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  • Words: 1,383
  • Pages: 29


In Simple Terms : It is a process of searching for and obtaining applicant for job, from among whom right people can be selected. In Formal Terms: It is a process to find and attract capable applicant for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.

 RECRUITMENT PURPOSE Determine the present and future requirements of the organizations. Increase the pool of job applicants at minimum costs. Help increase the success rate of selection process. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected, leave the organization after a short period of time. Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the compositions of its work force. Begin identifying & preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in short & long term. Study the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

 FACTORS GOVERNING RECRUITMENT External Factors : Unemployment rate. As high, process may be simpler better period to recruit attractive qualified applicants, on other side if it is low then recruiting efforts requires to increase and new sources explored.

Political and Legal considerations. The reservations for SCs, STs, minorities, and OBCs is political deisions also Supreme Court also agreed upon 50 % reservations of seats and jobs.

Acts. Child Labour ( Probhition and Regulation ) Act,1986. Employment Exchange ( Compulsory Notification of Vacancies ) Act, 1959. Apprentices Act, 1961. Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services ) Act, 1979. The Factories Act, 1948. The Mines Act, 1952.

Constitutions which prohibits discriminations. Preferences to sons of the soil Company Image.


Internal Factors : Recruiting Policy. Temporary & Part-time employees. Preference to local citizen’s in MNCs. Size. Cost.

RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment Recruitment is a process of finding & attracting capable applicant for employment. Recruitment process

RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment process begin when new recruit sought & ends when applicants Submitted applications.

RECRUITMENT PROCESS  2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Recruitment comprises by following five elements. Planning Strategy development Searching Screening Evaluation & control.


Planning involves translation of likely job vacancies & information about the nature of job, it specify in,

Number of contacts 5) Type of applicant to contacted 4)

1. Number of contacts  Any

organisation like to more applicant then they actual required.

 Company

yield ratio.

2.Types of applicant  Type

of application based on job responcibility,qualification & experience.

Strategy Development  “Makes"

or “Buy”  Technological sophistication  Geographical distribution  Source of recruitment(Method)  Time


Source of activation




aim of screening is short listing and differentiate qualified applicant among from un qualified.

Evaluating & Control  Evaluation

and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the recruitment process, it also necessary to know about to whether the recruitment methods use are valid & whether the recruitment process is effective itself.


 RECRUITMENT METHODS Internal Recruitment : Present Employees.  Promotion & transfers from among present employees can be good source of requirements.  Promotion to higher positions has several advantages.     

It is good public relations. It builds morale. It encourages competent individuals who are ambitious It is cheaper. internal chooser are familiar with organization.

 Promotion, to be effective, requires job posting, personnel records, and skill banks.

 RECRUITMENT METHODS Internal Recruitment ( Continue ) : Employees Referrals.  Employees can develop good prospects for their families & friends by acquainting them with advantages of job with company, furnishing cards of introduction, and even encouraging them to apply.  This is most effective methods of recruiting as many qualified people are reached at a very low cost to the company.  Most employees know from their experiences the requirements of job and what sort of person company is looking for.  Another advantage of employee referral is that referred individuals are likely to be similar in type to those who are already working for company.

 RECRUITMENT METHODS Internal Recruitment ( Continue ) : Formal Employees.  Some retired employees may be willing to come back to work on a part-time basis or may recommend someone who would be interested for company.  Sometimes, people who have left the company for some reason or other are willing to come back and work.  Individuals who left for other jobs, might be willing to come back for higher emoluments.  An advantage with this source is that performance of these people is already known.

 RECRUITMENT METHODS Internal Recruitment ( Continue ) : Previous Applicants.  Previously applied for jobs can be contacted by mail, a quick & inexpensive way to fill an unexpected opening.  Although ‘walk-ins’ are likely to be more suitable for filling unskilled &semi-skilled jobs, some professional openings can be filled by applicants to previous jobs.

RECRUITMENT METHODS Evaluation of Internal Recruitment:

Advantages : It is less costly then external recruiting. Organization have a better knowledge of internal candidates’ skills & abilities then ones acquired through external recruiting. Organizational policy of promoting from within can enhance employees’ morale, organizational commitment & job satisfaction.

Disadvantages : This method simply perpetuates the old concept of doing things – that creative problem solving may be hindered by lack of new talents. Some organizations complain of unit raiding in which divisions compete for same people. Politics has a greater impact on internal recruiting & selection than does external recruiting.

Thus, job related information may be known about internal candidates, personnel decisions involving internal candidates are more likely to be affected by political agenda of decision makers.

 External recruitment ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Professional or Trade Associations Advertisements Employment Exchanges Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins Consultants Contractors Displaced Persons Radio and Television Acquisitions and Mergers Competitors E-recruiting

Professional or Trade Associations- Many associations provide placement services for their members. These associations are Particularly useful for attracting highly educated and skilled personnel. Advertisements- These are of two types: 1. Want Ad- They describe the job and the benefits, identify the employer and tell those who are interested and how to apply. E.g. Newspapers. 2. Blind Ad- Here there is no identification of the firm. Respondents may reply to a post-box no. or to a consulting firm that is retained by the firm. Factors affecting response to ads: 1. Identification of co.

Employment exchangesEmployment exchanges have set all over the country in deference to the provisions of Employment Exchanges Compulsory Notification Of Vacancies act 1959.  The act applies(industrial establishments having 25 workers or more each) to notify the vacancies before they are filled.  The major function of the 

Campus Recruitment- Colleges, Universities, research lab., sports fields and institutes are fertile ground for recruiters, particularly the institutes. For E.g.- IIMs and IITs. Write-ins, Walk-ins and Talk-ins: 1.Write-ins are those who send written enquiries. 2. Talk-ins- Job aspirants are required to meet the recruiter for detailed talks. 3. Walk-ins- Job seekers submit direct unsolicited letters and applications. Direct applications can also provide a pool of potential

 

Consultants- They have nation-wide contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. E.g. ABC consultants, Head Hunters etc. Contractors- They are used to recruit casual workers. Displaced Persons- Siting and implementation of a project in an area would result in displacement of hundred inhabitants. Rehabilitation of such persons is mandated by Govt.

Radio and Television- Can be used to get applicants such as skilled workers. Less use due high cost and damage of conservative image. Acquisitions and Mergers- Due to such events new jobs are created and both new and old jobs may be readily staffed by drawing the best-qualified applicants from the employee pool. Competitors- Rival firms can be a source of recruitment. Popularly called as ‘poaching’ or ‘raiding’ this method involves identifying the right people in rival co., offering them better terms and luring them away.

E-Recruiting- Employers can online screen candidates’ soft attributes, direct potential hires to a special website for online skill assessment interview via video conferencing etc.

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