Recruitement Policy - Paktel Pakistan

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,023
  • Pages: 4
Human Resource Department: Working of the employees and suitable environment for working are the basic elements for the successfulness of any organization. Hiring of the employees and creating conducive environment are the responsibilities of human resource department. After analyzing the importance of above given factors Paktel formed human resource department in March 1990. This decision pays off for the development of Paktel. Human resource department fulfills the following responsibilities in Paktel:  Recruitment Policy  Job description  Training of employees  Conflict handling  Flow of information  Motivation of employees  Observe job satisfaction level  Performance evaluation  Employees turnover rate Hiring an employee is one of the most important tasks which have been assigned to human resource department, because at the time of hiring they have to judge that how capable and sincere the man will remain with the organization and what is the main motive he has behind coming to the organization. Than whether he is smart enough to adjust him in the environment of the organization. The requirement of the organization is mostly engineers and technicians and they believe in hiring fresh engineering graduates. Whenever managerial posts become vacant they prefer internal hiring for those posts.

Recruitment Policy Policy Statement: The proposed change in existing recruitment practice is to ensure that the HR move from traditional administrative personnel function to more effective value-adding Human Resources Management function. The objective of the proposed procedure is to ensure that the HR unit drives and takes the ownership of the process from start to the end. This will ensure prompt identification of top quality candidates and quick replacements of vacant positions in the shortest possible time.

Procedure:  The procedure is valid for vacant existing and new position. In order to fill a vacant or a new position, HR needs to ensure that the Recruitment Approval Request (RAR) has been submitted and approved by Millicom before the start of the process.

 Recruitment Request Form (RRF) – attached as Annex-A has to be filled in completed and carefully. RRF form should have Job Description as its attachment.  Once the above requirements are completed, HRS will prepare the profile of the candidate using the RRF form. The profile will include all relevant key competencies required for the said position. It is, therefore, important that the said form is completed carefully.  The profile will first be circulated within the organization to give the opportunity to staff members. This step will be conducted for all positions and the deadline for the response is two days. If the management ascertains that there is no suitable candidate within the organization, it will then skip this process and advertise the post externally. The concerned unit is responsible for ensuring the availability of funds for external advertisement.  Once the CVs are received in the HRS, it will stamp date of receipt on each. After the deadline of the application, HRS will sift through all applications as per the profile. All potential applications will either be market “I” (interview), “R” (reject) or “F” (future use). The HRS assumes this responsibility to ensure that the sifting is done purely on competitive basis and as per profile only.  After screening the applications, marked “I”, and narrowing them down to, say ten or fifteen; HRS will hold a session with the head of the concerned department to further narrow down the applications to five or six candidates.  After the above procedure, interview panels will be formed as follows: o For all positions at grade G5/O4/S4 and below – Immediate supervisor and HRS representative. o For all positions above grade G5/O4/S4 – Immediate supervisor, senior HRS representative and a senior staff member, above the level of the said position, from any other unit within the organization.  The interview process is based on consensus recruitment methodology. Each member of the interview panel will individually interview all short-listed candidates. Each member of the interview panel will have a format containing dimensions highlighted in the candidate’s profile – Dimension Scoring Matrix (DSM) attached as Annex-B.  The interviewer should focus on the past behavioral examples and probe further to conclude understanding of the focused areas and must ensure that he/she (interviewee) identifies as many complete Situation Action Results (SARs) events as possible – matrix attached as Annex-C. Each interviewer will be scoring, individually, the dimensions based on SARs identified during the interview.

 After the conclusion of the interview process, the interviewers should get together to consolidate notes, on the format Dimension Scoring Matrix Consolidation (DSMC) attached as Annex-D, for each candidate and finalize their recommendation based on the Final Average Score – attached as Annex-E. All position above grade G5/O4/S4 would require management approval for the issuance of the offer letter.  The appointment letter will be issued only after receiving clearance from the company doctor on the medical fitness of the prospective candidate.  At any stage, the concerned unit will NOT indulge in any kind of discussion pertaining to remuneration or any kind of implied commitment. Compensation and benefits are administered solely by the HRS. The successful candidates after test and interview are required to fill a surety bond following are the main clauses of surety bond:

Probation Period Six months training period shall be treated as probation period, during the probation period/after final test the Company shall assess the employee and fix his salary/place of duty accordingly.

Probation Performance Evaluation Form MPS-PAKCOM



Employee #

Employee Name


Job Title



Joining Date

Date of Completion of Probation Period


TO BE FILLED BY THE DEPARTMENT CONCERN Employee has acquired necessary knowledge to start work independently: Employees takes initiative in performing the job efficiently: Employee is hard working and in taking interest in the job: Employee’s attitude towards his subordinates, colleagues and supervisors is satisfactory: Employee is regular and punctual on duty:

General Comments:

Recommendations: Recommended for confirmation


Employees probationary period may be extended by another term of Employee may be tried against the post of Employee’s Services dispensed with



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