ABSTRACT The Point of Sale System for Lemongay Store was developed in order to establish a system which aims to solve the problem of the current exists with Lemongay Store located in Makati City. Lemongay uses manual system in all their sales transaction and stocks. The store uses manual system that will cause data redundancy, loss of sales and being time consuming. No existing system signifies difficulty in making computerized sales monitoring and transaction resulting to a delay in making reports. In this sense, keeping track of the in and out of products is another problem to be considered as well. To solve the existing problems, the developers proposed the Point of Sale for Lemongay Store. The study aims to automate the Point of Sale processes of Lemongay Store, to easily monitor the products, to simplify the process of making reports and generate precise reports on time. The developers managed to create computerized system as a solution to lessen the problems encountered if not eliminated. Such objectives of the system aim to develop and implement a system that will help to maintain an efficient flow of operations while generating fast and reliable reports and transactions needed for the compilation.
Recommendation: The developers recommend to the future programmers and researchers to improve more the POS through the use of equipment tools such as pc, laptop, wifi and etc. Also the developers want it to improve more that will benefit people.