Reconstituting Community - All - 09-03-15 - Freqs

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey Frederick Weil, Department of Sociology, LSU - [email protected] N=4,242; Weighted; semi-representative Notes about the Sample: See last page.

1. Are you now living in Greater New Orleans? 1. Yes 2. No

80 21

2. What kind of housing are you now living in? 1. Your own house or condo, which you own 2. An apartment you rent yourself 3. At somebody else’s residence 4. A trailer on your own property 5. A trailer at a FEMA trailer site 6. A trailer at a non-FEMA trailer site 7. Other [Please describe]

60 19 6 3 5 1 6

3. How long have/had you lived in New Orleans? [Average]


4. How long has/had your family lived in New Orleans? About when did your first family members or ancestors move to New Orleans? [Average]


5. Did you and your household evacuate because of the Hurricanes? 1. Yes 2. No


95 5


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

6. [If yes] How long did you stay away? 1. A week or less 2. 1-2 weeks 3. 3-4 weeks 4. 1-2 months 5. More than 2 months, but have since returned 6. More than 2 months, but will return in 2006 7. Returned for a while and then left for good 8. Have not returned

3 6 14 17 42 5 3 11

7. [If evacuated] Where did you stay? Check any of the following that apply. 1. With relatives 2. With members of your religious community not related to your family 3. With friends g 4. With neighbors 5. With colleagues, co-workers, members of an association you belong to, etc. 6. With People you had no previous connection to 7. In a hotel or motel 8. In a house, apartment, or condo that you bought or rented 9. In a public shelter 10. In a trailer provided by FEMA, or some other relief agency 11. Other

55 4 19 5 2 4 5 25 24 7 5

8. [If living in Greater New Orleans] How likely is it that you will move away from New Orleans within the next ... years?

1. Very likely 2. Somewhat likely 3. Somewhat unlikely 4. Very unlikely 5. Haven’t decided


One 7 4 6 76 8

Two 11 12 12 53 12


Five 13 13 10 53 11

Ten 16 12 8 49 16

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

9. [If not living in Greater New Orleans] How likely is it that you will return to live in New Orleans within the next two years or so? 1. Very likely 2. Somewhat likely 3. Somewhat unlikely 4. Very unlikely 5. Haven’t decided

27 10 8 40 16

10. If any group or agency could help you with any of the following services, how much would it affect your decision to return and rebuild in New Orleans?

Housing help Building repair or restoration help Financial Counseling Relocation help Employment help Transportation help Health care Mental Health care Retirement or nursing home Elderly care Child care Scholarship or Tuition for day schools Summer camp scholarships


Very Important to make me decide to stay 33 32 33 19 28 35 44 27 15 21 22 26 21

Not Somewhat Important for Important me 14 54 20 49 20 47 13 68 14 59 15 50 15 41 18 56 14 71 14 65 10 68 11 64 10 69


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

11. How satisfied are you with each of the following in New Orleans?

The Economy Political Leadership K-12 Education Infrastructure Local Media My Neighborhood My Church/Religious Community My Circle of Friends My Family & Relatives The Job Market Available Housing New Orleans food, music, culture

Very Satisfied 2 2 5 1 7 15 24 40 46 3 6 52

Satisfied 8 7 11 4 31 37 35 38 29 17 17 29

In the Middle Dissatisfied 41 30 22 25 35 24 26 37 37 15 24 12 26 7 12 4 14 6 34 27 32 25 13 3

Worried 23 20 21

In the Middle 6 8 14

Very Dissatisfied 21 44 25 33 10 11 8 6 5 19 21 3

you about each of the following g in New O Orleans? 12. And how worried are y

Crime The Influence of Illegal Drugs Another Hurricane

Very Worried 67 65 54

Not very Worried 3 4 8

Not at all Worried 1 2 3

13. What do you think about your church community in Greater New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina?

During the 5 or 10 years before Katrina, it got … Since Katrina, it got … In the next 5 or 10 years, it will get …


Better 39 31 46

About the Same 52 40 39


Worse 9 29 15

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

14. What do you think about your neighborhood in Greater New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina?

During the 5 or 10 years before Katrina, it got … Since Katrina, it got … In the next 5 or 10 years, it will get …

Better 39 21 42

About the Same 44 39 33

Worse 17 41 25

15. What is/was your employment status?

Before Katrina Now

Retired 15 19

Student 8 6

Homemaker 4 5

Employed full or part time 68 60

Unemployed 4 11

16. What is/was your occupation? [Too many categories to show] 17. [If still working] How much physical damage did your/your employer’s business suffer as a result of hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding? 1. None or almost none 2. Some physical damage 3. Major physical damage 4. Complete destruction, unsalvageable

20 34 34 13

18. [If still working] What do you think about your/your employer’s business?

Since Hurricane Katrina, it’s gotten … In the next 2 to 5 years, it will get…


Better 28 51

About the Same 37 33


Worse 30 10

Went/Will go out of business 6 6

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

19. Since hurricane Katrina, have you had job offers from other cities or regions? Or if you are self-employed: have you concretely looked into the possibility of starting a business in another city or region? 1. Yes 2. No

36 64

20. Are you now living in your pre-Katrina residence, or if not, do you plan to move back in, even if you have to pay for part of the repair costs yourself? 1. Same as before Katrina 2. Different

57 43

21. [If no] Would you like to move back into the same residence if you could afford to repair it? 1. Yes 2. No

39 61

22. How much physical damage did your residence suffer as a result of hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding? [If apartment or condo: your own unit.] 1. None or almost none 2. Some physical damage 3. Major physical damage 4. Complete destruction, unsalvageable

10 29 45 16

23. About how deep were any flood waters in your residence? 1. No flood damage 2. Less than 2 feet 3. 2-4 feet 4. 4-8 feet 5. 8-12 feet 6. Over 12 feet


31 13 14 23 14 6


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

24. What do you think about neighborhoods in the Greater New Orleans area? Strongly believe is True

Believe is True


Believe is Not True

Strongly believe is Not True











Now or for the coming hurricane season

In the next 12 months

Within the next five years













With good engineering and adequate funding, the neighborhood I lived in before Katrina can be protected against major flooding The neighborhood I lived in before Katrina can recover from the hurricane and flooding damage 25. And when do you think these things will happen?

g p The neighborhood I lived in before Katrina will be protected against major flooding The neighborhood I lived in before Katrina will recover from the hurricane and flooding damage

26. If it could be made safe from major flooding, and speaking only of your feelings, do you want to live in –

Greater New Orleans The neighborhood I lived in before Katrina

Yes, very much 42 46

Yes 20 20

Yes, a little In the middle 6 8 7 9

Prefer not 6 6

No 6 5

No, absolutely not 12 6

27. How complete is the rebuilding/repair of your residence now? 1. Done 2. Almost done 3. Halfway done 4. Just started work 5. No work started


46 27 12 5 11


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

28. What parts of the rebuilding/repair are already completed? (check all that apply) 1. Demolition 2. Interior Gutting 3. Mold Remediation 4. Roof 5. Dry Wall 6. Ceilings 7. Floors 8. Fixtures 9. Electrical 10. Plumbing 11. Elevation 12. Other 13. None

20 46 43 48 45 42 42 39 43 42 13 8 8

29. Do/did you own your own residence (house, condo, apartment)?

Before Katrina Now

Own 68 70

No, Don’t/didn’t Own 32 30

30. Will you have enough money, from all sources, to cover damage to your residence and its contents?

I already have or received enough to repair or replace … I believe I will have or receive enough to repair or replace


All or almost all of the Most of the About half of the damage damage damage 35 23 13 32 25 10


Less than half of the damage 9 9

Very little or none of the damage 16 18

Doesn't Apply 4 6

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

31. Of the money you already have for repair or replacement, about how much came from each of the following sources?

My own money Insurance Road Home Program Government Agencies of any kind Your Church or Congregation Any other group or agency affiliated with a religious denomination Any other group or agency not affiliated with a religious denomination Family or Relatives Friends Other

Over 75% 18 27 6 4 1

About 5075% 11 18 9 5 1

About 2550% 20 16 15 10 2

Some Money, but less than 25% 31 10 13 26 5













2 1 2

1 1 1

3 2 2

15 10 5

73 81 85

5 6 6

None 17 25 45 50 86

Doesn't Apply 4 5 12 5 6

32. [If you received Road Home resources] Is your Road Home grant sufficient to allow you to rebuild or repair your residence? 1. Yes 2. No

26 74

33. Do you plan to apply for a loan from any of the following?

A Bank or commercial lender A Government agency A Lender within your religious denomination Family or Relatives Friends Other


Yes 10 13 2 3 2 2

Possibly 9 10 3 5 3 3


No 81 77 95 92 95 95

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

34. [If Yes or Possibly] How much do you think you will apply for? 1 2 3 4 5 6

$4,999 or less $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $99,999 $100,000 or more

4 3 5 11 11 66

35. [If you rent] How satisfied are you with your rental situation in the following ways?

Repairs to storm damage in your unit Quality & upkeep of unit (aside from storm repairs) Landlord’s responsiveness Rent (price) for what you get

Very Satisfied 30 26 39 20

Satisfied 29 25 20 17

In the Middle Dissatisfied 20 13 23 17 16 11 17 15

Very Dissatisfied 8 9 13 31

We’d like to ask you some questions about your family and friends in the community. 36. Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? 1. Most people can be trusted 2. Can’t be too careful


44 56


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

37. How much do you trust the following groups of people?

People in your neighborhood People you work with People at your church or place of worship People who work in the stores where you shop The police in your local community People outside your community White people African Americans or Blacks Asian people Hispanics or Latinos Contractors, Construction Workers Bankers, Mortgage & Financial Officers Government Employees

Trust them a Trust them lot some 32 43 33 32 43 33 11 46 20 40 4 36 12 52 8 48 9 49 8 46 3 27 6 36 5 33

Trust them only a little 15 13 8 29 22 35 20 24 22 24 39 32 34

Trust them not at all 7 5 2 11 16 18 5 8 7 10 26 20 22

Does not apply 3 17 14 4 2 7 11 11 13 12 6 6 6

38. Are you currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married? 1. Married 2. Living with partner 3. Separated 4. Divorced 5. Widowed 6. Single, never married

49 7 3 11 7 23

39. Do you have children? How many? 0. None 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four or more


25 17 26 17 15


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

40. [If children] Where do they live?

Children still in school or college, or younger Children grown & finished with their education

Some in Greater New All live in Orleans area Don’t have Greater New and some All live some children this Orleans area elsewhere other place age 26 7 8 58 11 13 12 64

41. About how many family members and relatives do/did you have living in Greater New Orleans … Just before Hurricane Katrina hit [Average] Now [Average]

33 19

42 About how many family and close friends do you have in each of these groups? (People you’re close enough to, 42. to that you’d visit each other at home.)

Family and friends who live in your N.O. neighborhood Family and friends who live in a different neighborhood in Greater New Orleans Family and friends who live outside GNO Family and friends of your faith who live in GNO Family and friends of a different faith who live in GNO Family and friends of your race who live in GNO Family and friends of a different race who live in GNO


About 0-5 12

About 5-15 59

About 15-50 20

About 50100 6

About 100 or more 4






20 6 9 19 49

30 46 57 26 31

28 31 24 30 15

15 10 7 14 3

8 7 3 11 3


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

43. About how often have you done the following?

Had friends over to your home Visited relatives in person or had them visit you Socialized with co-workers outside of work Played cards or board games with others Attended a club meeting Hung out with friends at a park, shopping mall, or other public place Attended any public meeting in which there was discussion of town or school affairs Gone to bars, nightclubs, music events Attended sports events (professional, college, etc.)

Every week (or more Almost every week often) 19 17 24 21 9 11 8 7 7 6

Once or twice a month 30 25 22 18 24

A few times per year 22 22 23 20 15

Less often than that 8 6 15 16 12

Never 4 2 20 31 36













9 6

11 9

17 17

25 24

17 21

19 23

44. Have y you taken p part in activities with the following gg groups p and organizations g in the p past 12 months?

An adult sports club or league, or an outdoor activity club A youth organization like youth sports leagues, the scouts, 4 H clubs, and Boys & Girls Clubs A parents’ association, like the PTA or PTO, or other school support or service groups Activities at your church or place of worship, other than attending services? This might include teaching Sunday school, serving on a committee, attending choir rehearsal or a retreat. Or working with any organization affiliated with religion, such as the Knights of Columbus or a bible study group A neighborhood association, like a block association, a homeowner or tenant association, or a crime watch group A charity or social welfare organization that provides services in such fields as health or service to the needy A professional, trade, farm, or business association Any other hobby, investment, or garden clubs or societies Any other kinds of clubs or organizations


Yes 19

No 81


















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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

45. In the past twelve months, have you served as an officer or served on a committee of any club or organization in your New Orleans church or neighborhood association? 1. Yes 2. No

24 76

46. What is (or was) the name of the neighborhood association where you lived when Katrina hit? [Too many categories to show]

Now we’d like to ask you some questions about Hurricane recovery. 47. How good a job do you think the following have done in the recovery from the Hurricanes and subsequent flooding?

The state government The local governments Your New Orleans neighborhood’s representatives in city government The U.S. government President Obama President Bush (while he was President) The leadership of your New Orleans neighborhood association The leadership of your New Orleans church or congregation National Denominational or Church leadership and organizations Nonprofit organizations working in New Orleans


Great 1 2

Good 14 18

Neither Good Nor Bad 24 23






2 13 2

14 16 13

21 54 18

27 7 21

37 10 47






















Bad 33 30

Terrible 28 27

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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

48. How good a job do you think your New Orleans church has done since the Hurricanes in the following ways?

Accepting input from all congregational, church, or parish members Providing material assistance fairly to all congregational, church, or parish members Providing community or social support Providing spiritual support



Neither Good Nor Bad











29 28

39 38

23 24

5 5

5 5



49. And how good a job do you think your New Orleans neighborhood association has done since the Hurricanes in the following ways?

Accepting p g input p from all neighborhood g residents Providing material assistance fairly to all neighborhood residents Providing community or social support Providing spiritual support

Great 10

Good 30

Neither Good Nor Bad 37






9 8

28 23

39 43

15 15

10 11

Mostly Recovered 36 36 26 9 35 34

About Half Recovered 13 20 22 22 20 25

Somewhat Recovered 11 23 36 50 21 25

Not at All Recovered 10 10 12 18 10 7

Bad 14

Terrible 9

50. How would you rate the overall Hurricane recovery of the following?

Your own household Your New Orleans neighborhood Your city or town The Greater New Orleans Area Your New Orleans Congregation, Church, or parish The local religious community in your denomination


Fully Recovered 30 11 4 1 14 9


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

51. Recovery also means that certain things are available and easy to get to. From your neighborhood where you live, how would you rate the convenience and accessibility of the following?

Grocery Stores; Food Shopping Other Retail Stores Restaurants Cafes, Coffee Shops Community Center; Recreation Center; Gym Barber Shop, Hair or Nail Salon Entertainment (music, movies, etc.) Social Club, Tavern Schools Child Care Parks, Playgrounds Public Transportation Streets & Roads in Good Repair Jobs Medical Services

Very Good 38 30 33 35 24 33 32 34 31 25 26 21 8 9 14

Good 31 28 39 37 26 37 28 32 29 28 33 27 18 17 24

Neither Good nor Bad 11 13 12 13 21 15 15 18 15 23 15 22 13 30 18

Bad 11 16 8 7 13 9 12 7 14 13 15 17 24 24 22

Very Bad 8 13 8 9 16 6 14 9 11 11 12 13 37 21 22

52. Have you yourself had any of the following feelings because of what’s happened as a result of the Hurricane?

Depressed Angry Hopeful Fearful, Anxious

Yes, just a little 31 26 31 33

Yes 49 53 54 41

No 20 21 15 26

53. Did you have people staying in your house or your own apartment who were displaced by the Hurricanes? 1. Yes, still staying 2. Yes, stayed earlier 3. No one stayed at residence


10 23 67


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

54. How do you think each of the following will change?

The economy in Greater New Orleans 12 months from now The economy in GNO five years from now GNO as a place to live 12 months from now GNO as a place to live five years from now

Get better

Stay the same

Get worse




60 35 59

26 47 26

14 18 15

55. What do you think most members of your New Orleans church and neighborhood, who are still away, will do in the long run?

Your New Orleans church Your New Orleans neighborhood


Between one More than third and two Less than a two thirds thirds will third will will come come back come back back to stayy to stayy to stayy 24 46 30 23 46 32


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

56. Have you had any of the following feelings since the Hurricanes, even though some of the feelings may seem to conflict with others?

Greater closeness with family, friends, and loved ones Greater conflict with family, friends, and loved ones Greater closeness with people in your New Orleans neighborhood Greater conflict with people in your New Orleans neighborhood Greater closeness with other members of your religious community Greater conflict with other members of your religious community Feelings of guilt that my family and I were not harmed as much as others Stronger feelings of spirituality, religiousness, or closeness to God Feelings of abandonment by God A feeling that God is punishing us A feeling that this disaster was not God’s doing, but rather, Evil at work A feeling that our faith and commitment is being tested A feeling that we are being given an opportunity to improve or repair the world A feeling that this is just the most recent in a long history of disasters and tragedies that challenge and define and unite us as a people Fear that those who suffered more than my family and I, may want to take from us or harm us Stronger feelings of closeness with those who suffered more than my family and I, because we all went through the same disaster and are all trying to recover Feelings of closeness and gratitude toward those who have helped us because of their generosity Feelings of distance or irritation toward those who have helped us because of their impatience, demands, or arrogance


Yes 62 18

Yes, just a little 26 28

No 13 55



















6 6

12 12

82 83


























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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

57. Would you say that in general your health is 1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Good 4. Fair 5. Poor

19 33 29 14 6

58. About how many drinks of any alcoholic beverage have you had … (One drink is equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a drink with one shot of liquor) … [Average Drinks per Week] During the last month or two Before Hurricane Katrina

4.1 4.3

59. Do any of the following apply to you in the last few months – as compared to before Hurricane Katrina?

Trouble sleeping Sleeping too much Loss of appetite, losing weight Eating too much, gaining weight Trouble concentrating Tired all the time; loss of energy Nervous, excitable; trouble settling down Loss of sexual desire Don’t want to see people, staying at home Don’t want to be alone Worrying about everyday things Afraid that something terrible could happen


Much more than usual 25 7 9 18 22 23 18 13 15 8 21 19

Somewhat No, or more than stayed about usual usual 27 49 14 79 14 77 23 59 30 48 29 48 23 59 18 70 20 65 15 77 25 54 21 60


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

Finally, we have a few questions about your household and your background. 60. Age [Recoded from: In what year were you born?] 1. 18-30 2. 31-45 3. 46-60 4. 61+

16 28 34 22

61. Are you male or female? 1. Male 2. Female

42 58

62. Do you consider yourself to be: 1. White 2. Black 3. Asian 4. American Indian 5. Other

54 0 40 2 2 3

63. Are you Hispanic or Latino? 1. Yes 2. No

2 98

64. What is the highest grade of schooling that you have completed? 1. 8th Grade or less 2. Some high school 3. High School Diploma 4. Vocational/Technical school 5. Some College 6. College degree 7. Some graduate school 8. Graduate degree


2 4 16 5 25 24 7 20


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

65. What is your religious preference? Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion? 1. Protestant 2. Catholic 3. Jewish 4. Other 5. None

21 48 4 17 10

66. Are/Were you a member of a local church, synagogue, or other religious or spiritual community in Greater New Orleans? 1. Yes 2. No

56 44

67. [If yes] What is/was the name of your Greater New Orleans church? [Too many categories to show] 68 [[If moving g away y from G Greater New O Orleans]] Have y you jjoined a church in y your new hometown? 68. 1. Yes 2. No, but plan to join one soon 3. No, and have no plans to join one 4. Haven’t decided yet

29 18 31 23

69. Not including weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services? 1. Every week (or more often) 2. Almost every week 3. Once or twice a month 4. A few times per year 5. Less often than that

38 13 15 17 18

70. Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what? 1. Republican 2. Democrat 3. Independent 4. Other 5. No Preference


20 32 26 2 15


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

71. Who did you vote for in the 2008 Presidential election? 1. John McCain 2. Barack Obama 3. Someone else 4. Didn't vote 9. Don’t remember

31 61 1 7 0

72. We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. Would you call yourself: 1. Extremely Liberal 2. Liberal 3. Slightly Liberal 4. Moderate, middle of the road 5. Slightly Conservative 6. Conservative yC Conservative 7. Extremely

5 13 11 34 13 22 3

73. What Parish did you live in before Hurricane Katrina? 1. Orleans 2. Jefferson 3. St. Bernard 4. Plaquemines 5. St. Tammany 6. Terrebonne 7. Other

54 30 7 1 5 2 1

74. What was your Zip Code before Hurricane Katrina? [Too many categories to show] 75. What was the name of the subdivision or neighborhood you lived in before Hurricane Katrina? [Too many categories to show]



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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

76. If you think of all the households in your New Orleans neighborhood and divide them into four quarters economically, where would you place your own household? 1. In the top quarter 2. In the next quarter, above average 3. In the next quarter, that is, in the lower half 4. In the lowest quarter

15 50 25 10

77. What was the total income that you and all other members of your household earned before taxes during 2005, from all sources. 1. Under $25,000 2. $25,000 to $50,000 3. $50,000 to $75,000 4. $75,000 to $100,000 5. $100,000 to $200,000 6. More than $200,000

22 24 20 16 14 4

78. How did you get the request to take this survey? Please check all that apply. 1. An email sent to me directly by my New Orleans church or neighborhood association 2. A letter or flyer or bulletin from my New Orleans church or neighborhood association 3. I saw it announced on my New Orleans church or neighborhood association’s website 4. I saw it announced on another website 5. I heard about it at a church or neighborhood meeting 6. A neighborhood block captain, church volunteer, etc. told me about it 7. A friend or relative told me about it 8. A service provider gave it to me (for instance, the Red Cross, Catholic Charities, etc.) 9. An interviewer phoned me 10. An interviewer came to my door 11. An interviewer approached me in a public place 12. Other [please describe]


13 7 3 5 6 4 11 7 2 11 5 16


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LSU Post-Hurricane Katrina Community Survey in Greater New Orleans

79. How did you answer this survey? 1. I filled it in myself on the web 2. Someone helped me fill it in on the web 3. I filled it in myself on paper 4. Someone helped me fill it in on paper 5. An interviewer filled it in during a face-to-face interview 6. An interviewer called me on the phone 7. Other [please describe]

68 1 15 4 0 11 0

The data are weighted by age, gender, race, and parish [county], to make the sample as representative as possible of Greater New Orleans. Still, the sample may not be fully representative of stayers/leavers, or of some particular communities and neighborhoods. This survey was conducted by a variety of methods, in a variety of communities, over a substantial period to time (summer 2006 to spring 2009). This long time period, in particular, should be kept in mind when interpretating results. q g 2009. 009 The results shown here are based on the questionnaire in use during



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