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  • November 2019
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Eshal Ali ISM-Period 1 “Symptoms and Diagnosis of ADHD | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services,

Not one single test to determine if someone has ADHD Diagnosis can be done by psychiatrist, psychologist, or pediatrician American Academy of Pediatrics suggests doctor asks adults in child’s life about his or her behavior while in the process of diagnosing • Doctors must also look at other conditions the child has • To diagnose, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) is used • Having a standard used for diagnosis ensures the data on how many kids have ADHD is accurate and the public is helped in the same way • The two main categories for symptoms are inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity • Some symptoms of inattention are not being able to keep attention on tasks, not following through on instructions, and having trouble organizing activities and belongings • Some symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are fidgeting, running and climbing around, and talking excessively • The criteria are slightly different for children up to age 16 and adolescents 17 and up and adults • For children, at least 6 symptoms from one or both categories must be present for 6 or more months • For adolescents 17 and up and adults, at least 5 symptoms from one or both categories must be present for 6 or more months • There are three presentations of ADHD • The three kinds are combined presentation, predominantly inattentive presentation, and predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation • Combined presentation- symptoms from both categories • Predominantly inattentive presentation- symptoms of inattention • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation- symptoms of hyperactivityimpulsivity • Presentation can change over time as symptoms change • ADHD can last into adulthood, when symptoms present differently Summary: This source was helpful in learning the basics of ADHD and getting a foundation on the symptoms and diagnosis. • • •

Eshal Ali ISM-Period 1 Block, Jocelyn, and Melinda Smith. “Treatment for Children with ADHD.” HelpGuide,, Oct. 2018,

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Along with medication, there are other aspects to ADHD treatment Common medications are stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall Medications can be helpful for a while, but research shows that they are not beneficial when it comes to improvements in school, relationships, and behavior Medication impacts everyone differently Medication is more helpful when combined with other types of ADHD management Side effects of medication need to be checked Research shows that spending time outside can help with the symptoms of ADHD Exercise increases levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which help with focus Having regular and enough sleep is also important Research also shows that diet can help with ADHD symptoms Snacks and meals should be no more than three hours apart to ensure the child’s blood sugar remains stable Protein and carbs should be included in most or every meal/snack Zinc, iron, and magnesium levels should be monitored because many children with ADHD have low levels Add more Omega-3s to child’s diet-proven to help with hyperactivity and impulsivity There are different professionals parents can consult in the treatment process, including child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, cognitive-behavioral therapists, and education specialists Behavior therapy has been proven to be effective, both on its own and with use of medication Behavior therapy consists of rewards for good behaviors and limits for bad behaviors The American Academy of Pediatrics has outlined three steps for behavior therapy for ADHD: set specific goals, provide rewards and consequences, keep using rewards and consequences Social skills training is also important as some children with ADHD have difficulties in social situations There are group therapies for social skills that help children learn in a controlled setting Consistency is very important for children with ADHD Parents should create a routine, use clocks and timers, simplify their children’s schedules Praise is important

Eshal Ali ISM-Period 1 Summary: This source was informative on the many different treatment options for ADHD; it has helped me determine what my recommendation will be in the treatment plan I create for my project Lilienfeld, Scott O. “Are Doctors Diagnosing Too Many Kids with ADHD?” Scientific American, Scientific American, 1 May 2013,

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In 1902, George Frederic Still, a British pediatrician, first described what is now ADHD 2005 survey found 82% of teachers and 68% of undergraduates think ADHD overdiagnosed Overdiagnosis can lead to too heavy a reliance on pills/medication The data is stronger for the claim that there is undertreatment of ADHD DSM-IV is the diagnostic guide written by the American Psychiatric Association and lists three categories of ADHD indicators: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity 5% of children in school have ADHD and boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed Some say that it is overdiagnosed and is just medicalizing the normal hyper behaviors of children Studies show that ADHD symptoms occur to a greater degree than normal behavior Studies have shown that, in some cases, ADHD is misdiagnosed in children Stimulants have been used to treat ADHD since 1938 Common stimulants used are Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, and Vyvanse Another common treatment is the non-stimulant Strattera Drugs have been proven to improve behevior of 80% of children with ADHD Stimulant drugs can cause insomnia, weight loss, and stunted height, although not extreme Sources and studies report that many children without ADHD were prescribed stimulants It is still undertreated, study showed that only 2/3 children diagnosed received stimulant prescription The new diagnostic manual being released in May is expected to decrease proportion of symptoms required for diagnosis and increase age of onset to 12 years old

Summary: This source provided different perspectives, all reliable, on the issue of diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, which I will take into consideration when creating my final presentation and product.

Eshal Ali ISM-Period 1

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