Reg_form For Eps-klt Examinee In Bangladesh

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 956
  • Pages: 4
BANGLADESH OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT & SERVICES LTD. (BOESL) Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare & Overseas Employment Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Wage Earners Hostel Complex (4th Floor), 71-72 Elephant Road, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka-1000 (West side of “Meghna” state guest house) Website:

e-mail: [email protected] Serial number

Date: . . .. . . . . ..

JOB SEEKER REGISTRATION FORM 1. Jobseekr’s name (block letter)

First name

Middle name

Last name

2. Father’s name (block letter) 3. Mother’s name (block letter) 4. Spouse’s name 5. Birth country

6. Birth district

7.(i) Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy 9. Sex


7.(ii) Age


12. Weight (kg)

10. Marital Status


13. Height (meter)

8. Nationality


11. Religion

14. Number of Daughter

15.a Passport number (if any)


15.b Issue date

16. Nominee information: a. Name

b. Relation

c. Address

d. Phone

17. Desired Job categories




18. Educational Information Name of Degree




Passing Year



Subject /Discipline


Grade/ Division

19. Language Skill a. Name of the Language

b. Oral Skill (mark a tick)

c. Writing Skill (mark a tick)


Workable Good Excellent None

Workable Good Excellent None


Workable Good Excellent None

Workable Good Excellent None


Workable Good Excellent None

Workable Good Excellent None

20. Experiences a. Company name

b. Post held

c. Serve from (dd/mm/yyyy)

d. Phone

e. Address

f. Phone

g. Contact person

h. e-mail

i. Responsibility

j. Achievement

If required add extra papers of same format for more experiences

21. Training a. Name of the Training

b. Name of the Institute




If required add extra papers of same format for more experiences

c. Duration

d. Description

22. Address If mailing address is identical to permanent address then mark a tick here

A. Permanent Address a. Street address

b. Village

c. Post code

d. Thana

e. District

f. Phone number

g. Emergency phone

h. e-mail

i. Mobile

B. Mailing Address a. Street address

b. Village

c. Post code

d. Thana

e. District

f. Phone number

g. Emergency phone

h. e-mail

i. Mobile

__________________________ Signature of the recipient officer

______________________________ Signature of the applicant (job seeker)


Bangladesh Overseas Employment and Services Ltd

__________________________ Signature of the recipient officer

______________________________ Signature of the applicant (job seeker)

Applicant (Job seeker) part, as a receipt Serial number

Date- - - - -- - - - - - - -

dig c~i‡Yi wbqgvejx 1.

cÖ‡Z¨K PvKzixcÖv_©x Aek¨B `yBKwc cvm‡cvU© mvBR d‡Uv Ges bvMwiK‡Z¡i mb` mn GB Form G Av‡e`b Ki‡e| Ab¨vb¨ mb` hw` _v‡K Dnvi mZ¨vwqZ Kwc `vwLj Ki‡e|


Serial Number Gi Ni Awdm KZ©„K c~iYxq|


Bs‡iRx CAPITAL LETTER (eo nv‡Zi A¶i) G c~iY Ki‡Z n‡e|


Job seeker’s name G cÖv_©xi bvg wjL‡Z n‡e| bv‡gi cÖ_g Ask First name ga¨g Ask Middle name Ges †kl Ask Last name Gi Box G wjL‡Z n‡e| wZb As‡ki AwaK bvg n‡j cÖ_g Ges †kl wVK ‡i‡L evKx Ask Middle name G wjL‡Z n‡e|


Father’s name- G wcZvi bvg I Mother’s name- G gvZvi bvg wjL‡Z n‡e|


Spouse’s -G weevwnZ gwnjviv ¯^vgxi bvg Ges weevwnZ cyi“‡liv ¯¿xi bvg wjL‡e| AweevwnZ‡`i †ejvq Lvwj _vK‡e|


Birth country N‡i cÖv_©x †h †`‡k Rb¥MÖnY K‡i‡Q Zvi bvg wjL‡e|


Date of birth - G Rb¥ ZvwiL wjL‡Z n‡e| Rb¥ Zvwi‡Li w`b `yB A¶‡i gvm `yB A¶‡i I mb Pvi A¶‡i wjL‡Z n‡e| †hgb 01/12/2005, hv‡`i Rb¥ ZvwiL Rvbv bvB, Zviv Age Gi N‡i AvbygvwbK eqm wjL‡e|


Birth District - G cÖv_©x †Rjvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡i‡Q Zvi bvg wjL‡e|


Nationality N‡i cÖv_©x RvZxqZv wjL‡Z n‡e|


Weight Gi N‡i cÖv_©xi IRb wK‡jvMÖv‡g (K.G) wjL‡Z n‡e, Height Gi N‡i cªv_©xi D”PZv wgUv‡i (M ) wjL‡Z n‡e|


No of Daughter Ges Son G cÖv_©xi Kb¨v I cy‡Îi msL¨v wjL‡e| hw` Passport _v‡K Zvi Number Ges Issue ZvwiL wjL‡e|


Nominee information- G cÖv_©x KZ…©K g‡bvbxZ GKRb bwgbxi bvg, Zvi mv‡_ m¤úK©, Zvi wVKvbv I Zvi †dvb bv¤^vi wjL‡e|


Desired job categories wZbwU N‡i cÖv_©x †h me Kv‡R we‡`‡k †h‡Z B”QyK †m me Kv‡Ri bvg wjL‡e| GLv‡b wZbwU c‡`i bvg, †jLv hv‡e I Zv cÖv_©xi cQ‡›`i µgvbyhvqx c~e© wba©vwiZ category Abyhvqx wjL‡Z n‡e|


Educational Information-G cÖv_©xi wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zvi weeiY wjL‡Z n‡e| GLv‡b me©‡kl wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zv cÖ_‡g wjL‡Z n‡e Ges µgvbyhvqx c~‡e©i ¸‡jv wjL‡Z n‡e| wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zv hw` wZ‡bi AwaK _v‡K Zvn‡j AwZwi³ KvMR e¨envi Kiv hv‡e| hv‡`i wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zv 5g †kªYx ev 8g †kªYx cvk Zviv 1g jvB‡b Class5 ev Class8 BZ¨vw` wjL‡Z cvi‡e, Z‡e me mgq ¯‹z‡ji bvg wjL‡Z n‡e|


Language skill- G cÖv_©x Kx Kx fvlv Rv‡b Zv wjL‡e|


Experience- G cÖv_©x Zvi c~e© AwfÁZvi weeiY wjL‡e|


Training- G cÖv_©xi †Kvb cÖwk¶Y _vK‡j Zv wjL‡e|


Address- G cÖv_©x Zvi eZ©gvb wVKvbv I ¯’vqx wVKvbv wjL‡e| me wVKvbvq Aek¨B Post code ev Post office Gi bvg wjL‡Z n‡e| Dfq wVKvbv GKB n‡j GKevi wjL‡jB Pj‡e|

A½xKvi bvgv 1.

di‡g D‡j­wLZ Z_¨ mg~n †ev‡q‡mj cÖ‡qvRbvbyhvqx B›Uvi‡bU cÖKvk/cÖPvi Ki‡e|


cÖv_©xi wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zv cwieZ©b n‡j, PvKzixi Ae¯’v cwieZ©b n‡j, eZ©gvb wVKvbv cwieZ©b n‡j ev D‡j­wLZ †Kvb Z_¨ cwieZ©b ev cwiea©b n‡j cÖv_©x h_vkxNÖ m¤¢e †ev‡q‡mj Awd‡m Rvbv‡e Ges †ev‡q‡mj Gi wbqg Abyhvqx cÖ‡qvRbxq KvMRcÎ mn Av‡e`b Ki‡Z n‡e|


‡ev‡q‡mj we‡`‡k PvKzixi my‡hvM m„wói Rb¨ ev Ab¨ ‡Kvb cÖ‡qvR‡b di‡g D‡j­wLZ Z_¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi‡e|


‡ev‡q‡mj ev ‰e‡`wkK PvKzwi`vZvi cÖ‡qvR‡b †h †Kvb mgq wk¶vMZ †hvM¨Zv, AwfÁZv ev Ab¨ †Kvb KvMRc‡Îi d‡UvKwc cÖ`v‡b cÖv_©x eva¨ _vK‡e|


di‡g †Kvb wg_¨v ev ev‡bvqvU Z_¨ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡j †ev‡q‡mj Zvi wei“‡× AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v wb‡Z cvi‡e|

Dci‡j­wLZ mKj kZ© mg~n ‡g‡b Avwg †iwR‡óªk‡bi Av‡e`b KiwQ| Avwg AviI cÖZ¨qb KiwQ †h di‡g D‡j­wLZ mKj Z_¨ Avgvi Rvbvg‡Z mZ¨| †Kvb AmZ¨ ev Am¤ú~Y© Z‡_¨i Rb¨ ˆe‡`wkK PvKzwi`vZv A‡hvM¨ we‡ePbv Ki‡j Zvi `vq `vwqZ¡ †ev‡q‡mj Gi Dci eZ©vB‡ebv|

____________________ cÖv_©xi ¯^v¶i I ZvwiL

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