Reflective Journal G

  • April 2020
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1st Reflective Journal 9/01/19 with Earn Economic force - Lower price of crops: framer - increase value of the products ex. people use ​grape​ to make wine or raisin 

instead of just only the ingredient of cake    -

Bubble tea become famous in among Thai people - many brands of bubble tea open the shop ex. Koi’the, coco,fuku

Social force - People are more concern about their health so, they try to find healthy food as clean food or organic vegetable. - Healthy restaurant is open. -

Excercise such as run become a trend to people because they want to be healthy. ; the event like maraton is held a lot. - sport material like shoe or sport cloth are sell. Technological advance ● Spending pattern: customer do not have to carry their money to buy something and also this can transfer money to others easily and quickly Business opportunity : online shopping /ATM ● Robot : people do not have to do it all by themselves and time saving Business opportunity : robotic serving machine and cleaning robotic Political and regulatory changes ● school uniform : Most of the student in Thailand need to wear their school uniform Business opportunity : uniform shop like ตราสมอ and grand sport that our school make the athletic clothes ● No toxic fume from car : The owner need to change their engine or materials to stop releasing black smoke. Business opportunity : Garage and car material shop

2nd Reflective Journal 17/01/19 problems1: In the classroom, there are no place to leave the bag that make my bag have to roughly place on the floor causing my bag get dirty. Create the table or chair that have hanging by itself. The hanging has to make by strong material to support the bag weight. Therefore, when the bag is hanged, it would not get dirty. probelm2: Since thailand is a hot country and when people walk in the street they will feel humid and uncomfortable Create the sticker(look like tiger balm plaster) that give a cold and it small so, it will spread cold air to our body.

problem3: My hair always fall to the floor especially in my bedroom and the ​vacuum cleaner cannot clean it all so, I will create the machine that specifically keep the heir on the fall.

​3rd Reflective Journal 24/01/19 Their plan is to sell the lunch box with design that children can always change their own depend on their taste together with to solve problem of traditional lunch box which have lifeless design and easily to get dirty as well as difficult to clean.

​4th Reflective Journal 12/02/19 with Ont beauty industry - Old: the beauty service as botox, face lifting, surgery are started up for a long time ago. - high operating margins: the services have very low net cost because it use less materials, but it gain very high income since people willing to pay high cost to their beauty. - growing: these industry have passion to develop the company all time because people specifically woman usually want to be young and beautiful so, new technology are use all the time to beat other competitors. - Early: because every generation of people still want to be beautiful so, this industry is developed to respond people’s desire. - Want to have: beauty is just appearance of people so, it is not important that everyone must take the service as well as it only proper for people who want to have more beautiful visual. - Crowded: A lot of beauty company are formed since it gain high profit and many people are interest. - Fragment: there are a lot of beauty company. Target market: Women who are in middle age(20-40 yrs) and care about their appearance.

Fitness and health industry ●

Young, because people only start concerning for their health recently. For example, American used to eat fast food daily, but now people are stopping and start concerning for their health.

Not crowded, Fitness industry are new because people are just beginning to concern for their health, so not many company interest in this market, Though, there are few industry leaders.

Early in their life cycle, The healthy trend are just starting up, so it is most likely going to last for a while.

Growing, More and more people are wanting to get in shape, so the amount of people interest in health are increasing.

Fragmented, Big company are really separated. For example, Gymshark is a very famous gym in Europe, but in Asia, Gymshark did not expand their company yet. So, there are not very big industry leader yet.

Want to have, getting in shape is a choice, not needed. So, not every people want to get in shape.

High operating margins, Whey protein for example is very over price. So the operating margins will also be high.

Target market People who want to have aesthetic body shape, especially teenagers and adults. Also people who interest for their overall health.

Esport industry Young, people only beginning to accept Esport as a sport, so it’s new. Early, since people only start accepting it, people who likes playing game are now more interest in going professional and thus creating demand for these products. Fragmented, there are few industry leaders in the present, but people are open to new brand base on my experience.

Growing, Korea are having Esport school which teach student how to play games. This industry in growing and soon Thailand might also have Esport school because many kids are interest in games. Want to have, gaming is fun and people like gaming. To be able to make money in competition is one of the greatest thing to accomplish, because you get to play what you like and also making money at the same time. Not crowded, as the Esport is new, not many company are focusing on this industry. For instance, when people need GPU, they go to NVIDIA, but if they want gaming gears, they go to razor, steelseries, logitech and more. So there are no clear industry leaders. High operating margins, this GPU and gaming gears cost a lot less than their actual sell price. Target markets : Teenager who interest in playing computer games. 5th Reflective Journal 06/05/19 Advertising business model - Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagrams, Auction Business model - eBay, Facebook, Sotheby’s Brick and chicks business model - Apple, Uniqlo, Fitbit, Watsons Franchise Business Model - Chicky chic, Topchaproen, 7-11 ,Mcdonalds, Makro, Watsons, Big c Freemium Business Model - YouTube, Spotify, ROV, Dropbox, Low-Cost Business Model - Airasia, Mama, Manufacturer/Retailer Business Model - Amazon, Apple, Peer-to-Peer Business Model - Google, Grab, Agoda, Airbab Razor and Blades Business Model - Printeres and ink cartridges, Game consoles and games Subscription Business Model - Netflix, Spotify, Dropbox, Naturebox Traditional Retailer Business Model - Amazon, Alibaba, AIS

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