Replacement Of Senior Citizens By Youth[1]

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  • Words: 1,036
  • Pages: 14
Youth  Youth is the spring of Life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. When they dream they dream not only for the good future of themselves but also for the good future for nation and entire humanity.  “Youth” is defined as people in the age group of 13-35 years.

“Youth is like a fire It crept forward. A Spark at first Growing into a flame The brightening into a Blaze.”

 Young people are one of the world's greatest resources.

Young people are energetic, flexible, have innovative ideas and unique perspectives. They have an eager appreciation of cultures and difference, and are open to change. Young people are optimistic, practical and motivated and can make informed decisions. Through knowledge and the sharing of information, young people can educate others.

 The youth does not occupy a special perch outside its social

environment. It is very much part of society. It mirrors the ramifications of the society within which it lives.

 Dr. A.P.J. Kalam once said, ”If India is to become developed by 2020, it will

do so only by riding on the shoulders of the young”.

Role of Youth in Politics  Politics is science to manage the country or state.  Youth is young blood of nation and active worker of nation. So, it

is very necessary and demand of nation that he must take all the responsibility for managing whole country.  Without entering in politics, he can not do any welfare activity at large scale because, after getting fund he can do any thing but who will give to him.  Young adults can be seen as having distinctive political interests, more inclined to change than older generations, more idealistic in their goals and less loyal to established traditions.

 But, If youth joins politics and make his own Govt. with help of

democratic voting system. He can make a land, where there is no corruption, where there is no violence, where there is no black marketing, where there is no cheating, fraud or scam. But where there is only love, where there is only honesty, where there is only co-operation and co-ordination. So, Youth should join politics for improving it.  These days , youth like Shri Ram Chandra and Shri Krishna . They

were the king of India means today prime minister and still whole India loves him as God. We need not politician like Ravan and Kans who have no respect for women.

Role of Youth in Society  Society is the group of noble people who help each other.  Youth is so powerful and leader of society. With his leadership

he can move society from bottom to top.

 He can unite with other parts of society and make good

organization in society. With personal and informal discussion in society, he can make good plan for development of society.

 Society is also mixture of bad people; it is basic duty of youth to

check who is wrong in society and ban on that people by ignoring him from society. Do not allow bad gangs to enter in society and help police to capture such bad gangs.

Role of Youth in Nation Building

The term nation building is used here to refer to a constructive process of engaging all citizens in building social cohesion, economic prosperity and political stability in an inclusive and democratic way .

 Building means constructed physical body of any house. But national

building is different from general physical building; it means united organization of nation which shows the strength of nation.

 Youth are like national builder, they can build whole nation with

his hard work and with high moral character.

 Where young people have an equal opportunity to have a sustainable

livelihood .

 Young people are social actors of change and as the saying goes

“Youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. ’’

Role of Youth in National Integration Youths are the backbone of a nation.

They can make or destroy a nation. Nation –integration is a concept of

national – utility. Integration or unity means co-ordination in any organization. Society has three parts-children, youths

and olds. Children and old person cannot build a

nation because they have not any power in their blood. If youths can easily develops our nation.

 Swami Vivekananda said," young persons are like steel or

stone. They can break rock.”  Today, world is suffering with several problems

like poverty, population explosion, unemployment and violence. Youths can solve these problems through following formula. Youths - same thinking young blood Evincible – they have qualities to win target Vision – they should have great imagination or wisdom Center – integration of above factor and will include in all youths.

Conclusion Role of Youth A.The youth can play a vital role in the implementation of

elimination of terrorism. If the energy, intelligence and resources of youth are fully and properly utilized the country will prosper. B.Youth organizations should carry out an awareness campaign to expose justification or condoning of terrorism anywhere and under whatever pretext. C.The youth would need to Aspire for entrepreneurship rather than conventional employment. hopes of young people can be fulfilled only in conditions of peace, only in a civilized and cooperative world order.

D. Young people are full of vibrant ideas. When properly

motivated and sufficiently guided they want in their life. E. Young people have energy to try out things and the patience to learn from mistakes. Giving them opportunities to plan, to decide and to work prepares them to face harsher realities in life. F. Young participation is important because youth are the country’s power. Youth recognize problems and can solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help other young people attain a higher level of Intellectual ability and to become qualified adults.

Youth! There is nothing like youth. The middle-aged are mortgaged to Life. The old are in Life's lumber-room. But youth is the Lord of Life. Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Every one is born a king, and most people die in exile.

Thank You

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