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  • Words: 1,029
  • Pages: 2
The month of September has at least two dates that will long be remembered for decades to come. One is September 9, another is September 11. Two dates that will forever be connected with the mindless slaughter of innocent people in the 21st century. On September 11 1973 General Augusto Pinochet with the active help of the American CIA overthrew the legitimate government of President Salvador Allende of Chile. This particular Sept 11 act not only resulted in the death of Allende but also the deaths or complete disappearance of thousands of ordinary people in Chile. Pinochet not only killed innocent people but also committed many crimes against the people. And he had the active support and the full sympathy and agreement from his US backers in Washington. Exactly a repeat of the scenario witnessed in Jakarta in 1965. (Around Sept 1965 diplomats in the US Embassy in Jakarta supplied the Army generals with a big list of people that were regarded as undesirable. They had to be liquidated. Exactly eight years later, the Americans again approved the killing of 'undesirable' people this time in Chile.) On September 11 2001, Osama and al-Qaeda launched a daring attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in retaliation for the many years of killings of innocent people in Iraq as a result of crippling sanctions and non-stop US air raids. The attack resulted in the deaths of almost 3,000 people. Definitely, what goes round comes round. This attack enraged the US and George Bush was determined to pursue human blood. But first, he attacked Afghanistan and US forces killed and maimed with glee and with complete abandonment. There were cries and demands that Afghanistan be sent back to the Stone Age. Till today innocent civilians in Afhanistan are paying the price for US warmongering. But Afghan blood alone was not enough for the US. On September 9 2002, twelve months after the New York attacks, Nicolo Pollari, the chief of the Italian military intelligence met with the assistant US National Security adviser Stephen Hadley. Pollari was in Washington to secretly deliver fake documents that falsely accused Iraq of trying to 'buy' uranium ore from Niger for Iraq's supposedly existing nuclear arsenal. This direct feed from a fellow ally to the authority in the White House was very influential in George Bush's decision to invade Iraq the following year. The invasion of Iraq took place in 2003 despite objections from all over the world including the United Nations. Kofi Annan declared it illegal. The CIA, as usual, was deeply involved in the planning of the invasion. The horrible price to be paid by innocent civilians was totally of no consequence to them. CIA operatives entered Iraq just before the guns opened up to create confusion and dissension and ultimately betrayal among the various sects in the country. It has since caused a bloodbath that has persisted to this very day. Other nations should learn a vital and useful lesson from this or one day it would become their turn to be the next human abattoir. The 'Coalition of the willing' as the illegal invasion force was called is fully responsible for the almost countless deaths and casualties suffered by the Iraqi people since 2003. The very evil

regimes that controlled Washington, Canberra and London and other decadent capitals slaughtered ordinary Iraqis as though they all were on a trophy hunt. Big guns opened up, rockets dove out of the sky, invisible airplanes dropped bombs, satellites and GPS devices helped hunt down civilians taking shelter in underground bunkers and tanks fired depleted uranium ammunition at every target, all to make sure that Iraq would be sent back to the pre-historic Age. But Iraqis bravely fought against the evil invaders and the battles lasted longer than the Bush regime anticipated. Bush had encouraged the US media to hitch a ride into Baghdad and thought it was going to be easy. The US media behaved like common criminals, glorifying all the evil US military actions. However, some US soldiers were seen driving straight into ambushes. Thus, US lives were needlessly lost due to the very imcompetence of the Bush regime. Still, the US government, the US military and the US media are very responsible for the killing of innocent human lives in Iraq. All of us must forever remember this !!! Come each time the month of September. Today, now, the month of Sept 2009, six and a half years after the invasion, Iraq is still bathing in blood. The evil of the white man is there (in Iraq) for all to see. Yet, the white man has totally no remorse. To him the killings of foreign civilians are alright and very acceptable. After all, he has never hesitated to kill, even inside his own country. And killing innocent foreign people after all, is just merely continuing where his dad and granddad had left off. Today, the evil US military is extending his dirty hands and fingers to other places, like Colombia, Romania, Hungary and Kyrgyzstan, to name a few. The intention is to keep the tradition alive, perhaps forever. The tradition of killing and slaughtering innocent men, women and children in countries that are weak and insipid and very unable to stand up for themselves. Such countries are regarded as the chosen playground for murderous US soldiers just like in Iraq. The nations of the world now must wake up to the future Septembers that could await those who are unlucky enough to be caught asleep. Do not be ignorant and do not be caught off guard. The US gave birth to al-Qaeda which is now tormenting Pakistan, already so impoverished as a nation. Now, it has to deal with US rockets and missiles crossing its borders while the al-Qaeda operatives constantly crossing over from Kabul set off suicide explosions. This is the price for being friendly with the evil US regime and sleeping in the same bed with him. Other nations, be warned !!! Remember the month of September !!! The blood of the innocent !! And the killings conducted by the remorseless US, from Jakarta to Santiago, and to Baghdad !!

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