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  • Pages: 19
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-B MIMAROPA Division of Palawan Brooke’s Point Brooke’s Point National High School

“Psychological effects of bullying and its impact to the academic performance of the students from senior high school of Brooke’s Point National High School”

Practical Research I

Prepared By: Alonzo Peralta Sedney Alegre Jonamie Mane Jeanerose lomboy

Chapter 1 Background of the Study I. Introduction Every student in a particular school encounters bullying. It seems this crime is like a normal thing that the students do unto other students, not knowing that this particular criminal activity could affect the academic performance of the students. According to a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in 2014, 29.3 percent of middle school students reported being bullied in classrooms, 29 percent in the hallways or near lockers, while 23.4 percent were in the cafeteria; this shows that the increasing percentage of bullying occurs more happened to be inside the school campus. School bullying is a type of bullying that occurs in an educational setting. Bullying without comprehensive definition, can be physical, sexual, verbal or emotional in nature. This can involve physical, emotional, verbal, and cyber bullying. According to Kathryn (blogger), every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is aproblem that affects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the kids on its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and












extreme bullying can get. The common bullies happened to be are the famous or the people who have high status in life, without thinking if it hurts other’s feelings. Being bullied has big impact to the victim. It is shameful and hard for the victim to cope up in this kind of situation. Weak persons are the common victims of bullying. It is either victim’s take it seriously or rather takes it as a joke. According to the latest study conducted by the US education institute, 15% of high school students (grades 9 to 12) were electronically bullied in the past year. In one large study, about 49percent of children in grades 4 to 12 reported beingbullied by other students at school at least once during the past month, whereas 30.8% reported bullying others during that time. Bullying results to different serious effect, which could also affect the personal life of the person.

Bullying is a serious social phenomenon that has far reaching effects on both victim and bully. Anyone can be a victim of bullying. Boys and girls could be a victim of it, especially the minors and the wimpy children. Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience: Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. Most Bullying is Physical (Involves Hitting, Shoving, and Kicking). Physical bullying may be what first comes to mind when adults think about bullying. But the most common form of bullyingboth for boys and girls is “naming calling”. However, there is reason why someone’s getting bullied and to bully someone is because bully wanted to have a power against the victim and being envied. According to the study of Stella (a blogger) over 77 percent of students have been bullied verbally, mentally, and physically. Each day about 160,000 students miss school because of bullying or because of the fear of being bullied. The sad fact is that every 7 minutes a child is bullied on the playground.Long-term bullying can lead to depression and feelings that you are worthless. Some of these effects can last for a long time, even into adulthood. A person who is bullied may become an adult who finds it hard to trust others, has problems making or keeping friends and lacks in confidence or self-worth.More studies are beginning to confirm the sometimes serious psychological effects of bullying, particularly for the bullied, like increased risk for depression and anxiety; others have hinted at what might be going on in the mind of the bully. Both groups seem to be at increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. It can lead to physical injury, social problems, emotional problems, and even death. Those who are bullied are at increased risk

for mental

health problems,






school. Bullying also can cause long-term damage to self-esteem. II. Purpose of the Study The study aims to inform everyone that bullying has a huge effect to the student, because it might affect the academic performance of the student, even the psychological aspect of a person particularly the student. It has a corresponding impact and effects to the person who encountered that makes the victim felt lack of self-esteem

and also getting trauma in this kind of experience. This study also aims to share the readers the common effects of it psychological, for these to be aware of possible outcomes or effects to the victim of bullying. And lastly, the purpose of this research is to help the school institution itself to create various actions to stop or minimize the occurrence of bullying for the sake of the students inside the vicinity of the school campus. III. Research Questions (Where are your questions) IV. Scope and Limitations of the Study This study will focus on occurrence of bullying inside the vicinity of the school of Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS) using the different information that will be gathered through conducting a survey of the researchers. This research will let every respondent to freely give the needed answers which is regarding from the questions on the questionnaire whether it is an opinion or it is supported from a reliable source even coming from the internet or even from books(even other materials that could give information). The scope of this study is the students of Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS), particularly the senior high students who are currently enrolled on the first semester of the school year 2017 to 2018 especially for those who encountered bullying. Any other high school students of the said institution are not been able to get under on the scope of this research study. This research will help the student and even the teachers to be aware from the possible effects of bullying to a person.

Chapter 2 Related Literature According to, Bullying is a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others, especially those who are in some way smaller, weaker, and younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. Bullying is not garden-variety aggression; it is a deliberate and repeated attempt to cause harm to others of lesser power. It is a very durable behavioral style, largely because bullies get what they wantat least at first. Bullies are made, not born, and it happens at an early age, if the normal aggression of two-year-olds not handled well. Bullies could not exist without victims, and these persons do not pick anyone: those singled out lack assertiveness and radiate fear long before they ever encounter a bully. No person likes a bully, but no one likes a victim either. Grown-up bullies wreak havoc in their relationships and in the workplace. Increasingly, children are growing up without the kinds of experiences that lead to the development of social skills, and free play has been in decline. Yet, it is in playing with peers, without adult monitoring, that children develop the skills that make them wellliked by age-mates and learn how to solve social problems. From the study conducted by the website, in schools, bullying occurs in all areas. It can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, thought it more often occurs in recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and waiting for buses, classes that require group work or after school activities. Bullying in school sometimes consist of a group of students taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders, who, in some cases want to avoid becoming the next victim. School bullying is a widespread issue that affects secondary school students in three essential parts of their lives; psychologically, educationally and professionally. Bullying is a sort of aggressive behavior against others such as, verbal by calling nasty names, physical by kicking; pushing or tripping up and social by everyone stopped talking to you. Academic achievement is the first aspect which influences bullying at school. Therefore, bullied children live within fear, self-blame, feel weak and it affects their personality traits

and self-confidence, so this situation makes them unable to study well and they might hate going to school. Furthermore, they will lose their opportunities to participate with others or enjoy school activities. Hence, they will gain less academic performance and low educational attainment. There is a strong relationship between bullying and school quality such as class size, lack of library, sports facilities. Both bullies and victims feel more negative about school, and persistent bullying may lead to stress and depression. Bullying can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, hopelessness and isolation. Children miss lessons or are scared to attend school. They lose concentration when they do attend. Some of the effects last long after the bullying, until they are adults. One adverse effect of bullying is that it also leads to suicide. While suicide is rare in bullied children, the other effects of bullying are also devastating and last well beyond the time when the child is actually bullied. Many schools have a zero tolerance policy towards bullying, but sometimes have difficulty identifying the victims and the abusers because children are afraid to come forward. Bullying causes long-term problems such as depression and anxiety. In his essay “The long term effects of bullying”, psychologist Mark Dombeck relays his own bullying experiences as a child, as well as the experience of his patients and then, asserts that the anger, anxiety, and depression of that moment often lingers into adulthood, causing problems with keeping a job, forming relationship and even continued victimization in abusive relationship or work environment. Students who are bullied cannot concentrate in schools, so their grades may be a warning sign that a student is being bullied. A child’s grade may also suffer if he or she misses a lot of school due to bullying. Children who are bullied will complain of headaches, stomachaches, and overall fatigue. This issue is usually caused by mental anguish that manifest in physical ailments. Students who are bullied often use physical complaints to get out of school. Additionally, they may avoid infectious from holding crime during the day. A particularly unfortunate effect of bullying is that some children who are bullied go on to victimize and harass other children. In the same way that some student begin to bully at school because they are bullied at home, children who are bullied at school will begin to look for children more vulnerable than they are to bully. It

is an effort to exert any power they may have over someone more vulnerable. A bullied child, may, at the demand of his own bully become a bully to another child. The impact bullying has on children and young people can be drastic, but there are many things you can do to support your child and protect them from harm.According to the, here are some ways to beat bullying at the schoolcampus. Stand up for people who are bullied. Bullies often want an audience and approval, take an anti-bullying pledge, and take action, talk to other kids, and talk to your teachers or principal, talk to your parents or guardians, speak (and write) up, get creative. And also according to the, here are some tips to help you reduce bullying inside the school. Have a clear definition of bullying, remove labels: Address behaviors, set clear and enforceable rules and expectations, reward positive behavior, have open communication, engage parents, look for warning signs and when bullying occurs, clear the Scene. Giving also inspirational quotes about bullying telling to stay strong helps for a person to boost-up its moral to cope up towards the situation that the person encounters. Like, “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper; they may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” And “Life is a fight, but not everyone's a fighter.”

Chapter 3 Methodology Methods The researchers will use a purposive or judgmental type of sampling to get or gather the information that is needed for the research study that will be conducted by the students from grade twelve (12) General Academic Strand block-A (GAS-A) senior high school . In this study, the researchers will conduct a survey, in which every participants of the study will receive a questionnaire provided by the researchers. The data that will be gathered from the survey that will be conducted will help the researchers of the study, even the ongoing process of the research study. The researchers will select students according to the students’ participation and willingness to cooperate to the research study. Materials The researchers will give every participant a questionnaire containing questions that are related to the research study. The said questionnaire consist of ten (10) questions (has a six (6) close ended questions and four (4) open ended question) to easily formulate the results of the research study. Respondents The researchers’ will pick the respondents freely from the students of Grade-12 senior high school at Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS). The basis of picking the respondents for the research study is because the students has the enough knowledge or has a background regarding to the topic of this research. The information that will be gathered from the survey of the researchers will be based according to the personal interest and even the experiences of the respondents for the research. The areas to be considered on picking the respondents are the availability, willingness and the experiences of the respondents which regards to the needed information to the research study. The expected respondents of the research study are only eleven (11)

participants. The stated things that are considered on picking the respondents are necessary for the research result to be reliable or legit. Chapter 4 Results and Interpretation The researchers pick the respondents of the study randomly. There are 11 respondents for the research study. Five percent (5%) of the respondents are male and six percent (6%) of the respondents are female, all of them are students from Senior High School of Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS).


The researchers classified the respondents according to their ages. Through the data gathered by the researchers, there are seven (7) respondents who are 17 years old; two (2) of them are male and five (5) of them are female.


Also, through the data gathered by the researchers, there are four (4) respondents who are 18 years old. Only one (1) respondent is a male and three (3) of them are female.


According to the answers from the first (1st) question, all of the 11 respondents say that they experienced bullying. It means, from the result it has the high probability that all of the students from senior high has experienced bullying.


From the findings regarding from question number two (2), eight (8) of the respondents says that they experienced bullying first when they are at the ages from 10-15 years old five (5) of them are girls and three (3) of them are boys. While three (3) from the respondents’ states that they encountered bullying when they are at on the ages from 19 years old.


The findings on question number three (3), 11 of the respondents says common bullying actions happened at school, three (3) of them from the boys and eight (8) from girls.

Common bullying actions happened at Schools Houses Parks Play Grounds

As the result of findings on question number four (4), eight (8) from the respondents experienced bullying physically, six (6) from the girls and two (2) from the boys. While three (3) from the respondents says they do not experienced bullying physically, one (1) from boys and two (2) from girls.

Experienced physical bullying

Do not experienced physical bullying





From the findings on question number four (4), out of 11 respondents, all of them experienced verbally bullying.Three (3) of them from the boys and eight (8) from the girls.

Experienced verbally bullying

Male Female

The findings on question number four (4) regarding experienced socially bullying, eight (8) of them experienced it, six (6) from girls and two (2) from boys while three (3) from the respondents says they do not experienced socially bullying.

Experienced socially bullying

Do not experienced socially bullying Male

Male Female


From question number four (4), six (6) respondents experienced electronically bullying, three (3) from the boys and three (3) from the girls. While five (5) 0f the respondents do not experienced electronically bullying and they are from the girls.

Experienced electronically bullying

Male Female

Do not experienced electronically bullying

Male Female

From the question number four (4), four (4) of the respondents says they experienced racially bullying, one (1) from the boys and three (3) from the girls. While seven (7) responds that they do not experienced racially bullying, two (2) from the boys and five (5) from the girls.

Experienced racially bullying

Male Female

Do not experienced racially bullying Male Female

Lastly, from the question number four (4), four (4) of the respondents says that they experienced gender bullying, two from the boys and two from the girls. While seven (7) do not experienced it, six (6) from the girls and one (1) from the boys.

Do not experienced gender bullying

Experienced gender bullying Male




From the findings on question number five (5) asking what are the type of bullying that the respondents encountered the most, seven (7) says verbally bullying is the common bullying happened to them and they are all from the girls. Two (2) says they encountered the most is physically bullying from the girls. One (1) has encountered cyber bullying and two (2) are suffering from gender bullying.

Type of bullying you encounter the most

Verbally Physically Gender Cyber

The findings on question number six (6) regarding on what are the worst thing that the respondents had encountered as a victim of bullying, 10 are encountered verbally such as names calling, insulted, ad teased hurtfully while one encountered physically such as being hit.

The worst thing you ncountered as a victim of bullying Verbally: insulted, names calling, teased hurtfully, etc Physically; hit, punch, slapped, etc

As the researcher asked a question about what do they feel when they are bullied by others, they have different answers such as hurt, sad, scared, a loser, shameful, angry, loses their self-confidence, irritated and many more. From the findings on question number eight (8), nine (9) respondents are aware that bullying has an impact to their academic performance, seven (7) from the girls and two (2) from the boys. While two (2) respondents are not aware. One (1) from the girls and one (1) from the boys.

Are you aware that bullying has an impact on your academic performance

Yes No

From the result on question number nine (9), ten (10) of the respondents says that they are aware that bullying has an impact to them psychologically, four (4) from boys and six (6) from girls. Meanwhile, only one (1) girl is not aware that bullying has an impact for her psychologically.

Aware that bullying has an impact Psychologically


For the result for the last question in number ten (10), only seven (7) respondents could give an example of the psychological effects of bullying three (3) from boys and four (4) girls. According to them, the effects of it are anxiety, ridiculous feeling, loosing of focus, trauma, and hardness to think clearly and even the socialization to other person. While the remaining other respondents did not state any effects of bullying for them psychologically even though they are aware that it has an effect for them.

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Therefore, the researchers concluded that there is a possibility that every student of senior high from Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS) has experienced bullying. As they got into high school, many of them have experienced bullying during those days. It is also obvious that school is the common place where bullying occurs. This happening is alarming every student, teachers and even the to the parents, that may be they are expecting that school is one safest place that every child could go and learn but they are not aware that is a place where a life of an innocent person could be destroy by others. Every factor that could create bullying may tend to change a life of a student inside the school, because it could affect the academic performance and also to the psychological aspect of a person. And if this problem continues, there might be chance for a student not to be competitive both in school and in their personal life. Recommendations The researchers would like to recommend that in every school institution, especially in Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS) may monitor the occurrence of bullying inside the vicinity of this said public school institution. Another one, every student who experienced bullying will report what happened to them and the victim would undergo to a guidance session with her parents to mitigate the higher effects of bullying to the victim. The researchers would also like to penalize every person who will commit bullying for them to lessen the confidence of these persons to victim an innocent person, especially a student. And even a student who witnesses this kind of criminal act should report it to the guidance office, and the guidance office of the school should act quickly to resolve the problem. Another thing to consider is that the government should conduct seminars regarding to this nationwide problem. Since the Republic of the Philippines has different

sectors to hold this kind of case, every school should cooperate with the government to implement strongly the Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-BullyingAct of 2013 to lessen rather to finish the occurrence of bullying inside the school. Lastly, to strongly implement this action program every parent of every child should also give their off springs advices and counseling to improve each relationship of every family member, because the nicest place to nourish and gain the moral of a child is inside the their home. Each person inside the community of the Brooke’s Point National High School (BPNHS) and even the outside societies should cooperate for this big step to change the life of every innocent person (student).

Chapter 5 Bibliography

Question on the survey paper (questionnaire) Name (Optional): Civil status: Year and section:



Introduction: Bullying usually occurs inside the vicinity of a school institution whether in public or even in a private school. According to a study, Almost 85% of the students in every school particularly in High School experienced bullying. The survey that will be conducted by the researchers of the study will give a set of questions to easily formulate the result of the research. Direction: Only put a check on the box of your chosen answer and kindly write your answer on the space after the question. 1. Have you experienced bullying? YES NO 2 .If you could remember, when did you started to bully by others? From 1-10 years old 11-15 years old 16 and above 3. Where do common bullying actions happen? Schools



Play Grounds 4. Bullying, meaning a repeated act, or continues act of one of the following :(kindly put a check if you experienced it) A. Physically? Examples; Hit, Push, Shoved, Slapped, Kicked, Spit at, or Beaten up, had property stolen YES NO B. Verbally? Examples: Names calling, Teased hurtfully, Insulted, Humiliated, Threatened YES NO C. Socially? Examples: Excluded from a group, Made to look dumb by someone, Gossiped about, Rumors Spread YES NO D. Electronically? Examples: Threatened, Embarrassed, Singled out, had your feelings hurt, Been gossiped about, or had secrets about you revealed through email or phone text messages or pictures.

YES NO E. Racially? Examples: Threatened differently or badly because of your race, culture and ethnic YES NO F. Gender? Examples: Left out or threatened badly because you are a boy or a girl, Heard sexiest comments YES NO 5. What is the type of bullying that you encountered most? 6. What is the worst thing that you encountered as a victim of bullying? . 7. What do you feel when you are bullied by others? . 8. Are you aware that bullying has an impact to your academic performance? YES NO 9. Are you aware that bullying has an impact to you as a person psychologically? YES NO 10. If yes, give at least one effect of bullying for you psychologically. COMMENTS:

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