Resident Evil - Alpha Assault

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  • Words: 5,751
  • Pages: 10
One Walter stood still in front of the roaring fireplace in his spacious living room. The wind howled in from outside, through a shattered window on one of the outer walls of the room. What once was a room of comfort and relaxation had turned into a nightmare. In the dark red light of the fire, everything looked more menacing. The many trophy guns hung against the walls, the silhouettes of the furniture in the room, even the flat bear skin rug seemed to be eyeing him with a look that ensured his death. He occupied his mind by looking down at his revolver and slinging the barrel open. One bullet left. He gently pushed the barrel back in and, as he did, heard the sound he had been dreading for minutes now. A dull moan echoed out through the hallways of his once lavish home. He turned to an open hallway that connected to the living room and sure enough, only seconds later, the animated remains of what used to be a man stumbled out of the opening. It made its way limping and dragging nearer and nearer to the fireplace. Walter took a small voice recorder out of his robe pocket and placed it on top of the mantle. With a small sigh he aimed his revolver at the forehead of the corpse as it moved closer. With his other hand he clutched a photo tightly. Im sorry. He mumbled. As the abomination closed in, he turned the gun on himself and pulled the trigger. He went limp, falling to the floor, the picture of him, his wife, and his young daughter fluttering to a rest beside him. “I’m not gonna let you worm your way out of it this time Kade!” A rather large man looked at him and flexed his muscles flashily as he threatened. He was huge, around 6‘3“ with the body of a competitive weight lifter. His dark skin glistened with the light sweat worked up by his warm up exercises and intense brown eyes stared back at him. If it had been anyone else of that size he would’ve been nervous, but knowing the man as he had for over 10 years, it was just entertaining. Kade gave a wry smile, “As if I would have to? This’ll be over before you can blink, Lance.” “Oh, well don’t you sound confident? Maybe we should start this then?” “Sounds good to me.” As if on cue a small bell rung twice shortly to signify the start of the round. Kade approached slowly, crouched so low to the ground that his hands were almost touching. Lance lunged forward, driving into his waist, clinching both of his huge arms behind his back. He was lifted up into the air and squeezed tightly. Kade could feel the strain being put on his ribs. He flattened his palms and slammed them against Lances ears hard, causing his grip to be loosened enough for Kade to fall free. With the training gear on they din’t have to worry about holding back. Once he hit the ground he crouched and whipped his leg hard into the back of the large mans knees, knocking him onto his back. Wasting no time he leaped on top of him and grabbed his wrist, snaking his legs around Lances bicep and threw his body back against the mat, pulling with all his strength. Kade saw another huge hand reach across and grab the fist at the end of the arm he was pulling. He pulled harder, but even then Lances arm began to draw back in towards his body. Suddenly the arm straightened back out, catching Kade by surprise and sending his head bouncing into the mat, then Lances large body rolled over on top of him and he felt a hand on his shoulder. The next thing he knew he was in the air over Lances head. “Hah, looks like I win this one!” Kade punched the inside of Lances wrist hard, weakening his grip and fell onto his

shoulder slightly. He wrapped his legs around Lances exposed neck and clutched his arms around his waist tightly, pulling downward with his legs. Caught off balance Lance fell backwards, Kade’s pulling momentum sending him down against the mat on the back of his neck and shoulders. He releases his grip as Lance slammed into the ground, and immediately began his assault anew. As Lance rolled onto his knees to get back up, Kade leaped onto his back and tucked an elbow snugly under his neck, using his other arm as an anchor and torque his body back as far as he could. Within seconds he felt Lances large hand patting against his shoulder repeatedly. “Whoo! Oh yeah, who’s the man?” Kade let his arms slide from around Lances neck and raised them in a show of victory to the only other spectator in the S.T.A.R.S. gymnasium, who tipped his glasses up and laughed sportingly. “I think he almost had you that time Kade.” A blonde youngster, no more than 19 in age, sat on a chair with a small bell in his lap. His thin black framed glasses hung lightly on his nose, deep blue eyes peering through the transparent lenses. He wasn’t nearly as large or athletic as Kade or Lance, but then, that wasn’t his strong point anyway. “No way Nate. It’ll be another three years before he’s good enough to beat me, and even then hell be too old!” Kade joked as he helped Lance up from the mat. “There’s no way I’ll ever get so old that I completely lose to you and that Jujutsu.” Lance playfully jabbed him in the chest. Kade frequently made old man comments about Lance, but the truth was that he wasn’t that old. At the age of 31 he was the oldest member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Squad and still in great shape, far better physical shape than Kade, which was a great feat considering how large he was. He was slightly startled as a voice came from a nearby doorway. “If you two are done feeling each other up, Boss wants to see us in a half hour.” Kade turned to see his second in command, Karrie. She stood in the open doorway, her auburn hair falling down around her shoulders, and her crystalline, light blue eyes shined in the artificial light of the gym, the usual serious expression across her face. A drop dead gorgeous girl, they had all frequently wondered how she got into the militaristic line of work. But none of them ever had the courage to ask her. As she was one of the most beautiful, she was also the most serious and dangerous. A top class sniper and the best of them in shooting accuracy, it was best not to get on her bad side. Kade ran a hand back through his black hair that was plastered to his forehead with sweat from the wrestling match. The long silver streak that adorned it was barely noticeable when it was wet. “Sure thing. Wheres Janet?” he asked. “She already knows. She was going over entry tactics in the briefing room, something productive. Unlike you three.” Janet was the final one to round out the five member team. She was second only to Nathan in terms of intelligence and second only to Karrie in terms of diligence. She was a reasonably attractive woman, with short jet black hair and almond shaped hazel eyes supported by a round heart-shaped face. Regardless, some could be put off by her sternness and her interest in explosives as she was also the team’s bomb expert. “We were being productive. We wont be of much use to you and Janet if we’re overpowered by tank-like men such as dear Lance here.” Kade made an absent-minded wave in Lance’s direction. Karrie shook her head and turned to exit the gym. “28 minutes!” A half hour later Kade walked into the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team briefing room. They

would have normally used the Alpha Team room but it was being remodeled to give it more space, as were the rest of the briefing rooms, but Alpha’s was being done first. As he entered he scanned the room quickly, counting five bodies in the room, aside from his. His entire squad was sitting around a U-shaped conference table across from their boss. John Harding wasn’t a particularly imposing man physically, but the aura that he exuded commanded and received respect from everyone around him. He looked every bit the stern leader, wearing a dark brown business suit with a red tie pressed neatly against a white vertically pin striped shirt. His deep chestnut hair was slicked back, whispers of gray beginning to run up the sides. Kade sat in the free chair between the four of his squad mates and almost immediately after, John stood up and clasped his hands behind his back. He felt Karrie glaring at him from his left, and turned his head slightly to look at her. She gave him a dirty look and pointed at her watch. He mouthed the word ‘Sorry’ as Harding turned to face them, after a few long seconds of silence. “What do you all know about Raccoon City?” “Raccoon City? Where is that?” Kade shrugged, curious as to what the name had to do with anything. Nathan pushed his glasses back against the bridge of his nose. They were a size too big for him and had a habit of sliding down. “Its the place where a virus outbreak occurred about 53 years ago. Some company thought they could make the perfect human bioweapon and started experimenting with people around there. Somehow the virus got loose and swept through the whole city. Everyone that was infected got turned into zombie-like creatures. It was one of the biggest news stories ever.” “Okay, whats that have to do with us?” John turned to Kade, a wrinkle of concern crossing his forehead. “We have reports that similar things are happening now.” He slid a folder onto the table, and the group leaned forward as Kade parted the covers. Inside were dozens of pictures of decayed bodies. Some with jaws or limbs missing, some even without eyes. “These are...” Harding spoke as if continuing Kade’s thoughts. “People infected with what was known as the T-Virus. Its what the company Umbrella used in attempts to make their bioweapon.” “They really came back to life?” he looked up in disbelief, hoping that John would deny the answer he knew was coming. “They did. Then they began to feed on others.” “How long has this been going on?” Janet’s soft voice seemed to boom loudly in the quiet room. “We’ve been receiving reports like this for about a month now.” Nathan took his glasses off and set them on the table as he rubbed his eyes. “Does this mean that the Umbrella Corporation still exists?” “I’m not sure. So far all we know is that someone has gotten their hands on the virus and is doing more experiments. The best bet now is that Umbrella is continuing their previous work.” John turned his back on the table and gazed at the wall, as if trying to see something on the other side of it. “So whats our mission?” Kade asked, getting to the question that was on the top of every brain around the table.

John gave a slight sigh and turned to face them again. “Your job is to go on location and figure out just what is happening. We’ve got your helicopter ready. You leave tomorrow morning at 04:00 hours.” Kade nodded slightly and pushed the folder back across to Johns side of the table. “We’ll be ready.” John simply nodded. “Dismissed.” Kade peered out of the glass light coat of frost to watch the street lights fly by. He was on his way, riding passenger to his host, to Lances house. For longer than he can remember it had been a tradition between the two of them to stay the night at Lance’s home before a mission. Nadine, Lance’s wife, always cooked the same meal, grilled steak with mashed potatoes and a slice of cheesecake for dessert. It was Lance’s favorite and he insisted that it was what gave him the courage and luck to return home every time. Kade began to enjoy her cooking just as much, each time he had it, and could see Lance’s attachment to it. Though is favorite part by far was spending time with their daughter, and his god-daughter, Chelsea. Even at the age of four she was like her father in every way minus the physical aspect. She was just as strong-willed, just as exciting and just as stubborn as he was, but she was a delight to be around. As they rolled to a stop Kade looked ahead to see that they had finally arrived at the Fields Household. “But I don’t wanna go to bed! I wanna stay up with dad and Uncle Kade!” Chelsea’s protests could be heard echoing from her bedroom all the way to the dining room, where Lance and Kade were still sitting after their meal. They could also hear Nadine’s denials. “You cant stay up bothering them, they have to leave early in the morning.” She argued. “Oh, let her stay up with us a few more minutes, hun.” Lance yelled back. Shortly after Kade could hear the sound of little feet pounding across the floor as she came running into the dining room and jumped on Lance’s lap. Nadine followed at a more leisurely pace. “You know you spoil her.” She said as she sat at one of the two remaining empty chairs. She was beautiful, long brown hair that reached the middle of her back, and deep green eyes sat above a small round nose. She was like a second mother to Kade, partly because she, along with Lance, was almost a decade older than him and spent much of her time caring for him, but mostly because she so closely resembled his own mother. Kade reached across the table and pinched Chelsea’s cheek, to which she reacted by rubbing it furiously, the second he let go. He chuckled and patted her on the head. “So, am I not allowed to ask what you boys will be doing this time either?” Nadine probed, trying to figure out just what sort of danger they would be put in. Lance looked to him and shrugged slightly. Kade turned to her. “Someone’s been doing some illegal experiments. Thats about all I can say. We’re supposed to find out who it is.” Part of him wanted to tell her the truth, because he didn’t like keeping things from her. But the other part of him knew it was best not to. If she knew what they were really going to investigate she would worry to no end until they returned, and he couldn’t do that to her. “We’ll be fine, Nadine. We’ll be back before you know it.” He smiled, trying to put her at ease. “Yeah, you both say that a lot.” She said, raising a skeptical brow, but she had no choice except to believe him.

“Are you gonna get to ride in a helic- a helic...” Chelsea struggled trying to say the word, which made Kade smile. “Yep, we’re gonna ride there in a helicopter. I’ll take pictures for you when we come back, okay?” he winked at her and smiled as he saw the huge grin spread across her face at the mention of pictures. “Okay!” despite how happy she was, a long yawn escaped her. “Now it looks like its time for someone to get to bed.” Nadine said as she lifted Chelsea off of Lance’s knee and carried her off back down the hallway. As they exited the room Chelsea waved a sleepy hand to them. “Bye daddy, bye Kade.” They both waved back as she disappeared around the corner. “She gets cuter each time I see her.” Kade said, leaning on his elbows into the table. “Yeah, she definitely takes after Nadine.” Lance nodded as he looked at his watch. 9:32 pm. “Its about time. We should get ready.” He said as he stood from the table, leaving his cup of tea sitting on the small decorative coaster. Kade stood as well and they waited at the entrance to the hallway, Nadine walking out shortly after. She knew what their standing there meant. They were waiting for her so they could say goodbye. “Already? But you just got home...” Kade’s heart dropped at how sad she sounded. He knew that she cared deeply for both of them and, if she had her way, they’d never leave again. “Yeah, we leave pretty early. I’m sorry.” Lance leaned down and kissed her. “Its okay. Promise you’ll come back? Both of you?” she held both of her hands up, fists clenched with her pinkies protruding. Kade thought it was slightly silly, pinky-swearing, but it made her feel more comfortable with their leaving, so he didn’t hesitate at all. He locked his pinky with hers and Lance did the same. “We promise.” Kade said as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “See you soon.” Lance gave her one more hug and with that they both turned and exited the house, Nadine escorting them to the doorstep and waving them off as they pulled out of the dimmed gravel driveway.

Two Dust kicked up higher from the ground than his height. Kade tucked down low and scurried a few dozen feet away from the helicopter, moving from under the whirling blades. He raised a hand and waved it once, giving the pilot the signal that they were all clear. Immediately afterwards, the chopper lifted up and hovered only feet off the ground before taking off into the air and, soon, disappearing into the distance. Kade turned to the rest of the squad. They were all wearing the same thing he was: the standard issued gear for S.T.A.R.S. members. This consisted of a dark blue bullet and stab proof vest, covering their entire torso, from the neck down, and a heavy duty utility belt with extra holds and clips for their issued knives and any extra ammunition they were carrying. Thin, yet hard pads covered their knees, and thick soled black boots adorned their feet, with wide ridges on the bottom for perfect balance. This was the basic outfit, though some members decided to make small alterations to fit their own personal taste. Lance, for example, chose to smear two thin lines of black face paint under his eyes and cut the sleeves off of his issued undershirt, claiming they ‘restricted arms of his size’, whereas Kade tended to wear his long sleeved shirt when they were in active missions.

Karrie hung a small pink charm from a chest zipper on her vest, a memento of her sister that she brought with her on each mission, and Janet had stuck two patches on the rib areas of her vest. On them were depicted symbols in Mandarin, her original language. She frequently reminded them that they were the most important things to have with them at all times, one stood for courage and the other meaning loyalty. Nathan’s was the only outfit that stuck to regulation, as everything extra he had to bring fit in a small silver briefcase along with all of his electronics, which was strapped to his back. Kade nodded to him and Nate immediately held out a small, circular PDA. He pressed one button on it and the screen flickered to life, a thin blue ray rising up from the wide screen. Shortly afterwards a three dimensional and rotating map hazed into existence. Nathan pointed to a glowing red spot in the middle of the blue map. “We’re here.” he trailed his finger along and pointed to a glowing green spot. “The intel that we’ve gathered suggests ground zero for the experiments is here at an old cathedral in the center of town.” Kade nodded and snapped suddenly, and Nate put the data pad away. “Lets move out. Keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious.” He normally was a very cheery and laid back person, but everything about the mission they were on was a bit creepy to him. They began walking and soon passed through an old broken down archway, what was clearly supposed to be the entrance to the town. From the looks of things it had been deserted for quite a while. The buildings on either side of the gravel road were dusty and nearly destroyed, many with holes in the walls and roofs. As they trekked inward he became uneasy about being in a place like this. A hand drifted down to the pistol on his hip, more for comfort than him thinking he might need to use it. Beside him he saw Lance pull off his green and yellow camouflage bandanna and wipe his face with it. “Why is it so warm here?” he asked, tying the bandana back around his head. Kade did notice that a few beads had been steadily forming on his forehead as they landed, even though he had been almost to the point of shivering when they first took flight. “You’re right. Its the middle of autumn in Wyoming and I’m sweating.” He turned to Nathan. “What’s up with the weather here?” “Well,” he began as he tapped a few keys on his PDA. “It looks like there’s something big putting out a lot of heat in the area.“ He finished his thought as numbers scrolled by on the screen of the pad. “Can you tell where its coming from?” Kade asked, moving over beside him to take a better look at the screen. “Yep.” Nathan nodded once decisively and held the data pad so he could see. A bright red orb glowed brightly as the map materialized again. It was in the same place they suspected the lab to be. “Well that makes sense.” Kade nodded slightly. “Whatever’s going on in that cathedral, its changing the climate around here.” Karrie snapped twice quickly, causing them to look over at her. “We should go. I have a bad feeling about this place.” He nodded and waved his hand in the signal to keep moving. Whenever Karrie got a bad feeling it was best to be on guard, as they were often very accurate. After a long and uncomfortable walk they found themselves at the base of a long and tall stairway leading up to a wide open area in front of the cathedral, which seemed to be

the town center. Kade glanced back to the rest of the group, sweat freely falling from his face now. “Let me guess Nate. It gets hotter the closer we get to the source.” He exhaled, figuring that was the only way the temperature could skyrocket in such a short distance. “Thats right. I don’t understand it though. If it gets this hot around whatever is causing this heat, how is anyone even inside the cathedral? They would be burned severely within minutes.” They finally reached the top of the stairs and gathered around, as much to rest after the burning climb as much as to examine their surroundings. Where the outer edges of the town still had patches of grass growing despite the heat, the area around the church was barren. There were no trees, no grass, and no wildlife. The ground had become cracked and dusty and seemed to crackle under each step. Kade wiped his face with his shirt sleeve which had begun to stick to his forearm in an attempt to clear is face of the sweat, but to no avail, as more just poured out of him. “Lets hurry and get inside. Maybe there’s air conditioning in there.” Lance winced as a bead of sweat rolled into his eye. “I agree. They must have taken measures to protect themselves from the heat inside the building.” Janet chimed in as even she was beginning to show fatigue from prolonged exposure to the heat. Kade nodded his agreement and they began at a quick jog towards the cathedral doors. “What should we do about them, sir?” A tall, slender man in a black pin-striped suit asked as he glared at the monitor. His thin black hair matted itself to his forehead as he began to break out in a nervous sweat. through the screen he watched as the 5 heavily armed people made their way closer and closer towards the towering old church. A much larger man sat in a wide cushioned chair, his hands clasped in front of his face, peering over them towards the array of monitors arranged in front of him. His dark eyes looked black in the dim room, and his gray hair was slicked back, save for one strand that hang down over his face. “Nothing.” We let the virus take care of them. he snarled. He turned his chair to face the thin man. “How long until the hangar bay is pried open, Matthew?” he asked, still a little upset at the situation. Before the added headache of what looked like a government raid on his laboratory, there had been an explosion. From what, he wasn’t sure, but it had caused some problems with the helicopter hangar, and they had to resort to cutting it open. It was taking longer than he’d liked and it had began to anger him. “Um, I’m not sure, sir. W-we’re working as quickly as we can.” Matthew stammered, visibly uncomfortable under his boss’ firm gaze. “Well speed it up. We need to leave here by yesterday.” he growled as he turned his chair back to scan the monitors. Their visitors were just outside of the cathedral double doors. At least he would be able to take some satisfaction in watching them die before he left. Kade reached out, touching one of his gloved hands to the door knobs to check its temperature. It was surprisingly cool, almost cold, given the situation they were in. He glanced back at his team and nodded once, pulling his pistol up out of its holster and holding it against his body. Once he heard everyone’s shuffling cease behind him he

twisted the knob and kicked the door open, taking a few steps in, swinging the barrel of his gun around as he surveyed the room. He held up a hand, signifying for them to split up and search each side of the room. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Karrie, Nathan and Janet go along the wall on the other side of the door. He and Lance moved slowly behind the pews, his gun at the ready. He touched a finger to his ear as he reached the far wall, and began making his way towards the altar. “Report.” he whispered. Static crackled only momentarily then gave way to perfect sound, as if Karrie was standing right beside him. “Nothing here. Have you looked between the benches? There are people lying all over the floor in here.” she said rather calmly. But then again, Karrie wasn’t one to lose her cool easily. Kade looked inwards, and for the first time noticed the bodies strewn across the ground between the church pews. “You’re right. Check to see if they’re still alive.” he said as he moved closer, kneeling beside one body. He felt a hand to its neck, finding no pulse. The same result accompanied the second and third that he checked. They were all dead. “All dead.” said Karrie, confirming his own thoughts. “They don’t look infected though. Maybe they were killed?” she said, thinking aloud. “Can’t rule it out. Stay sharp over there. I don’t like how this feels.” Kade said, still unable to shake his uneasy feeling. He and Lance reached the altar seconds before the other three emerged from the cover of the thick stone pillars that lined each side of the huge room. Kade turned to Nathan, sliding his pistol back into his hip holster. “Nate, where do we go to get to that lab?” he asked. “I didn’t see any doors or elevators anywhere.” “Yeah, I was thinking that too. The only thing I can imagine is that they’ve hidden it somewhere.” he replied shrugging. “Great. Now we have to play hide and seek.” Kade sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, and noticed he wasn’t sweating. “...Its much cooler in here than it is outside.” he said. “You’re right.” Janet added. “Maybe if we can find where he air is coming from we can find an entrance?” she said, offering up a solution. Kade heard a slight groan behind him and laughed slightly. “It won’t be that bad Lance.” he said, shaking his head. “I didn’t say anything.” In an instant Kade whirled around and had his pistol drawn, as did the rest of the team, their collective eyes scanning the area surrounding the altar. “Do you think all these people might be...” Nathan trailed off. Lance adjusted his grip on the machine gun in his hands. “Wouldn’t surprise me. This is why we came here after all.” he said, swinging his gun across towards the door. “...Guys... You should find that door soon.” he said, sounding a bit worried. Kade turned around to see what had startled him and realized why he was unsettled. Every corpse that they had seen on the way towards the alter had begun to slowly lift themselves off of the ground. “Nate, get looking for that door. Now.” he commanded. “Rest of you, nobody even gets near to laying a finger on him.” he lifted his pistol, taking aim at one of the corpses getting up from one of the front pews. He heard a clatter and saw Nate drop to the ground, almost dropping his things, his PDA

open and pressing buttons frantically. A loud growl brought his attention back to the front of the altar, and he noticed one of the infected bodies that had finally gotten to its feet began to hobble towards the altar. “Fire at will.” He ordered, even as he pulled the trigger, burying a single bullet into one of the decaying legs. It didn’t slow. “So much for disabling them.” Lance barked. He hefted his machine gun and let out a small burst of fire, walking several bullets up the chest of the infected corpse’s body, causing it to tip over and shudder once, falling still. “Uh...” Nathan stammered. “Uh, Kade. You have to shoot them in a certain place! Reports from the last-” Kade interrupted. “Keep it short Nathan!” he shot a few more rounds into an armless corpse that began walking up the steps to the dais. The body rocked back and finally caved, falling back down the stairs, under the joined fire of his and Karrie’s pistols. “Okay, shoot it in the head! If the brain is dead it won’t function!” he said as he held his PDA up, scanning the room in comparison to the model his map had created. “You heard him. Aim for the head.” he echoed, pumping another shot into a nearing zombie’s face. To his surprise it dropped from the single bullet. He reloaded, looking around. He noticed that more were cropping up faster than they could kill them. “How’s that door coming Nate?” he yelled back over the echoing gunfire. “I almost got it, just a bit longer!” he said, still pressing buttons. “I got something that’ll hold ‘em off.” Janet almost sang, and Kade knew immediately what she had in mind. “Be careful with that. This room isn’t huge!” he said as he shot one of the corpses in the leg and then in the head, when it dropped to its knees. Janet didn’t reply, and after a second of silence he heard a small click. “Everybody down!” she yelled as she tossed a small metal ball into the middle of the aisle. They all ducked behind the large desk in the middle of the altar. Two seconds later they heard a pop, followed by dozens of pained wails and metal clanks. Kade peeked from behind the table and saw the havoc that she had unleashed. The ball had exploded and released over 20 smaller spiked balls that began bouncing off of walls and the floor. Some tore through the corpses and others embedded in them, but for the most part the bulk of the horde was arrested for a few seconds. Which seemed to be enough time. “Got it! It’s under this!” Nathan tapped the desk they were hiding behind. “Lance, push this out of the way.” he said, packing his things up. Kade and Lance immediately began pushing, and sent the desk rolling down the steps, crushing several of the infected husks under it. Nate pulled the red carpeting back revealing a metal trap door. He tugged on it, pulling the hatch open. “Let’s go!” he said, as he dropped his suitcase down, and hopped down into it. “Go, go, go!” Kade ushered them down into the hatch one by one until just he and Lance were left. “After you, leader.” Lance chimed as he let off a burst from his machine gun before reloading. “You’re having too much fun with that.” Kade shook his head and jumped down the hatch. Shortly after Lance followed closing and bolting the hatch behind him. “Whew! That certainly got the blood flowing.” he laughed as he wiped his forehead. “You’re crazy. Seriously. And Janet, what the hell was that?” he asked, turning to her.

“Just something I made up. It worked didn’t it?” she retorted. He sighed. “Just warn someone before you do something like that.” he shook his head again. “Where are we now Nate?” he asked, holstering his pistol. “It looks like this is the back entrance. From what I can gather this is just one of the few emergency exits. There’s only one way from here, so I guess that’s where we’re headed.” he gestured to the hallway that they had escaped into, and the door at the end of it. “Stay up people. This is gonna get worse before it gets better.” Kade said as he moved a hand to the grip of his pistol and began moving down the hallway.

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