Responsible Business 2010 Brochure

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  • Words: 8,217
  • Pages: 10
The biggest and most comprehensive CR and sustainability event of 2010


The Responsible Business Summit 2010

Drive innovation and opportunity in a post-recession world The only CR and sustainability event you need to attend in 2010 > The Novotel West, London, UK Innovation > Best Practice > Interactivity > Focused Debate

6 International CEO keynotes 24 focused workshops 40+ European CSR Director/VP speakers 450+ Attendees 10+ Hours of Networking 1 European Awards Dinner 30+ Exhibiting Service Providers


4 – 5 May 2010


 Opportunities for sustainable business post-recession  Manage the changing role of the CR professional  Embedding CR and change management: How to do it  Environmental impact management and savings Hear from the following international business leaders: ICA Kenneth Bengtsson, President and CEO

Kingfisher Group Ian Cheshire, Group CEO

Tata Beverages Group Peter Unsworth, CEO

Coca Cola Europe Hubert Patricot, President



Intel EMEA Christian Morales, General Manager

Amnesty Intl. UK Kate Allen, CEO


Open now to see our agenda – packed with workshops, case studies and keynotes >

Hardhitting keynotes + In-depth workshops + Interactive discussion groups + Excellent networking opportunities


Dear Colleague, Such a shame to waste a good crisis, don't you think? offers to CSR By which I mean that while it's hard at first sight to see the positives the recession upside. an is really professionals, with a little searching, there

(for details on who you'll meet, see below)

Look at it this way:

30+ Senior European Speakers for our Workshops

s about the The current downturn has come just as the world is asking unprecedented question to be responsible benefits of unfettered consumerism. There’s an increasing desire for companies global citizens. Which means your CSR department is even more vital than before. tegic cost In fact, this is a very real opportunity to debunk the notion that CSR is a non-stra making it All risk. offsets and insight… centre. Good CSR saves money… offers innovation and succeed. to fundamental to the running of every business that intends But don’t just take my word for it. n marks an As environmentalist and business consultant Brendan May puts it, this realisatio ies that it is efficienc the and money save to need the “evolutionary step – people will remember times.” tough very in them possible to make – because they had to make consumers and And what better time to make meaningful drives towards sustainability than when recession? this into us led shareholders alike are reeling from the short-termist rush for profit that to take full The Responsible Business Summit 2010 will teach you all you need to know onal. professi CSR the offers n recessio this advantage of the opportunities been designed Renowned as the CSR community's pre-eminent Conference, this year’s event has es in these themselv ng presenti issues specifically to inform, challenge and educate you about the strategy. business sound into adversity turbulent times – and show you step-by-step how to turn will deliver As you explore this brochure, you’ll see exactly how the Responsible Business Summit positive e the the facts, best practice examples, case studies and insights you need to maximis . aspects of the recession devoted to every With wide-reaching plenary sessions on the state of CSR in 2010, and 24 case studies yourself and educate to place better no is there issue the sustainability pro is wrestling with today, plan for the year ahead. s. You’ll also notice that our tradition of selecting only the very best speakers continue ies like Intel, This year, our plenary sessions are populated with CEOs and Presidents from compan biggest via's Scandina and Group, s Beverage Tata ional, Coca Cola, Kingfisher, Amnesty Internat ent departm of head a is n, exceptio without , speakers p retailer, ICA. Every one of our 30+ worksho of higher. as so many The fact is, no-one else has the credentials or the clout to put you in the same room world class CSR and business leaders. But what if you're experiencing budget cuts? tion, and you’ll If this is the case, this event is even more important to the future of your organisa Agenda Summit the studied you’ve be able to make a solid business case for attending once (pages 4 - 8). place at the So if you’re ready to start seeing the recession in a whole new way, reserve your Responsible Business Summit 2010 today. I look forward to seeing you there!

6+ International CEOs/Presidents (for details on the business leaders confirmed, see page 4)

(a full list on the back cover)

3 Themed Tracks (innovative new format explained on the opposite page)

24 Interactive Workshops (full agenda on pages 4 to 8)

10+ hours of Networking Opportunities (for a breakdown of our audience, see below)

1 high profile CSR Awards Ceremony (for more on this, go to page 9)

Who will you meet at the Responsible Business Summit?

Delegate Seniority ■ CEO/COO/President ■ Vice President ■ Head Of Dept ■ Director

■ Manager ■ Academic ■ Other

Organisation Types ■ Corporates ■ Government ■ NGO ■ Industry Association

■ Academic ■ Media ■ Service Provider

Kind regards,

Nicholas Johnson Chief Operating Officer Ethical Corporation

Delegate Location ■ Europe ■ United Kingdom

■ North America ■ Asia

Got any questions? Contact [email protected] or +44 (0)20 7375 7575

Fresh perspectives and practical advice on all aspects of corporate responsibility and sustainability



We know that at previous events our speakers have not always stuck closely to the topic of their presentation. This year, they’ve all been very tightly briefed, and will be pushed to stay on-topic – because we know how important the topics we’ve selected are to you.

Better moderators = better sessions. More robust debate, more questions from the audience, and better timekeeping. With experienced moderators like Prof David Grayson CBE, Mallen Baker, Peter Davis, and Toby Webb already on board, you can be sure our sessions will run more smoothly and efficiently than ever – and our speakers won't be able to get away with just PR speak!

✚ EVEN MORE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION: You’ve told us you want to get more involved in the Summit, so we’re making sure that’s what happens! This year’s event has a new structure that’s designed to increase your engagement and enable you to interact even more fully with our expert speakers.


✚ LESS POWERPOINT: Death by PowerPoint isn’t a nice way to go! We’re ensuring there’s no blood on our hands this year by banning all but the most essential slides.


OPPORTUNITIES: Meeting people and forming relationships are fundamental parts of the Summit experience. Lunch breaks and coffee breaks often aren’t enough. So we’re introducing speed networking, amongst other things, to make sure you get your address book as full as possible.

Tracks to give you in-depth insight on three distinct themes This year, we've organised our breakout sessions into three separate tracks. It means we’re able to offer you more sessions on specific topics, and allows you to handpick the sessions that are most relevant and most valuable:

Innovative new session formats! Designed to make the Summit more interactive and engaging than ever before In 2010 we have introduced new session formats - designed to extract as much information from speakers as possible AND give you the chance to interact and get involved in the debate. “Question Time”-style panel debates led by an experienced moderator are now the norm. We're cutting down on PowerPoint-led speeches and replacing them with robust questioning from experienced moderators - and you!

Here's what people are saying about our conferences


Changes that will make the Responsible Business Summit 2010 better – and even more useful – than ever before

Ethical Corporation brings together the best in business to make a difference” – Jeff Swartz, CEO, Timberland


The Changing Role of the CR Professional

“Clear concepts, case studies, real experiences and sharing. An excellent event!”

Track One approaches current problems faced by CR managers and directors – and meets them head on. We know the role of the CR team is changing, and this track addresses that change.

➜ Taking action and implementing strategy ➜ Measurement and feedback


Dealing with the Recession Every CSR professional knows how the recession is impacting day-to-day work, in terms of increased problems and pressure and reduced resources. But the other side of the coin is one of unprecedented opportunity. In this track, you’ll focus firstly on the reprioritisation the recession has forced on everyone in CSR, and learn how to make progress even with extremely limited resources.


Dealing with the Environment A problem as huge as climate change isn't going away just because the world is preoccupied with a giant financial predicament – and neither will looming crises for water, waste and biodiversity. By the time this group of sessions concludes, you’ll have a thought-provoking variety of real world solutions and best practice case studies to take back to your office.


Perfect organisation and an excellent programme” – Harrie Bosman, Sustainability Manager, Teijin Aramid

“There was a rich choice of subjects tackled, with good organisation of the breakout sessions” – Bertrand Lepinoy, Corporate Purchasing Director, Total


➜ Taking in information

– Yvonne Harz-Pitre, European Communications Manager, Rohm and Haas


Track one splits into three parts, to mirror the three main roles of the CR professional:


The event was well-organised, timely and provided good insight into practical, real world problem solving”


– Peter Loftspring, Assistant General Counsel, Black & Veatch

Reserve your place now! Call +44 (0) 20 7375 7575


4th May 2010

Hard Questions: CEOs on the biggest CSR issues they’re facing today – and what you can learn from their hard work Throughout our keynotes, we will be doing away with broadbrush presentations on a company’s CSR strategy. They will be replaced with something far more targeted and hard-hitting. We are asking our international business leaders specific questions about the most pressing CR and sustainability issues they face today. Such as:

ICA Kenneth Bengtsson, President and CEO

Kingfisher Group Ian Cheshire, Group CEO

Coca Cola Europe Hubert Patricot, President

Intel EMEA Christian Morales, General Manager

Amnesty International UK Kate Allen, CEO

What are Scandinavian consumers asking you for on sustainability? How are you responding, and what lessons have you learned?

Kingfisher is clearly concerned about global timber sustainability – and it's link to climate change. What lessons have you learned that other companies could take on board?

What challenging targets should industry be reaching for on water and carbon? How are you working to address these targets?

What will be Intel’s role in helping reduce carbon emissions in 5 years time? What can you do to help your customers on power use?

Amnesty is concerned about business complicity or involvement in human rights issues. What are your proposed solutions, given that global regulation is hard to do?

BREAKOUT SESSION ONE TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional Stage 1: Taking in information

Bringing strategic insight into your company through better stakeholder dialogue Why it’s essential to talk to stakeholders. And how to use dialogue to drive innovation. Good stakeholder dialogue is the solid foundation for all successful CSR projects. One of the fundamental roles of responsible business professionals is to talk to external stakeholders, and use any information gathered to develop company strategy. But what are the best ways to open channels for effective communication? In this workshop, Annette Stube and Claus Stig Pedersen will discuss how Maersk approach stakeholder dialogue. Plus you’ll hear best practice examples on how to use feedback to inform future sustainability strategy. Topics covered: • Determining which stakeholders you need to have dialogue with. Why pinpoint accuracy is key. • A feel for the format – informal chats or full-on consultations? What are the best approaches to opening stakeholder dialogue, and why? • How to integrate the results of stakeholder dialogue into your sustainability strategy Maersk, Annette Stube, Director of Group Sustainability Novozymes, Claus Stig Pedersen, Head of Sustainable Development

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

CR as a business advantage – how an increased responsible business reputation can pay dividends The recession has prompted a sea change in public expectations of companies. Consumers are currently more wary than ever before of ‘unfettered consumerism’, as these facts reveal: • 30% of consumers base their buying decisions on how responsible they believe a company to be • Even though the economy is suffering from low consumer confidence, ethical consumption has not been dented by the downturn A responsible business is uniquely placed to take advantage of this growing trend. Already, the market for ethical products is worth £32bn in the UK – a figure that’s growing. This means that a well thought out sustainability strategy could deliver clear business advantage – particularly as the recessionary mood abates. In that case, how do you ensure that your own sustainable business efforts allow you to tap into this growing market? In this session hear from Tesco and Sony-Ericsson. Find out how they leverage their CSR initiatives to gain the confidence of consumers.

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

Saving money through better carbon strategies How you can cut carbon and boost your bottom line • Johnson & Johnson saved $50m in the last decade through better carbon strategies. • IBM have saved $115m since 1998. * WWF Carbon Savers Programme

Energy efficiency and a better plan to manage your carbon emissions will make a real difference to your profit and loss. Most importantly, as the price of carbon increases so too does your opportunity to save. In this session, we will evaluate best practice on how to save money for your business through the implementation of a better carbon strategy, with a focus on: • Best ways of working with suppliers to increase energy efficiency • How to use existing technology more efficiently • Assessing and implementing the right kinds of renewable energy for your business

Tesco, Lucy Neville-Rolfe, Executive Director, Corporate & Legal Affairs

Toyota Motor Europe, Graham Smith, Senior Vice-President, External Affairs and Environmental Affairs

Sony Ericsson, Mats Pellback-Scharp, Head of Sustainability

Ricoh Europe, Steve Saito, Chief Operating Officer

Group discounts available - forward this brochure to your colleagues!


4th May 2010

BREAKOUT SESSION TWO TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

How to spot critical upcoming CSR issues for your business

Reprioritising CSR initiatives post-recession

Quantifying environmental impacts – is this even possible?

Tools you can use to identify and assess important issues your company faces

Recession changes things! How do you make sure you’re prioritising your CR programmes to account for the new business landscape?

With so many external influences on your total environmental impact, is it really possible to measure your footprint? Accurately measuring your environmental impact has potentially huge cost-saving benefits, and focusing on this area makes perfect sense during a recession. But first there needs to be a method of measurement, and there is real concern that accurate measurement of every aspect of corporate environmental impact is an unrealistic prospect. With so many variables – many of which are not even under the direct control of most businesses – the jury is out on whether accurate environmental impact assessment is possible. This session covers: • How to measure the environmental impact up and down your supply chain • Creating environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) to accurately measure your impact and set realistic targets • How to ensure the recession does not adversely impact your environmental work

Identifying emerging issues and planning a measured response are integral parts of the CSR professional’s role. In this session, hear best practice examples that will help you carry out this identification and assessment process with accuracy. And discover why relying exclusively on stakeholder dialogue to spot surfacing responsible business issues isn’t quite enough. Find out: • How to engage with your employees so that they become a valuable source of information when you look at your CR concerns • Internet insight – how to weave Web 2.0 magic, and identify emerging trends that will impact your business’ CSR planning

Royal Ahold, Roland Waardeburg, Vice-President of CSR

The recession has shaken the foundations of businesses, big and small. The weak have fallen. The strong have been weakened. As companies lick their proverbial wounds, and make cost savings where they can, corporate responsibility projects that generate financial savings are looked upon favourably. For CR professionals now is the time to reprioritise and gain renewed approbation. But what do you focus on… • The immediate needs of consumers? • Communicating more effectively to gain more business advantages from CSR? • Efficiencies that will help improve your bottom line? The answers to these questions will be different for every company. In this session, we ask the questions that will help you work out the right responses for you and your company. Arcelor Mittal, Roland Verstappen, Vice-President for Corporate Responsibility and International Affairs

Dole Food Company, Sylvain Cuperlier, Vice-President of worldwide CSR Bureau Veritas CPS, Brian Whitters, Director of Supply Chain Solutions

BREAKOUT SESSION THREE TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional

How to incorporate CR into company-wide risk management Get a birds-eye perspective on risk: How good CSR ensures you have a 360-degree view of your company’s exposure Now, more than ever, large investment houses want to see that companies they provide capital for have assessed every risk. Investors are more likely to have confidence in a company that clearly demonstrates an understanding of the risks it’s exposed to. Which is just one of the reasons they look for evidence of clear CR strategies. How do you organise your risk management to ensure CR is covered? Do you run separate risk management teams, or do you carry out a quarterly CR risk assessment run by the CR department? Different methods will work for different companies. In this session we will cover the methods and engage in the analysis. Discover: • How to spot upcoming corporate responsibility risks • How to report on your CSR and environmental risk management • Which risk management format is best for you Volkswagen, Gerhard Praetorius, Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

Making CR progress on a shoe- Better water management string: Low hanging fruit and How you should define your company’s approach to ‘the new carbon’ expense reduction…where security is the gossamer that links together the will you save the most money? “Water web of food, energy, climate, economic growth and Produce World is a £250m privately owned food business supplying to all of the major UK food retailers. The company has made real steps towards putting into place a complex and well-run CSR strategy – with annual sustainability reports, a formal framework for delivery against clearly-defined KPIs, and a complex data management system to accurately measure performance. This corporate responsibility strategy has been implemented for less than £50k a year. The savings Produce World have made have paid back the cost many times over. At a time when resources and budgets are being slashed, the Produce World story takes on an additional relevance for many CSR professionals. In this session, Produce World will set out how they began their responsible business journey, and will shed light on how they can run a successful CSR team on a minimal budget. • How to establish and define your initial CR KPIs • Best practice on managing your data to accurately assess performance • How to spot and take advantage of the savings your company could leverage Produce World, David Frost, Group HR Director

human security challenges that the world economy faces over the next two decades.”* Startling statistics: • 44% of the world population live in areas of high water stress today • By 2030 One billion more people will be affected by water shortages • By 2025, a third of world’s population will be affected by water shortages It is in the best interests of every company to use less water. The less that is used, the lower the cost and the lower the risk. Becoming better corporate managers of water is a win-win situation. In this session, we will examine: • How you can assess water use in your company • Best water management practice • Ways to minimise water use • Ways to recycle water • An investigation into ‘water neutrality’ SAB Miller, Andy Wales, Head of Sustainable Development CEMEX, Martin Casey, Director of Public Affairs and CSR * World Economic Forum, "Sustainability for Tomorrow's Consumer", 2009

Check the website for updates -


5th May 2010

BREAKOUT SESSION ONE TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional Stage 2: Taking Action And Implementing Strategy

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

How to convince the sceptics No-one reads your CSR report. in your company that business What are you going to do now? without built-in sustainability Changing Sustainability Reporting for the better is flawed More companies are abandoning old-fashioned printYou know that CR is vital to the success of your company. But how do you convince your colleagues? One of the most challenging aspects of the role of a responsible business professional is treading the fine line between wild CR evangelism on the one hand, and unproductive timidity on the other. Bang on relentlessly about the importance of corporate responsibility and you are likely to lose the respect of your colleagues. Whisper about it so quietly that you aren’t heard, and your business will never become aware of the potential risks – and opportunities – that exist in the real world. Convincing colleagues that a good responsibility strategy is fundamental to the successful running, and future success, of any business is therefore a delicate operation. • How to contextualise hot CR topics so top management will want to hear them • Use incentives tied to sustainability performance to enhance employee engagement • Convince colleagues that CR is not just a worthy cause, but a critical business issue that demands their time and attention EON, Erik Brandsma, Vice-President, Corporate Responsibility

based CSR reports. As stakeholder engagement becomes more technologically advanced, and cost cutting rises higher on the business agenda, the trend is for smaller, more targeted, web-based CSR reporting methods. Yet, ironically, while the decline of the Sustainability report is in play, so is the rise of CR reporting. In Denmark, for example, CSR reporting is a legal requirement, and the GRI reports strong annual growth in companies reporting on their corporate responsibility. Clearly, the area is in a state of flux. In this session, we will examine the changes and challenges taking place around CSR reporting. We’ll also look at the opportunities and risks created. Topics covered include: • Best report writing practices to effectively target your key stakeholders • Innovation, creativity, and making the most of Web 2.0 technology • Making the hard work worthwhile – how to communicate your sustainability message successfully Danone, Jean Christophe Laugee, Sustainable Development Integration Director UBS, Christian Leitz, Head of Corporate Responsibility Management

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

Biodiversity: Should you care? Defining how biodiversity will affect your business, what it means for you, and how you can help to protect biodiversity. The EU has set targets on biodiversity in 2009 that are certain to be missed. This will provoke the EU to look at the issue again, and it is likely that legislature will follow. Biodiversity is also high on the public agenda.But why? As things stand, biodiversity is not a topic relevant to all industries – but some industries can contribute considerably to maintain and foster biodiversity. It's worth bearing in mind that this is a topic that some CSR professionals believe will become as important and high-profile an issue as climate change. • The opportunities and risks a good approach to biodiversity offers your company • Lessons to be learnt from high-impact industries on biodiversity management • How industry can contribute to maintain and foster biodiversity Henkel, Roland Schroeder, Head of Sustainability and Product Safety - Laundry and Home Care

BREAKOUT SESSION TWO TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional

How CSR can drive companywide innovation and change company strategy If your business wants to be a leader, it needs your responsible business team to push it forward A correctly managed CR team will be in touch with relevant communities, and have a unique and unrivalled insight into what stakeholders want and need from a company. If your CR team isn’t playing a fundamental role in helping your business adapt to wider mood shifts and changing attitudes, it isn’t doing its job properly. In this session, hear from four companies that use CSR to inform company strategy – with excellent results. • Spot opportunities: Learn to identify the key signs • Discover how our four speakers go about driving innovation with the CR department as the driving seat • Best practice steps on implementing change across the company Vodafone, Chris Burgess, Director of Corporate Responsibility H & M, Ingrid Schullstrom, Head of CSR IKEA, Thomas Bergmark, Head of Social and Environmental Responsibility Marks & Spencer, Mike Barry, Head of Sustainable Business

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

Crystal clear or merely opaque – how transparent do you really want to be? With public trust in the government, the economy and corporations at an all time low, is it the duty – not just the job – of CSR professionals to redress the balance for business? It’s a shockingly low figure – today, just 6% of the public trust corporations to hold themselves accountable for their actions. Trust in business has shrivelled, and business is suffering as a result. In what appears to be an unstoppable downward spiral of confidence, there is a clear role that the CR professional will play in regaining trust. In this session, we will investigate the impact of damaged consumer faith, and look at what needs to be done to repair it. Is an increased level of transparency necessarily the right way to go? Key questions that will be addressed include: • How has business been affected by the loss of consumer trust? • How might better business transparency increase public confidence? • What are the dangers of increased transparency for established and growing businesses? • How can transparency risks be managed? StatoilHydro, Willy Egset, Head of CSR GlaxoSmithKline, Julia King, Vice-President, Corporate Responsibility Royal Bank of Scotland, Andrew Cave, Head of Corporate Responsibility

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

How to deal with controversy At one time or another your company will make mistakes. When this happens, as a CSR pro, how do you minimise the fallout? It’s inevitable that, at some point, your company will do something controversial. Just ask the CR team at Habitat. Or Gap. Or Starbucks! As a CR professional, you’ll be expected to minimise the short term impact and make recommendations or provisions for long term improvements. The big question is…how? In this session, speakers from controversial industries share their insight and experience of managing controversy – from a CR perspective. They’ll tell you: • How to engage with stakeholders – extremely sceptical ones! • When to meet controversial issues head on • When to recognise and realise that the battle might be lost • All about best practice procedures to follow when controversy strikes BAT, Adrian Marshall, Global Programme Director for Harm Reduction

Unrivalled choice, with all the issues you want to hear about. Guaranteed!


The most interactive conference we've ever run!

5th May 2010

BREAKOUT SESSION THREE TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional Stage 3: Measurement & feedback

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

Materiality: What should you measure and how should you measure it?

Are voluntary initiatives and NGO partnerships first in the firing line?

The recession has forced most companies to cut back in all but the most essential areas. Learn how to assess the critical CR issues for you With both financial and human resources severely limited or reduced because of the current economic climate, businesses MUST ensure that all departments and projects are essential to their future business growth. 2009-2010 is a period in which the fat is being vigorously trimmed. But what does this mean for corporate responsibility? In this session, we evaluate how to assess what fat can be trimmed from your department, and exactly which issues are directly material for you. Reed Elsevier, the publishing firm, work to avoid the ‘broad brush’ approach to responsible business. They now focus only on those CR issues critical to their own organisation. In this case study, everything you need to know about filtering your CR priorities will be covered. Things covered include: • The tactics Reed Elsevier used to assess the issues material to their business. • How Reed Elsevier confidently cuts CSR projects that are no longer essential

Has support for VSIs and NGOs collapsed along with the economy?

Reed Elsevier, Marcia Balisciano, Director, Community Affairs and Corporate Responsibility

Ethical Corporation, Pam Muckosy, Head of Research

Voluntary sector initiatives, along with NGO partnerships, are in full expansion mode during times of economic prosperity. Why? Because contributions from solvent businesses are more forthcoming, and competitors even club together to fund perceived ‘worthy causes’. But according to EC research, these external programmes face severe cutbacks in the recession. The question now is: will they survive at all, and if so, for how long?

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

How to cut down your waste – by up to 100% • Tesco have diverted 100% of their waste from landfill over the last 12 months • Anheuser-Busch recycles more than 97% of the solid waste it generates Governments are getting serious about tackling waste problems, and are introducing tough measures to bring businesses into line. The key recommendation in the UK government’s most recent report on waste was to raise landfill tax to £35 per tonne, which perhaps explains the amount of work Tesco and Anheuser Busch have devoted to this issue.

In this session we will discuss:

In this session we investigate:

• How to assess the value of your own VSIs and NGO partnerships

• Ways to cut down on the level of waste created by business that is then diverted to landfill

• Ways in which companies can prioritise their partnerships

• New likely legislation – how it will affect business

• The benefits of VSI’s – are there any alternatives?

• How changes in the law will impact sustainability tactics

Alliance Boots, Richard Ellis, Head of Corporate Responsibility Bovis Lend Lease, Paul Coyne, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility

BREAKOUT SESSION FOUR TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional

Embedded CSR vs. Active CSR departments: What’s the best model? For a long time, the consensus amongst responsible business professionals has been that CSR departments will eventually become obsolete. The work carried out by corporate responsibility departments will be fused into the work of every department; the need for individual, separate and dedicated CR entities will become a thing of the past. It’s true that, increasingly, sustainability projects are being passed on to other teams. But will this work for everybody? Is the closure of CR departments a necessary evil? And what will become of responsible business professionals if this theme of dissolution continues? Will ‘CSR’ as it is currently known – along with your livelihood – disappear completely? In this important session we’ll look at: • Assessing the state of CR – how much is now embedded?

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

Nobody trusts you – what do you do now? How to respond now that the reputation of business has been dragged through the mud The recession and its unsavoury root causes have torn down the once lofty reputations of corporate names. Today there is a critically high level of public distrust in the big businesses that were, pre-recession, regarded as respectable, solid – dependable even! Now responsible business professionals are saddled with the task of dealing with an explosion in the number of mistrusting consumers. And as any sustainability pro knows, communicating with sceptical stakeholders requires a particular set of skills. In this session, we evaluate what skills a CR pro needs, and highlight tactics you can use to increase the level of trust in your business. Find out:

• Whether your sustainability department needs to close down before ‘responsible business’ can truly exist

• How to push your positive messages through… so they are heard!

• The new role of the CR professional: is a career of ‘keeping score’ ahead?

• Increase trust through better communications and greater transparency

Tata Beverages Group of Companies, Peter Unsworth, CEO

• Ways to deliver controversial products without sounding the death knell for your CR strategy

Plant Health Care, John Brady, CEO

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

The Carbon Reduction Commitment – what it means in practice One third of organisations are prepared, one third are aware but unprepared, one third have their head in the clouds. Where are you on this sliding scale? By early 2010, the UK’s non-carbon-intensive sectors will have to measure, manage and reduce their carbon emissions – by law. If you have UK operations and are responsible for this, the work should have started already! There is a view that the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) will not have much of an impact on your day-to-day work. Yet according to one well-respected sustainability commentator, this is ‘delusional’. Mandatory reporting processes mean that even those companies already reporting at an advanced level will need to change their processes to comply with new standards. In this session, we will attempt to give clear advice on exactly how the CRC will affect you, and what you need to do to ensure you are 100% prepared when the law comes into practice. Major areas covered include: • Insight from the UK Government on CRC reporting processes, and what is expected of you • Ways to ensure that the transition to CRC reporting standards isn’t simply compliance for compliance’s sake • From refunds for good performance to increased energy efficiency, we’ll look at ways the standards can deliver bottom line benefits to your company

Check the website for an up to the minute agenda! Go to


5th May 2010

BREAKOUT SESSION FIVE TRACK ONE: The role of the CR professional

TRACK TWO: Dealing with the recession

Keeping score: How to measure responsible business progress outside of the CSR department

CSR EUROPE SESSION: Enterprise 2020 – Taking CSR to the next level

As embedding sustainability progresses, the role of the CSR department is changing. But this progress often gives rise to further challenges. Why?

In this session, CSR Europe are taking control of the agenda. The workshop is an opportunity to hear from this highly-respected CR organisation on one of their big research projects from the last year.

As more businesses start to embed sustainability, more departments become responsible for existing and emerging initiatives. And yet the corporate responsibility team is still ultimately responsible for reporting on progress. So how, exactly, does the CSR pro ensure that other departments are measuring developments accurately and thoroughly? And how should they go about collecting that data when it’s needed? This session will examine: • How to implement processes to ensure the collection and collation of quality information from every department in your organisation • The external systems available to you to facilitate the information gathering processes carried out by other departments • Ways to ensure you create systems that ensure a year round collection of data – one that’s accessible at any time! Cadbury, Alison Ward, Head of Global Corporate Responsibility

CSR Europe write: “For CSR to reach the next level, business and stakeholders have to explore new ways of working together. How will the company of the future – “Enterprise 2020” – engage in innovative partnerships to build trust and shape a more sustainable economy? This session will look at practical examples of how companies are addressing key societal challenges through cooperation with other businesses and stakeholders. “ Speakers will include senior corporate members of the ‘Enterprise 2020’ research group, and will be revealed shortly at CSR Europe, Kerstin Born, Executive Director

TRACK THREE: Dealing with the environment

Reducing carbon emissions in Emerging Markets: How to make cuts in areas where renewables aren’t an option One of the cornerstones of any climate strategy in the developed world is the use of renewables to reduce carbon emissions. However, many companies have operations in the developing world where lack of a suitable infrastructure makes renewables non-viable. In remote areas, for example, energy for business is often piped in from generators that consume large quantities of fossil fuel. In this session we evaluate how it’s possible for CR professionals to manage carbon reduction strategies in areas where use of renewables is not possible, or is severely limited: • What types of renewable energy can be used in the developing world without the need for advanced infrastructure • What carbon reduction strategies actually work better in the developing world • How should you approach worldwide carbon reduction – bearing in mind the vast changes in operational strategy needed in different parts of the world?

Ethical Corporation’s inaugural awards will celebrate excellent responsible business practices by leading companies during 2009 and 2010. The Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner takes place on the evening of 4th May 2010 – the first day of the Summit. Delegates purchasing a Gold pass or above will receive one seat for this high profile and exclusive industry event. For more information on the awards, and how to enter, go to

Award categories:

★ Innovative reporting ★ Authentic communications ★ Individual leader ★ Effective campaigner ★ Best collaboration ★ Lifetime achievement award (non entry) ★ Sustainability commercialised ★ Sustainability technology ★ Outstanding performance ★ Greenwasher of the year (non entry)

Our Judging Panel: Brendan May Managing Director Planet 2050 Chair of Judging Panel

Professor David Grayson CBE Director, Doughty Centre for CR Cranfield University

Tony Juniper Senior Advisor Cambridge University Programme for Sustainability Leadership

Alison Austin OBE Former Head of Sustainability Sainsbury's

Penny Shepherd MBE Chief Executive UK Social Investment Forum

Reserve your place today at



The 9th Annual Responsible Business Summit 2010 Business Intelligence Reports packaged with Platinum Passes Delegates who purchase a platinum pass for the Responsible Business Summit 2010 are entitled to one free business intelligence report produced by Ethical Corporation. These reports are designed to enhance your CSR toolkit with extensive qualitative and quantative data, and cover a variety of different CSR issues.



For information on Ethical Corporation's reports, go to


London, 4-5 May 2010


Super Early Bird

Early Bird

15 January 2010

5th March 2010

Standard price

£995+VAT I

£1,245+VAT I

Save £350

Save £100

£1,095+VAT I

£1,345+VAT I

Save £350

Save £100

£1,345+VAT I

£1,595+VAT I

Save £350

Save £100

£1,845+VAT I

£2,095+VAT I

Save £350

Save £100

£1,345+VAT I £1,445+VAT I £1,695+VAT I £2,195+VAT I

Discounts are available for NGOs. Please go to for more details


1 2 3 4

After months of research with leading figures in corporate responsibility and sustainability, we are confident this year’s Agenda includes every one of the key issues you will need to address over the next twelve months. With three tracks to deliver unprecedented levels of detail, plus a vibrant mix of plenary sessions and interactive workshops, you can drill down into topics that are of professional interest more than ever before.

WHAT YOU GET: BRONZE • Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and coffee breaks • Evening Drinks Reception Access + Access to presentation slides post-conference




• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and coffee breaks • Evening Drinks Reception Access • Access to presentation slides post-conference + Access to audio recordings from every conference session

• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and coffee breaks • Evening Drinks Reception Access • Access to presentation slides post-conference • Access to audio recordings of every conference session + 1 seat for the inaugural Ethical Corporation Awards Dinner

• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and coffee breaks • Evening Drinks Reception Access • Access to presentation slides post-conference • Access to audio recordings of every conference session • 1 seat for the inaugural Ethical Corporation Awards Dinner + 1 business intelligence report

AN UNRIVALLED LINE-UP OF EXPERT SPEAKERS The Summit features a roster of expert speakers that you simply won’t find anywhere else. Our 40+ speakers have all been personally recommended by key members of the CR community.

CONCRETE BEST PRACTICE AND NEXT STEPS FOR YOU TO TAKE BACK TO THE OFFICE The emphasis at this event is on practical advice and relevant case studies delivered by companies that are leading the way in responsible business. At the end of the two days, you will have a wealth of advice plus fresh insights into all aspects of the varied and challenging role of every senior CSR professional.

THE BEST CSR AND SUSTAINABILITY NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY IN 2010 We appreciate that quality networking is a fundamental part of a successful event. Ethical Corporation events are renowned for bringing together communities of decision makers. As Jeff Swartz, CEO of Timberland puts it: “Ethical Corporation bring together the best in business to make a difference”.


(see page 8 for more details)

(see page 8 for more details)


Please photocopy this form for multiple registrations

Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr : . . . . . . . . . . .First name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................

Speaking, exhibiting, sponsorship and networking opportunities Highlight your company’s work, raise your profile and connect with senior corporate sustainability and CSR professionals Raise the profile of your service or product with a focused group of senior decision makers in major corporations working in Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability, Corporate Affairs, Strategy and Communications. • Over 10 hours of face-to-face networking time • Intimate networking environment - 30 exhibit booths, all coffee breaks, buffet lunches and evening drinks reception will take place in the exhibit/networking area • Address delegates and raise your profile with a speaking/sponsorship position - 10-15 minutes presentation time plus 40 minute Q&A • Online pre-conference e-networking centre - chat with delegates before the conference This event sold out last year and will do so again - contact Andrew Bold NOW on +44 (0) 20 7375 7188/ email [email protected] or fill in your details below.

Payment Choose one payment option I Credit Card

I Invoice

(we’ll call to pick up your details)

NB: Full payment must be received before the event

3. REGISTER CALL: Ethical Corporation +44 (0) 20 7375 7575 or US toll-free +1 800 814 34 59. FAX: This form to+44 (0) 20 7375 7576 or to US toll-free+1 800 814 34 60. EMAIL: The registration team on [email protected] MAIL: This form to Ethical Corporation, 7–9 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX, UK WEB: Go to and submit your details for instant confirmation of your place!

Cancellation Policy: Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations after 12th March 2010 incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after 2nd April 2010 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note – you must notify Ethical Corporation in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated but, vat will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. For more details about prices please see terms & conditions on

Don't miss out on your chance to attend. Register today!

The only CSR event you need to attend in 2010


The Responsible Business Summit 2010

Drive innovation and opportunity in a post-recession world The only CSR and sustainability event you need to attend in 2010 4 – 5 May 2010

> The Novotel West, London, UK Innovation > Best Practice > Interactivity > Focused Debate HEAR FROM ALL THESE MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES • More active participation: Our newly-designed workshops and case studies cut down speaker presentations and replace them with debate and discussion • Better directed speakers: A tough approach to speakers mean every session you see will cover what you want to hear, not what they want to talk about • Keynotes from international business leaders: The best line-up we’ve ever had include CEOs/Presidents responsible for companies with combined revenues of over $28bn • Unrivalled networking opportunities: Delegates from across the world - France and Germany, the US and Canada, Denmark and Sweden, Japan and the UK

6 internatio nal CEOs!

• Every topic covered: With three tracks and 24 workshop sessions, we cover every issue the CSR community needs to know about Get insight direct from over thirty CR professions from over ten different countries ICA, Kenneth Bengtsson, President and CEO Kingfisher Group, Ian Cheshire, CEO

EON, Erik Brandsma, Vice-President, Corporate Responsibility

Coca Cola Enterprises, Hubert Patricot, President, Europe

GlaxoSmithKline, Julia King, Vice-President, Corporate Responsibility

Tata Beverages Group of Companies, Peter Unsworth, CEO

BAT, Adrian Marshall, Global Programme Director for Harm Reduction

Intel, Christian Morales, General Manager EMEA

Volkswagen, Gerhard Praetorius, Head of Coordination, CSR and Sustainability

Amnesty International UK, Kate Allen, CEO Plant Health Care, John Brady, CEO Tesco, Lucy Neville-Rolfe, Executive Director, Corporate and Legal Affairs Ricoh Europe, Steve Saito, Chief Operating Officer Dole, Sylvain Cuperlier, Vice-President and Director of worldwide CSR

Marks & Spencer, Mike Barry, Head of Sustainable Business Sony Ericsson, Mats Pellback-Sharp, Head of Sustainability Henkel, Roland Schroeder, Head of Sustainability and Product Safety

IKEA, Thomas Bergmark, Head of Social and Toyota Motor Europe, Graham Smith, Senior Vice Environmental Responsibility President, External and Environmental Affairs StatoilHydro, Willy Egset, Head of CSR Royal Ahold, Roland Waardeburg, Alliance-Boots, Richard Ellis, Head of Corporate Vice-President of CSR Responsibility Arcelor Mittal, Roland Verstappen, Bovis Lend Lease, Paul Coyne, Head of Vice-President for Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsibility International Affairs

H&M, Ingrid Schullstrom, Head of CSR Novozymes, Claus Stig Pedersen, Head of Sustainable Development


Royal Bank of Scotland, Andrew Cave, Head of Corporate Responsibility Maersk, Annette Stube, Director of Group Sustainability Standard Chartered, Alex Barrett, Head of Client Research


Produce World, David Frost, Group HR Director Vodafone, Chris Burgess, Director of Corporate Responsibility Danone, Jean-Christophe Laugee, Sustainable Development Integration Director Reed Elsevier, Marcia Balisciano, Director, Community Affairs and Corporate Responsibility Centrica, Charlotte Grezo, Corporate Responsibility Advisor Ipsos-MORI, Jenny Dawkins, Research Director, Reputation Centre

Check out the full programme inside… open now! >


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