Recruitment and Selection
Job Analysis Produces information on the job’s activities and requirements Procedure to determine the duties of job and characteristics of people who should be hired for them Job descriptions and Specifications Supervisor/ HR specialist Basis for several activities
Methods of collecting job analysis information Interviews Questionnaires Observation Diary/logs
Provides basis for job description
Job Description Identification Summary Relationships Responsibilities and duties Authority Stds of performance Working conditions
Job Specifications
Identifying personal traits
Dejobbing: multiskilled,flexible,high involvement work practices
R&S Workforce planning and forecasting for positions to be filled Build pool of candidates by looking at external and internal supply Application forms and initial screening Tests, background investigations, physical exams
Recruiting Internal sources of candidates Advertising Develop an advertisement for the job of a General Sales manager for the western region with a multi locational leading manufacturer for development and implementation of sales strategies.
Employment agencies : executive recruiters College recruiters Referrals/ walk ins Former employees Internet recruiting
Testing and Selecting
Why is selection important Validity of tests used Reliability Interviewing Common interviewing mistakes – snap judgements,negative information,job info, Pressure to hire,contrast error,body language
Validity range Methods Rating 0.4-0.5+ Work sample test Good-Exc Ability tests 0.3-0.39 Biodata Acceptable Assessment centres Structure interviews Less than 0.3 Personality tests Poor Typical interviews references
Advanced methods of selection Psychometric means….measurement of the mind Psychometric tests Group exercises Simulated work samples
Guidelines for conducting an interview Plan the interview Structure Establish rapport Ask questions Close the interview
Different types of interviews Purpose –to collect information Structured – Standardised, directive,inflexible,Quest/survey Semi structured- nonstdrdsd, flexible, nondirective, list of themes and questions Unstructured – non standardised, non flexible, in-depth exploration of an area
Structured interviews To collect information about beliefs, facts, attitudes and behaviors One to one/ Telephone Directive/scripted Standardised interview schedule
Semi and unstructured interviews To collect information about views, opinions and experiences Qualitative data gathering technique Semi: semidirective and semistructured Use both open and closed questions(open questions prevail to encourage communication) Develop set of core questions and probe further
Unstructure interview: exploratory Nondirective, nonstructured,respondent led Rich data
Frequently asked questions Personal and motivational Skills and abilities Career goals/objectives Extra curricular activities Academic performance Icebreakers
Why did you apply for this job? What do you know of our company? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What would you like to be doing in five years? Why should we hire you? What is required for success in this industry?
Conducting the interview Introduction Exploration Conclusion
Keys to success Knowledge Appropriate background Obvious enthusiasm Personality Presentation
Also Focus on nonverbal cues/dress code