Red Star - January 2009 - Communist Party Of India (marxist-leninist)

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Fight Against Those who plotted and Executed Mumbai Attacks THE CPI(ML) most severely and out rightly condemns the vicious and dastardly terrorist attacks continuing in Mumbai from 26th November night. It expresses its sorrow and heart felt sympathy for all those who have lost their life, those who are injured and the very large number of people suffering due to these attacks. That a ruling system which is brutal in suppressing all people’s struggles for their genuine demands, a ruling system which always supports the elite classes in their intensifying contradictions with the people has miserably failed to tackle a handful of terrorists even after almost two days is most despicable. It exposes how the police forces, intelligence wings and armed forces are made incapable of handling a situation like what we witness in Mumbai by the corrupt and communal political leaderships and bureaucracy, even after spending one third of the country’s revenue for them. How can they explain the ease with which these terrorists entered Mumbai, using the sea route, the extent of infrastructural knowledge they have and the ease with which two or three dozens of them killed so many and continue to create panic at such a large scale? The UPA Government at the centre and the Congress - NCP Government in Maharashtra can’t absolve themselves of their responsibility for creating this situation. Whoever has planned and executed this dastardly operation, one thing is clear: it is ultimately helping the BJP and the destabilising forces in the country. Till 26th November evening the BJP was panicky about the assembly elections not only due to its failure in governance, but also due to the exposure of the Sangh Parivar outfits led by Sadhvi Pragya Thakur and others as the perpetrators of Malegaon and other blasts. But the Mumbai attack has changed the scenario. The timing of the attack shows that it is planed to intensify communal polarization and indirectly help the Sangh Parivar forces. It is planned to intensify contradictions between India and Pakistan and to destabilize the whole of South Asia. If ISI of Pakistan is involved in it, not far behind, the hands of the CIA cannot be ruled out. The BJP leadership has come out today with full force to spread communal hatred and to demand POTA like black laws to handle the situation. It has brazenly intensified the anti-Pakistan, anti-minority tirades, inciting hatred against them. Its own long terrorist role is concealed. Not to be left behind, the Congress and other political parties also may support this, as in the past. Thus instead of fighting against the real villains behind the emergence and growth of terrorism, all of them are helping the terrorist forces through their appeasement policies of various shades. The fact is that the clear suppression of minorities, of lower castes, of various ethnic groups and other parochial forms of suppression, which have been practised equally by the Congress-led UPA and the BJP-led NDA, have led to this situation. Now both will try to use such narrow ideas to continuously enlarge the divisions among the people while selling them down the river to imperialism, especially US imperialism. The stress of the politicians, and also of the media, on the “foreigners” among the victims, even when the overwhelming majority of the victims were Indians, illustrates this point. That the PM and Advani will jointly visit Mumbai is a farce, at one level, as, together, they account for over 90% of the communal riots in India and is also quite symbolic at another level, as they

are both partners of imperialism and are constantly using divisive politics to smash the resistance of the people. The growth of terrorism cannot be seen de-linked from the imperialist globalisation policies imposed to intensify neo-colonisation, and the communal hatred consciously created to weaken the fight against it. All ruling class partes and religious fundamentalists are involved in it. As the Malegaon blast probe shows even the military is communalised, besides all other sectors. The genuine left, patriotic, democratic and secular forces should take up uncompromising struggles against these forces. We appeal to the people to get united and intensify the struggle against all shades of conspirators behind this dastardly terrorist attack in Mumbai. 28-11-2008


Letter to Editor Comrades, IN RED STAR December 2008 issue a report was published regarding disintegration of CPI(ML) Liberation in some states. The name of Andhra Pradesh also was mentioned in it. In this connection one thing I want to bring to your notice is that in Andhra Pradesh we led the first split in CPI(ML) Liberation. In December 2008 during the 8th national congress of Liberation held at Kolkata, differing on key theoretical issues we raised the discussion in the national congress. But the leadership did not allowed us to raise the issues in a democratic manner. Hence we quit the congress and after some days, i.e., on 23rd December formed a new organisation in the name of CPI(ML) Peoples Liberation. We want to intimate you that it was the first split in Liberation after its 8th congress. Now we have renamed our organisation as CP, i.e., the Communist Party. 20-12-2008 Sangam


Jingoism Not the Answer to Mumbai Attacks DURING the last one month after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai both the ruling establishment led by Congress and the BJP, the main opposition, have steadly built up jingoism, competing with each other, targeting Pakistan. Nobody doubts the involvement of ISI, other agencies and the terrorist groups operating from Pakistan in these attacks. But by targeting Pakistan alone and creating a war-like situation which can explode at short notice many basic things are side-lined and the people of both countries are dragged to a perilous situation. What is happening today is more or less a repetition of the knee-jerk reaction of the NDA government when the parliament building came under terrorist attack. The whole armed forces were mobilised on Pakistan border with talks of imminent war to eliminate the terrorist centres there! Through this BJP and Sangh Parivar were trying to save the NDA government from the criticism about its abject failure to protect the country from such attacks in spite of POTA, anti-terrorist sabre-ratting and many security warnings. Then home minister LK Advani or those responsible for national security and antiterrorist operations did not resign or were kicked out. After incurring billions of rupees for

this unnecessary operation, bowing to public pressure armed forces were returned to barracks. But terrorist attacks continued even after that during the BJP-led NDA rule. Till recently keeping the six assembly elections in view and now with a view on Lok Sabha elections BJP is heightening the jingoistic tempo by demanding POTA again, by intensifying demands to wipe out ‘terror centres’ in Pakistan and by targeting Muslim minority. It is a calculated effort to communalise Indian polity further, to intensify hatred among the communities, to strengthen its Hindu vote bank and to conceal the fact that it is the spreading of fundamentalist Hindutva and the operations starting from Advani’s ‘rath yatra’ and 1992 Babri Masjid demolition to present Malegaon blasts which are the root causes of the escalation of terrorism. Thus conditions are created for majority and minority fundamentalisms to compete with each other to intensify terrorism. Even when claiming to distance itself from the ‘hard Hindutva’ of BJP, the Congress and the UPA government led by it is also engaged in its own brand of ‘soft Hindutva’ jingoism targeting Pakistan with a view to attract votes in the Lok Sabha elections. Though it forced the central home minister and Maharashtra chief minister and home minister to resign to save its skin, like the earlier NDA government it is not owning up the responsibility for the total failure of the powerful intelligence, defence and border security set ups to prevent such attacks in spite of many security warnings. Instead a new generation POTA is put in to operation and FBI from US and security agencies of UK and Israel are allowed free play in the name of toning up security establishment. The corporate media is also competing with each other to spread the jingoism applauding the cancellation of all steps so far taken for normalisation of relations between the two neighbouring countries. While engaging in this hatred campaign singling out Pakistan, neither the UPA government, not BJP nor the media are taking trouble to focus on the real conditions there. During the last six decades US imperialism has made the governments there into almost puppet regimes with more than four decades of military dictatorships. It was turned in to a recruiting and training centre of Al-Quida and other outfits to throw out Soviet forces from Afghanistan in 1980s. After that it was used and still used as a base for US and NATO forces to fight Taliban. US rockets and warplanes are pounding its western border areas killing hundreds and reducing the sovereignty of that country to almost nil. So if the ISI or other agencies are involved in these attacks it is definitely with the information of US imperialist agencies. It should not even surprise any one that the FBI came so fast to Mumbai with sophisticated instruments to find out the effects of attacks planned with its own guidance. The haste with which Condolesa Rice compared 26/11 to 9/11 shows the US interests to involve India also in to the Afghan imbroglio, to make it also a star performer in the ‘war on terror’. US is perpetuating its ‘destablise and control’ policy all over South and West Asia as in other parts of the world. Though US pretends to act to stop outbreak of war, it is not bothered if these two client states wage a limited war helping it to sell more arms and equipments. Similar is the interest of UK, Israel and NATO forces. All of them are helping to destablise the whole region and to establish the permanent presence of US in the Pamirs to keep a check on Russia, China, India and Iran. By going ahead with jingoism and slipping even to open hostilities the comprador rulers as well as Sangh Parivar and corporate media are serving the US masters. It is the responsibility of all patriotic, democratic and left forces to expose the comprador policies of UPA government and BJP and to campaign against any outbreak of war. Constant efforts should be made to develop the friendship between Indian and

Pak people and among the peoples of South Asia. Jingoism is not the answer to Mumbai attacks.

Oppose Privatisation of Insurance Sector THE BILL introduced by the UPA government to enhance the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the insurance sector from 25% to 49% is a clear step towards further privatisation of this important sector. As already reported in the media, as part of the global financial crisis, many of the insurance MNCs like the AIG were collapsing and are surviving only because of the bail out plans of Bush administration. It is the consequence of employing all the deposits in wanton speculative business. As a result millions of policy holders are ruined. At such a time, when the insurance MNCs are crashing, induction of further FDI means surrendering of LIC and other insurance firms destroying whatever positive contributions they are providing, to open the insurance sector further to FDI means surrendering them also to speculative trade. That it is done when the Tata-AIG like insurance firms under foreign collaboration are in acute crisis shows that this comprador government is going to further intensify the neo-colonisation drive. It is yet another antinational, anti-people act. We congratulate the insurance employees for observing a token strike and opposing the move, and their resolve to continue the struggle against privatisation. It is the responsibility of all left and progressive democratic forces to come forward to uncompromisingly struggle against the privatisation of the insurance sector. Let us join hands and intensify the struggle so that the UPA govt. is forced to withdraw the bill.

Intensify Struggles Petroleum Products






IN THE name of rising prices of crude oil in the international market the UPA government has raised prices of petroleum products a number of times. When the crude oil prices touched almost $150 another big hike was imposed in diesel, petrol and cooking gas prices. But once the global financial crisis intensified from September the crude oil prices started falling continuously and now it has reached $35 per barrel, the lowest in five years. Though the demand to cut down the prices of petroleum products was raised and numerous struggles were waged so far only a nominal cut in prices of diesel and petrol was made reluctantly. In the short winter session of the parliament none of the opposition parties made any serious effort to compel the govt. to cut down their prices. It shows that both the ruling UPA and all opposition parties are colluding to help the oil MNCs and corporate houses to reap fabulous profits at the expense of people. Is shows that only a mighty people’s agitation can force the govt. to act. We appeal to all progressive democratic forces to launch a powerful struggle demanding cutting down of prices of diesel by Rs. 10 per litre, petrol by Rs. 15 per litre and for cooking gas by Rs. 50 per cylinder.

POTA in New Form

IN THE name of arming law enforcement agencies to prevent the recurrence of Mumbai attacks like terrorist acts, the hasty way in which both the houses of parliament have passed National Investigation Agency Bill and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Bill 2008 is a most condemnable step by the UPA government. In this way it has accepted the demand of BJP for re-enacting the POTA, in a new form, keeping an eye on coming Lok Sabha elections. Both these Bills have become laws with the president signing them fast and like its predecessors TADA and POTA, the UAPA will serve the establishment as a black law to further restrict the democratic rights of the people. Though the new home minister has stated that the new National Investigation Agency (NIA) will not infringe on the rights of the state governments, its provisions clearly go against the federal principles in the Constitution. This Agency is a super body that can act over the state laws and thus further cut down the federal character of the polity. As far as UAPA is concerned, similar to POTA anybody taken in to custody can be kept under detention for six months without trial. It is the responsibility of the accused to prove his innocence. It goes against the existing laws that till one is proved guilty, he should be considered as innocent. In short, it is nothing but a new version of POTA. The way BJP supported both these bills prove that both the leading alliances of ruling class parties led by Congress and BJP are acting in tandem to impose draconian laws and to take away whatever democratic rights are left in the name of fighting terrorism. History proves that both TADA and POTA were utilised ruthlessly against the toiling masses, oppressed classes and the minorities, especially Muslims. The way POTA detainees are still kept under custody in Gujarat even after the Supreme Court orders show how these black acts help the govts. to indulge in fascist acts. In the new situation when both Congress and BJP are competing with each other in view of coming Lok Sabha elections to spread jingoism, the UAPA along with the NIA will be imposed more ruthlessly. It is a challenge against the vast masses of the country. Though the UPA government has enacted these black laws, laws ten times more stringent than the Patriotic Act in US and similar black laws in other imperialist countries, with record speed, threatening to impose state terror more ruthlessly, it is a welcome sign that an increasing number of democratic forces have expressed their opposition to them. It is the responsibility of the left and democratic forces to mobilise the ‘victims’ who are going to be affected and launch a vigorous campaign against this UAPA, which is nothing but POTA in new disguise.


Mumbai Attacks: Oppose the War Mongerings Madhu IT IS ALREADY more than a month since Mumbai was rocked by series of armed attacks by bands of terrorists. They began with indiscriminate firing at people in CST (VT) station and moved into a nearby hospital, Kama for a hiding. Other groups entered the Oberai and Taj hotels under the cover of armed attack and took the inmates as their captives. They also carried an armed attacks on Nariman House - a commercial centre and Leopard Cafe - a hotel for rich. As a consequence, 150 Indian people, 22 foreigners, 14

police and intelligence have lost their lives. It was in CST station most of the people fell victim to the armed attacks. These attacks are dastardly and deserve denounciation by one and all. Quite expectedly, the people all over the world raised their voice against these attacks. They extended their sympathy and condolence to the victims and their families. We fully share the pain and sufferings of deceased families. It is clear that the attacks were carried on by well-organised and well-armed groups in a planned way. Who are the real actors behind them is a most important question. The Indian government took no much time to come out with the assertion that the culprits have originated from Pakistan and are patronised and protected by the Pakistan government. It warned the Pakistan government either to forthwith hand over the culprits or be prepared for serious consequences. BJP, another ruling class party contending for power, is not only one with this assertion, but is doing everything to overtake Congress in jingoistic propaganda. The governments in the West, more particularly of US and UK, lost no time to echo the assertion of Indian government. The Indian ruling classes are not bothered about probing into the real and deeper causes for the happenings like this. They are not bothered about finding real and lasting solutions. As usual, they are presenting everything from the angle of India-Pak rivalry. They are now engaged in kicking up insecurity phobia, anti-Pak national chauvinism, communalism and war hysteria among the people. Here the Congress and BJP, two major ruling class parties who are in bitter contention for power, are in one boat but are in competition to reap the best fruits from the chauvinistic and jingoistic frenzy. They are neck deep in playing the diversionist game. What was the situation in the country, region and the world just before the November 26 Mumbai terrorist attacks? Despite tall claims by the UPA government that India is free from the effects of meltdown that was plaguing the world capitalist economy, it was, in reality, passing through a deep and intensifying crisis. The worst effects of it were being experienced by the people in the form of sky-rocketing prices, rising costs of life, joblessness, loss of jobs, suicide death by farmers, bankruptcy and closure of small industries and increased exploitation. The policies of globalisation frenziedly pursued by the governments led millions of our people to lose their lands, means of livelihood, rights, natural resources to fatten the imperialist and Indian corporate companies. Naturally, the people were increasingly reacting against these policies. Protests, struggles and movements became a growing phenomenon in the country. No government, whether led by Congress, BJP, CPI(M), DMK, BJD or BSP etc., could escape from this people’s discontentment. The UPA government’s anti-people, anti-democratic and pro-imperialist policies were getting exposed more nakedly. Nuclear Deal signed by Indian government defying all opposition from the democratic, patriotic forces and people exposed its dogged and shameless commitment to tie India in a strategic alliance with US imperialism. It could save itself from the defeat in parliament only by indulging in worst type of bribery and manipulation. It had weakened the UPA government. The contention for power among the ruling class parties got intensified with the Lok Sabha elections coming nearer. The BJP backed by Sangh Parivar is known for its anti-Muslim, national chauvinist and Hindu fundamentalist policies. It will be always in the forefront to utilise any slightest opportunity to create for itself a pretext to unleash frenzied and hateful propaganda against Muslims. Whenever there is any bomb blast in any corner of the country they do not wait even for a second to attribute it to ‘Pakistan agents’, ‘Muslim communal

terrorists’ and demand severest punishment even without a farcical judicial process. It could get away with its several crimes and genocidal acts in several states like UP, Gujarat, Orissa, Karnataka against minority communities under the flag of Hindutva. Congress, the so-called secularist, in practice is only helping these rabid Hindu communalists in its competition for a share of Hindu communal votes. Malegaon incidents had exposed the dangerous face of BJP and Sangh Parivar. The arrest of Sadhvi Pragya Singh, her mentors and collaborators, their revelations before ATS and the facts that came out in investigations have shown that these Hindu fundamentalists are also engaged in organising, training, arming and leading terrorist bands in chosen terrorist actions. They hire even Muslim personal, take the cover of some Muslim terrorist group’s name and pursue their aims under several camouflages. By the time of Mumbai attacks, the BJP and Sangh Parivar were exposed a lot and found themselves in an utterly defenceless position. This has pushed the BJP into a disadvantageous position politically in its contention for power, more immediately, in the elections for 6 state assemblies. Mumbai attacks came as a ‘god’-sent opportunity for it to shift the attention and, again, engage itself in anti-Pak national chauvinist game and offensive. Thus both the ruling class parties who were plagued by their own problems, growing disenchantment among the people and are required to face the electorate within few months found a weapon to divert the people from their real problems through Mumbai attacks. DESIGNS OF IMPERIALISM The US imperialists have shown much interest in Mumbai attacks. They declared that the attackers belong to a terrorist organisation based in Pakistan and called upon the Pakistan government to co-operate with India in tracking down the culprits. They even warned Pakistan to either act or get prepared to get itself consumed by terrorism. The US secretary of state and the defence higher ups rushed to India to advise, workout plans to fight ‘terrorism’. Indian rulers together with the imperialist masters have begun to compare November 26 Mumbai attacks with September 11 attacks on World Trade Center, etc. in US. US authorities even said that both the attackers are one and the same. So they mean to point out that the global war against terrorism is not far away but right within the threshold of India. So the issue is sought to be blown out of proportion to create an atmosphere of insecurity, terror and war hysteria. The imperialists in general and US imperialists in particular have their own strategic interests and designs in this region. In Afghanistan, they are waging a losing war of invasion. They are planning to double their armed forces in Afghanistan. They are finding it too difficult and costly to wage a ground war. Their air raids are multiplying the resisting forces rather than reducing. Their attempts to use the Pakistan soil to invade Afghanistan and their air raids even Pakistan territories in the name of fighting Taliban are only proving counter productive. It is only further strengthening Pakistani people’s opposition to US, putting recently formed Pakistan government in more difficulty in helping US led NATO forces and is turning the situation more favourable to Taliban forces. So the US imperialists are concerned about how to strengthen their position in Afghanistan; how to curb opposition in Pakistan; how to pressurise Pakistan government into total submission and how it can use its strategic alliance with India to draw it into strategic design to strengthen its domination in the region. Their activism in the wake of Mumbai attacks can be seen only in this background. US imperialists are masters in creating, nurturing, patronising and using certain types of terrorists under different

names to promote their own interest to interfere, to arm-twist other countries and destroy their economies. They had done it earlier and they are doing it now even while making much hue and cry against terrorism in the world. We can not rule out their role behind the Mumbai happenings. The Indian rulers who are compradors in character cannot be expected to take care of genuine national interests of our country. Pointing out the ‘enhanced threat to national security’, they have already enacted NIA and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, another name for POTA, that trample under foot the civil and democratic rights of our people. They are further strengthening the repressive network along the coastal areas. They have allowed US and Israeli agencies to poke their nose into security and intelligence network. The war hysteria which is being kicked up against Pakistan gladdens none but national chauvinists and the vested interests. A dangerous situation is sought to be created. Pakistan is reeling under worst economic crisis. The regime there is too weak and the ruling classes and their parties are plagued by many contradictions. The politics of hegemonism pursued by imperialists in the region using the soil of Pakistan had ruined the economy and subjected the people to much strain. Pakistan too continues to be ground for never ending terrorist attacks. On any count, Pakistan is not in a position to attack. PEOPLE WANT PEACE, NOT WAR War is not at all in the interest of either Pakistan or India. People of both countries were always opposed to war. It was the imperialists and the ruling classes who are in collusion with them who were either stoking the tension, war hysteria or even wars between them to serve their own vested interests. The imperialists have made big business out of tension and wars between the two countries. It was always the people on both sides who suffered most. Left to themselves both the people wanted and want to live in peace, fraternity and mutual co-operation. The people of India, Pakistan, for that matter entire world can live in peace and security only by getting rid off the dead weight of imperialism from their back. Democratic, patriotic and peace loving forces and people all over the world earnestly want that India and Pakistan must live in peace, brother-hood and solve their problems includ-ing the phenomenon of ‘terrorism’ among themselves without falling prey to imperialist machina-tions. They wish and hope that the people of both countries who are worst victims of imperialist politics of hegemonism and subservient policies of their own exploiting ruling classes must assert themselves, raise voice against war and say in one voice: Hands off imper-ialism! Long live unity and solidarity among people of India and Pakistan! Down with communal and national chauvinists and war mongers!

What We Can Learn From Mumbai Terror Attacks Sanjay Singhvi EXACTLY ONE MONTH having passed since the terror attacks in Mumbai, it is time to take stock. Everyone says that Mumbai is the city that bounces back. Many of the celebrities have even lamented this fact. About the incident itself - it has received massive publicity - we can only say that the security system stands exposed - both in India as a whole and in Mumbai and in its ultraluxury hotels in particular. The incident shows that spending crores of rupees on mega-

sophisticated equipment will not always guarantee safety. The most modern equipment finally depends upon human beings and unless the common people of our country Hindus and Muslims, dalits and savarnas, men and women - all feel included in its prosperity, corruption will always breach even the most modern systems. What has created the greatest anxiety is the type of response that is being given to the incident. The incident gave rise to responses of utter hatred and frustration to the politicians and the “system”. Common people in the streets were commenting that both the Congress and the BJP had failed and it was time to try something new. The CPI(M)led Left Front had nothing to contribute to the image of “politicians” other than the utterly farcical incident of the Kerala Chief Minister. Raj Thackeray came in for particularly severe lambasting about where his “Marathi manoos” was during the attack, when Mumbai had to be saved by NSG from outside. All this clearly shows that the people are fed up with the current politicians and are looking for a change. At the same time, what was the change that was being proposed? The actual proposals were dangerous. The “Times of India” reported within a few days of the incident that some housewives from Napean Sea Road (one of the poshest localities in Mumbai), who had come to attend a march in response to the incident had called for “war on Pakistan”. Upper class “socialites” were consistently echoing this call. The point is that it is easy to call for war from the rarified confines of Napean Sea Road and such areas. Probably, the same people would not call for war if they stayed in Amritsar! Not even if they stayed in the slums of Mumbai where war would only lead to further squalor and deprivation. Uddhav Thackeray of the Shiv Sena, set a new world record in inscrutability when he became, probably, the first opposition politician in the world to call for an emergency! He actually wanted that the Government should denude all his corporators and MLAs and MPs of their powers and should concentrate all power in itself. He wanted that his own democratic and fundamental rights be suspended! Gregory David Roberts, author of the bestseller “Shantaram” and one time convict for armed robbery and heroin addict, accompanied by Parmeshwar Godrej, said, over beer at the Leopold Cafe, that the problem of peace between Indian and Pakistan could be easily solved. He proposed that the border should be handed over to the UN to patrol! Others have proposed the US instead. Such ideas are not necessarily fictitious, given that the Government has allowed the FBI and the Mossad to intervene in the investigations into the incident. Nandan Nilenkani, with the zeal of a new-found “guru”, advocated that cities like Mumbai should be given greater autonomy and independence. He said that Jawaharlal Nehru had wanted Mumbai to be a bilingual state but “riots and protests” put paid to these plans. He was referring, of course, to the Great Samyukta Maharashtra movement. The Samyukta Maharashtra movement brought people of different religions, regions, state-origins, together to fight that Mumbai should remain within Maharashtra. Now Nandan Nilenkani blames their fight for the terror attacks on Mumbai! This shows that it does not take brains to make money in today’s world. In a similar vein to Nilenkani, Ratan Tata criticised the security forces of the country. The burden of both their diatribes was that Mumbai should be brought under corporate control. This was also the main slogan in the march taken out, mainly by middle-class Mumbaikars, in the immediate aftermath to the terror strikes. “No CM, we want a CEO” said the slogans.

At the same time as Mumbai was suffering the terror attacks, the Bangkok airport was under seige by gun-wielding protestors. Their demand was curious. They were opposed to the concept of “One person, one vote”. A democratic protest to oppose one of the fundamental tenets of democracy! This demand has a history. The Thai PM of some years ago was Thaksin Shinawatra. He was finally found guilty by the Supreme Court of corruption and was forced to give up power and was also banned from contesting elections for five years. However, his popularity, especially in the countryside, ensured that his cousin and his party got elected and the country was ruled by proxy, through his cousin. The protestors at the Suvarnabhoomi airport felt that his cousin’s Government was equally corrupt and that he would keep getting elected by proxy since the rural people were not able to exercise their franchise properly and could be easily bought! Hence their demand. This is very similar to the demand being put forward in Mumbai which has begun to seem reasonable even to normal middle-class persons. Make Mumbai a corporation. Hand it over to the Tatas and Ambanis and Nilenkanis. Such calls are not very different from the calls for “military rule” which were also heard in Mumbai in the immediate aftermath of the strike. The point is that people are fed up with the current rule and are blaming democracy and the democratic system, rather than the undemocratic class nature of rule in the country. “The essence of leadership ... is the capacity to form rapid decisions”1 “...democracy will in practice lead to the destruction of a people’s true values. And this also serves to explain how it is that people with a great past from the time when they surrender themselves to the unlimited, democratic rule of the masses slowly lose their former position; for the outstanding achievements of individuals...are now rendered practically ineffective through the oppression of mere numbers”2 “Democracy is the canal through which bolshevism lets its poisons flow into the separate countries and lets work there long enough for these infections to lead to a crippling of intelligence and of the force of resistance”3 “The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood”4 “We want to liberate Germany from the fetters of an impossible parliamentary democracy — not because we are terrorists, not because we intend to gag the free spirit. On the contrary, the spirit has never made themselves its master”5 “The aim [of the modern democratic parliamentary system] rather is to bring together a group of nonentities who are dependent on others for their views and who can be all the more easily led...”6 All the above are quotes by Adolf Hitler. In a similar vein were the comments by Gustav Krupp, one of the main industrialists to back Hitler. These following comments were made in a plan for re-organisation of German industry submitted to Hitler on 25th April 1933, i.e. the day after Hitler had finally passed the infamous “Enabling Bill” giving himself dictatorial powers. “The turn of political events is in line with the wishes which I myself and the Board of Directors have cherished for a long time. I am convinced that, under the threat of the

impoverishment of our people, the machinery of government must be simplified to the utmost. For the same reason I did not fail to recognize a long time ago the necessity of rationalizing our economic system.” This is uncannily similar to what the Tatas and Nilenkanis of our time are saying. The fact is that a frustration with the existing political system can either lead to Socialism and greater democracy or to Fascism. In the light of the weakness of our socialist forces, it is the fascist forces who are gaining the upper hand. This is the clear message of the Mumbai terror strikes. The terror attacks coming at a time when the global economy is in a stage of “meltdown” is no coincidence. Under imperialism, crises are endemic to the system - and crises have been linked to the rise of fascism - remember that Hitler came to power in 1933 riding upon the crest of the Great Depression. That is not to say that imperialists hatch a conspiracy to have terror attacks during a depression so that the peoples attention can be diverted. Rather, crises lead to unemployment - greater disillusionment. They lead to more misery and deprivation which cause a greater struggle for an ever-reducing share of human production. They cause people to revert to more arcane concepts of caste, race, etc. which may enable them to come together to corner resources. Religious sentiments and rituals, at such a time are greatly heightened. All this has a bearing on the number of terror attacks, rioting, etc. The period of globalisation, being a response to imperialist crisis on the whole, has seen an enormous increase in the number of such incidents. During the whole period, since the terror attacks, the corporate media has been playing the role of war-monger. The US has been dangerously fanning the flames of war by openly blaming Pakistan for the attacks. Rather than questioning such statements, the media has been portraying them as proof of Pakistan’s involvement - as if what the US says is “gospel truth”. This has led to the monopoly media having become one of the main harbingers of war-hysteria. In the midst of all this war hysteria, A.R. Antulay struck a discordant note. Though he has astutely back-tracked from the question that he raised, the question still begs an answer. How was it that the three main police who were behind the exposure of the involvement of the RSS and other Hindutva outfits in the Malegaon blasts were the main three police officers killed - all in one car at the same time! There is one eye-witness, a constable who was with them at the time to testify that they were killed by the terrorists. However, even discounting conspiracy theories, there are many unanswered questions. Why did all three of them go together? Why was one of them himself driving the vehicle? How could such experienced officers walk into an ambush? Similarly the whole incident also leaves a lot of unanswered questions. How did such large amounts of ammunition get into the hotels? Why were the terrorists not detected at the gate itself? What was the identity of the terrorists? All these can only be answered by a thorough probe into the incident. The people of India deserve answers. At the same time, it is only the answers to this questions which will stop speculations which are the main cause of war-mongering and the spread of communal hatred. This is the situation, then, that we face. A deep-seated resentment and frustration with the current situation with the fear of war and fascism looming large. It was to face this situation that the CPI(ML) organised a meeting in Mumbai as a “Democratic Response to the Mumbai Terror Attacks”. The meeting was held on 13th December 2008 at the Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh Hall and was attended by around 200 people. The meeting was addressed by Sanjay Singhvi, CPI (ML), Firoz Mithiboriwalla

(Awami Bharat), Vijay Kulkarni (Lal Nishan Party Leninvadi), Anand Teltumbde and Pravin Nadkar, CPI (ML) (ND). The meeting was presided by Com. Arun Velaskar, Secretary, Maharashtra, CPI(ML). The slogans put forward at the meeting were: No to war; no to emergency! Have a thorough inquiry into the whole incident! The inquiry into the Malegaon blasts must continue! Throw out the FBI and Mossad! To fight terrorism, fight globalisation! The path forward is socialism, not fascism! Footnotes 1 Hitler, My New Order 2 Raushning, Hermann : Hitler Speaks: A Series of Political Conversations with Adolf Hitler on His Real Aims 3 Hitler, My New Order 4 Bullock, Alan Hitler: A Study in Tyranny 5 Hitler My New Order 6 Hitler Mein Kampf

Democratic Voices Against Jingoism

Indo-Pakistan War : Never Rajindar Sachar THE RESULTS of assembly elections has proved that Indian electorate has reached a mature understanding of terrorism as being a world phenomena as against anti Pakistan sentiment projected by BJP The cult of war cry, in the wake of Mumbai terrorist attack had inflated the ego of BJP to imagine itself as a colossus. An electoral slap in reply, has proved President Lincoln saying “You can fool all the people for some time, you can fool some people for all time – but you cannot fool all the people all the time”. This is not meant in any way to lessen a whit the horrendous experience of Mumbai tragic killings by terrorists attack on 26th November 2008. It justifiably numbed and angered the nation, which saw the gruesome happenings live on T.V. for all these days. The security personnel and commandoes are fully entitled to our thankful respectful homage. Indignation at the incompetence, sloth fullness and indifference of governmental agencies to national safely has rightly exploded. Incompetency of the government should not be compounded by stifling civil liberties of the citizens. But I am gravely worried at the sudden loss of trust between India and Pakistan It is now an established fact that Mumbai attack had Pakistan link. It does speak poorly of Pakistan government that in the first instance it denied that terrorists were from Pakistan, and tried to play an unworthy smart card of India supplying proof of Pakistani connection, especially when Pakistan itself had been victim of its home grown terrorists,

the various assassination attempts on Musharaff, the murder of Benazir Bhutto were obviously the work of Al-Qaida. LeT and other Jehadi groups operating from Pakistan. Initially President Asif Ali Zardari made the right noise – he talked of sending the head of I.S.I. ( as was the understanding of Indian government). But then he recanted apparently under pressure of I.S.I., which led to the demand for aggressive action in India. Unthinkingly the government of India cowed under pressure and cut off all contacts which were mutually beneficial like peace talks on Siachin, Sir Creek, even trade talks have been put in abeyance. Who are we damaging but the average man in both the countries. Things could have become worse but U.S.A. desperate about its Afghan venture going astray moved in and pressurized Pak government to act, which has now arrested Lakhavi, the leader of terrorist gang and detained Masood Azhar. One regrets that Pakistan did not resort to these steps at the asking of India. This has not shown our independence of working – rather it has shown that both our countries as being subordinated to USA global programme. I should have thought that after Pakistan’s action, however reluctantly, greater trust will grow between both the countries. But so much is the mutual suspicion that a hoax call to President Zardari allegedly by Indian foreign minister threatening him to take action against terrorists was blown up inspite of immediate denial by India. Even more surprising is that the hot line which exists between two Prime Ministers was not activated – this mystery apparently has not been cleared adding to further strain. Unfortunately media is not acting responsibly by insisting on Govt. of India to demand the handing over of terrorists. One report, if true that Indian government had even asked for handing over of Hamid Gul, the former I.S.I. Chief shows a complete lack of realism. U.S.A. may behave in a similar vein and get away, because unfortunately Pakistan is a client State economically, especially with US war in Afganistan determining the relationship. But surely saner thinking must tell us that India cannot and could not act, as some hawks are egging on Govt. of India to take near dangerous steps like limited strike in Pakistan territory on the plea of chasing the terrorists. Already suspicion has been so aroused in Pakistan that hundred gathered at Pakistan Wagah border shouting anti India slogans – how sad it would make some of us led by kuldip Nayar the eminent journalist, who have been lighting candles of peace on 14th August for over a decade and half, and which resulted since last two or three years with an equal genuine reciprocal gathering across Pak Wagah border as a bond of mutual friendship. This mutual suspicion is suicidal. Terrorism is a danger to both countries. Pakistan has gruesome situation of terrorism on its own soil by the terrorists even targeting Shia prayer halls in Peshawar only a couple of days back. Pakistan is so much a victim of terrorism that in North Western Pakistan the number of terrorists attack against police has gone up from 113 in 2005 to 1820 last year. The carriage at Taj & Oberoi Hotel was in the same strain as the terrorists did at Marriot Hotel in Islamabad. The well wishers of Indo–Pak friendship should not let the foul deeds of Al–Qaida or the newly named LeT or the latest or Jamat–ud–Dawa muddy our relations. The comment by some Indian artists proudly saying on TV (India) that they will not perform with Pak artists was objectionable, provocative and totally against the spirit of art. Similarly action by Pak government telling Ghulam Mohd, the singer not to go to India is equally unworthy.

We must cry a halt to these unnecessary jingoistic. Provocative action. Let not our anger, at our governments inefficiency, make us insensitivity to common safety and welfare. We have to accept that average Pakistani wishes his democratic experiment to succeed, and his friendship with India to blossom (not withstanding I.S.I. tricks). Any hawkish attitude in India ill befits the conciliatory statement of President Zardari, namely ‘Mumbai’ attacks were directed not only at India but also at Pakistani new democratic government and the peace process that we have initiated The mutual wrangling can create an unintended dangerous course when like Mr. Qureshi, the foreign Minister of Pak, (who by all reckoning is rightly considered a champion of Indo – Pak friendship) because of compulsions at home and possibly hawkish sentiments going out of India has had to say, “ We do not want to impose war, but we are fully prepared in case war is imposed on us”. This only shows how politicians in both countries wish to display sterner face forgetting that there is nothing more destructive for us than war between India and Pakistan – this is not an option, because it can only bring untold misery to both our countries.

How West Asia Views Mumbai Attacks Atul Aneja THE MUMBAI TERROR ATTACKS have generated a vigorous debate in West Asia. In most major countries, these are being interpreted as an incident that is likely to usher in a new phase in the so-called global war on terror led by the United States. The war on terrorism, which has so far focussed on Iraq and Afghanistan within the strategic ambit of West Asia, has moved into South Asia with India as its new pillar. Many, especially in Iran and Saudi Arabia, see the attacks as part of a plot hatched by Washington and some of its allies to stoke a major geopolitical realignment in the wider West Asia-South Asia region. Several commentators are of the view that in the wake of the Mumbai attacks, India has either been co-opted already as an active partner of the U.S., Israel and the U.K. in this war or is being “trapped” to join the unseemly coalition. With the exception of Israel, there is plenty of sympathy in the Arab and Iranian media for Pakistan, which is seen not as an instigator of the Mumbai attacks but as a victim of this conspiracy. There is a considerably large body of opinion that after the Mumbai attacks, the stage has been set for Pakistan to be targeted militarily during the Obama Presidency. The ultimate objective of a chain of events that could follow Mumbai is to draw both Pakistan and Afghanistan along with India firmly into the western orbit of influence. So far, the jury is out in the region on the role the Indian state is likely to play in the aftermath of the Mumbai strikes. Sections of the Iranian and Saudi media have either bluntly stated or implied that India is already in the western camp and would be an active player in redrawing the geopolitical map of the region. Some others are, as yet, not so sure. The influential hardline Iranian daily, Kayhan, said on December 1 that India, the U.S., Britain and Israel were behind the Mumbai terror attacks. It observed that neither the Al-Qaeda nor the Pakistan government was involved in the strikes. Kayhan is known to be close to the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, but that does not mean it necessarily reflects his views or that of a majority of Iranians.

‘Vengeance obsession’: The Saudi-owned daily Al Hayat has also voiced suspicion over India’s strategic relationship with the U.S. “The Indian brother may have already given the Americans a mandate to launch wars in the Indian subcontinent, whose management will be India’s responsibility, since it is possessed by the same ‘vengeance obsession’ that struck the Americans [in 2001].” The Lebanese militant group, Hizbollah, which successfully battled Israel for 33 days in the killing fields of South Lebanon in 2006, does not presume that India is already part of the western camp. But sensing that New Delhi is under enormous pressure to join it, the militant group has counselled India to steer clear of an alliance with the U.S. and Israel. In a statement, Sayyid Nawwaf al-Musawi, Hizbollah’s head for international relations, has recalled India’s image as a country which has not succumbed to pressures of big powers since its independence. Hizbollah’s stand : “India has been one of the three founder-states of the Non-Aligned Movement, which sought to follow a path that is independent from the hegemony of the arrogant. We have noted that these kinds of attacks that struck India are often a prelude to U.S. security and military interference that confiscates the sovereignty of states at the pretext of fighting terrorism. These attacks will be an opportunity for the U.S. administration to blackmail both Pakistan and India and infringe on their sovereignty.” The statement also warns India against the pitfalls of depending on Israeli intelligence. It says Israel sets this “additional trap that aims at inundating states with misleading intelligence as well as infiltrating their security and military establishments.” According to the Hizbollah, those who carried out the Mumbai strikes were of the Takfiri ideological persuasion. It is widely perceived that the Takfiris are extremists who view the entire non-Muslim world as a battleground, with the majority of Muslims also being termed infidels. The Hizbollah said it rejected “Takfiri ideas which make others targets of killing and aggression ... the deadly Takfiri thought has been tearing apart the body of the Muslim community, [has] inflicted massacres on them and shed much of their blood.” The Hizbollah pointed out that it did not view conflicts through a religious ideological prism. “Our opinion on divisions and conflicts … are not based on religious, ethnic, or sectarian considerations but on the basis of arrogance and oppression. We stand by the oppressed, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, colour, or countries in order to confront the arrogant ones whatever their religious and national affiliations might be.” Commenting on how it envisaged its relations with India, Hizbollah, which has now emerged as a highly influential player in the Lebanese political establishment, said: “[It is] our desire to consolidate dialogue and friendship with the Indian people of various groups in order to uphold freedom of mankind and confront the forces of arrogance, takfir, and Zionism, because these forces cooperate and stand together to reap the fruits of their common work. Indeed, they have the same approaches and methods.” The 9/11 analogy: There has been considerable comment on the negative implications of characterising the Mumbai attacks as India’s 9/11. Al Hayat points out that repeated references to 9/11 in the wake of the Mumbai attacks only bring back “the atmosphere of the U.S. 9/11.”

The website of Iran’s state-run Islamic Republic New Agency (IRNA) also posted an article on December 5, stressing that the Americans were going to great lengths to connect the group which perpetrated the 9/11 attacks with terrorists who struck in Mumbai. It cited the visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to New Delhi, where she reportedly said those who attacked India’s commercial capital and those blamed for the 2001 terror attacks in New York and Washington “move in the same circles.” IRNA added: “If there is a connection between the Mumbai attacks and those of September 11 it is to be found in the American response. Seven months after the planes flew into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Rice described those tragic events as ‘an enormous opportunity’ to ‘create a new balance of power.’ Washington now sees a similar opportunity arising from the carnage in India to pursue its interests in South Asia.” Sympathy for Pakistan: The events that followed the Mumbai attacks have generated sympathy for Pakistan in West Asia. An editorial in Saudi Arabia’s daily Al Madina said: “Terrorism also threatens Pakistan’s very existence, and directly or indirectly harms its sovereignty over its territory, every time the U.S. attacks what Washington claims is a ‘terrorist’ target within Pakistan. [In the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks], India is furious while Pakistan, already in an extremely complex economic predicament, definitely needs no more crises to add to its existing ones.” An editorial in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah titled “A War Is Imminent” blamed the policies adopted by the U.S. in Afghanistan as the deeper cause of the current tensions in South Asia. “The terrorist attacks in Mumbai were extremely serious — in terms of their ‘quality,’ in hitting a number of targets [simultaneously], and in the [large] number of victims [they claimed]. But worst of all, they gave rise to serious political and military tension between India and Pakistan, which may lead to a war. Such a war would be a war between two nuclear powers whose security has been fundamentally undermined by the U.S. warfare in Afghanistan …” The Iranian leadership was the first to imply that the Pakistani state was not involved in the Mumbai attacks. On December 2, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told state television IRIB that the “savage terrorist attacks which killed so many innocent people were staged by [elements] from outside the region as regional people would never do such a thing.” The Mumbai attacks challenge the Indian state on not only how it manages domestic security but also how it frames external polices. It remains to be seen whether New Delhi will follow an independent approach by forging closer ties with neighbours on a common politico-security platform or get itself entrapped as a junior partner in an alliance with extra-regional players pursuing their geo-strategic agenda in the region. [The Hindu, 17 Dec. 2008]

Reports From States

West Bengal: Tribal Uprising at Lalgarh UNPRECEDENTED tribal agitation had been going on during the last two months in the tribal dominated Lalgarh and surrounding areas of Jhargram sub division of West Midnapur district. Discontents among the tribal people sparked to large areas of Lalgarh,

Jhargram and Binpur blocks of Jhargram sub division after the arrest of several villagers, following landmine blast on November 2 by the Maoists targeting the convoy of West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Union steel and mines minister Ram Vilas Paswan. They were returning from the inauguration of the Jindal group Steel Works Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Salboni of 5000 acres. The chain reactions started against police atrocities. Roads leading to Lalgarh area had either been dug up or blocked by huge tree trunks to obstruct the entry of police vehicles, inspired from Nandigram struggle. Thousands of tribal men and women armed with traditional weapons held rallies and erected road blocks at several places in the area. As a result, Lalgarh area was disconnected from the rest of West Midnapur and neighboring Bankura district. The movement has been continually intensifying during the past weeks and spreading over a larger area. This blockade had seriously affected emergency services of the area. Supply of food and other essential commodities, education and health services were affected. District administration had lost its control over vast tribal dominated areas. The tribal people are demanding immediate release of arrested innocents, immediate action against the police officials responsible for the brutal attacks, withdraw all police camps from the area and stop all sort of police repression The district administration admitted that they had no prior estimation that the tribal agitation could develop into such an uprising like mass agitation movement. The administration was compelled to hold direct dialogue with the villagers, after talks with the leaders of the Bharat Jakat Majhi Madwa failed. Yet the district administration was afraid to hold dialogue in the areas of tribal mobilization, going to the villages, as the villagers invited the administration to talk with them face to face. Bharat Jakat Majhi Madwa is the apex social organization of the Santhals and one of the important organizations in the movement. Nityananda Hembram, leader of the said organization admitted that the organization has no control over the whole agitating people. It proves that various shades of organizations are active among the agitated tribal people. Leaders of different tribal communities formed a committee to resist police atrocities on local people. Administration has been holding several all-party meetings with the dominant political parties like CPI-M, TMC, Congress and the Jharkhand Party (Naren Hansda group). Leaders of these parties openly admitted that they were unable to exert any influence on the tribal people. Police atrocities are nothing new to the tribal people of West Midnapur, Bankura, and Purulia. Usually, the police harass and arrest innocent tribal people following every Maoist attack. Police start rampage in the tribal villages. Having no clue about the extremist armed actions, police beat up brutally and arrest the villagers indiscriminately. Tribal people are one of the most downtrodden people India and the picture is no different in these three districts of West Bengal even after 31 years of CPI-M led LF rule. We can recollect deaths due to starvation and malnutrition at Binpur Belpahari. Tribal dominated areas are among those most under developed areas in West Bengal. Their land and natural resources are being handed over for plunder by the monopolies and foreign capital for years. Tribal people have been dispossessed from their land, forests and water in the name of so called development and industrialization. The state government did not bother to set up a SEZ with a steel plant in the forest area, endangering their means of livelihood. Thus the struggle against state repression is turning into a greater struggle against corporate plunder, dispossession and marginalization. The state government had been accusing that the Maoists are inciting the tribal people from behind the movement and are trying in this way to legitimize the police

atrocities. But being frustrated in their efforts to confront the upsurge like situation and peaceful mass character of the movement, the state government was compelled to negotiate with the tribal people. Opposition parties are trying their level best to capitalize the people’s anger in the coming elections. TMC suprimo Mamta Banarjee supported the tribal agitation to extent her vote bank in the tribal dominated areas. Presence of Maoist activists in the tribal movement cannot undermine the legitimacy of the spontaneous, democratic and just movement. All genuine communist, left and democratic forces should come forward in support of the mass uprising of tribal people. It should be kept in mind that anarchic armed action cannot create any positive result for people’s movement, other than creating proxy for state repression. As the uprising continued denying entry of state administration to these areas, finally the state government was forced to accept nost of the demands before the agitation was called off. It is a big victory for the united tribal people’s movement. Babu Dutta

On the Five State Assembly Election Results THE RESULTS of the election to the five state assemblies, projected as a semi-final before the final elections to Lok Sabha by the BJP, announced on 8th December show that its campaign agenda of internal security, Pakistan whipping and anti-minorityism clubbed with attempts to utilise the 26th November Mumbai attacks by terrorists, once it happened, did not succeed significantly. Though 26/11 helped it marginally to win MP, it did not work in later voting in Rajasthan and Delhi. BJP’s voting percentage also went down as a whole. As far as Congress is concerned, though it is a consolidation for it that after a string of 11 assembly election defeats over past three years including Gujarat and Karnataka this year, it could win again in Delhi and recapture Rajasthan and Mizoram. But the voting pattern in general and emergence of BSP as a third force in the Hindi belt shows that any conclusion on the Lok Sabha election results based on these results will not be correct. Chhattisgarh: Though BJP succeeded to win again here neither its vote (40.5%) nor its seat share improved. It was a populist game it played here. First it announced Rs. 3 per kg rice and 25 paise per kg salt for BPL families. When Congress came out claiming that it will provide rice at Rs. 2 per kg, BJP announced Rs. 1 per kg rice and free salt plus interest free loan to agrarian sector and free electricity to farmers. During the last five years BJP had succeeded to make Congress its ally while waging war against adivasis in the name of Salwa Judum in the name of suppressing the ‘Maoists’. So the election did not focus on core issues like rampant privatisation drive helping the MNCs and corporate houses, pathetic livelihood conditions of the increasing number of BPL families, suppression of democratic rights, price rise and unemployment, besides increasing corruption in all fields. So Congress only maintained its vote share (38%), it could not make any headway in defeating BJP. While BSP increased its vote share to 6.11% through its caste card, the CPI led front as well as CPI(M) could not improve their vote share. Both got further weakened. As far as CPI(ML) is concerned, as already reported, utilising its meagre economic resources it had waged an energetic political campaign focussing on core issues and calling for voting for a revolutionary alternative. Compared to 2003 elections it polled more votes in

Belha (4783) and Abhanpur (2791) and polled 1624 votes in Chitrakut of Bastar district, a new seat. Altogether its vote share in the six seats were more this time. Besides, it could establish as the revolutionary left organisation in the state winning more cadres and supporters through the campaign. Madhya Pradesh: Contrary to the claims of BJP leadership and analyses of corporate media, BJP could retain its 42% vote share and win majority seats mainly because of the sudden impact of the 26/11 night attacks in Mumbai on a section of voters on 27th November polling. Otherwise, the rampant corruption, suicides by peasants, pauperisation of BPL families and exposure of the involvement of Sadhvi Pragya Singh like Sangh Parivar activists in Malegaon and other terrorist attacks had put BJP in a defensive position in spite of the failure of its rival, Congress, to utilise these because of the worse record of UPA government at centre and due to sharp disunity among its leaders. While the BJP government was nakedly communalising the state machinery, opening the state to MNCs and corporate houses, making corruption rampant, the Congress was only a mute spectator to these. So BJP won not due to any progressive governance, but due to the opposition’s failure to come forward as a viable alternative. In fact BJP’s return to power is going to make life more miserable to the vast masses, and insecure for the minorities and down-trodden sections. An important factor in the election was the emergence of BSP with 11% votes as a ruling class alternative utilising caste based vote bank and money power. But Uma Bharti’s Bharatiya Janshakti (BJS), though it won five seats had almost faded away during the last days of election campaign. Many other state level registered parties lost even their earlier vote share sharply. As far as CPI and CPI(M) fielding 46 candidates separately are concerned, their vote share also went down. Except raising local issues they did not organise a political campaign. CPI(ML) fielding nine candidates from six districts and organising a vigorous campaign focussing on core issues against ruling class parties and social democrats could win over cadres and supporters at state level. While in Chitrangi in Singrauli district it received 5600 votes and in Radhogarh in Guna district 2700 votes, the campaign putting to maximum use of its meagre resources succeeded to carry party’s line and election manifesto to large number of people. It has influenced the left forces in the state, especially the cadres of CPI further. It has paved the way for further strengthening of the party in the state very soon. Rajasthan: The defeat of BJP in the election with its vote share going down to 34% from 39% in 2003 was the result of people’s strong resentment against the five years of corrupt, communal misrule by the party. Though Congress could win 96 seats and form the ministry with the support of few independents, its vote share of 35.6% did not improve compared to 2003. Congress came to power again only as a result of the negative votes against BJP, in the absence of any other alternative. Almost one third of the votes went to others in this election that saw a polling of 70%. Here again BSP increased its vote share marginally and won six seats. As far as CPI(M) is concerned, Rajasthan, where it led a militant peasant movement for months unlike in other states, proved different. Due to these struggles it could improve its mass support, win three seats and get 22,000 votes in a fourth one. As already reported, CPI(ML) contesting the election in the state for the first time with an election manifesto addressing fundamental issues, could make a vigorous political campaign in the two

seats it announced earlier and in Pilibanga seat in Hanumangarh district where a party supporter was the candidate, could put forward party’s line and expose the ruling class alternatives. The party got nearly 2000 votes in Sadulsahar and more than one thousand in Ganganagar and nearly thousand in Pili Banga. Here again the campaign has helped to put forward a revolutionary left alternative before the people, and win over new cadres and supporters in the state. Delhi: In spite of BJP sweeping the municipal election one and half years ago, it lost to ruling Congress in the assembly elections not because of any popular performance by the Congress as its leaders claim, but because BJP, the main opposition, had nothing to offer to the voters except its virulent communal propaganda. BSP became a third force using its caste card. In the capital city state with nearly 28% dalits and huge population of workers, that the left is failing to make any presence even to put forward its stand before the people effectively is a serious lapse. Mizoram: The Mizo National Front (MNF) had waged insurgency mobilising the masses against the Indian state for years leading to the formation of the state. For last one decade it was ruling the state. That the Congress succeeded to trounce it winning 32 out of 40 seats with 38% votes, is not because of any new found love for Congress by the people. It is a negative vote against degeneration of MNF leadership to outright corruption, bureaucracy and nepotism.

MP: Struggle Against Displacement for Super Thermal Plants THE BJP government in the state has given permission for four super thermal power plants in Singrauli tahsil of Singrauli district including a Rs. 6000 crore Essar project, Ultra Mega Thermal Plant. These are approved besides already existing NTPC super power plant. Including opening new mines, construction of dams and infrastructure about 50,000 acres of land is going to be taken over soon. For Essar project already land procurement is initiated. Though the big landlords have started handing over their land after collecting compensation, vast majority of the peasants who will loose their farmlands and agricultural workers who will loose their jobs have come out against the land notification. A handbill circulated by CPI(ML) Singrauli district committee against the take over of land has helped this mobilisation against displacement. The state committee of CPI(ML) has decided to take this issue and launch a major agitation opposing the displacement of peasants and agricultural workers.

Maruti and DLF: Pillars of Gurgaon’s Urbanisation shaken by Crisis MARUTI SUZUKI and the real estate major DLF are the two symbols of Gurgaon’s urbanisation. The opening of the Maruti Suzuki plant in the early 1980s accelerated the industrialisation of the semi-rural fringe around Delhi, Gurgaon village turned into an industrial city. A decade later DLF - India’s biggest real estate developer - turned Gurgaon into a bubble of private and corporate property, a desert of gated concrete.

When the global crisis kicked in these two pillars of urban and industrial development start to tremble. Beginning of December 2008 Maruti announces that the November sales dipped by 27 per cent compared to the same month last year, while net profit slumped by 37 per cent in the second quarter this fiscal. As a consequence Maruti Suzuki has announced a five per cent production cut. The factory has an annual manufacturing capacity of 700,000 cars, meaning a cut in production by 35,000 cars. While the news report that Tata and Hyundai are sacking hundreds of temporary workers, Maruti hasn’t announced any lay-offs yet. Most likely the lay-offs will happen in the vast net of unofficial employment which Maruti relies on: the thousands of workers hired through contractors in the main plant and in the surrounding supplying industries. End of November 2008 DLF, the role-model of private business town development, had to ask the state of Haryana to refund licence fees worth Rs 2,350,000,000. At the same time economic analysts declared that the real estate prices in second-tier cities like Gurgaon will have to fall by at least 30 per cent in order to rekindle the frozen sales. DLF has bought large amounts of land in the Gurgaon area, which are now turning sour, e.g. the land for an IT SEZ in Noida which DLF is now eager to sell. DLF is the rule, not an exception. End of November Unitech, the country’s second largest listed real estate company, put all six of its hotel projects under construction at Gurgaon and Kolkata up for sale, forced by financial difficulties to pay back loans. There are first signs of workers’ response to the impact of the current crisis, like the riot of building workers after a fatal work ‘accident’ in Delhi, the road and railway blockades of Dunlop workers in West Bengal, protesting against the closure of the factory, the strikes and lock-outs at multi-national car part manufacturer Bosch in Jaipur. []

Orissa: Sangh Parivar Forced to Retreat AFTER LAUNCHING a fascist onslaught against the tribal families who had adopted Christian religion in Kandhamal district killing many and forcing nearly 50,000 families to flee from their villages, the Sangh Parivar was continuing their communalisation drive in the name of opposing ‘conversion’ with the help of the BJD-BJP government in the state. But the October 13 bandh against their fascist activities in the five southern districts of Orissa by the CPI(ML) and other like-minded forces and the rasta and rail roko in Bhubaneshwar and other areas was a major people’s mobilisation against them. In the rout of BJP in the Bhubaneshwar municipal corporation elections also the secular campaign of CPI(ML) played a role. It was to regain its initiative and to keep alive the communal frenzy, the Sangh Parivar had called for an Orissa bandh on 25th December, the Christmas day, threatening another major attack on the tribal people. They were emboldened by the silence of the Navin Patnaik government and the support enjoyed from a section of the communalised state machinery. CPI(ML) along with CPI(ML) ND had given a call for resisting this fascist move. Soon other parties also started opposing the bandh call. On 22nd December CPI(ML) organised a big rally in Bhubaneshwar calling for resisting the bandh call. Other parties also organised programmes to oppose the Sangh Parivar move. As a result the government was forced to come out openly against it. Isolated, the Sangh Parivar had to retreat withdrawing the bandh call. CPI(ML) has congratulated the

people on this victory and has called on all secular democratic forces to continue this offensive against the Sangh Parivar.

TN: Campaign on Not Imperialism, Socialism is the Path Forward TN STATE COMMITTEE continued the campaign on Not Imperialism, Socialism is the Path Forward with a well attended hall meeting at Karingal, Kanyakumari district on 2nd December in which com. KN Ramachandran participated. On 22nd December a public meeting was organised at MGR Nagar, Chennai addressed by com. S. Sundram and other state level leaders. TN Coolie Vyavasai Sangam Observed Kizhu Venmani Martyrs Day: In memory of the 43 agricultural workers and their family members massacred by the landlords in Kizhu Venmani village of Tanjavoor district, on December 25, their martyrdom day, Tamil Nadu Coolie Vyavasai Sangam (Agricultural Workers and Peasant Organisation) organised a convention at Husur, Krishnagiri district. The land struggle with land to the tiller slogan was formally launched in the convention. Comrades Vindhavedan and PT Shanmugam addressed the convention and declared that with the support of the working class the land struggle will be carried forward. TN Women’s Organisation Formed: The Tamil Nadu state level meeting women comrades at Dindigal an organising committee of TN Democratic Women’s Organisation with comrade M. Meena as president, M. Muthu Laxmi as secretary and K.R. Flora as treasurer was formed. It is decided to observe March 8, 2009 the International Women’s Day at state level. The TN Anganwadi Workers Union is formed with com. R. Rani as convenor. It is decided to organise membership campaign in Chennai, Kanchi, Thiruvallur, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Dindugal, Virudhunagar and Kanyakumari districts immediate.

On Economic Crisis

The Global Capitalist Crisis And India WE HAVE not yet seen the start of an adequate discussion of the consequences for India of the global capitalist crisis. We cannot in these few pages correct that inadequacy, but perhaps can suggest some reasons why the discussion has been inadequate, and some lines along which the discussion might usefully develop. The decline of political economy as the central tool of analysis, above all in the mass media but even among the left, is most to blame. The “reform” of the last decades had seen a deformation of economic discourse, with discussion frequently reduced to imbecilities about the rise in aggregate growth rates and a hypnotic stunned fixation on the apparently inexorable rise in Sensex stock exchange index numbers. Those who were paid to beat the ideological drum in the business press have been left stranded and exposed by the events of the last months, their few pet arguments in ruins. Some of that rubble remains to be cleared away, if a useful discussion is to start. To restore a proper perspective we need to focus on growth rates, since they occupy what space has been given to date to discussion on the consequences of the world capitalist crisis. More than 70% of the total population of India is rural. In 1990-91 GDP

composition by sector showed agriculture with around 32%, the industry sector with 27%, and the services sector with 41%. In 2007-08 it is 17.8% from agriculture, 19.4 from industry and 62.9% from service — which include construction, trade, hotels and restaurants, transport, storage and communications, finance, insurance, real estate and business services, community, social and personal services. The growth rate of these sectors from 2001 to 2008 is respectively 2.8 for agriculture, 7.1 for industry, and 9.0 for services, with the highest growth rates in services to be found in finance and finance– related sectors. Thus a primary force of the supposed high growth has come from the opening of the Indian economy to the vast financial bubble generated by the rulers of the United States (see John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff, “Financial Implosion and Stagnation: Back to the Real Economy”, in this issue). These much-publicised high growth rates of the last several years have been largely irrelevant to the majority of the population. A recent World Bank report finds that 42 percent of the population, or 456 million people, are living below the official — and criminally low — poverty lines. Of course it is not the case that all the growth of the last few years is the result of the financial explosion and the penetration of U.S. global finance capital. There has been increased productivity from technological progress, continuing infrastructure development, and growth in IT to some degree represents activity useful to humans irrespective of what social system predominates. But from what we have seen of the relevant research, the historical growth rates predating the “reforms” approximate what growth has occurred in the real economy, and the recent upward deviation from the mean is largely accounted for by growth in finance and finance-related sectors. Yet the diseased growth spreading from the financial sector has not been without consequences. A significant sector of comparatively well paid and highconsuming small property owners has been created, linked to global financial circuits but contributing little or nothing to the real economy — beyond the construction of multistoried air-conditioned palatial apartment blocks that overlook hectares of crumbling huts and slums. And as has always marked the progress of global monopoly finance capital, this period has seen the benefits of all growth, both in the real economy and in the finance-related sectors, accrue primarily to the rich, with an enormous increase in the already existing severe inequality. In March, Forbes magazine reported that the number of billionaires had increased to 53 and their combined wealth was equal to 31 percent of the country’s GDP. As these billionaires have multiplied, lakhs of farmers committed suicide in the country, the employment rate declined, the pre-“reform” rate of decrease in the poverty rates — even according to official estimates — declined, children remained malnourished and millions died of curable diseases. Only within this context should we approach the discussion of the effect of the world capitalist crisis on growth rates. Every day now brings new revisions downward of the expected growth rates for the coming months and years. The repeated announcement by the now departed Finance Minister and the Prime Minister that the impact of the world financial crisis is going to be insignificant is already a curious memory of the past. And given what we know of the finance-related contribution to recent growth rates, a sharp decline is indeed inevitable — and the only reason that it will not be more severe is that Chidambaram’s aggressive privatisation program for the finance sector was effectively resisted. It is evident to all now that the private finance sector is in deep trouble, while the state banking sector stands firm. Growth in the real economy has also ceased. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) has been slowing for months, and in October recorded its first year-onyear decline since April 1993, dropping 0.4% compared to October 2007. The manufacturing component of the IIP fell yet more sharply, by 1.2%. November shall be

worse, as it is already announced that passenger car sales declined 19% in that month. The IIP decline was offset by an increase in the mining sector, an offset that is unlikely to continue given the global collapse in mining. Insofar as finance-sector explosion led to increased real economy activity by bolstering the effective demand of the new highconsuming (and creditworthy) strata via credit expansion, to at least the same degree the contraction of credit contracts their demand and the real economy. In October the decline in manufacturing was led by a three percent drop in consumer durables. It is clear that an industrial pullback is now under way, and certain that growth in the economy as a whole shall sharply decrease. The 1991 “reforms” led to the “Washington Consensus” expansion of the export sector, with results that exaggerate the effect of the global capitalist crisis. India’s trade to GDP ratio increased from 15 percent to 34.8 percent between 1990 and 2007. Exports have grown at an average annual rate of 23 percent (in dollar terms) since 2002-03. In October, for the first time in five years, exports fell year-on-year. October exports were 12 percent lower than the corresponding month of 2007. Severe job cuts have been reported in the textile sector, which employs 3.5 crore workers. There have been 7 lakh job losses reported by November, with speculation of as many more by January. And of course the young “globalised” IT sector is very exposed. Girish Mishra reported a finding of the Economic Times: “In India, around 60 percent of the companies operating in the IT-BPO sector have been working for American financial corporations like Goldman Sachs, Washington Mutual, Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers. Tata Consultancy Services and Satyam Computers have been working for Merrill Lynch, and Wipro has a number of American corporations as its clients that are bruised by the present collapse.” Mishra added: “It is anybody’s guess that layoffs are certain to take place in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Gurgaon, Noida, etc.” The Economic Times predicted, according to Mishra, that “around 2.3 million young and energetic people working in India’s information technology and BPO” would be left jobless by the financial crisis. As for the most immediate effect of the global capitalist crisis, nothing compares to the outflow of foreign institutional investment from the equity market. Over the financial year 2007-08, net FII investment inflows into India amounted to $20.3 billion. Since July, FIIs have pulled out more than $12.5 billion so far and the rupee has fallen by 20 percent. The Sensex index, which in its rise from the 4,000 range in 2002-3 to over 20,000 at the start of 2008 produced both endless ecstatic drivel in the business press and a flood of FII, has tumbled down to the 9,000 range as we write. The WEF-CII report, released ahead of the India Economic Summit that began on 16 November, said that “India’s dependence on capital flows to finance its current account deficit is a macroeconomic risk and the global crisis could generate a sharp increase in capital outflows and a reduction in the availability of finance.” In summary, as the winter of 2008 begins we are faced with a widening current account deficit, depleting foreign exchange reserves, depreciation of the rupee, the emergence of a balance of payment problem, credit crunch, and an accelerating contraction in industrial production. It is surely appropriate that this moment should see the departure from the Finance Ministry of Chidambaram, as the “Washington Consensus” policies that he attempted to impose on the Indian economy suffer a total squalid collapse. Such protections as India has from the global credit implosion lie precisely in those remaining capital market and currency controls that Chidambaram sought relentlessly to destroy. Dishonest to the end, in his last weeks as Finance Minister Chidambaram tried to deny the evidence of the approaching contraction as shown by the negative trend of the Index of Industrial

Production. As Amiya Kumar Bagchi said in an interview with Radical Notes, “it is disingenuous of the Finance Minister to call the IIP ‘not very reliable’ when his government has done so much to massage the official statistics so as to produce a favourable picture of its performance in the economic field”. Already Chidambaram’s programme for further financial sector “reform” is but a bad memory. The Government hints at different packages to arrest the slowdown of the economy, including the increase of public expenditure and public debt. The different parties propose strict controls for the financial sector, reversing those financial sector “reforms” put into effect. No one defends the “Washington Consensus” policies that have produced the disaster, but as yet no one is questioning their cornerstone: the focus on exports, foreign capital and technology, and 10-15% of the population as “modern” consumers. The business press has been reduced to babbling, and is taken by surprise and shocked by each new piece of economic news, even when it is no more than a continuation of a marked trend. The old religion, as set out by U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson in Beijing in March, 2007 (“[a]n open, competitive, and liberalized financial market can effectively allocate scarce resources in a manner that promotes stability and prosperity far better than governmental intervention’’), is dead. But the discussion of the path of planning and democratic socialist management has not yet come to life. We suggest this impasse is in part due to the clear necessity that any such programme must first address the unfinished business of Indian Independence, the failure to carry out the agrarian revolution in the countryside, where to this day most people live. And when the discussion does begin, it must take as its subject matter more than economics or politics in isolation, but political economy. From the perspective of political economy there has been a single overarching process at work, the subjugation of India by world imperialist capital — a global capital market dominated by the United States — with interrelated consequences in the economy, international relations, domestic politics, and culture, including intellectual discourse. British colonialism successfully relied for generations upon a broad base of (often tacit or even disguised) cooperation and support in the possessing classes, including the Congress leadership. Only with its global crisis in World War Two could colonial hegemony be shaken and Independence become possible. Today the hegemony of imperial capital in India is at least parallel in power and sources of support, but its global crisis also opens the possibility for carrying forward the aborted promise of Independence: revolutionary change in the countryside and self-determination for the great majority. [Analytical Monthly Review, a sister edition of Monthly Review, December 2008]

Whether Inflation or Deflation, Prices of Food and Essential Commodities Go Up THE FALL in the rate of inflation from the peak of more than 12% it had reached four months before is projected by finance minister and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as some major achievement of theirs. But they are silent on the continuing rise in the prices of food items and essential commodities. What the rulers conceal is that if the inflation had gone up as a result of the speculative bubble becoming bigger and bigger and the ‘casinos’ thriving, it is now replaced by deflation as a result of the bursting of the speculative bubble. Both are happening as a consequence of laws of motion of the finance capital, which has become overwhelmingly speculative and parasitic.

For example, the real estate business thrived and price of petroleum crude per barrel went upto $147 as a result of the growth of speculative boom. Once it started bursting creating global financial crisis originating from the US, the real estate sector has crashed and per barrel price of crude oil has come down to $35. In spite of it neither the government is bringing down the prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas proportionately, nor the real estate lobby is bringing down the boosted prices of the flats or villas or going for cheap housing for the masses. Whether inflation or deflation, the government and the corporate houses are not ready to come to the assistance of the people. The government is coming out with all their financial guns blazing to serve bastards who have created the crisis, repeatedly. As compradors, the UPA government is imitating US administration to save the banks going bankrupt and the corporates facing a down turn. In this situation the vast masses of people are facing a two pronged attack. On the one hand the prices of petroleum products which is the highest in India is still kept high helping this sector to reap Rs. 15-20 crores extra profit per day. As a result of opening the production and trading of food and all essential commodities to speculative agencies, their prices are also kept high. Cost of education, health care, housing, transport, etc. are also kept high. So the real cost of living index do no fall. On the other hand, the conse-quences of global recession are felt in India also increasingly. All export oriented sectors are in recession. Production units are closed down and many lakhs of workers and other employees thrown out. The IT sector has also started getting the shock. Increasing unemployment together with cutting down of wages are causing fall in real income, pauperising more sections. Still, unlike in 1930s or under welfare theories of the 1950s, the government is not interfering to enhance the purchasing power of the people by creating jobs to overcome the recession, as Keynes prescribed. Under the qualitatively different exploitative phase that got strengthened following Second World War when finance capital has become overwhelmingly speculative and parasitic, whether in US and other imperialist countries or in countries like India, all the bail out plans are for these speculators who have created the recession. The ruling system has become so barbarous and anti-people that it is throwing the people to the mercy of these wolves. No bail out at all for the people. Some of the analysts had blundered by stating that Keynesian recipes are brought back. What is happening today has nothing to do with the Keynesian recipes, we know. It is neo-liberal barbarism. As the numerous reports from US and other imperialist countries as well as from India like countries reveal, the governments have abandoned the people to their fate and care only for the sharks who speculate and thrive, while driving the economy to ruin. So the lines are clearly drawn. The UPA government has flouted its own promise that another cut in prices of petroleum products will be announced before the parliament session is over. Though the parliament adjourned, no announcement came. While competing in heightening tension with Pakistan by spreading jingoism, the UPA as well as NDA are consciously avoiding the subject of bailing out people from the intensifying recession and price-rise. Now the only way out before the toiling masses, the vast majority of the population, is to wage a relentless struggle against the anti-people policies of the ruling system, which is pauperising them more and more.

Opportunities Before India to Charter Policies in Response to Crisis of Capitalism


N. Bhattacharyya Can they really Change: PEOPLE of Iran and North Korea never expected such a massive defeat of an oppressive Republican regime in USA. After 80 years (1929-30 to 2008) Capitalism (international finance capital) is seen once again rubbing its dirty nose on the public streets of mega cities of the world. It is facing worst possible challenges before it is finally replaced by a transparent system accountable for all its decisions to the poorest of the poor of this universe who happen to be largest population of this world. The poorest of poor around the globe whom our communists till address as ‘sarvaharas’ have nothing to loose in any depression. They are already in worst possible inhuman condition. They are amused that billionaires are begging from their Governments.: rescue packages, doles and monitory and fiscal concessions not in millions or billions but in trillions of US $. As a matter of policy they refused to give despite hundreds of resolutions of UN any tangible help to the poorest of the poor around the world to meet their basic needs to survive as human being. These rich countries proudly proclaimed that ‘in market economy there is no free lunch’, charity is a bad word in capitalism, and investments by Govt. in private sector equity was condemned till yesterday by the world’s capitalists. Govts both in developed and in underdeveloped countries around the world are worried how to save only these richest 10 percent of the world’s population, who are the main architects of the current cold dark nights around the globe. What is wrong if these highly trained greedy speculators and manipulators are brought to book and according to elementary rules of capitalism sent to imprisonment for their corrupt and illegal trade practices. They are not one or two, rather they are in hundreds and thousands through out the globe. The basic rule of capitalism is that it punishes inefficient and ignores those who fail to compete. Then why these doles, rescue packages and concessions to the failures of capitalist system? Let these new convert ‘penniless’ of world’s capitalist system learn to enjoy sharing bread and beds as our beggers, rickshawpullers, pickpocketers etc are forced to survive in cold Delhi winter nights on the footpaths of old Delhi! It is an extraordinary event that USA’s concerned citizens has elected one of their senators as ‘President’ who promised to improve the living conditions of the neglected masses of that country. The outgoing President will be remembered in World’s history as a worst ‘war criminal’ who during his eight years’ of misrule not only made USA a bankrupt country but destroyed completely life and culture of the people of Iraq and Afganistan and expressed his intentions to destroy both Iran and North Korea. Such a psychologically criminal person should be tried in public for war crime and barbaric activities against humanity! He is primarily responsible for the miseries of the people of Palestine. Peace loving people around the world are waiting anxiously to see that USA decides as early as possible to withdraw completely its military occupation from Iraq and Afghanistan. USA’s interference anywhere in the world is no longer required. Imperialists should call back its forces and military installations from rest of the world, also let individual country(ies) decides how to protect itself, and USA’s fascist behavior has to stop permanently at an early date. History will not forgive the Govts. of USA for such ‘fascist’ and ‘Hitleristic’ designs! The hapless people of the globe who account for 80 percent of the world population, express their full sympathies with not so rich people who lost every thing during the last

18 months since sub-prime lending crisis in USA came overboard in July- August 2007. They have lost homes, their bank balances, insurance coverage, billions of US dollar investments in shares and bonds. Many of them have already committed suicides. The main actors of this tragic drama were enjoying artificial comforts while millions of their countrymen were compelled to live in inhuman conditions. The poor people of the world particularly that of Asia, Africa and Latin America know very well how to survive without safe drinking water, without 2000 calorie per head per day, without minimum educational and medical facility. There was never any job security for these people. After around 80 years (1929-30 to 2008) again finance capital which was given highest importance in fragile capitalism failed the system and the stalwarts of this particular faith are in search to get more and more support from state capitalism. The world leaders who can see beyond their nose should use this opportunity in building a new world order based on age old concept of ‘Equality, Fraternity and Liberty’. ‘Capitalism’ is dead and it should be buried permanently in its own grave dug up by imperialism long long back. US $ and gold etc. etc. have lost their universal acceptability and this is the opportune time to give all support to develop a new basket of currencies which will be accepted for internat-ional settlement of transactions. Any attempt to revive exploitative ‘capitalism’ through ‘Keynesian monitory policies’ or any other mode should find its proper place — gutter of human history. The three organizations that imperialists built after the Second World War to suck blood of the poor of the world to enrich themselves— World Bank, International Monitory Fund and World Trade Organisations—have failed miserably to serve their master (USA) in avoiding the current crisis and save it from humiliation and destruction of the capitalist system. Saddam Hussian was taught a lesson when he rightly wanted to accept Euro and not US Dollar on sale of oil. Developed world has forgotten 9/11, every country is running to oil exporting middle east Islamic countries begging them to give advances and /or invest their dollar earnings in their countries? All of a sudden Islamic Finance Corporations have become favourite investment bankers to the west. Not a single Islamic bank is in crisis as compared to so many triple AAA rated western and eastern banks. Will rating agencies voluntarily wind up and go? The western investment banking institutions in the private sector around the globe were simply ‘casinos’. The stock, derivative markets and hedge funds of the world are bleeding profusely and Russia closed them all. During the last 3 months USA alone has seen job loss of 6 million people, and this is spreading like wild fire through out the globe. The king is naked. He has lost his royal robe! WHAT PEOPLE OF INDIA DEMANDS India’s ‘socialistic pattern of society’ was entrusted to develop basic and heavy industry in the public sector. It helped directly and indirectly growth of both Indian and foreign private sectors. Banks and insurance companies in the public sector too helped growth of both Indian and foreign corporate sectors. It was the policy of Govt. of India to give all help to the Private sector even profit earning public sector units were sold to private sector at throwaway prices. Disinvestment is the major policy of mainstream political parties of the country. Greedy corporate sector thinks that the Govts. of this country should serve their interests only and nothing else. Non performing assets of our banking industry are in lakhs of crores but Banks refuse to divulge the name of the celebrities of the corporate sector who defrauded these banks and looted money of ordinary citizens. There is no transparency in our banking and insurance industry; everything is done in utter secrecy. Rules and procedures framed by Britishers are still followed in our banking and insurance industry. Regulators of banks, insurance and

share and bond markets are not only inefficient, they are afraid to do their job fearlessly and according to rules framed under law. There is no law against monopoly and oligopoly. Interest of the nation and constitutional obligations are never followed by these institutions created by law, they work as sub- offices of main stream political parties. It is well known that corporate sector habitually manipulates their accounts and refuse to pay taxes due from them. Tax consultants are paid to advise how to evade or at least to reduce tax obligations by illegal means. Black money accumulation is common in the industry and trade and it is well known to tax collecting officials. Tax evasion is no longer news in the capitalist world including India. CEOs, Directors and Chairpersons of Companies are looting their companies and there is no ceiling on their perks, salaries, bonuses, and retirement benefits etc. etc. Let our journalists publish the net income of this category of people in the big corporate sector during the last 5 years,. Unfortunately the so called independent press and fair judiciary is a myth in 21st Century! The decisions makers of companies should be stopped from looting their managed companies. Foreign Institutional Investments (FII) channeled via Mauritius and some other countries are exempted from paying corporate tax. They run away with huge untaxed capital profit from this country. Why the country should sacrifice revenue for so long a period? Why undue favour is shown to xyz countries? All the mainstream political parties passed a law in 2005 on Special Economic Zone (SEZ) virtually without debate and corporate sector was exempted from paying any tax and it was also agreed that no law of the land will be applicable to the units located there. It means SEZs are sovereign countries within India! How then our exports are declining and the adverse balance of payments is increasing every day! Will Monmohan Singh, new finance minister please explain? Why not amend the SEZ Act and delete the exemptions given to the units in SEZ, any way there is no hope of new export from India in next five years at least. Country’s tax revenue has to go up in this period of depression and all the loopholes to be plugged. Great Tata Sons once again is in news! It wanted to fabricate car in West Bengal but refused to divulge the agreement on ‘concessions’ to be received from that state. Now it is claimed that Govt, of Gujarat has agreed to dole out around Rs 30000 crores to Tata Motors as an incentive to relocate their plant in that state! (news reports dated 12.11.08) Thanks to (fake) doctrine of competition and market economy! Tax payers’ money is doled out to the corporate sector in whose interest? As soon as this ‘imported man made financial’ crisis reached Indian shore, our Govts. were worried how to help the rich and almighty chieftains of the private corporate sector. Entire Govt. machinery went into business to ‘monitor’ and to take ‘necessary’ actions so that Indian corporate sector should get all help to face problems created by them and their friends elsewhere. If our private banks lend in risky international ventures to fulfill their greed, why Indian people should be asked to pay. Lot of corporate houses have made acquisitions and mergers in the west in lure of profit, now in this depressions they are all in red, who will bear the loss — Indian Tax payers or the owners of majority shareholders? These issues should be debated in public and Govt. should be banned from taking any unilateral action without debate and discussions in the Parliament. Our ‘democratically’ elected Govts never bothered during the last 60 years to talk to those groups and unorganized sections who were demanding their ‘right to life and livelihood’. Indian police, paramilitary and even military were used and are still being used to suppress their expressions of genuine demands to live a life of dignity and grace, as promised in the Constitution of the country. After this 11/26 terrorist attack in Mumbai the mainstream political parties are facing acute public anger and hate.

Rural India provides job opportunities to 70 percent of the people of this country but both long term and short term advances by banks never trickle down to Agriculture, forestry, fishing and other primary sectors. Both public sector and private sector banks refuse to give both long term and short term loan to small and marginal cultivators and share croppers and forced them to go to village moneylenders. Due to rising cost of cultivation, crop failure and high interest rate of moneylenders those who failed to repay had no other alternative than to commit suicide. Their number runs into thousands through out the country and it is still going on. It looks ironical that as soon as rich industrialists and business community in India and abroad are facing some crisis created by their speculative system and casino culture, trillions of US dollar is doled out to the rich so that they should not suffer. Govt. of India has provided more than Rs 2.8 lakh crores to help the corporate sector to over come their temporary difficulties. Why not ask the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to pump adequate funds in the rural sector so that persons living in the villages of India get assured job at the minimum wage rate for 365 days in a year instead of 100 days under NREGP. Can the government book those who pocket these funds reach the people? Purchasing power has to be injected in the rural economy of India and not in the hands of bankrupt billionaires. Food security is a must for every Indian. World food production is sliding down and India can’t afford any loss in food output. Per Capita food output is going down and the poor without income have to go to bed regularly without food! And for that entire infrastructure of the rural economy has to be reconstructed. Irrigation dams are old and silted. They can’t hold adequate water. Canals are silted. All irrigation infrastructures have to be repaired and desilted, investments have to make before the next monsoon. Recent devastation in Bihar and other states due to flood, demands immediate attention. In the same manner those who are already displaced due to wrong ‘development policies’ of the Govts have to be properly rehabilitated with land for cultivation. Landless people are waiting till today for a piece of land promised long before independence and it is time now to find out land and distribute to landless families for cultivation. Food security is the main issue in 21st Century and it is more important in India as till to-day two- third of our people still lives in villages and depends on agricultural occupation. We have seen horrible scenario in western developed countries with loss of jobs in manufacturing industries and in the service sector. Luckily our people are less dependent on such industries and their requirements are bare necessities of human being. This is the real face of Indian society, our failure to solve this issue now will bring disaster to the entire country. No other development programme will have any real impact. If the governments really care for the people they claim, they should stop hiding their necks in the sand, they should stand up and face it to day. Indians have to bother for development of agriculture and allied activities and if we change the land relations based on land to the tiller slogan and inject fund in the hands of millions of rural people, that will revive those industries which shall meet the demands of rural population. That was ignored in India as a matter of policy to implement the dictated policies of ‘Globalisation, Privatisation and Liberalisation’ of the west to safeguard their narrow selfish interest. Again pressure has started through G-20 meetings that goods and services of the rest of the world should enter India but Indian goods and services may not get the opportunity to go out! USA’s agriculture enjoying huge state subsidy should come to India and Indian farmers should sacrifice for the survival of their richer brethren in USA! India’s rural people must accept the challenge and tell the Govt. in clear terms not to do anything against the interest of the nation. MNCs engaged in Agricultural business, should be under constant scanner of the people in the rural areas. Average Indian still don’t have 2000 calorie per day food!

So called once booming real estate business never bothered to construct comfortable houses for the poor. Education and health care are only in election manifestoes. In short, if Govt. has learnt anything from this inbuilt imperialist crisis, it should stop helping the developed countries by increasing our import from them and reducing our exports to them. Already we have huge adverse balance of payments. Import of petroleum should be properly regulated, it may reach Rs 1000 crores by the end of the year. It is sheer wastage to keep the rich happy by burning petrol in their individual cars and destroy the environment. Public transport capacity on rail and buses should be increased manifold and private cars should be strictly restricted and those using electricity should be encouraged. Petrol consumption by the private and Govt. officials in their cars etc should be highly regulated because it is causing huge carbon emissions and wastage of foreign exchange. Private sector auto companies have already reduced production and increased retrench-ments No bail out is needed in the auto sector or realty or building sector. Builders, cement and steel companies have made fortunes by exploiting (demand/ supply gap). Let them bring money and pay outstanding advances. They are rich people. Second hand reactors from the west may wait; there is no hurry to bail out the western countries to sell reactors for civil nuclear power production. This is the opportune time to think and act for the benefit of 1 billion and odd people and not for the benefit of some thousands of self centered industrialists, businessmen and high salaried middle class, to whom individual short term interest is more important than long term national interest! Those industries which are mismanaged should be asked to taken over by the Govt. We should not nationalize all and sundry sick units because irresponsible trade unions may demand it for their selfish ends. Past history should be remembered. It will depend on the nature and importance of the industry to the nation. On the other hand once again state should come forward to invest in strategic and need based industries required by the country because private sector may not get attracted due to adverse market sentiments. More investments by the state in proper areas should be made so that production should not suffer and supplies are ensured. Conventional theories of balancing the budget and artificial inflation created by the business should be tackled by creating enough public opinion and gaining their support. Laws have to ensure that workers retrenched must get adequate compensation from insurance companies and the bill will be paid both by the employers and the taxpayers. That is why tax should be imposed at progressive rates and should be collected from everyone who has to pay and every paisa of taxpayers’ money should be used for the common benefit.

Negative industrial growth in 15 years AFTER A GAP of 15 years, the country’s industrial growth has slipped into negative territory with a 0.4 per cent year-on-year decline in October 2008. This clearly reflects the deepening impact of the global economic downturn. Such a grim scenario prevailed in April 1993. The figure, contained in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) data released on 12th December, marks a sharp slump from the robust 12.2 per cent growth recorded in October last year. In September 2008, it was 5.45 per cent. With over 12 per cent drop in exports in October, a deceleration in industrial growth during the month was expected. But what took the policymakers by surprise was the bigger than expected decline. “These figures are more disappointing than what we expected,” Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council chairman Suresh Tendulkar said.

The IIP data shows that manufacturing — comprising nearly 80 per cent of the index — posted a negative growth of 1.2 per cent in October, compared to the 13.8 per cent output increase in the same month a year ago. Moreover, the production growth in two out of the four segments that make up the manufacturing index — intermediate and consumer goods — shrank to minus 3.7 per cent and minus 2.3 per cent from a robust growth of 13.9 and 13.7 per cent respectively. Even within the consumer goods segment, consumer durables and non-durables posted negative growth rates of minus 3 and minus 2 per cent respectively. [Ashok Dasgupta, The Hindu, 13 December 2008]

Bail Out neglects real India THE government’s announcement of a fiscal stimulus package of approximately Rs 30,000 crore, including foregone tax revenues may not help the economy. A recent FICCI survey has warned that several manufacturing sectors may see production cuts of up to 50 per cent and job cuts of up to 30 per cent in coming months. In any case, if one goes by the new allocations, the stimulus package appears to be meant only for upper middle-class urban Indians, to bail out exporters and such sectors as jewellery manufacturing, housing and automobiles. The total lack of a humanistic social policy to improve the lot of the poverty-stricken majority of this country, as seen from the laissez-faire attitude adopted towards them, is shocking. The enormity of this institutional neglect can be gauged from the “Report on Conditions of Work and Promotion of Livelihoods in the Unorganised Sector”, released by the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) in August 2007. The report says 77 per cent of the population — 836 million people — subsists on less than Rs 20 per day per capita. Unfortunately, the stimulus package has nothing to offer these people. On the contrary, their numbers have been grossly understated to avoid tarnishing the “India Shining” image, and perhaps also to escape censure for not addressing the concerns of this vulnerable group. A study of the anachronistic methodology adopted by the government to calculate poverty line of India would expose this bias. According to the official definition, the poverty line is the monthly cost of a “basket of food” that gives 2,400 calories of nutrition per capita per day in rural areas and 2,100 calories per capita per day in urban areas. In 1973-74, the government fixed this line at Rs 49.09 and Rs 56.64 per capita per month for rural and urban areas respectively. These values were last revised in 1999-2000 to Rs 327.56 and Rs 452.11. In other words, we are expected to believe that a person who earns Rs 328 a month in a village and Rs 453 a month in a city is not poor, as he is above the poverty line. One does not have be an awardwinning economist to realise how ridiculously low these estimates are. Astonishingly, these outdated values still form the basis of poverty calculations in our country. A case in point is the March 2007 report of the Planning Commission, which claimed that the number of people living below the poverty line has declined to 21.8 per cent from 26.1 per cent in 1999-2000. But the NCEUS report contradicts this contention. Therefore, in order to avoid such conflicting and misleading claims the poverty line must be redefined for a realistic evaluation of the number of poor in our country. ....

Centre for Policy Alternatives, Delhi in a February 2006 report, “Redefining Poverty: A New Poverty line for a New India” presented a case for fixing the poverty line at about Rs 840 per capita per month after factoring in costs for nutrition (Rs 573), health (Rs 30), clothing (Rs 17), energy consumption (Rs. 55), and miscellaneous expen-diture (Rs 164). Even this figure of Rs 840, they said, would not fully reveal the true state of poverty in India because a person spending more than Rs 840 a month does not necessarily have access to all the fundamental needs of life such as education, health, nutritious food, clean water, clothing, sanitation, transport, housing, and access to national resources. But there seems to be no effort from the government to initiate targeted measures to eliminate poverty as proved by its apathy towards the Dalits and the Muslims who are the most “capability deprived” sections of our society as per the Sachar Committee Report. For instance, in the 2008-09 Union budget the amount earmarked for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is Rs 7,762 crore, which is the sum of a direct allotment of Rs 3,966 crore and 20 per cent of Rs 18,983 crore from other schemes. This works out to just 1.03 per cent of Rs 7,50,884 crore, the estimated total budget expenditure this year. Muslims find themselves even more neglected as the finance minister could spare just Rs 1,235 crore for all minorities, which included allocations to the ministry of minority affairs (Rs 1,000 cr), post-matric scholarship (Rs 100 cr), National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (Rs 75 cr) and the Maulana Azad Education Foundation (Rs 60 cr). At 70 per cent of the total minority population the Muslims’ share in Rs 1,235 crore may be taken at Rs 865 crore or 0.1 per cent of the total budget expenditure. So the Muslims get just 11 per cent of what has been given to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes despite being 55 per cent of SC-ST population (2001 census) and equally downtrodden. The bias is obvious. If this is the government’s attitude towards deprived commu-nities, the chances of India staving off recession and becoming a global power are bleak indeed. [ A Faizur Rahman, The New Indian Express, 12 December]

China: Deepening Crisis PJ James AMIDST the worldwide economic crisis that continues unabatedly, China is displaying growing symptoms of an irreversible downturn. Economic analysts the world over argue that the present crisis will last at least decade. Meanwhile, imperialist theoreticians along with social democratic sections like the CPI (M) are spreading the illusion that China is relatively immune from the present global economic repercussions and that China’s double-digit growth will act as a cushion against the acute crisis confronting imperialist world economy. Apologists of imperialist globalization “market socialists” say that even if some problems are in China, the latter will overcome them through its own ‘characteristics’. It was even argued that the world economy will not be repeating the events of 1930s and that global corporations will benefit from the double digit growth experienced by China.

However, all these arguments are nowhere the truth. In fact, on account of China’s close integration through trade and finance with global market, the crisis faced by China is more deep and long-standing. Recent official statistics released by Chinese government during November are unable to cover up what is going on in China. Accordingly, China’s growth rate which was hovering around 12 percent during November 2007 has declined to 8 percent during November 2008. According Zhou Thian Yong , a research scholar at the Central Party school in Beijing, every one percent reduction in growth rate leads to a loss of 8 million jobs in the Chinese economy. In that sense, during the preceding year alone, the loss of employment on account of economic crisis comes to about 32 million. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has estimated an annual retrenchment of about one million educated professionals alone. The official Xinhua news agency on December 17, 2008 had reported that 6.5 million migrant workers in the urban manufacturing and construction industries will lose their jobs by the next year. Coming to the area of industrialization, during mid-2008 China’s industrial growth rate was 17 percent. But in November 2008, it declined to 5.4 percent. This retardation is more manifest in the core area of steel production. On the eve of economic slump, China was the largest producer and consumer of steel in the world. But since then within a span of a few months China’s steel production has declined by more than 12 percent per annum. During the same period, electricity production had been declining by 9.6 percent. In fact, one reason for the abrupt reduction in steel production is the decline in world steel prices by more than 40 percent due to stagnation vehicle manufacturing, construction and all round industrial slump. For instance during the last six months, in China itself, truck sales have declined by 25 percent and house construction by more than 30 percent. During the past few years a major part of China’s internal demand was coming from these sectors. During the last few years, China using its inexorable source of cheap labour was acting as the biggest world exporter of cheap goods especially to America. Obviously, one reason for the huge profits by MNCs and corporate sector has been the low wage prevailing in China. In the process, China which was “walking on two legs” has been transforming as an export oriented economy with a clear dichotomy between domestic production and consumption. However, due to the collapse of American consumer market following recession, China has become the worst sufferer. In the resulting scramble for global markets by various countries, China is undercutting the prices of its products by reducing wages further, thereby shifting the burden of the crisis to the shoulders of the working masses – a policy which is usually pursued by imperialists during every capitalist crisis. This has led to unprecedented economic, political and social tensions in China, which of late has become a typical capitalist economy with uneven development. Agricultural and native domestic industrial retrogression arising from uneven development have compelled millions of pauperized Chinese peasants to migrate to SEZs, export oriented units and other “sweat shops” in search of employment for life’s sustenance. It is estimated that out of the 200 million peasants who have been transformed into wage workers through the devastation engineered in agriculture since the 1990s, about 150 million have migrated to the urban centres for working at the cheapest possible wage rate. This internal migration displaying the extent of misery inflicted by reckless privatization and liberalization is the biggest ever recorded in written history. However, the present crisis and collapse of the outward oriented or export oriented production in urban centres have resulted in loss of even this low wage

employment altogether. Consequently, though the latest “ 2009 Social Blue Book” issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences warned an unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, according to independent estimates, the unemployment rate which was 12 percent in November 2008 is estimated to reach 14 percent in November 2009. China’s service sector which is relatively smaller compared to other countries is incapable of absorbing the vast millions laid off from other sectors. It is also estimated that various government establishments in China are in a retrenchment spree at the rate of 3 million workers per annum. Though, following the American rescue package, China has also envisaged a stimulus package worth $ 2.6 trillion, as in the case of other imperialist countries, this stimulus package which is oriented towards real estate and speculative sectors is likely to fizzle out once the construction businesses are over. There is nothing substantial to raise the purchasing power of the masses. And the decline in the purchasing power will further reduce effective demand which will reinforce the recession further. Of course, this economic crisis is pushing China into a horrible social and political situation which is quite unparalleled. Workers’ unrest are ever mounting. Workers retrenched from export firms, taxi drivers in urban areas, teachers, demobilized soldiers and even police in uniform are in field of struggles. As the foreign demand for cheap Chinese products is plummeting, many companies are violating even the minimum statutory regulations that prevail in China. State apparatus and the so called Communist Party that rules China are not immune from the social discontent arising from this crisis. Frustration over loss of jobs, poor working conditions and low wages is growing day by day. On November 21, 2008, about 1000 de-mobilized troops demanding to meet the government officials over jobs and living conditions clashed with almost 500 police in Tainan City and 200 of them were subsequently arrested. On December 2, 2008, in Hunan province, the local Chinese Communist Party office was smashed by protesting traffic police personnel. Protests against the party and the government are ubiquitous. According to reliable sources, millions people are participating in various protests and strikes taking place in different parts of China. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the Chinese Communist Party regime, which is pursuing capitalist path, is sitting on top of a social bomb.

Imperialism in an Economic Crisis THIS FINANCIAL crisis in the US is nothing but a plan for a historic swindle to the tune of over 11.3 Trillion Dollar! These financial-market wise guys, who have suddenly seized with fear, are now suddenly drunk with hope after President Bush announced a financial bail-out to these Mafiosi-run banks will be bailed out from the pockets of the US tax payers! In other words, the capitalist ruling class said to President Bush “Dump it all on the tax payers!” This will relieve the major US Banks and investment firms of their mountainous rotten assets and make the US public swallow their losses — many hundreds of billions of dollars — or even more — when the truth come out! Of course, these financial titans are happy because this saves them from extinction. The irony is that this bail out by the White House would place no restrictions on these Banks to pay any money back! This plan is for these Banks to voluntarily just give semi-annual reports to the US Congress — this gives the US Treasury Department unprecedented power in all of US

history to buy and resell this mortgage debt. In other words, these offshore Banks will be happy, as will these financial swindlers! Karl Marx was correct! It is the same scenario that was used by President Bush who got Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell to run around the world warning about Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. This Bush’s phony scare tactics got the US Congress to give him authorisation he needed to start the Iraq war. Now Bush and his swan-song effort is using the US Congress to give him a blank cheque for over $700 billions as a start, to try and save the banks from collapse. This money will be handled by US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who had before nearly brought the global financial system to the brink of collapse. This same Paulson presided over one of the most profitable runs on Wall Street as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the huge investment banking than, Goldman Sachs & Co. from 1999 until President Bush nominated him on May 30, 2006 to take over the US Treasury Department. Bush is demanding to install and use “Authorisation for use of US Financial Force”.

International Scene

Bolivia: Interference of US imperialism DOMESTIC and international reaction are joining hands to destablise the democratic popular government here. Eva Morales, the leader of Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) after getting elected as president in 2005 has tried to address the acute inequalities in this landlocked country in South America by introducing land reforms, redistribution of returns from oil and natural gas production and by enacting a new egalitarian constitution. His policies have angered the landlords, plantation owners, the MNCs who were plundering the oil wealth and the US imperialists who were lording over the country. With US support the conservatives in the oil rich eastern region tried to organise referendums for secession which Morales retaliated by calling a referendums at national level, winning with 67% support. Then the conservatives resorted to violence with the support of US which is interfering in the name of ‘war against drugs’. Against US dictations, Morales has opposed banning farming of Coca which is used for medicinal and herbal treatment purposes in the country. USAID like agencies are funding sabotages against the government. Like the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile, the US imperialists with the help of local elites are trying their level best to throw out Morales. But winning over the support of major section of the army and mobilising the masses in support of his progressive policies Morales and the MAS are waging an uncompromising struggle against the forces of reaction.

Strike Brings Greece to a Halt A GENERAL STRIKE shut down Grecce on 10 December, grounding flights, closing banks and schools and restricting hospital services in action that piled pressure on a conservative govt. hit by the worst riots in decades.

Workers chanting anti-govt. slogans gathered in central Athens before a rally called by Greece’s two main union federations against economic policy. Authorities braced for a fifth day of violence since police shot dead a teenager. “Participation in the strike is total, the country has come to a standstill”, said Stathis Anestis, spokesman for the GSEE private sector union federation. On 9th December, scores of youths clashed with police near where the funeral was held on 15-year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, whose killing ignited anger over government scandals, unemployment and high poverty levels, worsened by the global economic slump. The opposition socialist party has said the ruling New Democracy party, which has a one seat majority, has lost the trust of the people and has called for elections. “Government and police on the brink of collapse,” the daily newspaper Ta Nea said in its headline. Prime minister Costas Karamanlis, whose party was already trailing in opinion polls, asked political leaders for unity and urged unions to cancel rally. But the opposition was in no mood to compromise. “He and his government are responsible for the widespread crisis that the country, that Greek society is experiencing,” said socialist party spokesman. The riots quickly spread to at least 10 cities across the European Union member state of 11 million people, including the tourist islands of Crete and Corfu. Greeks also protested in Paris, Berlin, London, The Hague and in Cyprus. 10th Decemeber strike by GSEE and its public sector counterpart ADEDY, which group half of Greece’s 5-million strong work force, was the latest in a series of labour protests against privatisations, pension reforms and the rising cost of living. “Take your hands off our rights!” chanted people who marched though Syntagma square with a banner reading: “The rich should pay for their crisis”.

Shoes Thrown At Bush In Baghdad US PRESIDENT George Bush who invaded Iraq, massacred lakhs of people, murdered Saddam Hussain and imposed a puppet regime over that country received a well deserving rebuff before the whole blare of hundreds of TV cameras when an Iraqi television journalist, Muntazer al-Zaidi jumped up at Bush with the words “It is a farewell kiss, you dog” and threw his shoes at the maximum protected man in the world.

On Barak Obama Election Victory (A Statement By The Revolutionary Organization of Labor, USA) ON TUESDAY, November 4th, 2008, for the first time in the approximately two hundred and twenty year history of the United States, a black person was elected to preside over the U.S. government. News of Barack Obama’s victory was greeted with spontaneous celebrations in the streets of cities and towns throughout the USA, especially by young Afro-American people. Likewise, throughout the world – from Europe to Africa to Asia to Latin America and almost everywhere else – there was much elation. Hundreds of millions of people, probably billions, felt that the Obama-Democratic Party victory was their victory as well. Is it?!

From the standpoint of the interests of the international working class and the oppressed peoples, including the workers and oppressed nationalities within the U.S. multi-national state, there is both a positive significance to this election result as well as an even more important objectively counterrevolutionary significance. For more than one-third of the country’s entire history, most Black people in the USA were slaves. Ever since the emancipation of the slaves with the military victory of the Union Army (including its heroic Afro-American troops) over the Confederate Army in the Civil War in 1865, the Afro-American people have suffered, up to the present time, from blatant discrimination in virtually every field of endeavor in U.S. society. This discrimination has been manifested in legal (until recently) as well as ongoing unofficial segregation and outright exclusion – from housing to jobs to politics and education. In this context, Barack Obama’s elevation to the Presidency represents a new step forward in the long road toward Afro-American justice, freedom and equality. The fact that millions of white U.S. citizens, including many white workers and especially white union workers, voted for a black man in this still white supremacist society underscores this advance. The fact that the majority of Latino voters also supported the black, Democratic candidate is also significant. Furthermore, the enthusiasm surrounding the Obama campaign, “Obamamania,” within the USA itself, has a positive side. Tens of thousands of previously apathetic young people and old have, for the first time, been mobilized and involved to one degree or another in the political arena. At the same time, under the pressure of the economic collapse, the “dirty tricks” campaign against Obama was largely rejected. Finally, on the surface at least, the Obama election victory represented a repudiation of the past eight years of the Republican Bush Regime, arguably the most brutal, tyrannical and bloodthirsty presidency in all of U.S. history. The vote thus reflects some mass sentiment for progressive, pro-people change among the electorate. While the United States Empire is crumbling quite rapidly, especially economically, U.S. imperialism is still, for now, the hegemonic imperialist power globally. The U.S. monopoly capitalist and imperialist ruling class will never allow any election by itself to diminish, let alone eliminate, U.S. imperialist super-profits reaped from the exploited and oppressed of the USA and the entire globe. Since the 2006 Congressional Election, in direct contradiction with the clearly expressed will of the U.S. voters, Republican President Bush and the Democratic Partycontrolled Congress directed a “surge” of thirty thousand more U.S. military forces in Iraq. The interminably long 2008 Presidential election season was aimed at convincing the working class and oppressed peoples of the USA and the world as well as U.S. imperialism’s partner-rivals, in direct contradiction to our actual experience, that the monopoly capitalist and imperialist system of rule in the USA can be fundamentally altered through the ballot box and that we have no need to fight against U.S. imperialism by any means necessary. As we pointed out last February, “The international proletariat and the oppressed peoples, including the oppressed and exploited within the USA itself, have been the object of an epic propaganda event, a gigantic deception, the so-called ‘race for the presidency,’ a flimflam perpetrated by the U.S. imperialist ruling class.” (“The 2008 Presidential Election, the Barack Obama Campaign, and the Need for Afro-American National Liberation,” Ray O. Light Newsletter Number 47, February-March 2008)

The political role of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party during the almost two full years of the 2008 presidential campaign serves only to underscore these truths. Here are highlights of the record. ON ENDING THE U.S. IMPERIALIST WAR OF TERROR ON THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD: Much to the chagrin and embarrassment of petty bourgeois pacifists, social democrats, revisionists, etc., Obama wants to leave a permanent military force in Iraq, shift combat troops to Afghanistan, and, in the tradition of Bush’s “pre-emptive war” doctrine, claims the right for the U.S. military to unilaterally invade Pakistan, even if unprovoked. Obama has already threatened the Iranian government, demonized Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro (staking out the traditional U.S. imperialist stance on Latin America as the special property of the USA), and welcomed the state visit to the USA of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the Philippine dictator and Bush’s most loyal ally in Asia, praising her as a democratic force, while even the United Nations Organization has condemned the human rights abuses of the Arroyo Regime. Obama’s very first presidential appointment, his chief of staff, former Congressman Rahm Emanuel, is a staunch supporter of the Zionist Israeli settler state and an implacable foe of the Palestinian people. When the Russia-Georgia military conflict erupted over South Ossetia, Obama claimed there was no justification for Russia’s actions while even Bush’s own Assistant Secretary of State inadvertently admitted there was! Obama stood with McCain, Bush and Cheney in promoting fast track entry for Georgia into the World Trade Organization and making other threats against Russia. No wonder the brilliant and shrewd Obama was endorsed by General Colin Powell and much of the U.S. military establishment, despite McCain’s impeccable military pedigree and connections. Furthermore, Obama’s ascension to the Presidency may well undermine the current widespread Afro-American resistance to military recruitment and retention of AfroAmerican (and Latino) youth as cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism in wars against the peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. ON THE POLITICAL MONOPOLY OF THE SO-CALLED TWO PARTY SYSTEM: A dramatic reflection of the interchangeable parts that the Democratic and Republican Parties really represent for the U.S. imperialist ruling class is the case of Senator Joseph Lieberman, a key representative of the Israeli settler state alliance with U.S. imperialism. In 2000, Lieberman ran on the Democratic Party ticket as Al Gore’s vice presidential running mate. In 2006, based on his outspoken support for the Bush Regime’s so-called war on terror, Lieberman was defeated in the Democratic Party primary contest for his Connecticut Senate seat. In the general election, Lieberman ran as an independent and was returned to the Senate with the help of the national Democratic Party bigwigs who refused to come into Connecticut to campaign for “their” anti-war candidate. In 2008, Lieberman so strongly supported Republican presidential candidate John McCain that he was McCain’s personal choice to be his vice presidential running mate. In the 2008 election, he thus came very close to being the Republican vice presidential candidate only eight years after he was the Democratic vice presidential candidate! Now, in the first few days after the Obama election victory, one of President-elect Obama’s first acts has been to urge his Democratic colleagues who control the Senate to allow Lieberman to remain the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, despite the fact that he was one of the strongest and most important campaigners for John McCain in the election! When the capitalist economic crisis on Wall Street became grave, every effort was made by the Bush-Paulson-Pelosi plan, supported by both Democrat Obama and Republican McCain, to keep these failing monopoly finance capitalist firms private with

regard to profits, while making the public shoulder their debts. Subsequent bailouts have all featured “nationalization” of private company losses with the minimum of “nationalization” of future profits. In this crisis situation, Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin felt compelled to raise the idea that “now is no time to experiment with socialism.” Yet the Democratic-Republican political monopoly of the U.S. imperialist ruling class so thoroughly dominates the U.S. political landscape that there was no significant voice, in the climactic month of the countrywide election campaign, answering Palin with the obvious fact that a time of capitalist economic crisis and collapse, when the government bailout of banks, insurance companies, and big U.S. corporations with public money has already reached a trillion dollars is “an excellent time to experiment with socialism,” at least for the working people of the USA. Similarly, when the Republican candidates raised the specter of “sharing the wealth” in this time of growing ranks of unemployed and needy people, no serious Democratic Party candidate could be found to defend this noble idea. Finally, the monopoly capitalist global media conspired to prevent any popular awareness of so-called “third party” candidates throughout the entire 2008 Presidential election season. For example, former six term Georgia congress-woman Cynthia McKinney, an Afro-American, had courageously spearheaded congressional investigation of the stolen Florida electoral votes in the 2000 election. She filed impeachment charges against President Bush, Vice President Cheney and key presidential adviser Condoleezza Rice for war crimes and stood with the dispersed and deserted Hurricane Katrina survivors. Perhaps most courageously, she “declared her independence” from the Democratic Party when she realized that it was tied so completely to the Republican Party and U.S. imperialism. Obama’s record as a politician could not have stood the comparison with McKinney’s. Not surprisingly, candidate Obama never protested the exclusion of McKinney or any of the third party candidates from the televised presidential debates, worth hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign advertising. Carefully controlled and restricted to the two parties of U.S. monopoly capitalism and imperialism, the debates between McCain and Obama were a “tweedledum-tweedledee” charade conducted by the Commission on Presidential Debates, a front for the Democratic and Republican national committees. ON IMMIGRATION POLICY: Obama and McCain were both in agreement with George W. Bush (and Ted Kennedy) on a fascistic, corporatist path for immigrant workers in the USA. At odds with many right wing Republican congressmen and much of Bush’s openly chauvinistic mass base that wants to keep out immigrants, Obama and Bush are both in favor of a combination of vicious attacks and repressive federal government repression of immigrant workers with a regulated semi-slave path to U.S. citizenship. Obama’s large Latino vote may serve as a vehicle to disarm much of the resistance to this draconian plan for a time. ON NATIONAL SECURITY AND POLICE STATE MEASURES: During the campaign season, Senator Obama not only voted for the new FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) law, providing unprecedented surveillance powers over its citizens to the federal government, but even supported amnesty for the monopoly telephone companies which had already provided FISA type information on the people of the USA to the Bush Regime, while it was still clearly illegal to do so. Will fighters for civil liberties within the USA and internationally, during Obama’s “honeymoon period,” cut him some slack, allowing U.S. imperialism to carry out even greater repression?!

ON THE FIGHT AGAINST WHITE SUPREMACY AND THE RIGHT OF THE AFROAMERICAN PEOPLE TO SELF-DETERMINATION: Exultant in his first primary victory, in South Carolina last spring, Obama and his campaigners chanted that “race doesn’t matter!” in the face of the fact that it had indeed mattered there. This pattern of rallying the Black vote while aggressively denying the need for Black unity characterized the Obama candidacy all the way to his acceptance speech addressed to his thousands of jubilant supporters gathered in Grant Park in Chicago as well as the tens of millions watching it on TV. In a sometimes moving and compelling speech, Obama plagiarized or borrowed a passage from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s last speech about getting to the “promised land.” But when King referred to how “we as a people” will get there he was talking about the Afro-American people; Obama was referring to the entire U.S. population. In opposition to Black unity, Obama has continued his effort to rally a “national unity” of all U.S. people, rich and poor, etc., including the Afro-American people, to the banner of the U.S. Empire, the banner of U.S. imperialism. In fact, the election results indicate that white supremacy, if not as strong as it used to be, is still alive and well in the USA. In the historic Black Belt territory of the AfroAmerican Nation in the Deep South, McCain basically won all the state electoral votes, despite the fact that Obama won over 90% of the Black vote in those states. Even in the few Southern states won by Obama, the tremendous impact of “race” was still clear as a bell. In Virginia, for example, while Obama beat McCain by a 52 to 47 count, the white Democratic Senatorial candidate, Mark Warner, won by a 64 to 35 margin. Despite a sitting Republican president with the lowest approval rating ever, with 72% Virginia voter disapproval, Republican McCain still received 61% of the white vote in Virginia, according to exit polls. Of course, if Obama were correct, there would have been no real significance to his elevation to the Presidency (other than the repudiation of the Bush Regime, similar to the 2006 Congressional election). But the truth is that the Afro-American people still suffer from national oppression at the hands of U.S. imperialism and this was the basis for the massive outpouring of Afro-Americans and others into the campaign and into the streets. The question now arises: how big a price will the Afro-American people be willing to pay to prop up the Obama Presidency? ON THE U.S. CAPITALIST ECONOMIC COLLAPSE AND THE WALL STREET BAILOUT: “Race” remains such an important factor in the day to day life of U.S. society that, despite the disgrace in which the Republican Bush Regime is now overwhelmingly viewed, were it not for the rapid and drastic economic collapse of Wall Street and U.S. big business in the month leading up to the election, it is likely that Republican McCain would have prevailed! McCain’s gambit of declaring the interruption of his campaign so that he could go back to Washington, allegedly to help engineer the bailout, blew up in his face when the House of Representatives (all of whom faced an election that was only weeks away) defeated the initial plan. This was because so many citizens registered their outrage at the open aid being offered to the very financiers whose greed had led to the collapse in the first place. The defeat of the initial $700 billion dollar bailout plan occurred despite the fact that not only Republican President Bush and his Secretary of the Treasury Paulson but also Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had twisted arms to try to get it passed and that Obama as well as McCain had publicly endorsed this multi-billion dollar giveaway to the criminal finance capitalists who should have been jailed instead of bailed. The outraged U.S. electorate thus had no mainstream candidate with any chance of winning the Presidency to vote for. Wisely having been the largest “investors” in both campaigns, Wall Street owned both McCain and Obama.

It is not surprising that the seventeen economic experts assembled by Obama to address the economic crisis a few days after his election included the multibillionaire Warren Buffett and other monopoly capitalist CEO’s as well as former Secretary of the Treasury Rubin and other important representatives of U.S. finance capital and imperialism but not even one token representative of the U.S. labor movement or the Afro-American or Latino community-based movements or even consumer groups, all of which had played such a large role in Obama’s election. Given Obama’s stand on the Wall Street Bailout during the last weeks of the campaign and first few post election days, there is no doubt that he will continue to be a loyal supporter of this rotten, decadent system in the difficult days ahead for the U.S. and international working class and oppressed peoples. SOME CONCLUSIONS: Barack Obama and his campaign strategists are now meeting with representatives of the ruling class to determine ways that the several million young and old people who have been drawn into politics by the Obama campaign can be used on an ongoing basis. From Obama’s stand on the economic collapse and the bailout of Wall Street, on the bailout of the U.S. auto industry, and on his selection of economic experts, to the socalled “war on terror,” including the U.S. imperialist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his selection of military experts – on virtually every question, Obama and U.S. imperialism will require that the workers and oppressed within the US multinational state be “patient” and “willing to sacrifice.” For example, if part of the price for bailing out the huge auto industry corporations turns out to be ripping up the union contracts with the United Automobile Workers Union (UAW), what a boost for the imperialists if they have an already mobilized force in place to enforce support for “President Obama’s policies” on the internet, in the streets, at the union hall, etc. Thus, there is a dangerous side to “Obamamania.” But there is also a real positive opportunity. Hundreds of thousands of Obama supporters in the USA are now in a position to learn through their own experience that their expectations about the abilities of an Obama-Democratic Party Administration to meet their needs and aspirations are largely illusory. On this basis they constitute a mass political force out of which a serious proletarian vanguard movement both internationally and within the U.S. multinational state (when one emerges in the USA) could mobilize a serious revolutionary movement for “the change” we really need – workers rights, national minority rights, immigrant rights, national and regional autonomous rights for oppressed nationalities, decent job opportunities, universal health care, an end to the militarized warfare state and imperialist war, the brotherhood of man – in short, for workers power and socialism in the United States. Meanwhile, the international working class and the oppressed peoples, led by whatever proletarian internationalist vanguard organizations exist internationally, need to sober up to the class realities of the incoming Obama Administration, an administration faced with the decline and fall of the U.S. Empire in the context of a world capitalist economic crisis. In less than two months, Barack Obama will become the commander-in-chief of the chief bulwark of world capitalism, U.S. imperialism. And indeed nothing has changed the fact that U.S. imperialism remains the World’s Number #1 Exploiter and the World’s Number #1 Terrorist. In stark contrast to George W. Bush, Obama’s brilliance, knowledge, ability to work cooperatively with others and to listen to their views, as well as the social-democratic illusions that have been spread world-wide about him, will serve to significantly

strengthen U.S. imperialism as it desperately attempts to cling to its hegemonic position in the world capitalist camp; it will make him a formidable adversary for U.S. imperialism’s big power and imperialist partner-rivals in Western Europe, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, and the Middle East. Likewise, Obama’s outstanding personal qualities and the pacifist and socialdemocratic illusions that have been spread about him and thus about the U.S. imperialist state over which he will preside make his administration all the more dangerous for the U.S. and international proletariat and oppressed peoples as we struggle against the old, collapsing violent and unjust world dominated by monopoly capitalism and imperialism and struggle for survival, human dignity and a new socialist world where all peoples can live in peace and harmony. [November 2008]

For New Awakening of International Women’s Movement MILLIONS of women in the entire world are taking their future into their own hands and taking action for their economic, social, cultural and political rights. We women are organising ourselves and fighting together — some still alone by themselves. We women have always been constantly forced to fight our emancipation and against adverse circumstances. Today humankind needs this commitment of the women in the entire world — the working, unemployed and exploited women and those who are discriminated — in order to march forward towards a future of solidarity, equality and happiness. On all continents we women are suffering in particular under exploitation and the crises of the capitalist system. Millions of people in Africa, Asia, America, Oceania and Europe are starving. They have no access to education, health care, housing, work, social welfare, recreation — in short, to a life in dignity. The immense changes during the last years have not brought about any solution to the existential problems faced by the great majority of people. On the contrary, they have been used to concentrate wealth and power in a few hands. The contradictions of capitalism have intensified. The expansion of the big monopolies into all corners of the world mean intensified exploitation of the working people and subjugation of the overwhelming majority of countries and peoples. The scientific-technological advance, which arises from the creative power of the working people, only serves the competition of the imperialist powers for markets, as well as for political and military predominance. More and more evidently, the imperialist countries take possession of regions which are rich in natural resources and which are of strategic importance. They do not hesitate to incite conflicts, invade nations and instigate wars among the peoples. They are also responsible for the great damages to the environment and environmental destruction. All this reveals the rapacious character of imperialism. Millions of women on all continents directly experience poverty, unemployment, work for minimum wages and with a minimum of protective rights. They are suffering from wars or are being driven massively into migration. Drinking water, clear air, all-round public health care, education, housing and possibilities for leisure activities are often lacking. The overwhelming majority of women is suffering from the double exploitation and oppression by capitalism, because they are part of the working classes and, at the

same time, are being discriminated merely on grounds of their gender! Broad masses of people are being oppressed, because they are living in dependent countries and belong to subjugated peoples and cultures. Imperialism promotes abnormal forms of violence against women, children and young people. Sex trade pornography and trade with human organs are a lucrative business. This shows how little human life is worth in this system. Two billion children, the future of this world, are mostly looked after and raised by women. In the entire world, we women cannot freely determine over our bodies and our sexuality: sexual abuse, patriarchal laws and traditions, as well as fashion trends and cliches, which the prevailing culture is spreading, are having direct adverse effects on our lives. The modern media of communication promote prostitution, pornography and perversion. Today the world is experiencing an upswing in the struggle of the workers against capitalist exploitation, an upswing in the struggles of many countries and peoples for their liberation and independence. Countries are rebelling against dependence and neocolonialism. The world women’s movement is alive and is struggling for its demands. In most countries it joins forces with the working class movements, the people’s and liberation movements. The world women’s movement has learned that a general line of the women’s movement that is exclusively based on the battle of the sexes does not bring about a solution, just as little as the integration into the state apparatus. This also applies to the activities of so-called non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which are financed by reactionary political parties, foundations, churches or other international organisations in the centres of power. On the contrary, these strategies have contributed to the fragmentation and disorientation of the women’s movements. Currently the consciousness among the masses of women is developing that the equality of women cannot be achieved alone by means of a formal legal equality. There is a growing awareness of the necessity for a worldwide exchange of experience, collaboration, stimulation of common actions of solidarity. There is a growing awareness that it is necessary to struggle for the liberation of women in a world completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. In the entire world, the preconditions for the liberation of women and all of humankind are developing: for the complete satisfaction of the material and mental needs of women and men, for a social life that guarantees work, health care, eduction and prosperity for all. However, the immense wealth which today is created through the efforts of millions of working people, only serves to satisfy the capitalist greed for profit up to now. For this reason we say that the time is ripe to go forward and again take up the struggle fro the real emancipation of women. It is time to unite our voices and our rebellion, to join forces with the perspective of building a society without exploiters and those exploited. We, the women and men of all continents, want to be the beneficiaries of our own creative power — having respect for the different cultures and peoples, which are all with their history part of one world. We deserve a future in happiness! We call on all women worldwide, who live and struggle in hope of a better world, to participate in the World Women’s Conference of rank-file women, which will take place in Venezuela in 2011.

In 2011, we will come worldwide from all corners of the world to take up the legacy of the women who, in 1910, under the leadership of Clara Zetkin had given momentum to the International Women’s Day which was first held in 1911. This paved the way for the great achievements of the female and male workers and all women in the world. In memorable struggles and with great sacrifices, they sowed the seeds for a life in freedom and equality for all women. We will meet in Venezuela, in this generous country of fighting women and men, which today has become a symbol and signal for the struggle against imperialism, for the defence of the dignity of the oppressed peoples. We will unite in a project of social and political emancipation: rank-file women from all continents, women workers, peasants women, migrant women, unemployed women, house wives, women of indigenous peoples, scientists and artists. All women are part of the oppressed peoples and cultures, all young people, we all want to be a part of this great wave that is going around the world: for a future with real equality and freedom. Women of the world! Let us combine our will in the awakening of the militant world women’s movement! The liberation of humankind will not be possible without our action! Let us all advance for the liberation of women in society without exploitation and oppression! Mobilise for the participation in the World Women’s Conference in Venezuela in 2011! Caracas, 8th March 2008 Initiative Committee Women’s Movement “Ana Soto”, Venezuela Ecuadorian Women’s League for Change, CONFEMEC Women’s Political Counsel/Militant Women’s Council, Germany

How US Secret Services Use “Psyops” “THE US Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) are planned operations to convey to the general public information and indicators to foreign audiences in order to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning and ultimately the behavior of foreign govts., organization, individuals and groups. PSYOPS are a very vital part of the broad range of US diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities.” The USA Pentagon does not just utilize psyops during wartime, they also use them against friendly nations during peace time to “inform and influence”, as well as to lower “adversary morale” and “create evidence” and dissatisfaction within the ranks. US imperialism uses three categories of psyops: (1) Strategic psyops - which include the international information activities conducted by US government agencies, such as UISAID, National Endowment for Democracy, the US State Department, CIA and others, to influence foreign attitudes, perceptions and behavior favorable to the goals and objectives of the US in time of peace and conflicts. (2) Operational psyops which are military operations conducted even during peacetime to promote an

effective military campaign and strategy. (3) Tactical psyops - that support tactical military missions against opposing forces. The role of US Embassies in foreign countries is exemplified just by this one example how U.S. Ambassador Brownfield acted in Venezuela by setting up and generously funding the many “American Corners”. These are partnerships set up without the country’s official approval Where US propaganda is spread in these locations through internet, through available free books, magazines and documentary films and DVDs produced by the CIA. These “Corners” are used as if they are the “initiatives of the local population” and this US FBI-CIA guides their activities. These “corner” are closely monitored by US Embassy secret services and names and contacts are established and money keeps flowing all the time. These corners are now operating in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, former Yugoslavia and other countries in Africa and South America. If the government of these countries complains then the whole Pentagon, CIA, FBI and US Embassies go into overdrive to attack these countries that there is no freedom of expression, no democracy, that these are peoples organizations, that the US government has nothing to do with these developments, etc. etc.

Meltdown Heat on Rhode Island THE CITY of Pawtucket in Rhode Island offers a vivid glimpse into the depth of America’s worsening recession — and a warning of the danger of rising unemployment. About 50 miles south of Boston, Pawtucket was a poineer in America’s industrial revolution. Now more than 11% of its workforce is jobless, the worst anywhere in a state that rivals economically battered Michigan for the highest unemployment rate in the country. Main street is pockmarked by empty storefronts. In just 100 yards, six shops have “for sale” signs in their windows and a 32,000-square-foot retail and office complex stands empty. “I don’t have much business left,” said Sait Sado, 56, who repairs and alters clothing at Sado’s Tailor Shop. “I’ve worked this area for 26 years. I’ve never seen it like this.” On business that’s busy on Main Street is a pawn shop. “Business has been very good,” said David Katz, a clerk at Pawtucked Pawn Brokers. “You can see for yourself,” he said, pointing to selves packed with televisions, stereos and music equipment. “We have been picking up for the past six or seven months. We’re also getting a lot of gold and jewellry.” When Barak Obama puts his economic rescue plan together this month, he is expected to channel significant aid to state and local governments, Rhode Island illustrates the scale of the problem as many states consider dramatic cuts to local services to balance budgets. Strained by a loss of tax revenue as umemployment worsen and real estate values plummet, the state of 1 million people faces its biggest budget shortfall in 17 years, spending $1 million a day more than it collects and forecasting a $357-million budget deficit for the fiscal year to June 30. That is projected to swell to $486 million from July 1, with lawmakers predicting the red ink will grow by about $80 million a year to reach a $770 million deficit in 2012 unless new revenue sources are found.

From The Marxist-Leninist Classics

A Proposal Concerning the General Line of the International Communist Movement [This letter dated July 14, 1963 from the CC of CPC in reply to the letter dated March 30, 1963 from the CC of CPSU still constitute the basis on which the struggle against the imperialists and their compradors and lackeys is to be waged by the proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world and on which the understanding to strengthen the unity of the Marxist-Leninist forces should be developed according to the concrete conditions in present day world. We are reproducing the main body of the Letter from this issue of Red Star - EB] (1) The general line of the international communist movement must take as its guiding principle the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory concerning the historical mission of the proletariat and must not depart from it. The Moscow Meetings of 1957 and 1960 adopted the Declaration and the Statement respectively after a full exchange of views and in accordance with the principle of reaching unanimity through consultation. The two documents point out the characteristics of our epoch and the common laws of socialist revolution and socialist construction, and day down the common line of all the Communist and Workers’ Parties. They are the common programme of the international communist movement. It is true that for several years there have been differences within the international communist movement in the understanding of, and the attitude towards, the Declaration of 1957 and the Statement of 1960. The central issue here is whether or not to accept the revolutionary principles of the Declaration and the Statement. In the last analysis, it is a question of whether or not to accept the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism, whether or not to recognize the universal significance of the road of the October Revolution, whether or not to accept the fact that the people still living under the imperialist and capitalist system, who comprise two-thirds of the world’s population, need to make revolution, and whether or not to accept the fact that the people already on the socialist road, who comprise one-third of the world’s population, need to carry their revolution forward to the end. It has become an urgent and vital task of the international communist movement resolutely to defend the revolutionary principles of the 1957 Declaration and the 1960 Statement. Only by strictly following the revolutionary teachings of Marxism-Leninism and the general road of the October revolution is it possible to have a correct understanding of the revolutionary principles of the Declaration and the Statement and a correct attitude towards them. (2) What are the revolutionary principles of the Declaration and the Statement? They may be summarized as follows: Workers of all countries, unite; workers of the world, unite with the oppressed peoples and oppressed nations; oppose imperialism and reaction in all countries; strive for world peace, national liberation, people’s democracy and socialism; consolidate and expand the socialist camp; bring the proletarian world revolution step by step to complete victory; and establish a new world without imperialism, without capitalism and without the exploitation of mall by man.

This, in our view, is the general line of the international communist movement at the present stage. (3) This general line proceeds from the actual world situation taken as a whole and from a class analysis of the fundamental contradictions in the contemporary world, and is directed against the counter-revolutionary global strategy of U.S. imperialism. This general line is one of forming a broad united front, with the socialist camp and the international proletariat as its nucleus, to oppose the imperialists and reactionaries headed by the United States; it is a line of boldly arousing the masses, expanding the revolutionary forces, winning over the middle forces and isolating the reactionary forces. This general line is one of resolute revolutionary struggle by the people of all countries and of carrying; the proletarian world revolution forward to the end; it is the line that most effectively combats imperialism and defends world peace. If the general line of the international communist movement is one-sidedly reduced to “peaceful coexistence”, “peaceful competition,” and “peaceful transition” this is to violate the revolutionary principles of the 1957 Declaration and the 1960 Statement, to discard the historical mission of proletarian world revolution, and to depart from the revolutionary teachings of Marxism-Leninism. The general line of the international communist movement should reflect the general law of development of world history. The revolutionary struggles of the proletariat and the people in various countries go through different stages and they all have their own characteristics but they will not transcend the general law of development of world history. The general line should point out the basic direction for the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat and people of all countries. While working out its specific line and policies, it is most important for each Communist or Workers’ Party to adhere to the principle of integrating the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of revolution and construction in its own country. (4) In defining the general line of the international communist movement, the starting point is the concrete class analysis of world politics and economics as a whole and of actual world conditions, that is to say, of the fundamental contradictions in the contemporary world. If one avoids a concrete class analysis, seizes at random on certain superficial phenomena, and draws subjective and groundless conclusions, one cannot possibly reach correct conclusions with regard to the general line of the international communist movement but will inevitably slide onto a track entirely different from that of MarxismLeninism. What are the fundamental contradictions in the contemporary world? MarxistLeninists consistently hold that they are: the contradiction between the socialist camp and the imperialist camp; the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries; the contradiction between the oppressed nations and imperialism; and the contradictions among imperialist countries and among monopoly capitalist groups. The contradiction between the socialist camp and the imperialist camp is a contradiction between two fundamentally different social systems, socialism and

capitalism. It is undoubtedly very sharp. But Marxist-Leninists must not regard the contradictions in the world as consisting solely and simply of the contradiction between the socialist camp and the imperialist camp. The international balance of forces has changed and has become increasingly favorable to socialism and to all the oppressed peoples and nations of the world, and most unfavorable to imperialism and the reactionaries of all countries. Nevertheless, the contradictions enumerated above still objectively exist. These contradictions and the struggles to which they give rise are interrelated and influence each other. Nobody can obliterate any of these fundamental contradictions or subjectively substitute one for all the rest. It is inevitable that these contradictions will give rise to popular revolutions, which alone can resolve them. (5) The following erroneous views should be repudiated on the question of the fundamental contradictions in the contemporary world: a) the view which blots out the class content of the contradiction between the socialist and the imperialist camps and fails to see this contradiction as one between states under the dictatorship of the proletariat and states under the dictatorship of the monopoly capitalists b) the view which recognizes only the contradiction between the socialist and the imperialist camps, while neglecting or underestimating the contradictions between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist world between the oppressed nations and imperialism, among the imperialist countries and among the monopoly capitalist groups, and the struggles to which these contradictions give rise; c) the view which maintains with regard to the capitalist world that the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie can be resolved without a proletarian revolution in each country and that the contradiction between the oppressed nations and imperialism can be resolved without revolution by the oppressed nations; d) the view which denies that the development of the inherent contradictions in the contemporary capitalist world inevitably leads to a new situation in which the imperialist countries are locked in an intense struggle and asserts that the contradictions among the imperialist countries can be reconciled, or even eliminated, by “international agreements among the big monopolies”; and e) the view which maintains that the contradiction between the two world systems of socialism and capitalism will automatically disappear in the course of “economic competition”, that the other fundamental world contradictions will automatically do so with the disappearance of the contradiction between the two systems, and that a “world without wars”, a new world of “all-round co-operation”, will appear. It is obvious that these erroneous views inevitably lead to erroneous and harmful policies and hence to setbacks and losses of one kind or another to the cause of the people and of socialism. (6) The balance of forces between imperialism and socialism has undergone a fundamental change since World War II. The main indication of this change is that the world now has not just one socialist country but a number of socialist countries forming the mighty socialist camp, and that the people who have taken the socialist road now number not two hundred million but a thousand million, or a third of the world’s population.

The socialist camp is the outcome of the struggles of the international proletariat and working people. It belongs to the international proletariat and working people as well as to the people of the socialist countries. The main common demands of the people of the countries in the socialist camp and the international proletariat and working people are that all the Communist and Workers’ Parties in the socialist camp should: Adhere to the Marxist-Leninist line and pursue correct Marxist-Leninist domestic and foreign policies; Consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and the worker-peasant alliance led by the proletariat and carry the socialist revolution forward to the end on the economic, political and ideological fronts; Promote the initiative and creativeness of the broad masses, carry out socialist construction in a planned way, develop production, improve the people’s livelihood and strengthen national defense; Strengthen the unity of the socialist camp on the basis of Marxism-Leninism, and support other socialist countries on the basis of proletarian internationalism; Oppose the imperialist policies of aggression and war, and defend world peace; Oppose the anti-Communist, anti-popular and counter-revolutionary policies of the reactionaries of all countries; and Help the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed classes and nations of the world. All Communist and Workers’ Parties in the socialist camp owe it to their own people and to the international proletariat and working people to fulfil these demands. By fulfilling these demands the socialist camp will exert a decisive influence on the course of human history. For this very reason, the imperialists and reactionaries invariably try in a thousand and one ways to influence the domestic and foreign policies of the countries in the socialist camp, to undermine the camp and break up the unity of the socialist countries and particularly the unity of China and the Soviet Union. They invariably try to infiltrate and subvert the socialist countries and even entertain the extravagant hope of destroying the socialist camp. The question of what is the correct attitude towards the socialist camp is a most important question of principle confronting all Communist and Workers’ Parties. It is under new historical conditions that the Communist and Workers’ Parties are now carrying on the task of proletarian internationalist unity and struggle. When only one socialist country existed and when this country was faced with hostility and jeopardized by all the imperialists and reactionaries because it firmly pursued the correct MarxistLeninist line and policies, the touchstone of proletarian internationa-lism for every Communist Party was whether or not it resolutely defended the only socialist country. Now there is a socialist camp consisting of thirteen countries, Albania, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Rumania, the Soviet Union and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Under these circumstances, the touchstone of proletarian international-ism for every Communist Party is whether or not it resolutely defends the whole of the socialist camp, whether or not it defends the unity of all the countries in the camp on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and whether or not it defends the Marxist-Leninist line and policies which the socialist countries ought to pursue.

If anybody does not pursue the correct Marxist-Leninist line and policies, does not defend the unity of the socialist camp but on the contrary creates tension and splits within it, or even follows the policies of the Yugoslav revisionists, tries to liquidate the socialist camp or helps capitalist countries to attack fraternal socialist countries, then he is betraying the interests of the entire international proletariat and the people of the world. If anybody, following in the footsteps of others, defends the erroneous opportunist line and policies pursued by a certain socialist country instead of upholding the correct Marxist-Leninist line and policies which the socialist countries ought to pursue, defends the policy of split instead of upholding the policy of unity, then he is departing from Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. [To be continued in next issue]

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