Recruitment & Selection (2)

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,027
  • Pages: 26
Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources - Prof. Hema Kapoor


What is Recruitment

Recruitment Process

Factors affecting Recruitment

Sources of Recruitment

Selection Process

Recruitment – What does it mean? Organizations need qualified employees to succeed  Attracting suitable candidates 

“the process of seeking & attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen.” (Byers & Rue)

Recruitment is a 2-way process



Selection filter

Recruitment Process

Factors Affecting Recruitment ?

Company reputation

Time constraint


Relations with labor unions


Cost involved

Organization culture

Factors Affecting Recruitment Condition of labor market


Social attitudes about particular jobs

Competition from other companies

Economic trends

Sources of Recruitment Sources of Recruitment

Internal search


External sources

should match the position to be

filled  The Internet is providing many new opportunities to recruit and causing companies to revisit past recruiting practices

Sources of Recruitment  Internal recruiting is the search for inhouse employees who have the abilities and the attitudes to fulfill the requirements needed and to help the organization achieve its objectives  HRIS forms the basis of internal search

 Internal Sources: • • • •

Present , Permanent employees Present Temp/ Casual Employee referrals Dependents of diseased , disabled , retired and present employees

Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment Recruiting Source



Morale of promotee

Better assessment of the abilities

Disadvantages Possible morale problems of those not promoted

“Political” infighting for the promotions

Lower cost for some jobs

Talent pool within the organization might stagnate, so the need to bring in fresh flow of ideas & opinions

Motivator for the good performance

Causes a succession of the promotions 

Need to hire only at the entry level

Sources of Recruitment 

External recruiting is done when the company lacks the internal supply of the employees for promotions or when it is staffing entry level positions, managers must consider the external supply of the manpower

Sources of Recruitment Educational & training institutes

Public employment exchanges

External ExternalSources Sources


Pvt. Employment agencies/ Consultancies

Advantages & Disadvantages of External Recruitment Recruiting Source External


New “Blood” brings new perspectives

Cheaper and faster than training professionals 


May not select someone who will “fit” the job or the organization 

May cause the morale problems for the internal candidates not selected 

Less groups of the political supporters in the organization already

Longer “ adjustment” or orientation time 

May bring new industry insights 


Involves choosing the person best suited for a given job from a pool of candidates, resulting from the recruitment process 

Attempt to get a “fit” between what the applicant can and wants to do, and what the organization needs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) Fitting the person to the right job is called ‘Placement.’

Person-Organization Fit

The Selection Process The selection process typically consists of eight steps: 1. initial screening interview 2. completion of the application form 3. employment tests 4. comprehensive interview 5. background investigation 6. conditional job offer 7. medical/physical exam 8. permanent job offer

The Selection Process  Initial


Involves screening of inquiries and screening interviews  Job description information is shared along with a salary range OR • Initial Screening with resume/application 

The Selection Process Employment Tests 

Estimates say 60% of all organizations use some type of employment tests 

Performance simulation tests: requires the applicant to engage in specific job behaviors necessary for doing the job successfully Work sampling: Job analysis is used to develop a miniature replica of the job on which an applicant demonstrates his/her skills Assessment centers: A series of tests and exercises, including individual and group simulation tests, is used to assess managerial potential or other complex sets of skills

The Selection Process Comprehensive Interviews: Interviews involve a face-to-face meeting with the candidate to probe areas not addressed by the application form or tests  They are a universal selection tool 

The Selection Process Comprehensive Interviews:  Interview Effectiveness   

Interviews are the most widely used selection tool Often are expensive, inefficient, and not job-related Possible biases with decisions based on interviews include prior knowledge about the applicant, stereotypes, interviewee order

The Selection Process Comprehensive Interviews:  Interview Effectiveness 

Impression management, or the applicant’s desire to project the “right” image, may skew the interview results Interviewers have short and inaccurate memories: note-taking and videotaping may help

The Selection Process Background Investigation:  Verify information from the application form  Typical information verified includes:     

former employers previous job performance education legal status to work criminal records

The Selection Process Job Offers Actual hiring decision generally made by the department manager  Candidates not hired deserve the courtesy of prompt notification 

Difference between Recruitment & Selection 1.

Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization WHEREAS selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts.

2. The basic purpose of recruitment is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organization WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organization.

Difference between Recruitment & Selection 3. Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees to apply WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates. 4. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interviews and tests. 5. There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment WHEREAS selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee

Remember . . .

. . . An organization is known by the quality of its people.

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