Facial Reconstruction

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 39
Facial Reconstruction From Skeletal Remains !

By: P.Vinay & M.Ganesh Kumar, III B.D.S., Ragas Dental College


What is Forensic Medicine? Forensic medicine, also called Legal medicine or medical jurisprudence deals with the interaction of medical science with the law. The name comes from ‘forum’, the Roman market-place where lawyers did their business.


What is death ? Death is a process, not an event. There is no single definition for death. Death is not merely the absence of life, but the cessation of life in a previously viable organism. 3

Classification of death Somatic


Somatic death ----- the person no longer functions as a unit of society, because he is irreversibly unconscious and can’t communicate with the environment and is unaware of his own or the world’s existence. •

• Cellular death ----- means the cessation of respiration and metabolism of the body tissues, which is soon followed by autolysis and decay. 4

Causes of death Forensic Related

Self induced death:

Railway track suicide

CO inhalation

Gunshot suicide 5

Causes of death Forensic Related

Others induced death:

Sexual assault

Road accident

Electric hot-plate torture 6

Why are we concerned about death? Almost all doctors, whatever their speciality,come in to contact with death at some time or other in their professional work. The legal & ethical aspects of this inevitable process form an important part of Forensic Medicine.


Facial Reconstruction Three types:  2-D Facial Reconstruction 3-D Facial Reconstruction Computer Aided Facial Reconstruction


3-D Facial Reconstruction The Making


3-D Facial Reconstruction Methods There are 3 methods: Anatomical method Tissue depth method Combination method


3-D Facial Reconstruction Armamentarium required Skull Tripod Stand Cotton Clay Clay modelling instruments Instant adhesive (ex: Fevikwik)


3-D Facial Reconstruction Take photograph of the skull with markers for future reference


3-D Facial Reconstruction


Combination Method It’s a method of facial reconstruction in which certain Anatomical structures are defined individually to flesh out the face. All tissue depth data are utilized.


Combination Method Preparation & Preservation of Skull: Orbits and Nasal cavity are blocked Mandible attached to cranium Spacing in Condylar fossae Freeway space is maintained Edentulous jaw is fixed using a guide


Combination Method Preparation & Preservation of Skull:


Combination Method Placing Tissue depth markers: All tissue depth markers are not used The markers are used to assist in contouring Photograph of the skull with tissue depth markers is taken for further procedures


Combination Method Tissue depth markers


Combination Method Fleshing out Anatomical landmarks Few markers are connected using strips of clay Certain anatomical landmarks like Temporalis, Fatty buccal pad, Masseter, Parotid gland, and few Facial muscles are created using clay Eyes are also placed 19

Combination Method Fleshing out Anatomical landmarks


Combination Method Sculpting - Part I Now the work and fun really begins It’s the matter of using those artistic skills to bring life Add clay using both the tissue depth marker guidelines and the sculpted muscles Placing ears is highly imaginary 21

Combination Method Sculpting – Part I


Combination Method Sculpting – Part II The face has now begun to take shape Tissue depth markers still visible Width of the nasal cavity is equal to the total width of the nose Nasal bone used to determine the slope of the nose 23

Combination Method Sculpting – Part II


Combination Method Sculpting – Part III Now the finishing touches are applied and the tissue depth markers are covered She had no side teeth note her cheeks Wrinkles were added to support her age Hair based on the hairstyles of that era


Combination Method Sculpting – Part III


Combination Method Finishing Touches Painting is minimal - some oil washes followed by airbrushing Polyfiber hair was punched in A cap is placed upon her head


Combination Method Finishing Touches


Combination Method Conclusion The sculpture is photographed Photograph is superimposed with skull Photographs are sent for identification The process in now complete. A piece of history - Albany in the early 1700s - has now been given a face. 29

Superimposition Done to check whether the reconstruction was done correctly or not Three types: Photographic Video Computer aided




Facial Reconstruction The facial reconstruction project described here required three major steps: A computed tomograph scan A stereolithography cast of the skull A skilled technician to model the face in clay and make the molds


Facial Reconstruction Computed Tomograph Scan


Facial Reconstruction Stereolithography Cast


Facial Reconstruction Making the Clay mould


Guided By : Dr. Shiva Kumar, M.D.S., • Head, Dept. of Preventive & Community Dentistry

Dr. Madhusudhanan Krishnan, M.D.S., • Reader, Dept. of Preventive & Community Dentistry

Dr. P.D.Madhan Kumar, M.D.S., • Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Preventive & Community Dentistry


Acknowledgements : Ms. Karen T. Taylor • Portrait Artist, Texas Dept. of Public Safety, Texas Deputy Chief, Richard Berry • Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D.C. Deputy Chief, Mike Deal • Altamonte Springs, Florida Police Department

Mr. Lois Gibson • Houston, Texas Police Department 37

References : Karen T.Taylor, 3-D Facial Reconstruction on Skull, Forensic Art & Illustration, 1st edition, 2001. Bernard Knight, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Simpson’s Forensic Medicine, 11th edition, 1997. Rhine.J.S. and Campbell.H.R., Thickness of facial tissues in American blacks, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 25(4), 847-858, 1980.



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