Research Exam 7 3p

  • May 2020
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RESEARCH THIRD PERIOD EXAM SEVENTH GRADE TEACHER: CARLOS ANDRÉS LLANOS Name: ______________________________________ Grade: ____ Date: _____________ ACHIEVEMENT: To use the language as an effective tool of knowledge gathering and sharing ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS: - Understands the nature and relevance of language skills - Identifies the use and misuse of language on everyday life - Identifies the use and misuse of language on a cultural artifact - Produces a language demo that showcases proper language use 1. Give a definition of language as seen on class _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Explain the difference between symbol and sign _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Good language has to be a. Ineffective and efficient b. Effective, efficient and contextualized c. Effective, efficient and elegant d. Effective and inefficient e. All of the above 4. Non-verbal communication doesn’t use a. Words b. Sounds c. Language d. Grammar e. Clothing 5. When your language transmits the same idea using less effort is more a. Elegant b. Cool c. Effective d. Confusing e. Efficient 6. Symbols are a. Inactive b. Irrelevant c. Incredible d. Indirect e. Interesting 7. Signs are a. Direct b. Deaf c. Drowned d. Double

e. Dangerous 8. Emoticons are an example of a. MSN b. Words c. Non-human language d. Non-verbal communication e. The impossibility of describing the real world 9. The distance between two people when interacting is called a. Proxemics b. Prometrix c. Personal space d. Love e. Distance 10. Raising your voice is aggressive a. Aggression b. Yelling c. Non-verbal communication d. Verbal communication e. Proxemics 11. Newspapers headlines should be a. Aggressive b. Attractive c. Altered d. Anonymous e. Anodyne 12. The next is not an onomatopoeia a. Bang! b. D’oh! c. Bye! d. Muac! e. Ouch! 13. The next is not a prosodic aspect a. Rhythm b. Words c. Intonation d. Volume e. Pause 14. The next is not mass media a. TV b. Radio c. Newspaper d. Phone e. Internet 15. Education depends on knowledge ____________ a. Sharing b. Changing c. Faking d. Racing e. Playing Match the next concepts 16. Personal Space 17. Intonation 18. Spectacular 19. Rhythm 20. Achilles’ heel a. Meaningless word b. Prosody c. Proxemics d. Dying metaphor

From this image we can infer than 21. The woman on the left is being friendlier to a. The man in the middle b. The man on the right c. The other woman d. All of them 22. The man on the right is related to the couple as a. An acquaintance b. A friend c. A stranger d. All of them 23. The woman on the right is related to the others as a. An acquaintance b. A friend c. A stranger d. All of them 24. The most aggressive person in the picture is a. The woman on the right b. The woman on the left c. None of them d. All of them 25. The most aggressive person in the picture is a. The woman on the right b. The woman on the left c. None of them d. All of them

From this image we can infer than 26. The man on the left is being a. Aggressive b. Affable c. Apathetic d. All of them 27. The man on the right is being a. Sportive b. Aggressive c. Passive d. All of them 28. The man on the right is a. Whispering b. Talking normally c. Yelling d. All of them 29. The man on the left feels a. Scared b. Happy c. Strange d. All of them 30. The symbols that could represent the emotion of the man on the left are a. !!!!! b. ??? c. …….. d. All of them

Bonus question: What is proxemics? __________________________________________________________________________ Good luck!

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