Rent Or Lease Agreement Proforma

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,003
  • Pages: 2
AGRE EMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this ________ day of ________, Two Thousand ___________at_______________________between Shri/Smt. _____________________________S/o; D/o_____________________________, aged about ____ years, residing at _________________________ ___________________________________________ called Landlords which expression shall include his/her heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, and assigns of the one part, and Shri/Smt. __________________________________S/o; D/o __________________________________, aged about ____ years, permanent address ___________________________________________________, hereinafter called the Tenant which expression shall include his/her successors and assigns of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Landlord has represented that he/she is the owners of House/Flat No. ___________ at ___________ Floor situated in ______________________________________________). AND WHEREAS the Tenant relying upon such representation has approached the Landlords to take the said flat on tenancy with effect from ________ day of _____________ Two Thousand ______________, for a period of ELEVEN MONTHS, as monthly Tenant, based on English Calendar. AND WHEREAS the Landlord has agreed to the same. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES as follows:The Landlords agree to demise unto the Tenant ALL THAT the house/flat consisting of ______ bedrooms, ______ drawing-cum dining room, ____ kitchen room, _____ washing room, ______ kitchen-store-room, ________ toilets-cum-bathrooms and all the fittings and fixtures fixed and fitted in the house/flat, and all easements and appurtenances thereto. To hold the same unto the Tenant for a term of eleven months commencing from _______ day of _______ Two Thousand ________ and terminating with the expiry of ______________ day of _____________ Two Thousand______________, YIELDING AND PAYING UNTO the Landlords during the said term of Eleven months a total amount of Rupees _______________________________________________ only by the Tenant to the Landlord, on or before ___________ day of every month of which the rent amount pertains to, by way of cash, or Bank Cheque/Demand Draft (subject to realization) payable at ________________________ at par. The Tenant do hereby covenant with the Landlord as follows: a. That the Tenant shall use the demised premises personally for the purpose of residence only. b. That the Tenant shall pay to the Landlords the said sum of Rs._______/- (Rupees ___________________________________________________ Only) only per month, with the breakup as follows:Rent of the house/flat Rs._______/- (Rupees __________________________________only) per month, Fixtures and Fittings charges Rs._____/- (Rupees _____________________________only) per month, and Maintenance charges of the house/flat as per decided by the Society on or before __________day of every month of which the said charges pertain to. c. That the Tenant shall not do any thing what-so-ever that may in any way injure or damage or depreciate the value of the said demised premises or cause disturbance or annoyance to the others in the same building, and/or to the neighbourhood. d. That the Tenant shall not, during the said term, assign, sublet, or part with the possession of the said demised premises or any portion thereof to any one else without the written consent of the Landlord. e. That the Tenant shall allow the duly authorized agent of the Landlord, or the Landlord himself, to inspect the said premises from time to time and at all times during reasonable hours in the day on 24 hours notice in writing. f. That the Tenant will keep and maintain at his own cost and expense the said flat in good state of repairs and habitable condition, normal wear and tear accepted. The sanitary and electrical installations, fixtures & fitting in the flat will also be kept and maintained by the Tenant at his own costs and expenses. Major


repairs and replacements, if any, shall be done by the Landlord. However, the expenses on wall painting, if needed, shall be borne by both Landlords and the Tenant sharing 50% each. g. That the Tenant shall not make any additions or alterations to the demised premises or any portion thereof without the written consent of the Landlord previously obtained. h. That the Tenant shall, at the expiration of the said term of eleven months, peaceably and quietly deliver up to the Landlord the said demised premises and every part thereof in a vacant condition and in the same condition in which they were at the commencement of the said term. i. That the Tenant shall pay the electricity charges as per the bill every month to the appropriate authority supplying in the said electricity. That the Tenant shall clear all electricity dues before or at the time of vacating the demised premises. j. That during the term of eleven months of tenancy, the tenancy may be terminated by one English Calendar months' notice in writing by the Tenant or by the Landlord. k. That, the tenant has paid a total sum of Rs.___________/- (Rupees __________________________only) as Security Deposit (no interest payable by the Landlord) to the Landlord, the Cheque Nos. being ___________ dated ____________ drawn on __________________________________. This security deposit shall be refunded by the Landlord to the Tenant after the Tenant vacates the premises. The refund shall, however, be made by the Landlord after adjustments of damages, repairs, dues, govt. dues etc., if any. And the Landlord do hereby covenant with the Tenant as follows: That the Tenant paying the rent and service charges payable by him in manner herein before mentioned and observing and performing all the covenants terms and conditions on their part to be observed and performed as herein before contained shall and may peaceably and quietly possess and occupy and enjoy the said demised premises and every part thereof during the said term without any interruption or disturbance by the Landlord or any persons claiming from or under or in trust for them, and the Landlord doth hereby further covenant with the Tenant that they will pay and discharge all rates, taxes, assessments including all municipal taxes etc., that are now or may hereafter become payable and increase thereof in respect of the said premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Landlords and the Tenant, both, submitting to __________________________ Jurisdiction, have subscribed their respective hands on the day, month, and year first above written.

W I T N E S S E S:

S I G N A T U R E S: Landlords:




Tenant: 1. ___________________________


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