Reconstruction Destruction

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 119
  • Pages: 5
Reconstruction Destruction

Ulysses S. Grant 

Wins elections easily

Scandals  

Black Friday Whiskey Ring

Panic of 1873

Civil Rights Act 1875

Rutherford B Hayes 

Election of 1876   

Highly disputed Lost Popular Vote Electoral College votes contested

Compromise of 1877  

Hayes Wins Military withdrawn from South Home Rule of South

Segregation 

Black Codes 

Eliminate black people's newfound freedom Little power to combat unfair laws

Jim Crow Laws 

Separate but equal


End of Freedman’s Bureau

“Old” New South 

Status Quo  

Growing Economy  

Sharecropping Segregation

More Industry Better Transportation

“Solid South” 

Southern Strategy

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