Resume For Overseas

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 4

Lorick Lachin




[email protected]


Home +61 2 9625-8854 Mobile +61 414 880 944



Marital Status:


EDUCATION: 1975 - 1978

Polytechnic University (USA). [email protected] Bachelor of Science Degree, Aerospace Engineering.

1978 - 1979

Polytechnic University. Master of Science Degree, Aeronautics and Astronautics.

1975 - 1976

R.O.T.C. Management course.


Two years tutoring, presenting seminars and reports on topics related to Aerospace, Aviation, Design and Engineering.

August 1980

Space Institute (USA) Course in store Separation Problems at High Speeds


Unix 4.2 BSD, Gould UTX/32, IBM Control Data Cyber (NOS) and 1160/70 Univac Sperry. Novell PC Network (LAN) and XT compatible.

Software Programming:

'C' and Fortran


Unix, MS-DOS V3.3, Wardperfect V5.1, Dbase IV, 3D-Bookkeeper, MS-Excel V2.1 and Lotus 123.


Numerical analysis, research, computer applications, monthly reports, financial analysis and computing.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Dec. 95 to Present:

Commercial Recovery Management Operations State Manager Working on the bank and finance accounts related to credit line, loan, motor vehicle, lease and asset purchase. Supervising various tasks undertaken by the company’s staff, one of which incorporates, checking and analysing the weekly reports submitted by the staff, followed by sound financial advice on how to improve on their performance. Conducting monthly analysis on the performance related to various entries of the general ledger. Collating the company’s general ledger and conducting a monthly financial analysis to make a forecast of market trends and the profitability and the profit stability of the company. Restructuring the organisation of the company by reducing legal costs and the staff size, which in turn leads to an increase in company profit and the underlying share price. .

July. 86 - Nov. 95

Casa Mia Pty Ltd (Company was liquidated) Collection Manager Responsibilities included financial analysis, preparation of monthly reports, bank balancing, providing model for discounting, credit control, extensive liaising with upper management and clients, in close contact with the marketing Manager and Financial Controller. Used PC's, Lotus 123, MS-DOS and financial planning software.

June 85 - June 86

Accountancy Placements Pty Ltd Sub-employed by: M L C and Morrisons Financial Planners Company Responsibilities included, data was fed into the " C " program for printing on three printers, accounting work on general ledger, credit control, liaising with financial planner clients, preparing reports on investment, profit and commission. Used PC's, MS-DOS, DBASE, 3d-Bookkeeper and MS-Excel.

Jan. 84 - May 85

Independent further research related to vortexes that would supply information on air/water speed passing over a sphere.

May 81 - Sept. 83

University of Wollongong. Professional Officer. Duties included the development of numerical programme and to prove the creation of vortexes that would give information on air/water speed passing over a triangle. Did the examination by experimentation. Then I developed a numerical programme and used previous data to check this model. Other responsibilities included: problem solving, holding training courses and advising students on local business aspiration for further career pathing. The model was developed in FORTRAN for UNIVAX 1160/70.

March 81 - Dec. 83

University of Sydney. Research Assistant. My main responsibilty was to develop a theoretical model of a turbulent diffusion flame and a numerical programme for solving Partial Differential equations, including documentation, user training, support and liaising between user and technical staff. In this report the chemical reactivity of fuel was discussed. The programme would solve the Partial Differential equations. A procedure for solving these equations in their linearised form was presented. The model was developed in FORTRAN for Control Data Cyber (NOS).

Sept. 79 - Feb. 81

Space Institute, University of Tennessee.

Research Assistant. I worked on N.A.S.A. contract related to aircraft. One report dealt with an experimental Flight Mechanics including data reduction, expansion airspeed calibration, cruise performance and indicated that altitude versus time for various indicated airspeeds. The other was a report on aircraft Case Studies. The topics discussed included optimum steps for each flight phase, fuel cost, route analysis, airline economics and a parametric analysis of transport aircraft systems. Two models were developed in FORTRAN program. References:

Mr. Larry Noble Lawyer Used to act for the Commercial Recovery Management [email protected] 612 9372-8005 Prof. A.B. Giordano ( written reference will be supplied on your request ) Dean of Graduate Studies Polytechnic University 333 Jay Street, BROOKLYN N. Y. 11201 USA [email protected] (USA) 718-260-3000 Mr. Ernest Rose ( written reference will be supplied on your request ) Director, Cooperative Education Polytechnic University (USA) 718-260-3000

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