A Selected List of Resources on
A Bibliography Compiled by Resource Centre Resource Centre Post Bag No. 4 Nr. Indroda Circle Gandhinagar- 382 007
(Com piled on: 10.10.2 007) (Upda ted on: 06.07.2 009)
Nanotechnology Books Titles Sr. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Titles Advances in nanoscience and nanotechnologyb Sharma, Ashutosh, ed. 620.5 SHA 011877 Biomolecular computation for bionanotechnology. Liu, Jian-Qin & Shimohara, Katsunori, 620.5 LIU 021418 Bionanotechnology : lessons from nature. Goodsell, David S., 660.6 GOO 019577 Bionanotechnology. Papazoglou, Elisabeth S. & Parthasarathy, Aravind., 620.5 PAP 021338 Carbon nanotechnology: recent developments in chemistry, physics, materials science and applications. Dai, Liming., 620.193 DAI 019661 Carbon nanotubes: advanced topics in the synthesis, structure, properties and applications. Jorio, Ado, ed., Dresselhaus, G., ed. & Dresselhaus, M. S., ed., 620.193 JOR 020003 Carbon nanotubes: angels or demons?. Singapore. Fiorito, Silvana., 620.193 FIO 019742 Carbon nanotubes: properties and applications O'Connell, Michael J., ed. 620.193 OCO 014306 Carbon nanotubes and related structures : New materials for the twenty-first century Harris, Peter J. F. 620.193 HAR 008359 Cellular computing Amos, Martyn 571.6 AMO 016131 Chemistry of nanostructured materials Yang, Peidong, ed. 620.5 YAN 009842 Circuits at the nanoscale : communications, imaging, and sensing. Iniewski, Krzysztof, ed., 621.3815 INI 020709 Composites with micro- and nano-structures: computational modeling and experiments. Kompis, Vladimir, ed., 620.118015118 KOM 021128 Computational physics of carbon nanotubes Rafii-Tabar, H 620.5 RAF RAF Controlled growth of nanomaterials Zhang, Lide, Fang, Xiaosheng & Ye, Changhui 620.5 ZHA 018479 Design for manufacturability and yield for nano-scale CMOS Chiang, Charles C. & Kawa, Jamil 621.38412 CHI 017760 Emerging nanoelectronics : life with and after CMOS. Ionescu, Adrian M., ed. 621.381 ION 012396 Emerging nanoelectronics : life with and after CMOS. Volume 1 Ionescu, Adrian M., ed. 621.381 ION 012395 Emerging nanoelectronics: life with and after CMOS. Volume 3
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Ionescu, Adrian M., ed. 621.381 ION 012397 Enabling technology for MEMS and nanodevices Baltes, H., ed. ... [et al.] 620.5 BAL 018954 Engines of creation : the coming era of nanotechnology Drexler, K. Eric: 600 DRE 013329 Epitaxy of nanostructures Shchukin, Vitaly A. 537.6221 SHC 008239 Fluid properties at nano/meso scale : a numerical treatment. Dyson, Peter...[et al.]., 620.106 DYS 020711 Fundamentals of nanoelectronics. Hanson, George W., 621.381 HAN 021801 Fundamentals of semiconductor fabrication May, Gary S. 621.381 52 MAY 009446 Future trends in microelectronics : the nano, the giga, and the ultra Luryi, Serge, ed. 621.381 LUR 012290 Handbook of Nanoscience Engineering and Technology Goddard, William A. 620.5 REF GOD 004485 Future trends in microelectronics : up the nano creek. Luryi, Serge, Xu, Jimmy & Zaslavsky, Alex., 621.381 LUR 021043 Handbook of nanotechnology business, policy, and intellectual property law. Miller, John C. .. [et al.] 620.5068 MIL 019579 International workshop on physics of semiconductor devices Narasimhan, K. L., ed. & Sharma, Dinesh K., ed. 537.31133 NAR 018367 Intersubband transitions in quantum wells : physics and device applications I Willardson, Robert K. 537.6226 WIL 005951 Introduction to biophotonics Prasad, Paras N. 571.455 PRA 007874 Introduction to nanoelectronics : science, nanotechnology, engineering, and applications Mitin, Vladimir V., Kochelap, Viatcheslav A. & Stroscio, Michael A. 621.381 MIT 019168 Introduction to nanotechnology Poole, Charles P. 620.5 POO 010167 Leakage in nanometer CMOS technologies Narendra, Siva G., ed. 621.38412 NAR 015520 Made to measure: New materials for the 21st century Ball, Philip 620.11 BAL 007194 Managing nano-bio-info-cogno innovations : converging technologies in society Bainbridge, Williams Sims, ed 620.82 BAI 014793 MEMS handbook : MEMS applications, 2nd ed. Gad-el-Hak, Mohamed, ed. 621.381 REF GAD 019198 MEMS handbook : MEMS design and fabrication, 2nd ed Gad-el-Hak, Mohamed, ed. 621.381 REF GAD 019197
40. 41. 42. 43.
44. 45. 46.
47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
MEMS/NEMS: handbook techniques and applications. Volume 1, Design methods. Leondes, Cornelius T., ed. 620.5 REF LEO 015523 MEMS/NEMS: handbook techniques and applications. Volume 2, Fabrication techniques Leondes, Cornelius T., ed. 620.5 REF LEO 015524 MEMS/NEMS: handbook techniques and applications. Volume 3, Manufacturing methods Leondes, Cornelius T., ed. 620.5 REF LEO 015525 MEMS/NEMS: handbook techniques and applications. Volume 5, Medical applications and MOEMS Leondes, Cornelius T., ed. 620.5 REF LEO 015527 Micromachines as tools for nanotechnology Fujita, H., ed. 620.5 FUJ 013401, 013402 Micro-nanofabrication : technologies and applications Cui, Zheng 620.5 CUI 014794 Molecular electronics: Commercial insights, chemistry, devices, architecture and programming Tour, James M. 621.381 TOU 007670 Nano : the essentials Pradeep, T. 620.5 PRA 015931 Nano and giga challenges in microelectronics Greer, Jim, Ed., Korkin, Anatoli, Ed. & Labanowski, Jan, Ed. 621.381 GRE 009277 Nanobiotechnology : concepts, applications and perspectives Niemeyer, Christof M., ed. & Mirkin, Chad A., ed. 660.6 NIE 018958 Nanochemistry. Sergeev, G.B., 620.5 SER 019663 Nano-CMOS circuit and physical design Wong, Ban P., Mittal, Anurag, Cao, Yu & Starr, Greg 621.39732 WON 012739 Nanocomposites : ionic conducting materials and structural spectroscopies. Knauth, Philippe, ed., 620.5 KNA 020827 Nanocosm: nanotechnology and the big changes coming from the inconceivably small. Atkinson, William Illsey 620.5 ATK 008837 Nanoelectronics and information technology Waser, Rainer 621.381 WAS 011177 Nanoelectronics and nanosystems : from transistors to molecular and quantum devices Goser Karl, Glosekotter, P. 621.381 GOS 011493 Nanoelectronics and photonics : from atoms to materials, devices, and architectures. Korkin, Anatoli, ed., 621.381 KOR 020828 Nanoelectronics: principles and devices. Dragoman, Mircea 621.381 DRA 013737 Nano-Engineering in Science and Technology: An Introduction to the World of NanoDesign Rieth, Michael 620.5 RIE 008309 Nanoethics : the ethical and social implications of nanotechnology Allhoff, Fritz ... [et al.] (ed.)
60. 61.
62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
602.5 ALL 018585 Nanofabrication : fundamentals and applications Tseng, Ampere A., ed. 620.5 TSE 019244 Nanomaterials : international conference, nano 2005, Tamilnadu, July 13-15, 2005, proceedings. Volume 1-2 Rajendran, V., ed. 620.11 RAJ 019134-019135 Nanomaterials and nanochemistry. Brechignac, Catherine, ed., Houdy, Philippe, ed. & Lahmani, Marcel, ed., 620.11 BRE 020342 Nanometer structures : theory, modeling and simulation Lakhtakia, Akhlesh, ed. 620.5 LAK 016614 Nano-micro interface : bridging the micro and nano worlds Fecht, Hans-Jorg., ed. & Werner, Matthias, ed. 620.5 FEC 018959 Nanopathology : the health impact of nanoparticles Gatti, Antonietta M. 620.5 GAT 018282 Nanophotonics Prasad, Paras N. 621.36 PRA 009796 Nanophysics and nanotechnology : an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience Wolf, Edmund L. 620.5 WOL 014276 Nanoscale materials in chemistry Klabunde, Kenneth J., ed. 660 KLA 018960 Nanoscale science and technology Kelsall, Robert, ed. 620.5 KEL 012913 Nanoscale transistors : device physics, modeling and simulation Lundstrom, Mark 620.5 LUN 014685 Nanoscience : friction and rheology on the nanometer scale Meyer, E. ... [et al.] 532.0533 MEY 019087 Nanoscopic materials: size-dependent phenomena. Roduner, Emil 620.5 ROD 015056 Nanostructured materials for solar energy conversion. Soga, Tetsuo, Ed., 621.31244 SOG 019664 Nanostructures & nanomaterials : synthesis, properties & applications Cao, Guozhong 620.5 CAO 018915 Nanostructures : fabrication and analysis Nejo, H, ed. 620.5 NEJ Nanostructures : theory and modeling Delerue, C. & Lannoo, M 530.41 DEL 010866 Nanosystems : molecular machinery, manufacturing and computation Drexler, K. Eric 620.4 DRE 010938 Nanosystems : molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation Drexler, K. Eric 620.4 DRE 010559 Nanotech pioneers: where are they taking us? Edwards, Steven A. 620.5 EDW 017429
80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92.
93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.
Nanotechnology Timp, Gregory, ed. 620.5 TIM 014445 Nanotechnology Booker, Richard 620.5 RIC 013743 Nanotechnology Zelkowitz, Marvin V., ed. 620.5 REF ZEL 019253 Nanotechnology. Vol. 1, Principles and fundamentals. Schmid, Gunter, ed., 620.5 SCH 020370 Nanotechnology. Vol. 2, Environmental aspects. Krug, Harald, ed., 620.5 KRU 020371 Nanotechnology. Vol. 3, Information technology I. Waser, Rainer, ed., 620.5 WAS 020372 Nanotechnology : a gentle introduction to the next big idea Ratner, Mark 620.5 RAT 007349, 010909, 010910 Nanotechnology : an introduction to nanostructuring techniques Kohler, Michael 620.5 KOH 009488, 019829, 021543 Nanotechnology : assessment and perspectives. Brune, H. ... [et al.], 620.5 BRU 020908 Nanotechnology : basic calculations for engineers and scientists Theodore, Louis 620.5 THE 016996 Nanotechnology : basic science and emerging technologies Wilson, Michael 620.4 WIL 10560 Nanotechnology: environmental implications and solutions. Theodore, Louis & Kunz, Robert G., 620.5 THE 020196 Nanotechnology : nanocosm and the big changes coming from the inconceivably small Atkinson, William Illsey 620.5 ATK 015168, 015217 Nanotechnology : risk, ethics and law Hunt, Geoffrey, ed. 620.5 HUN 17098 Nanotechnology : science and computation Chen, Junghuei, ed. 620.5 CHE 014686 Nanotechnology : science, innovation and opportunity Foster, Lynn E. 620.5 FOS 014361 Nanotechnology applications and markets Gasman, Lawrence 620.5 GAS 017311 Nanotechnology applications to telecommunications and networking. Hoboken. Minoli, Daniel., 621.382 MIN 019580 Nanotechnology challenges : implications for philosophy, ethics, and society. Schummer, Joachim, ed. & Baird, Davis, ed., 303.4283 SCH 022122 Nanotechnology for microelectronics and optoelectronics. Marti´nez-Duart, J. M., Marti´n-Palma, R. J. & Agullo´-Rueda, Fernando., 621.381 MAR 019662
10 0.
Nanotechnology regulation and policy worldwide Matsuura, Jeffrey H. 343.0786205 MAT 017012
10 1.
Next big thing is really small : how nanotechnology will change the future of your business Uldrich, Jack 338.064 ULD 010445 One-dimensional nanostructures. Wang, Zhiming M., ed., 620.5 WAN 020830 Optics of nanostructured materials Markel, Vadim A., ed. & George, Thomas F., ed. 621.36 MAR 018961 Our molecular future : how nanotechnology, robotics, genetics and artificial intelligence will transform our world’ Mulhall, Douglas 303.483 MUL 010561 Phonons in nanostructures Stroscio, Michael A. & Dutta, Mitra 530.416 STR 010578 Photonic crystal fibres Bjarklev, Anders 621.369 2 BJA 008662 Physical properties of carbon nanotubes Saito, R. 620.193 SAI 009853 Plenty of room for biology at the bottom : an introduction to bionanotechnology Gazit, Ehud 610.28 GAZ 018916 Principles of nanotechnology : molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems Mansoori, G. Ali 620.5 MAN 018917 Processing and properties of nanocomposites Advani, Suresh. G 620.118 ADV 019170 Quantum Dot Heterostructures Bimberg, Dieter 621.38152 BIM 002174 Quantum Dots Borovitskaya, E. (Ed.) 537.622 BOR 008311 Quantum transport in sub-micron devices : a theoretical introduction Magnus, W. C. J. 530.416 MAN 005540 Quantum wells : physics and electronics of two dimensional systems Shik, A. Y. 537.6226 SHI 009397 Quantum wells, wires and dots : theoretical and computational physics Harrison, Paul 537.622 HAR 007488 Radio design in nanometer technologies Ismail, Mohammed & Gonzalez, Delia Rodriguez de Llera 621.384156 ISM Scaling issues and design of MEMS Baglio, Salvatore 620.5 BAG 018999 Scanning probe microscopes : applications in science and technology Birdi, K. S. 502.82 BIR 015032 Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy : Methods and applications Wiesendanger, Roland
10 2. 10 3. 10 4. 10 5. 10 6. 10 7. 10 8. 10 9. 11 0. 1 11. 11 2. 11 3. 11 4. 11 5. 11 6. 11 7. 11 8. 11 9.
12 0. 12 1. 12 2. 12 3. 12 4. 12 5. 12 6. 12 7. 12 8. 12 9. 13 0. 13 1. 13 2. 13 3.
502.82 WIE 007718 Scanning tunneling microscopy and its applications, 2nd ed. Bai, Chunli 502.825 BAI 011513 Selected papers on nanotechnology--theory and modeling Wang, Fei, ed. & Lakhtakia, A., ed. 620.5 WAN 018979 Self-made tapestry: Pattern formation in nature Ball, Philip 571.3 BAL 007600 Self-organized nanoscale materials Adachi, Motonari, ed. 620.5 ADA 014798 Semiconductors for micro- and nanotechnology : an introduction for engineers Korvink, Jan G. & Greiner, Andreas 621.38152 KOR 018963 Single molecules and nanotechnology Rigler, R., ed. & Vogel, H., ed. 620.5 RIG 019201 Soft machines : nanotechnology and life Jones, Richard A. L. 620.5 JON 015145 Springer handbook of nanotechnology Bhushan, Bharat, Ed. 620.5 REF BHU 008732 Stories of the invisible: A guided tour of molecules Ball, Philip 541.22 BAL 007602 Structure and bonding Barrett, Jack 541.22 BAR 007102 Structure and properties of atomic nanoclusters Alonso, Julio A. 539.6 ALO 019088 Transport in nanostructures Ferry, David K. 537.622 FER 008363 Understanding nanotechnology. Fritz, Sandy 620.5 FRI 010279 Yearbook of nanotechnology in society, vol.1 : presenting futures. Fisher, Erik, Selin, Cynthia & Wemore, Jameson M., 303.483 FIS 021600
Online Journals 1. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7729
2. IEE Proceedings Nan biotechnology http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8653