Recnik Angloamerickog Slenga

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Copyright © 1996-2002. Borivoj Gerzic Ova publikacija u celini i1i u delovima ne sme se umnozavati, prestampavati ili prenoslti u bilo kojoj formi ill bilo kojim sredstvom bez dozvole autora Iii izdavaca, niti moze biti na bilo kojl drugi nacin Iii bilo kojim drugim sredstvom distribuirana i1i umnozavana bez odobrenja izdavaca. Sva prava za objavljivanje ove knjige zadrzavaju autor i izdavac, prema odredbama Zakona 0 autorskim pravima.



Preko 5000 zargonskih reci i izraza/Over 5000 entries Peto izdanje/Fifth edition Preradeno i dopunjeno/Revised

Istar Beog rad/ Belgrade MMII

and enlarged

Sleng izrazi imaju veci emotivni naboj od standardnih reei koje objasnjavaju isti pojam, a za razliku od njih izrazavaju i neku vrstu drskosti prema moralnim i jezickim autoritetima. Za neke anglo-amerieke sleng izraze postoje odgovarajuci ekvivalenti u srpskom jeziku, a za neke se mora traziti novi izraz. Na primer, Englezi kazu hit the bottle, a Srbi imaju slicne izraze: "udarati po picu", ili "ceveiti". I jedni i drugi kazu: "frizirati raeune" (cook the books), dok recimo za pushover nema odgovarajuceg ekvivalenta na srpskom pa se mora opisno prevesti kao "nesto vrlo lako" i "maeji kasalj". Srdan Vujica, anglista i prevodilac, kaze da je potreba za pojaovakvog reenika kod nas bila velika, i da ce korist od ovog poduhvata svakako biti znaeajna. "Gerzicev reenik ima niz pozitivnih strana. Ovo se prvenstveno odnosi na izbor obradene grade i jasna objasnjenja, kojima, bar do sada, ovaj prikazivae nije nasao vece zamerke. U vezi s tim, naroeito vazno - srecom i uspesno - jeste to sto je Gerzic, kad je to bilo moguce, u objasnjenjima navodio adekvatne zargonske izraze naseg jezika. Sto se tiee preciznosti Recnika, ona verovatno ima veze i sa dobro izabranom sekundarnom literaturom koja je navedena na kraju knjige." yom

Novinar Simo Cirkovic pise: "Gerzicev Recnik anglo-americkog slenga Ijubitelji ovog globalnog jezika savremenog sveta dozivece kao otkrice neslucenih nijansi i srpskog i engleskog jezika. Ne bezeci ni od arhaizama, a postujuci vrhunske odlike beogradskog stila ovaj mladi leksikograf saeinio je deja kojim bi se ponosio i tim struenjaka." Nikola SUica, kritiear, smatra da "za beogradsku sredinu, samostalni izdavaeki poduhvat pisca i prevodioca Bore Gerzica domisljato i inovativno prekriva podrueje za koje su bile nadlezne i priredivaeki usmerene mnoge izdavaeke kuce i filoloske institucije. Uobieajeno je da se u beogradskoj kulturi, pak, samostalna inicijativa i istrajnost pokazu znaeajnijim i vaznijim, uprkos sto poslednjih godina vlada pravilo porazavajuceg obilazenja i nipodastavajuceg stava prema takvim autohtonim pojavama (...) U bilo kojoj sredini Gerzicev reenik ovog tipa i ovakve prodornosti bio bi pozdravljen kao izdavaeki dogadaj."

1. Sleng izrazi svrstani su po kljuenoj reGi. Kljuena ree je ree (najeesce imenica, glagol ili pridev) koja je izazvala postanak i slikovito znaeenje samog izraza. Prema tome, ako Gitalac zeli da pronade izraz down the tubes, mora prvo da proceni koja je ree po njemu kljuena, i ako dode do zakljueka da je to ree tubes potrazice u Recniku kod slova 1. Ali izraz moze da bude i na drugom mestu u Recniku, u ovom slueaju pod slovom D. U svakom slueaju, Citalac treba da bude spreman da potrazi zeljeni izraz na vise mesta u Recniku (na drugoj mogucoj kljuenoj reei izraza). 2. Izrazi su svrstani po abecedi (npr. catch it je iznad catch on. Nisu uzimani u obzir samo elanovi (the, a, an) na poeetku izraza. ReCi u zagradama uzimane su u obzir (npr. one's u izrazu have (one's) end off). 3. U nekim slueajevima sleng izraz ima dva ili vise oblika, a isto ili vrlo slieno znaeenje: flog the lizard, flog the log, flog the dong, flog the meat. U Recniku je dato: flog the lizard/log/dong/meat. 4. U zagrade je stavljen deo izraza koji se moze izostaviti a da se smisao bitno ne promeni: go (all) to pieces. 5. Ako sleng izraz (ili ree) ima vise Znaeenja, srodna Znaeenja su odvojena zapetom, a razlieita taekom i zapetom. 6 Primeri bez navodnika preuzeti su iz britanskih ili ameriekih recnika slenga navedenih u Izvorniku. Primeri pod navodnicima su iz britanskih i ameriekih novina, easopisa, knjizevnih dela itd. 7. U Recniku je (uglavnom) dato prenosno Znaeenje reei ili izraza, a ne prvo i osnovno Znaeenje (koje moze da se nade u obienom reeniku). . 8. Sleng izrazi koji se upotrebljavaju pretezno u engleskom jezlku oznaeeni su sa GB, a oni koji se upotrebljavaju pretezno u ameriekom engleskom sa US. Neoznaeeni izrazi upotrebljavaju se I u jednom i u drugom govornom podrueju.

sb - somebody sth - something arh. - arhaicno eufem. - eufemizam fig. - figurativno hum. - humoristicno iron. - ironicno mnoi. - mnozina nagl. - naglaseno naroe. - narocito npr. - na primer obie. - obicno podsm. - podsmesljivo pogot. - pogotovo pogrd. - pogrdno pojae. - pojacano skrac. - skraeenica uet. - uctivo alk. - alkoholicarski zargon g. - gej scena kock. - kockarski zargon lop. - lopovski zargon muz. - muzicki zargon nark. - narkomanski zargon rae. - zargon kompjuterskih strucnjaka vo}. - vojnicki zargon zat. - zatvorski zargon

A A1 Prvoklasno, prva liga. aardvark US 1. Dileja, tupan, moron, bolid. 2. Seksati se. 3. Seks. abso-fucking-Iutely pojae. Apsolutno, potpuno. Isto abso-bloody-Iutely. You are abso-fucking-Iutelyout of your mind. A.C.-D.C. I na struju i na baterije; biseksualan. Slicno plug in both ways. Those A.C.-D.C. types are driving away the straights. ace 1. As. 2. Ekspert; profesionalac; tata-mata. He's an ace at cards. 3. Najbolji drug, pajt(os). 4. US Nadvladati, nadmudriti, poraziti, srediti. "I had it all figured out, but those guys aced me!" 5. Izvrstan, sjajan. ace boon coon Pajtos, pajtas, pajL Isto US ace buddy. "I like the guy, but he's not what you'd call my ace boon coon." ace it Ostvariti uspeh. Isto ace out. My sister aced the chemistry exam. acid 1. nark. LSD, esid, kiselina, trip. 2. GB come the (old) acid Govoriti sarkasticno; imati otrovan jezik. acid-head nark. Kisela glava; osoba koja cesto uzima LSD. Isto acid freak. acid house muz. Dens muzicka scena koja je prethodila "rejvu" u Britaniji, povezana sa upotrebom droge "'ekstazi". ackers GB Lova, kes. "I can't offer a great deal in the way of ackers. Though you'd get your ten per cent, old man." act like one's shit doesn't stink Ponasati se nadmeno, diei nos. ad skrac. Oglas. Takode advert. ad(-)Iib 1. Improvizovati. They did a lot of ad-fibbing in ragtime style. 2. Do mile volje. Adam, not know (sb) from Uopste ne poznavati (koga). Adam's ale Voda. add up Imati smisla. The various facts in the case just don't add up.

admin skrac. Administraeija. aerated GB Razjaren, besan. Odatle don't get aerated! afeard Uplasen. after a fashion Polovicno; kako-tako; onako; osrednje; povrsno. after the Lord Mayor's show (comes the dust/mucklshit-cart) Posle vrhunea sve splasne; posle slavlja govna. afters Slatkisi; dezert. ag-fay g. Peder, pesa. against the grain 1. Uz d/aku; protiv vetra/struje. 2. Nerado; protiv volje; teska srea. agin; agen Protiv. agony aunt Zena koja odogovara na pitanja citalaea u novinskoj rubriei "Oraga saveta". agony column Novinska rubrika 0 Iicnim problemima citalaca, "Oraga saveta". Isto US Dear Abbey. air is blue, the 1. Mnogo psovkifnepristojnih reci. 2. Oepresivna/tuzna atmosfera. airy-fairy Maglovit, nerealan, supljoglav (ideja, plan itd); beskarakteran, slab (osoba). alarm and despodency Oepresija, anksioznost (tokom rata). aled (up) alk. Pijan, naliven (obic. od piva). alive and kicking Ziv i zdrav. alkie; alky Alkos, pijanae. all at sea Zbunjen, smeten, izgubljen, na tri coska. all chiefs and no Indians Svi sefovi, niko sluga. all ends up Lako. all hands to the pumps Svi u pomoc'; da svi zasucu rukave. all hell broke (iti was let) loose 1. Otvorilo se nebo. 2. Nastao je (pravi) pakao; nastao je dzumbus. all hot and bothered Uzbuden; usplahiren, nervozan. all in 1. Propao, krahirao (npr. trziste). 2. Na izmaku snaga; baldisao; spao s nogu; lipsao od umora; iznuren. By the end of the day he was all in. all mouth and no trousers GB Mnogo price, a nista. "You shouldn't pay any attention to him, he's all mouth and no trousers." all my eye (and Betty Martin) GB Glupost; kojestarija all my whiskers Glupost, kojestarija, budalastina. All that stuff about his being so upset .. was all my whiskers. all-nighter Zabava u klubu koja traje eelu noc, ili zur koji traje eelu noc. all of a dither Uzbuden, zabrinut, zbunjen, nervozan; zabezeknut. all of a tiswas (tizwas) Veoma uznemiren ifili krajnje zbunjen.

all of a flutter/tremble Uzbuden, uzrujan, usplahiren. all out Iz petnih .lila, svim silama, svom snagom. He made an all-out effort. all over the place/shop/show/lot/ballparklauction 1. Neuredan, zbrkan, u haosu/dzumbusu, dezorganizovan, ne funkeionise, podiv/jao. Traffic is allover the place. 2 Svuda. I've been all over the shop this morning. all present and correct Sve onako kako treba; sve po standardu. all right, a bit of Ispravna osoba ili stvar. all right on the night, will be Bice sve spremno na vreme. all set 1. Sve spremno ; sredeno. 2. Resen (da nesto ucini). all that jazz I sve u 10m slilu; itd .... basebal/, apple pie, Chevrolet, and all that jazz CJIIthe fun of the fair Zabava i po. all the go Pomodno, popularno, moderno, in, trendi. all the rage Moderno, poslednji krik mode. all the world and his wife GB I Kurta ; Murta; Ijudi s koea i konopea; svi zivi. Isto US everyone and his brother. all there 1. Pripravan; bistar; sposoban. 2. not all there Fal; mu daska u glavi, nije bas Cist, nisu mu sve koze na broju. all thumbs Seprtlja, s dye leve ruke. all-time high ili low Najvisilnajniz; moguCi nivo. Prices have reached an all-time high. all to cock Veoma konfuzan, zbunjen; netacan, nezadovoljavajuci, neupotrebljiv. all to pieces/pot/hell Skrhan, rastrojen, f1ipnuo, otkacio. When his dog died, Mark went all to pieces. all up ili U.P. Upropascen, ruiniran, propao, nadrljao. all very/just fine and large/dandy iron. Lepo je sve to, ali ...; sve je to super. all wet Netacan, pogresan, zastareo, bezvezan, ne valja. Your Idea IS all wet, I'm afraid. ails-bay 1. Muda. 2. Hrabrost, petlja. 3. Glupost, bUdalastina. also-ran 1. Konj koji nije medu prva tri u trei. 2. Ucesnik koji je izgubio na lakmicenju. 3. Osoba skromnih kvalitata. 4. Nesto losijeg kvalitela. 5. Sporedna uloga (tealar). altogether, in the Nag, bez odece.

amidships U stomak; na stomak. ammo (skrac. od ammunition) Munieija. anchor man 1. Kljueni eovek, voda, organizator. 2. Glavni koordinator (obic. voditelj TV vesti). anchors 1. Koeniee. I slammed the anchors on and hit my head on the steering wheel. 2. put on your anchors Obuzdaj se. . and the rest Sarkastiean komentar (sugerise da prethodnl govornik nije bio bas najiskreniji). angle Iskriviti, podesiti, isfrizirati (obic. prieu). She angles her reports to suit the people she is spea~ing to. . .• anorak Zaludenik (obic. za ne mnogo smlslene stvan). Sileno trainspotter, nerd. answer to a maiden's prayer hum. Prine na belom konju; san svake devojke; idealan muz. ante, raise the kock. Povecati ulog. ante up kock. Ueipiti se, priloziti novae. ants in one's pants, have Imati crva u zadnjiei; imati pundravce, unervoziti se. I always get ants in my pants at famIly reunions. any more for any more? Hoce Ii jos neko jos? . any old Bilo kakav; osrednji; tipiean. Any old car WIll do. any old how Na bilo koji naein. any old thinglway Bilo sta, bilo kako. . . .. any port in a storm Svako utoeiste je dobro kad Je sltuaeIJa kritiena. anyroad (od anyway) U svakom slueaju. anything, like Veoma; mnogo. We ran like anything to get away ape pogrd. 1. Crnja, eamuga. 2. Debela mrcina. apeshit Razljutiti se, popizdeti. Obic. go apeshit. 'Two weeks . " ago I called him an ugly little fuck. And Steven went apeshlt applehead Krele, dileja, budala. apples 1. Sise, sifoni. 2. Muda, jaja. apple-pie order Savrsen red/stanje; cakum-pakum, pod konae. apron-strings, tied to Papueic. are you with me? Pratis Ii me?; slazes Ii se sa mnom? arching for it Moliti za neko musko/zensko, biti napaljen(a). Isto gagging for it; begging for it. arctic GB Mega; super. argue the toss GB Suprotstavljati se donetoj (i nepromenljivoj) odluci; dzabe se raspravljati. argy-bargy GB Buena prepirka, svada (ni oko eega).

ark, have come out of the 1. Star k'o biblija; bajat. 2. come off the ark Izgubljen, k'o pao s Marsa. arm ~ticaj, moc. What sort of arm have you got over them? armpit US Vrlo neprijatno mesto. arse GB arh. 1. Dupe, zadnjiea, guzica. 2. ~eronja, pederCina, kreten, smrad. 3. Siroko se upotrebljava da oznaei razne zadnje delove tela. 4. Greska, lose obavljen posao. He made such an arse of that plastering that we will need to redo it. 4. from arse-hole to breakfast time Sve vreme' potpuno' od jutra do sutra. ' , 5. give the arse Otarasiti se (osobe/stvari); dati kome nogu. She was a pain in the bum, so we gave her the arse. arse about/around Vatati zjale, gluvariti, dangubiti. "Stop arsing about In there and get on with your work!" arse-bandit Peder, dupejebae. arse-crawler/-Iicker Dupelizae, uvlakae, uvlaka, tampon. arse over tip/tit Navrat-nanos; naglavce. arse (sth) up Lose izvesti; sjebati, zeznuti. Isto US screw up. He managed to completely arse up the whole job. arse-hole 1. Cmar. Isto arsehole. 2. Kreten, seronja, pedereina, smrad. "But the arse-holes on the classification board insisted I stay there till I rot." arseholed alk. Sasvim pijan. arse-licking Uvlakaeki, poltronski. arse-~n Nadrkanost, lose raspolozenje. Keep out of Andy's way, he s got a the arse-on. arse over (tea) kettle GB Naglavaeke (pasti). arse over tit GB Naglavaeke (pasti). She went arse over titan the ice outside. arsewipe 1. Toalet papir, guzobris. 2. Slabi6, usranko, seronja. arsy varsy/versy GB 1. Naglavce; naopaeke; tumbe. He got it all arsy-versy 2. Pesa, homic. artic Veliki kamion sa kabinom koja moze da se odvoji. arts Mahinacije, ujdurme. arty-crafty Kieast, pretenciozan. Isto US artsy-craftsy; artsy; arty. That arty-crafty family make all their own clothes and look rather odd in them. art~,-farty Kvaziumetnieki. Isto US artsy-fartsy; artsy-smartsy. I hate arty-fartyactresses who say they strip for art's sake. If they want to be artists, they should go and paint in a bloody attic In Paris."

as ... as they come ili make them Nevideno; "samo tako". He's as daft as they come. (Beskrajno Je Iud.) as different as chalk from cheese Potpuno razlicit, kao nebo i as as as as as

zemlja. fuck Jebeno. It was rusty as fuck, so wasn't worth repairing. plain as the nose on one's face Jasno k'o dan. right as rain Zadovoijavajuci, dobar. sure as eggs is eggs Sto posto sigurno. you were izraz blagog izvinjenja zbog greske koju je govornik

upravo napravio. ask for (it) Traziti davola. The motorcyclist fell off his Suzuki, but at 200 km/h he was asking for it. ask me another! Nemam pojma! ass US 1. Dupe, bulja, zadnjica, guzica. 2. Picka, dobra riba, dobra parce. She looks like good ass. 3. have/get/put one's ass in a sling Brati kozu na siljak; uvaliti (se) u nevolju/govna; uvaliti se u sos. If she catches you changing that report you'll have your ass in a sling. 4. one's ass is grass Najebao je; bulja mu je u procepu; ode mu guzica; prdnuo je u cabar; glava mu je na panju; gotov je. "If I give you a gun, my ass is grass." 5. your ass is mine Jebacu ti kevu, najebao si. 6. someone's ass is on the line Izlozio se riziku, muda su mu u pracepu. asshole US Seranja, usranko, govnar, supCina, cmarulja, guzica, budaletina. Isto butthole. "It didn't take very long to realize that he wasn't a threat, just a total asshole." ass-kisser; ass-licker US Dupelizac, uvlakac. Sally is such an ass-kisser. The teacher must have figured her out by now. ass pro Homic, dupedavac. asswipe Isto kao arsewipe. at a loose end Dokon, besposlen. at a pinch U krajnjoj nuzdi. at it 1. Smisljati nesto nezakonito; (opet) praviti sranja. 2. (obit. sa again) Ponovo se upustati u seks. "Three minutes pleasure and nine months pain. Another three months and we're at it again." at sea Zbunjen, smeten, izgubljen. at that Stavise; kad smo vec kod toga. The meal was expensive, and cold at that attaboy! (skrac. od that's the boyl) Dobar posao, dobra je. Isto good job; well done. aunt; auntie 1. (Starija) kurva. 2. g. (Stariji) peder, hornic.

Aunt Fanny GB Bavola! Aunt Sally GB Dezurni krivac. Aunty; Auntie GB 1. BBe. 2 don't be Auntie! Ne budi glup/lud! Aussie pogrd. Australijanac. "Beefy Botham slogged his way to a stonking match-winning performance over the Aussies at Headingley in 1981." awkward squad 1. vo}. Neiskusni regruti, gusteri. 2 Nezgodna druzina. 3. Ljudi koji nisu za saradnju, nezgodni tipovi. AWOL ili awol (obit. voj.) Dezertirao; odsutan (bez dozvole), zapalio, klisnuo. Slicno over the hill (1). '''The curch renovation had been going well until the stonemason went A WOL, leaving AJ Tipping with a problem to solve." '''Ollie's gone awol again; he disappeared with a bottle and no one's seen him for days. " axe 1. Otpustiti (s posla), nogirati, dati nogu. 2. Drasticno smanjiti, skresati. They axed a lot of useless stuff from the budget. 3 Potpuno ukloniti, eliminisati. 4. muz. Gitara. axe to grind Sebican motiv; licni interes. axe wound Vagina.

B B (skrac. od bastard ili bugger) Lupez, protuva, gad. BF (skrac. od bloody fool) Prokleta budala. Baba Glavni baja, bos, sef. babe Riba, cupi, bejbi. . . baby-boomer Pripadnik generacije baby-boom (rodenl kasnlh cetrdesetih godina XX veka). baby, sb's Cija odgovornost/briga/interes itd. It's not my baby. baby-sit 1. Bejbi-siting. . 2. Paziti, cuvati bilo sta/bilo koga. I had to baby-sit the new printer for the computer, feeding it more paper all day. baby-snatcher Onaj ko je u Ijubavnoj vezi sa mnogo mladom osobom suprotnog pola; bebojebac. Slicno rob the cradle. baby with the bathwater, throw out the Biti preterano revnostan. baccy Duvan. , back-answer Nepristojan/bezobrazan/drzak odgovor. Don t you back-answer me, young man! back, be/get on sb's Biti kome za vratom, pomno koga nadgledati. Suprotno get off sb's back. back-breaker Mukotrpan/tegoban posao; osoba koja se poduhvati takvog posla. back-breaking Veoma marljiv, revnosan. . back-chat Nepristojan/bezobrazan/drzak odgovor. Now Itsten to me carefully, and I don't want any backchat! . back-door Neposten, sumnjiv, problematican .... a sleazy little back-door business. backdoor US Cmar. backdoor man Ljubavnik udate zene, tajni Ijubavnik. back down Ustuknuti. He wouldn't back down even when they beat him up. back-handed compliment Neiskren kompliment. Isto left-handed compliment. back-hander 1. Mito, "narukvica". 2. (Neocekivani) udarac nadlanicom, pljuska. back-lash Zestoka reakcija, usprotivljenost. "Widely-hated by Communists and nationalists who now have seats in the new Russia government, Mr Berezovsky could become the target for anti-oligarch backlash."

back-log Ostatak posla; zaostali/nagomilani posao. After his holiday, he had a big backlog of work to get through. back number Osoba zastarelih ideja ili staromodnog ponasanja. back-pedal Povuci se; umeksati (stav); prestati, pauzirati. back-room boys Oni koji rade u senci, sive eminencije. back-scratch Laskati; ti meni, ja tebi; ruka ruku mije. It's got to be a mutual backscratch. back-scratcher Ulizica, laskavac. back-scratching Ulizivanje, laskanje. back-seat driver Onaj ko daje nezeljene savete ili onaj ko pokusava da vodi stvar iz senke. "Aides ... emphasized that he /retiring Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown/ had no ambition to be a 'back-seat driver' for Mr Kennedy's leadership. " back seat, take a Zauzeti podredenu poziciju. He said he wouldn't take a back seat to anybody but the president himself. back-to-back houses Kuca tik do kuce (obit. u siromasnim predgradima). back scuttle 1. Analni seksualni odnos. 2. Imati analni seksualni odnos. back to square one Povratak na pocetak, na pocetnu poziciju. "The film IGirll goes back to square one every time /Dominique/ Swain goes back to her man." back up Podrzati, ohrabriti. You explain it, and I'll back up your version. back up, getlput sb's Iznervirati koga, iCi kome na zivce. backs to the wall Cuvaj bulju! (homofobicno upozorenje heteroseksualaca). backside Straznjica, zadnjica. backward in coming forward Stidljiv, cutljiv, introvertan. backwater Zabit; ucmalost. bacon, save one's Izvuci citavu kozu/guzicu. I saved my bacon by arriving just in time for the meeting. bad US Sjajan, super, "mrak". bad-ass 1. Nezgodan/opasan/gadan tip. 2. Los. Man, he's in a real bad-ass mood today. Watch your step. bad books, in sb's U cijoj nemilosti; na cijoj crnoj listi. bad debt Dug koji verovatno nece biti vracen. bad egg/lot/hat/type Mucak, Lupez, bitanga, propalitet. Matthew's the bad egg of such a fine family. bad form Losi maniri, lose navike.

bad hair day Los ili naporan dan. bad job, a Steta. bad lot Nepouzdana osoba/druzina. bad-mouth Vredati, psovati (koga). "Millions of television viewers saw IPau11 Ince badmouthing the Italian referee Pierluigi Collina in Sweden, after receiving his second yellow card. " bad news Problematicna osoba. bad shot Pogresna pretpostavka, promasaj. bad, to the U gubitku, u minusu. I've spent so much that I'm 100 pounds to the bad this month. bad trip, be on a ili have a nark. Doziveti neprijatne efekte usled uzimanja droge. badger Gnjaviti, smarati, dosadivati. Stop badgering her, she's not interested in buying another pair of your cheap trainers. bag 1. Uzeti, scepati, zgrabiti. They bagged the mugger in the next block. 2. US Neprivlacna, ruzna zena, akrep, kazana. Cesto old bag. Isto baggage. 3. Kurva. 4. Odvratna osoba, smrad. bag and baggage Potpuno, sa svim stvarima, sa sve koferom. They threw her out of the house bag and baggage. bag biter Problematican tip. bag, in the Sredena stvar. We're sure to win. It's in the bag, I tell you! bag job US Krada, provala; ilegalno preturanje po stvarima osumnjicenoga. Someone had done a bag job on his precious files. bag of bones, a Kost i koza, saraga. bag of nails, a Zbrka, haos. bag of tricks, the (whole) Asolutno sve; sve, bez izuzetka. bag sb's ass US Nosi se! "She had no intention of having lunch with him and that was that ... Why couldn't she simply tell him to bag his ass?" bags 1. Siroke muske pantalone, pumpariee. 2. Sise, sifoni. bags of Mnogo. He's got bags olmoney. baggage 1. Izazovna zena. Come here, you little baggage, let me kiss you. 2. Ruzna i dosadna (stara) zena., akrep You silly old baggage! baking Vrelo (vreme). bald as a billiard ball/coot Celav k'o bilijarska kugla. bald-headed, go (at it) Dejstvovati zustro i srcano.

bale out 1. Iskociti s padobranom iz aviona. 2. Povuci se iz kakve akeije ili posla. balistic, go US OtkaCiti, poludeti, pobesneti. balmy GB Luekast, ekseentrican. Isto barmy. ball 1. US Povaliti, potueati. "Pres/ey fired me because I balled his old lady. " 2. have a ball Dobro se provesti. 3. on the ball Vispren, brzo shvata, vlada situaeijom, upucen; spreman k'o zapeta puska. That writer is really on the ball, man! ball-breaker; ball-buster US 1. Tezak posao/situaeija/problem (da muda otpadnu). That whole construction job was a real ball-breaker. 2. Strog nadzornik/sef; "gonic robova". "The quality control inspector is a sort of nitpicker. We're the ball breakers, in plain English. We're the most unwanted people." 3. Nimfomanka, kurolomka, lomikurka. ball-game Stanje stvari. Obi6. a whole new ball-game Potpuno novo stanje stvari. What we do and what they do isn't the same ball game. ball of fire Veoma energicna osoba; ziva vatra; covek od akeije. Slicno go-getter; hot shot. ball sb/sth up Zbuniti, poremetiti, zbrkati. When you interrupted, you balled me up and I lost my place. ballock(s) Vidi bollock(s). ballon goes up, the 1. Pocetak ozbiljne aktivnosti. 2. Pocinju nevolje. balls 1. Muda. 2. Nije nego! Oh, balls! You never went to China. They wouldn't let you in! 3. GB Gluposti; kojestarije; budalastine, nebuloze. "He was awarded a campaign medal, but I didn't go to get mine. I wasn't interested; I thought it was all balls." 4. Hrabrost, petlja, muda. He doesn't have enough balls to do that. 5. have sb by the balls DrZati kome muda u proeepu; Imati/drzati koga u saci. 6. get one's balls chewed (off) Ispickarati koga. 7. it takes balls Treba imati muda. It takes balls to be a race car driver. ball (s_th) up US Upropastiti, zabrljati, zeznuti, sjebati, zasrati. Sireno fuck up. I managed to ball up the whole project. balls-up Zbrka, haos, sjeb. I've made a right balls-up of my exams.

bally GB Eufem. od bloody. ballyhoo Buean, vulgaran publicitet, "naduvavanje". baloney Vidi boloney. .. .. . . bamboozle Izigrati, prevariti, nasamantl, ~Istlflkovatl. My worthy opponent thrives by bamboozlmg the public. banana Penis. bananas US Lud, poblesavio. bandline 1. Linija koja prikazuje frekvencije na. radiju .. 2. nark. Povez kojim se steze vena pre ubnzgavanJa droge. "I'm searching for my bandline." bandwagon 1. Popularan pokret ili moda. . . 2. jump onljoin the bandwagon Ukrcatl se na pravi voz (u pravo vreme); uhvatiti prikljueak. bang 1. Udarac. . . 2. Zveknuti, kresnuti, opaliti, tucati. "You're bangmg a major witness in a case you're trying?!" (The Last Innocent Man, US film) 3. Zveketanje, kresanje, tucanje. 4. Staviti, metnuti. 1'1/bang those in an envelope and send them off first post in the morning. 5. full bang Punom brzinom. . 6. go offlover with a bang Imati velikog uspeha/odJeka; trijumfovati. "Gary Wonderful's latest record has really gone off with a bang over here." 7. nark. Roknuti se. bang goes ... Ode mast u propast. Bang goes another week's wages. . .. bang like a hammer on a nail ili like a rattlesn~ke like a shithouse door; go pop like a paper bag; ride like a town. bike Zestoko (se) jebati (bang se odnosi na muskarce a pop I ride na zene). bang on about (sth) Dugo i dosadno prieati, "drobiti.". You're not going to change my mind by bangmg on about It! bang (sb) up 1. Ucorkirati, uhapsiti. 2. Napumpati (zenu). . bang-up Odliean, izvanredan. You've done a bang-up job on that report, Smythe. . banged up lop. Uhapsen, ucorkiran. "The prospect of bemg banged up in Corcoran prison is enough to send chills down the spines of even the toughest US jailbird." bang, the whole Sve. Obic. the whole bang shoot Sve duture. banger GB 1. Kobasica. , 2. Stari (buean) auto; krntija, starudija. "An old banger I hadn t noticed before was coming slowly past my front door. " 3. drop a banger Napraviti gresku/gaf. Isto drop a clanger.


banging GB Sjajan, izvanredan. banjax GB Unistiti, poraziti. Susan realy banjaxedthe old man. bank on Raeunati na (koga/sto), pouzdati se u (koga/sto). You can bank on his word. baps Grudi, sise. bar the shouting, all over Praktieno vec svrseno. barbs skrac. Barbiturati. barf Povratiti, ispovracati se, izbljuvati se. Isto gag; toss one's cookies; spew; puke; lose one's lunch. He's feeling woozy, I think he's gonna barf his dinner up. barf out Otkaeiti, odlepiti, popizdeti. I nearly barfed out when I heard he was coming. barge Kretati se nezgrapno, nespretno. He kept barging along, until I told him to stop. barge in Umesati se, upasti. Isto butt in. You can't just barge into the Yale Club. barge-pole, I wouldn't touch it with a Ne bih ga ni prstom dotakao, ne bih ga dotakao ni govnjivom motkom. bark up the wrong tree Obratiti se na pogresnu adresu; prevariti se, pogresiti. You're barking up the wrong tree if you ask her to help you, because she never helps anyone. barking (mad) Lud, poludeo. barmy GB Luckast; ekscentriean. Isto balmy. You must be barmy to say that. barn-door 1. Nesto ogromno. 2. wide as a barn-door Sirok k'o sifonjer. barney 1. Buena rasprava, svada; tuea. 2. Namestena borba/trka; namestaljka. Not too much drug could be given to the dogs, for fear the contest might look like the barney it was. 3. Glupak, budala, moron, krele. baron zat. Uticajan osudenik koji je glavni za trgovinu droge i cigareta u zatvoru. barrack Izrugivanje. They barracked (the speaker) during the meeting. barracker Osoba koja se izruguje. barrack-room lawyer "Drveni" advokat. barracking Bueno izrugivanje neprijateljski nastrojene pub like. barrel, have sb over a Drzati koga u saci; imati koga u sakama. barrow boy Ulieni prodavac. bash GB 1. Tresnuti, mlatnuti, odalamiti. Takode bash up Napasti; izmlatiti. 2. Zabava. I'm having a bash at a club for my birthday. 3. Kopulacija. Odatle on the bash Prostituisati se.

bash into Naleteti na. Isto bump into. bash it; give it a bash Pijanciti. "A man's gotta drink ... But you can't bash it all the time, the way he does, If you want to get anywhere." bash on Ustrajati, boriti se i dalje. give sth a bash Udariti st~. . . have a bash (at) Pokusati. Let's have a bash at movmg this thing. . ... , bashing GB 1. Ozbiljna/ostra kntlka; nepnjatan posao. 'Poor old Gerald done fourleen drills that week, plus a nice basmful of spud-bashing. " 2. Prostituisanje. bashing the bishop Drkati, samarati majmuna. basket GB 1. Eufem. od bastard. 2. Matorka. Silly old basket, always poking her nose into other people's affairs. basket case US Lujka, krele. bastard 1. Svaki neprijatan predmeUsituacija itd. 2. Kapile, gad, drkadzija, baraba, svinja, dubre. Slicna son of a bitch; cock sucker. .• 3. Upatrebljava se i bez pagrdnag znacenja, u smlslu "druskan". That poor bastard never stood a chance once the avalanche starled. bat along GB Laka ili brzo se kretati (obit ..auta). . bat an eyelid GB Obit. not to bat an eyelid NI ne trepnutl. He heard the news without batting an eyelid bat for both sides Biseksualac. bat off one's own GB Na svoju ruku, samostalna. Have you done all this work off your own bar? bat on a (very) sticky wicket GB Biti u (velikim) teskacama/u cabru. bat out of hell, like a GB Veama brzo. . bats, be GB Biti luckast ill ekscentrican. Takade have bats In the belfry. He was grinning like he was ba!s ... batter, on the GB Vesea, raskalasan (oblc. pljan). battered alk. Veoma pijan ili drogiran. battle-ax(e) Nadzak-baba, ostrokanda. batty GB Luckast, uvrnut, ekscentrican. battyman Peder, hamic. baulk at Ustuknuti. bawling out Grdnja. "President Truman on Tuesday dealt the new Czechoslovak Ambassador a first-class bawling out" bazoom(s) US Sise, sifani. Ista bazoongies.

beaner US pogrd. Meksikanac, Spanac, Hispana-Amerikanac. Ista dago. be a devil! Reskiraj! be-all and end-all Krajnji cilj/svrha; sve i svja. "Chemistry is imporlant. But it's not the be-all and end-all of romance." be my guest! Kaka da ne! (saljiv adgavor na zahtev). be off (with you)! Odlazi!; gubi se!; tarnjaj se! beak GB 1. zat. SUdija za prekrsaje. 2. Direktar skole. beam, off the Na krivom tragu; netacan, pagresan. / was way off the beam. beam-ends, on one's U velikim teskacama; bez prebijene pare. bean 1. Mala suma novca, sica. 2. Vijuge, kefalo, glava. Use your bean, man! 3. not to have a bean Nemati ni prebijene pare. 4. not worth a bean Ne vredeti ni prebijene pare/ni pisljiva boba. bean-feast GB 1. Gadisnja proslava u preduzecu; zabava. 2. Jebacina. beano Vedra raspolozenje, zabavljanje. bear-garden Osinjak; bucni skup; gungula. beast zat. Osudenik zbog seksualnag prekrsaja (obit. anaj ko je zlostavljao decu). Isto nonce. beat 1. Premoren. I'm so beat, I need to go to bed. 2. Loseg kvaliteta, los. "This is beat stuff. / smoked it all day and alii got is a headache. " beat (all) hollow Biti veama nadmacan; potuci do nogu. His story beats mine all hollow beat it 1. Bris;!; gubi se' 2. Zbrisati. When the cop told us to beat it we didn't waste any time. 3. can you beat it/that? Da Ii je (to) moguce? beat off Drkati. beat one's brains out 1. Naprezati se iz petnih zila (obit. bez uspeha). I beat my brains out getting ready for it, but flunked anyway 2. "Razbiti" koga. "Tom Cruise tried to beat my brains out at my audition. " beat one's head against a brick wall Lupati glavom a zid; pakusavati nemoguce. beat one's meat/dummy/log US Drkati, bacati ga u nesvest. beat sb to the draw/punch PreteCi koga. "The President beat Congress to the punch with that recommendation, which several representatives planned to present tomorrow."

beat seven shades of shit out of someone Isprebijati koga kao vola u kupusu. beat the living daylights out of Prestrasiti; prepasti. beat the hog Drkati. bacati ga u nesvest. beat the shit out of sb; kick the shit out of sb; knock the shit out of sb Prebiti koga namrtvo, premlatiti koga. The two joggers caught up with him and beat the shit out of him. beat to a frazzle Biti veoma nadmoean; potuei do nogu. beat up on Udariti/kritikovati zestoko. beats me Nemam pojma, ne znam. What time's the party? - B: "Beats me! beaut US skrac. Lepota; lepa osoba/stvar. beauty sleep lei na spavanje pre ponob. beaver 1. GB (obit. sa away at ili on) Krajnje savesno/marljivo raditi. 2. US Picka, "subara". 3. Pornografija; pornografski film. beaver cleaver Penis. beaver leaver Homoseksualac, homie. bed down Prileb. I'll bed down on the chairs. bed down sb Povaliti/potucati koga. bed on the wrong side, get out of Ustati na levu nogu. beddy-byes Spavati. Bedfordshire GB Krevet. testo up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire (Otib) gore u krevet. bedrock 1. Najnizi moguei nivo; temelj, podloga. 2. get down to bedrock Uei u bit stvari, iei do kraja. Let's get downt to bedrock, and find out the truth. bed-sit(ter) Jednokrevetna soba; jednosobni stan. bedworthy Dobar/dobra u krevetu, dobra se krese. bee in one's bonnet Opsesija, fiks ideja, buba u glavi. He's got a bee in his bonnet about wheat germ curing all the world's ills. bee-line, make a Krenuti direktno, najkraeim mogueim putem; jurnuti ka (cemu). "As soon as I could walk, I made a beeline for Harward's medical library ... " bee's knees 1. Najbolji. 2. he thinks he is the bee's knees Misli da je uhvatio Boga za bradu. Beeb, (the) BBC. "The Beeb should be roundly applauded for pulling out the stops for this year's Proms extravaganza, as conductor Charles Hazlewood presents informative and informal digital coverage of the six concerts shown here this week."

beef 1. Snaga. 2. US Zaliti se; zalba. "I just wanna tell you, I got no beef about last night" 3 Prdnuti. 4. Kita, kara. 5. Tucati, jebati, karati, trpati. There were sounds from Connell's bedroom ... Connell was beefing her. 6. Podjebavati, zajebavati. 7. Greska. Obit. make a beef. 8. Homie. Isto beefer. 9 Patosirati (koga). 10. put some beef into Prionuti, zaleei (na posao). Come on, man, put some beef in the job! beef (something) up Poveeati, uveeati, pojacati. beefcake US Fotografije seksualno atraktivnog, obicno misieavog muskarca, sa vrlo malo ili nimalo odeee. Vidi cheesecake. 'The actor has no objections to male cheesecake or beefcake as it is called in Hollywood." ' beefer 1. GB Peder, homie, pesa. You got a crush on that beefer in the NAAFI., that's what it is. 2. US Dousnik, cinkaras, taster, drukara. Slicno stool pigeon. beefy Nabijen, razbacan, jak, misieav. "Beefy Botham slogged his way to a stonking match-winning performance over the Aussies at Headingley in 1981." beemer Automobil marke "BMW". been and gone and done it Obaviti posao. beer and skittles, not all GB Nije sve samo zabava i uzivanje; ne ide sve uvek glatko. beer, on the Pivopija; navucen na pivo. beer-up Pijanka. The mechanics, beering up with the guys and driving off to Detroit. .. beetle off! GB Gubi se! before the mast Kao obi can mornar. before you can say Jack Robinson/Knife Za tren oka; dok kazes britva; dok si rekao keks. beg the question 1. Uzeti kao dokazano, prejudicirati. 2. Izbegavati direktan odgovor, vrdati. beggar 1. Eufem. od bugger. 2. Druskan; drugar. beggar for ... , a Onaj ko veoma uziva u ...; Iud za (kime/cime). begging for it Moliti za malo muskog/zenskog, napaljen(a). Isto arching for it; gagging for it. Cor, look at her! She's begging for it

begin to, not to Ni izdaleka, ni priblizno. His statement doesn't begin to answer the question. behind Pozadina, zadnjica. bell, sound as a Zdrav k'o dren; u odlicnom stanju. bells and whistles Dodatne privlacne sitnice. "You don't need to spend any more than this on a computer ... £700 will get you on the way, £1,000 will add bells and whistles and £1,500 will buy you a state-of-the-art-machine. " belly-ache US Gundati, zanovetati. "For Christ's sake stop bellyaching and get on with it!" belly-button Pupak. . . bellyful Previse. I've had a bellyful of your silly advice. belly-laugh Grohotan smeh. below the belt Ispod pojasa; nefer, nizak, neposten; podao, podmukao. belt 1. Udarac pesnicom. If you don't shut up moaning 1'1/give you a belt 'round the head. 2. Odalamiti, mlatnuti. Ed belts him in the kisser. 3. Jebanje, tucanje. 4. Jebati, tucati. Isto bang. 5. have under one's belt Imati iza sebe (u iskustvu); upisati u rabos. Six years' experience under my belt. 6. at full belt Punom brzinom. belt along Brzo se pokretati. belt it Brisi!; gubi sel belt up Zavezi!; umukni!; ucuti! Belt up, boys, Father's aslee~. belter GB Sjajna stvar/osoba/dogadaj. Just look at her. She IS a right belter isn't she? belting GB 1. Batine, lemanje. 2. Sjajan, izvrstan. bend GB 1. Sudar, sastanak. I must make a bend with a doctor. 2. Vidi round the bend. 3. Pijancenje. 4. be on a/the bend Pijanciti. "I was with Bob Doran, he's on one of his periodical bends. " bend down for sb 1. Natrciti/naguziti se kome (seks). 2. PodvrCi se bjoj dominaciji, sa viti kicmu. I won't bend down for you or for anyone else. .,. bend over backwards Polomiti se oko koga/cega. Sllcno go out of one's way. You needn't bend over backwards to please the children. bender 1. Velika pijanka, lumperaj. Odatle go on a bender Pijanciti ili drogirati se. When his marriage collapsed, Dick went on a four-day bender.

2. GB Homic, peder, pesa. 3. on one's benders Na izmaku snaga. bending Nesvestan. bennies US nark. Tab/ete benzedrina. bent 1. (od bend) Ostecen. 2. US Neposten, pokvaren, kvaran; podmitljiv. Slicno crooked ili dirty (npr. cop). "Remember, this happened in the 1960s when many detectives were bent" 4. Izopacen, homoseksua/an. 3. go on the bent Pijanciti, banCiti. bent as a nine bob note 1. Homoseksualan. 2. Pokvaren, kvaran. berk G.B Luckasta ili budalasta osoba; idiot. Takode birk; burk(e). best bIb and tucker Najbo/je/svecano ode/o. best foot forward/foremost, put one's Dati sve od sebe; pokazati se u najbo/jem svetlu. best of a bad job, make the Maksimalno iskoristiti losu situaciju; izvuci sta se moze. best of British (luck), the GB obic. iron. Srecno. best part, the Najveci deo. It's been snowing for the best part of an hour. best thing since sliced bread, (the) Najbolja stvar na svetu. bet, best Najbolje sto se moze uciniti. "If you want to succeed, your best bet is to keep on making an effort. " bet one's boots/bottom dollarllife Biti sto posto siguran; kladiti se (da). /'11bet my bottom dollar she'll be back. better half Lepsa polovina (zena). better hole (to go to) Prijatnije mesto. better than a slap (poke) in the eye ili in the belly with a wet fish i1i lettuce Bo/je ista nego nista. Takode better than a kick in the pants ili up the arse. between the devil and the deep (blue) sea GB U procepu; izmedu cekica i nakovnja; izmedu dYe vatre; izmedu dva zla. Isto US between a rock and a hard place. between you and me and the bed-/gate- post U cetiri oka. betwixt and between Napo/a; izmedu; po/a i pola, ni jedno ni drugo; ni tamo, ni vamo. beyond one, be Biti van bje moGi (razumevanja). "War and violence is way beyond me." bezongas Sise, sifoni. bi skrac. 1. Biseksua/ac. 2. Biseksualan. Bible-banger/-basher/-puncher/-thumper GB Religiozni fanatik. Isto US holy roller. "It's always the Bible-thumpers who are the greatest hypocrites."

biddy GB Matorka, tetkica. Charley had met an old biddy named Zoe Winthrop. bitt 1. Snazan udarac pesnicom. 2. Odalamiti, mlatnuti, tresnuti. He wouldn't quit, so she biffedhim. big 1. Vazan, mocan. .•.. .. 2. think big Pucati na velika, razmlsljatl u .~~lIklm r.azmerama. 3. too big tor one's boots Uobrazen, umlsljen, tast. 4. go over big Uspeti; poznjeti ~speh. •. . Big Bertha 1. Velika Berta, ogromnl nemackl top IZ Prvog svetskog rata. 2. Zena s velikim oblinama. big boy US Podrugljiv nacin obracanja. . . big cheese/shot/wheel/wig/bug/g~n Bog I.batlna, kr~pna zverka, marka, budza, mudonja, glavonja, glavnl, bos, mall bog, jakal velika fora. *Mr Smith is a big wheel m natIonal politics. *"Mob bigwig Tony Soprano was sitting in h~s.backyard ... " big deal! iron. Vrlo vazno!; jaka stvar!; cudnaml ~uda!; be:: veze! mazes misliti! * So you just bought an Audl. BIg deal! Elsa has been put on the reception committee of her club, so now she thinks she's a big deal big-head 1. Uobrazenko,yametnj.akovic. . 2. have a big head Bltl uobrazen. Isto big-headed. big (it) up Hvaliti. . '" big man nark. Oiler drogom; glavnl baja,

.." .• kapo dl tUtl . Slicno

big guy. .' d big-mouth US 1. Brbljivac. He was a bIg mouth. He plcke up strangers ... and told them the story of his I!fe. . 2. Pametnjakovic. Isto wise-ass; smart/wise guy; kn,?w-Itall' smart-ass. "Big mouth Sally always knows best! big-n~ise 1. Krupna zverka; budza; mali bog; bas, sef. Who's the big noise around here? . .. " I" 2. Vazne novosti. "The bIg-nOIse IS Baba s commg to town. big one 1.100 £; 100 $. 2. US 1000 $. Isto large (one). The next time y~JUwant me to do the Today show, it's going to cost you ten bIg ones. 3. US Milian dolara. 4. a big one Atomska bomba. . big picture, the Globalna slika/pr~dstava, ukupna sllka. big soft Nellie Budala, glupan, Idiot, krele. ,. . . big style Veoma, sve u sesnaest. .Yeah she s mto him bIg-style. big stuff 1. Nesta vazno; neko vazan. 2. iron. Jaka stvar!

big talk Pompezan govor; prazne reci. His promises were just big talk big time US 1. Uspeh, sami vrh (obit. u sportu ili svetu soubiznisa). 2. Potpuno. The candidate went on to deliver a speech that made clear what we suspected: that he is clueless, big time. 3. hit the big time PosliCi veliki uspeh. She's hit the big time with getting that fifty thousand pound contract. big top (Glavna) cirkuska salra; cirkus. big way, in a 1. Znalno, dosla. I've had him in a big way (Dosta mi ga je vise.) 2. go over in a big way Poslici veliki uspeh; pobrali sve aplauze/pohvale. big white telephone Klozelska solja. Vidi talk to the big white (tele)phone. bike 1. Promiskuilelna zena. 2. g. Bajk, biseksualna lezbejka. bilge GB Gluposl, besmislica, budalaslina, bla-bla. Don't give me that bilge! Bill, (the) GB lop. Policija, murija. bill and coo Milovali se i cmakali se; gugulali kao dva goluba. billet Posao; meslo; smeslaj; odredisle; polozaj. billy nark. Amfelamin. billy(-can) Limenka, limena posuda za kuvanje. billy-(h)o, like Mnogo, jako, brzo, zesloko. Rain like billy-o. bimbo 1. Beznacajna osoba; propalilet. Isla nebbish. Nobody listened to the poor bimbo. 2. Beba. 3. Zgodna ali praznoglava (mlada) zena, zgodna curkica. 4. Proslilulka, fufa, fuksa, kurava. What kind of a bimbo does he think I am? bin (it) GB Olarasili se, oslavili, napuslili, odbacili. bind, a Izuzelno glupa/dosadna/neprijalna osoba/slvar/duznosl/ posao. He was in too much of a bind to think of that. bind rigid Uzasno dosadivali, smarali. Jack? Oh, he binds me solid! binge 1. Pijanka, lumperaj, lerevenka, "leranje kera". The good old-fashion he-man binge. 2. go on a binge Pijancili, "lerali kera". bingo! Bingo!; (pun) pogodak! Have your contracts and debts been declared void, bingo, you're back in business. bins Naocari, cvikeri, dozluci.

bint GB 1. Devojcura, kurvica, fuksa. "As R.A.F friend would have put it, you could never tell with these foreign bints." 2. go binting Traziti zenu za seks. bird 1. Devojka, zgodna zenska, riba, koka. Slicno chick. "He introduces Laurence's bird, Gina, who dreams of having her own chat-show. .. " 2. Osoba, druskan. Odatle a funny/queer bird Cudak. He was a funny bird in many ways. 3. Peder, pesa. Isto gay. 4. do bird lop. Lezati u zatvoru. 5. bird-time lop. Vreme provedeno u zatvoru. 6. get the bird Ne biti dobro primljen od publike; biti otpusten, najuren, dobiti nogu. 7. a little bird told me Rekla mi pticica. bird of passage Ptica selica; lutalica. birdbrained Praznoglav, priglup, svraka mu popila mozak. bird-cage, mouth like the bottom of a Neprijatan zadah (obic. posle pica). birthday suit, in one's GB K'o od majke roden; nag, bez odece. Isto in the altogether. Naked as a jaybird, with nothing on over his birthday suit biscuit, that takes a To je vrhunac!; to sve nadmasuje! (i iron). bit 1. Novcic. 2. (skra6. od bit of fluff/skirt) Zenska. 3. Neki aspekt stvari (veoma se siroko upotrebljava.) / quite like the holiday arrangements but I don't like the sailing bit 4. do one's bit Dati udela; pridoneti; dati svoj obol; odraditi svoje. 5. have a bit Tucati se, karnuti se. If you're in need of a bit, you might find her attractive. bit much, a Malo (je) previse. Leaving us with a 2000 dollar telephone bill was a bit much. bit of all right, a Privlacna osoba/stvar; zgodan "komad", zgodno "parce". She's a bit of alright! I'm going to ask her for a date. bit of doing, take a Biti tesko da se postigne. bit of crumb/cufflcuntlfluff/homework/jam/muslin/skirtl soap/stuff, etc. 1. Dobro "parce", dobra koka, zgodna zenska, "suknja". They mustn't quarrel over a bit of skirt 2. Jebanje, seksualni odnos. Isto bit of tail. He's off out after a bit of tail bit of spare Seksualno dostupna osoba. bit on the side "Sema", veza van braka. bit-part actor Epizodni glumac.

bitch 1. Kucka, gadura, zavodnica. 2. g. Prezira vredan muskarac (medu homoseksualcima). 3. Gundati, zanovetati, jadati se. You should go to the front office and bitch about it if you don't like it. bitch off Razljutiti. bitch up Spetljati, zbrljati, pokvariti. Who bitched up my desk? It's a real mess. bitchy Zloban, kivan, pakostan, zlurad. Why are you so bitchy today? bite moose! Gubi se! Isto get lost. bite the dust 1. Zagristi u ledinu; otegnuti papke, ciknuti. 2. Prestati funkcionisati, propasti. The ledgers showed too much red ink, and the company bit the dust bits and pieces 1. Gomila, skupina (stvari), sve i svasta. My feelings about her are all bits and pieces since she left. 2. go/fall to bits and pieces Raspadati se (od muke); rastrojiti se. After mom died, I went to bits and pieces. bitten Opsednut. bitty Fragmentaran, sklepan, isprekidan, rasparcan. biz 1. skra6. Biznis, posao. 2. Glup, budalast. That new play at the forum was biz. 3. show biz Sou-biznis, industrija zabave. blab (off) Izbrbljati; propevati; otkucati. Here come the police! Someone must have blabbed! blabbermouth Brbljivac, tracar(a); osoba koja ne ume da cuva tajnu. Don't say anything to Bob unless you want the whole office to know. Bob's quite a blabbermouth. black 1. Velika greska/gaf. Obic. put up a black Pogresiti, napraviti veliku gresku/gaf. 2. pogrd. Crnja, camuga. Takode the blacks. 3. in the black U plusu; ima novca na racunu. Suprotno in the red. 4. in black and white Napismeno, crno na belo. black as the ace of spades Crn k'o davo; veoma prljav. black box Crna kutija (u avionu). Black Country, the GB Industrijska oblast u srednjoj Engleskoj. black hat US Negativac u politickom skandalu. Suprotno white hat. 'To put white-hat Weinberger on trial at this late date to face charges based on testimony from black hats who have entered guilty plea bargains would look like a travesty." black jack GB Pendrek. black leg 1. Strajkbreher. 2. Bojkotovati.

black man, the Davo. Black Maria GB (Policijska) marica. black mark Znak neslaganja. You'll get a black mark if you do that. black market Crno trziste. black tie Svecano/vecernje odelo. black out 1. Onesvestiti se. 2. Zamraciti. 3. Ne moei se setiti. He totally blacked out that evening. black-out 1. Nesvest. 2. Cenzura. a news black-out Zabrana vesti (npr. po naredenju vlade). The whole region was blacked outfor the final game. 3. Zamracenje. Black-shirt Crnokosuljas, fasista. black velvet alk. Mesavina sampanjca i piva. bladdered GB alk. Pijan k'o majka/zemlja, uletvljen. blah 1. Trueanje. 2. Brbljati, govoriti gluposti. blairism GB Blerizam; period vladavine Tonija Blera u Engleskoj i njegova politika. blank Grubo ignorisati. Despite being introduced 5 minutes earlier, he just rudely blanked me. blanket(t)y blank GB Uctivo ublazavanje jacih reci, naroCito bloody hell. blarney Grubo laskanje, ulagivanje; blagoglagoljivost. She refused to listen to his smooth blarney blast 1. Dim cigarete ili dzointa. Give us a blast on your cigarette, I've just run out. 2. US Prijatno iskustvo. Wasn't the party last night a blast? 3. Brza voznja. We're going for a blast up to the coast to get some fresh air. blast it! GB Prokletstvo!; do vraga! Takode blast and damnation! blast, full of Svom snagom, punom parom, sve u sesnaest. blasted 1. Proklet, odvratan, ogavan. Make that blasted dog keep quiet! 2. US alk., nark. Nadrogiran; mortus-pijan, "razbijen". blather Isto kao i blah. blatherskite Brbljivac, blebetalo. blatts Dijareja, proliv. I daren't leave the house, I've got the blat/s. blazes, go to 1. Otiei do vraga. 2. to blazes with sb/sth Do vraga s kime/cim. blazes!, the (blue) Vraga!; davola! What the blazes are you doing?

bleed sb white Iscediti koga k'o limun; izmusti koga do poslednje pare; ocerupati koga. The loan sharks bled him white. bleed like a (stuck) pig Obilno krvariti. bleeder Krelac, mazgov, budala. I told that bleeder not to come here again! bleeding Upotrebljava se za pojacavanje znacenja. That bleeding idiot from next door is drunk again. bless my soul! GB Boze blagi!; boze me sacuvaj! bless you! GB 1. Bog te blagoslovio! 2. Nazdravlje! blessed/blest, (well) I'm GB Nek' sam proklet!; davo me odneo! I'm blessed if I'll do it. blether Isto kao i blah. blighter GB Tip; klipan, budala. "This blighter approaches me and asks for a cigarette; sure I say, and then he has the gall to put it in his pocket and says he'll smoke that later and then asks for another to have now. •• Blighty GB Engleska; zavicaj, domovina. Blimp, (Colonel) Strog, uskogrud, konzervativan (obic. penzionisan) oficir; neko ko se drZi kurcevito. blimps nark. Zar kanabisa koji otpadne od cigarete marihuane i prouzrokuje opekotine koze, ili progori odeeu, ili osteti namestaj. Isto bomb. blim(e)y, (cor ili gor) GB Zaboga!; zaista!; bogati! blind 1. Psovka. Vidi eft and blind. I don't wont a blind word out of either of you. 2. alk. Intoksiniran. Obic. blind drunk Mrtav pijan. 3. Izgovor, paravan, maska. His newspaper job was only a blind for his real business, which was receiving stolen goods. 4. GB alk. Pijancenje. Obic. go on a blind. 5. swear blind Psovati kao kocijas. 6. go (into sth) blind lei naslepo; iei na nevideno. blind bit of notice, not to take a Uopste ne obraeati paznju. He'll never take a blind bit of notice to anyone's remarks. blind date/drag Sudar na nevideno (s nepoznatom osobom suprotnog pola). blind sb with science Zaslepiti/zbuniti koga nadmoenim znanjem. Odatle blinded With/by science. blind side 1. (Cija) slaba tacka. 2. on the blind side U slabu tacku; neocekivano. blinder "Mrak" postignuee. Tim's played another blinder. blinding Super, sjajan, izvanredan. We had a blinding time last night.

blink, on the 1. Ne radi dobra, trokira. The phone's on the blink 2. Drka, masturbira. 3. like a blink Za tren oka. He must have died like a blink blitz Prepad, napad. The police are having a blitz on illegal parking in the village block zat. Blok celija, samica. block, off one's Lud; popizdeo, pobesneo. blockbuster Razbijac/terminator bioskopskih blagajni, mega-hit. 'The Silence Of The Lambs, the blockbuster thriller that trans formed serial killing and cannibalism from taboo crimes into household terms ... " blockhead GB Klipan, tupan, mentol, krele. Isto US klutz. bloke GB 1. Druskan, tip, dasa, cova, momak. 2. Ljubavnik. blood and thunder Senzacionalisticka knjiga, film itd. So all small boys like blood-and-thunder pictures? blood-bath Krvoprolice. blood chit Pismena dozvola. bloodsucker Krvopija. blood-wag(g)on Ambulantna kola. blood, young 1. Mladi clanovi, sveza krv. 2. Sveze ideje. bloody GB 1. Praklet, Clavolski; preispoljni. Don't be a bloody fool! 2. Rec koja sluzi za pojacavanje znacenja. 1'1/bloody thump that idiot. Bloody Mary Koktel od votke i paradajz-Clusa. bloody-minded GB Odbojan, tvrdoglav, podmukao, cangrizav (obie. bez razloga). She's so bloody-minded that she wouldn't give me the newspaper, even though she didn't want it herself! bloomer (Po)greska, gaf, brljotina, previd. blooming GB Proklet, Clavolski. Get that blooming idiot out of my sight. blotto alk. Mrtav pijan, betoniran, uletvljen. "Colin got blotto that night and told me, 'She was murdered,' says Ann Bostich." blow 1. Dovraga!; doClavola! TakoCle blow me down!; blow it!; oh blow! itd. 2. Procerdati, spiskati (novae). The state blew my money buying votes for Roosevelt. 3 Pusiti, lizati (seks). Isto give sb a blOW-job; go down on sb. Odatle blow job Felacio, pusenje. I went to the hospital, pulled the curtains around us and gave him the best blow-job I'd ever performed ...

4. nark. Marihuana, "duvanje", duvka. 1"his night watchman had invited a policeman inside for a blow. 5. nark. Pusiti marihuanu, "duvati·'. He enjoys sex: he does not blow grass. 6. I'll be (Iii I'm) blowed if I'll... Odneo me Clavo ako ... 7. look what the wind's blown in! Vidi ko je dosaol blow! Ispari!; gubi se!; brisi!; tutanj! blow a fuse/gasket GB Pobesneti. blow away Ubiti, ukokati. blow chunks Povratiti. blow in Stici, doCi na casak; upasti, naglo uci, banuti. Odatle blown-in Pridoslica (pogot. neko neocekivan). blow it Uprskati stvar, kiksirati, zabrljati. We are wining. If we don't blow it blow it! Jebiga! blow off a guy Nogirati frajera; dati mu dvojku. blow/cut/rip one Prdnuti, pustiti gnjurca. blow one's cool Izgubiti zivce. blow one's mind Doziveti ekstazu, oboriti s nogu. "The combination that really blows my mind .. is Ecstasy, Speed and temazepam. " blow one's stack/top/cool/cork/gaff/lid/roof/stack PuCi kome film, pobesneti, popizdeti. "When ... /David/ Mellor heard what had occured, he blew his top. A few days later an account of his temper tantrum appeared in 'The Observer'." blow one's wad Ejakulirati. blow-out Gozba, festa, pijanka, zdranje. blowout of the water Maknuti sa scene; ukloniti. Isto shoot sb down in flames. The only way to get rid of him is to blown him out of the water. blow (sb) out "OtkaCiti" koga. Isto give sb the blowout. I'm going to blowout my brother and go to that new club night instead. blow the lid off (a dubious plan, a secret, etc.) Pravaliti sto u javnosti; izazvati (politicki) skandal. blow the whistle 1. "Prapevati", ocinkariti. Isto sing. "She hadn't been Dutch Schultz's wife for four years not to know the penalty for blowing the whistle." 2. Ukazati na nesto lose. Somebody has to blow the whistle on this ruinous police. blow up US Namlatiti lovu (obie. pradajuci drogu). blowback 1. Hrani kuce da te ujede. My husbands infidelity was a true blowback after 20 years of trust.

2. nark. NaCin na koji dvoje Ijudi istovremeno konzumiraju marihuanu: jedan izbaeuje dim, a drugi ga uvlaci. blower Telefon. blub(b)er Cmizdriti, zaliti se. Don't blubber over what you can't change. blue 1. Nepristojan. Slicno dirty. 2. Potisten, utucen, snuzden, depresivan. blue-chip Izvrsnog kvaliteta, prvoklasan. blue-eyed boy Miljenik, mezimce. blue funk, in a U dubokoj depresiji/melanholiji; u velikom strahu. Losing his girl put him into a blue funk for weeks. Blue Horse Hawaiian GB nark. Koktel od heroina i valijumal temazepama. blue in Spiskati (novae). blue movies Porno-filmovi, porniCi. blue murder 1. Dreka, graja. 2. cry/sream/howi/yell/shout blue murder Nadiei dreku; diCi graju; derati se na say glas. When the doctor pushed the needle into her arm she shouted blue murder. blue pencil 1. Olovka kojom se vrsi eenzura. 2. Cenzor. blues, the Tuga, melanholija, depresija, potistenost. blunt GB nark. Dzokavac, dzoint. blunted GB nark. "Naduvan". blurb Kratak sadrzaj knjige (na korieama); izdavaceva preporuka knjige (na korieama). boards, the Pozorniea, pozorisne daske. boat, in the same U istom sosu. If you lose your job I'll lose mine, so we're both in the same boat boat, miss the Zakasniti, propustiti priliku. boat out, push the Rasipati novae; dati se u veliki trosak. They really pushed the boat out for their daughter's wedding, and invited 100 people. bob GB Iznenada se pojaviti, banuti, naiei. "I'm just gonna bob down to the corner shop for some fags, do you want anything?" Bob's your uncle 1. Cica mica i gotova prica. 2. I to ti je to, i na konju si. Make sure you have primed and undercoated the wood. Then apply the gloss paint and Bob's your uncle! The wood will stay protected and look good for another couple of years. Bobby GB Bobi, polieajae. bobby-soxer Tinejdzerka, devojcurak, sipariea.

bod GB 1. Covek, tip. 2. Seks, seva. Hey, Willie, do you want a bit of bod? body count va). Prebrojavanje poginulih (posle borbe). boff 1. Jebati. Isto fuck. 2. Prdnuti. boff (up) Pogresiti, napraviti gaf. boffin GB (Ekseentricni) naucnik, ekspert, strucnjak, speeijalista. "Scottish boffin, John Logie Baird, gave the first demonstration of the television in 1926. There was nothing on. " bog Kenjati, srati. bog(s) GB 1. Klonja, kenjara. Takode bog-house. 2. have a bog lei u klonjaru. bog-house barrister "Drveni" advokat. Isto barrack-room lawyer. bog-Irish GB pogrd. Irae, irskog porekla. Isto Mick; Paddy; bog trotter. bog-standard GB Obican, uobicajen. It was just a bog-standard Christmas, too much food, too much booze and not enough sleep. bogart ili Bogart ili bogard Surovo se ponasati; postiei nesto zastrasivanjem. bogart a joint Uzeti vise nego sto kome pripada, obit. dim marihuane. Isto hog. Come on Tim, don't bogart the joint boink Tueati (se). bollock-naked, (stark) GB Go goleat. bollocks GB 1. Muda. 2. Glupost, budalastina. ''That's a lot of bollocks. There aren't any styles, there's just good music and bad music, and that's all. " 3. the bollocks Nesto najbolje. bollocking, to give GB Prigovarati, kenjati (kome). boloney; baloney US Glupost, budalastina. bolshie Boljsevik, komunjara. "After a tricky interview during which she was both 'bolshie' and 'edgy', Isabelle Huppert was dubbed 'Madame Frosty' by a journalist. " bolt 1. Iskapiti, popiti na eks. 2. Halapljivo pojesti. bomb 1. nark. Zar kanabisa koji otpadne od eigarete marihuane i prouzrokuje opekotine, ili osteeenja odeee ili namestaja. Varijaeije bombies; bombers. Isto blimps. 2. US Izvrstan, najbolji. 3. Brzo (ot)iCi. Will you bomb round to the corner shop and get a pint of milk? 4. make a bomb Obogatiti se, namlatiti pare.

bomb, (go) like a 1. ICi vrlo brzo (auto). 2. Veoma uspesno se odvijati. The party went like a bomb. bombed (out) alk., nark. "Uraden". bonce GB Glava. bone 1. Penis u erekciji, pendrek. Isto bone-on; boner (2). 2. Fals, lazan. Don't give me no bone excuses. 3. Jebati. 4. Jebanje. bone-head US 1. Glupan, tikvan, krele, dileja. 2. Celavac. boner 1. US Glupa pogreska. "The Government has made about every boner possible." 2. Penis u erekciji; pendrek. Isto bone. He wanted to make it, but couldn't get a bone. boneyard GB Groblje. bong nark. 1. Vodena lula na koju se pusi has is ili marihuana. "I like the blunt but my double barrel bong is getting me stoned. " 2. Pusiti hasis ili marihuanu uz pomoc vodene lule. bonged-out nark. Naduvan, uraden. bonk GB 1. Tucati, povaliti. 2. Tucanje. 3. Odalamiti, mlatnuti, tresnuti. bonkers GB 1. Sasav, udaren, ekscentrican. Slicno nuts. Folks are going slightly bonkers these days over any thing that glitters. 2. Lud (za Cime) He's bonkers for going out and getting drunk. 3. stark staring bonkers Potpuno Iud, posizeo, podilkanio. bonzo 1. Lud, poblesavio. 2. Komedijas. boob 1. GB Tupan; smokljan. Takode booby; dim-wit. 2. Vidi boobs. 3. GB Glupa pogreska, gaf, brljotina. 4. Pogresiti. 5. US zat. Zatvor. boob job Stavljanje silikonskih grudi. boob tube Televizija. It was perhaps the most realistic family show ever seen on the boob tube. boobies Vidi boobs. booboo, make a Pogresiti, napraviti gaf. Oh no! I've just made a classic booboo. boobs; boobies; boonies Sise, sifoni, bal(k)oni. Isto US boondocks.

boom box Kasetofon ili CD plejer. Don't forget to bring your boom box to the picnic! boomer Pripadnik generacije baby-boom (rodeni kasnih eetrdesetih godina XX veka). "If there's one thing that has come through in all the interviews and focus groups I've done with boomers, it's that these people have big egos but weak identities. " boot 1. Sutirati, pikati. Let's boot the football around. 2. pogrd. Crnja, camuga. 3. get the boot Dobiti nogu, biti otpusten. 4. put the boot in "Pritisnuti", izvrsiti (nemilosrdan) pritisak. Skrac. boot Nepotrebna okrutnost posle pobede. boot boys GB Mladi huligani, cizmasi. Isto bovver-boys. boot-licker Dupelizac, ulizica, uvlaka. boot out Izbaciti, otpustiti, najuriti. They booted him outfor coming late. boots on the ground US Kopnena invazija. booze alk. 1. "Buz", pice, alkohol (obit. viski); cuga. 2. go on the booze Pijaneiti, cugati, lokati. booze-up alk. Pijanka. boozed(-up) alk. Pijan, naliven, betoniran, uletvljen. boozer alk. 1. GB Restoran, bar, pab. 2. Pijanac, cirkaros, mokri brat. Isto booze artist. bore rigid Ugusiti od dosade, smoriti. He bores me rigid with her tales of wealth and fame. bore shitless Ugusiti, smoriti. I was bored shitless by her talking non-stop about her family. Isto bore stiff. bore the pants off sb Biti mnogo dosadan; ugusiti, smoriti (koga). Takode bore sb rigid/stiff; bore the balls off; bore the tits off; bored out of one's skull. That 8 hour seminar on nuclear physics bored the pants off me. bosh GB 1. Glupost, besmislica. Slieno bullshit. 2. make a bosh of sth Upropastiti/zeznuti/zasrati (stvar). bosh-shot Neuspeo pokusaj. Isto boss-shot. bossy boots Osoba koja voli da sefuje. botch (up) 1. Sklepati (nesto). 2. Uprskati (stvar). / tried to cook a nice dinner, but I'm afraid I've rather botched it (up). bottle 1. Hrabrost, petlja. Johnny's scared, he's lost his bottle. 2. Udariti koga u lice flasom (od piva). 3. not to have the bottle Nemati muda, nemati petlju. bottle it Obeshrabriti se, izgubiti hrabrost. bottle it! Umukni!

bottle out of sth Ustuknuti, ucvikovati. Slicno chicken out. "Mrs Thatcher has never been one to back down or bottle out. " bottom burp GB Prdez, gnjurac. Takode botty burp. bottomless pit Rupa bez dna, osoba sa nezajazljivom zeljom da jede. bottoms up! Uzdravlje!; nazdravlje!; ziveli! bounce, that's the Tako ti je to; sudbina! bouncer US Izbacivac (npr. iz diskoteke). bouncers Sise, sifoni. bounder GB Prostak, neotesanac, dziber. bovver GB (skrac. od bother) Nevolja. "You want bovver?" bovver-boots GB Glomazne cizme (koje nose bovver-boys). bovver-boys GB Mladi huligani, cizmasi. Isto boot boys. bowled out, be Potucen, razoruzan, zanemeo, bez teksta. box 1. Picka. 2. Muda. Slicno basket. 3. Cmar, anus. 4. be in the box Biti priteran uza zid, biti pritesnjen. 5. be in a box Biti u haosu. 6. on the box Na televiziji. Did you see the Chancellor on the box last night? box clever Nadmudriti. boxed nark. "Uraden". boy nark. Heroin. Isto smack; junk; skag; shit; brown; horse; "H"; Harry. boyo 1. Deckie, decacie, decko. 2. Drugar, covek, prijatelj. brain GB Udariti po glavi, zveknuti, pripaliti, opiciti. If you don't tidy your room now; I'll brain you. brained GB nark. "Uraden" do besvesti. brainiac Zaludenik za ucenje/nauku. brainshiting; brainstorming Oluja mozgova, "produvavanje" vijuga/dizni; tehnika grupnog resavanja problema ili grupnog traganja za novim idejama i resenjima. brass GB 1. Lova, pare, suske. 2. Drskost. How did she have the brass to do that? 3. skrac. ad brass-nail Kurva, kurava, fuksa. 4. Svorc, bez prebijene pare. 5. US va}. Glavesine, vojne staresine, visoki oficiri, mudonje, budze, moenici. Odatle carry brass Imati vazan cin. 'There's lots of vice presidents here but they're not really brass. 'We'd better get the place tidied up, the top brass are coming tomorrow.

brass balls Muda, petlja, hrabrost. Isto guts. Joe has brass balls, he lets noone push him around. brass man Prevarant, varalica. brass-monkey weather/time GB 1. Vrlo hladno vreme. 2. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey Hladno da se smrznu muda. brass neck Drskost, bezobrazluk. a brass-neck lie. bread Lova. break a leg! Sreeno!; sa sreeom! break it up! Prestani!; prekini! break/bust one's ass/balls/buns/butt/chops/conk/hump/nutsl sweet ass Odrati bulju od posla. 'Ifthey break their asses they might get into a college program. 'I'm finished busting my hump on that kind of work. break sb's balls 1. Polomiti kome picku. If you cross me one more time, I'm gonna break your balls. You understand me? ~. Pretovariti koga ~oslom. He'll do the work at my speed, 1m gonna break his balls to get it done on time. 3. Provocirati, zezati, isprovaljivati. break/b~st sb's chops Gnjaviti, daviti, smarati. His old man was startmg to break his chops about the union. bre~k the ba~k of Zavrsiti najtezi/najveei deo (npr. posla); uei cemu u srz. breeder US g. Heteroseksualac. breeze, it's a Nesto lako, macji kasalj. breeze in Banuti, upasti. br~ck-it GB Usrati se.od straha. (Skrac. ad shit bricks.) br~g US va). Zatvor, cuza, bajbok, mardelj. br~ght spark Domisljat/bistar/promueuran tip br~ng off Sv~siti, d?~iveti orgazam; dovesti do orgazma. br~nkmanshlp Polltlka opasnog poigravanja na ivici rata. bnstols GB Sise, sifoni, baloni. bro (skrac. od brother) Brat. broad US Zenska, devojka, riba, (Iaka) zena. "We've got Dustin Hoffman flghtmg Meryl Streep for a four-year-old in Kramer vs Kramer ... Thirty years ago, the Duke would have slapped the broad. around a~d .shipped the kid off to military school. " broke 1. Svorc, deklntlran, bez prebijene pare. No, I can't lend you ten dollars. I'm completely broke until payday. 2. go broke Ostatl bez prebijene pare, bankrotirati. 3. go for broke lei na sve ili nista. The desperate gambler decided to go for broke by risking everything on one last throw of the dice.


brown nark. Heroin. Isto smack; junk; skag; shit; horse; Harry; "H"; boy. Brown&White nark. Koktel ad heroina i kokaina. brown-hatter Peder, pesa, pesko. Isto brownie. brown-nose Uvlaciti se kame u dupe. brown-nose(r) Dupelizac, beskicmenjak. Isto brownie. brown-suger nark. Vrsta smedeg turskog heroina. brownedlcheesed off GB Ljut, besan, popizdeo, ogorcen, uvreden, sit svega. Isto FED up, pissed off. *He got browned off at the way they treated the kids. *I'm browned off with him always being late. bruiser Bokser; razbijac, snazan covek. bubs; bubbies Sise, sifoni, baloni, pluca. bubblehead Praznoglavac, supljoglavac. Slicno airhead. buck 1. US Dolar, zelembac, kinta. Isto bones; bread; clams. The cheapest tickets for the concert cost 25 bucks. Do you still want to go? 2. Odgovornost. 3. US Uperiti pistolj (na koga). We bucked that S.O.B. last night. 4. pass the buck Prebaciti odgovornost (na). We chickened out and passed the buck to the dean. 5. the buck stops here Ovde prestaje izvlacenje ad odgovornosti; ja za ova odgovaram. buck nigger US pogrd. Crncuga (mlad i jak); camuga. buck up Razvedriti se, okuraziti se. Buck up, old chap, it may be good news. bucket down GB Padaju sekire (jaka kisa). buckled Ruzan. buckshee GB Besplatno, za dz. We can get in buckshee. buftie GB Pederast. buftie-boys GB Pederi. buff Entuzijast, fan. buff, the GB 1. Koza. 2. in the buff Nag, bez odece. "Liz Hurley appears in the buff on Sharpe, ITV, 1994." buffer GB Staromodan tip, stari jarac, cilager. bug 1. US Nervirati, "masirati", ici na zivce/jetru. My mother's been bugging me to clean my room. 2. Prisluskivati uz pomoc prislusnih uredaja. Odatle bugging Prisluskivanje i bug "Buba" (prislusni uredaj). There's a bug in this room somewhere. 3. big bug Budza, glavni, krupna zverka, mudonja, bas.

bug off Tornjati se, nositi se. bughouse 1. US Ludnica, ludara, dilkarnica. Takode bug-hutch. Who cares whether you're free or locked in a bughouse? 2. Drugorazredan, los bioskop ili takvo pozoriste. bugger GB 1. Momak, drugar, covek. Ain't he a cute little bugger? 2. Tip. "I like to think I'm an easy person", he smiled. "I'd be amused if anyone told you I was an awkward bugger". 3. Peder, derpe, homic. 4. BludniCiti; pederisati se. 5. Gnjaviti, dosadivati, smarati, gusiti. 6. Mucna situacija, neprijatan dogadaj; nesto prezira vredno. It's a bugger, Pete having flu on his holidays. 7. Do davola! bugger up Upropastiti, zbrkati, zeznuti, pokvariti. It's no good, we may aswell go home, he's buggered up the evening. bugger all GB 1. Nista. Slicno sod-all i fuck-all. 2. he did bugger all Vatao je zjale, dokolicio je. bugger off GB Tornjati se, nositi se, goniti se. Slicno fuck off' piss off. He told me to bugger oft! ' bugger off! GB Brisi!; goni se!; fu raj , bre!; odbij! bugger about/around Vatati zjale, dokoliciti. bU~l9~ry GB ~Iud, b~udnicenje; sodomija, pederastija. bUilt like a brick shlthouse Solidne/dobre grade; stamen, cvrst, ogroman. bull (skrac. ad bullshit) Besmislica, glupost, laz, sranje. Stop giving me all that bull! bull·doze US Zastrasiti, terorisati; prisiliti, nametnuti. He bulldozed his plan through Parliament. bulldyke g. Buldajk, agresivna i izuzetno muskobanjasta lezbejka. bullfuck Glupost, besmislica, laz, sranje (pojae. bUllshit). bull-headed Tvrdoglav, krut, nefleksibilan. Don't be so bullheaded Why can't you admit that others' opinions are just as good as yours? bullseye! Pun pogodak!; pravo u centar! bullshit 1. ~ros;ravanje, glupost, besmislica, laz. Slicno baloney; horseshlt. I m afraId your theory is chiefly bullshit 2. Nasamariti, navuCi. Are you trying to bullshitme? bullshitter Kenjator, serator, lazov. bUllet, get the 1. Dobiti otkaz, dobiti nogu. 2. give the bullet Otpustiti (koga), najuriti, dati nogu. bUllet-proof 1. Neprobojan. 2.lmun. 3. Nevin.

bully 1. US Sjajan, odliean, prv?razredan. 2 Makro svodnik, podvodac. " 3: Nasilnik, siledzija. "Yes, I was about to become a bully. bully for you! Bravo!; odlieno!. .... bum 1. US Protuva, skitnica, olos, bltanga, propalitet, jeblvetar, prosjak; gotovan, lezileb. "The bums in the dosshouse have reached rock bottom." 2. Bulja, dupe; emar. .? 3. Moljakati, zic(k)ati. Can I bum a clgar:tte. off. 4 GB have a bit of bum Karnutl; pedensatl se. Odaye .• b~m-boy (Mladi) homoseksualac; d.u~e~ava.c, homl?, buljas. bum about/around Gluvariti, lutati, lunjatl, Zlvetl kao skltnlca, klosariti. I just bummed around last summer. bum-bag Torbica "pederusa". Istoys a f~nny pack. bummer Totalni promasaj, truba, fljasko, corak. The performance was a total bummer bump off US Ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. bumps Sise, sifoni, "pluca". bumper 1. Neobieno velika stvar. 2. Striptizeta. bumpers Sise, sifoni. Isto bumps. .' bundle, a Mnogo para, go mila love. Your new car IS really nice. It should be. It cost me a bundle! bung 1. GB Mito, "narukvica". 2. US Cmar; dupe, bulja. Isto bunghole; asshole. " bung over Dodati, dobaciti, frljnuti .. "Bung over.t~e J~,m,~/ease. bung (sb) GB Podmititi, podmazatl; platltl za zastltu. W~,re gOing to have to bung him if we want to stay .out of trouble. bunk 1. Glupost, suplje reei. Slieno bullshlt; balone~; 2. US Staromodno, nije kul. 'That's a bunk, man. 3. US Varati. Isto bunco. .. 4 do a bunk GB Pobeci, uteci, zbrisati, uhvatltl maglu. The c~shier has done a bunk with the day's takings. bunk off! Odbij! bunk off Eskivirati (duznost). burble Mrmljati, govoriti besmislice. burn zat. 1. Duvan ili cigarete. 2. twist a burn Zaviti, zarolati cigaretu. .' " burn rate Meseeni budzet (odnosi se na budzet fllma);, Can we 'ustify this chase?" "Ounno. What's our burn rate? . .. bu/n CD muz. Izdati CD. Odatle CD burner Sprava kOja zaplsuJe muzieki materijal na CD.

burn (sb) 1. Prevariti finansijski, operusati. 2. US Ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. burn sb's ass US Ici kome na nerv; pomeriti kome dupe. burn the breeze Veoma brzo treati/voziti. burner US Pistolj, cev(ka), prangija; vatreno oruzje. busboy Osoba koja sklanja prljave tanjire i escajg sa stolova u restoranu. "Which is why my birthay lunch found him lecturing the busboy in excruciating detail on the preferred way to pour water from a pitcher. " bush 1. Brada. 2. Pieka, "zbun". 3. nark. Marihuana. bushed Iscrpljen, premoren, "premlacen". I'm going to lie down for a while. I'm really bushed business, (the) Nesto najbolje. That new BMW is the business. bussines end Opasan/sustinski deo eega; ostrica. He sat down on the bussines end of a drawing-pin. busk GB 1. Pevati ili svirati na ulici za novac. Odatle busker Lutajuci ulieni pevae/svirae/zabavljae; putujuCi muzikant. 2. Improvizovati. "If they don't accept our agenda we'll just have to busk it. " busy-body Prisipetlja, mirodija u svakoj eorbi. bust 1. Unistiti, upropastiti. 2. Upasti (policija). His house was busted this morning and some drugs were taken away. 3. Siomiti, razbiti, razlupati; obiti (set). I busted my nose. 4. Uhapsiti, corkirati. "And then I went and got busted, myoid mother was disgusted. " 5. Udariti (koga). Udarac. She busted me in the kishkes. 6. Neuspeh, fijasko. My try for her sweet favors was a total bust 7. Gubitnik, luzer. Isto nonstarter; loser. At baseball I was a risible bust 8. Hapsenje, pretraga, racija, corkiranje. "The busts started to happen. People started to go to prison. People started to die. " 9. Razalovati, raseiniti. 10. Uhvatiti koga na delu. 11. go bust Prestati funkcionisati; propasti (posao), bankrotirati, krahirati. bust one's/sb's ass/balls/bun 1. Napeti se iz petnih zila; oznojiti bulju/zadnjicu. Jack really bust his balls to finish the report on time. 2. Kinjiti/mustrati koga; ici kome na zivce; dosadivati kome; masirati koga.

bust/break sb's chops Gnjaviti, daviti, smarati, masirati koga; kinjiti koga; zivcirati koga. bust one's guts Satirati se od posla. busted Svorc, liht, dekinte. Slicno broke. bustin Zeljan (cega). I'm bustin for a pint and a ciggy butch GB 1. Muzevan. 2. g. (Muskobanjasta) lezbejka. Isto bulldyke; dyke. "She followed Showgirls with another brazen character, Corky, the butch ex-con who joins Jennifer Tilly in a sisterhood of lust and larceny in the lesbian noir thriler Bound. " butchers, haveltake a Baciti pogled, baciti dikana, gvirnuti, zdraknuti. Let's have a butchers at it before you put it back. butt Dupe, bulja, zadnjica. butt-kisser Uvlaka, ulizica, poltron. butt naked Go, bez odece. butt out! US Gledaj svoja posla! Isto keep your nose out of (sth). Butt out John, it's none of your business. butt-ugly Ogavan, ruzan k'o davo. butthead Moron, bolid, mentol, krele, gnom, dupeglavac. butter-fingers Nespretnjakovic, s dye leve ruke. butterflies in one's stomach, have Biti nervozan, uzbuden. butter up Laskati. Takode butter sb up Zaci kome pod kozu (radi koristi). You butter up the boss, you get the raise. buttocks Bulja, kanta, dupe. button manlplayerlsoldier lop. Nizerangirani clan mafije. button up Zacepi!; umukni! Isto button/zip one's lip. If you don't button up they'll shut you up. buy 1. Poverovati, "kupiti". These guys bought the myth and now its costing them dearly 2. Sioziti se (sa cim). 3. Uposliti, iznajmiti. He bought him a lawyer and filed suit. 4. Podmititi, kupiti. He tried to bUy a couple of jury members. buy it Biti ubijen, poginuti, nadrljati; biti ranjen. Isto cop it. buy the farmlranch US Poginuti. buzz 1. Glasina, trac, "buva". What's the dirtiest buzz? 2. Pozvati/cimnuti telefonom, zvrcnuti. 3. Telefonski poziv. Why not buzz Eddy for the brawl? 4. Prijatan osecaj/nadrazaj. After two Scotches he got a nice buzz. buzz crusher US Osoba koja kvari raspolozenje u drustvu. Isto party pooper; killjoy. buzz off! GB Gubi se!; nosi se!; brisi!; teraj se!; cibe! Slicno piss off!; bugger off!

buzzer Telefon. buzzin' Usplahiren, pun energije (obit. usled koriscenja droge). buzzword ii, buzz phrase Popularna ali obicno besmislena rec' pomodna zargonska rec. * 'Interface , is a popular buzz-word among pseudo-intellectuals at the moment. *"'Self-determination' was an important buzzword during the collapse of East Germany in 1989. and 1990." by the short hairs, have one Imati koga u sakama; drzati kome muda u procepu, drzati koga za kratke dlacice. Takode have one by the short and curlies.

c cabbage 1. Ustedeti, ueariti; ukrasti; nadoknaditi. We'll take this short cut and cabbage a little time. 2. US Novcanice, zelembaCi, suske. Isto GB green stuff. 3. Mozak. cabbage-head Glupan, supljoglavac, klipan. cabbage-looking, I'm not so green as I'm Nisam veslo sisao; nisam pao s Marsa. cabbage-patch Mala basta. cabbie; cabby GB Taksista. caboodle, the (whole) Sve zajedno; sve kompleUduture. cack-handed GB Nespretan. It was a cack-handed attempt at patching up the dispute. cackle Vidi cut the cackle. cad GB 1. Prostak, kulov, neotesanac. 2. Hulja, nitkov. "Lord Lucan may have been a flamboyant cad, but his story is colourless next to the tragi-comedy of the Claimant's life - mere soap as compared with a grand opera. " cadge 1. Zic(k)ati, moljakati. He cadged 20p for cigarettes yesterday. 2. be on the cadge Zic(k)ati. He's on the cadge for money again. cadger Zic(k)aros. caff GB (Jeftin) kafe, kafie. cagey Oprezan, obazriv, rezervisan. Isto cagy. She is very cagey about her past life. cagmag Glupost, besmislica. Cain, raise Razljutiti se; nadiCi dreku/graju. cake-hole GB Usta, gubica. Shut your cake-hole! cake, piece of GB Nesto veoma lako, igrarija, macji kasalj. cake-walk 1. Nesto veoma lako. Slicno piece of cake; cinch; breeze. Our players thought this season was going to be a cake-walk. 2. Lako stecen novae. cakes and ale Veselje, zabavljanje; lak zivot, med i mleko. cakes, like hot lei veoma brzo, kao alva. Those pictures are going like hot cakes, there will be none left soon. call, it's your Ti odluCi, na tebi je (odluka).

call-girl Prostitutka s kojom se moze ugovoriti sastanak telefonom; devojka za pratnju. call-house/joint Javna kuea, borde!. call it a day! Za danas je dosta! call it a deal! Dogovoreno! call off Opozvati; ponistiti; otkazati. call o~e ev~.rythin~ under the sun Jebati kome sve po spisku. cali-sign DZlngl radio stanice. camp 1. Preteran; izvestacen; afektiran; teatralan; zenskast; ekstravagantan. 'To be camp is to be mannered, affected, theatrical. To be camp is to be effeminate. " 2. Homoseksualac, peder. 3. Homoseksualan. Takode camp as a row of (pink) tents. 4. Preterivati ili se ponasati feminizirano/pederasto. Obie. camp it up; camp about. 5. high camp Ne bas umetnicki, ali ekstravagantno ifili stilski efektno. can US 1. ~Ionja, klozet. Isto john. 2. zat. Cuza, bajbok, mardelj, buvara. 3. Zatvoriti, eorkirati. They caught him and canned him for two weeks. 4. Dupe, zadnjica. Isto ass. 5. in the can of worms U velikoj nevolji. 6. can/bag of worms Velika nezgoda/nevolja; problematicna/ zamrsena stvar; osinjak. "Honestly, I wouldn't get involved; it's a can of worms. " can house Javna kuea, borde!. can you beat it! Mozes Ii to da poverujes! cancer stick Cigareta, "kancerka". candyman US nark. Oiler, prodavac droge. Isto pusher; dealer. cane 1. Izgrditi, kazniti. The teacher used to cane me when I behaved badly. 2. Karati, tucati. Slicno bang; belt. 3. get a caning Biti kaznjen; dobiti po prstima. canned 1. alk. Pripit, pijan. 2. be canned lop. Corkiran. canned music 1. Snimljena muzika (za razliku od "zive" muzike). 2. Muzika koja se pusta u liftovima, u avionu, u prodavnicama. Isto musak ili elevator music. canoe, paddle one's own Sam se snalaziti; u se i u svoje kljuse. canoodle GB Milovati se, vatati se. cans Sise, sifoni. cap Pusenje (seks). Isto blow-jab; head. "Give Jerry some cap."

car acc skrac. Saobracajna nezgoda. carboot sale Prodaja robe iz prtljaznika auta. Slieno jumble sale; garage sale. card Cudak; ekscentrik; veseljak. Slieno wag. John's a real card; he always makes me laugh. cards, get one's GB Dobiti nogu/otkaz. .. cards (right), play one's Razborito/mudro/efektno postUpltl. care a brass farthing/a damn/a fig/a monkey's toss/a rap/a tinker's cuss, not to Boli ga briga; bas ga zabole. carpet 1. Ukoriti, izloziti kritici, prikucati na tapet, propisno izgrditi. He was carpeted for bad work. 2. on the carpet US Na tapetu; ukoren, izlozen kritici. carpet-bagger Politieki pustolov/prevrtljivac. carry-on 1. Neobiena aktivnost ili bueno ponasanje: rabota .. Takode mnoz.. carryings-on. There were carrymgs-on m the camp when the lights had been put off. 2. what a carry-on! Kakva zbrka/gnjavaza/petljancija. carry the can GB Ispastati, snositi posledice. carsey; carzey Toalet, klonja. Takode kahsi. cart (away, etc.) Nositi, vuci za sobom. The police carted the prisoners off to prison. cart, in the GB U skripcu, u nevolji, u sosu. carve up GB 1. Prevariti, izigrati. . 2. Izbosti nozem, iseckati. They just meant to carve hIm up, but a razor slipped. carve-up Prevara. case 1. Uvrnut tip, budala, krele, idiot. Slieno card; character. Vidi hard case. 2. US "Snimiti", tipovati zgradu (s namerom da se opljaeka). Obic. case a joint. The thief was casing the joint cash cow Izvor novca, dobrotvor. But all this leaves The New Republic Inc without a cash cow cash in Iskoristiti; unoveiti. Let's cash in on the fine weather and go out for the day. cast-iron Izdrzljiv, jak, nepopustljiv, neprobojan. Slieno bullet-proof. She has a cast-iron stomach; she can eat any thmg. cast nasturtiums hum. Klevetati, ogovarati. cast-ofts Odbaeena odeca. cat 1. Tip, pajtos, baja. "This cat arrived in London with his eighty quid, fresh out of the hills, from his tent." 2. to cat Tuzakati, cinkariti. Slieno to grass (on sb). 3. not to have a cat in hell's chance Nikakvih izgleda; nema sansone.

4. see how ili which way the cat jumps Paziti odakle vetar duva; ne izjasniti se dok se ne vidi razvoj (politiekih) dogadaja. 5. enough to make a cat laugh Zabavno. 6. like a cat on hot bricks GB U stanju nervoze/uzbudenja. Isto US like a cat on a hot tin roof. You're like a cat on hot bricks today. What's wrong? 7. let the cat out of the bag Izbrbljati tajnu, izlanuti se. 8. something the cat's brought in Nesto sto nije ni za pokazivanje. cat and dog life Zivot u stalnoj zavadi/svadi. cat-nap Dremez, kratak san (obic. ne u krevetu). cat's pyjamas/whiskers, the Bog bogova, ono pravo, najbolji. catch bending Uhvatiti/iznenaditi na spavanju; uhvatiti (koga) nespremnog. catch it Biti kaznjen, dobiti svoje. You'd better hurry home. You'll catch it from mother if you're late. catch on 1. Postati popularan. Lots of artists catch on only after they're dead. 2. Shvatiti, razumeti, ukapirati. As long as they don't catch on, we can cheat them forever. catch on the hop Iznenadenje. catch one's death (of cold) Smrznuti se do kostiju. catch some z's Dremnuti. catch-penny Jeftin, trivijalan, mamipara. cauliflower ear Izoblieeno uho od udaraca (obic. kod boksera). caution Neobiean, smesan eovek; neobiena stvar. cave in 1. Pasti s nogu, lipsati od umora. 2. Popustiti, klonuti. 'The traditional press just caved in and said, actually: F*** news!" cavort 1. Poskakivati, dipati. 2. Svrljati (seks). He's cavorting about with a floosie. century Noveanica od 100 dolara/funti. He put a century on it and lost it. C.E.O. (skrac. od Company Executive Official/Organ) Direktor. cert GB Sigurna stvar, izvesnost. Obic. dead cert. He's a dead cert that this horse will win the race. chaff to the bollocks Radovati se kao kuee. chance it 1. Pokusati postici na srecu, rizikovati. Isto chance one's arm/luck. I don't know if we can get it, but let's chance it 2. take a chance Reskirati, rizikovati. chancy Nesiguran, riskantan, riziean. That was a chancy thing to do; you could have been killed.

change (Sitan) novae, sica. change one's tune/note Promeniti pesmu; drugu pesmu pevati. change out of sb, get no Ne uspeti izvuci podatke/pomoc/ korist itd. iz koga. / got no change out of Paul. channel surfing US Surfovanje po TV kanalima, menjanje TV programa. chap Momak, covek, druskan. Isto fellow. This chap came up to me and told me to shut my mouth. char GB 1. Caj. Isto chao 2. Sluzavka; klozetara, Cistacica, baba-sera. 3. Ribati, cistiti. character 1. CUdak, veseljak, ekseentrik; tip. Some character just walked up and stole her bag. 2. quite a character Interesantan, originalan covek. charlie; charley GB 1. Luekasta osoba; krele, budala, dileja. 2. a righUproper Charlie Bas budala. Isto dick (6). 3. US nark. Kokain, koka. 4. US pogrd. Vijetnamac. "It's estimated it took ten tons of bombs to kill a single Charlie." 5. Homic, pesa. 6. your Charlie Tvoja devojka. 7. turn charlie Utrtiti se, uevikovati, uzentovati. charlies 1. Sise, sifoni, "pluca". 2. Muda. charts, in the Na top Iisti. "Ever since Bill became a CEO, he's in the charts. " chase yourself, (go and) Gubi se!; brisi!; tutanj! chaser 1. Lakse alkoholno pice koje se pije posle zestokog pica, ili izmedu dva zestoka pica. 2. US Onaj ko juri za suknjama, zenskaros. Mark always was a lady-killer, a chaser. chase the dragon 1. nark. Juriti/isterivati zmaja; pusiti, tj. uvlaciti dim gotovo uzarenog praha heroina. Skrac. chase. "I was chasing the dragon, strung out on junk. " 2. Tesko ~rgijanje. We chased the dragon all night long. chat up GB Caskati; muvati (zensku). cheap, on the GB Jettino. check! US U redu!; o. k.! *1'11say check to that! *It's time to leave? Check! check in Upisivanje pri dolasku (npr. na posao); prijaviti se, ukueati se. You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves. check out 1. Otici. Let's check out of this joint and find a livelier one.

2. Napustiti hotel, odjaviti se (s posla, iz bolniee itd). When did Almendorfer check out of this f1eabag? 3. Umreti, izdahnuti. She checked out before they reached the hospital. 4. Biti tacan (prica), poklapati se. How does this story check out with the facts? check it/this out Provali avo!; pazi ovo! Cheddar, hard GB Zia sreca, smola, baksuzluk, maler, peh. cheek Drskost, bezobrazluk. Isto brass; chutzpah. She had the infernal cheek to stick out her tongue at me. cheeks Zadnjiea, guz. I took the injection in the left cheek cheeky Drzak, bezobrazan. If you keep on being cheeky, /'11slap you! cheeri,!J!; cheero! GB 1. Zdravo!; do videnja! 2. Ziveli!; u zdravlje! cheery-bye! GB Zdravo!; do videnja! cheers! GB 1. liveo!; ziveli! 2. GB Hvala! cheese 1. Sperma, "sutlija". 2. Nesto zastarelo, nesto "pase". cheese-cake US Fotografije na kojima su prikazane atraktivne zene sa vrlo malo ili bez odece. Vidi beefcake. cheese, hard! GB Zia sreca!; smola!; peh, maler; baksuzluk. cheese it! Prestani! cheesed (off) GB Dojaditi, dosaditi, dozlogrditi. You looked cheesed off with life; what's wrong? cheesy Kicast, otrean, klisetiziran, jeftin. "We've talked about Las Vegas," Terry Jones told his audience in Bristol, "because it sounds so cheesy, but also beeause you ean get a lot of money out of them." chef it up Otici na rucak. "Let's chef it up at the Grill." chemicals nark. Hemija (sinteticke droge kao sto su LSD, ekstazi itd). cherry 1. Himen. 2. lose one's cherry Izgubiti nevinost. Vidi pop the cherry. Cheshire cat, grin like a GB Ceriti se k'o Iud na brasno. chest, get (sth) off one's Skinuti teret sa srea, otvoriti sree, olaksati se. chestnut Otreana sala, stari vie, stara zvaka. Slicno old turkey. His speeches are always full of old chestnuts. chesty 1. Sisata, ima velika "pluca". 2. US Arogantan. He's a chesty little guy, particulary when he's been drinking. 3. Slabih pluca, tuberkulozan.

chew the balls off (sb) Izribati (koga), pomeriti (kome) bulju. chew the cud Premisljati se, mozgati. chew the fat Caskati, zvakati, prezvakavati 0 cemu. Slicno chew the rag. We set there drinking beer and chewing the fat until it was time to go home. chew sth over Premisljati se, promisliti. I'll chew it over for a few days and let you know my opinion. chewed up 1. Zabrinut. Don't get all chewed up about it: every thing will be all right. 2. Ostecen, dotrajao. The transmission's all chewed up. chi nark. Heroin. chick US 1. (Zgodna) zena, zenska, kokica, riba, pilence, mala, mlado meso, piletina. I like the look of that chick 2. Detesce. chicken 1. Kukavica, usranko. Slicno sissy. Fred will never ask Lucy for a date. He's a chicken. 2. no (spring) chicken Postariji, postarija; stara koka. She needs lots of make-up to hide the fact that she's no spring chicken. chicken-hearted Plasljiv. chicken feed US Nesto beznacajno; mala para; sitnica; trica. Two million? That's chicken feed in this milieu. chicken out US Ustuknuti, utrtiti se, ucvikovati. Slicno have cold feet. The senator chickened out and changed his vote. chickenshit US 1. Nesto beznacajno. Fifty bucks! That's just chicken shit 2. Kukavica, usranko. 3. Bezvredan. child's play Igrarija, decja igra. Slicno plain sailing. Driving a car isn't child's play even when you've had practise. chill! O'ladi malo! Isto chill out! chilout muz. Jutarnje "otreznjivanje" posle rejv-zabave. chin 1. GB Udariti, prikucati (koga). "He called me a poof, so I chinned the bastard." 2. US Caskati. Slicno chin-wag. We'd like to have a little chin with you right now. chin-chin! GB Ziveli! chin music Trac. chin up! Glavu gore! Isto keep your chin up. china; chiner GB Drugar. China, not for all the tea in Nikako, niposto. China cat nark. Kineska macka (vrsta jakog heroina).

Chi!:1k;chi!1k; Chinkey; Chinkie; Chinky 1. pogrd. Kinez Zuti Zutac, Zuca. ' , 2. Novac, sitnis. chin·~agging ~rbljanje, blebetanje, caskanje. Some gals love chm-waggmg over tea. chip in.1: Upasti u rec. She chipped in some honeyed reminiscences. 2. Ucipiti se, priloziti novac. We each chipped in twenty bucks and got him a new suit. chippy 1. GB Prodavnica u kojoj se prodaje cips i riba 2. Drvoseca. . .3. Kurvica. "Who is she? Who is the chippie?" chIps ~re down, the Kriticna situacija, stani-pani. When the . chips are down, you have only yourself to depend on. ChIpS, ha~~ (had) ~>ne's 1. Biti porazen/ubijen; umreti. 2. Imatl sansu (I ne iskoristiti je). .3. US in one's chips Umreti, odapeti, ciknuti. ch!sel VaratJ. Every time I buy a part he chisels a buck or two. chIseller Varallca, prevarant. Isto chizzer. chock-a-block Natrpan, krcat, prepun. Isto chockablock. "The f:!lays a~d ~tories ... are chockablock with figures." choIce NaJbolJI, Izvrstan . .Y,ournew boyfriend is a choice geezer. choke off GB Obeshrabntl, odbaclti, "otkaCiti". As soon as we'd chocked Joan oft by telling her it was too cold to go out we all went for a drink. ' choke.the gopher Drkati, bacati ga u nesvest, samarati maJmuna. ch~~ed (-off), be GB Biti krajnje razocaran; biti ogorcen/besan. I tell you I was choked, really bloody choked when she told me they'd given. the contract to someone else." chok(e)y GB zat. Cuza, bajbok, mardelj, buvara. chones Muda. chop GB 1. Otkazati. "Plans for New Schools Chopped for Lack of Money," said the newspaper. 2. Kratak, brz udarac, pljuska. 3. get the chop Dobiti otkazlnogu. He got the chop for being late. chop-chop! Pozuri!; hajde-hajde!; hajde! C'mon, let's get this place cleaned up right away Chop-chop! chopper 1. US Helikopter. 2. Motocikl. 3. GB Kita. choppers US (Vestacki) zubi. a new set of choppers.

chops Usta, celjust. chow 1. Hrana, klopa, has. How's the chow at Maxim's these days? 2. pogrd. Kinez, Zuti, Zuca. chow down Jesti, hasati. "It's almost 6:00. Are you ready to chow down?" chronic GB Los, dosadan, uzasan. She's got a chronic sense of humour. chubbychaser Osoba koju seksualno uzbuduju debeli Ijudi. chuck Baeiti, odbaeiti. Is it possible she has chucked her aloofness. chuck inlup Napustiti, ostaviti, odbaeiti. Isto give the chuck-up. chuck it! Prestani!; ostavi to! chuck habit; chuck horrors; chucks nark. Intenzivna zelja za dragom koju narkoman nadomescuje hranom (prilikom pokusaja odvikavanja od droge). "He'd gotten the chuck horrors: for two full days he'd eaten candy bars, sweet rolls and strawberry malteds. " chuck it down Liti kao iz kabla. We better get under cover quick Iy, it's going to chuck it down. chuck, get the Dobiti otkaz/nogu. chuck (one's guts) up Ispovracati se. chuck one's hand in Napustiti (nesto) kao beznadezno. chuck one's muck Ejakulirati. chuck one's weight about Razmetati se, praviti se vazan. chuck over Naglo prekinuti prijateljstvo/partnerstvo. chuck up the sponge Baciti peskir, predati se. chucker-out Izbaeivac. chucking-out time Fajrant (na javnim mestima). chucklehead Tupoglavae, bolid, dijabola, krele. chuffed GB 1. Prezadovoljan, odusevljen (u chuffed to fuck ili chuffed to arseholes/buggery ili chuffed pink ili bo-chuffed). I'm well chuffed at the result. 2. dead chuffed Nezadovoljan, zlovoljan, nakurcen. chuffing GB Eufem. od fucking. That chuffing idiot has scratched my fave record. chum Prisan prijatelj, pobratim, pajtos, drugar. Slicno buddy. chum up Sprijateljiti se, spajtati se. chump GB 1. Glupan, budala. Slicno sucker. 2. Glava. 3. off one's chump Posasavio, poblesavio, flipnuo, otkinuo. chunk 1. Komadina, grumen, klada. 2. Dobar frajer.

chunky Zdepast. ~~urch~a~d ~oU~h Kasalj za grab, smrtonosan kasalj. ~g(gy),clgg.'e; c.gga Crgareta, pljuga, pljugijana. cJnc~, a 1. Sigurna stvar, izvesnost. Slicno sure thing It's a Cinch. that that horse will win the race. . 2. ~es:o veoma lako, macji kasalj. Slicno breeze; piece of ca e .. Gomg up IS a bother, coming down's a cinch *My . examinatIOn was a cinch; /'1/ pass easily . c~ssy ~B Seka-persa, zenskast muskarae pickiea c~ty ~"cker Gradska faea, gradski gluvara13, gradska muvara c~vvlesva). Gradanska odeca. . c.vvy street va}. Gradanski zivot. "/'1/ be glad to get back t . street, " said the soldier. a CIVVY CK Sling GB nark. Kombinaeija kokaina i ketamina clagnuts ?~?reni ostaei izmeta na dlakama oko cm'ara tarzanelel. Isto c1ing-ons' clinkers ' clam US Tiha i tajanstvena (pouzdana) osoba clam up Ne progovarati, usta ne otvarati, zatv~riti se u sebe. She clammed up whenever I mentioned her husband c Ianger 1. Omaska, zabluda, gaf. . 2. drop a clanger Lupiti i ostati ziv, napraviti gat. It's just like '(o~./o drop a clanger in front of the president by calling her sir. clap Kapavae, triper, gonoreja. clap eyes on GB Opaziti, ugledati, videti, spaziti. It's been many years since I clapped eyes on him claptPedhout GB 1. Iserpljen, istrosen. feel really clapped-out onJg t after working all day I 2. Izakan, istrasen (stvar). She bought a clapped-out car cappers 1. Muda. Don't let me hear you making another re ~rt like. that again or /'1/ have your clappers for a necktie p "kekt~;, (merry) clappers GB Vrlo brzo, energicno·. I've got a wor~ fl"e the clappers this morning claptrap SuplJ'e f .' . bUllshit. raze, prazna slama, frazlranJe, besmisliea. Slicno


class 1. Klasa, visok nivo. 2 srI' k clas~y pirv'smk1e. LadY D. had real class, she was one classy lady I asan, e egantan. claw bac~. Povratiti (obit. novae).


clea~ 1. ~st; ,,~; poseduje drogu, oruzje ili neku drugu protivzakonl u ra u. 'au can't arrest me officer I'm cleanl" 2. keep it clean Odrzati u redu.' . 3. come clean Sve priznati. Why doesn't the government come clean and tell us its plans?

clean as a whistle 1. Cist kao svirala, apsolutno cist; nema putera na glavi. "Not one single US democrat or republican senator is as clean as a whistle." 2. nark. Ne "radi" se vise, ne drogira se vise. 3. alk. Nije na buzu, ne pije vise alkohol. clean out Oguliti, operusati (koga). I got cleaned out playing cards. clean up 1. Mnogo zaraditi/profitirati; namlatiti lovu, zgrnuti bogatstvo. Slicno make a killing. He cleaned up playing cards. 2. nark. Skinuti se s droge. "Yet last year Michael Clark was not only back to London, having cleaned himself up, but also being funded by the Arts Council to make a new work. " cleanup Temeljno cis6enje/sredivanje. The Mayor vovwed a definitive cleanup of the Times Square area. clean up one's act/shit Urazumiti se. Slicno straigten up and fly right. I told the kid to clean up his actor leave. clean round the bend Poblesavio, flipnuo. cleaned out Bez kinte, dekintiran, svorc. Slicno broke; tapped out. Georgie was cleaned out after the third race. clear, in the 1. Siobodan od sumnje, cist, nema dokaza protiv njega. 2. Na sigurnom. The police have gone so we're in the clear. 3. Ne duguje vise. I'll be in the clear after / get paid. clear off/out Izgubiti se, nestati, zbrisati, oti6i. Slicno hit the road. clear the decks Pripremiti se za akciju. clear up nark. Skinuti se s droge. clem GB Izgladneti. clever clogs GB Pametnjakovi6, mudroser. Isto clever boots/Dick. 'The exhibition has aI/ the hal/marks of a rushed and iI/considered job, knocked together by a clever-clogs rather than an art historian." cling-ons Skoreni ostaci izmeta na dlakama oko cmara, tarzanci6i. Isto clagnuts; clinkers. click 1. Imati uspeha/sre6e. /f / can click with a wholesalers / should be ready to open up in about 3 weeks. 2. Kliknuti, sinuti, upaliti se sijalica. Something clicked and I knew what I had to do next. 3. US Siagati se skim, razumeti se. cliffhanger Napeta, neizvesna epizoda/pripovestlsituacija/filml knjiga itd. The election was a cliffhanger, right through the recount. c1ing/stick like shit to a shovel Prikaciti se (kome/cemu), prilepiti se (kao pijavica/taksena marka).

clink, the zat. ~ardelj, bajbok, cuza. Slicno the slammer. You'll end up m clmk clinkers ~koreni ostaci izmeta na dlakama oko cmara, tarzanci6i. Isto chng-ons, clagnuts. clip 1. GB Udariti, opaliti (samar). Obit. clip sb's ear. 2. US Prevariti, opeljesiti, orobiti. clo~k.~nd ?agger Tajanstven, u vezi s avanturama, misterijom i spljunazom. Illk~ to read a good cloak-and dagger story. clobber G~ 1. Odeca, "krpe·'. I like your new clobber. 2. Ono sto se ima; bilo koji skup predmeta; oprema. I'll just get my clobber, then 1'1/be ready to go. 3. Udariti, pripaliti, klepiti. 4..Poraziti; zaustaviti (obit. da bi se kaznio). Slicno murder' wipe out. * Rommel got clobbered at EI Alamein. * She wa~ clobbered for speeding. 5. get a clobbering Potpuno poraziti, potu6i do nogu. clock 1. Zabeleziti vreme. 2. Potros.iti (odredenu koliCinu vremena). The winner clocked seven mmutes. 3. GB Udariti, pripaliti, zavaliti (kome). "He finally lost his temper and clocked him one. " 4. GB Lice, faca. 5. GB Taksimetar;, Isto ticker; kettle; hickory; Mary Ann. 6. Spazltl, vldet!. DId you clock that geezer with the green haIr behmd the bar ?" clod Moron, mentol, krele, dijabola. clod-hopper 1. Nezgrapan tip/covek, seljacina. 2. GB Policajac. clodhopping Nezgrapan, nespretan. clog GB Udariti, pripaliti, odalamiti, mlatnuti. close call/shave/thing (Biti) cupavo, gusto. close up Oznaka za krupan kadar genitalija u porno filmovima i na fotografijama. closer Onaj ko uspesno sklapa poslove; sposoban prodavac nekretnma. Put th~t coffee down. Coffee's for closers only closet 1. Tajnl, potajnl, pnknveni. 2. in the closet g. Jos krije (svoju homoseksualnost). "Arno/d Bennet has been charged with being in the closet.. " 3. o,ut of the closet g. Obznanio svoju homoseksualnost. If you re out of the closet, you're out of the armed service. clot GB Glupan, budala, kre/e. The man's a bigger clot than I took hIm for. cloth-e~rs Na~/uva osoba, gluvac. Odatle have cloth ears Sedeti na uSlma. / ve told you once, cloth-ears.

clothes-line, be able to sleep on a Biti umoran k'o pas. clout Klepiti, pripaliti, odalamiti. Slicno bash. Myoid man would have clouted the hell out of me. club, in the (pudding) Trudna, u drugom stanju. cluck, dumb US Budala, giupan, tikvan, idiot, krele, moron. You dumb cluck, why on earth did you leave the gas o~!? clue, not have a Nemati pojma, nemati blage veze (0 cem,u). clue up Obavestiti, informisati, uputiti (u). Slicno put (sb) In the picture. clued-up Informisan, obavesten, upucen u. clueless Neobavesten, nije u toku, ne zna sta je "in". Obic, totally clueless. Pogot. clueless type. "That stillielf me clueless about the appropriate reaction to have to my mIxed assortment of lilies and orchids and irises." clumping Nespretan. clunker 1. Bilo sta inferiorno, Slicno lemon; turkey, 2. Krs, krntija, starudija. Isto clunk; jalopy. 3. Seprtlja. Isto duffer; hacker. clunkhead Krele, dileja, dijabola. clunky Nezgrapan. Isto clunkish. "I don't like clunky shoes or heavy soles." cluts Nespretan, trapav, trapadoza, tupson. coast is clear, the Nema opasnosti, vazduh je cist. cobble Krpariti, sklepati. cobs off, knock Lako poraziti; iscrpeti. 'The Jets knocked the cobs off the Giants in the playoffs." cobblers GB 1. Muda. . 2. Glupost, budalastina. Odatle a load of cobblers Gomila gluposti. He is dismissive about awards: A load of cobblers. cobblers! GB Malo morgen!; muda Marjanova! cock 1. Kita, kurac. Isto prick. " 2. Glupost, budalastina. Isto a load of cock Gomlia glupostl. 3. GB old cock(-sparrow) Stari drugar. How goes It, old cock? 4. all to cock Zbunjen. cock a snooklsnoot GB Rugati se. .' cock (sth) up Zeznuti, pokvariti, zasrati, sjebati, He t(fed to do It himself, but he cocked it up. cock-sucker Kurcolizac, drkadzija, pedercina, sisa, pizda, smrad. Slicno (cock-sucking) bastard; prick. "Oh, Sid, you fuckmg cock-sucker.., You nailed me again." cock-tease(r) Navlakaca, lozacica, koketa, flertusa. Isto prick-tease(r).

cock-up GB Gruba pogreska, omaska, zabluda, zajeb. "Mercifully these cock-ups don't happen too often." cockeyed look Poprek/mrk pogled, cod GB 1. Glupost, budalastina. Isto cod's; cods, If you think it's all a load of cod's why the hell waste a pound. 2. Praviti (koga) budalom, zezati. "Stop codding me and tell me the truth" cods GB Muda. "He got kicked in the cods for his efforts." codswallop GB Krajnja glupost, budalastina. "Equal opportunities? That's a load of old codswallop!" coffin-nail 1. US Cigareta. Slicno butt. 2. nail one's coffin Zapecatiti ciju sudbinu. "Election rules would cement the effects of ethnic cleansing and nail down the coffin of a multi-ethnic Bosnia. " coin it (in) Namlatiti pare, "He's coining it now he's opened a shop on the high street, " cojones MUda, petlja, hrabrost. Slicno balls, coke 1, Koka-kola. 2. nark. Kokain, koka, Odatle cokey Kokainoman. "He'd done coke, acid, crack, and speed" coked up nark. Intoksiniran kokainom coldcock Udariti i onesvestiti (koga). Isto knock sb out. cold chillin' US Sjajan provod. cold day in hell Na sveti nikad, !t'11be a cold day in hell when you catch me taking dope. cold·deck Varati. cold feet 1, Kukavicluk. 2. get/have cold ~eet Utrtiti se, ucvikovati, utronjati se. cold storage 1, zat. Celija, ladara, "hladovina". 2. in cold storage Na ledu, odlozeno do daljnjeg. cold turkey 1, nark. Skidanje na suvo (naglo odvikavanje od droge), 2. nark. go cold turkey Krizirati. 2. leave sb cold turkey Naglo ostaviti partnera. collywobbles GB Bol/grc u zelucu (usled nervoze ili straha), colour of one's money, not see the Nece videti mojih novaca. colour up Pocrveneti. come 1. Svrsiti, doziveti orgazam. Isto cum; come off. God, I thought she'd never cum. 2, Sperma, svrs, "sutlija". come a cropper 1, Pasti (na dupe). 2. Doziveti potpuni neuspeh, fijasko. We bachelors welcome competition from married men. We so much enjoy watching them come the inevitable cropper.

come across 1. Natrcati (na koga); slucajno sresti; naleteti. I've just come across a beautiful poem in this book. 2. Ostaviti utisak. He comes across very badly on TV 3. Pristati na seks (samo za zene). Diana came across without much fuss. come again! Ponovi jos jednom ana sto si rekao. Come again? Did I hear what I hope I didn't? come clean Sve priznati; "propevati" (u policiji). I'll come clean, as they say, I'd better do it at once, or they'll think I know more than I do. come good Uspeti; obogatiti se. come it (with/over) GB Biti bezobrazan. "Don't come it with me you cheeky little bleeder or 1'1/give you a clip round the ear." come it a bit (too) strong GB Preterivati. It would be coming it a bit too strong if I said I hated my sister, but it's true I dislike her. come off 1. Svrsiti, doziveti orgazam. 2. Uspeti. To everybody's astonishment,

the scheme came

off come off it! Hajde, hajde!; ne ocekujes valjda da ti poverujem!; o'ladi!; skini mi se!; ne preteruj! come off one's perch Sid sa oblaka, spustiti se na zemlju, umerenije nastupati. Isto get off one's high horse. come-on 1. "Navlacenje", muvanje. I gave her a big grin, but she knew it was a come-on. 2. Nabacivanje. He comes-on to me each time I see him. come one's fat 1. Svrsiti, ejakulirati. 2. lop. "Propevati" (policiji). come out g. Javno otkriti svoju homoseksualnost. Isto come out of the closet. Their eldest son had "come out'. come out of the ark Star k'o biblija. come over Spopasti. A feeling of faintness and sickness came over me, so I had to lie down. come the (old) acid 1. Preterivati, biti neprijatan, razmetati se svojim autoritetom. 2. Prebacivati odgovornost na drugog. 3. Biti otrovan, sarkastican. come the old soldier Razmetati se iskustvom. come to a sticky end 1. Biti ubijen. 2. Izdrkati. come to that Kad sma ve6 kod toga. Come to that, it was nothing special!

come to think of it Kad bolje a tome razmislim. come undon~!unstuck/unput Propasti, raspasti se. come up smiling 1. Prihvatiti poraz sa osmehom 2. Isplivati iz govana. . comeuppance, get one's Dolijati. Isto come-uppings comfy Udobno, ugodno. . comic(s) 1. Strip. 2. Komicar (glumac). coming or going, not to know if one is Biti zbunjen. " the end of the day you don't know whether you're on your arse or yOU! elbow, you don't know whether vou're coming or gomg." J' commie ili commy US Komunjara. "You're all a bunch of New York left-w,lng Jewish intellectual commie pinkos ... " con 1. Prevantl, nasamariti, izigrati. ''A crazy au-pair girl planned to con super-star Eric Clap ton out of a fortune by claiming another couple's baby was THEIR love child" 2. Varalica, prevarant. . 3. zat. Osudenik, zatvorenik .... after a con was shot in the head by the guard. 4. con game Prevara. ~. con ma~/~rtist Pr~varant, varalica. "Director Terry Zwigoff IS In negotl8tlOns to direct film Bad Santa, about con men who ma~~uerade as Santa a'!d an elf to rob shopping malls ... " conchle,. conchy. Osoba kOJase (po savesti i uverenju) protivi vOJnoJobavezl. confa~ ili conflab R~zgovarati, 6askati, raspravljati, diskutovati. Let s confab a bit about that idea. conk 1. Njonja, nosina, surla, "puska". "Ooh, sir, that's a big conk you've got." 2. Glava, lice. conked-out (Po)kvaren, u losem stanju. The engine conked right

out co~tinui~y man/girl Os?b~ koja na snimanju filma vodi racuna da Je hal~lna, ;scenograflJa ltd. Ista iz scene u scenu. contraption Cudna n~prava/spravica; tehnicka novotarija. I don't unders.t~nd how thiS contraption works. cook Falslflkovati, lazirati, frizirati. 'The British government cooke'! press stones shamelessly in order to deceive the Argentine enemy" cook the books Frizirati racune. The managers had cooked the books to the tune of $34 million. cook one's goose Zaprziti kame corbu.

cooked 1. Unisten, upropascen, ruiniran. After the fourth tumble they were cooked 2. alk. Pijan, nakresan. cookie 1. Kolacic, keks. 2. that's the way the cookie crumbles Tako ti je to (u zivotu); takav (ti) je zivot. 3. see which way the cookie crumbles Videti sta se desava, videti u kom se pravcu stvar razvija. 4. Zenske genitalije. Takode cookies. cooking Desavanje, zbivanje, rabota. cool 1. Kul, super, do jaja. I love rap music. It's so cool! 2. Miran, pribran. Learn to be cool under fire. 3. U trendu, in. 4. blowllose one's cool Ne uspeti ostati miran, planuti; puCi kome film. Suprotno keep one's cool. 5. play it cool Ostati miran. 6. US lop. Ubiti, ucmekati. Slicno ice. He wasn't killed in any private fight... He was cooled by a Chinese agent. cool cat 1. muz. Dzez fan. 2. Sjajan tip, kuler. cool it Smiriti se, kulirati, oladiti. Slicno cool out. "There's no need to be so upset. Just cool itf" cooler zat. Zatvorska celija, ledara, kulana, frizider, bajbokana. coon pogrd. Crnja, camuga, cama. coot 1. Glupak, dileja, krele. 2. Vidi bald as a coot. cop 1. GB lop. Uhvatiti, corkirati. Mother copped me stealing cakes from the kitchen and beat me severely. 2. lop. Pandur, pajkan, pub, murkan, kljun, murijas, zandar. 3. lop. Ukrasti, maznuti, gepiti, lapiti. He copped six PCs from the shop. 4. GB not much cop Beznacajan, od male vrednosti, nikakayo I wish we'd not come to this dance, it's not much cop. cop a packet Biti tesko ranjen. coplbuy it GB Dobiti svoje; poginuti; umreti. He had a feeling he wouldn't cop it that day. cop out Napustiti, povuci se, ostaviti (na cedilu). Obic. cop out of Ostaviti (na cedilu); diCi ruke; napustiti ideale. When his friends really needed help he copped out cop-out Izdaja principa. "The cop-out ending (otLast Tango in Paris) was only the final lump in the story line. " copper 1. GB lop. Pandur, pajkan, zaca, kljun. 2. GB Bakrenjak, novcic.

copper's nark GB lop. Dousnik, cinkaros, taster, drukara. copper-nab Ridokosi. copy-cat Imitator, podrazavalac, kopirant. "Hundreds of police swooped on a suburban house in western Japan yesterday to arrest the couple, who are also linked to a fatal mass poisoning incident that has sparked a nationwide wave of copycat crimes." cor (Iumme/stone the crows)! GB Uzvik iznenadenja/gnusanja. Slicno cor blimey! cork up! GB Zacepi! corked GB 1. (za vino) Pokvareno zbog falicnog cepa. 2. alk. Pijan, naliven. corker Strava stvar/osoba; nesto super, prvoklasno; prva liga. Have you read his latest book, it's a real corker. corking Prvoklasan, velicanstven, kolosalan, sjajan, izvrstan. a corking party. corn 1. Otrcan, banalan, srceparajuci, staromodan, trivijalan (film, knjiga itd). His ethical sincerity verges on corn. 2. earn one's corn Sam sebe prehranjivati, zaraditi za leba. corny Otrcan, banalan; patetican, sentimentalan, sladunjav, trivijalan. He uses a corny ethos to get himself elected. corporation Trbusina, mesina. corpse GB 1. Gaf na pozornici. 2. Zbuniti partnera na pozornici zaboravivsi svoj tekst. cosh GB 1. Pendrek. 2. Ispendreciti. 3. under the cosh U cijim sakama, bespomocan. cost a bomb/packet Biti papreno (skupo), kostati k'o davo/k'o svetog Petra kajgana. God knows where they get the moneythat car must've cost a bomb. cotton to US Siagati se (s planom, idejom itd.); simpatisati se, mirisati se. We just didn't cotton to one another. couch potato US Lenja, dokona osoba (koja obicno non-stop gleda televiziju), TV manijak. They are not couch potatoes. They are mobile, they go out. cough GB Sve priznati, iskasljati. "If you don't start coughing Keith's going to drive us around all night." cough up GB 1. Ispljunuti (Iovu); izneti pare na sunce. *When'lI you cough up the rent? *1 saw you taking those pens. Cough them up. 2. Propevati, priznati. county GB Koji pripada vlasteli. couth Kulturan, prefinjen, sofisticiran.

cove GB Momak, druskan, klipan. cover one's assltail Zastititi se; pokriti svoje dupe. The first rule in politics is to cover your ass. cover (up) for one Pokriti koga; pomoci kome prikrivajuci njegove greske. I'll cover for you if you're caught. cow-juice Mleko. coward(l)y custard Kukavica. cowboy killer Cigarete marke "marlboro". crack 1. Duhovita/zajedljiva primedba. Slicno wisecrack. "One more crack like that and I'm going to sock you. " 2. Izvrstan, prvorazredan, majstorski. a crack team. 3. Poslednja vest, poslednji trac. What's the lattest crack? 4. Resiti (problem). They will never crack the problem of nuclear fusion. 5. US nark. Krek, vrsta sinteticke droge koja se pusi. "Crack's low price and quick payoff makes it especially alluring to teenagers. " 6. Picka. Slicno cunt. I think she wants something in her crack 7. Pokusaj. Slicno shot. It looks impossible, but 1'1/take a crack at it. 8. have a crack Pokusati uciniti (nesto tesko). crack a bottle Popiti bocu vina. crack down on Oboriti se na, obrusiti se na. Slicno clamp down. Cops will crack down on drunk drivers. crack-head nark. Korisnik droge krek. crack-pot 1. CUdak, ekscentrik, ludak. 2. Cudan, ekscentrican, Iud (ideja, plan itd). "I'm not going along with Suzanne's crackpot ideas." crack sb up Zasmejavati koga. crack unit voj. Elitna jedinica. crack up 1. "Puci", izgubiti dusevnu ravnotezu; slomiti se. After six months of that it's a wonder she didn't crack 2. Prasnuti u smeh; umreti od smeha. "Robin Williams always cracks me up." crack up to be, (not what it is) Nije tako (dobar) kao sto se veruje/misli/prica. This inn's not all it's cracked up to be. The beer's bad and the service unfriendly. cracked Blesav, Iud, uvrnut. You're cracked if you think I'll stay now. cracker GB Izvanredna osoba/stvar. crackers GB 1. Lud, luckast, blesav, uvrnut. Isto cracked. You must wed me, for I'm crackers over you. 2. get the crackers Poludeti, poblesaviti.

cracking GB 1. Veoma. I'm sure you'll like her - she really is a cracking good sort. 2. Izvrstan, izvanredan, prvoklasan. "They gave a cracking performance last night. " 3. get crackinglweaving Prionuti (na posao). Come on boys, get cracking! cracksman Provalnik, obijac sefova. cradle-snatcher, -robber Osoba koja voli mlade (seksualne) partnere; bebojebac. Isto baby-snatcher. cram 1. Bubanje. 2. Bubati. "Sidney did well on the test because he crammed for it. However, he probably won't remember any of the information a couple of days from now. " 3. Bubant (onaj ko sprema drugog za ispit kljukanjem gradiva). crammer Bubalica. cramp one's style Potkresati kome krila; sputati koga; smetati kome da se razmahne; kvariti kome izglede/sanse. He'd be succesful with girls, but the nerds he hangs around with cramp his style. crank Kita, kara. crank (up) nark. Roknuti se. "If.. I continue to crank I will be dead within 18 months. " crap 1. Sranje, glupost, nebuloza. Isto shit. Stop talking crap and get serious! 2. Nesto bezvredno. Send this crap back. I won't pay for it! 3. Kenjati, srati. Takode have a crap. Where's the bathroom, I have to crap. 4. full of crap Pun lazi/govana, mnogo sere. Isto full of shit. John is full of crap. Don't follow his advice, whatever you do. crash 1. Provaliti, uCi nasilno. Hoover's men crashed Doc's apartment. 2. Provaliti i opljackati. Slicno crack. 3. rae. Puci sistem (kompjuter). The spacecraft's No 1 computer ... crashed or shut down. 4. PrenoCiti kod nekog (obicno bez poziva). I heard about this place and hoped I could crash here for a day or two. 5. nark., alk. Obeznaniti se (od droge ili alkohola). 6. nark. Spustanje sa LSD-a; depresija, osecanje praznine. Isto letdown. The crash from coke ... is grim. 7. Pozajmiti. "Can I crash a cigarette off you?" crash a partylthe gate DoCi nepozvan. Takode crash in; gate-crash.

crash course Skraceni kurs. Tom's company is sending him to a business meeting in Istanbul. - Should he take a crash course in Turkish?" crash out 1. zat. Pobeci iz zatvora. 2. Pasti u nesvest (usled intoksikacije ili iscrpljenosti) crashing bore Gusitelj, davez, dosada, smor, smarac. crate Krs, krntija, starudija (auto, autobus, avion itd). crawl 1. Gmizati (pred kim), ulagivati se. 2. Tucati, povaliti. He crawled her once or twice. crawler Gmizavac, uvlaka(c); krele. crazy 1. Super, fenomenalan, "krvav". Slicno cool. 2. (sa about/over/for) Zaluden (za). Slicno nuts about. crease (with) Zabaviti do krajnosti; zasmejati do suza. That joke really creased me (with laughter)! credit(s) Popis imena glumaca, rezisera, producenta itd; odjavna TV ili filmska spica. creep Gmizati (pred kim), ulagivati se. creep(er) Gmizavac; odvratna osoba, "slepac". Slicno crud; jerk; nerd. creeps, the Groza, trnci. Horror films give me the creeps. crib 1. Tekst kojim se daci krisom sluze, "puskica". 2. Prepisivati (na ispitu itd). Odatle cribber Onaj ko prepisuje. He cribbed on the econ exam and got caught. 3. US Bar na losem glasu; javna kuca. cricket, not Neposten, nesportski, nefer, sumnjiv. Something not quite cricket happened. crispy US Mamuran. He's feeling crispy this morning after last nights bash. croak 1. Otegnuti papke, odapeti, umreti. "He croaked before he could tell us anything useful." 2. lop. Ubiti, ucmekati. "The guy threatened to croak his business partner. " crock 1. Starkelja; ruina. 2. GB old crock Krntija, starudija (auto). 3. Tresnuti, mlatnuti, odalamiti. Slicno clobber; clock. crock of shit Gomila gluposti, budalastina, stvar bez vrednosti. *Charging 70 dollars per hour for this camera is a crock of shit *"Why not buy a new car? Yours is ancient, it's a crock of shit" crocked 1. US alk. Pijan, naliven. 2. US Ljut. 3. GB Ostecen; povreden. crocodile Povorka daka po dvoje u redu.

crony 1. Stari prisni prijatelj, pajtas, pajtos, pajt. 2. GB Pokvarenjak, kvarnjak, mucak. Odatle cronyism Pokvarenjastvo, mutni poslovi; davanje polozaja u vladi prijateljima koji za to nemaju potrebne kvalifikacije. "Mr Blair should tackle the culture of cronyism, not protect his cronies, who are feather-bedding, pocket-lining, money-grabbing cronies, Mr Hague said during Prime Minister's Questions on July 8. " crook Varalica, prevarant, pokvarenjak, lopov. crooked Neposten, kvaran, prevarantski. croon Tiho pevuckati, pevusiti. "At seventeen she became a pop star with As Tears Go By, crooned in a wheaty voice that seemed to tip with the wind." crooner Pevac slagera, zapevalo. "What do a pop star, a night club crooner, a plastic surgeon, a lawyer and a provincial doc tor have in common? In Greece, all have been publicly outed by the taxman for flagrantly dodging their dues." cropper Veliki neuspeh. Vidi come a cropper. cross (as two sticks) Krajnje zlovoljan, lose volje, nakurcen, nadrkan. cross-patch Mrgud, namcor. crown Udariti (u glavu), pripaliti. If she finds out she'll crown me. crumb (it) US Pokvariti. "You crumbed the play." crum(b) the deal Pokvariti plan/dogovor. Isto louse up. crummy Loseg kvaliteta, nekvalitetan, bezvredan, los. This crummy razor doesn't work. crumpet GB Seksualno pozeljna osoba. "The club was bursting its walls with crumpet. " crunch Odsudan test, kriticna situacija. Cesto when it comes to the crunch ... Kad nastupi odsudan cas. "A crunch is characterized by a skyrocketing of interest rates and a choking off of the availability of credit. " crush 1. US Udvaranje, flert. 2. Simpatija. "Then one evening, at a party, I met up with my teenage crush." 3. have a crush on Biti Iud za (kim); zacopan, zatreskan. She had a schoolgirl crush on her maths teacher. cry all the way to the bank GB Napraviti mnogo novca uprkos kritici. cry baby Placljivko, placipicka. cuckoo 1. Budala, dileja, cudak. Slicno nutty. 2. go coo-coo Poludeti, poblesaviti. cuff US Staviti (kome) lisice. "Cuff this asshole, read him his rights. "

cuff one's meat Drkati, bacati ga u nesvest, samarati majmuna. cufuffle GB (Nepotrebna) zbrka, panika, konfuzija, frka. Isto kerfuffle; gefuffle. culture vulture Kulturni napaljenko. When my paintings are on show, I never go to the gal/ery, I can't stand listening to the culture vultures. cunt 1. Picka, pizda (zenske genitalije). 2. Drkadzija, pedercina, pizda. Takode i nacin obracanja. you sil/y cunt. 3. Picka, pizda (zena). "Why didn't he spin off this stupid cunf?" 4. Snosaj. cuntface; cunthead Picka od coveka, picketina. cunt-faced alk. Pijan ko zver. cunt-struck PapuCic. Isto pussy-whipped; hen-pecked. cuppa GB Solja caja/kafe. curate's egg, like the Malo dobro, malo lose; delimicno dobro. Obit. good in parts, like the curate's egg. curse, not worth a Bezvredno, nije vredno ni pisljiva boba. curtains Svrsetak (zivota), smrt, propast. "It looked like curtains for Ezra then and there. " cushy; cushie GB Lagan, lagodan, udoban (npr. posao). cushdi; cushty GB Sjajno, bajno, izvanredno. cuss 1. Proklinjati. 2. Celjade, COVO, klipan, stvor. Slicno guy. cussed Proklet. cussedness 1. Opakost, pokvarenost. 2. Svojeglavost. customer 1. Tip. 2. cool customer Pribran/hladnokrvan/trezven tip. 3. ugly customer Nezgodan/gadan tip. cut 1. Ignorisati. Next time I see him 1'1/cut him. 2. alk. Pijan. Takode half-cut. cut a beef Zaliti se. Slicno beef; bitch. cut a dash Skrenuti paznju na sebe, ostaviti (sjajan) utisak, zaseniti. cut/crack a deal Ugovoriti, uglaviti (posao). cut a fart Prdnuti. Isto cut/blow one; let out an S. B. D. cut a figure Ostaviti (sjajan) utisak, zaseniti; biti faca. I cut quite a figure in this town, but nowhere else. cut a long story short Skratiti (pricu); reci ukratko. Takode cut it short. cut above, a Za klasu bolji; za tri duzine ispred.

cut and run Pobeci, odjuriti, uhvatiti maglu. If you hear a whistle, cut and run at once. cut ass Otici, odvuCi dupe. Isto drag/haul ass. cut cold/dead Proci kao pored turskog groblja. I saw Jean in town today but she cut me cold cut-back Smanjenje, umanjenje, kresanje (fondova, budzeta). cut it/that out Prekinuti. cut sth short Skratiti (pricu). cut no ice Nemati dejstva/ucinka; ne drzati vodu. cut of one's jib, by the Na osnovu spoljasnjeg utiska/izgleda. cut off a slice "UmoCiti" (seks). cut off the joint, a Povaliti; privesti (ribu). cut one another's throats Hvatati se za gusu (konkurencija). cut one's own throat Sam sebi stetiti, raditi u korist sopstvene stete. cut oneself off at the knees Pucati sebi u noge, sam sebi stetiti. cut out for, be Biti stvoren, roden za (sto). He is not cut out for the job. cut the cackle! Skrati jezik!; dosta price!; jezik za zube! cut the cackle and come to the 'osses/horses Predi na stvar. cut the cheese US Prdnuti. cut the crap US Prestani da lazes; ne pricaj vise gluposti; dosta (bre) vise; ne glumi ludilo; ne serio cut the deal Nagoditi se. cut the mouth Umuknuti, ucutati. cut the mustard Dobro odraditi posao. cut the rug (Za)plesati. cut-throat 1. Veoma snizen (npr. cena). The goods are at cutthroat prices. 2. cut-throath competition Bezobzirna, surova borba/ konkurencija. cut to the chase US Preci na stvar. cut up nasty/ugly/rough Razbesneti se, postati vrlo nezgodan/ neugodan/opasan. cutie; cutey; cuty 1. Lutkica, privlacna devojka, medenjak, bombona, slatkis. 2. Prepredenjak. Watch out for that dumb-looking one, he's a cutie.

dab(-hand) GB Osoba spretne ruke, ekspert, majstor. "He's a dab hand at programming and web design. " dabs GB Otisci prstiju. "We managed to lift some dabs from the wine glasses." dad; daddio Tata, tatica, cacao daddy of them all Najbolji ad svih, tata-mata. daft as a brush GB Glup k'o noc. dag Neprijatna osoba. . • dago US 1. Italijansko/spansko dubre (pogrdan nazlv za Spanca, Portugalca, Italijana, Latinoamerikanca u SAD). Isto beaner. 2. pogrd. Italijan, zabar. . . . daily mail; daily GB 1. Zadnjica. He fell on his Dally MalZ . 2. Seksualna aktivnost. "Have you been gettmg any daily lately?" . daisy 1. Perfektna stvar; sjajan covek. Isto dilly; honey. My new car's a daisy. 2. g. Dejzi, peder, pesa. Isto pansy. 3. Siabic, kukavica, smokljan. Isto sissy; wimp. daisy chain Grupni seks, grupnjak. dam, be on the (za policajce) Biti u nevolji. damage Trosak; racun, cena. "What's the damage for the meal, without the drinks?" dame US Zena, zenska, devojka. Slicno broad; doll. damn 1. not worth a damn Ne vredi ni pisljiva boba. 2. not care/give a (tuppenny) damn Biti bas briga. I don't give a damn about politics. damn all Apsolutno nista. He's the most ungenerous person I know; you'll get damn all out of him. damn it! Do davola! Isto dammit! Oh, damn it! I'm late! damn it/dammit, as near as Veoma blizu. He came as near as dammit to scoring. damn(ed) well Veoma dobro. You know damned well what I'm talking about. . .. damned Proklet, davolski. This damned old car IS a pam m the ass! dander GB 1. Gnev, srdzba. 2. get one's danderllrish up Razljutiti se, pobesneti. Slicno blow one's top. They got their dander up and decided to fight the case in court.

dandify GB Kicoski obuci, upicaniti. dandy Dasa; fin, lep, zgodan covek; sjajna stvar. You sholud get one, it's a dandy. dang Kita, kara. Isto dong. dangler Kita, kara. Odatle danglers Muda. dark US Super, izvanredan, "mrak". darn(ed) GB Eufem. od damn(ed). dash 1. Pokusaj. 2. have a dash Pokusati. dash it (all)! GB Do davola! dash off/out Odjuriti, odmagliti, uteCi. The thief dashed off with her hand-bag. dashed GB Eufem. od damned. day the eagle shits voj. Dan kada vojnici u americkoj armiji primaju platu. daylight robbery Preterano skupo, prava pljacka. daylights out of, knock/beat the (living) Nadvladati; poraziti; potuci; dead 1. Prazan (casa, boca itd). 2. Krajnje; veoma; mnogo; apsolutno. 'Don't be dead stupid. '''Our holiday was dead good. " dead-ass 1. Glup, beskoristan. What a dead-ass idea that was! 2. Mrcina, neko beznacajan/beskoristan. Takode i nacin obracanja. 'Get out, you dead-ass! 'Hey, dead-ass, what's new? 3. Potpuno; totalno; sto posta. You're dead-ass wrong when you say I got nothing to go on. deadbeat 1. Lenjivac, mrcina, crkotina. 2. Propalica, propalitet, bitanga, nistarija, alas. 3. Parazit, grebator. 4. Neplatisa, duznik. /n therapy, Tony remembers his first childhood panic attack, which came after witnessing his father cut off a deadbeat bucher's pinkie ... 5. Siromasna osoba, beskucnik; skitnica. 6. Potpuno iscrpljen, izmoren; istrosen, baldisao. My poor ass is draggin' and I'm dead beat deadbeating Ziveti na tudi racun; besposliciti. Living off interest is not exactly dead beating. dead duck/pigeon US Propala stvar; beskorisna osoba. "Once a chap's proved innocent ... he's a dead duck to the Press." dead from the neck up(wards) Glup k'o cuskija, neiteligentan. Isto klutzy. deadhead 1. Parazit; glupak. Slicno klutz; dead-beat. 2. Izuzetno dosadna osoba.

dead horse/letter Mrtvo slovo na papiru; zastarela stvar, nesto "pase". I'm afraid free love is a dead letter these days. dead loss Nenadoknadiv gubitak. Dead Man's Hand kock. Par keeeva i osmica. "Wild Bill Hickok was shot in 1876 while playing poker. His hand - a pair of aces and a pair of eights - has since become known as the Dead Man's Hand" dead meat Mrtav, gotov. It was taken for granted by new editors that by 9 am we had read our own paper, its main rival and a couple of the broadsheets. We were dead meat if we hadnt. dead nuts on Zaluden za. dead-pan Bezizrazajan, bezliean, mrtav-ozbiljan; mrtav-Iadan. "With kids packing his audiences, he promised dead-panned to lower the voting age to 6'." dead set 1. Vrlo odluean, resen. 2. make a dead set at Naeiniti odluean pokusaj. 3. be dead set Biti krajnje odluean. dead spit of, the Pljunuti, isti (neko). dead to the wide/world 1. Bez svesti; pijan, uletvljen, betoniran. 2. U tvrdom snu. dead with, wouldn't be seen Nema apsolutno nista s (nekim). deadly Vrlo, krajnje, na smrt. deal 1. Dilovati, trgovati, pregovarati. 2. nark. Dilovati drogu. 3. Sporazumeti se, postici dogovor. He made a deal with the Republicans ... to suppress the charges. 4. do a deal Sporazumeti se; sklopiti posao; uglaviti dil. 5. what's the big deal? U eemu je problem?; zasto se uzbudujes?; eemu tolika frka? deal-braker Onaj ko krsi dogovor; nesto sto krsi dogovor. dear(ie)(y) me! GB Boze moj!; jao! Takode oh dear! death Nepodnosljiv. The whole function's going to be death. death, done to Preterati. Videti grim death. death (warmed-up), like Kao podgrejani les, bezivotan. I don't know what the news is, but Frank looks like death warmed

up. debunk Raskrinkati, razoblieiti. "The author neither glorifies nor debunks." deck US Patosirati, oboriti. Slieno floor. Remember that guy I decked in the restaurant? decking Patosiranje. deep end, go off the 1. Razgneviti se, razbesneti se. Slieno blow one's top; fly off the handle; fly off the deep end.

2. Pretrpeti nervni slom, flipnuti. The old lady just went off the deep end after her family died in that car crash. deep six, to voj. US Otarasiti se, eliminisati. dekko GB Pogled. Isto decko. Obic. take/have a dekko Baciti pogled. deliver the goods Odraditi posao; ispuniti oeekivanja. Slieno come through. He talks big, but can he deliver the goods? demon (for) Struenjak, tata-mata, maher. derilict Gubitnik; posrnula osoba; degen(erik). What a derilict that John fellow turned out to be. derv GB Dizel (gorivo). designer drug Sintetieki narkotik (obic. sa snaznijim dejstvom od onog nastalog od biljaka). deuce 1. GB Eufem. od devil. What the deuce are we to do? 2. Dva dolara; dye funte. "Just let me have a deuce till tomorrow. " 3.US kock. Dvojka (u kartama). 4. th.~re wi.l~ be the deuce to pay Bice gadno, bice velikih nepnhka; blce belaja. deu~ed GB Davolski, proklet. This bag is deuced heavy! devll's own, the GB Krajnje teska stvar. It'll be the de viI's own job to persuade him. dex(ies) nark. Deksedrin (amfetamin). "You can take dexies, but you could get hooked on them. " diamond geezer GB Sjajan tip. d~bs GB N?,vac, lova, keke, suske. How did you make your dibs? dice, no Nista od toga, ni govora, ma kakvi, nema sanse. Did you get him to agree? - No, I'm afraid it's no dice. dicey GB Riskantan, riziean, opasan; neizvestan. A friend of mine says I can make a lot of moneyif / buy stock in the XYZ company Should I do it? - I wouldn't if / were you. The . chances for success are too dicey" dick 1. Kurac, kara, kita. She was crazy for dick 2. Karati, tucati. Isto screw. "/f he went and dickedyour twelve-year-old sister ... he wouldn't tell you all about it." 3. Detektiv. Isto deak. 4. do dick Laditi muda. "What do those gimps do all day? They do dick" 5. Prevariti, zavrnuti (koga). That salesman dicked me for ten extra bucks. 6. Idiot, kreten, krele, budala. dick around ZamlaCivati se, gluvariti, petljati se. Slieno mess; screw around. 'That's federal merchandise you're dicking with, right, marshal?"

dick-face Rugoba, akrep. dick-head Krele, moron, mamlaz. Slieno bastard; prick. "Why would I possibly want to check out a dickhead like you?" dick stick f)oka, dokica. dicky GB 1. Slab, bolestan, nepouzdan. 2. Nesiguran, neispravan. 3. dicky heart Siabo srce. "You can't seriously expect me to lift that box when you know I've got a dicky heart. " dicky-bird GB Ree. Odatle not say a dickybird. "We've not heard a dicky-bird from Andy since he moved. " diddies Sise, sisice, sike. diddle 1. GB Prevariti, nasamariti. "Comedian Ken Dodd insisted on cash for shows to diddle the taxman, his former agent told a jury yesterday." 2. US Dodirivati zenske genitalije. He was trying to diddle her, and she was trying to watch the movie. 3. Drkati. 4. Gluvariti, besposlieiti. diddler Prevarant, varalica. diddy GB 1. Mali, privlaean. 2. Budala. diesel dyke g. Dizeldajk, agresivna/muskobanjasta lezbejka. Slieno bulldyke. dig 1. Ziveti u iznajmljenoj sobi. Odatle digs Gajba. 2. (Arheolosko) iskopavanje. 3. Shvatiti, ukapirati, skapirati. Isto dig it. You dig what I'm saying? 4. Svidati se, gotiviti. I just don't dig any of these guys. dig dirt Traeariti, ogovarati. dig in Mazati, krkati; navaliti, prionuti (na hranu/posao itd). Paul dug in and finished his homework very quickly. dig it Shvatiti, ukapirati, skapirati. dig oneself in Usaneiti se. dig out 1. Iskopati, iseeprkati. I dug out these old trousers to give to the boy. 2. Otici. Slieno cut out; split. dig up Iskopati, pronaCi, otkriti, iseeprkati. digs; diggings Iznajmljeni stan ili saba; gajba. Your digs, or mine? digger US 1. pogrd. Australijanac, Novozelandanin. 2. lop. Dzeparos. 3. Tapkaros. dike; dyke g. Lezbejka.

dildo 1. US Dildo, vibrator, uvecani vestaeki penis. 2. Duduk, dijabola, krele. dilly-dally Oklevati; kolebati se. Stop dilly-dallying and get to the pomt. dim 1. Tup, glup. Who's that dear, dim, drunk little man? 2. Beznaeajan. dimwit Gluperda, dileja, dildika, krele. dimwitted Glupav. "Somewhere around the seventh or eight season, Homer changed from a dimwitted blue-collar buffoon to a strong leader role ... " dim view of, take a Gledati popreko na. dimbo; dimmo Sporovozan um; neinteligentna osoba mental dijabola. ~lieno block~ead. "Bruce Springsteen is just dead popular With a lot of dlmmos because of the unchallenging nature of what he does. " dime dr,:>pper US lop. Dousnik, potkazivae, cinkaros, drukara. Isto fmk. din-dins GB Veeera; bilo koji obrok. Once we give the dog his din-dins, he'll calm down. ding-a-Iing 1. Krele, moron. 2. Kita. ding-dong 1. Svada, buena rasprava. 2. Buena zabava. 3. BUdala; eudak. 4. Kita. d~ngle Kita: visuljak. Isto dingle-dangle. dmglebernes Tarzaneici, ostaci ad fekalija na dlakama aka anusa. d~nkum, (fair) Dobar, posten, vredan, pravi, istinski. dmky 1. GB Mali i sladak; zgodan. dinky little town. 2. US Neadekvatan, neprikladan, mali i beznaeajan' nikakav. What a dinky joint! ' dip 1. Pasti (na ispitu), Ijosnuti. 2'0 Budala. ''All those people out there, they're just complete dips." 3. CUdak, ekscentrik. My grandmother was a woefully crazy lady. .. a bit of a dip. 4. lop. DZeparos. 5. lop. DZepariti. dip (one's) wick Jebati, "umoeiti". Isto screw. dip out Propustiti nesto dobra. dippy GB Lud, luckast, udaren, otkaeen, uvrnut. Slieno US kooky.

dipshit US Budala, bizgov, mentol, tupadzija, krele, krelac. Isto dipstick, jerk. dipso alk. Dipsoman, teski alkos. dipstick Budala, bizgov, mentol, tupadzija, krele, krelac. Isto dips hit; jerk. dire straits Velika nevolja, skripac. dirt 1. Informacija. 2. Nepristojnost, svinjarija, prostota, pornografija, gadost. All you see in the movies these days is dirt 3. Trac. Odatle throw dirt Biti zloban, tracariti. She enjoys hearing a bit of dirt about her neighbours. dirty Veoma. dirty big hole. dirty end of the stick, get the Izvuci deblji kraj (nepravedno). dirty great/big Prokleti. Slicno bloody. That dirty great bastard. dirty look Neprijateljski/mrk pogled. dirty old man (in mackintoshes) Perverzni starkelja (egzibicionista). dirty weekend Vikend proveden van kuce sa Ijubavnikom/ Ijubavnicom. dirty work at the cross-roads Nedelo. dischuffed Nezadovoljan. Disco Daiquiri GB nark. Koktel od LSD-a i ketamina. dish 1. Atraktivna zena/muskarac; dobra riba, dobar frajer; dobro parce. Jean's really quite a dish, isn't she? 2. GB Izigrati; unistiti; poraziti. I'm afraid that blackguard has dished us again. 3. US Trac. "Oh my, this is prime dish. I can't wait to tell the girls." 4. Ono sto neko narocito voli; osoba/stvar po meri/ukusu. Slicno cup of tea. This book is just my dish. dish the dirt Pustiti buvu; otkriti tajnu. dished 1. Pretucen. 2. Krajnje frustriran. dishy GB Atraktivan, zgodan, seksi (zena/muskarac). She's just married this simply dishy man. ditch 1. Ostaviti (na cedilu), napustiti, odbaciti. He promised to drive us to London but he ditched us 50 miles away. 2. Prisilno spustiti avion na vodu. 3. Izbeci, uteci. We managed to ditch the cops and get away. ditch class Pobeci sa casa. "You shouldn't have ditched class yesterday. We had an unannounced test. " div zat. Krele, krelac, budala. dive Jazbina, zloglasna krcma, rupa. dive(r) lop. DZeparos.

divvy 1. GB Cudak, glupak, slabic, budala, dileja. "Who's your fnend wIth the glasses? - He looks a bit divvy" 2. Podeliti. Divvy it up between us. Dixieland US Juzne drzave SAD. Isto dixie; Whistle Dixie. do 1. GB Prevariti, nasamariti, izraditi. "He is hated by all the beggars above him, and they do him every chance they get." 2. GB Drustveni dogadaj, zabava. "The Tweed do was held early last December. " 3. zat. Odlezati (u zatvoru); zuljati bajbok. He did six years up at San Quentin. 4. Imati seksualni odnos. She wanted to do him but he fell asleep first. ' 5. Razgledati (grad, muzej). do a bang-up job Izvanredno obaviti posao. "Have you seen Frank's home page? He did a bang-up job with it. " do a ~vunk Klisnuti, uhvatiti dzadu, pobeci; otici na brzinu, u zurbi. Sllcno do a runner. His real father, a drunken Irishman, had done a bunk do a bust lop. Provaliti u stan. do a job on lop. Pociniti nedelo; ucmekati. The mob did a job on Joe Deluca. do/run a number on lop. Iskoristiti, prevariti, nasamariti. do a runner GB Pobeci, strugnuti, zbrisati (obic. ne plativsi racun). Slicno do a bunk. do bird/porridge zat. Lezati u zatvoru, zuljati bajbok. do ~y halves, not Zaloziti se svom snagom; raditi marljivo; ne stedeti se; dati sve od sebe. do down GB 1. Ogovarati, kritikovati. 2. Prevariti, nasamariti. do for GB 1. Unistiti; ubiti. 2. Voditi domaCinstvo za (koga). do in GB 1. Prevariti; ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. She did in the old woman too. 2. Unistiti, urnisati, upropastiti. Another flop will do us in. do it Raditi ono, jebati se. Isto fuck. Does she do it? do-it-yourself Masturbacija, rucni rad. do one's bit Dati svoj obol. do on~'s bl?cklcrust/fruit/nut/pieces/taters Razljutiti se, pobesnetl, poplzdetl. Isto blow one's top. '''Men are always saying they can count the number of times they've cried on the fingers of one hand. Well, I reckon women can count the number of times they've really done their blocks." '''Sharon's going to do her fruit when she finds David's stuck his bloody nose mto her busmess again. "

do one's nut/head in Nervirati, zbunjivati. "The pop star Shaun Ryder was so high on drugs that he could not be bothered with a contracts small print. /t "did his nut in", the Court of Appeal was told." do one's stuff Izvrsiti obecan%cekivano. I've gotta do my stuff or else he'll smack me silly. do one's (own) thing Uciniti one sto zeli. do oneself proud/well Ziveti ugodnim zivotom, biti uspesan. do over 1. Nasrnuti, napasti i raniti. 2. Nasamariti, izraditi, prevariti. do proud Biti velikodusan. do (someone) Jebati, tueati, kresati. "Yeah, Johnny's doing that blonde who works in the tax office. " do something (standing) on one's head S lakocom nesto obaviti. Takode with one('s) hand (tied) behind one's back; with one's eyes closed. do sb dirt Napraviti kome svinjariju/sranje, smestiti kome. Don't repeat that unless you want to do him dirt do time zat. Lezati (u zatvoru); zuljati bajbok. "Skinner, who was already doing time for murder ... " do to death Preterati, prekardasiti; ubiti. That song has been done to death by being repeated so often. dock, in Na popravei ili na servisu (auto); u bolniei, na oporavku. docking Veoma, vrlo. "It was a docking big car the size of a bus." doddle GB Nesto veoma lako i jednostavno; rnacji kasalj; lako stecen novae; lak posao. dodge 1. US Trik, doskociea, smicalica, varka, eskivaza. We used to run gin, but when prohibition ended we had to give up that dodge. 2. Eskivirati, zavlaciti. "The two men called 911 to report the incident, but spent the next week dodging the po/ice before turning themselves in after the MTV awardsa." 3. on the dodge Upleten u nepostenu rabotu. dodge the column Izbegavati obavezu, eskivirati. dodger Muvator, varaliea, prepredenjak; onaj ko izbegava da plati porez. a tax dodger. dodgy GB Nepouzdan, rizican, tezak, pomalo opasan; lukav, prepreden; sumnjiv, mutan; primitivan, prost. * It'd be a bit dodgydriving tonight. *Don't sit on that chair; it's a bit dodgy dodgy geezer Vacaros, muvator; problematican tip. "That really was the age when the world stopped for Dallas - and for dodgy geezers in ill-fitting waistcoats." dog 1. Gubitnik; sranje stvar. Isto dud; loser. The new show's a total dog.

2. Seksualno neprivlacna osoba, kalastura. Suprotno a knock out. Why'd you tell him his girl's a dog? 3. under-dog Gubitnik; neko ko ima malo sansi na uspeh; onaj ko je pobeden. Suprotno top dog: glavni; najvisi autoritet; bog i batina; mali bog; budza. "There are no rules in American life for the good behaviour of underdogs. " 4. go to the dogs Propasti, krahirati, izgubiti u kvalitetu. 5. have it dog fashion Jebanje zguza. Videti dogfuck. 6. straight as/like a dog's back leg Neposten. 7. in the dog-house U nemilosti. The press secretary is in the doghouse for cussing out a reporter. 8. not a dog's chance Bez ikakve sanse, nema sansone. 9. the dogs GB Trka hrtova. dog's bollocks Najbolji, najbolje. "This song is the dog's bollocks." Isto cat's whiskers; bee's knees; mutt's nuts. dog-collar Visoka tvrda kragna (svestenika anglikanske erkve). dog-end GB Opusak. dog-face US 1. va}. Pesadinae, prasinar. 2. Rugoba. dog-fight 1. Zestoka borba. 2. voj. Vazduhoplovni duel. dogfuck Jebacina zguza. Isto dog(gy) style. doggo GB Pritajiti se, stekovati se. Isto lie doggo. The three that got away are doggo somewhere. dole, (on) the GB Nezaposlen, prima soeijalnu potporu. doll up/out Udesiti se, upieaniti se, picnuti se. This year the girls are dolling up in calico patchworks. dolly(-bird) GB Privlacna devojka/zena, lutkiea. done! U redu!; fino!; vazi!; nema frke. done for/in/up 1. Iserpljen, baldisao, spao s nogu. Isto pooped. I was done up. 2. Mrtav, gotov, propao; odbacen, otpisan. My plans are done in but good. done thing, the Drustveno prihvatljiv. Videti not done. dong(er) US Kita, doka, pajser. donkey 1. Muskarae s velikim penisom. Isto donkey-dick. 2. "Puska", nesto sto ne odgovara ocekivanjima. "I think we've been sold a donkey" donkey-work GB Tezi/sljakatorski deo posla; fizikalisanje; pesacki deo posla. Slicno scut. He uses computers to do what the "whiz kids" call their "donkey work". donkey's years, (for) GB Citava vecnost, sto godina. I got interested in his apprenticeship donkey's years ago.

don't give me that Prieaj ti to nekom drugom. don't put your foot where your mouth is Ispeci pa reci. doodah; doodad; doohickeys Neki mali predmet ili naprava Cijeg imena govornik ne moze da se seti; ona napraviea, masiniea, spraviea; kako bese ime? Slieno gadget. "We may have turned into what looks like a nation of doohickeys. " doofer Isto sto i doodah. "Hand me that doofer. " doolally; doolali GB Lud, sana duso, flipnuo. dope 1. nark. Dop, narkotik, gudra, pajdo. They searched him for dope. 2. Pouzdana informaeija. Get me all the dope you can on her colleagues. 3. Glupan, tupan, tupadzija, budala, mentol, krele. Slieno turkey. Only a dope would refuse that chance. 4. US Varati. You doping me about this? dope fiend Narkoman. Isto drug fiend. "Could Eugene (O'Neill) imagine that his mother, his gentle pious mother, was a dope fiend, the sort of person they wrote about in dime thrillers?" dope pedlar Rasturae droge, diler. doped nark. Na dopu, drogiran; dopingovan (u sportu). He couldn't have run that fast if he wasn't doped dop(e)y 1. Poluzaspao. 2. nark. Drogiran. I was dopyafter they gave me the shot. 3. Tupav, smusen, idiotski. What a dopey thing to say. dork 1. US Kita, kara, doka, pajser. "The glorious acrobatics she can perform while dangling from the end of my dork" 2. Krele, dileja, idiot, degen(erik). Isto jerk; prick. dorm Studentski dom. dose of salts, like a Veoma brzo i lako, bez napora; (proci) glatko. Slieno like shit through a tin horn. The pension bill went through like a dose of salts. doss GB 1. Krevet u jeftinom prenocistu. Isto kip. 2. Nesto veoma lako, lak posao. "You mustn't see this purely as a doss." 3. PrenoCiti u jeftinom konaeistu, spavati na otvorenom. "Old Shawie's been dossing for the last three weeks." 4. Kratak san. doss-house Jeftino prenociste. Isto flop house. "I don't know how you manage to live in this doss house you call a flat." doos out Spavati na otvorenom. dosser Skitniea, beskucnik. dot (a person one) Prilepiti (kome) zausku, klepiti (koga). I just might dot you one if you don't shut up.

dotted line, sign on the Brzo i bez uslova pristati na st~. dotty GB Sasav, luekast, uvrnut, otkaeen, udaren mokrom earapom. double-cross GB Prevariti, nasamariti, izdati. I would never double-cross a pal. double Dutch Kojestarija, nerazumljiv govor; satrovacki. Plain English will do; cut the double Dutch. double or quits Dvostruko ili nista. double talk Govor u kome je smisao izmesan s besmislom ili s reeima dvostrukog znaeenja; kojestarije; politieke fraze; verbalne manipulacije/mahinacije. You can't double-talk your way out of this difficulty! dough Novae, lova, kes. Slieno bread; bucks; bones. The taxman's taken all my dough. down U daunu, depresivan, deprimiran, u bedaku. Slieno blue. He's real down about losing that chance. down and out Bez novea i bez perspektive; unisten, upropasten; niko i nista; u nemastini, na ulici. When you're down and out, remember what did it. down-and-out Skitniea, niko i nista. down-beat Smrknut, snuzden, utueen. Suprotno up-beat. down the dumper; down in the dumpslmouth Potisten, snuzden, utueen, deprimiran, depresivan. 'So another birthday down the dumper. '''I'm not coming out tonight, I'm feeling a little down in the dumps. " down on, go Pusiti, lizati (seks). down on, have a Ne trpeti (koga), imati (koga) na zubu. down on one's luck Nemati srece. down the drain/pan Propao, otisao u vetar/tandariju, procerdan. All his best efforts seem to go down the drain. down the hatch! Ziveli!; na iskap! down the tubes/flush/chute/pan Zauvek propao/napusten; beznadezan. Slieno kaput. '''As soon as it became obvious that 'The Simpsons' had jumped the shark, more that thirty votes of 'never jumped' were posted within a few short weeks in support of this once grand show that is now quickly going down the tubes." '''Oh well, that's another £ 1000 down the pan." down to the ground Potpuno, sasvim. That'll suit me down to the ground down to the wire Krajnje neizvesna situaeija. Cannes went right down to the wire last night in one of the most surprising and dramatic finishes in the /film/ festivals history.

downer nark. Sedativ; draga koja opusta/smiruje. Supratno upper. "Most people opt for an 'upper' and a 'downer' - for example, cocaine and Valium." down-town US Centar grada. Down Under Australija ili Novi Zeland. "The diva from down under reveals the secrets of her sex kitten style ... " drag 1. Gnjavaza, smaranje. Slicno downer. What a drag it is getting old. . 2. g. Zenska odeca koju nosi muskarac. abic. in drag U takvoj odeCi. He showed up at her party in drag. 3. Dim (npr. cigarete); guc, gutljaj pica. Give me a drag on that. drag-act; drag-show g. Muskarac u zenskoj odeci. drag-racing US Trka dragstera (tip auta). drag king g. Lezbejka koja izlazi na javna mesta odevena kao muskarac. drag queen g. Dreg kvin, gej muskarac koji izlazi na j~vna mesta odeven i nasminkan kao zena, namerno preterujuci u takvom oblacenju i ponasanju. . . .. drag one's heels Vuei se, biti neodlucan, ne preduzlmatl akclj~. The project failed because even the managers were draggmg their feet dragged up GB Lose odgojen (dete).. . drainpipes GB Farmerke sa uskim nogavlcama, frullce. drat (it) (Eufem. od damn) Do davola! . draw 1. Privlacnost; ono sto privlaci (paznju, kupce, gledaoce I sl). 2. nark. Marihuana, hasis. 3. nark. Duvanje, duvka. "Ere mate, have you got a draw? I need something to help me sleep. " 4. nark. Duvati (marihuanu). Plenty of prison officers smoke marijuana too. I know some who'll have a search for draw and then pocket it. . .. draw a blank Doziveti potpuni neuspeh; nemati rezultata; IZVUCI corak. I'm trying to remember, but keep drawing a blank draw it mild Biti umeren, ne preterivati. If you're gonna hang around with mobsters, draw it mild and always keep your cool. draw the line Podvuei crtu, zaustaviti se, ne ici dalje. He smokes pot, but sure knows when to draw the line .. dream like a anako kao sto se zeli; kao po 10ju. dreck; 'drek Ores, starudija. Isto garbage; junk; shit. dress down Izribati, ocitati bukvicu, izgrditi. Slicno chew out.

dressed to the teethldeath ili (fit) to kill ili up to the nines ili up like a dog's dinner Nacifrati se, skockati se. She's dressed to the teeth in magenta silks. dressy Elegantno/svecano odeven, skockan. dressing-down Grdnja, bUkvica, ukor, ribanje. dribs and drabs, in U malim kolicinama, malo-pomalo, na pipetu. He's paying me back in dribs and drabs. drink like a fish Piti k'o smuk. drip 1. Neugodna osoba, gnjavator, davez, smarac, smor. Slicno square; Wimp. 2. Glupost; laskanje. drip-dry Koji se brzo susi i koji ne treba peglati. drippy Siadunjav, srceparajuCi. Isto corny. drive-by Pucanje iz pistolja u nekoga ili u nesto iz kola u pokretu. drive (sb) over the hill Izludeti, iznervirati. drive (sb) up the wall Ici zestoko na nerve, nervirati, izludeti. Leave him alone and let him work. Quit driving him up the


drop (acid) nark. Gutnuti (dragu) drop a bollocklbanger/clanger/goolie GB Lupiti, napraviti gaf; izvaliti glupost. drop a bomb 1. Izazvati sok. 2. GB Prdnuti, "okinuti". Isto drop one. drop a brick/clanger GB Napraviti gaf; lupiti i ostati ziv; pravaliti biser. He rather dropped a brick when he mispronounced Lady Fuchs's name. drop a pint Popiti pivo. drop a tab Napraviti gresku/gaf. drop acid nark. Uzeti LSD, izgutati esid. drop dead! 1. Crko dabogda!; crkni!; ne tupi!; oladi!; brisi!; idi do davola! Isto get lost! Drop dead! Shouted John to his older brothers who were interfering with his electronics kit. 2. Senzacionalisticki; straobalan, sjajan, do jaja. "Most contemporary movies seem less interested in sustained explorations of time and space than in drop-dead images and special effects. " drop (sb) in it Uvaliti (koga) u nevolju/neugodnost, smestiti (kome). drop in on Svratiti (nenajavljeno) u posetu, banuti. drop like a hot potato Brzo sto ostaviti/napustiti. When she frowned I dropped the topic like a hot potato. drop off Zaspati, pasti u san. dropped on (from a dizzy height) astra ukoren; spusten na zemlju.

drop one's guts Prdnuti (obit. u skraeenom obliku drop one). "Jesus! What a stink, have you just dropped one?" drop one's load Ejakulirati, svrsiti. drop out Prihvatiti nekonvencionalan naCin zivota; odbaciti drustvene konvencije. "Since I dropped out in September last year I have come to the conclusion that the city drop-out scene is a pathetic one. " drop-out Drustveni otpadnik; onaj ko napusti skolu. The parents of a high-school drop-out are usualy dissapointed. drop some iron Iskesirati se, puei kintu, platiti. drop the ball Puei, kalirati; izgubiti kontrolu. drop the bucket (on) Prebaciti odgovornost (na). drop too many/much, have a Previse zavirio u casicu; preterao s pieem. dropsy 1. Sklonost da se ispustaju stvari. 2. Mito, "narukvica". drug 1. lei na nerve, zivcirati, izludivati. Isto bug. His constant bitching really drugs me. 2. Ljut, iznerviran. Isto pissed off. drug fiend Narkoman. Isto dope fiend. "In 1979 the USSR permitted the first Western rock star to perform in the country former drug fiend, Sir Elton John." drughead nark. Dzanki. Isto hophead. drug-pusher nark. Narko-diler. Isto pusher. drug runner nark. Kurir. druggie; druggy nark. Narkos. Isto doper. drugstore cowboy US Lokalni zavodnik, ulicni Romeo. Isto GB coffe bar cowboy; canteen cowboy. She married ... a marijuana-smoking drugstore cowboy drum, tight as a Pijan k'o zemlja. dry old stick Dosadni cilager, ciceganja. dry up 1. Ostati bez teksta. It dries me up when I think of the terms he offered for the part. 2. Umukni!; ueuti! Isto shut up. Finally I just told him to dry

up. duck 1. Bez bodova (kriket). 2. Izbegavati, eskivirati (obit. odgovornost). Isto duck out of. They always felt she was trying to duck work. 3. Ziato moje, mezimce. Takode ducky; ducks. How does that grab you, duck? 4. lame duck Propao spekulant; invalid, nemoena osoba, slabie. 5. Sagnuti se. Everybody duck! The arrows are heading our way.

duck and dive Muvati, mesetariti. duck shot US Macji kasalj, nesto veoma lako. Slicno duck soup. dud 1. Neuspeh, eorak, fijasko. The show's a dud 2. Nistarija. dude US 1. Kicos. 2. Momak, tip, smeker, faca; decak, deckie, deckonja. Slicno cat; guy. I'm sittin' in the bus stop ... just me an' these other three dudes. duff GB 1. Inferioran; bezvredan. "British cultural icon and maker of many duff movies, Michael Caine, was born in 1933." 2. Zadnjica, dupe, bulja. Isto ass. "Come on you turkeys, get off your duffs and give me some info. " 3. up the duff U drugom stanju, zaglavila, zakevila. He put her up the duff dugs Sise, sifoni. dukes GB Ruke, sake, sape, pesnice. He put up his dukes to defend himself. dumb Glup, glupav. Slicno dim. You think I'm pretty dumb, don't you? dumbass Glupan, tupson, krelac, krele. Isto stupid-ass. dumb-du!:"b; dumdum Tupan. Slicno dumbo; dummy. dump 1. Sutnuti koga, dati mu korpu, dati dvojku, dvojkirati, odbaciti. Have you heard it, Jenny dumped Rob. 2. Lose mesto, rupa, rupcaga. What a dump my hometown is now! 3. Kenjanje. 'To start the morning with a satisfactory dump is a good omen." 4. Kenjati. Isto dump a load; crap. dump on/all over (sb) US Obrusiti se na (koga), izgrditi. "One minute I'm with a woman who makes me feel like a man the next I'm with someone who's dumping all over me." ' dunk GB "Umociti" (seks). Odatle dunking Seks, "umakanje". dunno = don't know dust U velikoj nevolji. If you're late, you're dust dust, blow one's Svrsiti, ejakulirati. dust off Potprasiti pete, zbrisati. dust sb's jacket Izmlatiti koga, isprasiti kome tur. dusters Muda. dust-up GB Svada, rasprava, tuca. Slicno scrap. A big dustup in the office of a vice-president. dusty, not so GB Prilicno dobar, nije los. He is not as dusty as I thought after all. Dutch Supruga. Obit. old Dutch.

Dutch auction Aukcija na kojoj se cena snizava dok se ne nade kupac. dutch, in U nevolji; pod sumnjom. Dutch comfort Siaba uteha. Dutch uncle Osoba koja drzi pridike. dweeb US Krele, krelac. dyke g. Dajk, lezbejka, lezbos, lezbaca (zena koja u vezi izmedu dye zene preuzima ulogu muskarca). Isto bull-dyke. For dykes, being a lesbian isn't just about sex .. dyke daddy g. Muskarac koji se druzi sa lezbeJkama. dynamiter US nark. Kokainoman.

E E nark. Tableta droge "ekstazi". "...although some people will choose to take only half an E.." eager beaver GB Preterano revnosna osoba; streber. ear 1. Policajac. 2. by ear Bez pripreme. Obit. play by ear Svirati po sluhu. 3. on (one's) ear U nemilosti. 4. get on one's ear Napiti se, naliti se, nasljemati se. ear to the ground, have one's Opipavati puis Uavnosti). earner Profitabilan, unosan posao ili poduhvat. ears flapping, with Naculjenih usiju; odvojiti uvo. ears in, up to (one's) Preko glave (npr. u poslu). earth, the Velika svota novca. It cost me the earth. earthly 1. no earthly use Potpuno beskoristan, neupotrebljiv. 2. (stand) not an earthly chance Bez ikakve sanse. earwig Bacati uvo, prisluskivati. "If you heard things said about you that you didn't like, then you shouldn't earwig into conversations. " ease off Olaksati se, mokriti. easy 1. Lagodan, bezbrizan, lakomislen, indiferentan. I'm easy _ I don't mind one way or the other. 2. Lako se odaje seksu. easy as pinching money from a blind man ili as shelling peas ili as Winking Veoma lak. easy digging Nesto lako. Slicno piece of cake. easy does it Ne zuri, polako, budi stalozen. easy going Nonsalantan; dobrocudan. easy lay/make Polegusa, radodajka, ona koja je uvek spremna na seks; laka zenska/riba. His assistant was an easy lay, but he didn't care, it only made it easier for him. easy mark Naivko, ovca. Slicno patsy; sucker. easy meat Lak posao; neko koga je lako prevariti. easy on the eye Atraktivan, zgodan. easy street, inIon U dobrim (finansijskim) prilikama. easy touch Neko koga je lako iskoriscavati finansijski. eat 1. Zderati (se). What's eating him? 2. Poginuti, biti ubijen. 3. Pusiti, lizati (seks).

eat cheese lop. Cinkariti, "pevati". Slicno rat on (sb). eat crap GB Progutati uvredu, pojesti govno. I was there for two years and I had to eat crap. eat dirt/shit US Pojesti govno, poniziti se (pred kim). *1 won't eat your shit any longer. *1 ate dirt and apologized to that bastard. eat/live high on the hog ili off the hog ili on the joint ~obro ziveti, prosperirati. Slicno shit in high cotton. You WIll... eat high on the hog, as a member of the ruling mob. " . eat (it/out) US Pusiti, lizati (seks). Slicno go down on sb; eat It raw. eat me 1. Umukni, zacepi (gubicu). 2. Popusi mi, polizi mi (seks). eat my shorts Iz'edes mi gace, poljubis me u dupe. . . eat/have sb's lunch Teska poraziti. Slicno clobber; finish. If IBM doesn't watch it, Apple Mac will eat its lunch. eat (sb) out Pusiti, lizati (seks). Slicno go down on sb. I ate out Mary last night. eat the hind (back) legs off a donkey, could Biti gladan ko vuk. eating irons Pribor za jelo, escajg. eats Hrana, klopa, has. ecstasy nark. Droga "ekstazi". E'd up nark. Pod dejstvom droge "ekstazi", na "ekstaziju". edge 1. Mala prednost. The insurgents seem to have the edge. 2. US Pijanstvo. 3. have the edge on US Biti malo ispred (koga), biti u prednosti. He has the edge on the other students because he studies harder. 4. Mici se!; pozuri! edged alk. Pijan, usikan. edgy Razdrazljiv, napet, nervozan. Isto on edge. Everyone's a little edgy because of the NATO air strikes. eff and blind Psovati. effing (eufem. od fucking) Proklet, davolji. effing and blinding/jeffing Psovanje. "I've never seen him so angry, effing and blinding despite being a vicar." eff (off) (eufem. od fuck) 1. Jebi se, odjebi. "Mr... put his arms around my waist and tried to kiss my neck. I told hIm to eff off" egg Osoba, tip, druskan. Evelyn's a gOO? egf!: . .. egg-box Blok spratova ili kancelarija sa IdentlCnlm prostoriJama, "kokosinjac".

egg-head 1. '~~ajoglavi", (nadri)intelektualac, (nepraktican) Idealist. Sllcno double dome. *"An egghead is one who calls Manlyn Monroe Mrs Arthur Miller." *"It's easy for egg-heads in the Umversltles to talk about the social problems of the wo~kers. They've never done a day's work in their lives." 2. Celava osoba. egg in sb's beer Ono sto se samo moze pozeleti. I don't call two weeks' vacation exactly egg in my beer. egg on Inicirati, dati podstrek; huskati, podstrekavati. egg on. (one's) face, get Lose prod, ispasti grbav (zbog neke greske). Some people are going to end up with a lot of egg on their faces over this one. eggy Ljut, nervozan, razdrazen. Daddy was well eggythis mornmg. Egyptian PT San. elbow, get the Dobiti nogu, biti odbacen/napusten. elbow grease GB Tegoban (fizicki/manuelni) posao; napor. *"Yes the car is pretty dirty, but it'll look nice again with a little elbo~ grease." *"Put some elbow grease into that job will you ?" elephant 1. nark. Heroin. 2. cop the elephant Biti pijan. elevenses GB Mali prepodnevni obrok ili pice. Emerald Isle GB Irska. emperor's new clothes Nesto sto ne postoji, carevo novo odelo end 1. Videti get one's end away. . 2. no end Veoma. 3. no end of Velika kolicina ili veliki broj (cega). It'll cost no end of money! 4. go (in) off the deep end Razljutiti se, razgoropaditi se, pobesneti. 5. GB at a loose end Besposlen, dokon. US at loose ends. enemy, the Vreme. How goes the enemy? (Koliko je sati?) enough to make a cat laugh Veoma zabavno. enthuse GB Oduseviti se, zanositi se. eppie; eppy skrac. 1. Epilepticki napad. ~: Nekontrolisani napad besa, obicno u izrazu throw an eppy Iii have an eppy. erk GB 1. Radnik koji obavlja ne bas pozeljne poslove. 2. voj. Regrut. ersatz Vestacki, nije prirodan; surogat. esclop Policajac. evaporate Nestati, isceznuti, umreti. My hopes are beggining to evaporate.

even StephenlSteven GB Jednako; jednaki; na jednake delove. It's a fifty-fifty fight. Even Stephen. ever so Mnogo, onoliko. thanks ever so! every Jack Svi, svaka susa. every mother's son Svi; svi zivi. . everything but the kitchen sink sve: sv~ moguce. everything in the garden is lovely Sve je u najboljem redu. evil hour Los, zao cas. excuse my French S oprostenjem; da izvines; izvini sto psujem. expecting Trudna, u drugom stanju. ..•. . eye in a sling, have one's Biti porazen; bltl u sknpcu; zapastl u nevolju. •. eye-opener 1. Nesto iznenadujuce (sto kome otvara OCI), otkrovenje. Listening to that story was a real eye-opener. 2. Prvo pice u danu. He fumbled for the Jug and slurped on eye-opener. 3. Amfetamin; droga. 4. Zenidba. eyes bigger than one's belly, have Imati oei vece od stom~ka. eyes stick out like organ-stops (lit chapel h~t-pegs), one s Iskolaciti, ispasti oci. Her eyes stuck out like organ-stops when she found her husband in bed with her best fnend. eyes, up to one's Preko usiju, preko glave (npr. u poslu, III u problemima). . eyeful, an 1. Atraktivna zena ili devojka. You're both qUite an eyeful


. . k'b' ~~valltl I IC. • He got an eyeful when ladies went sWlmmmg. Get an eyeful of that idiot on the dancefloor." • .. ... eyelashes, hang on by one's Uspeti se od~zati u teskoj sltuacljl. eyewash Prodavanje mag Ie; zamazlvanje OClju. Odatle eye washer Prodavac magle. This does not mean that the proposals ... are so much eyewash.

2. havelget an eyeful Gledati s interesovanjem,

F FA 1. (skrac. od fuck all) Nista. 2. sweet FA Nista. "He says Eve behaved like a complete bitch over the kids' custody .. and he'll get sweet F. A. out of the sale of the house. " face-ache Jadnik, bednik, "slucaj". face as long as a fiddle, have a Izgledati snuzdeno, pokunjeno. face-fungus hum. Brada; brkovi. face like the back of a bus, have a Biti ruzan k'o lopov. Isto be as ugly as sin. face the music Suoeiti se s neprijatnostima; poneti se hrabro; izdrzati kritiku. I know they don't like what I've done, but I sup pose I'd better go back and face the music. face up to Biti dorastao (situaciji). facer Iznenadna teskoca. fade 1. Otici ne plativsi rentu. 2. Zbrisati. It's pretty obvious that this geezer and Jane were planning to fade together. 3. have got (sb) faded US Imati koga u saci. I've got him fadded. I can match any trick or treat of his with one just as potent. fadge Vagina. faff Dokoliciti, gluvariti, gubiti vreme. Obie. faff abouUaround . '''Let me finish doing this will you, and stop fatting." '''Stop fatting about and play the bloody thing forwards!" fag 1. GB Cigareta, pljuga. Slicno butt; coffin nail. "He passed them swell fags around. " 2. US Peder, pesko, derpe. Slicno faggot; queer. "I'm led into a room where a short fag doctor and a big bUll-dyke nurse are waiting for me." 3. Tegoban/mucan/dosadan posao, gnjavaza, smaranje. Obie. what a fag! Kakva gnjavaza! "It was a fag having to drive all the way back home at night. " fag-end GB 1. Opusak. 2. Kraj, zavrsetak, (bedni) ostatak; skart. fag-hag US Zena koja vise voli drustvo homoseksualaca nego heteroseksualaca. Slicno faggot's moll. fagged (out) GB Iscrpljen, iznemogao, baldisao, spao s nogu, lipsao od umora. This sort of work fags me qUickly

fag(g)ot 1. US g. Peder(cina), pesa, derpe. Isto faggy. Everyones knows that the Village is heeving with fagggots. 2. g. Zenskast homoseksualac. 3. Nacin obracanja nevaljalom decaku; mangupCic. fair crack of the whip, a Postena/fer pogodba. fair do's/doo's/doos/does/dues 1. Neka pogodba bude postena/ fer. Now then, fair dues; let everybody be searched, I have no money about me. 2. Jednaki delovi. fair enough Vazi, dogovoreno. fair to middlin(g) Tako-tako; osrednji; prosecan. fairy 1. Zenskast muskarac. 2. g. Pesovan, pesa, homic. fake GB 1. Krivotvorina, imitacija, laznjak, falsifikat. 2. Varanje, krivotvorenje, laziranje, falsifikovanje. He was good at faking Old Masters. 3. Udariti, opaliti, klepiti, aknuti. f-all Eufem. od fuck all. fall down (on) Zatajiti, izjaloviti se. fall for 1. Pasti na (koga/sto); zaljubiti se u (koga); svideti se (sto). 2. Nasesti. He's constantly falling for long-legged brunets. fall-guy US 1. Naivcina, ovca. . 2. Zrtveni jarac. Slicno patsy; scapegoat. He said he would not be the president's fall guy. fall off the back of a lorry (odnosi se na ukradenu robu) Roba sumnjivog porekla. "Being as they fell off a back of a lorry I'm selling them at half the price they are in the shops. " fall off the wagon Ponovo poceti piti, vartiti se alkoholu. He was sober for three years, but when his daughter died, he fell off the wagon. fall over backwards Polomiti se (oko koga/cega). falling off a log, as easy as Veoma lako. family jewels, the Porodicni nakit, muda. Isto nuts. A kick in the family jewels will often dampen a man'sardor. family jewels family way, in the Trudna, u drugom stanju. famous last words Ironican/podsmesljiv odgovor na cije reci, da se izrazi neverica. fancy GB Svidati se. "I fancy that new receptionist who's started in accounts." fancy!; just fancy! GB Gle!; zamisli! fancy that! GB Ko bi to rekao!; pazi ti to! fancy man 1. Ljubavnik, zavodnik, "sema". 2. Svodnik, makro. Isto pimp.

fancy the arse off (sb) Biti napaljen na koga. fanny 1. US Dupe, bulja, zadnjica. Isto backside; buttocks; arse. I can h9rdly sit down, my fanny is so sore. 2. GB ?enski polni organ, picka. 3. GB Zena kao seksualni objekt, "picka", riba, cava. fanny about/around Gluvariti, dokoliciti, vatati zjale. fanny adams GB Bas nista (izrazu obicno prethodi rec sweet). "What've you been up to Tim ?" "Sweet fanny adams since I lost my job. " fanny batter Vaginalni sekret. fanny fart Zvuk koji nastaje tokom seksualnog odnosa, spajanjem genitalija, slican prdezu. fanny magnet Magnet za picke. "He wants a Ferrari, cos he reckons it's a sure fanny magnet" far from it Daleko od toga. far out US 1. ?jajan; super. Slicno cool. "Marlene's entire range of expressIOn was pretty much limited to far out, super, and gross." 2. Bizaran. fart 1. Prdadzija, kenjac. Takode fart-arse; farth breath. What's that stupid fart up to? 2. Prdnuti. Isto lay/blow a fart. 3. Prdez. 4. Nesto bezvredno. Slicno diddly; zilch. not worth a fart fart about/around GB Gluvariti, gubiti vreme, besposliciti. Takode fart-arse about/around. "Come on you guys, stop farting around and get down to business." farty Beznacajan, nekvalitetan. "I'm not going back to that restaurant, they serve really farty sized portions. " fash Uzrujati se. Odatle fashy Srdit, Ijut. fast Razuzdan, raskalasan. fat 1. Ugodan, dobar. 2. Obilan, bogat, pun k'o brod. Hit him up now, he's pretty fat 3. Erekcija penisa. fat cat, a Bogatas, lovan, budza; slavna osoba. fat chance! Nema sansei "There's fat chance of getting me to do a parachute jump!" fat-head GB Budala, gluperda, idiot, krele. Slicno blubberhead. fat lot, a Ne mnogo, malo; nikakav. Shows what a fat lot of influence ... Congo has got. fatso pogrd. Veoma debela osoba. fave (rave) Omiljena stvar/osoba/pesma/film itd. "...the American fan magazine market, always at the ready to replace a current faverave."

faze US Uznemiriti; preneraziti. featherbed 1. Traziti lake poslove; osljariti u radu. 2. Zaposliti veci broj Ijudi nego sto je potrebno (da se smanji nezaposlenost). fearfully Veoma. fed-up to the back teeth Sit cega. Feds Sluzbenici federalne polieije, federalei. "... Starling's heart has been anesthetized not only by a decade with the Feds but by her time apart from Hannibal." feed 1. Obrok, jelo, klopa, has. Stop by for a feed, anytime. 2. Novae. feed one's face Jesti, zderati, hasati. feed the brute Nahraniti muza. feel rough/puny Ne osecati se dobro. "Ted was feeling puny yesterday, so he decided not to go to work." feel the draught Doziveti neprijatnost (obic. finansijsku). feeler Probni balon. fellow-feeling Razumevanje, saucesce. fence 1. Jatak. The loot had disappeared and been handled by a fence. 2. Skroviste ukradenih stvari. fence, sit/be, etc. on the Biti neopredeljen/neodlucan. fender-bender Saobracajna nesreca, saobracajka. "Traffic was really slow on the freeway this morning because of a fenderbender in one of the westbound lanes. " fess (up) US Priznati, "propevati". "We want the truth!" - "What time is it?" - "Time for you to fess up!" fetch (a person) one Udariti, odalamiti, mlatnuti, zavaliti (kome). F.H.B. (skrac. od Family Hold Back) Sifrovana poruka clanovima porod ice da prestanu sa samoposluzivanjem da bi gosti za stolom imali cime da se posluze. fib 1. Sitna laz. 2. Lazov. 3. Lagati. fibber Lazov; razmetljivae, duvadzija. fiddle GB 1. Varati, lazirati. Takode be on the fiddle Ucestvovati u prevari. 2. Prevara. fiddle about/around GB Gubiti vreme, gluvariti. Slicno monkey around. Takode fiddler Gluvaros; prevarant. He fiddled around all week. fiddle with GB Petijati se sa. fiddle-faddle Glupost, budalastina. Slicno bullshit.

fiddlefucking Prokleti, jebeni. "Not one swingin' dick will be leavin' this fidlefuckin' area." fiddle-sticks! Kojesta!; glupost! Slicno bullshit. When I explained, she only said, "Fiddlesticks!" field-day, have a Biti praznik (za koga); imati uspesan dan. When the news gets out, the press will have a field day fifth column Peta kolona; petokolonasi, izdajniei u sopstvenim redovima. fifth wheel Onaj ko drZi svecu; neko nepotreban, nesto nepotrebno. fig, not to care/give a Ne biti ni najmanje briga. fight to the finishllast ditch Boriti se do kraja. fight with the gloves off Zestoko se boriti. fighting drunk Pijan i oran za tucu. fighting fit Odlicnog zdravlja. fighting talk Izazov, provokacija. figure of fun Predmet zavitiavanja. figure out US Razumeti, ukapirati, skontati, provaliti. filch Gepiti, zdipiti, maznuti, lapiti. Who filched my pen? filcher Sitan lopov. filching Krada (obic. laka). filibuster US Opstrukeija (dugim govorom ili insistiranjem na formalnostima i proeeduri). fill the bill Odgovarati (svrsi), biti odgovarajuci. filly GB Nestasno devojce. filth; the filth GB Policija, murija. filthy GB Prebogat, nafatiran, pun k'o brod. Slicno loaded. *"1 tell you, she's abso/utely filthy *"She's filthy rich." filthy lucre (Prljavi) novae; prljava zarada. finder's keepers GB Ko nade, njegovo Ue). fine and dandy Odlican. fine fettle Dobro zdravlje/raspolozenje. fine weather for ducks GB Veoma kisovito vreme. finger 1. lop. Cinkaros, dousnik, taster, drukara. 2. lop. Cinkariti, tasterisati, drukati. 3. lop. Dzeparos. 4. Dodirivati zenske genitalije. 5. Prst (mera za alkohol). 6. Podignut srednji prst (uvreda). "I didn't bother to say a word, instead I just gave him the finger and walked away. " 7. get/pull/take one's finger out Prionuti (na posao); poceti s radom. / think it's about time we pulled our fingers out 8. have one's fingers crossed DrZati (kome) palceve. Let's all keep our fingers crossed he passes this exam.

finger in the pie 1. Deo odgovornosli. 2. Umesanosl usIa. fink US 1. Nilkov, nepouzdana osoba. Slicno rat fink; shitheel. "All men are brothers, and if you don't give, you're kind of a fink" 2. lop. Dousnik, lasler, polkazivac, cinkaros, drukara. Isla grass (2); stool pigeon. The guy's a fink He'll tell the cops. 3. (Privalni) delekliv, policajac. fire away Samo napred; pricaj. "Fire away!" said I when she threatened to denounce me. fire-eater Svadljivac, kavgadzija, neuslrasiv lip, onaj ko je uvek spreman za raspravu. fire-water Zesloko pice; rakija, viski. Slicno booze. fireproof Olporan na sramolu/opasnosl; nepovrediv. . first-footer Osoba koja prva prede prag posle Nove godme (skalski obicaj); polozajnik. first-nighter Poselilac premijera. fish 1. pogrd. Riba, picka, smrdusa, zenska. 2. odd/queer fish Cudan lip. fish-face Uvredljiv nacin obracanja. fish for compliments Lovili komplimenle. fish to fry, have other Imali vaznijeg/preceg posla. fishy GB Sumnjiv, problemalican, nepouzdan. "When the . security guard saw a light in the store after closmg hours, If seemed to him that there was something fishy going on. " fishy about the gills GB Bled, melanholican, mamuran. fist Rukopis. fist at, make a (good, bad) Pokusali (s uspehom, neuspesno) .. fit 1. Zgodan, privlacan. "That guy at the bar is fit, I think /'1/ask If he wants a dance. " 2. have a fit Popizdeli, dobili nervni slom. Slicno throw a fit/hyper; have kittens. My mother had a fit when she heard I was dating a pusher. fit as a fiddle Zdrav kao dren. fit to bust, laugh Pucali/umirali ad smeha. fit to drop Iscrpljen, iznemogao, pao s nogu, baldisao. fit to turn a dog out, not Grozno vreme, nevreme, kijamet. five knuckle shuffle Drkanje, "rucni rad". fiver 1. 5 funli/dolara, ili novcanica ad 5 funli/dolara. For a fiver, cash, you could ride. 2. 5000 funli. This house is worth a fiver. fix 1. nark. Doza, fiks. Slicno blast. 2. nark. Fiksali se, drogirali se, cepali iglu.

3. Podmilili. 4. Milo, podmicivanje. He had come up through the ranks of a society that was founded on fix. 5. Sredili (koga). Isla settle a persons hash. 1'/1fix him! fix one's face Popravili sminku (zene); "dunuli" u puder. fizz 1. Sampanjac ili bilo koje penusavo pice. Isla bubbly. 2. Neuspeh. Slicno fizzle. "It was a big fizz", the ambassador said. 3. full of fizz Uzbuden. fizz (along) Brzo olici. flak 1. Zesloka krilika, anlagonizam, agresija. Isla flack. "They've been getting a lot of flak from head office recently. " 2. Nevolja, problem. Let's not have a lot of flak about this. flake US Usluknuli. flake out 1. Zaspali usled iscrpljenosli. ''After twelve hours in that damn factory aliI want to do is come home and flake out on the sofa in front of the TV" 2. Onesveslili se. 3. US Napuslili (meslo). flaked out Iscrpljen; zaspao. There he was flaked out on his pitI hadn't the heart to wake him. flak(e)y; flake CUdan, uvrnul, Iud, neodgovoran, nepouzdan, olkacen; lujka. Slicno screwy; wacky. "I think journalists were quite taken aback when they first met me around that time, " actress Emily Watson explains with a smile, "because they expected me to be 19 and Scottish and probably very flaky" flame 1. Draga. Obic. old flame Slara Ijubav. 2. Verbalno nekoga napasli pUlem i-mejla. flange Vagina. flanker, do/play/pUII/work a Nadmudrili, nasamarili, prevarili. flannel GB Laskanje, zavodenje; prazne reci. "He gave me a load of old flannel" flap, be in a Uzmuvali se, uznemirili se, uzvrpoljili se, uspaniCili se. flasher Seksualni egzibicionisla. The cops hauled in a couple of flashers from the public library. flashy Upadljivo drecav, prelerano kicen, kicast. "She dresses too flashy, and her hair is too flashy" flat(-broke) Svorc, dekinliran, lihl-roze, bez prebijene pare. ...announce that sadly you are flat-broke ... flat-ass Apsolulno, lolalno. Some farmers are absolutely flat-ass broke." flatfoot Policajac, pandur.

flat-footed 1. Nespretan, nepripremljen, zatecen. 2. Cvrst, nepopustljiv, odlucan. flathead Budala, krele, dijabola. flat on one's ass Svorc; go i bas; niko i nista. Isto down and out. flat out 1. Svom snagom, najvecom brzinom. Slicno all out; wide open. "The economy is running flat out and revenues are pouring in. " 2. Direktan, otvoren, nedvosmislen. Tell him flat out what you think. 3. Spao s nogu, baldisao, iscrpljen. fleabag; fleahouse; fleatrap 1. Vreca za spavanje; krevet. 2. US Jeftino prenociste/hotel; neprivlacno mesto, buvarnik. He has transformed the motel from the old wayside fleabag into a most popular home away from home. flea-bite Trica, malenkost. Obic. mere flea-bite. I lost 5 £ at the races, but that's only a fleabite. flea in one's ear Grdnja, bukvica, ukor. flea-pit Bedan stan/pozoriste/bioskop itd; udzerica; buvara. fleece Operusati, ocerupati, opljackati. The Montenegrins believe that tourists are just there to be fleeced Fleet Street GB Stampa, novinarstvo, novinari. flesh peddler Prostitutka, kurava. fleshpots Raskos; telesne naslade. flicks, (the) GB Bioskop, filmovi. "Let's go to the flicks and watch that new British blockbuster." flier, takelcome a Pasti. flies on him, there are no Brz je i efikasan. flimflammer US Prevarant, varalica. flip out Flipnuti, otkinuti. Slicno freak out. "He was worried about his mother. The old lady was flipping out" flip one's lid/wig/top 1. Pasti u delirijum/zanos; podilkaniti, poblesaviti, flipnuti, posandrcati, otkinuti. When Jack saw the beautiful young secretary, he flipped his lid, i.e. fell in love with her. 2. Razljutiti se, pobesneti ad Ijutine, popizdeti, prekipeti (kame). "When that pushy salesman came back Mom really flipped her lid " flip side Druga strana (gramofonske place/problema itd). That's the good news. The flip side is the bad news. flit 1. Peder, pesovan, pesa, homic. 2. Budala, glupak, krele. 3. do a flit US Pobeci, zbrisati.

flog 1. Ukrasti, maznuti. 2. GB (Pokusati) prodati, utopiti. "Motel and bus companies flog special charter rates. flog a dead horse Sibati lipsala konja, soliti more, raditi nesto besmisleno. flog the lizard/log/dong/meat/mutton/the bishop Drkati, samarati majmuna. floor 1. Patosirati (koga), oboriti (koga) na pod. Slicno deck. 2. Sokirati, iznenaditi. His divorce floored him. 3. on the floor Svorc. floor show Kabaretska predstava. floozie Mlada zena, devojka (obic. lakog morala). Takode floozy; floogy; flugie; floosie. flop 1. Neuspeh, fijasko, corak. Slicno bomb. My great idea was a total flop. 2. Ne uspeti, propasti. The show flopped, ran one night only 3. Spavati. flophouse Jeftino prenociste. Slicno flops; chinch pad; fleabag. I'm spending my nights at the flophouse. floppy Koji tromo, mlitavo, labavo visi. flower power Filozofija hipija; hipi kontrakultura; deca cveca. "It was the era of euphoria, flower-power, and love for all the world, but in spite of the excitement around him, Wood was not happy" flowery dell zat. Celija. fluff 1. Devojka, kurvica. Videti little bit of fluff. 2. Zaboraviti tekst uloge, napraviti lapsus. Show me an actor that never fluffed a line. 3. Glupost, besmislica. That's all fluffl fluke GB Srecan/neocekivan slucaj; cista sreca. My winning was just a fluke. fluk(e)y GB Neocekivano sretan. It would have been a very fluky shot, even if he happened to have the camera in his hand. flummox GB Zbuniti, poremetiti. "Fu-Manchu tries to abduct a missionary who has flummoxed his plans in China." flunk US Pasti (na ispitu itd). He flunked the final but passed the course. fly a/the kite 1. Pustiti probni balon. 2. Izdati lazan cek. 3. zat. Prosvercovati pismo u zatvor/iz zatvora. 4. US go fly a kite Gubi se!; brisi!; teraj se!; nosi se' fly-by-night 1. Nepouzdana osoba; varalica, prevarant. 2. Duznik koji pobegne da ne bi platio dug.

fly off the handle Razljulili se, razbesneli se; puci kome film. Slieno lose one's cool. fly-posting Lepljenje plakala, eeslo bez dozvole. fogged Zbunjen, u neprilici. Islo in a fog... • foggiest (notion), not have the Nemall nl pOJma(0 cemu). fold(-up) Prestati, propasti (obic. biznis). The show folded after two nights. folks Ukucani, porodica, rodaci, roditelji. follow one's nose lei pravo napred. fool around Svrljati (seks). fool to oneself, be a GB Biti bUdala, raditi u korisl svoje stete; raditi sebi oglavu. foot it 1. Plesati. 2. Hodati, giljati. A bus is OK during non-rush-hours if you've been footing it too long. . 3. Zbrisati. Slieno beat it. He stopped all of a sudden and saId, "Foot it, Sonny! Foot itf" foot-slogger Setae, pesak. footer GB Fudbal, fuca (igra). footsy/fotsie, play 1. GB Dodirivati se nogama (npr. ispod stoia). 2. US Saradivati (obic. nezakonito). PoMlclans and labour leaders playing footsie (with each other) while rail services get steadily worse. footy Fuca (fudbalska igra i fudbalska lopta) for a song Jettino, budzasto, za dz. for good and all Zauvek; i u dobru i u zlu. . for it, be in GB Nadrljati, nagrabusiti, obrati bostan. The lIttle brat was really in for it this time. for keeps Zauvek. "Is your man for keeps or just OK for now?" for nuts Iz sale, iz zezanja. for nuts, not Nikako, uopste ne. for Pete's sake! GB Zaboga! for real Pravi, autentiean. I often wondered ifthe bastard was for real for the cuff Poverljiv. '. for the hell of it (Samo) zabave radi; tek tako; IZ zezanJa. Isto for the heck of it. I just did it for the hell of it for the high jump, be Nagrabusiti, nadrljati. for the life of me, not Nizasto na svetu. for the love of Mike! Zabogal Isto for Pete's sake! for the most part Uopsteno govoreci. force, the Policija; policajac. forces, the voj. Vojska, armija.

fork Izraditi, nasamariti, zeznuti. Isto fuck; shaft. I hoped he'd take care of us, but we got forked fork out/over/up Platiti; ispljunuti (Iovu). Fork up the cash! fork you! Nosi se! Isto fuck you! form GB (Kriminalni) dosije. Isto US rap-sheat. "Has he got any form?" forty fits, have Uspanieiti se. forty winks GB Dremez (u toku dana). He caught forty winks and perked right up. four eyes Cvikeras, cora. Isto four-eyed. four letter words Eufem. za psovke od eetiri slova (fuck, cunt itd). fourpenny one GB Udarac, pljuska, samar, cuska. fourth estate, the Stampa, novinari. fox 1. Nadmudriti, prevariti. Slieno outfox. He tried to fox me with that phoney accent, and did. 2. US Zgodna zena. "She's fox and she knows it too." foxy Seksi, zavodljiva. frame sb up Namestiti, smestiti kome. They couldn't get him legally, so they framed him up with a phony burglary charge. frame-up US Zavera, lazna opluzba, namestaljka. 1'1/prove to you it's a frame-up. framed, be US Lazno opluzen/okrivljen; kada je kome namesteno. frazzle, to a Do iznemoglosti, do krajnosti. After the marathon I was beat to a frazzle. freak 1. Frik, eUdak; perverznjak, osoba neobienih seksualnih sklonosti. 2. Za/udenik. freak (out/up) Olkaeiti, odlepiti, f1ipnuti, otkinuti. I told her I was leaving home and she freaked completely" free agent Siobodan slrelac, slobodnjak. free and easy Lagodan, opusten, neformalan. free ticket Sloboda akcije (obic. zabranjene), odresene ruke. He thinks the uniform gives him a free ticket to be a shitheel. freeload Ziveti parazitski. ISlo sponge. freeloader Parazit. Isto moocher; sponger. Congressmen are great free-loaders. French Pusiti, Iizali (seks). "In England ... we call ... cunt-licking Frenching.·' French kiss Dubok poljubac, "krljanje". We were French kissing when the teacher came in.

French leave OdlazakJodsustvo bez dozvole; neprimetan odlazak. French letter Kondom, kurton. tresh 1. Bezobrazan, drzak. Slicno cheeky. Don't be tresh to your Momma or I'll belt you one. 2. US Super, do jaja. Slicno cool. "Hey, check the tresh car!" tresh-tace Novajlija. tresher; treshman Novajlija, brucoS. tret one's gizzardlguts Jesti se, zderati se. trig 1. Jebati (eufem. od tuck). "And what about the rent?" - "Frig the rent." 2. Drkati. 3. Varati. Slicno diddle; shatt. trig about/around Gluvariti, dokoliciti, jebati ale, muvati se okolo. trig ott! Odjebi!; nosi se! trigging Eufem. od tucking (jaci izraz od bloody, slabiji od tucking). Get your trigging feet off my chair! tright Uzas, horor. Odatle look a tright Izgledati uzasno/grozno. She looks a tright in that old black dress. trillies Zenski donji Yes. tringe GB Periferna, neofieijelna mala pozorista. trisk GB Pretraziti (kome) dzepove, vrsiti (Iicnu) premetacinu. "Raise your hands high, trisk him. " Frog; Froggie (ili -y) GB pogrd. Franeuz. My dad was in France during the last war: He knows those Frogs. trog in the throat, have a Biti promukao. trost GB Neuspeh, fijasko, corak. My idea was a dismal trost trozen mit(t), the Odbaeivanje. truit Peder, pesa, pesko, derpe. truitcake 1. Krele, dileja, lujka. Slicno nut. Some truitcake put salt in the sugar bowl. 2. US Peder, derpe. Isto truit(er). truity 1. GB Socan, golieav, skakljiv (jezik/sala itd.). 2. US Cudan. Slicno nutty; weird. 3. Pederast. Slicno gay. 4. Lak. tuck 1. Jebati. 2. Jebanje, jebacina. 3. Jebi ga! "What the tuck do you think you're doing?" 4. Sjebati, ruinirati, pokvariti. "You'll tuck it if you don't take more care." 5. Seksualni partner. "He's a good tuck" 6. Kreten, idiot, krele. 7. like tuck! Naravno da ne!

8. US in the middle rza nogu.

ot the but tuck U vukojebinilzabiti,


9 ..don't give a tuck Boleti kurae (za sto). "I don't give a tuck, I Just nod along like I'm interested. " tuck a.bout/around Gluvariti, dokoliCiti, dzabalebariti, jebavati ale. Slleno mess around. "OK let's stop tucking around and get down to work." tuck all GB Nista, ili gotovo nista. Slicno zilch. Videti FA. "He walked away with two hundred thousand and got tuck-all" tuck around (with) Petljati se (sa); zajebavati se (sa). Don't tuck around with me all the time! Give me a break. tuck-tace Pedercina, kreten, idiot, moron. tuck it! Jebiga! tuck like a bunnylmink Jebe se kao zeciea; kara se kao stuka. tuck like a rattlesnake Jebe kao masina. tuck me! 1. Uzvik iznenadenja ili zaprepascenja. 2. Jebozovan (obic. odeca). "She looked across the room at me with those tuck me eyes, how could I resist!" tuck me outfit US Izazovno/upadljivo oblacenje. tuck me shoes US Visoke stikle. tuck off Odjebi'; gubi se!; zajebi radnju! "Why don't you just tuck om" tuck one.'s mind Sjebati koga u glavu, sjebati kome znanje, Ispratl kome mozak. tuck sb's brains out Jebati iz sve snage, razvaliti od kurea razjebati. ' tuck sb off Zestoko koga nervirati, iCi kome na ganglije. tuck the dog Gluvariti, besposliCiti, jebati ale. tuck up Sjebati, zasrati, skenjati. "They tucked the experiment totally" tuck-up 1. Zajeban tip. 2. Zbrka, haos. "My wedding day was a total tuck up, right from when I was found groping one of the bridesmaids." tuck you! Jebi se!; ko te jebel tuckable Jebozovan. fucked 1. Porazen, na gubitku. "I'm feeling tucked" 2. Sjeban, unisten. Isto tucked up. "This typewriter is completely tucked" tucked up 1. Sjeban, unisten. 2. Rastrojen, poludeo. tucker 1. Grub ali obicno pozitivan nadimak. Slicno bastard' devil. "The poor tucker never stood a chance." ' 2. Pedercina, moron, bUdala, krele. Slicno bastard. And the tuckers are really, really twisting us up.

3. Jebada, krajnje neprijatan dogadaj, nesto krajnje neprijatno. "Crashing my car was a real fucker." fucking 1. Jebanje. 2. Prokleti, jebeni (pojae. znacenje). Slicno damn. Get that fucking idiot out of here! fuckpig US Kreten, idiot, moron. fuckwit Kreten, idiot, moron. full monty, (the) 1. Do gole koze. "No we didn't do the full monty but I think next time I can persuade her. " 2. Ako je nesto the full monty, to je nesto najkompletnije moguce. Their wedding was magnificent, with a champagne reception, three-course dinner and a band - the full monty. full blast, (at/in) Punom brzinom, svom snagom, punom parom. full of beans GB Pun energije, ziva vatra, energican. The old man's full of beans and bitching up a storm. full of shit Mnogo sere/laze; govnar. Isto full of it; full of bull; full of crap. *You're full of shit, you liar! *"I'm not listening to you anymore, you're full of shit. " full up Kreat, dupke pun. fun and games 1. GB Zabava, igrarija (cesto iron). His job looks like constant fun and games. 2. Tegoban/mucan posao. 3. Seksualni odnos. funds 1. Novae. 2. in funds Imati novea. funeral Odgovornost. It's his own funeral funk GB 1. Strah; depresija; panika. Slicno the blues. He paled and fell into a funk 2. Uplasiti se. She would have won, but suddenly funked funk-hole Sigurno utociste, skloniste. funnies, the Strip. Isto comics. funny bone Lakatna kosI. funny business 1. Sumnjiva rabota, marifetluei. 2. Glupavo ponasanje. funny farmlhouse Ludniea, ludara, dilkarniea. "They must all have died in flophouses or on state funnyfarms." funny money Lazni/falsikovani novae. fuss-pot GB Stalno uzrujana, nervozna osoba, nervcik. futz US 1. Picka. 2. Neprijatan tip. Slicno alter kocker. "Inside of every Ameri can ... is a scrawny, twanging old futz like me." 3. Gluvariti, dokoliciti, gubiti vreme. futz with Sjebati, pokvariti. Slicno fuck up. What is clear is that this movie has been futzed with.

(the) fuzz 1. Polieija, murija. "You're more likely to be damaged permanently in a tangle with the American fuzz though, if you see what I mean. " 2. Sigurna stvar, izvesnost. fuzznuts Krele, dileja, moron, dijabola. Isto jerk.

GI va}. Amerieki vojnik. G-string Krajnjemali deo odece koji pokriva intimne delove tela (igraea u nocnim klubovima, striptizete); tanga. gab 1. Reeitost, blagoglagoljivost. 2. Brbljanje, ceretanje. Vidi gift of the gab. gabber Brbljivac. Isto gasbag; motormouth. gabble Brbljanje, blebetanje. gadget GB Napravica, spravica, stvarCica, patent, mali automat. Slieno thingamajig. gaff, blow the GB Provaliti/otkriti tajnu. gaffer 1. Stari(na), starkelja, eilager, matori. Slieno gammer. Look at that palter trying to stand on his head. 2. GB Sef, glavni. "If I were you I'd go and fetch the gaiter; he's the only one who knows what's going on." 3. Otac, stari. Slieno old man. gag 1. GB Geg, sala. 2. Prevara, laz, smicalica. 3. Prositi, moliti, preklinjati. 4. SpreCiti koga da javno govori ili pise. gagging for it Biti napaljen na st~. Isto arching for it; ~egging. for it. Look at the bird over there, she looks like she s gaggmg for it gagging for sth Umirati (od zelje) za eime. "I'm gagging for a night of vigorous, sweaty, dancing." gaga GB Sasav, luckast, senilan, nije eist. 2. go gaga Odlepiti (za kim/eime). "She's gone completely gaga over this appalling creep." . gal Cura, devojka, zena. She's a good gal, don't you think? gall Drskost, arogancija. Slieno chutzpah. How do you like the gall of those Aussies. " galley-west Zbunjen, u konfuziji/haosu. Slieno fucked up. The whole place was galley-west when we got there. game, on the GB Biti na ulici, kurvati se. Odatle game Prostitutka, kurva. game not worth the candle Nije vredno truda. . game's up, the Igri je kraj, gotovo je; sve Je provalJeno. gammy GB Hrom, sepav, kljast.

gamp GB Kisobran, kisobraneina. gander, take a Baciti pogled, baciti dikana, luknuti. Want to gander at TV for a while? gang-raped/-bang/-fuckl-shag Uzastopni seksualni odnosi vise muskaraca sa istom zenom, redaljka; orgija, grupni seks. Slieno train. We all ended up in a big profitable gang-bang. gangbusters US Nesto izvrsno, sjajno, impresivno; veliki hit, megahit. Slieno hit. "Hey you know, that set they played was gangbusters!" gang up (on) Ujediniti se (protiv koga). The nonaligned nations ganged up on Sri Lanka. gangway! Prolaz!; sklanjaj se (da drugi produ)! ganja; ganga; gunja nark. Gandza, vutra, marihuana, trava. gannet GB Pohlepna, prozdrljiva osoba. "If you've got any sense you'll keep the best stuff away from those gannets. " gaol-bird GB Onaj ko je eesto u zatvoru; zatvorska ptiCica. gap-toothed Retkih zuba, krezub. garage sale Prodaja robe iz garaze. Slieno carboot sale; jumble sale. garbanzos Sise, sifoni. gargle Pice (pivo itd). 1'/1have some gargle, if you don't mind, sir. gas 1. Blebetati. 2. Blebetanje, naklapanje. Slieno bullshit. Most of what I say is pure gas, my friend. 3. Benzin, gorivo. 4. step on the gas (Do)dati gas, nagariti, nagaziti. 5. a gas US Strava stvar, nesto izuzetno zanimljivo ili zabavno. So I have to take 20 children to the cinema to watch a fairy story on film. That's sure to be a real gas. gas and gaiters Gluposti. gas sth up Ueiniti da stvari budu interesantnije, uzbudljivije itd; uneti malo smeka. Isto jazz sth up. Warner brothers has been around to gas things up a little. gasbag Blebetalo, brbljivac. Slieno windbag. gash GB 1. Dostupan. 2. Atraktivan, impresivan. 3. Beskoristan. There's nothing in there but a pile of gash tapes. 4. Zenske genitalije. Don't you ever think of anything but gash? 5. Zena; kurva; pieka, riba. Is there any gash around? gas man Novinar, publicista. Isto flack. gasper GB Jeftina (Iosa) cigareta; krdza.

gasping Umirati od zelje (za cime). "I'm gasping for a shag." gassed alk. Pod gasom, pijan, naliven. gawd! GB Boze! .' gawk; gawp Zuriti, buljiti, piljiti. Don't gawk at It, do somethmg! gay Homoseksualae, gej. gay as a row of pink tents Napaljeni homoseksualae. gay old Veoma ugodan. gay old dog Zivahni starkelja, cilager. gayness Homoseksualnost. gazump GB Povisiti vec pogodenu eenu (nekretnine). be gazumped Biti tako izigran. gazungas Sise, sifoni. GBM (skrac. ad gay blaek man) g. Tamnoputi homoseksualae. gear 1. a) Droga, gudra, "roba" (obic. marihuana ili heroin). '''Got any gear, man?" • "Andy said he'd bring over some gear for the party, that's if he hasn't already taken it all. " b) nark. Pribor za fiksanje. 2. "Roba". 3. Moderna odeca, krpe. 4. GB Izvrstan, prvoklasan, sjajan, super. "They are gear! The Beatles leave for London after their triumphant tour of Sweden." 5. Pederast. geared (up) Pripravan, spreman, uzbuden. I'm gearing myself for the big chance. gee(-gee) GB (Trkacki) konj. "I lost thirty quid on the gee-gees." geek 1. US Budala, glupak, krele. Slicno creep. 2. Lujka, otkacen tip. Slicno weirdo. 3. Zaludenik, frik. Slicno nerd. 4. Pervert, perverznjak. 5. Pijaniea, ispicutura. Slicno lush. geeky Otkacen. "But it was another characte.r, Wayne Campbell, an endearingly geeky heavy-metal fan With his own cable show, who was the vehicle for Myers's first film hit." geezer; geeser; geyser GB 1. (Cudan) covek, tip. Slicno duffer; guy. Videti dodgy geezer. He is a tall geezer With chm whiskers. 2. Matorae, cica. 3. myoid geezer Moja zena/stara. gefuffle GB (Nepotrebna) zbrka, panika, konfuzija, frka. Isto kerfuffle; cufuffle. gel GB Devojka, gimnazijalka. gelt Lova, novae. 'To let you guys get away with the gelf?"

gemini! Bogati!; sta kazes! gen GB 1. Informacije. He gave me all the gen on the new office arrangements which were made while I was away. 2. (all) genned-up Dobro obavesten, upucen (u). gen up (on) Informisati, uputiti (u). Slicno gen oneself up. We genned him up before leaving. gent GB (obic. podsmesljivo) DZentimen, gospodin, tip. Slicno guy. gents, the GB Javni WC za muskaree. gentleman of fortune GB Kriminalac. gentleman's gent(leman) GB Novcanik. Geordie; geordie GB Stanovnik regije oko reke Tajn s Njukaslom kao sredistem. george GB 1. Klonja, WC. 2. Automatski pilot (u avionu). gertcher! GB Uzvik prezira. get; git Budala, idiot, krelac, krele. get a build on nark. Zarolati dzoint. get a body US lop. Ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. get/have a free ride Dobiti nesto besplatno; slepati 5e. She'll take a free ride whenever she can get one. get a grip Doci k sebi, opasuljiti se. get a kick out of Uzivati, odlepiti, super se provoditi. I sure get a kick out of the way you guys kid each other along. get a life US 1. Zivi zivot!; uzivaj malo u zivotu; zivni bre malo; otkaci se. "David Bowker was told by a fan to get a life, and enjoy it. But this week's challenge, to be happy, was too much." 2. zat. Biti osuden na dozivotnu robiju. get a movelwiggle on 1. Odmah krenuti. 2. Pozuriti. Slicno get going. Tell him to damn well get a wiggle on. get a piece of tail Pojebati nesto, karnuti. get a rift/rushlhustle on GB Pozuriti. get aboutlaround Dosta putovati, smucati se. get above oneself Uobraziti se, diCi nos. get along with you! Ma hajde! get away (With) 1. Uspeti izvuci se (obic. neposteno, neocekivano). I didn't get away with hassling the committee. 2. Isto sto i get along with you. get burned Zestoko pogresiti, "opeCi se". get by Proci, provuci se, uspeti. Slicno make out. We were barely getting by on two salaries.

get cracking/cutting GB Prihvatiti se posla. get cracking! Pozuri! get down (to it) Prionuti (na posao). Let's get down. There's tons of stuff to do! get hitched Ozeniti se. get it Shvatiti, razumeti, ukapirati. "/ don't get it What do you mean?" get it (in the neck) Dobiti po glavi, biti kaznjen. The poor wimp got it in the neck again. get laid Potucati, povaliti. "Now the Commander clear/y wasn't someone you could bung 50 quid or take to a nightclub and get laid" get leggless Obeznaniti se od pica. get lost! Gubi se! get lucky Posreciti se; kresnuti, povaliti. He got lucky at the family reunion. get me? Kapiras? get stuffed! GB Nosi se! Slicno fuck you! get off with GB Upoznati se sa, spetljati se sa. get off, I told him where to GB Ocitao sam mu (bukvicu). get off one's back/neck Skin uti se kome s vrata/leda. All they need is for Government to get off their backs. get off on the wrong foot Otpoceti lose. get off one's chest Olaksati se, red sto je na srcu. get on one's wick/tits GB Nervirati, ici na zivce, iei na kurac. "It really gets on my tits when someone calls me a career woman." get one's act/head/shit together Organizovati se, sabrati se; odluciti se. "You know you really should try and get your head together if you intend to carry on in this business." get one's end away/in GB Tucati, umociti. It was the place in the town for getting one's end in, they said, and it was naturally very crowded. get one's eye in Upoznati se. get one's feet/foot in (i/i under the table) Ucvrstiti svoju poziciju. get one's goat/nanny lei na nerve/jetru. His bitching gets my goats sometimes. get one's hand in Upoznati se. get one's leg across/over 1. Zavesti. 2. Imati seks sa, zaskociti. "In 1960, the improbably-faced country singer, Lyle Lovett, was born. Against all odds, he leter got his leg over Julia Roberts." get one's mad up/out Razljutiti se, razbesneti se.

get one's rag out Razljutiti se, razbesneti se. get one's rocks (off) 1. Pojebati, staviti pod jaja. Takode get one's nuts off. If he doesn't get his rocks off soon, he'll get violent, he says. 2. Zadovoljiti. "Last year I did 17 concerts in Asia ... In Beijing, for the Chinese people to get their rocks off was extraordinary. " get one's shit together Sabrati se, organizovati se; odluciti se vec jednom. Slicno have one's ducks in a row. get one's teeth into Zagristi. John finally got his teeth into the project, and finished it in 5 days. get out of bed on the wrong side Ustati na levu nogu. get real! Nemoj da si naivan!; budi realan! "I'm going to Las Vegas. I know 1'/1win a lot of money!" - "Get real! You '/1 probably lose a lot of money!" get shot/shut of Otarasiti se. get stuffed! Nosi se!; goni se! get the boot/bullet Dobiti nogu, biti najuren. He got the boot from his job and his girl both. get the horn Seksualno se uzbuditi. get the message Shvatiti, ukapirati, skontati. get the monkey off ili off one's back nark. Skinuti se s droge. get the needle Izgubiti zivce. get the read on sb Provaliti koga (u kom je fazonu). get the worst of it Izvuci deblji kraj. get there Uspeti. get-together Skup, okupljanje, zabava, parti. get up and go Energija, snaga. "I'm really tired. I don't have any get up and go. " get weaving Zapoceti, prionuti na posao. get wise Shvatiti, razumeti, opametiti se. I hope you'll get wise and learn to keep your mouth shut. get wood Dici se (kome). ghost zat. Prebaciti zatvorenika nocu iz jednog u drugi zatvor. ghost of a (chance, etc.), not the Ni najmanjeg izgleda, nikakve sanse. Gib GB Gibraltar. giddy goat, play the Izigravati budalu. gift of the gab GB Recitost, blagoglagoljivost. gig 1. muz. Svirka, gaza. Slicno jam session. 'These lads are professional musicians and gigs are their bread and butter. " 2. Vagina; cmar. giggle Sala. Takode a bit of a giggle.

gigolo ligolo. gilt-edged Pouzdan, siguran. .., . gimp 1. Bogalj. Isto gimpy. Slicno crip. He'd Just kick a glmp In the good leg and leave him lay. 2. Budala, krele. gimme = give (it) to me gimmick Nesto efektno, trik, stos, fazon. Slleno gaff. A new gimmick, infra-red contact lenses which ... e~~bled a card player to read markings on the back of cards. gin and it Dzin sa italijanskim ~er~utom. gin and Jag(uar) GB 1. Skorojevlc. 2. Elitna stambena cetvrt. . gin sling Ledeni napitak (dzin, seee.r i vo~~i sok); seri-brendl. gin palace Kicarski uradena gradevma; klcarskl uredena prostorija. ginger GB Pesa, pesko, topli brat. ginger group Aktivisticka grupa. ginger pop GB Pivo od dumbira. gink GB Davez, gusac, smar~c, s.~or. gip 1. Gepiti, ukrasti, maznutl, lapltl. 2. Prevariti, obmanuti. . . girlie-mag(azine) lIustrovana publikacija s mnogo golotlnje, porno casopis. . . git GB Bezveznjak, "slepac", krele, moron, Idiot, krele. give a (big) hand Aplaudirati ~iz s~e ~nage). give head (ili good head) PUSltl, Iizatl (seks). Isto suck. Not that Linda has anything against bailing customers ... but she Just loves to give head . . give me a break Ma, pusti me na miru; skini mi se; o'ladi. Glve me a break If 1m the one in charge, then why are you trying to make all the decisions? give a miss Promasiti; ignorisati; izos~aviti, pr~skociti. give a ring/tinkle Telefonirati, zvrc~~tl, clmnutl. give one a talking to Ukontl, Izgrdltl koga. give sb a ride Nasamariti, izvozati koga.. . give sb one Pojebati, iskarati. He hopes to gIve her one tOnight. give sb stick GB Daviti, gnjaviti, drZati. vak!'lu, popovatl. '. . give sblsth the once-over Gleda~ Ispltlvackl, odmeravatl~ te~e.ljno pregledati. Isto check out. That guy In the corner IS glvmg us the once-over. * / gave her papers the once-over and figured she qualified. .. give sb the works Lose postupiti prema kome; prebltl koga, propustiti ga kroz sake. Isto clobber; work. sb over. They took him into the adjoining room and gave him the works. 'w"

give sth the chop Eliminisati st~. Isto cut. A vast trade and business complex ... was given the chop. give sth the deep six Odbaciti, dati dvojku, dvojkirati, otkaCiti. They gave those files the deep six. give the game away Otkriti, izbrbljati tajnu. giver Radodajka. gizzard 1. leludac. 2. fret one's gizzard Izjedati se, zderati se, sekirati se. 3. stick in one's gizzard Zapeti u grlu, biti neugodno/nelagodno/neprihvatljivo. /t sticks in my gizzard to tell him his work is bad after all his efforts. glad eye, give one the Ocijukati s kime, namigivati kome, zavoditi koga pogledom. She gave me the glad eye and / wondered what she had been up to now. glad rags Svecano/najbolje odelo; vecernje odelo. Let's get our glad rags on, darling; we're going to be late for dinner. glam oneself up Nacifrati se, skockati se. Takode get your self glammed up Doteraj se najbolje sto mozes. glamour girl/pants/puss Lepotica (obit. filmska zvezda); starleta. glasshouse GB voj. Vojni zatvor, staklara. glimmer(ing), not a Ni trunke, nimalo. Not a glimmer of sense. glitter Svetlucava kozmetika. glitterati Poznate i glamurozne osobe, zvezde. glock, a US Prangija, utoka, puca, stoljpi. "Now / got a glock, making mother.fuckers duck. " gloss off, take the Umanjiti sjaj/draz (cega). glossy US Skup casopis (stampan na sjajnom papiru). Slicno slick. gnat's pee/piss 1. Lose pivo. 2. like gnat's pee/piss Neukusan. 3. have blood like gnat's piss Prestraviti se. go 1. Moderno, poslednji krik, in, trendi, u fazonu. These shirts are all the go now. 2. Pokusaj. Slicno crack; whack. She gave it a good go, and made it. 3. Uspeh. 4. Energija; inicijativa. 5. Rasprava, svada. She had a bit of a go with him, and wouldn't speak to him for a week. go all out lei svom snagom, punom parom, zapeti. go (all) to pieces Propasti, raspasti se, puei, odlepiti. go ape/ape-shit Podivljati. "When Manchester United won the treble in injury time in 1999, most of the country went ape. "

go ape for/over Napaliti se, naloziti se na (koga); biti opsednut (kime/cime). Everyone we met, experienced native and green tourist alike, went ape for it. go ballistic Pobesneti, podivljati, razgoropaditi se. He went ballistic, terrifying the women and keeping them imprisoned for five hours, the court was told. go bananas Posandrcati, skrenuti, odlepiti, siznuti. go cold (on) Izgubiti entuzijazam (za), ohladiti se; izaei iz fazona. go cold turkey nark. Krizirati; skidati se s droge nasuvo; biti u zikri. go down 1. Imati ucinka, biti dobro primljen. The event went down very well. 2. Napustiti fakultet na kraju semestra. 3. Zavrsiti (pozorisnu predstavu). 4. lop. lei u zatvor. When two oft he Mob heads went down, the others took care of their families. 5. Roditi dete. go down on sb Pusiti, lizati (seks). "...but after his third orgasm he went down on me and Icouldn't hold back." go down with Naiei na odobravanje (kod koga). go easy Kontrolisati se, suzdrzati se. Go easy, fellow, he was just jiving. go easy on sb Biti blagonaklon prema kome. Why do the judges go so easy on these perverts? go for broke US lei na sve ili nista. go for it! Samo napred!; samo hrabro! Will we play it safe, or go for if? go-getter Ziva vatra, energicna osoba, '·udarnik". Slicno winner. go-go Dinamican, energican, poletan (narocito u biznisu i trgovini). *Religion is a really go-go growth industry these days. *Japan's go-go entrepreneurs can turn their operations into the new Goliaths. go, have a Pokusati. go home Istrositi se; dokrajciti se. I think the car's going home. go of, make a Uspeti. go off the deep end 1. Razbesneti se, razljutiti se. Slicno blow one's top. 2. Doziveti nervni slom. The old lady just went off the deep end after her family died in that car crash. go on 1. Voleti, ceniti; paliti se, loziti se. I don't go much on rugby. 2. Nastaviti. go one better than Nadmasiti, nadvisiti. go over big Postiei veliki uspeh.

go over the top Prekardasiti, prevrsiti meru. Vidi a.T.T. go past oneself Biti izvan cijih moguenosti. go places 1. Mnogo putovati, smucati se. 2 ..Imati uspeha, biti uspesan. He'd got a bit of money behind hIm now, and he was really going places. go potty Poludeti, siznuti, poblesaviti. "Tabloids went potty when Prine Charles admitted to talking to his plants in 1986." go slow 1. Namerno raditi sporo. 2. go-slow "Beli" strajk (kada se namerno radi sporo). go spare Razljutiti se, pobesneti. She'll go spare when she finds her best vase broken. go steady (with) Furati na duze staze, imati ozbiljnu vezu. go the rounds Cirkulisati, kruziti. go the whole hog lei do kraja. go through the motions Pretvarati se, folirati se. go tits up 1. Umreti, odapeti, pandrknuti. 2. Propasti, raspasti se. *Her firm went tits up after the stock market crash. * Nick's devious plan went tits up when his colleagues discovered the facts. 3. Pasti. I went tits up on that ice on the path. go to blazes/hell/Jericho/Halifax/the devil! Gubi se! go to pieces Vidi go (all) to pieces. go to pot Postati neupotrebljiv, propasti, krahirati. go to the bad/dogs Propasti, krahirati, riknuti nacisto. go to the country OdrZati opste izbore. go to town Veseliti se, slaviti, praviti lumperaj, iei u zezanje. go under Ne uspeti, podbaciti; propasti, bankrotirati (biznis). She has so many worries, she's sure to go under. go up in smoke Nestati, ispariti, propasti. go up in the air Razljutiti se, razbesneti se. go west 1. Nestati. 2. Postati neupotrebljiv. go while the going's good Dejstvovati dok su prilike povoljne. goalie; goalee GB Golman. goat, get one's lei na nerve, zivcirati. goat, act/play the (giddy) Izigravati budalu. gob 1. GB Usta, gubica, kljun. Shut your gob! 2. Pljunuti. Gob on you, cause I hate your guts ... 3. US Mornar. gobstopper GB Veliki lepljiv slatkis. gob and rub Drkati, bacati ga u nesvest. gobble 1. Jebanje, kecanje, zveketanje. 2. Jebati, kecati, zveketati.

gobbler 1. Jebac. 2. Pusika. 2. Homic. God-awful Grozan, odvratan. I heard the most God-awful racket above my head. god-box Crkva. God knows Ne znam; ko to zna. gods, the Galerija (pozoriste). goer 1. (Seksualno) aktivna i zainteresovana osoba. 2. Lukava osoba (obie. zena). goggle Zuriti, buljiti, piljiti. goggle-box GB Televizor. Vidi idiot-box. goggles Naocari, cvikeri, dozluci. going-away dress Haljina u kojoj nevesta polazi na medeni mesec. going concern Uspesan poduhvaUposao. going spare Lako dostupan. going's good, while the Dok su prilike povoljne. US (beat it) while beating's good. goings-on Desavanja, zbivanja (obie. neobicna, ruzna ili neprijatna); rabota. There was shouting, and loud music, and all sorts of goings-on I can't describe! gold-brick US 1. Zabusavati. 2. Zabusant. 3. Prevara. 4. Varati. 5. sell sb a gold-brick Prodavati muda za bubrege. golden bollocks Odnosi se na muskarca koji ima srece u Ijubavi i na kartama. golden bullet nark. Ziatni metak; namerno predoziranje sa samoubilackom namerom. golf widow hum. Zena ciji muz precesto igra golf. golly! GB 0, boze!; Isuse! Slicno gosh. Golly, Mom, did you really win it? gone 1. Trudna, u drugom stanju, zaglavila, zakevila. 2. nark. Nadrogiran. 3. Sjajan, super, kul. Slicno cool. a real gone chick. gone and done it UCinjeno, i tacka (nesto lose). gone for a Burton Otisao dodavola/bestraga; upropascen; izgubljen; pokvaren, ne funkcionise vise. *If you want me to do all that extra work, well, that's my weekend gone for a Burton. *I'm afraid we can't watch the football match tonight, my TV's gone for a burton.

gone on/over Zaljubljen, zatreskan u (koga/sto). / was so gone over her. goner Propao covek, propalitet; ugasio; propala stvar. Slicno dead duck. gong GB Medalja, odlikovanje. gonk Krele, dileja. goo Bilo koja lepljiva materija. Slicno glop; gunk. goob US Moron, krele. Isto nerd; jerk. good egg Pozitivac, strejtas. Suprotno bad egg. Henry Fonda frequently was cast as the good egg. good deal/few, a Dosta, mnogo. good for nothing 1. Beskoristan. 2. Nistarija, nikogovic. good form. U skladu s prihvacenim drustvenim konvencijama. good gracIous (me)! GB Nebesa!; sveti boze!; blagi boze! good hunting! Srecno!; dobar ulov! (u poslovanju). good lay Zena dobra u seksu, polegusa. good-looker Atraktivna osoba; zgodna zena; nesto privlacno. Slicno looker. Is she a good looker? good shit 1. nark. Kvalitetna roba/droga; kvalitetna marihuana/ heroin. Man, this is good shit! Where'd you get it? 2 ..Dobra stvar, bilo sta prijatno. This place is real good shit, am't It? good~ella US lop. Gangster, mafijas, mafioza. Isto wiseguy. goodIe 1. Dobra stvar, nesto dobro/pozeljno. 2. Pozitivac (obie. u filmu i1i u prici). Isto goody. It's much easier to make a girl a baddie than a goodie. goody two-shoes Dobrica; zenska osoba toliko dobra da je glupa. Isto goody-goody. goof 1. Budala, glupan, dalabu. Slicno boob; klutz. He's a goof but harmless. ' 2. Mladic (sa kojim se devojka zabavlja). 3. US Napraviti gaf, pogresiti. You goofed again, it's a one-way street. goofy Opicen, nema sve koze na broju. goo-goo eyes Buljave oci. gook US pogrd. Koreanac, Vjetnamac, Kinez. Slicno slope. It was there that I first heard of dinks, slopes, and gooks. goolies; ghoulies GB 1. Muda. 2. drop a goolie/bollock Napraviti gaf, pogresiti. goomba(h) ili goombar ili gumbah 1. (Pouzdani) prijatelj ili poslovnl partner. 2. Mafijas. "Tony Soprano is a goomba who's more at ease making veiled threats than he is dealing with his home's burst water heater. "

goon 1. Glupak, bezveznjak, dalabu, krele, dileja. Slicno jerk; pill. "The brain-mashed punk goon that was Sid Vicious would have celebrated his 42nd birthday today." 2. Tabadzija, siledzija; placeni ubica. "Twenty or thirty goons spilled out of the club, and in less than half an hour they had forced Gotti's would-be assailant into a car." goon(e)y US Budala, dileja, krele. goop(y) Budalasto. Slicno gooey. There's no way to talk about that without sounding goopy goose, not say boo to a Bojazljiv, stidljiv. goose-step Paradni (pruski) korak. gormless GB Glup, praznoglav. Slicno dumb. gosh! GB Bogami!; boze!; zaboga! got up to kill ili to the nines GB Nacifran, napirlitan, skockan. gowk GB Idiot, krele, dalabu. grab Odgovarati, svidati se, impresionirati. Odatle how does that grab you? Kako ti se ovo (ideja itd.) svida? grab a bite Prezalogajiti, baciti nesto u kljun. "I'm really hungry. Would you like to grab a bite with me?" grade, make the 1. Uspeti. He made the grade as a lawyer. 2. Biti na nivou. His work just didn't make the grade. gradel(e)y Veoma dobro, kompletno. graft 1. GB (Tezak) rad; kuluk. Slicno game; racket. testo hard graft Dirincenje. 2. Naporno raditi. 3. US Korupcija, mito, podmicivanje, nepostena zarada. grafter 1. Radnik koji naporno radio 2. US Korumpiran cinovniklpoliticar; sitan kriminalac; diler droge; varalica; prevarant. grand, a 1. Hiljadu dolara/funti, hiljadarka. Isto G. 2. do a grand Izgubiti hiljadarku. grapevine 1. Nezvanican. Obit. on the grape-vine Nezvanican, nezakonit. I heard it on the grapevine. 2. the grapevine Glasina, trac, radio Mileva. *The grapevine says we're moving soon. *1 heard it through the grapevine. grasp the nettle Uhvatiti bika za rogove, odlucno se prihvatiti zadatka, hrabro se upustiti u resavanje problema. grass 1. nark. Trava, marihuana. Isto grass weed; pot. Scoring grass here is easier than buying a loaf of bread. 2. GB lop. Dousnik, potkazivac, cinkaros, taster, drukara. Vidi supergrass. Don't tell John about this, he's a grass and I don't want to get into trouble. 3. be put out to grass Penzionisati.

grass (sb) up GB lop. Potkazati, otkucati, tasterisati, drukati. Isto grass on sb. Vidi supergrass. Anyhow it was a dirty trick grassing his pals. grasser lop. Dousnik, potkazivac, cinkaros, taster, drukara. graveyard Sumoran, neraspolozen. graveyard cough Kasalj za groblje, smrtonosan kasalj. gravy Laka lova. gray mare Supruga. graze, put out to Isto sto i put out to grass. Vidi grass (3). grease 1. Laskati. 2. US lop. Ubiti, upucati, ucmekati. "One move and we grease your friend." 3. US Lova. If we had some grease we could hit the town this weekend. 4. Mito. 5. Uticaj, veza. Slicno pull. You can't get a job here without plenty of grease. grease the wheels Podmititi, podmazati. greased lightning, like Munjevito. greaser 1. US pogrd. Spanac, Meksikanac ili Mediteranac. 2. Uvlakac, ulizica. 3. Sitan kriminalac; mladi delinkvent. Slicno punk. greasing Ulizivanje. great big Veoma veliki. great guns, go Sjajno ici/uspevati. Jo? Last time I saw her, she was going great guns with Richard - but of course that was then ... great unwashed, the GB 1. Radnicka klasa, proletarijat. 2. Hipici. great wen, the GB London. great white chief, the Sef, glavni. greedy guts Prozdrljivac, nezasitnik. green 1. Jebanje. Why not go after the girl? .. She's not getting what I believe is vulgarly called her greens. 2. Novcanice, zelembaci, kes. Isto folding money. 3. nark. Losa marihuana, travuljina. 4. Zelen, neiskusan. "I don't think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. He's too green." greenlblue about/around the gills Loseg/bolesnog izgleda. He was looking green around the gills so I told him to lie down. green as he's cabbage-looking, he's (etc.) not so Nije tako mutav kao sto izgleda. green-back US Dolarska novcanica, zelembac.

green fingers, have GB Imati smisla za vrtlarstvo. gr~y matter Siva masa, kefalo, vijuge, mozak, inteligencija. gnefy GB Depreslvan; problematican. "I mean we've all tried to fly . from upstairs wmdows ... we know those griefy scenes, man!" gnft US 1. Novae od prevare. 2. Varanje, muckanje, vacarenje. He gritted a couple years then got a regular job. 3. on the grift Varati, muckati, muvati. . 4. get off the Wift Povuci se iz prevarantskog posla. gnfter US 1. Varallea, prevarant, muckaros, muvara. 2. Koekar. 3. Skitniea. Isto drifter. grim death, hold on/hang on like Grcevito/cvrsto se drzati ne popustati. ' grin and bear it Cuti i trpi. grind 1. Naporno uciti. "Five days to grind and two days to be social ... the way it was at Yale." 2. ~veketa,nje, jebanje, seva. I know just where you can get a grmd that II dnve you out of your mind. 3. ZV~ketati, jeb~ti. Takode do/have a grind. Odatle grind Jebaelea. Susie s a great little grind 4. Drkati, masturbirati. 5. a grind Okapanje, kulucenje, naporan posao/rad. Odatle hard grind Tegoban posao, kuluk, dirincenje. Vidi graft. 6. Gnjavaza, dosada, smaranje. Slicno jerk; a pain in the . n~ck. Writing dictionaries is indeed a grind grinding halt, come to a Jenjavati, polako se zaustaviti. Production came to a grinding halt, because of a lack of parts. grip US Rucna ili putna torba. gripe ~:m~.'s ass/balls(butt/cookies/left nut/middle kidney/soul/ shlt lei na kurae/JaJa/nerve; zivcirati. You really gripe my ass when you act like that! grit 1. Izdrzljivost, hrabrost, odlucnost, petlja. Odatle gritty. 2. Jesti. 3. Hrana. 4. US Juznjak. grizzle 1. Cmizdriti. Odatle grizzler; grizzle-guts Cmizdra. 2. Pevati (pogot. na uliei, za novae). groove, in the 1. Ima uspesnan period, u dobrom je fazonu. 'The early nineties were difficult for Carlton but he's back in the groove again with a new hit series. 2. Prati najnovija desavanja.

3. arh. Zastareo, staromodan.

'The professor of Classics was,

as she wo.u/d have put it, in 'cana/iculo', in the groove." ~: .get sb In the groove Ubaeiti koga u dobar fazon, oraspoloZiti koga. Courtney B. Vance tries to get Angela Bassett in the groove with this hot kiss. groovy 1. Sjajan, izvanredan, super, "mrak". "Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me, we've got a groovy kind of love." 2. (Seksualno) uzbudljiv. Slicno far out. groovy! Mocno!; opusteno! grope Vatanje, peting. "A quick grope in the back of a car." gross GB Odvratan, grozan, uzasan, prostacki. "I thought men were gross, boring and awfu/!" grotty; groaty; groady; groddy Los; grozan; Ijigav, neprijatan, odvratan; gadan; inferioran, drustveno neprihvatljiv. Slicno grungy; scuzzy. "The magazines had covers with those grotty weirdos on them." grouch Gundati, zanovetati, cantrati, zvoeati. groun.d floor 1. Pocetni stadijum (u biznisu, profesiji itd.). 2. In on the ground floor Na vreme stupiti u posao, investirati na vreme. You better act now if you want to be in on the ground floor. groupie Grupi, devojka koja prati muzicke i1ifilmske zvezde na turnejama radi seksualnih odnosa sa njima. Isto starfucker. grouse GB Gundati, zanovetati, cantrati. Slicno bitch. "No grousing, no foot-dragging, both signs of a solid pro." grouser GB Gundalo, zakeralo . grub Klopa, njupa, mandza, has. grumble-guts Gundalo, zakeralo. guff 1. Glupost, budalastina, prazna prica. Slicno bullshit. "... his ability to listen to all the gut!, through all the tedium. " 2. Blefirati, lagati, preterivati. Slicno bullshit. Quit your gutting and tell it right. guido US Zabar; italoamericki mangup. guinea-pig GB Zamorce. gum up Pokvariti, upropastiti. Obit. gum up the works Prouzrokovati konfuziju, uCiniti da stvar stane. Slicno bollix up; fuck up. Our future plans are all gummed up by the illness of several members of the club. gum-tree, up a GB U skripeu, nadrljao, nagrabusio. gumption (Urodena) bistrina uma, pronicijivost, sposobnost. gun-runner Krijumcar oruzija. gung ho Napaljen. "Pussy's sudden transformation into gung ho FB/ guy isn't entirely believable."

gush Afektirano govoriti; afektirati, cepiti se: ._ guts 1. GB Hrabrost, odlucnost, muda; petlja. Sll,~no balls. "Young people admire her guts and mtegnty. 2. Osnova, sustina. The guts ofthe matter is that they are not here. 3. Unutrasnjost. Slicno innards. He removed the cover and exposed the guts. _. gut-rot 1. Rakija, rakijstina, daskovaca, brlja. 2. Bol u stomaku. gutless Siabie, kukavica, bezmudas, sisa, picka. _ . guts for garters, have one's Vezati kome muda u evor (pretnja). guv = governor guzunder GB Noksir, nosa. guy Muskarae, covek; tip. gym 1. skrac. Gimnazija. 2. skrac. Gimnastika. . . 3. Gimnasticka sala, teretana. "...they are mtelllgent professionals who go to the gym ... " gyp; gip; jip 1. Ciganin, Ciga. . __ 2. Prevarant, varaliea, vaearos. Isto gyp artist; gypser. Sheno crook. 3. US Prevariti, izraditi, nasamariti. Odatle gypped ~;evaren, nasamaren. We got gypped out of it all in two days. "" gyve nark. Marihuana; eigareta marihuane, dzokavae. Isto Jive.

H "H" nark. Heroin. Isto smack; junk; skag; shit; brown; horse; Harry; boy. hack (Literarni) nadnicar. hack it Obaviti (s uspehom). Slicno cut it; handle. It's a tough assignment. Do you think you can hack if? had, be Nasamaren, nasankan, navucen. "You mean these aren't real diamonds?" she exclaimed when she got home. "Oh, I've been hadf" had it (in a big way), to have Biti dosta (kome cega); dokurciti. All at once I've had it up to here with psychiatry. hair curl, make one's Sokirati. The risks mountaineers run are enough to make your hair curl. hair-do Frizura. hairdo TeJevizijski spiker. Isto talking head. hair down, let one's Opustiti se, lezerno se ponasati. hair, get in one's lei na nerve. hair of the dog that bit you Mamurluk se razbija pijuei nanovo; klin se klinom izbija. hair on, keep one's Ostati hladnokrvan. hair-raiser Jeziva, uzbudljiva prica, film itd. hair-raising Jeziv, od kojeg se kosa dize. hairs, have sb by the short Drzati koga u saci, drzati kome muda u proeepu. hairy Cupavo, opasno, rizicno, tesko. SJicno tough. "That was a pretty hairy drive down to Donovan's place." half a jiffylmoltick Tren. half an eye, see with Lako videti. half-and-half 1. Polovicno; poJa jedno, pola drugo. 2. Mesavine od dye vrste piva (ale i porter). half-assed Glup, budalast, nesposoban, dupeglava. half-baked 1. Glupav, sirov, neiskusan. 2. Nedopecen, nepotpun. a half baked plan. half-cracked Bleskast, luekast. half-cut GB alk. Pripit, pod gasom. half-inch Ukrasti, maznuti, gepiti, lapiti. "If people are going to go around half-inching planets the situation is pretty serious. " half round the bend Poblesavio, siznuo.

hard nut to crack Tvrd orah. hard put to it U skripcu; u tesk?m poloza!u. ., hard sell Nametljiv nacin prodaje, nametljlvo ubedlvanje. "Convincing the primarily L.A.-based cas to relocate to. Cusack's hometown of Chicago, where the senes IS fIlmed, was a bit of a hard sell " hard ticket Tezak tip, problematicna osoba. hard up 1. Zagoreo, seksualno napaljen/nalozen. Isto horny. He declared he was so hard up he'd fuck mud. . 2. Bez novea, dekintiran, bez banke. It was no disgrace to be hard up in those times. . . . . Harry nark. Heroin. Isto "H"; smack; Junk; skag; shlt, brown, horse; boy. . Harry flakers GB Iznosen, izlizan, Izandao. Harry starkers GB Go goleat, kao od majke .roden. . hassle 1. Uznemiravati. "If you'd stop hasslmg me, I mIght get this finished on time!" .• . .." 2. a hassle Guzva, uznemirenje, problematlena sltuaelja. I know it's a hassle to complete this form now, but Mr. Rogers needs it in his office by the end of the day." hash 1. nark. Hasis. 2. Razglabati, dugo razgovarati. Slicno hash over: . 3. Naciniti zbrku, upropastiti. Takode hash-Up. Slleno fuck up, mess up. .. k 't' 4 make a hash of Naciniti zbrku, upropastltl, po van I. 5: hash-cookies nark KolaciCi sa hasisom. 6. US Sjajan, izvrstan, super. Slicno cool. hasher US 1. Kelner, kesa. 2. Kuvar. b t hashery (Jeftin) restorancic. We'll inhale a few ham urgers a some fashionable hashery hat round, sendlpass the Prikupljati novae (u dobrotvorne svrhe). . hatch match and dispatch Rodenje, zenldba I s~rt. hatch~t-man US 1. "Glavoseca". Odatle hatchet Job Zestok verbalni napad. "By hatchet job is meant here ... a calculated attempt to demolish the author." 2. Profesionalni ubiea. Slicno hitman. .' , hate sb's guts Mrzeti koga iz dna duse. I dislike hIm, but I don t hate his damn guts. haul sb ashes Jebati. .' haul sb in Uhapsiti, privesti koga. Slicno run sb m. The poltce decided to haul them all in. v'


have 1. Nasamariti, nasankati. Slicno diddle. I'm afraid it's a scam, they had us. 2. Imati snosaj. "I had Mary Jane in her own bathtub ten times." 3. have had it Biti gotov; biti prekasno; biti dosta; umreti. I've had it! Let's stop and rest. 4. let him have it Neka plati za one sto je uCinio. have all the moves Biti veoma vest, biti tata-mata (obic. u sportu). have a bag (ili half a bag) on Biti pijan. have a bit off (With) Pojebati, povaliti, karnuti. have a hard-on for sb/sth 1. Biti napaljen/nalozen na koga/sto. I'm afraid the chief executive officer has a hard-on for his idea. 2. Ne svidati se; praviti kome probleme. have a go 1. Pokusati. 2. Jebati, tucati. have it away with GB Jebati. Isto have it off with. "He later told me he'd had it off with a photographer the previous night and so wasn't much concerned with haVing it away with himself" have it both ways 1. VuCi korist sa dye strane. Slicno work both sides of the street. Make up your mind which one you'll sup port, because you can't have it both ways. 2. Biti biseksualae. have it in Jebati. have it in for sb Biti kivan na koga. have it off GB Tueati, karati; pojebati se. Bill has had it off with both of them. have kittens/a cow Biti u stanju velikog uzbudenja/besa. He got so mad I thought he was going to have kittens. have (one's) ass in a crack/sling Biti u velikoj nevolji/skripeu; imati muda u proeepu. If she catches you changing that report you'll have your ass in a sling. have one'sback to the wall Biti priteran uza zid, biti u teskoj situaeiji; biti u skripeu/tesnacu/stisci. have (one's) end off Jebati. Isto fuck. have out with Otvoreno porazgovarati, rascistiti stvar s (kime). We'll have to have it out with them. have sb by the balls Drzati koga za muda, drzati koga u sakama. Slicno have sb by the short hairs. / didn't want to do it, but they had me by the balls. have sb by the short hairs DrZati koga za muda, drzati koga u sakama. They've got me by the short hairs. There's nothing / can do.

have (sb) on 2. Ismejati have shit for You suffer

1. Nasamariti, nasankati (koga). (koga). brains Imati surutkuipromaju u glavi, biti vrlo glup. from chronic cranial rectalitis, you have shit for

brains. have the edge on Videti edge. have the law on Preduzeti zakonske mere protiv. haves and have-nots, the Bogati i siromasni. hay of, make Napraviti zbrku, pometnju. haywire 1. Zbrkan; dezorganizovan; haotiean; Iud. Slieno cockeyed. 2. Ne radi, ne funkcionise. Slieno on the blink. This meter's haywire. 2. go haywire Posasaviti, postati rastrojen, siznuti. "Remember that I tried to talk you out of it, and don't go haywire." he-man Muskareina, maeo. Slieno hunk; macho. head 1. nark. Onaj ko uzima drogu i koga zanimaju sliene stvari (meditacija, pop-muzika itd). "Those were the days of heads and freaks. And getting high was where it was at, then Vietnam was the ultimate trip." 2. Oralni seks. head above water, keep one's Opstati u teskoj situaciji. head cook and bottlewasher podsm. Osoba na polozaju. head, do sth (standing) on one's UCiniti sto dubeCi na glavi, s lakoeom. head down, get one's LeCi i spavati. head honcho Glavni, sef. "Dave's the head honcho of the ESL Cafe on the Web." head like a sieve, have a Biti krajnje zaboravan. head off, talk one's Brbljati sto na sat. Isto talk fifteen to the dozen. head-piece Glava, razum, pamet, kefalo, vijuge. head screwed on, have one's Nije veslo sisao. head-shrinker Psihijatar; psihoanalitiear. Isto shrink. head, to give Pusiti (seks). She gives great head headbanger US Zaludenik za hevi-metal muziku. headlines, hit/make the Imati publicitet, dospeti na naslovnu stranu. Huh! That'll never make headlines! heads, (the) Toalet. heap Krntija, starudija. Slieno jalopy. heap, he was struck/knocked all of a Kao da ga je gram osinuo, sokirao se. hear, hear! GB Tako jet; potpuno se slazem!

heart in one's boots/moutns, 11, •• _ u pete (od straha); krajnje zabrinut. heart-throb Srcolomac; omiljen/zgodan dasa (obic. glumac). Who's your heart-throb this week? heart-to-heart, a Iskren i intiman (razgovor). heave up Povraeati. Slieno barf. heavy father, come/do the Popovati, kritikovati, pridikovati. heck! GB Do davola! hecti~ ~zbu?ljiv, groznieav, zbrkan. a hectic day heebie-Jeebies Zmarci, trod. SHeno willies. First night I had a fit of the heebie-jeebies. heels, show a clean pair of Odmagliti, zbrisati, pokazati pete. hell or (and) high water, come Kakve god da su teskoee. hell broke{n) loose (Nastati) pravi pakao/haos/rusvaj. hell-for-leather Iz sve snage, kao bez duse, veoma brzo. Isto hell-bent-for-Ieather. Slieno all out; flat out. You're heading hell-for-leather to a crack-up. hell of a mess Zbrka; tezak problem. * This place is one hell of a mess. ·What a hell of a mess you've made. hellish Paklen, uzasan. helluva = hell of a. That's a helluva thing to do! hemp nark. Marihuana; cigareta marihuane. hep Koji je u toku (sa savremenim zbivanjima); moderan; popularan; In. Sheno hip; with it. "By running with the older boys I soon began to get hep." hep-cat muz. Dzez-fan; bonvivan. Slieno cat; dude. herb{s) nark. Marihuana, trava. Slieno pot. "So you get fines to pay and you've lost your herbs." Herb US Sonja, slabie. herbert GB Drugar, druskan, pajtas, pajtos. here goes GB Evo, poCinjem! here's how ili mud in your eye Hi to us Sve najbolje ziveli (zdravica). ' herring pond, the Atlantski okean, Velika bara. h~t-up, (all) Uzbuden, nalozen, napaljen. h~ckory GB Taksimetar. Isto clock; ticker; kettle; Mary Ann. hIde Koza, krzno. hiding Satine, lemanje. h~ding .to nothing, on a Osuden na neuspeh. high PIJan; drogiran;. eUfo~ican. Takode high as a kite. "They can arrest you for beIng hIgh on coke, but it's not illegal to get drunk."

high and mighty Ohol, uobrazen, pun sebe. highball 1. alk. Viski sa sodom i ledom (u visokoj easi). He quaffed a couple of rye highballs and left. 2. US Odjuriti; voziti punom brzinom. high-brow (Pseudo)intelektualan, umisljen zbog svoje obrazovanosti, dubokomisaon. Vidi low-brow. "The Silence of the Lambs' ... was a matchless example of provocative pulp, showing how a lower genre can outwit the highbrow .. " high feather, in Oobrog zdravlja/raspolozenja. high flyer/-flier Ambiciozna i uspesna osoba, krupna zverka. high-hat US Snob. high horse, (ride) on one's Bahat, ohol, pun sebe. high-jinks Bueno veselje, raspojasanost. high jump, be for the GB Nagrabusiti, nadrljati. high roller kock. Veliki igrae u kazinu, igrae koji igra sa velikim ulozima. The casinos give generous freebies to the high rollers. high spots Senzacija; vrhunac. the high spot of the evening's entertainment. high-stepper Vrlo ugledna ili sposobna osoba, budza. high-Up Osoba visokog drustvenog polozaja, vazna osoba, budza. Slieno big shot; higher-up. Rico got in touch with some of the high-Ups. high water Videti hell or high water. hill-billy US Zaostao eovek, primitivac, seljober, dziber. hill, over the voj. Odsutan bez dozvole. Videti AWOL. hind legs, get on one's Ustati i govoriti. hip 1. U toku sa savremenim trendovima; trendi. Isto hep. 2. U toku dogadanja. "There's no need to give me all this bullshit, man. I'm hip to what's going down." hipster Sminker. Slieno hepcat; hepster; hip cat. history, be Biti gotov. hit 1. lop. Narueeno ubistvo. "He can order a hit," a police officer says. 2. lop. Upucati, ubiti, koknuti. The mob figure got hit last night in his car. 3 nark. Ooza droge. Isto fix. The current price of cocaine was about $10 a "hit" 4. Oospeti. " ..befeore an issue of the 'News of the World' hit the streets." 5 put a hit on sb lop. Narueiti eije ubistvo. "Junior, who's pissed off at Tony's power puts out a hit on him. " hit-and-miss Netaean; nepouzdan.

hit it big ili hit big time PostiCi veliki uspeh, proslaviti se. "Albee ... held a variety of odd jobs ... before finally hitting it big with his 1959 play, The Zoo Story." hit it off Biti dobar tandem, biti super par; uklopiti se, slagati se. I . never thought they would, but Dean and Joyce really hit it off hIt me 1. Oaj meni, sipaj mi (pice). He signaled the bartender. "Hit

us again". 2. kock. Podeli mi sledecu kartu (u pokeru). hit on sb 1. Traziti uslugu. Slieno hit sb; touch sb. I hit on Jill to take my classes that day. 2. Nabacivati se kome. hit pay-dirt Upasti sekira u med; naCi ono sto se trazi. Slieno strike oil. I didn't hit pay-dirt until near the bottom of the second box. hit sb like a ton of bricks Imati iznenadan efekat, Sokirati. Then the answer hit me like a ton of bricks. hit the books Ueiti, gruvati. "I wish I could go to the movies but I've got to hit the books. " ' hit the bottle alk. CevCiti, cugati, lokati, udarati po picu. hit the hay ICi u krevet, na spavanje. "It's late, so I guess I'll hit the hay." hit the road/trail Poci, krenuti (na put). *"Balearic techno knob-twiddlers hit the road" *We'd better hit the road it's a long way home. ' hit the roof/ceiling US popizdeti, puci od Ijutine. hit the sack Ici u krpe, na spavanje. "I'm really tired. I think I'll hit the sack." hitched 1. Ozenjen, prizenjen. 2. get hitched ~rizeniti se "What was Carmen Electra thinking when she got hitched to Dennis Rodman in a marriage that soon proved to be pure Bull?" hitman Placeni ubica. ho(e) 1. Kurva. She's just a ho. 2. Oevojka. Me and my ho is going out. hobo US Skitnica; lutalica. hock, in 1. Oat u zalog. 2. zat. Iza resetaka. hog-wash US Besmislica, glupost, neistina, prazno blebetanje, nebuloza. Slieno baloney; bullshit. He said most of my theory is pure hogwash. hokey 1. zat. (;uza, buvara, corka, mardelj, bajbok. 2. USLazan, sentimentalan, siadunjav. Slieno phony. "The radIO IS jammed WIth hokey copies of US and European rock and roll songs. "

hokey-cokey nark. Amfetaminski prah; droga u prahu. hokey pokey 1. Glupost. 2. Varka, prevara, laznjak. hokum; hocum Jeftin efekat; kic; prevara, neiskrenost. "There is some hokum in King Lear." hold hard! Stani! hold it! Cekaj malo!; stani!; ne mici se! hold on by the eyelashes Isto sto i hang on by one's eyebrows. hold one's horses Odloziti preduzimanje akcije (obit. privremeno); obuzdati se. Slicno hold one's water. He kept on asking though she told him to hold his horses. hold the floor Drzati govor/banku. hold the fort Brinuti se 0 cemu; voditi poslove (u cijoj odsutnosti). hold tight! Drzi se cvrsto!; stani!; ne mici se! hold-up Oruzani, pljacka, prepad. Slicno stickup. hold your whis(h)t Cuti. hole 1. Nezgodna/neprijatna situacija; nevolja. Having lost my money puts me in rather a hole. 2. Rupa, picka; cmar; gubica. 3. Skrac. od ass-hole. 4. Rupa, jazbina, cumez, los stan. Slicno dump; joint. The restaurant turned out to be a loathsome little hole. holler 1. Vikati. 2. Cinkariti, otkucati. Slicno sing; squeal. "You think he wouldn't holler if they turned the heat on him?" 3. Zaliti se, prigovarati. Slicno bitch. What's he hollering about now? hollow Vidi beat hollow. Holy Joe GB Bogomoljac. Isto US holy roller. In the east they're all holy Joes and teach in Sunday schools. holy Moses/smoke! Biagi boze! holy terror Problematican tip; nesnosno dete, sam davo. He's holy terror around home. home boy ili homeboy ili homie Komsija, komsa, drugar iz kraja. home, when he (it, etc.) is at Izraz koji se dodaje pitanju, da naglasi nerazumevanje (obit. podsm). Who's he, when he's at home? homo g. Homic, peder, pesa. Honey Oil Headbanger GB nark. Koktel od ekstazija i ketamina. honked GB alk. Pijan, janpi. Isto honkers. honker US Nos, njonja. honkie; honky Omalovazavajuci termin koji crnac upotrebljava za belca.

honky-tonk Jeftin, lose reputacije, ozloglasen, na losem glasu. hood(lum) US Mladi razbijac; razbojnik, kriminalac, gangster. hoodoo US Losa/zla sreca; baksuz(luk). hooey US Besmislica, glupost. Slicno baloney. hoof it 1. Ici pesice, pesaciti. She hoofed it over to the next house. 2.0tici. 3. Igrati, plesati. hoof out Izbaciti. hook 1. GB Dici, gepiti, maznuti, ukrasti. "She managed to hook a few videotapes." 2. Uhapsiti; zaustaviti i kazniti. My cab driver got hooked for speeding. 3. Prostitutka. Isto hooker. hook, be off the Ne biti odgovoran (za), ne biti kriv; biti na sigurnom. "Let Mom off the hook for sale responsibility of the bad birthdays past as well as for every other kind of bad behavior." hook, be on the Imati problema, snositi krivicu (za). You're on the hook for this mess, junior. hook it GB Strugnuti, odmagliti, zapaliti. Better hook it, Joan, the heat's arrived. hook, line & sinker Sa svime zajedno; komplet(no); potpuno. hook, sling one's GB Pokupiti se, otici. hooked Navucen (na nesto lose). "I was the pusher who got you hooked" hooked on Lud za (cim). hooker US Kurva, kamenjarka, fuksa, droca, drolja, (ku)rava. Isto streetwalker. "Down on the strip where the hookers hang out." hooks into sb, get one's Scepati, vezati koga emotivno; udati se za koga. He used to be one of the lads, until that bitch got her hooks into him. hooks, take one's Pokupiti se, otd hook-up Mreza medusobno povezanih radio-stanica. hoop, go through the 1. Prolaziti kroz nevolje, namuciti se. 2. put sb throught the hoop Staviti koga na muke. hoopla ili whoopla 1. Budalastina, nebuloza. Isto ballyhoo; flack. I say this is a lot of unnecessary hoopla. 2. Zbrka, halabuka. His arrival started a big hoopla. hoo(t)ch Viski; Ueftino) alkoholno pice. hop 1. Pies. We went to a hop. 2. on the hop U zurbi, aktivan. hop it! GB Gubi se!; brisi! Slicno beat it.

hooter 1. GB Nos, nosina. 2. US nark. Cigareta marihuane. hooters US Sise, sifoni. horn, (get/have) the Napaliti se, nalo~iti se.. .• horn in Upadati (u razgovor); nam.etatl se (u drus,~vo). Shcno butt in. "Some wallie tried to horn In on our gang. horny Napaljen, nalozen, seksualno uzbuden. Slieno hot. God, I'm horny! I need a piece of somethmg. . . horse nark. Heroin, hors, konjina, dop. Isto smack; !unk; skag, shit; brown; "H"; Harry; boy. They shot horse In the john at the local high school. horsed (up) nark. Na heroinu, na horsu. , horse about/around Zezati se. Slieno fool around. He wouldn t stop horsing around, so they let h!'!1 go. horse-ass Pieka ad eoveka, Ijiga, slablc. horse eat like a Jesti k'o gladna godina, prozdirati; krkati. horse' of another colour Nesta potpuno drugaeije. horse opera Kaubojac, vestern. Slieno bang-bang; oa.ter. horseshit US Sranje, proseravanje, glupost, baljezganje. Isto bullshit. hot 1. Napaljen (seksualno). 2. Zgodan, seksi. .• hot (for sb), go Biti eupavo/problematlcno. •. hot air Brbljanje, blebetanje, glupost, budalastlna, prazna . priea/slama laprdanje, naklapanje. Slieno baloney; bullshlt. hot and bothe~ed Uzbuden, usplahiren, Ijut. Slieno pissed off; steamed up. Now don't get all hot and botheredjust because he did not call. hot and strong Zestok, opasan. hot cakes, like Veoma brzo; kao alva. hot for, make it (too) Izribati, izgrditi koga: . . hot gospeller Gorljiv (putujuCi) propovednlk jevandelja. hot potato Vrue krompir, neugodan problem, nezgodna stvar. Everyone can see how the boss looks when he handles a hot potato. . . hot seat US 1. Silno neugodan polozaj; gadan sos. 2 Elektriena stolica. hot ~hit 1. Nesta impresivno, uzbudujuee; neko sjajan. Slieno hot stuff. Ain't my new boat hot shif? . 2. Uobrazenko. Slieno big shot. "Some hot-shlt record producer. " ." hot shot 1. Ajkula; mlada, sposobna, perspektlvna oso?a (oblc. iron). Slieno ball of fire; winner. What has been wntten about executives has usually dealt with the hot shots.

2. US nark. Overdoz; predoziranje. You got a hot shot! You're dead. hot stuff 1. Vruea/sjajna stvar; silan momak/devojka (gotovo uvek iron). Slieno hot shot. I guess they think they are hot stuff. 2. Neko uzbudljiv/opasan (pogot. u seksualnom smislu). 3. Vruea (ukradena) roba. hot ticket Veoma trazena osoba/stvar. "Proust and Shakespeare are box-office dynamite and Elizabeth Gaskell and Jane Austen are TV hot tickets." hot under the collar Uzbuden, usplahiren, veoma Ijut, spreman za svadu. "The Puerto Ricans who get hot under the collar and curse aloud if anyone should question their being Puerto Rican." hot water Nevolja, gadan problem, nezgodna situacija, sos. hot wheels Onaj ko riskantno vozi. I'll never drive my Rolls like some hot wheels. house US Opeljesiti. I housed him already. Leave him alone. how come? Kako to?; otkud to? how-d'ye-do = how do you do how's things/tricks Kako ste?; kako ide?; sta ima? howler Gaf, smesna pogreska. howling Strasan, uzasan, krajnji, ogroman. a hOWling success. hubby Muz, muzie, muz-puz. huddle Poverljiv razgovor. He went into a huddle with his aides. hum 1. Zaudarati, smrdeti, vonjati. When the wind drops this stuff really hums. 2. Prdeti. humbug Glupost, besmislica; prevara. humdinger US Sjajna stvar; silan momak; atraktivna devojka. Slieno beaut; lollapalooza. Arnold Moss gave us a humdinger of a talk. hump 1. Trpati, jebati. Slieno fuck. 2. GB the hump Ziovolja, mrzovolja. It's giving me the hump. 3. Propalica, propalitet. 4. US get a hump on Pozuriti. 5. Cigareta, pljuga. hump it 1. Umreti. 2.0tiei. hump yourself! Gubi se!; vuci se!; nasi se! hunch US 1. Slutnja, predoseeaj. I gotta hunch she won't come back. 2. playa hunch lei na oseeaj, iei intuitivno. hundreds and thousands Kolaeiei.

hunt, in the 1. Ima sanse. 2. out of the hunt Bez sanse. hush-hush Tajni, poverljiv, misteriozan, strogo pov. hush-money Mito za cutanje. hush up Zataskati. husky US Jak, snazan, krupan, cvrst, muzevan. hustle 1. Pozuriti. We better hustle, the thing leaves in five minutes. 2. Moljakati, zic(k)ati. "You will hustle for an overcoat." 3. US Zaradivati za zivot kao prostitutka. Isto hook. 4. US Varati, iskoriscavati. Slicno con. hustler 1. US Dzeparos, lopov, saner, diler ukradenih stvari; prevarant, mucak, muvara, muvator, mutljara, prefriganac. Slicno con man; shark. 2. US Prostitutka, kurava; muska kurva. Isto hooker. She makes a pretty good living as a hustler. 3. Vest trgovac koji ubedi kupca da kupi robu, maher. We need more hustlers in this department. 4. Smeker, svaler, muvator zena. 5. kock. Kockar, igrac bilijara i sl. koji zaraduje pobedujuci manje talentovane igrace. hype US nark. Droga, dop.

I should cocoalworry GB 1. Boli me briga. 2. Siazem se! I wouldn't know GB Ne znam. ice 1. US Potuci do nogu. Slicno clobber. "Nebaraska iced Kentucky 55 to 16." 2. US lop. Ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. Slicno off. * "Ice a pig. Off aplg. That means kill a cop." * "Maybe he saw the Hellinger killmg go down - they iced him to keep him quiet." 3. Dijamant, dragulj. Gonna wear your ice? 4. Ignorisati (koga). Slicno cold shoulder. 5. nark. Kokain, koka. 6. on ice lop. U zatvoru, na ledu. ice the cake Obezbediti povoljan ishod/rezultat. He iced the cake with a knockdown in the seventh round. iceman 1. Kradljivac nakita/dragulja. 2. Hladnokrvna osoba. An iceman ... is a gambler who never loses his head. 3. lop. Profesionalni ubica. Isto hit man. icky Sentimentalan, sladunjav, patetican. Isto ikky. Slicno schmaltzy. "Ms Streep ... is no mess, in an extremely icky role as a none-too-motivated runaway parent. " idiot box Televizor. Slicno the boob tube. Takode idiot channel Reklame na TV. ~fyou can't use it, abuse it! Ako ne mozes da karas, drkaj! Iffy 1. Problematican, sumnjiv, nesiguran, neizvestan. His chances ... were a bit iffy. 2. GB Neposten (osoba); verovatno ukraden (stvar). imbo Budala, dileja, krele. in-thing, the Stvar u modi. in-word, the Pomodna popularna reCluzrecica/fraza. in a ~ig way Veoma, krajnje. The soldiers went for pin-ups in a bIg vay in a pinch 1. Ako je neophodno, ako bas mora. 2. U nevolji, u skripcu, u sosu. in a spot U nevolji, u skripcu, u sosu. in a state GB 1. U stanju uzbudenosti; unezveren, napet. She got home and found her husband in a state. 2. Neuredan; u haosu. I'm afraid my room's in a state.

in-and-out Jebanje, trpanje, turi-vadi, rke-koke. Slicno fu?k. Takode in-out. 'The pages of romances offered less m-andout than a downtown parking garage." in deep shit U govnima do gu~e. Isto in t~e shit. I broke the thing and really got myself In deep shlt ..' . in deep water U nevolji; u skripcu, u sosu. Shcno In deep shl~. in Dutch U nevolji. "You have to promise, Pop, not to get me m Dutch with Mrs Skoglund. " .., .. in for it 1. Nagrabusiti, nadrljati, jebati jeza, bratl ko~u na ~lljak. If they nab us with the pope's ring, we'll really be In for It. 2. Trudna, zaglavila, zakevila. in full rig Formalno obucen. in full swing U punom zamahu. in harness Zaposlen, u masini. He didn't know how to relax after all those years in harness. . . in it U nevolji. Takode nothing (not much etc.) In It. in my book Po mom misljenjy. . in on Ucestvuje. Am I to be In on thiS? . in one's right mind Nije blesav; ostrouman, blstar. . in shit order U haosu. The papers were in shit order and it took hours to get them straightened out. in shtuklshtooklstooklschtuk GB U nevolji, u sosu. in the air 1. Prica se, kola (glasina). 2. Visi u vazduhu, neizvestan. in the bag Sredena stvar. in the box Jebe. Isto screwing. in the buff Go golcat. in the cart U velikoj nevolji; u nemilosti. in the clear 1. Nevin, cist. 2. Nije vise u nevolji, na sigurnom. . in the club GB U drugom stanju, trudna, zakevlla. . in the dark U neznanju. We'll keep them in the dark about thiS until the time is right. . in the know Zna, poseduje vazne informacije; o~avesten, upueen u. My source has an inside track and i.~ truly In th: know. in the picture GB Zna kako se stvan odvljaju; obavesten. OK, now that you're one of us, I want you i,! .t~e picture. in the pink Dobrog zdravlja, u dobro] kondleljl. . . in the red U minusu, duguje. The huge corporatIOn has been In the red for eight years. in the raw 1. Go, bez odece. Isto in the buff. . .' 2. (Relativno) grub, primitivan. *Up there they lIVed life In the raw. *His work is sculpture in the raw. in the running (Jos) u trei/nadmetanju/igri.

in the same boat U istom sosu. in the soup U sosu, u nevolji. Slicno in hot water. You had better report right now, or you'll be in the soup. in the straight lane Strejt, normalan (nije homoseksualae ili narkoman). in the tub US Bankrot; unisten, ruiniran. Isto in the dumper. in the wars Poplavio, u modrieama. intercoursed Iserpljen. How was the office, darling? - I feel utterly intercoursed into someone for US U dugu, duguje (pogot. novae). He's into Citibank for ten grand. inboard Na sigurnom; uspesan; ima srece, sere ga sreca. Obie. I'm (etc.) inboard. influence, under the Pijan, pripit, pod gasom. innards 1. Stomak, zeludae. Isto inner man. 2. Unutrasnji delovi (tela, masine itd). Slicno guts; kishkes. "The whole thing - jury system - can only live so long as we are not allowed to see its innards." inner man Stomak, zeludae. Isto innards. innings Uspesan period. Obie. a good innings. inside 1. U zatvoru, iza brave/resetaka. Isto banged up. 2. Privatan, ekskluzivan (obavestenje itd). inside job lop. Pljacka organizova/potpomognuta iznutra. inside the mark Umeren. intense Uzbuden; uzbudljiv. Slicno get carried away. Darling, I am so glad about our getting married. - So am I. But don't let's get intense about it. into something, be Baviti se cime. He's into Stravinski at the moment. irk Vidi erk. iron out US 1. Ubiti, upueati; napasti. You weren't at home when he was ironed out 2. Izgladiti. Isto work out They will meet and iron out all the problems. iron out the kinks Izgladiti probleme. Ironing out the kinks this way made them aware of just how weak their endgame was. iron rations Zaliha. irons Vidi eating irons. issue, the (whole) Sve. it 1. Ono; upotrebljava se za bilo koji seksualni organ ili Cin. Slicno screwing. He doesn't even know I'm overdue. And he hasn't had it for a week. 2. Glupak. Slicno boob.

it couldn't happen to a nicer guy Tako mu i treba, to je i zasluzio. Joe got canned? It couldn't happen to a nicer guy! it will be (ili it's) sb's ass Gotov je, to mu je kraj. You write anything about me in an article again and it'll be your ass. ivories 1. Dirke klavira. Odatle tickle the ivories Svirati klavir, prebirati po dirkama. 2. Bilijarske kugle. 3. Zubi. 4. rinse one's ivories Okvasiti usta, piti (obit. alkohol).

Jack Covek; drugar. jack 1. GB lop. Pandur, kljun. 2. GB lop. Dousnik, potkazivac, taster. 3. GB on one's Jack (Jones) Sam. 4. US Novae, lova. "Listen, I just need some jack - in a hurry" 5. Dupe, cmar. Odatle up your jack! Jebi se!; nosi se! 6. Jebanje. 7. Mentalno iserpljen ili bolestan. Obit. get jack of. I'm getting jack of these holidays. 8. Nista, corak, sipak. jack it Umreti, odapeti. jack it (in) Prestati, napustiti, diCi ruke (od cega). I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth it... Let me jack it in. jackass Idiot, magarae, naivcina, budala, krelae, krele. jack off; jackoff 1. US Drkati. Isto jerk off. 2. OtiCi. jack-off; jagoff Krele, moron, drkadzija. Isto jerk. Jack of all trades (and master of none) Sveznaliea. jack (oneself) up nark. Roknuti se (heroinom). Isto shoot up. jackpot 1. Pogodak; bingo! 2. crack/hit/strike the jackpot Imati veliki (finansijski) uspeh, upasti sekira u med. jack the lad Glavni baja, duvadzija, naduvenko, uobrazenko. It's hell getting a good chauffeur, they all think they're Jack the Lad jack shit US (Ama) bas nista, golo govno. Slicno diddly; zilch. "Man, I worked hard all my life and ended up with jack shit" Jack tar Morski vuk, mornar. jag GB 1. Pijanka, lumperaj. Slicno bender. 2. Jaguar (auto). Videti gin. 3. nark. Roknuti se (heroinom). 4. on a jag alk. Pijan. Isto US jagged. jag it in Odustati, diCi ruke. The messdeck dodger got discouraged and just jagged it in. jag off Drkati. Isto jack off. jake Izvrstan, zadovoljavajuCi, O.K. Slicno hunky-dory. She said the whole college seemed jake to her.

jakes US Klonja. jalop(p)y US Krntija, starudija, sklopocija. Slieno heap. A jalopy is a model one step above a 'junker". jam 1. Karati, kecati, tucati. Isto screw. 2. Nivo buke na zabavi. Let's pump up the jam here. jam, in a U nevolji, u sosu. jam fullipacked Krcat. jam roll zat. Uslovno (otpustanje zatvorenika) jamboree Proslava, buena zabava. jammed US alk. Pijan, naliven, janpi. jammy GB Srecko, srecna osoba. jane Zena; devojka. jang US Kita. jankers va}. Kazna; pritvor. jaw-jaw Brbljati, laparati, prieati bez prestanka. "Better jaw-jaw, then war-war." , jaw, hold one's Drzati jezik za zubima. jaw-breaker; jawcracker Tesko izgovorljiva ree, da jezik slomis. Diphenylpentoactomaggetoneplangianoliosis is quite a jawbraker. jawing, give one a Oeitati kome bukvicu, igrditi koga. jay US Glupak, krele, dileja. jay-walker US Neoprezan pesak. jazz 1. Jebati, tucati, zveketati. Isto fuck. I jazzed her, too. 2. Glupost, budalastina. jazz, all that I sve to, i sve te stvari, itd. Come to identify the body. .. and all that jazz. jazz up Oziveti, uneti zivost u. Slieno spice up. He tried to jazz the meeting up. Jericho, go to OtiCi bestraga, otiCi dodavola. jerk Dripac, drkadzija, mamlaz, kreten, krele, mentol, gad, budala, dupeglava. Slieno boob; turkey. "Poor Michael Reagan. As if it weren't bad enough being the son of Ronald Reagan, the guy happens to be a complete jerk as well." jerk around Gluvariti, vatati zjale. Isto fool around. If kids are jerking around and enter a system as a lark with no intent to deprive. jerk into it, put a Cestito se prihvatiti cega, valjano prionuti uza

st~. jerk (off) US Drkati. Isto jack off. "I went ahead as usual and jerked off into my sock." jerry-built Nesolidno graden (kuca); nestabilan tip. Why would you want to hang around a jerry-built guy?

Jessie GB Zenskast muskarac, piekica. jet US Otici, zbrisati. jib, cut of one's Spoljasnjost, izraz lica, stil. jiffy, just a Samo trenutak. jiffy, in a U tren oka, za tili cas, zaeas, odmah. jig-(a-)jig ili zig-zig Jebanje, rke-koke. Isto fucking. He put his hand on her knee. "You like jig-a-jig?" jiggered 1. Iscrpljen. 2. I'm jiggered if GB £)avo me doneo ako. jiggery-pokery GB 1. Hokus-pokus, "kuhinja", prevara, trik, podvala. Slieno skUllduggery. 2. Glupost. jimbo US park. Krek (vrsta droge). jim-jams Zmarci; napad straha; depresija. Slieno heebie-jeebies. We're both ... drained by constant fear, the unrelieved jimjams. Jimmy (Riddle) GB Piskiti. jingle 1. GB Kes, novae. "I'm bit short of jingle." 2. US Telefonski poziv. Slieno tinkle. We never hear from you not even a jingle. ' 3. muz. Dzingl. jinx 1. Kletva; baksuz(luk). Somebody around here is a jinx. 2. put a jinx on Ureci (koga). jitters, the Zmarci, groza, ziveana nadrazenost. I've got the jitters about that examination. jive 1. US Prevariti, nasa mariti. 2. Energieno plesati. 3. Budalastina, glupost, prazna priea. Slicno baloney; bullshit. 4. Sitnice, starudije, andramolje. I bought a lot of cheap jive at the five and ten cent store. 5. muz. Sving muzika iz tridesetih godina. "Man, what solid jive!" 6. nark. Marihuana, trava. "So Diane smoked jive, no big deal." 7. Govoriti. Odatle don't give me that jive! Ne govori takve gluposti! joanna ili joanner GB Klavir. job 1. lop. Poslic; kriminalni ein, prevara, pljaeka. Slieno caper. 2. on the job Jebati, tucati. 3. put-up job lop. Prevara, podvala. 4. just the job Upravo/bas ono sto se trazi. Thanks for that screw: it was just the job. 5. make a clean job of something S uspehom izvesti sto, valjano izvrsiti, uspesno privesti kraju.

jobs for the boys Namestenja za politicke pristalice. jock GB Kita. Jock 1. GB Skotlandanin. 2. US Sportista. High-school jocks are always most popular. jock-strap Suspenzor, stitnik za kitu. He lost his jockstrap in the laundry. jockey GB 1. Varati, spletkariti, nasa mariti. 2. Vozac ili pilot. 3. Muskarac. 4. Policajac. Joe 1. Americki vojnik. 2. a) Onaj kome se daje dosadan posao. b) Obican covek, cova, tip. Slicno guy. 3. Kafa. Slicno java. Joe public Obican covek. john 1. the john US (Javni) klozet, klonja. Isto can. Where's the john around here? 2. GB lop. Hapsenje, corkiranje. 3. Kita. 4. GB Kondom, kurton. 5. lop_ Pandur, pajkan. 6. Prostitutkin klijent. ...shot an 18-year-old hooker ... then plugged a john who was present. John Bull GB Engleski narod; tipican Englez. John Q'Dreams GB Sanjar, idealista, nepraktican covek. John Thomas GB Kita. Isto John Henry. Johnson; Jones Kita. johnny 1. Momak, mladic. Slicno joe; john. 2. Kicos. 3. GB Kondom, kurton. joint 1. US Prost lokal, krcma, jazbina, rupa. Slicno dive; dump. I took one look at the joint and nearly retched. 2. nark. Dzoint, dzokavac, cigareta marihuane. Isto reefer. "I've held joints in my hand ... but I never smoked even one." 3. the joint US zat. Cuza, rupa, buvara, kavez. 4. US Kita. joker US Prikan, (neozbiljan) tip; nesposobnjakovic; bezveznjak. Slicno guy; character; clown. Ask that joker who the hell he thinks he is. jolly GB nark. Dzoint, cigareta marihuane. jordan Noksir, nosa. josh US Saliti se, lakrdijati. Slicno kid. josser GB Budala, luda; momak, tip.

jove!, (by) Tako mi boga! joy-ride Voznja ili putovanje iz zabave (obic. brza voznja u ukradenim kolima). * They stole the police car and had them selves a joy ride. *"In fact, even during the worst moments of his old career, when Clark had seemed to be joy-riding on a route to destruction, he was still driven by his art " Joy-rider nark. Onaj ko povremeno koristi narkotike, narkofil. judy GB (Mlada) zena, riba. jug 1. Otrov. 2. the jug US zat. (Lokalni) zatvor, buvara, bajbok, corka. Refusal will result in a quick trip to the jug. jugged (up) lop. Zakatancen, zatvoren, iza brave, ucorkiran. I get jugged for parking in the wrong places. jughead Budala, moron, krele. Isto klutz. "In January 1997 Acclaim Comics will start reprinting 164 Classics Illustrated comic books - adaptations of yarns by the likes of Tolstoy, Dickens, Shakespeare and Bronte that are facile enough for Jughead" jugs Sise, sifoni, pluca, baloni. Slicno hooters. juggernaut GB Veliki kamion za duge relacije. ju~gins; jigg~ns G~ Budala, glupan, naivcina. Isto jug head. JUIce 1. Benzin, gonYo, "corba". 2. step on the juice Nagaziti, dati gas. 3. Bilo sta sto proizvodi energiju: struja, benzin itd. Turn on the juice so we can see something. 4. Alkoholno pice, viski. Slicno booze; the sauce. 5. US Trac, glasina. 6. US Snaga, moc. juicy, be Ovlaziti (zena). jujubes Sise, sifoni. jumble sale Prodaja razne robe na nekom neoficijelnom mestu, neka vrsta buvljaka. Slicno carboot sale; garage sale. jump 1. Vidi high jump. 2. give sb a jump Prestrasiti, prestraviti koga. 3. Napasti, zaskociti. We jumped him as he left the place. 4. Vldl how the CAT jumps. 5. Jebati, zaskociti. Slicno US jump sb's bones. "I guess she realised I just wanted to jump her bones. " . 6. make one jump out of his skin Sokirati, iznenaditi koga. jump down one's throat Skociti kome za gusu; osuti drvlje i kamenje na koga. jump on Kuditi, grditi. Isto jump all over sb. jump th.e gun Prerano startovati, preuraniti. We planned it well, but jumped the gun and ruined it.

jump the shark Doci do klimaksa, kljuenog momenta (npr. kada omiljena TV serija dostigne vrhunae). "This show jumped the shark after the Krusty gets cancelled episode." jump the ship Napustiti brod, promeniti ekipu, preci u drugi tabor. jumping-off pointlplace Polazna taeka/mesto. jumpy Nervozan, napet, razdrazljiv, u frei. jungle-juice Rakija. junk 1. Bezvredna stvar, dubre, nesto loseg kvaliteta; starudija, dres(ina). Slieno dreck; shit. "...but the fact is that I can spend my days watching junk television ... " 2. nark. Dzank, dop, narkotik (obic. heroin). Isto smack; skag; shit; "H"; brown; horse; Harry; boy. All he does is playa fiddle and take junk junk mail rac. Reklamni mejl za koji primalae obieno nije zainteresovan. "I didn't have any letters today - only junk mail." junkie; junky nark. Dzanki, narkos, heroinoman. ''The man I was to find was both a junkie and pusher. " junk-shop Starinarniea, prodavniea polovne robe. just come up Zelen, naivan, glup, juee se rodio. Don't come that old eaper on me. I ain't just come up. just the job Bas one pravo. just the shining Perfektan. just what the doctor ordered Bas one sto je potrebno, prava stvar.

K kahsi GB Klonja, we. Takode carsey. kal~; kale-seed US Novae, noveaniea. Slieno the green stuff. kahed GB alk. Pijan, usikan. "And all he could do was go out and get kailed" kaput Gotov. Slieno finished. kecks GB Pantalone, farmerke. keep a lid on things Drzati stvari pod kontrolom. "Introducing a packed preview screening, director Michael Bay tried to keep a lid on things, explaining that we were about to see a 50minute rough-assembly, with scenes arranged in chronological order, but lackmg crucial linking dramatic and effect sequences. " keep an eye on Paziti/motriti na. Will you keep an eye on my cat while I'm away? keep cave GB Primiriti se; paziti, euvati strazu. "They asked me to keep cave in case old Goatman came along." keep it out! Gledaj svoja posla! keep one guessing DrZati koga u neizvesnosti; nedefinisan (odnos). keep one's (big) mouth shut Umuknuti, drzati jezik za zubima. keep one's breath to cool one's porridge Gledati svoja posla. keep one's cool Ostati kul, hladnokrvan; ne uzbudivati se. keep (one's) lip buttoned DrZati jezik za zubima, cutati. Pay, and I'll keep my lip buttoned keep (one's) nose clean 1. Izbegavati pice. 2. Gledati svoja posla. 3. Manuti se corava posla. keep one's pecker up Ne klonuti duhom. keep one's shirtlpants on Ne uzbudivati se; strpeti se. Slieno cool it. He was beginning to holler, so I told him to keep his shirt on. keep one's weather eye open Drzati oei otvorene; biti na oprezu. keep one's wig cool Ostati miran, zadrZati prisebnost. Suprotno flip one's wig. keep one's wits about one Ne dati se zbuniti, ne biti glup; biti ostrou ma n/pri bra n/bista r. keep oneself to oneself DrZati se po strani, izbegavati drustvo.

keep tabs on Pomno motriti; paziti na; voditi zapisnik. Who's gonna keep tabs on the receipts? keep (sth) under (one's) hat Drzati (sto) u tajnosti. keep up (one's) frock Drzati u tajnosti (plan, informaciju itd); prikrivati. kegged Pijan, naliven, pod gasom. kelt GB Novae, lova. kerfuffle GB (Nepotrebna) zbrka, panika, konfuzija, frka. Isto gefuffle; cufuffle. kettle GB Taksimetar. Isto clock; ticker; hickory; Mary Ann. khyfer GB Zena kao seksualni parter, riba, cava. What's the place like? Any good khyfer? kibosh 1. Zaustaviti, pokvariti, spreeiti, eliminisati. Slieno kill. 2. GB put the kibosh/kybosh on Dokrajeiti, pokvariti, unistiti, eliminisati; onemogueiti; staviti zabranu; staviti veto na (sto). kick a gong Zapoeeti svadu/raspravu. kick-ass (and take names) US 1. IspraMi tur; zavesti red. Slieno throw weight around. Someone round here's gonna have to kick ass if you want this company to succeed. 2. Delovati impresivno. These dancers are phenomenal, they really know how to kick ass as performers. kick-ass on sb US Zadavati kome muke. Don't kick-ass on me! I'm not the one you're after. kick in the pants, a Veliko razoearenje. kick in the ass, a Podsticaj, stimulans. Isto kick in the butt; kick in the pants; kick in the rear. Slieno a shot in the arm. What she needs is a kick in the ass! kick out of sth, get a Uzivati u eemu, otkidati/padati na sto, paliti se na sto. kick (it) nark. Skinuti se sa droge. I don't think anybody knew any one who had kicked it kick-off 1. Zapoeeti. "The war of Jenkins' Ear between Britain and Spain kicked off in 1713." 2. US Umreti, odapeti, otegnuti papke. 3.0tiei. kick sb's ass Isprasiti kome tur, isutirati koga; rasturiti koga. kick stick nark. Cigareta marihuane, dzoint. kick the bucket GB Umreti, odapeti, otegnuti papke. "Ches hasn't been the same since his old lady kicked the bucket" kick the shit out of sb Isprebijati, olesiti koga. "Stan knocked him to the ground and kicked the shit out of him." kick up a breeze/dusUfuss Napraviti haos; izazvati nevolju.

kick(ing) ass Impresivan, '·mrak". '''She's a kick-ass heroine with a big heart." "The Simpsons have never jump the shark! This is my damn favorite show! The spin-off Pulp fiction was kick -ass funny!" kicks 1. GB Farmerke, pantalone. 2. US Sportske patike. 3. for kicks Iz uzivanja, zabave, zezanja. They killed for kicks. kike pogrd. US Jevrejin, Jesa, Cifta. kill US Sjajno nesto uraditi. kill a snake lei u WC. Isto see a man about a dog. kill time Ubijati vreme, gluvariti. kill two birds (with one stone) Jednim udarcem ubiti dye muve. killer Neodoljiva osoba/stvar, mrak osoba/stvar. That Sylvester Stallone movie was a killer! killer deal Sjajan, unosan posao. killing, make a Zgrnuti bogatstvo. king-pin Glavna, najvaznija osoba, sef, bos. king-size(d) Veei (duzi) od uobieajenog, ekstra veliki/dugaeak; poveean. Your nagging gives me a king-size headache. kingdom come 1. Nebo, buduei zivot, drugi svet, veenost. 2. Dupe. kink 1. US lop. Krimos. 2. pogrd. Camuga, crnja. 3. Perverznjak. 4. Perverzija. Did he ask you to do any kinks? kinky 1. CUdan, uvrnut, bizaran, perverzan. Isto bent; twisted. "He looks at me like that, at least he's not kinky That's a relief." 2. Homoseksualan. 3. Neposten, ilegalan. Slieno crooked. 4. Ukraden. kip GB 1. Krevet. 2. Spavati. kip down lei na spavanje. kipper Osoba, eovek; dete. kiss-ass; kiss-butt Dupelizac, dupeuvlaka. SHeno brown-nose; ass-kisser. kiss of death, the Poljubac smrti, nesto sto sa izvesnoseu dovodi do neuspeha/gorkog kraja; fatalan/opasan kontakt. His endorsement will be the kiss of death. kiss my gritz US Poljubi me u dupe. Isto kiss my ass. kiss off Odbaciti, otarasiti se.

kisser Usta, gubica, njokalica; lice. * "It would be a pleasure to drop one on your kisser, I admit." *"Reagan had that quizzical 'do I talk now?' look on his kisser." kit 1. Zbirka (predmeta), kolekcija. 2. GB Odeca. His idea of romantic chat was to say "get your kit off and come over here". 3. nark. Narkomanski pribor, bribor za ubrizgavanje droge. kitsch Kic. kitty kock. Novcani ulog (kod kartanja), pot; fond. *We made up a kitty of a few hundred bucks for her. *Each put 25.000 dollars in the kitty. Kiwi pogrd. GB Novozelandanin. klutz, a Oileja, krele. "Don't ask Jeff to dance with you. He's a real klutz and will probably step on your feet!" knacker GB Iscrpeti; istrositi, izmrcvariti, iznuriti. Odatle knackered Iscrpljen, baldisao, pao s nogu, lipsao od umora; izmrcvaren. I knacker myself at my job to keep her nice and warm in my house, with my kids and my dog. " knackered 1. Baldisao, lipsao od umora, spao s nogu. 2 Opljackan. knackers GB Muda. knapper GB Glava, glavudza. knee deep (in shit) Do guse (u govnima). Man, I'm knee deep in shiff I gotta get a lawyer. knee high to a grasshopper Malog rasta, metar i sumska jagoda. He's been smoking since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. knee (sb) in the balls 1. Udariti kolenom (obit. u stomak ili muda). 2. Pogoditi koga u slabu tacku. knees, on one's 1. Iscrpljen. 2. Na kolenima, ponizan. knee-jerk Refleksna radnja ili odgovor. Being nasty to women is a knee-jerk with him. knees-up GB Vesela zabava. knee-trembler GB Jebacina s nogu; seks na brzaka. knife, before one can say GB Ook si rekao britva/keks. knife through butter, like a (hot) Vrlo brzollako; glatko, kao kroz puter. knit it! Prestani!; umuknil; zacepi! knob 1. GB Kita; glavic. 2. US Glava, tintara. Can you get that through your ugly knob?

3. podsm. Vazna licnost. 4. Jebati se. "If you were in with the Royal Family and you were a gIrl, you'd definitely want to knob Prince Andrew or someone." knobs Sise, sifoni. Slicno knockers. knock 1. Kritikovati, "pljuvati". Slicno put sb/sth down. Odatle knocking-copy Oglas koji kritikuje rivalski proizvod. Their film cntlc knocks every flick in sight. 2. GB lop. Ubiti. "I've never spoken to anyone I'm going to knock" 3. GB Jebati, tucati. 4. Jebanje, seva, kresanje. "AliI wanted was a bit of a knock with Clive, I'm not interested in futile relationships." 5. take a knock Pretrpeti gubitak (obit. finansijski). knock about/around 1. Lutati, potucati se, lunjati, putovati. Slicno kick around. 2. Jebati, tucati. "Susan George is the actress and she is knocked about. In the rape scene it is clear she enjoys it." knock all of a heap Zapanjiti, preneraziti, sokirati. knock back GB 1. Iskapiti, popiti naiskap. The Colonel got his dnnk, and after he had knocked it back with one swift motion he began to feel better. ' 2. Kostati. The evening knocked him back a few pounds. knock cold Veoma zadiviti, oboriti s nogu. The film's knocking people cold knock for six Poraziti; zapanjiti. knock hell out of Kazniti; poraziti. knock into a cocked hat Potpuno poraziti, smlaviti; biti superioran (nad kim); sabiti (koga) u misju rupu. This knocks our whole case into a cocked hat. knock it off Presta nil knock it on the head! Umukni!; zacepi! knock off 1. US Ubiti. Slicno rub out. 2. Ukrasti, opljackati, orobiti. Slicno hold up; knock over. "They knocked off a lorryload of antiques." 3. GB Jebati, tucati. "The 18-year-old he had been knocking offsince she was 14." 4. Poraziti, nadvladati. knock over Opljackati. "Had I agred to help him knock over a gas station?" knock sb bending Oboriti koga s nogu. knock sb's block off GB Otkinuti kome glavu; prebiti koga, odalamiti/pripaliti koga. Slicno clobber. 'The park-keeper threatened to knock William's block off"

knock sb dead Oboriti koga s nogu. knock sb/sth into the middle of next week 1. Poraziti. 2. Mlatnuti, odalamiti. Slicno clobber. knock/blow sb's socks off Impresionirati koga. Isto kill; send. The top-of-the-range digital tuner that has knocked my socks off. ..

knock sth out Napraviti, proizvesti (na brzinu), stancovati. "We've been knocking out over a hundred of those every week. " knock spots off Lako/ubedljivo poraziti; biti superioran. knock (sb) up Napraviti dete, napumpati. knocked out 1. a/k. Pijan, usikan. 2. nark. Stondiran, "uraden". 3. Vrlo umoran, "premlacen". knocker 1. GB Onaj ko pozajmljuje novae; duinik. 2. Budia, glavni, bos, gazda. Slicno big shot; macher. 3. on the knocker (lei) od vrata do vrata (trgovacki putnik). knockers GB Sise, sifoni. Slicno hooters. "Aliens have enormous knockers, according to the Sunday Sport." knocking shop/joint GB Javna kuca, bordel, jebarnik. "Life here was hell with that girl. We thought she was running a knocking shop and it drove us all mad. " knothead Budala, krele. know 1. know the ropes/one's way aroundlthe time of day/ how many beans make five/a thing (trick) or two/what's what/which way the wind blows/one's onions Znati posao, znati znanje, biti dobro informisan, ne biti budala. 2. Vidi not that I know of. 3. in the know Upucen u (sto). 4. not to know whether one is coming or going Zbunjen, neodlucan. know-how Vestina, pogot. tehnicka; prakticno znanje. Takes know-how to run that thing. know-it-all Pametnjakovic. Isto wise-ass; smart/wise guy; smart-ass; bigmouth. know shit from shinola Znati sta je sta, razlikovati konja od magarca; razlikovati dupe od glave; znati znanje. know the score Znati znanje. know where the bodies are buried Znati stvari koje malo ko zna (obic. u vezi s kriminalnim radnjama). "The president reckoned he had to keep that lawyer quiet, because he knew where the bodies were buried" knucklehead US Idiot, moron, krelac, krele. Slicno bonehead. kook US Ekscentrik, cudak; lujka, krele, dileja. Slicno nut; screwball.

kooky; koo~i~ ~a~av, caknut, olkacen. Slicno dippy; goofy. kosher Pravl, rstrnll, Ispravan, prihvalljiv, bas kakav lreba. "Let's check out hIs so-called company and see if it's a kosher set-up. " kraut Svaba, Svabolije. kudos GB Siava, priznanje, hvalospev; (svaka) cast. *He got a great deal of kudos for hIs work at the university *Kudos to formerly /ong-halred L,v Tyler for her cute chic crop kyber Vidi khyber. ,. kybosh Vidi kibosh. kyf Isto sto i crumpet.

L lace-ups Cipele ili cizme na pertlanje. " lad Mladic, momak, Covek. Takode a bit of a lad. laddy (ili -ie) Stari momce!; prikane~ . " Lady Muck GB Uobrazena zena ..Vldetl Lord MU~k. Who does she think she is, carrYing on like Lady Muck? lag zat. 1. Zatvorenik, osudenik, kaznjenik. 2. Bilo kakav kriminalac. laid 1. Vidi lay. . 2. get laid Povaliti, potucati, kresnutl. lam 1. Mlatiti, tuci, lemati. . 2. on the lam US U bekstvu (iz zatvora/vojske). lam into Napasti (koga). lame dog Isto sto i lame duck. .. . . lame duck 1. Nemocna osoba (kojoj treba pomoc), seprtlja. 2. US Politicar ciji mandat uskoro istiCe. 3. Preduzece u finansijskim teskocama. lamp Visiti, gluvariti. .., . .. landslide 1. Preokret, neocekivano dobljanje vellke veclne na v

izborima. d I"..J • t 2. Senzacionalan, s velikom vecinom. a Ia.n 5..tlue VIC o~y. lap dance Vrsta erotskog plesa, pri Cem.u ~e Igraclca nal.azl u musarcevom krilu i uvija telom nastojeci da ga uzbudl. lap up 1. Pohlepno popiti. 2. Laskati. V'd' b" large (one) US 1000 dolara. as 15larg~ ones. I I Ig one. lark GB 1. Sala, lakrdija, zabava, zezanJe. . 2. Vrsta aktivnosti. I'm up to my ears in thi~ bloo~y diesel lark lark about Ludo se zabavljati, lakrdijati, pravltl ludonje. larrup Tuci, mlatiti. lash-up 1. Totalna zbrka, haos. 2. Zabava, sedeijka. 3. Fijasko, neuspeh. .•. ., . lashings Mnogo, izobilje (oblc. jela I pica). lassie GB Riba, devojka. last straw, the Kap koja je prevrsila casu. lat WC, klonja(ra). ., latch on (to) 1. Zgrabiti, sCepati. Latch on to the ff(st seat that s empty.

2. Shvatiti, ukaciti, ukapirati, skontati. Slicno dig. He finally latched onto the truth. laugh fit to bust Pucati/cepati se od smeha; smejati se od srca. Slicno laugh like a drain; laugh like hell; laugh one's head off. lay 1. Polegusa, zena dobra u seksu. She's okay as a lay, but that's about al/. 2. Tucanje, kresanje. "He's not interested in her, he's just looking for a lay" 3. Tucati, povaliti. Each one in the gang laid her. lay a cable Pustiti govno, kenjati. Isto drop/dump one's load. layabout GB Lenstina, lenja buba, lezilebovic. Slicno lazybones. lay-by GB Mesto za parking (uz put). lay down the law Samovoljno se ponasati, nametati svoju volju. lay into Napasti (verbalno); istuci, izmlatiti. lay it on thick ili with a trowel 1. Preterivati. 2. Grubo laskati, preterano hvaliti. layoff 1. Oladiti, prestati. So lay oft or 1'1/split your head, baby. 2. Dati (privremeni) otkaz radniku. Odatle lay-offs Otpusteni radnici. lay/put (sth) on the line US Namerno rizikovati, staviti na kocku. If you try this, remember you are laying your ass on the line. lay on to be Pretvarati se. I don't lay on to be a saint. lay one's cards on the table Otvoriti karte. laylput one's shirt Kladiti se u sve, u poslednju paru. lead in (one's) pencil Energicnost, snaga; muska seksualna moc/potencija. lead me to it! Sa zadovoljstvom! lead sb a dance Zadavati kome muke/neprilike. lead, swing the GB 1. Zabusavati, eskivirati, izvlaciti se. Odatle lead-swinger Zabusant. 2. Hvalisati se. lead up the garden path Varati, zavaravati. Will anyone know who led whom down the garden path? leading question Sugestivno pitanje. leaf nark. 1. Marihuana, trava, vutra. "We blew some leaf and mel/owed out." 2. the leaf Kokain. leak 1. Piskiti, "pustiti vodu". Obic. take a leak. Isto piss. 2. Procureti (informacija). Odatle leaker Onaj od koga cure informacije. "Then the FCC report was leaked to the press." 3. Trik, smicalica. leanlfall over backwards (to) Polomiti se (oko koga/Cega).

leathering 1. Mlatiti. 2. Batine. leave in the lurch Ostaviti na eedilu. leech Dosadna osoba, "pijaviea", "krpelj", smarac, smor. left-handed compliment Neiskren kompliment. leftie ili -y Komunjara, erveni, levicar. "He has been described as a snob ... and a Camden lefty .." leg it Brzo hodati, trcati; putovati; pobeci, napustiti, furnuti. His pals sprang him by blowing a hole in the wall. He then legged it to Amsterdam, where he changed his name." leg-over GB 1. Jebanje. Isto a bit of leg over. 2. have one's leg over Jebati, povaliti, potueati. leg-pull Zacikivanje, zavitlavanje. Slicno put-on. leg, pull one's Zavitlavati/zezati koga. leg-up 1. Prednost. You can go in with a leg up on other people. 2. Pomoc, asisteneija. He'll do OK, but he needs a financial leg up to get started. legal (b)eagle (Zustar) advokat. "In 1979 Davis's legal eagles got him acquitted again. " leggo (skrac. od let go) Pusti. legit, the Drama (pozorisni komad) priznate i prihvacene vrednosti. legs of, have the Biti brzi, brze trcati od; biti ispred. lemon 1. US Nesto bezvredno/beskorisno; neuspeh, fijasko, corak, promasaj. Slicno clinker. That show's a lemon. 2. Krele, dileja. 3. Vidi answer is a lemon. 4. Penis, kita. 5. US Atraktivna devojka/mulatkinja. Slicno high yellow. 6. hand (sb) a lemon Prevariti, preCi, izigrati. 7. sell sb a lemon Prodati kome rog za svecu. 8. the answer is a lemon Ne; negativan odgovor, sipak. "It's pretty depressing to produce a quality article like this, spend thousands of dollars on sales promotion, only to find that the public's answer is a lemon. lemons Sise, sisiee. less of the lip Manje price. let-down Razocaranje. Slicno comedown. let off Prdnuti. Isto let one off; let one go. let/blow off steam Dati (sebi) oduska. let fly Iznenada napasti (verbalno ili fizicki). let one's (back) hair down Opustiti se, otvoriti se, lezerno se ponasati. "A lot of men that I have been with do not let their hair down."

let out an S. B. D. (silent but deadly) Prdnuti, pustiti gnjurea. lettuce US Novae, novcaniee, zelembaci, suske. Slicno cabbage. lezza Lezbejka. "I can't believe she's not a lezzaf" lick, at a (great) Velikom brzinom. lick a~d a promise, a GB Brzo, povrsno pranje; pljuni pa obrisi. lid 1. Sesir, kapa, slem, kaciga. 2. nark. Paket(ic) marihuane. lid on it, that's put the (tin-) To prevrsuje meru, to je one poslednje. lie doggo GB Primiriti se, pritajiti se. Slicno lie low. lie with one's fathers Biti sahranjen/pokopan. life of Reilly/Riley, the Grofovski, lagodan zivot. life, not on your Ni za zivu glavu. life of me, for the Nikako. I can't understand it for the life of me. lifer zat. Osudenik na dozivotnu robiju. " black lifer Jamaes Skinner strolled into the exercise yard " lift 1. ~krasti, dignuti, maznuti, gepiti. He got caught lifting a chIcken from the convenience store. 2. lop. Uhapsiti, corkirati. 3. Piti (alkohol). "What say we go and lift a few?" 4. Objaviti deo necijeg rada kao svoj, plagirati. 5. Udariti, mlatnuti. Iift(-)off Uzletanje, lansiranje. lift one's elbow Nakretati casu, piti. lift one's little finger, not Ni prstom maci. I~ght fantasti.c, the Igrati. Obic. trip the light fantastic Igra. like a shot/billy-(ho)/the very devil/buggery/a bat out of hell/lightning/a house on fire/hot cakes/blazes/mad/ wildfire Veoma brzo ili uspesno; kao munja. I~kea ton ?f b~icks, come down (on one) Obrusiti se (na koga). I~keanythmg Zestoko, veoma, onoliko. I laughed like anything. IIke(ly) as not Vrlo verovatno, po svoj priliei. like death (warmed up), feel/be Biti vrlo lose. like enough Vrlo verovatno. like hell 1. Vrlo lose. 2. Uopste ne!; naravno da ne! like to like Slicni se druze. Iimey 1. US pogrd. Britanae. Isto lime-juicer. 'The limeys are unhappy over the weakness of the pound sterling. " 2. US Mornar ili vojnik. limit, the (absolute, dizzy ili giddy) To je vrhunac!; to prelazi sve graniee! limp-dick Nesposobnjakovic; mrtvo puvalo; impotenko.

limp-wrist Peder, derpe, pesa, homic. line 1. nark. Linija (kokaina ili heroina.) "But I don't think I've had a line since then." 2. Vidi lay on the line. line of country Profesija, struka, bransa, hobi. What's your line of country in civvy street? line (on), get a Ustanoviti. line-shooter Hvalisavac, puvadzija. Vidi shoot a line. link-man GB Voditelj i koordinator televizijskih i radio-diskusija. Slicno anchor man. lip Orskost, bezobrazluk, odgovaranje. Odatle lippy Orzak. "Lesson number one: learn to give less lip and do more work." little bit of fluff Seksualno atraktivna zena; kurvica. little Willie Kita, kitica, dokica. little woman, the Moja zena. live like a lord/fighting cock GB Ziveti kao lord. live out of a suitcase GB Stalno biti na putu. livestock GB Gamad. live to tell the tale Preziveti. live wire Ziva vatra, energicna osoba. living end, the Najbolji moguci. load Ookolicar, parazit. load of, a Mnogo, puno. load of, get a Slusati, razumeti, ukapirati. load on, have a Biti mrtav pijan. loaded 1. Pijan, naliven. Men act different when they get loaded 2. nark. Orogiran, "uraden" 3. Pun para/love; pun k'o brod; nafatiran. Slicno filthy rich; rolling in it. They're all loaded in that neighborhood. loaded for bear Spreman na sve. loads Sva sila, silesija, mnogo. loaf (of bread) GB Glava, vijuge, pamet. Obic. use one's loaf Mucnuti glavom. loafer Ookolicar. lobscouse Paprikas. lock-Up zat. Zatvor, pritvor; zatvorska celija. Slicno cooler; tank. loco US Lud, poludeo, poblesavio. Slicno nuts. He took one look and just went loco. locum Zamenik (Iekara ili svestenika). lollipop GB 1. Cinkariti, otkueati. "It wouldn't be like Smoky to lollipop his mates. " 2. lollipop lady/man Osoba koja rucnim signalnim znakom zaustavlja saobracaj kada deea prelaze ulieu. 3. Slatkis na stapicu.

lolly 1. GB Novae, lova. 2. Prodavniea. 3. Bilo sta lako. long-faced 1. Utucen, snuzden. 2. have a long face Izgledati zlovoljno, snuzdeno, smrknuto. long in the tooth GB Prestar, mator, postariji, zasao u godine. The actor is a bit long in the tooth to be playing Tom Sawyer. long johns/ones Ougacke gace. long shot Nesto neizvesno; neizvestan pokusaj; mali (su) izgledi. Slicno dark horse. The idea's a long shot, but it's worth a try. long streak of misery, a Mizerija, veCiti pesimista. "Here he comes again - the long streak of miseryt" long vac Letnji raspust. long-winded Opsiran, dosadan, zamorano longs Farmerke normalne duzine, za razliku od sortsa. 100, the GB Toalet, veneeija. looby Budala, glupan, krele. look down one's nose at Prezirati; gledati s nipodastavanjem, gledati snishodljivo na. He looked down his nose at me as if / were some loathsome thing in his past. look-in Sansa, prilika. She never even had a look·in. look lively Pozuriti. look-out Odgovornost, problem. Vidi funeral. It's his own look-out. look-see, take/have a Pogledati, baeiti pogled. look sharp/snappy/slipp(er)y Pozuriti. look towards! U zdravlje!; ziveli! Obic. I looks towards you! U zdravlje! look who's talking! Pazi ti njega! loon(e)y 1. Ludak, idiot, debil, bolid, blesa, krele. Isto loon. Slicno nutty. loony bin Ludniea; ludara, dilkarniea. Isto nut-house. "'The Red Spider' was sent to a loony bin..." loop 1. Budala, krele, dileja. 2. go loopy Uzbuden, Ijut. looped US Pijan, pod gasom. loop-legged GB alk. Pijan, naljoskan. loopy Blesav, bleskast, luekast. Slicno nutty. loose 1. Raskalasan, promiskuitetan. 2. on the loose a) Na slobodi. b) Pijanci, lumpuje. 3. Vidi screw loose. 4. at a loose end Ookon, besposlen. 5. let loose Siobodno izraziti bes ili drugu emoeiju.

loose talk Dugacak jezik; "zvaka", prica. This perp's loose talk is what worries me. loot Lova, novae. I tell you what though, Zackerman can recruit the very best because he's got the loot" Lord Muck GB Uobrazenko. "Well, won't you just look at them Lord and Lady Muck" lose one's cool Iza6i iz takta, razljutiti se. Suprotno keep one's cool. lose one's marbles Pogubiti se, poblesaviti, poseniliti, postati krecana. lose one's rag GB Pobesneti. lose one's cherry Izgubiti nevinost. loser Nesretnik, gubitnik, luzer. louse up US 1. Pokvariti; unistiti; pobrkati. Slicno bollix up; mess up. 2. Sjebati, skenjati. Slicno screw up. He'll get promoted next month if he doesn't louse up. lousy Prljav; gadan; odvratan; los. Slicno crummy. lousy with Dupke pun, kreat (cega). * "That hotel was lousy with perverts." * Peter is lousy with money. love lumps GB Grudi, sise. love muscle Ljubavni misi6, misko, doka. love of Mike!, for the Zaboga! lovely jUbbly! GB Sjajno!; bajno!; izvanredno! lover boy US Zenskaros, osvajac, zavodnik, Ijubavnik. Slicno ladies' man; casanova. loverly = lovely low-keyed 1. Uzdrian, diskretan. 2. in a low key Uzdrzano. low profile, keep a Primiriti se, pritajiti se. low water, in Bez novea, svore. low(-)brow 1. Onaj ko nema velike intelektualne zahteve; neintelektualae; prizemljas; primitivae; sirovina. 2. Popularan (ukus itd). Vidi high(-)brow. lowdown, the Cinjeniee, prava istina. lubricated Pijan, uletvljen, usikan. luck, down on one's Bez prebijene pare, dekintiran. lulu 1. Zgodna devojka. 2. Atraktivan/spektakularan objekaUdogadaj; mrak osoba/stvar. He said the aquarium was a lulu. lumber, in (dead) U (ozbiljnoj) nevolji. lumber GB Nevolja, nezgoda, neprilika. One night I got into a bit of lumber because I started giggling at the efforts of a fat lady who was a terrible singer.

lumbered U (finansijskoj) nevolji; uhapsen. lumberer Prevarant, varaliea. lunch Nesto veoma lako. lungs Sise, sifoni, "plu6a". Isto knockers. lush GB 1. Devojka bujnih oblina, bombona. 2. Socan, bujan; bog at, izvrstan. "Well, how was it?" - "Lush". 3. Pijanae. lushed (up) alk. Pijan, uletvljen. luvverly = lovely lying down, take something Prihvatiti bez protivljenja/bez pogovora/6utke.

M macho Maco, naglaseno muzevan. "Her husband would never agree to help with the housework; he's too macho to do that." Mac(k) GB Uopsteni izraz za obracanje Skotlandaninu. McCoy, the real Prava stvar. made, have something ili be Biti srecan ili uspesan. Mae West GB Pojas za spasavanje. main-brace, splice the GB Piti, nakrenuti casu, nazdraviti; distribuirati pice. mainline nark. 1. Vazna vena, eentralka. 2. Ubosti se u venu, roknuti se. Isto shoot up. He made himself a fix ... and he mainlined it. main-liner nark. Tezak narkos, dankoza. make a break Pobeci, umaci (polieiji). make a day ili night of it Posvetiti eeo dan/noc odredenoj stvari. make a go of (it) Uspeti. make a hole in one's pocket GB Kostati kao davo. make a hole in the bottle GB Poprilicno eugnuti. make a killing Zgrnuti bogatstvo; namlatiti lovu. make a monkey of one Napraviti koga budalom. make a pass at Pokusati (koga) zbariti/smuvati; startovati (koga). Isto put a move on sb. "Many man are used to being rejected when they make a pass ..." make a score US 1. nark. Kupiti/"uraditi" drogu. Isto score. 2. kock. Dobiti na koeki. But I make scores and they keep me going for a while. make a song and dance (about) GB Dici halabuku. make an exhibition of oneself Praviti od sebe budalu. make good Uspeti. make heavy weather of GB Imati teskoce sa. make it 1. Uspeti. Slicno go over. The charts showed we had made it, and big. 2. Preziveti. He's so sick, I don't think he'll make it make it hot for Vidi hot for. make it together Imati seksualni odnos. make no odds Biti bez vaznosti; ne ciniti razliku. make on Pretvarati se. make one sit up Zapanjiti, preneraziti koga.

make the rounds Cirkulisati, obiCi parohiju, promuvati se. "I have to make my rounds first and then I'll come over." make them, as stupid/clever etc. as they Krajnje glup/pametan itd. make tracks OtiCi. make waves US Talasati, praviti probleme. Isto rock the boat. The case continues to make waves in the state. mark sb's card Dati kome pozuzdano obavestenje, uputiti koga u stvar. man about town Gradska faea, gradska muvara. man in the boat GB Klitoris. Isto clit. man-size(d) Ekstra veliki/tezak. man-sized job Tezak posao/zadatak. mandarin Budza, budzovan, utieajan politicar. mandrax US nark. Sedativ. manhandle Surovo, grubo postupati (s kim). manky GB 1. Majmunisati (se), glupirati se. 2. Los, loseg kvaliteta. map out US Planirati. Let's map out what we're gonna do tomorow. marbles 1. Muda. 2. Novae, bogatstvo. The big marbles are not earned at the Festival Theatres or the Old Vie. 3. have all one's marbles Biti priseban; biti zdravog razuma. Suprotno lose one's marbles. I still have most of my marbles, he said cheerfully. marines, tell it to the (horse) Pricaj ti to nekom drugom. mark Naivko, ovea. Slicno sucker; meat. mark sb's card GB Dati kome obavestenje/mig. "You can leave it to me, I'll mark his card for him." Mary(queen) g. Pesko, guzicar. Mary Ann 1. nark. Marihuana, eigareta marihuane. Isto Mary Jane. 2. GB Taksimetar. Isto clock; ticker; kettle; hickory. mash 1. GB (Napraviti) caj. 2. US Ljubav, Ijubavna afera. 3. Ljubavnik; Ijubavniea. mat, on the GB U nevolji, na tapetu, strogo ukoren. Slicno on the carpet. mate Drug, drugar, pajt(as), pajt(os). matey 1. Isto sto i mate. 2. Drugarski, prisan, intiman. mauler Saka; pesniea, ruka.

meal ticket Vestina, sposobnost, pozicija itd. koja obezbeduje sredstva za zivot i prihode; zlatna koka. *Pedro is nothing but a meal ticket for this bimbo." * His looks are his meal ticket mean a thing, not Bez vaznosti. He doesn't mean a thing in my young life. mean motherfucker, a Sisacica. pusika; surova picka. Barb Wire is a real mean mothertucker. meany (ili -ie) Zloca. Slicno heavy. measly Bedan, jadan, mizeran. bezvredan, majusan. meat Kita. meatball US Krele, budala, dijabola. Isto creep; jerk. meat market US Bar u koji dolaze oni koji nemaju partnera/partnerku. meat wag(g)on US 1. Ambulantna kola. Joe woke up in the meatwagon. 2. lop. (Policijska) marica. Isto black maria; milk wagon. meet one's Waterloo Nadrljati, sjebati se. menace (Prava) napast. davez, gnjavator. mental GB 1. Mentol, krele. Slicno nutty. 2. Luckast, uvrnut. "One night we drove to a party but when we arrived it was the most mental do ever - everyone had pink or blue hair and weird clothes ... " meshuga Luckast. cudan, ekscentrican, uvrnut. message, get the Ukapirati, skontati. razurneti. Mick; Micky; Mike pogrd. Irac, irskog porekla. Isto Paddy; bog-Irish; bogtrotter. mick US voj. Minut. Give me five micks to bring this off. mickey (out of), take the Izraditi, ismejati (koga). Isto take the Michael. Mickey Mouse ili mickey mouse 1. Laznjak, bofl, kozmetika. It's hard to get past the mickey mouse and see what the hell they're driving at. 2. Lazan. 3. Samo naoko vredan, jeftin. And I don't think Mickey Mouse changes are going to work. 4. Jednostavan. lak. A "Mickey Mouse course" means a "snap course". 5. Povrsan, bezvredan. A Mickey Mouse survey of popular culture. 6. Zajeb. The only big Mickey Mouse ... was a brief shortage of. .. jungle boots. Mickey Mouse around Zezati se. besposliciti. Isto fool around. We can't Mickey Mouse around while faced with technological challenges.

miffed Ljutit. uvreden. Mike, for the love of GB Zaboga! milk-run Stalan ili lak posaolzadatak; bilo sta rutinsko. milk sb dry Izmusti. iscediti koga (finansijski). Janis milked the poor sucker dry, but he didn't even realize it. milk wagon US lop. (Policijska) marica. mind-blowing 1. Uzbudljiv, sokantan, fantastican. The speech was mind-blowing. 2. Koji izaziva dusevno uzbudenje. ekstazu (obie. droga). mind-fuck Raspametiti koga. Slicno brainwash. Odatle mindfucker Osoba koja moze da raspameti. Most gurus are magnificent and filthy-rich mind-tuckers. mind out! GB Pazi! mind your back(s)! GB Skloni (mi) se (s puta)! mind your eye GB Pazi!; cuvaj se! minge GB Mindza, picka. mint Nov-novcat. ispod cekica. a mint copy mish-mash Zbrka. kasa. miss 1. (skrac. od miscarriage) Pobacaj. 2. Vidi give a miss. miss out (on) Propustiti. ispustiti sansu/priliku. Though I miss out on many a piece of tail where another bloke would grab it. miss is as good as a mile, a 1. Neuspeh ostaje neuspeh ma koliko bio blizu uspehu. 2. Glavno je izbeci nevolju pa makar samo i za dlaku. miss the bus Propustiti priliku. miss the boat 1. Propustiti priliku. Slicno blow it. He ignored good advice, and missed the boat 2. Ne shvatiti sustinu. Boy, you sure missed the boat that time. Let me rephrase it more simply missus, the lena. supruga. Slicno the little woman. "He wanted the missus to get some sleep." mistake, and no 0 tom nema sumnje; nema greske. That apple's a big one, no mistake! mitt; mit Saka; sapa; pesnica; ruka. mix-up Zbrka. zabuna; pometnja, guzvanjac, tuca. Slicno mess. There's an awful mix-up over at the plant today mo = moment mob US 1. Banda. 2. the mob Mafija. mock/mocks/mocker(s) on, put the GB Stopirati, obustaviti. ruinirati. sahraniti (plan. ideju itd). Those 2 defeats last week have put the mockers on our team's chances of winning this year's competition.

model of, the (very) Slika i prilika. mog off Odmagliti, otici. mog(gy); moggie GB Maeka. moither Nervirati. Some mothers have the talent to keep on moithering their kids. mojo US 1. arh. Amajlija. 2. Magieni sarm ili utieaj; harizma. "When you got the mojo, brother, when you're on the inside, the world is fantastic." 3. nark. Bilo koji narkotik. 4. Vrsta plesa. 5. have (sb's) mojo working Biti u top formi. moke 1. GB Magarae. 2. pogrd. Crnja, eamuga. moll GB 1. Kurva. 2. Zena. 3. lop. Devojka kriminalea. Slieno gun moll. money for jam/old rope Lako zaraden novae. money from a blindman, like pinching Veoma lako. money, made of Bogat. money talks Para vrti (gde burgija nece); para dupe vrti; novae otvara sva vrata. "In New York, boy, money really talks, I'm not kidding." monkey 1. GB 500 funti. US 500 dolara. My client is not the kind of man to be satisfied with a mere monkey for his services." 2. get one's monkey up Razljutiti se, razbesneti se. 3. put sb's monkey up Iznervirati, razljutiti koga. 4. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey Hladno da se smrznu muda. 5. not to give/care monkey's (toss) Ne biti uopste briga; pueati kurac. monkey/funny business 1. Majmunisanje, marifetluci. He was full of monkey business, the clown. 2. Sumnjiva posla. Show these kids you're going to stand for no monkey business. monkey tricks Majmunisanje; sumnjiva posla. Slieno monkey business. mon(n)iker Ime; nadimak; pseudonim; potpis. "Ricard picked up a new moniker among US narcotics agents." month of Sundays, (not once in a) Nikada, ni u sto godina. mooch 1. Dangubiti, gluvariti, smueati se. 2. US Pozajmljivati, zie(k)ati. He went around mooching cigarettes. 3. Ukrasti, gepiti, maznuti. moocher Danguba; duznik.

moody GB Ilegalan, lazan, sumnjive vrednosti, sumnjivog kvaliteta/porekla. 'They accused him of selling moody gear off his stall in market. " moonlighter 1. Bigamist. 2. GB Tezgaros, onaj ko ima jos jedan posao osim redovnog. moonraker 1. Krijumear; svereer. 2. Budala. moonshine Blebetanje, besmisliea, glupost. Slieno baloney; bullshit. His story's plain moonshine. moon rock US nark. Droga koja se sastoji od heroina i kreka. Isto speedball; parachute. mop GB Kosa. mop the floor with 1. S lakocom poraziti (koga); potuci do nogu. 2. Premlatiti, pobrisati pod s (kime). Slieno clobber. I'm sure she'll stick around after watching the guy mop the floor with you! mop up 1. Piti, lokati. 2. Eliminisati/zbrisati ostatke opozieije/neprijateljske vojske; pobrisati pod s (kime); dokrajeiti (koga). Odatle mopping-up (operations). 3. Dovrsiti; posvrsavati (poslove). moppet GB Devojeiea, devojee, lutkiea. more kicks than halfpence GB Vise zalosti nego radosti. more like Pre ce biti. Six bottles won't be enough; we'll need more like eleven. more like (it) To je vec bolje. Six bottles? Eleven will be more like it more the merrier, the Sto vise, to bolje. mosey US lei, odsetati (polako/besciljno); lutati. Slieno ease on. / think I'll mosey over and see what's going on. mostest = nafjl. most mother 1. g. Zenstven muskarae, homoseksualae. 2. g. Stariji homoseksualac, zastitnik. 3. US Kukaviea, pizda. motherfucker US 1. PederCina, drkadzija, pizda, dubre, kreten. Slieno bastard; shitell. You'd better watch out, mothertucker! 2. Stari drugar, pajt(os), ortak. I was in big trouble until John came along. That mother-tucker saved my life. 3. Zajebant. mother's ruin Dzin (pice). motions, go through the Pretvarati se, folirati se. Her husband wouldn't make love to her anymore, he'd just go through the motions.

mouthful, a 1. Duga rec teska za izgovor; rec da se slomi jezik. Slicno jawbreaker. 2. US Mnogo, sva sila. . 3. say a mouthful Red nesto iznenadujuce/vazno/impreslvno. mouth and trousers, all Neko ko umislja da je seksualno privlacan. mouth, shut your Umukni, zacepi. . mouthpiece GB Advokat; osoba za kontakte sa javnoscu (PR). Slicno lip. ., mouth too wide, open one's Mnogo brbljatl, pncatl svasta. move on, get a Pozuriti. move pot nar!<. Pradavati marihuanu/hasis, valj~t.i tra~u. movie-fiend Cest posetilac bioskopa, strastvenl fllmofil. mozzy Komarac. . Mrs palm and her five daugters GB Drkanje, rucnl rad. muck 1. Vidi Lord Muck. 2. as muck Krajnje; sto je moguce vise. Common as "!uck 3. make a muck of Zaprljati; pokvariti, zabrljati, zeznutl, zasrati. muck about/around GB Dangubiti, badavadzisati; glupirati se. Slicno goof around. muck in Raditi. muck out Ocistiti, pocistiti. muck up Zaprljati; pokvariti, zeznuti, zabrljati, zasrati. mucker 1. GB Prijatelj, drugar, pajtas, pajt(os). 'There you are, Keith, me old mucker." 2. US Pokvarenjak, kvarnjak. mud-hook Sidra. mud in your eye! GB Srecno!; nazdravlje! He raised his glass and said: "Mud in your eye". . mud, one's name is Zabrljao je, u nemilosti je; potonula reputaclja; okaljan obraz, okaljano ime. mud-slinger Klevetnik. mud-slinging Klevetanje. Slicno smear. mudlark GB Deran, deriste, balavac. muff 1. GB Zabrljati, pokvariti; prapustiti (priliku). If you muftthis chance you won't get another. 2. US Picka. mug(g) 1. GB Usta, lice, faca. She's got ~ .~andsorr:e mug. 2. Fotografisati Cije lice (naroe. za policljskl doslje). 3. Budala, glupak, ovca. 3. to mug Presresti i opljackati na ulici. An old lady was mugged in the park. v




mug shot Fotografija prestupnika za policijski dosije. When crooks are photographed they are mugged mug up GB Bubati za ispit. mug's game GB Budalast/neuspesan poduhvat/posao; igra za budale. "Reviving past glory is... a mug's game." mugging GB Pljacka. muggins GB Budala, naivcina, ovca, gubitnik. "And muggins here was left holding the bill." mugwump GB Budalasta/neodlucna osoba. mullarkey GB Neprihvatljivo ponasanje/postupak itd. mulled GB alk. Pijan, naljoskan, uletvljen. mumbo jumbo Glupost, kojestarija. "/ know last year I said I would give up all mumbo jumbo but sometimes a little mumbo jumbo can inject a note of hope in situation where it all seems hopeless." mum's the word GB Nikom ni reci. murder will out Istina ce (na kraju) izbiti na videlo. murphy GB Krampir. muscle 1. Misicava, nabildovana osoba, bilder(ka). 2. Moc, sila, uticaj. mushy 1. Siadunjav, jeftino sentimentalan; srceparajuCi. Slicno corny. 2. Zacopan, zatreskan. "The kid got mushy with the broad." must haves Stvar koja se mora imati. musta US nark. Marihuana. mutt Budala, krele, dileja. Slicno klutz; muttonhead. A mutt? Yeah, he's that all right. Not too much brains." mutton-head; mutton-top US Budala, glupan, klipan, cuskija. Odatle mutton-headed Budalast. my foot! GB Bavola!; ne verujem ti! You're sorry? Sorry, my foot!

N NBG = No bloody good nab GB Uhvatiti, seepati, uhapsiti. Slieno collar. The officers nabbed him around the corner. nadgers, give one the lei na zivce, unervoziti. nads US Muda. naft of! GB Odjebi! Isto fuck oft! nail sb 1. Uhvatiti, ukebati, upecati koga. Slieno nab. 2. US Povaliti, potucati (zensku). Slieno fuck. namby GB Siabie, smokljan, sonja. Isto namby-pamby; wimp. "Him? He's a fucking namby." name the day GB Prihvatiti ponudu za veneanje (zena). name, to one's GB U posedu. He hasn't a penny to his name. name in vain, take sb's Govoriti s nepostovanjem a kame, ocmiti koga. nana GB Budalasta osoba, dileja, krelac, krele. Obic. a right nana Bas budala. nancy (boy) pogrd. GB Peder, pesko. "See the nancy boys do their dance." narc ili narco nark. Agent za narkotike. Isto gazer. nards US Muda. nark GB 1. lop. Dousnik, taster, cinkaros. Slieno stool pigeon. ...another drug-scare hoax promulgated by the "narcs" ... 2. ICi na zivce, nervirati, dosadivati. "If you feel especially narked about something, you can turn it into a theory of human development. " nark it! Smiri se!; prekini! narked GB Iznerviran, popizdeo. narky GB Nervozan, zlovoljan. "She's been a bit narkyall morning." nasty piece of work 1. Podvala. 2. Gadan tip. nalter GB Blebetati, brbljati, eavrljati. natural 1. Prirodni talenat; prava/odgovarajuea stvar. 2. he is natural for the job Stvoren je za taj posao. 3. in all my natural (born days) U celom svom zivotu. natural-born US Totalni, apsolutni. The man's a natural-born killer.

near as dammit Vrlo blizu. neck GB 1. Drskost, bezoenost, bezobrazluk. Takode brass neck Krajnja drskosUbezobrazluk. / tell you, she's got plenty of neck she walked out on her husband and then told him to move out." 2. Poljubiti. 3. get it in the neck Dobiti po usima/nosu; lose proCi. 4. give (one's) neck GB Odustati; postati apatiean. 5. by a neck Jedva, tesno, za dlaku (npr. pobediti). 6. talk through (the back of) one's neck Govoriti gluposti. 7. pain in the neck Gnjavez, dosada, gusitelj, smarae, smor. 8. stick one's neck out Treati pred rudo, istreati se, izlagati se riziku. 9. up to the neck Do guse (u nevolji/dugovima). necking Milovanje, vodenje Ijubavi. Couples necking all over the shop. neddy 1. Zadnjica, dupe, bulja. 2. Budala. 3. GB (Trkaeki) konj. need (sth) like a hole in the head Uopste ne biti potrebno. needle GB 1. Bockati, peckati, nervirati, provocirati. SHena hassle. He keeps needling the guy about his looks. 2. Najvazniji, odlueujuCi (pogot. u sportu - needle-match). 3. get/take the needle Razljutiti se, razbesneti se, oneraspoloziti se. 4. on the needle nark. Na igli, navueen na iglu, cepa iglu. needle candy US nark. Bilo koji narkotik koji se uzima injekcijom . Holmes has need of greater stimulants than needle candy" needs must when the devil drives GB Sta se mora, mora se. neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor good red herring GB Ni jedno, ni drugo. nelly 1. GB Budalasta osoba, dileja, krele. 2. GB not on your nelly! Nikako!; niposto!; nizasta! SHena not on your life. 3. Homoseksualan; zenskast. Slieno gey; swish. nem con Niko nije glasao protiv. The suggestion was accepted nem can by the committee. nerd US 1. Krele, moron, bolid, gnom. Isto nurd; dork; dweeb; jerk. 2. Zaludenik; streber. nerk GB Budala, krele. Isto jerk. nest, on the Jebati (za muskarce).

never in the pig's ear Nikad. never-never, on the GB Na otplatu. never no more Nikad. new boy/bug Novi, poeetnik; novi sluzbenik itd. Not a bad start for a new boy. new pin, clean as a Veoma eist. news-hawk/-hound Novinar, reporter. newt, pissed (tight/drunk) as a Mrtav pijan, pijan k'o majka. nibble at Zanovetati, eantrati, zvocati. nibs, his podsm. Budzovan, sef, glavonja, bos, gazda. Slieno the man. Take it in to his nibs yourself. nice and Veoma. nick GB 1. zat. Mardelj, bajbok, cuza; policijska stanica. "He's been in nick on and off all his life. " 2. lop. Uhvatiti, seepati; uhapsiti, corkirati. 3. Maznuti, ukrasti, orobiti, opljaekati. on the nick Krada. 'The bank is gonna be nicked" 4. Old Nick Davo. 5. in good nick U dobroj formi (osoba); u dobrom stanju (stvar). nicker GB 1 funta. niff GB 1. Smrdeti, zaudarati, vonjati, kandisati. 2. Smrad, vonj. "There's a terrible niffin here." niff-naff, don't Preni se, pokreni se, ne kilavi. niffy GB Koji ima zadah. nifty 1. Doteran, stilski; elegantan; privlaean. He may look big and clumsy, but he can really be pretty nifty when he gets going. 2. GB Noveanica od 50 funti. 3. Kolosalan, straobalan, "krvav". nifty fifty, a Drkanje, onanisanje. nig pogrd. Crnja, crneuga, eamuga. Isto nigger. nigger 1. pogrd. Crnja, crneuga, eamuga. Isto nig. 2. work like a nigger CrnCiti, raditi naporno, raditi kao pas/zivotinja. 3. nigger in the woodpile/fence Skrivena mana, prikriveni nedostatak. niggly Sitnieav. Oh, don't be so bloody niggly! night of it, make a Proslaviti; probaneiti noc. nignog 1. GB Budala. 2. pogrd. Crnja, eamuga. nine, the US lop. "Devetka", poluautomatski revolver. nipper GB Dete, deekic, deeaCic; novajlija. Nip pogrd. Japanac, Zuti, Zuca, Zutac.

nit 1. GB Budala, glupak, moron, krele. 2. US Nista, nula. Slieno zilch. If you're wondering about their homosexual records, it's nil nit nit! zat. Prestani da govoris - neko slusa! nitwit GB Vezana vreca, seprtlja; budala, krele. nitty GB Budalast, idiotski. If the girl was nitty enough to contem plate marrying him, she was only getting what she deserved. nix GB 1. Nista; niko. 2. Ne; nikako. I asked her for one and she said nix 3. Odbijanje, veto. 4. Odbiti, ne dozvoliti. The city nixed the plan to build a theatre with public money. nix on it! Prekini!; prestani! no bottle Ne valja, nije dobro. it's no bottle. Odatle not much bottle Nije mnogo dobro, nije upotrebljivo. no-brainer US Lako pitanje. no can do Ja (ti itd.) ne mogu to da uradim. no chicken Nije vise piletina; srednjih godina ili stariji. no flies on Bez gluposti/budalastina. no go GB Ne; ne ide; ne moze; neuspeh; propala stvar. We tried to save him but it was no go. no great shakes Inferioran, neefikasan, beznaeajan, mediokritetski, nije bas sjajan. Slieno nothing to write home about. I'm no great shakes at serve-and-volley. no holds barred, with Bez zadrske/rezerve. The best sex of Jamie Heartmore's life was with a no-holds-barred bed devil he had just met. no laughing matter Ozbiljna stvar, nije za zezanje. no names, no packdrill Identitet nece biti otkriven. "I once entered ... a visiting British bishop (no name, no pack-drill) to the Finnish social habit of a sauna, where episcopal robes would not have been appropriate. " no oil painting Ruzno, nije bas najbolje/najlepse. no picnic US Nesto sto nije lako. Growing up in the Depression was no picnic. no sweat Nema frke, nema problema; lak posao, maeji kasalj. It was no sweat for me. no two ways about it Nema alternative. no way Nikako, niposto; ni za zivu glavu; ne dolazi u obzir, ma nema sanse/teorije. nob 1. GB Glava. 2. GB Bogata/ugledna lienost; gospodin. Slieno swell. 3. Jebati, kecati. 4. Kita, glavic.

nod is as good as a wink (to a blind donkey), a Dobro je obratiti paznju na nagovestaj/mig. nod, on the GB 1. Na veresiju, na kredit. 2. Bez diskusije, kao formalnost (npr. prihvatiti sto). noddle Glava, inteligencija, zdrav razum. noggin 1. Pice. 2. US Glava. nohow Nikako. nonce zat. Osudenik zbog seksualnog prekrsaja (obit. onaj ko je zlostavljao decu). Isto beast. non-starter GB Nesto sto nece uspeti/proraditi; nesto sto ne pali. Slicno also-ran; loser. 'The proposed travel book ... now seemed ... to be a nonstarter." nonsense of, make a GB Pokvariti, upropastiti. nope Ne. norks GB Sise, sifoni. north and south Usta. nose lop. Spijun, dousnik, informator, cinkaros, taster, drukara. nose, getting up sb's lei kome na nerve. nose-bag, put on the Trpati u usta, brzo jesti. nose-dive 1. Iznenadni i veliki pad (cena). The price of gold took a nose dive. 2. Strmoglaviti se. Our morale nose-dived yesterday. 3. Zahvat, pokusaj. nose, follow one's lei pravo; iei po instinktu/njuhu. I'm never mistaken when I follow my nose. nose in, put/shove one's Gurati nos gde mu nije mesto. nose-rag GB Maramica. nose to the grindstone, have/keep one's Satirati se od posla; ne dizati glave (od posla). nosey; nosy 1. (Preterano) znatizeljan. "We shall not be nosey." 2. take a nosey around Njuskati. nos(e)y parker GB Znatizeljna baba, njuskalo; mirodija u svakoj corbi. nosh GB 1. Njupa, klopa, mandza, has. 2. have a nosh-Up Njupati, klopati, hasati. nostrils, get up one's lei kome na zivce. not a bean Bez prebijene pare. not a patch on Ni prineti (kome). The mistress was not a patch on his wife. not a pin to choose between Jednaki. not a sausage (Uopste) nista. not all there 1. Glup, nije sasvim svoj. Slicno dim-witted. 2. Nije (bas) cist, nije pri sebi. Slicno nuts; out to lunch.

not an earthly (chance) Nema (nikakve) sanse, nema sansone. not born yesterday Nije juce roden; nije veslo sisao. not cricket Neposten, problematican, sumnjiv. Something not quite cricket happened here. not for all the tea in China Nizasta, niposto, ni za zivu glavu. not half I te kako. not if I know it nag/. Ne. not know one's ass from one's elbow Ne zna gde mu je dupe, a gde glava; glupav. Isto not know shit from Shinola. Opponents claim the president doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to Central America. not likely! Nikako!; nece biti! not my bag nark. Ne odgovara mi, ne radi mi posao ("roba"). not on your life/nelly Nikako. not so dusty Nije lose. How are you? Not so dusty. not so hot Nezadovoljavajuei, ne bas najbolji; nije sjajan. / didn't flunk but my record isn't so hot not to be sneezed at Nije za potcenjivanje; nije macji kasalj. not worth a bean/button/curse/fart/monkey toss/tinker's curse (etc) Ne vredi ni prebijene pare/ni pisljiva boba; bezvredan. nothing doing Apsolutno ne; ne, i tacka. Slicno nix; no way. Buy that piece of crap? Nothing doing. nothing to it Lako; bez problema. nothing to make a song and dance about Nije vredno pomena; nista vazno. nothing to write home about Beznacajan; nista narobto. Slicno no great shakes. His pitch was nothing to write home about nowhere 1. Beznacajan; ocajan. "We all thought it was the most nowhere record we'd made." 2. be nowhere Biti tesko porazen. nozzle Nos, surla, puska, njonja, njokalica. Slicno schnozz. nub US Jezgro, srz (npr. pripovesti). number is up, one's Gotov je, sprema mu se svasta, odbrojani su mu dani. number up, have one's Biti gotov, biti u velikoj nevolji. nurk GB Budala, krele. Slicno jerk. nut 1. GB Glava; pamet. 2. CUdak, ekscentrik, manijak. Slicno flake; screwball. 3. GB Udariti koga glavom (u glavu), prikucati (koga). 4. Mudo. Slicno ball. 5. GB (I'm) sweet as a nut Super (mi je). 6. off one's nut Skrenuo, Iud, sasav, uvrnut, otkacen. 7. do one's nut Popizdeti, pobesneti.

nut-case Lujka, krele, mentol. nut-house Ludara, dilkarnica. nuts 1. Lud, sasav, otkaeen, udaren, sana duso. Slieno bughouse; meshuga. "Are you nuts to turn your back on a deal that could mean life or death?" 2. Muda. Slieno balls. 3. (kategorieno odbijanje) Nista, sipak. A hundred and fifty. Nuts. - I'll give you a hundred. nuts about/over/on GB LUd/posasavio/posize%tkinuo za (kim, eim). Slieno be dead nuts on; crazy about. "He's nuts about her." nutty Lud, luckast, uvrnut, otkaeen. Slieno nuts. "I was just about nutty, I was so lonely. " nutty on Vidi nuts on.

oar in, put/shove/stick one's Uplitati se (u sto). oats, have/get etc. one's Dobiti seksualno zadovoljenje. 00 nark. Ov~riti se, predozirati se. I guess he'd taken a light OD. oddball US Cudan, neobiean, ekscentriean. 'That's thoroughly oddball behaviour." odd ball; oddfish Cudak, osobenjak, ekscentrik. odd-job man Majstor za sitne popravke. odd man out Onaj ko nema svog para, onaj ko se ne uklapa. odds it GB Rizikovati. "I can't be sure, we'll just have to odds it." off 1. Jebati. Isto screw. "When I offa nigger bitch, I close my eyes and concentrate real hard. " 2. lop. Ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. "We know now that the lad ... offed ~imself by blowing out his brains in a kinky suicide pact WIth hIs teenaged mistress. " off-beat Nekonvencionalan, neformalan, neuobieajen, alternativan. Suprotno mainstream. New York has a large society of off-beat artists. off net Ne kapirati; ne biti u toku. I'm a bit off net. off one's block/chump/crust/head/nut/onion Lud, senuo, pod ilkanisao, posizeo, sisao s uma. Slieno meshuga; nuts; out of one's head/mind/senses. If you think this book is good you must be off your head. oft one's rocker Fali mu daska u glavi, caknut, siznuo. I suppose he was off his rocker. off-putting GB Odbojan. "Such adolescent pranks may be off putting." off the beam Pogresan; daleko od istine. That idea is way off the beam. off the boat Zastareo, demode. off the books Na crno (raditi). off the cuff Iz glave, nepripremljen, spontan. I don't speak well off the cuff. off the top (of one's head) Spontano, bez razmisljanja. Slieno up front. He demanded his percentage right off the top. off the wall 1. Neuobieajen, bizaran. I don't like that. It's pretty off the wall 2. go oft the wall Odlepiti, siznuti, f1ipnuti, poludeti.

oggin, the GB Reka; kanal; more. oick Moron, dijabola, krele. ." oil painting, no Nesto sto nije bas reprezentatlvno; nlJe nesto sjajno. . . . oil, strike Upasti sekira u med, Imatl srece. oiled alk. 1. Pijan, pod gasom, naclrkan, nakresan. 2. well oiled Mrtav pijan, usikan. oiler pogrd. Meksikanac. Isto greaser. old-and-bitter GB Tasta. old battle axe GB Dominantna, aragantna zena, Ksantipa. old bean GB Stari drugar, pajtas, pajtos, pajL old bird Prepredenjak, Iisac; stara dzomba, iskusna osoba. old boot Stara kajla/dzomba, iskusna osoba. , . old cock Glupost, budalastina. Isto old cobblers. Oh, that sJust a load of old cock! old fogey GB Staramodan covek; cilager. old Harry GB 1. 8avo. .. . 2. play old Harry GB Did na glavu, napravltl rusvaJ. old-hat Zastareo, staramodan. old lady 1. Zenska, riba. 2. the old lady of Threadneedle Street GB Engleska banka. old news Bivsi; nije vise aktuelan; nesto sto vise nije aktuelno. old one-two, the 1. Stara dobra karanje. I gave her the old one-two. 2. Drkanje, rucni rad.. , . ? old socks Stari moj. Hey, Monson, old socks. How s thmgs. on a roll Ima uspeha, uspeva, dobra se odvija. . on at (sb), be Prigovarati, zanovetati, cantrati, zvocatl. on one's Jack GB Sam. on one's tod GB Sam. on tap Dostupan u svako vreme. on the air U radio emisiji. . on the back/slow burner Zadrzan u rezervi; stavljen u drugl plan; greje klupu; na ledu. Slicno on hold. 'The thruth IS, m the wake of the Baffa award-wining 'Nil by Mouth', actor Gary Old man has been put on the slow burner. ". . on the blink/bum/fritz Ne funkcionise dobro; u Jadnom stanJu; trokira. *My heart's on the bum. *His pacemaker Just went on the fritz. on the brew GB Nezaposlen. on the go 1. Aktivan, pun energije. "Regularly having two or three partners on the go at a time, 'HellCat', as s?e was known to her friends, notched up around 430 lovers... , 2. Uvek u pokretu; neumoran. I'm really tired. I ve been on the go all week long. v

on the grift Prevarant; kockar; klosar. Vidi grift; grifter. on the heavy Umesan u zloCin; zivi od prevara. Since knee high Russel's been on the heavy. on the hog Svorc, dekintiran, bez love. Isto broke. on the job 1. Prilegao na posao. 2. Jebe. on the make 1. U trci/lovu za dobitkom/uspehom/seksom; bezobzirno ambiciozan. Slicno hungry. The rookies are very much on the make. 2. U pokusaju da zavede (koga). She's on the make. Watch out! on the nose 1. Tacno; upravo tako; bas tako. Isto on the dot. It's six on the nose. 2. Bas na mestu; bas kao sto se trazi. Your guess was right on the nose. 3. she's on the nose Ona je prostitutka. on the pill Uzima kontraceptivne pilule. on the pUll GB U potrazi za seksualnim partnerom. "Don't bother asking - those two are out on the pull again." on the rag Ima menstruaciju. on the safe side Sigurno; bez rizika. on tick Na kredit, na kredu. on to sb, be US Provaliti, razotkriti koga. on your jack Sam. Isto on your tod. once-over, the US Ispitivacki pogled; letimican pogled; povrsan pregled. "The first thing we went to buy after giving al/ the pavilions the once-over was tomatoes." oncer GB Novcanica/novcic od 1 funte. one-armed bandit GB Jednoruki dzek, blek-dzek. Isto fruit machine. Isto US slot machine. one for the road (Poslednja) casica pred polazak, pice za srecan put, pice pred fajront, jos jedna za put. one-horse US Bedan, jadan, inferioran, mali. It's a one-horse operation he's got there. one in the eye Prigovor, opomena. one night stand 1. Angazman za samo jedno vece. Not a big gig, but just a one-night stand 2. Kresanje, seks na brzaka. "Lust and love are separated in a man's mind, one night stands don't have to affesct relationships. " one over the eight, have had Pijan (k'o zemlja). one too many, have had Pijan, popio previse. one-two, a (ili the old) Ova brza udarca, levom i desnom rukom. one up on, be Biti u prednosti (nad kim).

ones, do Mokriti, vrsiti malu nuzdu. Takode do number ones. onion, off one's Poblesavio, siznuo. onions, know one's Znati stvari/znanje, biti iskusan. oodles Izobilje, mnogo. Slicno a shithouse full. They have oodles of charisma. oomph 1. Seksepil, privlacnost. Slicno it. 2. Energija, entuzijazam, snaga, moc. Slicno clout; pizzazz. She's a powerful beast - plenty of oomph in that engine! open and shut case Lako resiv problem/slucaj. open one's mouth too wide Pricati svasta; brbljati bez mere. operator Prevarant, maher, manipulator. Isto dealer; macher; wheeler-dealer. opt out (of) Iskljuciti se, povuci se, odustati. order of the boot Sut-karta, otkaz, noga. organise a piss-up in a brewery, not able to Nesposoban, ne ume ni vodu s cesme da donese. other pebbles on the beach Dostupne su i druge mogucnosti. out-and-outer Sjajna stvar; sjajan momak. out at elbows Poderanih lakata, bedan, otrcan, siromasan. out of sorts Ziovoljan, razdrazljiv, nakurcen. out of the hunt Bez sansi za uspeh. outsight Izvrstan, sjajan, super, izuzetan. over the hill 1. (obic. va}.) Odsutan bez dozvole; dezertirao. Slicno AWOL. 2. Prestar, star; u godinama, omatorio. Poor old Polly; until a few weeks ago he would drive us mad with his talking, but now he's so quiet that he must be getting over the hill over the moon Srecan, presrecan; na sedmom nebu od srece. I think it is fantastic. I am over the moon and really pleased about it. over the top Preteran. Skrac. O.T.T. *A lot of Monty Pythons is still O. T. T. today. *Wearing that dress with those shoes is really over the top. overstep the mark Preterati, prekardasiti, preci granicu. own up Otvoreno priznati, otvoriti se, ispovediti se. ownsome, on one's Sam.

PDQ GB Brzo (skrac. od Pretty Damn Quickly). PRO Sluzbenik zaduzen za odnose sa javnoscu (skrac. od Public-relations officer); PRo paces, show one's Iskazati se, pokazati se. pack 1. US *Nositi (obic. oruzje). *Are you packing a handgun, my fnend? I looked and saw he was packing a badge. 2. Pokvaren, neupotrebljiv. pack a (hard) punch Imati efekta; biti mocan, snazan (auto, motocikl itd). pack it in/up GB 1. Zavrsiti, okoncati, prestati, odustati. Slicno pack up. I intended to pack up playing all together. 2. Ucuti! package 1. Atraktivna, zgodna zena; dobra riba. 2. Velika suma novca. Isto bundle. That must have cost a package. packet 1. Velika svota novca. That car cost me a pretty packet 2. Muske genitalije. 3. GB stop/get/cop/catch a packet Upasti u veliku nevolju; nagrabusiti; proci k'o zuti; biti ubijen/tesko ranjen. pad~l~ one's own canoe Biti svoj gazda; ne zavisiti ni od koga, bltl samostalan. Paddy GB pogrd. Irac, irskog porekla. Isto Mick(y); Mike; bog-Irish; bogtrotter. paddy GB Bes, Ijutina, srdzba. paddy-waggon US (Policijska) marica. Slicno black maria. paid to, put Okoncati, zavrsiti, staviti ad acta. pain in the arse/ass/neck Gnjavez, davez, smarac. Isto pain in the .butt; pain in the rear. ''A few drinks and respectable famJly men, dads, became lecherous pains in the ass. " pair of balls, give sb a Ohrabriti, okuraziti. paki pogrd. 1. Pakistanac (ali i drugi dosljaci sa indijskog potkontinenta kao sto su Indijci, Bengalci, Srilancani itd). 2. Prodavnica koju vode Azijati. pal 1. Drugar, prijatelj, pajt(os). 2. Ne bas prijateljski nacin obracanja. pal up with Pajtati se sa. Isto pal around with. palaver Besmisleno brbljanje. prazan razgovor, naklapanje.

pan 1. Lice, faca, gubica, njuska. Slieno mug. 2. Strogo kritikovati, iseckati na pareice. Slieno roast. 'The Daily Worker panned his first novel. " 3. Odalamiti, pripaliti, osamariti. 4. down the pan Isto sto i down the drain. pan out Rezultirati, ispasti (situacija). Slieno payoff. "Let's just wait and see how it pans out" pancake, to Aterirati na trup. pansy 1. ZenskasUfeminiziran muskarac; slabic, tunjavko. Slieno lily; sissy. 2. Peder, pesa, pesko, hamic. Slieno queen. pants off, bore the Krajnje (se) dasadivati; ugusiti (kaga). pants off, frighten/scare the Prestraviti. paper profits US Dobici samo na papiru. parachute US nark. Droga koja se sastoji od heroina i kreka. Ista speedball; moon rock. paralytic; paralyzed Martus pijan, komiran od pica. parky GB Svez, prohladan, astar. "It's a bit parky in here - mind if I close this window?" parrot-cage, have a mouth like the bottom of a Vidi bird cage. parson's nose GB Trtica, zadnjica. partic = particular party animal/goer Ljubitelj zabava, redovan pasetilac zabava. "Party-goers could well find themselves feeling unable to socialise unless they have added help from drugs ... " party pooper Partibrejker, rasturae zabava. Ista wet blanket. pash Ljubimac, idol. pass at, make a Udvarati se, nabacivati se, bariti, muvati. pass the babylbuck/can Prebaciti odgovornast na drugaga. We chickened out and passed the buck to the dean. past it Prestar. I used to be able to cycle 50 miles in a day, but I'm past it now, I'm afraid. past praying for U oeajnom polozaju, bez nade u poboljsanje. paste Izmlatiti. patch on, not a Ni prineti (kame). patsy Lakoverna osoba, naivko, "ovca". Paul Pry Radoznao eovek. pay back time Naplata starog duga, osveta. pay on the nail Platiti (odmah) u kesu; ispljunuti lovu. pay the earth Preplatiti, papreno platiti. payola Mito za specijalne komercijalne, reklamne i druge usluge. P.C. (skrac. od politically correct) Politieki korektno. "She's the most PC person I know. "

p.d.q.l PDQ (skrac. ad pretty damned quick) "You best tidy up that mess p.d.q. before your mother gets home." pea-souper Gusta magla. peach 1. US Lepa mlada devojka. She really was a peach. 2. Sjajna stvar. 3. GB lop. Cinkariti. Slieno squeal. peachy(-keen) iron. US Sjajan, divan, ne moz' biti bolji. Slieno great; net. "Albee describes his work as "an examination of the American Scene ... a stand against the fiction that everything in this slipping land of ours is peachy-keen. " peanuts US Beznaeajna osaba/stvar; male pare, sica. peck(er) US 1. Pevac, kita, kara, doka, pajser. "When I told him to get a-hold of himself I didn't mean for him to get his peeker out." 2. Odvaznost. 3. keep one's pecker up GB Dobro se drZati (u nevolji)' ne klonuti duhom, ne pasustati. ' peckish GB (Pomalo) gladan. pedro pogrd. Meksikanac, Portorikanac, Spanac, Hispanaamerikanac. Ista spic(k). pee oneself laughing Upisati se/puCi od smeha. peel SvuCi se, skinuti se go. peeled, keep one's eyes Drzati oei sirom otvorene. peeler 1. GB Policajac. 2. Striptizela. SHena stripper. peepers Oei. If anything was wrong with my peepers the army wouldn't have taken me. peeved (off) Ljul, razdrazen, ozlojeden, iznerviran. peg 1. Drvena noga, slula. 2. Idenlifikavali, klasifikovati, izabrati. Slieno button down. 3. Kila. 4. Bacili. He pegged it sharply to first. 5. Noga. 6. take down a peg (or two) Ponizili, spuslili (koga). peg-leg Drvena noga, slula; eovek sa slulom. peg it/out GB 1. Odapeti, umreli (i fig). I'm pegging outfor a drink. 2. Zavrsili, prekinuli, papuslili, onemocati. He looked all set to wi~ the mile, ~ut then pegged out on the last lap. pen(cll)-pusher Cinovnik, masliljara. SHeno pencil-dick. penny numbers, in GB U malim kolieinama. pep US Energija, entuzijazam, polel, zivost. Slieno piss and vinegar; pizzazz.

pep-pill Pilula za stimulaciju (pogot. amfetamin, spid). Slieno upper. . pep-talk Bodrenje, ohrabrenje, stimulans. lalways had to gIVe myself a pep talk before I went out ~osing. pep up Stimulisati, uliti energiju. Slieno Jazz sth up. period Menstruacija. " . perishing 1. Problematiean, uznemlravajucl. 2. Vrlo hladan. perp US Krimos, kriminalac. . _ persuasion Sorta, vrsta, tip. people ?,f his pers.uaslon. pesky US Nesnosan, odvratan, nepnjatan, mucan. peter 1. Kita. 2. zat. Celija. . peter out Iscrpsti se, rasplinuti se; jenjavati. They ran well the first mile or so, then petered out phiz(og) GB Faca, lice, fizionomija. Slieno mug. phon(e)y 1. Lazan, toboznji. the pho.ney war. 2. Folirant, varalica, prevarant, laznjak. phooey! Krajnja glupost!; besmislica! .. " phreak Onaj ko praktikuje tehnike telefonlranja bez placanJa. Obic. phone phreak. .... .. phut, go Prestati da funkcionise, raspastl se, pU~J,propastl,. bltl unisten. His business has gone phut and he s lost all his money physical jerks Fizieke vezbe. pi Pobozan. pi-jaw Pridika, popovanje. piano GB Siabo, lose. "Please don't disturb her, she seems to be feeling a little piano today" _ . . pick on sb Manisati, prigovarati, uzeti koga na zub; cantratl kome, zakerati. . pickle 1. Nezgoda, nevolja, teska situacija, skripac, sos. I was In a sad pickle when I lost my job. . 2. Pokvariti, unistiti. This will promptly pickle her college chances. pickled Intoksiniran, pijan. Slieno soused.. . picnic, no Nije laka stvar. That job IS no piCniC. picture 1. Lep/atraktivan prizor.. . " 2. Situacija, stanje stvari. I don't like the plctu~e, It.~tlnks. 3. get the picture Razumeti, ukapirati, skontatl. Sllcno coppish; dig. After I told him about SIXtimes he got the picture.

4. in the picture Obavesten, informisan, Upoznat sa, Upucen u. Slieno bring sb up to speed. Suprotno not in the picture. Nobody put me in the picture, and I was confused for weeks. piddle GB Piskiti. Slieno pee. "Piddles were done out of the back window last night, standing on the bed. " pie-eyed Pijan, usikan, betoniran. piece US lop. Revolver, pistolj, utoka, cevka, prangija. piece of cake Nesto veoma lako, maeji kasalj. "That quiz was a piece of cake. " piece of assltail US 1. Zgodna zena, dobar "komad", dobro "paree", dobra pieka/riba/cupi. 2. get a piece of assltail Kresnuti, povaliti, pojebati, omastiti brk. If I don't get a piece of ass soon, I'll explode! he said. piece of pisslpudding GB Nesto veoma lako, piekin dim. Slieno piece of cake; breeze; duck soup. "No way is giving up smoking a piece of piss. " piece of piss! Bedo/nistarijo jedna! piece of shit US 1. Sranje, njesra, sitina. This show's a piece shit. 2. Bednik, nistarija.


3. Laz. Isto pack of lies. Everything she said is a big piece of shit piece (of skirt) Zena kao seksua/ni objekt, "paree", "komad". piece of trade US Prostitutka, kurava. piece of work 1. (skoro uvek sa nasty) Osoba, tip (omalovazavajuce). John is a nasty piece of work 2. lop. Ubistvo. piece, say one's Red svoje. pitt; piffle GB G/upost, besmislica. Slieno baloney; bunk. a load of piff. pig 1. lop. Pandur, cajkan, kljun, murkan, kerber. The innocent kids all hollered "Off the pigs!" 2. Oklopna kola. 3. bleed like a (stuck) pig Obilno krvariti. 4. in pig Trudna, u drugom stanju, zaglavila, zakevila. pig ignorant Glup k'o cUskija. pig in Jesti, krkati, oZdirati se. pig it GB Ponasati se kao svinja; biti bahat. pig out US Jesti k'o svinja; ozdirati se. I pigged out on a runny Brie. pig-ugly Ruzan ko (po)noc. Unfortunately she is pig-ugly pig's breakfast 1. Gungula, zbrka, metez. 2. Neuredna sveska, kupusara; neuredan rad.

pigeon 1. lop. Cinkaros, dousnik, taster, drukara. Isto stool pigeo'"!,. Nobody like pigeons. .• ", 2. GB Zrtva prevare, naivko, ovea. Slleno mark; sucker. 1m your pigeon now and you guys are gonna ri~ me off." 3. Mlada devojka, pilenee, piletina. Slicno chick. pile it on Isto sto i pile on the agony. pile on the agony Preterivati. .. .• . . .• . pile up Sudariti se (obic. auto); rastunti, unlstltl. Shena rack up, total. After that he piled up his car. . pile-up Lancani sudar, karambol. "6-car; end-to-end pile up on the New Jersey Turnpike." pill 1. Lopta, loptiea (npr. za tenis). •.•. 2. US Neugodna osoba, gnjavez, dosada, smarae. Shena pam in the ass. "Oh, don't be a pill, Valerie." 3. on the pill Redovno uzima anti-bebi pilule. pillhead Tabletoman. Isto pill-popper. Papoose and me were a bunch of pil/heads. pill-popper Tabletoman. Isto pillhead. pillock GB 1. Budala, dileja, krele, idiot. pillocks GB Glupost, budalastina. pillocky GB Glupavo. Don't talk so pillocky. pills 1. Muda. 2. Glupost, budalastina. pimp 1. Makro, svodnik, sponzor. 2. US Muska kurva. 3. lop. Dousnik. pimp sb over Nasamariti, prevariti koga. pin-head Budala, idiot. . pins Noge, cackaliee. Many models have pms for legs. pin-up 1. Obozavana osoba, idol. "While other girls In her class sighed for Johnny Halliday or Sacha Distel, Yasmlna /Reza/ had Beethoven for her teenage pin-up." 2. Poster omiljenog glumea, pevaca itd.. . pinch 1. Ukrasti, maznuti. Slicno swipe. Who p,'!ched the SCript? 2. Uhapsiti, ucorkirati. Slicno bust. "He got pmchedwhen he was climbing out of the kitchen window." pink 1. Blago levicarski nastrojen. Takode pinky. Videti pinko. 2. Pederast, feminiziran. pinkie 1. Bilo sta malo. 2. Mali prst. Isto pinky. 2. Lezbejka. pinkler Kita, kitiea, dokiea. ., . pink fit, have a Iznervirati se, poplzdetl, P?bes~etl. . pink, be in the hum. Osecatl se dobro, bltl odhenog zdravlJa.

pinko US 1. Levicar, erveni. Isto pink. 2. Levicarski nastrojen. How come those Niggers and those . cr~epy pinko hippies call us names like "pigs"? p~p, give the GB Izazivati odvratnost, gadenje. p~p, have the Biti depresivan, bolestan, ne osecati se dobra. pipe down Umuknuti, zacepiti. The others got sore at him and told him to pipe down. pipe one's!an eye Liti suze, plakati, ridati. p~psqueak Beznacajna osoba (obie. mala ili mlada). piSS all over (sb) Potpuno poraziti. "You should have seen Chelsea play on Saturday, they pissed all over West Ham Utd." piss and vinegar Energija, vitalnost. Slicno pep; pizzazz. He still has a lot of piss and vinegar left in him. piss an.d wind Prazna prica. 'They strut with the piss and wind traditIOnal among victors in political intrigues. " piss artist Prezira vredna osoba. piss easy Veoma lako. piss elegant Veoma elegantan. piss, go on the alk. Nalokati se. pisshead Pijandura. piss-house Toalet, pisaoniea. piss in (sb) chips Osujetiti (Ciji) plan; sjebati (kame) nadu; staviti (kame) klipove u tockove. piss in the wind Pisanje uz vetar, gubljenje vremena. "You're pissing in the wind if you think Kristina's going to sleep with you." piss off Otici, odjebati. Piss off, you jerk! Get out! p~ss on (one's) props Zauvek napustiti pozornieu. pISS oneself Upisati se ad smeha!straha. piss-pot GB 1. Noksir. 2. Pijaniea, pijandura. piss (out of), take the Ismejavati; rugati se. Isto take the mickey (out of). piss-poor Vrlo siromasan, svore. piss (sb) off Iznervirati, iCi na zivee!kurae. "If you're a sixteenyear-old looking to piss off Mom or Dad, there's nothing better than drugs." piss~d 1. GB alk. Pijan, nalokan. Takode pissed as a newt; pissed up to the eyebrows Mrtav pijan, betoniran. She was too pissed to stand up. 2 .. US Ljut, iznerviran, popizdeo. Isto pissed-off. "When! told him to go he got really pissed"

pissed on from a great height "Popisan", strogo ukoren. pisser 1. Kita. 2. Veoma tezak posao/zadatak, nezgodna stvar. Slicno ballbuster; bitch. *That climb was a pisser. *"1 can't believe what a pisser it was, losing my job just before Christmas." 3. Sjajna, superiorna osoba/stvar. Slicno piss-cutter. 4. Smesna osoba/stvar. What a pisser when he opened the wrong door by mistake. 5. Pisaonica. piss taking Zavitlavanje, ruganje, zezanje, zafrkavanje. pissed up alk. Mortus pijan. pistol Doka, kita, pajser, pendrek. pit(s), the Pakao, dno zivota; zlo. pitch a loaf US Pustiti govno/brodove, istovariti se, kenjati. Isto drop/dump one's load. pitch it hot/strong Preterivati, nakititi. plain as the nose on one's face Ocigledan, jasan k'o dan. plastered hum. Pijan, betoniran. plastic 1. Vestacki, neiskren (osoba). Slicno phon(e)y; hoked-up; slick. 2. Kreditna kartica. "Oh, no! I forgot to get any cash! I hope this restaurant accepts plastic!" plate, have (enough/too much etc.) on one's Imati posla preko glave. plate, on a Na tanjiru, lako. play US Lagati, obmanjivati. Are you playing me about that thing? play around Svrsljati, biti promiskuitetan. play ball 1. (Za)poceti. Let's play ball now, it's time. 2. Igrati kako drugi svira; saradivati, poslovati uz kompromis. I might have played balljust a little, but I scorned to. play canary US lop. Propevati, sve priznati. play for safety Ne rizikovati, ici nasigurno, ziherasiti. play Old Harry Isto sto i play the devil. play (it) safe lei nasigurno; ziherasiti. Isto play for safety. I don't think it will rain today, but I'd better play (it) safe and take a raincoat. play silly buggers/bleeders/b-s Ponasati se budalasto ili opstruktivno. We don't want people jeopardizing our position by playing silly bs. play the devil GB Napraviti haos; pomrsiti/pokvariti racune. play the fool/(giddy) goat GB Izigravati budalu. play the game Pridrzavati se pravila; biti fer/posten/castano play to the gallery Dodvoravati se, podilaziti publici.

play up 1. Dati sve od sebe; zalagati se. 2. Zadavati muke/probleme; biti problematican. My bad leg has been playing (me) up again. play up to sb GB Ulagivati se, laskati. If you play up to him he'll think you're brilliant. play with oneself Drkati, masturbirati. pleb pogrd. Obican covek (nizeg socijalnog statusa). plonk GB Jeftino vino; vino loseg kvaliteta. It's a humble plonk, but you'll like it. plonker GB 1. Kita. 2. Budala, krele, dileja, tupadzija. Slicno dickhead; jerk. 3. pull one's plonker Drkati, bacati ga u nesvest. plough Pasti na ispitu. pluck Pojebati. Isto screw. pluck someone's goose Ponizavati koga. plug 1. US Upucati. The mugger got plugged by an indignant on-looker. 2. Publicitet. plug away/along GB Marljivo i tegobno raditi, crnCiti. I plugged away at the required subjects. plum 1. Vrlo pozeljan; najbolji u svojoj vrsti. a plum job. 2. Nesto vrlo pozeljno. plumb US Potpuno, sasvim. Slicno stone. What he said was plumb silly. plums Muda. plunge 1. Kocka. 2. take the plunge Odluciti i rizikovati. plush Luksuzan, raskosan, fensi (hotel, nocni klub itd). po-faced Bezizrazajan. pod US nark. Marihuana, trava; dzoint. Isto pot. "Diane smoked pod, but only with friends." pod, in Trudna, zaglavila, zakevila. pogo muz. Nacin igranja pankera na koncertu, poskakivanje u mestu. poilu GB pogrd. Francuski vojnik. pointer Nagovestaj, mig, koristan savet, korisno obavestenje. She gave me a few pointers about how to say it. poison hum. Pice; rakija, jeftin viski. What's your poison? (Sta ces da popijes?) poison, like Veoma, mnogo. poke 1. Udarac pesnicom, kres. 2. Tucati, kresati. Slicno bang; boff; knock; screw. I wanted to poke Lucy so I poked her. 3. Novcanik.


US Bezizratajno

lice; ladan k'o spricer.

pole Vidi up the pole. .. I: h d oft the polish off GB 1. Brzo zavrsiti, slistltl, dovrsltl. He po IS e weak's quota in four days. 2. Poraziti, smrviti, zbrisati. 3. Ub~, onesposob~. 4. Smazati. I had polished oft a platter of beans. oj skrac Poligamista. "When you're datmg two people and , p ~crewi~g others, yet being totaly honest with everyone, that s called being 'poly'. " . ponce GB 1. Makro, svodni~: Isto pimp. 2. Zenskast muskarac, plcklca. 3. Parazit, onaj ko tivi na tud, racun; muskarac koga y.



izdrZava tena. .. '/'1' d orno' ponce aboutlaround Ponasat! s~.razmetlJlvo I I,' neo gOY f ' tiveti lagodnim i besmislenlm zlvotom. What s that boy 0 J t yours doing now, Charles? - O,oing? Nothmg. Never does. us poncing about on hiS mother s money. . ponce (off sb) Iskoristiti (koga). "Best of all ... IS poncmg on some woman." ponced-up Nagizdan: nacifran, skockan. pong GB Smrad, von). pongo 1. Vojnik; mornar., . '. 2. pogrd. Crnja, crncuga, camuga, obojenl, stranac. pongy GB Smrdljivo. .. f . oof GB pogrd. Peder, pesko, pesa, homlc. Takode poo ter, p pouffe; poove; pUff; pouve; pouf itd. Isto faggot; queer. Pool, the GB Liverpul. pools, the Kladionica.. . d pooped (out) US Iscrpljen, baldlsao, spao s nogu, Irpsa% I t umora. SI'c'no I beat·, bushed. "I went to bed really eary as night I was pooped!" . II poot 1 . G·ovno, Izm . et . Slicno crap' , shit. 'Did "she thmk I usua y walked around festooned in pigeon pool? 2. Krele, dileja. Slicno pill; poop. 3. Prdeti. Slicno fart. The dog laid a loud pool poove Isto sto i poof. . y.. '. SI" pop-eyed Iskolacenih/izbuljenlh OClJU; bulJook, bazed. Icno bugeyed. .. .. pop off 1. Brzo otiC;, umacl, utecl. . d ftsooner, 2. Umreti, otegnuti papke, nknutl. If he had poppe 0 less trouble for all.

3. Ubiti, ukokati, ucmekati. 4. Kritikovati, ta/iti se. pop one's clogs GB Umreti, otegnuti papke, skiknuti. pop one's cookies US Dotiveti orgazam, svrSiti. Isto come. The knot comes away, and he pops his cookies." pop one's rOcks Svrsiti, dotiveti orgazam. pop quiz (Iznenadni) kontro/ni test. "You shouldn't have missed class yesterday We had a pop quiz" pop sb oft US lop. Ubiti, Upucati. The police never found Who popped the informer oft. pop the cherry Oduzeti kome nevinost, skinuti kome danu. I would definitely pop his cherry. pop up GB /skrsnuti, banuti, neocekivano se pojaviti. "The Playhouse's charismatic director, JUde Kelly, also bobs up every Where - losing her to London is more feared in Leeds even than the prospect of George Graham heading for Spurs. " poppy GB Novac, kes. pOPPycock US G/upost, bUda/astina, besmis/ica. popsy M/ada devojka, cura. Takode popsie. pork 1. Jebati, trpati, okvasiti gicu. Isto screw. 2. Kita, doka. porky GB 1. Debeo, gojazan. 2. pogrd. Jevrejin, Jesa. Vidi kike. porpoise Debe/a osoba, debeljko. porridge GB zat. Corka, buvara, bajbok, marde/j. Obic. do porridge Letati (u zatvoru); tuljati bajbok, biti u cuzi. "So What's happened since I've been doing my porridge. " posh GB (Upad/jivo) e/egantan; ima stila, otmen, sik; fensi; drustveno superioran. S/icno cushy; swanky. "The apartment ... is now rather posh. " Positively Da. pot 1. kock. Pot, say novac na stolu (kartanje). 2. Trofej. pot-hunter Lovac na trofeje. 3. nark. Vutra, trava, marihuana. Isto grass; tea. "I do not advocate legislation of pot, merely because I dread the inevitable hassle of commercialism. " 4. pot, go to Propasti, otici do davo/a, krahirati. pot-bellied Trbusast. piss-pot Noksir, nosa. pot-shot Nasumican pucanj; S/ucajan pogodak. pots of Mnogo. potted; potted up Pijan, u/etv/jen,


Pot-head nark. Onaj ko cesto konzumira marihuanu ili haSis.

potty 1. GB Sulud, luckast. Slieno .d~tty; goofy.. .. 2. Bezvredan, nevazan, beznacajan; ne obecava. Oblc ..potty little. This potty little village hasn't even got a post office. 3. Noksir, nosa. pouf Vidi poof. . . '. pound one's pennie/pork/puddmg/~eatlwee~le, et~. Drkatl, bacati ga u nesvest. Isto beat ~ne s m~~t,; Who IS he mooning over as he pounds hiS pennie. pow-wow Konferencija, skup, sastanak, rasprava, debata. The directors are havmg a crucial pow-wow. power of, a Mnogo (eega). pox Sifilis. .' poxy GB Los, bezvredan, star, u losem stanju (stvar). prat; pratt GB 1. Dupe, bulja, zadnjica, guzlca. Isto ass. He doesn't fall on his prat 2. Vagina. . h 3. Budala, idiot, krele. Isto prick; twat. Stupid prat- were does he think he's going? prefab Montazna kuca. . press on regardless Nastaviti rad (uprkos proble~II:11a). press the button Ueiniti prvi, ~dlueni korak; zapocetl. Preston Guild, every Skoro llIkad; vrlo retko. pretty pass Alarmantno stanje stvari.. . previous Kriminalna proslo?t. "~,e careful If you decide to employ him, he has some prevIous. pric(e)y GB Skup. prick 1. Kurac, kita. Isto cock. . . 2. (silly) prick Budala, bezveznjak, kreten, dlleja, govnar. Slieno asshole; bastard; jerk. . . prick-teaser Navlakusa, namigusa, koketa. Vldl coc~-tea~er. pricky Nakureen, nadrkan. Isto prickish. What a pncky kid. pro 1 Profesionalac. 2.·GB Prostitutka. He treats all women like pros and all men like enemies. proles the Raja bez mozga, ovce. . promo' Reklama, reklamni spot. "He shot some promos for hiS syndicated TV show. " prong 1. Kita. Isto prick. 2. Jebati. Isto screw. prong on Erekcija. Isto hard on. . .. propeller-head Osoba zaludena za kompjutere Iii za nauku. Prot GB skrac. Protestant. prune GB 1. Neko neprijatan. 2. Budala, naivko. Slieno mark; patsy.

pseud GB 1. Nadriintelektualac, pozer. That guy is really pseud, with all his big talk. 2. Nesto lazno, laznjak. psych Zezanje. psych! Zezao sam se! psych (out) Zeznuti, nasa mariti koga. The bastard psyched me. psycho Sajki, psihopata, "slueaj". pub-crawl GB Smucanje po pabovima/barovima, sljokanje, baneenje. They went on a memorable pUb crawl afterwards. pudding 1. Dosadna osoba, gnjavez. Isto puddinghead. 2. Kita. "You can't even come off unless you pull your own pudding." pUdding/pudden club, in the U drugom stanju, zaglavila, zakevila. puddled Zbunjen, smusen; ne bas bistar; ekscentriean. puff 1. Peder, pesa, pesovan. Isto poot. 2. out of puff Bez daha, zaduvan. puffy 1. Zenskast, feminiziran, izvestaeen. 2. GB nark. Marihuana, duvka. pug-ugly Ruzan k'o davo/lopov. pukka GB Pravi, izvorni, dobrog kvaliteta. pull Veza, uticaj. Slieno clout. pull a pint GB Cirkati (pivo). I'm not going any place where James pulls a pint. pull (it) off Uspeti, postici (uspeh). Slieno make it. "Fegley managed to pull off a hat trick for this issue. " pull off 1. Pobediti. 2. Drkati. Isto pull one's pudding/wire. '/!It Smolka's signal, each begins to pUll off." pull one's finger out Povecati efikasnost, aktivirati se. pull one's socks up Zavrnuti rukave, pljunuti u sake, pripremiti se. He said we'd pull up our socks and get the damn job done. pull sth out of the bag Otkriti naein da se postigne uspeh (obit. sa zakasnjenjem). pull strings/wires Upotrebiti veze; potezati konce. If she pulls a few wires I think I might get the job. pull the plug 1. Izvrsiti samoubistvo. "Kathy was twenty when she pulled the plug, on 26 reds and a bottle of wine. " 2. Okoneati; prestati s podrskom; prekinuti. The project's pretty shaky, but I won't pull the plug quite yet. pull-through GB Veoma mrsav, mrsav k'o saraga.

pump Povaliti. potucati. pojebati. pump ship Pisati. pumped up Napumpana. u drugom stanju. zakevila. punchboard Kurva. rava. profuknjaca. Isto tramp; town pump/bike. punch out US TuCi pesnicama. saketati; mlatiti. Isto beat up; clobber. Oh. .. I punched out this guy. punch up the bracket Udariti po nosu. udariti po picci. If he doesn't do it, he'll get a punch up the bracket punk 1. Glupost. kojestarija. dubre. "We had to sit through a lot of moral punk. .. about the prevalence of jazz and the immoral behaviour of modern girls." 2. Bezvredan. los. The idea strikes me as punk. 3. Baraba. nistarija. mizerija, protuva, propalitet. dubre. punk and piss va). Na suvom hlebu i vodi (u samici). purler GB 1. Tezak pad (na glavu). Odatle comeltake a purler Tesko pasti, tresnuti na glavu. 2. Jak udarac pesnicom. 3. Bilo sta sjajno. izvrsno. purple heart GB nark. Pilula amfetamina. Slicno nimby; goofball. push nark. Prodavati drogu. dilovati. Slicno deal. Funny cIgarettes ain't all that he pushes. push, get the Dobiti nogu. biti otpusten. push off 1. Gubi se! Slicno shove off. 2. lop. Ubiti, ucmekati, ukokati. Slicno push. push one's face in Udariti (koga). push the boat out 1. Zapoceti. 2. Biti siroke ruke. 3. Bas preterati. 'Thames did a TV documentary based on Sloane Rangers and really pushed the boat out" push(ing) (up the) daisies Mirisati travu iz korena; umreti, biti mrtav i pokopan. "Felix Wankel, of Wankel rotary engine fame, stopped pushing up pistons and started pushing up daises this day in 1988." pusher 1. nark. Narko-diler. (pre}prodavac droge. 2. Devojka, kurvica. pushover 1. Nesto vrlo lako. macji kasalj, igrarija. tricarija. Slicno cinch; duck soup. 2. Neko koga je lako nagovoriti/pobediti/zavesti/prevariti. I'm pushover for flattery. 3. Laka zena. kurvica. pushy Laktaski. prodoran, agresivan, nametljiv. navalentan. preambiciozan.

pussy US 1. Riba. devojka. pickica. Isto pussycat. Is there much pussy in this town? 2. Zenski polni organ, pickica. 3. Jebanje. 4. Mlakonja. slabie. pussy lover Pickoljub. put a block on sth Vrsiti opstrukciju. podrivati, sprecavati. put a jerk in it Uloziti vise energije ili aktivnosti. put a sock in it! Umukni!; zacepi! put in a good word for ReCi koju dobru (rec). put it about Dati se u promet (seks). put it across sb 1. Kazniti koga. 2. Prevariti, preei koga. put off Uznemiriti. Takode put one off one's stroke. put-on Trik, prevara, navlaka. zavlaka. put one's feet up Diei sve cetiri (uvis); spavati. put one's finger on (sth) Pokazati prstom na (sto); tacno oznaciti (nesto). ukazati na (nesto). I remember it, but I can't quite put my finger on the outcome. put one's money where one's mouth is Potkrepiti reci delom. "Whether through philanthropy or megalomania or both, Moon is putting his money where his mouth is. He has spent over 20 million dollars and New Hope Ranch is already a modern complex." put one's skates on Pozuriti. put out feelers Pustiti probni balon; ispipavati teren. "The tone of Mr Clinton's note was bantering but Downing Street staffers are adamant the White House was putting out feelers with a view to poaching Mr Campbell ... " put paid to Okoncati; poraziti. put sb away GB lop. Ubiti, ukloniti (koga). "When I told him he went spare - he threatened to put the guy away." put sb in the picture Uputiti koga u nesto. put sb on Zavitlavati, vuei za nos. navlaciti. "The Countess who adores the poet pities him and puts him on." put sb on ice lop. Ubiti, ukokati koga. Isto ice; off. put the screws to sb Prisrafiti. izvrsiti pritisak. Slicno put the heat on sb. 'The only reason Fidel agreed ... was to put the screws to Reagan. " put the squeeze on sb US Pritisnuti koga. izvrsiti pritisak. Isto lean on sb; put the heat on sb. She hired me to put the squeeze on Linda for a divorce. put the wind up Uplasiti.

put-up job Lazirana/namestena stvar, namestaljka. The surprise award was a put-up job. putrid Odvratan, gadan, grozan, truo. That play last night was really putrid!

Q quack (Lazni) doktor; nadrilekar, sarlatan. quarrel with one's bread and butter Naskoditi vlastitom interesu. Quean g. lenskasti homoseksualac, transvestit. Obie. queen. queen g. lenskasti homoseksualac, transvestit. Isto drag queen. 'The queens look great strutting along the boardwalk." Queen Anne's dead GB Sarkastican komentar na bajatu novost; otkriti Ameriku; otkriti toplu vodu. queer 1. Pederast, peder. 2. GB Pokvariti. Slicno goof up. Food is what queered the party. queer bird/card/cove/customer/fish/stick, etc. Ekscentrican, cudan tip, cudak. Slicno wack; weirdo. queer sb's/one's pitch Pomrsiti kome/sebi racune. Queer Street, in GB U novcanoj neprilici; bankrot. "The way things are going we'll end up in queer street" quick-draw, be US Reagovati impulsivno i agresivno. Isto shoot from the hip. quick one Nesto uradeno ili uzeto na brzinu (name. pice ili seks). Isto quickie; a short one. quick study, a Bistra osoba (koja brzo uci). ''Annie seems to be doing well at her new job." - "I'm not surprised. She's a quick study" quickie Seks na brzaka. Isto quick one. "I'm off home during for my lunch break for a qUickie with the wife." quid GB 1 engleska funta. quiff US Prostitutka, laka zena. Isto roundhell. There would be a lot of loose quilt we could meet. quim 1. Picka, zenske genitalije. Isto cunt. 2. lena; zene. quod GB zat. Cuza, mardelj, bajbok, ladara.

R rack US Krevel. Slicno sack. Jeanne is pretty good in the rack. racked US Siguran; pod konlrolom. Islo taped. racket GB 1. Rekel, ueenjivanje, iznuoivanje; kriminalna radnja. Slicno dodge; grift. .. 2. stand the racket Snosili poslediee/odgovornosl; plalill eeh. Why don't we go to a restaurant? - Bill will stand the racket rag, lose one's Isla 510 i get one's rag out. .. rag-bag Zbrka, konfuzija, papazjanija; zbirka svega I svaeega. What he calls his philosophy is a rag bag of tnte tnvl8lltles. rag on, have the Imali menzis/menslruaeiju. Islo on. the rag. railroad US 1. Na brzinu osudili i zalvorili koga (oblc. nepravedno ili nelegalno); kaznili. The prisoner is railroaded to jail. 2. Progurali (npr. rezolueiju). rain check Odlaganje (sportskog dogaoaja, vecere, zabave ild.) do sledeee prilike. Vidi take a rain check. rainmaker Agresivan, krealivan i uspesan agenUpredslavnik neke firme (pogol. advokalske kaneelarije). All such well-connected persons are "rainmakers" capable of making their employers cause prosper. raise a stink Izazvali skandal, diei prasinu. raise the wind Pribavili sebi polreban novae ili sredslva. rake in Brzo nakupili, nagomilali, namlalili. "Myatt was paid just 250 pounds per painting, while Ore we raked in the profits." rake it in Namlalili lovu. He must be raking it in! rake-off US Udeo, dobilak, profil (obic. zaraoen nelegalno). ram-jam full Kreal, prepun, dupke pun, pun k'o oko. ramp GB Podvala, prevara. ramp up GB Organizovali. ramrod Kila, pendrek, ooka. randy GB Napaljen, nalozen, zeljan seksa. Slicno horny. "Brandy makes you randy but gin makes you sin." randy-standy GB Napaljenko. rap, beat the US Bili oslobooen kriviee. rap, take the US Preuzeli odgovornosUkrivieu (obic. za ludu gresku). . . rap sheet US Kriminalni dosije. Their rap sheets lIsted convIctions for the possession or sale of controlled substances. rash Sjajan, fanlaslican, super.

raspberry, give the Izrazili negodovanje/neslaganje; uvredili koga prezrivim geslom; izvizdali. rat (on) lop. Cinkarili, laslerisali, drukali. Slicno squeal. Rule number one is you don't rat on your friends." rat-arsed/-faced GB Pijan, naliven, nakresan, usikan. rat-bag 0105, fukara. She's a total ratbag - I don't want to have anything more to do with her. " rat-trap UsIa, gubiea, labrnja. rate of knots, at a (great) Vrlo brzo. rats! Besmisliea!; gluposl!; neverovalno! rattle (sb) GB Jebali, zvekelali. Islo have a rattle. rattle cages Prodrmali/prolresli slvari. ratty Olrean, zapuslen. Slicno scruffy; tacky. raw deal Krajnje nefer poslupak, mulna rabola. Islo a royal fucking. "The Academy officers were heaping raw deal after raw deal on him." raw, in the 1. Neeivilizovan, sirov. 2. Go, bez odeee. reach-me-downs GB Polovna, nosena odeea. Islo US hand-medowns. real gone 1. Zaeopan, zalreskan. 2. Zaslranio. (real) McCoy, the Pravi, izvorni. You can trust her, she's the McCoy real thing Prava, aulenlicna slvar, neslo izvorno. red biddy GB Jeftino (erno) vino, ernjak. red cap 1. GB va}. Vojni polieajae. 2. US Nosac na slaniei. 3. Penis. red-hot 1. Krajnji, ekslreman; najnoviji; vrue. This guy's just busted out of jail and he's red hot 2. Senzaeionalan. 3. Seksi, slraslven; napaljen. * That little lady's a red hotfox. *Give her a couple of gins and she's red hot, believe me! red lamp/light district Uliea/deo grada s javnim kueama. There were many hustlers down in the red-light district red brick GB Odnosi se na novoizgraoene univerzilele u Engleskoj (osim Oksforda, Kembridza i Londonskog univerzilela). redneck US 1. Neolesanae, proslak, proslacina, seljacina, seljober, dziber, geak. ''Bubbling with Southern tension as red-neck Mississippi policeman Rod Steiger is forced to deal with a black detective (Sidney Poi/ier) from the big city during a murder case. " 2. Sovinislicki. a red-necked atmosphere.

reefer nark. Dzoint, dzokavae; eigareta marihuane/hasisa. Isto joint. reviver GB Okrepljujuce pice. rhino GB 1. Novae, moneta. 2. Nosorog. rib Zezati, zafrkavati, zavitlavati. Slieno kid; rag; ride. His trick is gently ribbing the audience. ride 1. Zavitlavati, ismejavati. Slieno needle; rib. "I can remember riding Pete Rose to death from the bench." 2. Tueanje, "jahanje". She tried to take me upstairs for a ride." ride for a fall Srljati u propast; postupati/raditi nesmotreno; seci granu na kojoj se sedi. rig Namestati, lazirati, manipulisati. rig the market Manipulisati trzisnim cenama ili teeajevima. right as a trivet/as ninepence/as rain Potpuno zadovoljavajuci. right Charlie Vidi Charlie. right foot foremost Vidi best foot. ring 1. Vagina. 2. Cmar. ring off the hook Zvoniti non-stop (telefon). rip off Orobiti; opeljesiti; nasamariti. Well, just about everyone in the music business has been ripped off, financially speaking. That's Entertainmentf" rip-off US Krada, pljaeka, "dranje". Two pounds for a glass of beer? That's a rip-off. rip-snorter Sjajna/superiorna osoba/stvar. Slieno beaut; humdinger. rise and shine Ustati iz kreveta; na noge lagane! road-hog Bezobziran, neoprezan vozae. rock the boat Talasati, praviti probleme; poremetiti status quo. rocker, off one's Poblesavio, siznuo, sisao s uma. rockets Grudi, sise, sifoni. rocks Muda. rocks in (one's, the) head, have Biti lud/luckast, imati stanara u glavi. You got rocks in your head if you think you can do that impossible task. rocks, on the 1. U noveanoj stisci. 2. (za alkoholna pica) Sa ledom. Give me a Scotch on the rocks, please! rod 1. US Pistolj. Here's a rod, blow your brains out." 2. Kita, pendrek. Slieno shaft. roll 1. Orobiti, pokrasti. 2. Poeeti. We'd better roll now, it looks like rain. 3. have a roll Jebati. Isto roll in the hay.

rollocks Eufem. od bollocks. romp away with Lako pobediti (obic. u trci). Takode romp home. ronk GB Vonjati, smrdeti, zaudatati, kandisati. rook 1. Prevarati; opljaekati. Slieno gyp. 2. Gundati, zaliti se. rookie US Ruki; poeetnik, novajlija, regrut, guster. Takode rook(e)y. Are you crazy? You're just a rookie. I've been on night patrol for years. " roomer US Stanar, podstanar. root 1. Povaliti, poseviti, potueati. 2. Kita, kara. Odatle have/get the root Erekcija. root about Traziti, kopati po eemu. Who's been rooting about among my papers? rop(e)y GB Mizeran, loseg kvaliteta, u losem stanju. rorty Veseo, vedar, sjajan. rot GB Glupost, budalastina. Slieno baloney; bullshit. "Don't talk rotf" rotten 1. alk. Mrtav pijan. 2. Jadan, bedan, los. This is a rotten situation altogether. rotter GB Nistarija. rough around the edges Neugladen. rough-neck US Grubijan, prostak, dziber. rough stuff 1. Grubost. 2. Sado-mazohizam. round the bend/twist Lud, siznuo. Takode clean round the bend Skroz-naskroz Iud. royal fucking/screwing, give sb/sth a (Carski) sjebati, zeznuti. We gave their team a royal screwing. rozzer GB lop. Pandur, pajkan, kljun; detektiv. rub off Masturbirati, trljati se (zena). rub out US lop. Ubiti, upucati, ucmekati. Slieno hit. rubber boots US Kondomi, kurtoni. rubber-neck US Osoba koja se napreze da nesto vidi (naroc. iz radoznalosti); radoznalac; turista (koji razgleda znamenitosti). Odatle rubberneck wagon/bus Turistieki autobus za razgledanje znamenitosti. rubblehead US Idiot, kreten, krelae, dileja. ruddy GB Eufem. od bloody. Where's that ruddy elephant gone? rum GB Cudan, zbunjujuci, misteriozan. rum bag Pijanica, ispieutura, alkos. Isto lush. rum customer Nezgodan tip. rum do/go Zbunjujuci/misteriozan dogadaj.

rum one 1. Cudak. 2. Cudan dogadaj, eudni poslovi itd. rumble 1. Informacija/mig policiji. The cops had gotten a rumble that gangsters were held up. 2. Racija, pretraga. Isto roust. 3. Tuea izmedu ulienih bandi. rumpo GB 1. Seks. "Susannah Hoffs is wriffing a 'steamy' romance novel. Packed with intrigue and rumpo, it will, she claims, 'put Jackie Collins in the shade'." 2. Zgodna devojka. 3. Kurva, fuksa. rumpus Urnebes, buena rasprava/svada, metez, nemir, graja. Slieno ruckus. run-around, give one the 1. Zavlaeiti/odugovlaeiti s odgovorom. 2. Prevariti muza/zenu, sarati, svrljati. run-down Spao s nogu, iscrpljen, baldisao, lipsao od umora. If you're run-down I'll take i:J raincheck. run, on the U bekstvu. run out on Ostaviti na cedilu. Patrie ran out on his poor wife. run sth by again Ponoviti. Isto come again. Just run that name and address by again, will you? run the show Biti sef parade; biti glavni. run the tape over Ispitati, pregledati (obic. medicinski). runs, the GB Proliv, sracka. I can't eat that stuff. It gives me the runs. Ruskies pogrd. Rusi. Slieno commies. rustle Pljaeka. rustle one's bustle Prenuti se, trgnuti se iz letargije, aktivirati se. rustler US 1. Preduzimljiv, energiean eovek; ziva vatra, "silo". 2. Kradljivac stoke. rutabaga US Dolar.

s sack 1. Krevet; vreca za spavanje; mesto za spavanje. Slieno rack. Let me stay in the sack all day. 2. hit the sack Otici u krevet. "Let's hit the sack, I'm exhausted. " safe! 1. Kul!; o-kej!; da!; dogovoreno!; vazi! 2. Cao! sahib Vidi pukka. salt 1. Mornar (obie. old salt). 2. GB Devojka. 3. US nark. Heroin. salt away Staviti na stranu, ustedeti. sambo pogrd. Crnja, eamuga, eama. same boat, in the U istom sosu. same street, not in the Razlieitog kvaliteta; nisu iste klasel kategorije. sap US Budala, glupak, naivko, ovca. Isto saphead. sappy 1. Glupav, budalast. Isto goofy. 2. Siadunjav, sentimentalan, patetiean. Isto schmaltzy. sarny; sarnie GB Sendvie. sauce GB 1. Potucati, "umoeiti". "Have you sauced her yet?" 2. alk. Alkohol. 3. Bezobrazluk. 4. on the sauce alk. Na buzu, na cirki, na akoholu. sauced alk. Pijan, ultevljen, usikan. saucy language Bezobrazan, "soean" jezik. sausage Penis, "kobasica". saved by the bell Spasen u poslednjem trenutku. -savvy Struenjak za. "If you're having problems with your hard dISk, talk to Jim. He's very computer-savvy " sawbones GB Lekar, doktor. say one's piece Reci svoje. scab 1. Strajkolomac. Slieno fink. 2. Prevarant. scag; skag nark. (Jeftin) heroin. scag nod US nark. Stond. scallywag US Nistarija, bitanga, propalitet, olos, spadalo. Slieno rascal.


scam US 1. Prevara; trik, caka. Slicno con. Odatle scamming Ucestvovati u takvoj prevari. "J'm always glad to hear of my friends coming up with new scams." 2. Informacija, "tip". Isto the lowdown; the scoop. Here's the scam. .. We're holing in for the night. scanties Zenski donji Yes, gaCice. scare the (living) daylights out of sb Preplasiti, prestraviti koga. Earthquakes scare the living daylights out of me. scare the pants off sb Prestraviti koga. Isto scare the hell out of sb; scare the shit out of sb. When I saw the muscles on him it scared pants off me. scared stiff Uzasnut, prestravljen. scarper GB Kidnuti, klisnuti, pobeCi. scatty GB Lud, siznuo. Slicno goofy; scaterbrained. scene, it's not my Nije po mom ukusu; nije stvar u koju se razumem. schmo(o)(ze) Caskati. Slicno shoot the breeze. "No, we weren't talking about anything important. We were just schmoozing .•• s(c)hmuck; schmock; shmo(e) US 1. Budala, moron, dileja, krele. Slicno bastard; prick. It's happened to bigger schmucks than me. 2. Kita, kara. schnockered US alk. Pijan, betoniran, uletvljen. scoff GB 1. Klopa, has. "What I've got my eye on is all that lovely scoff." 2. Jesti, krkati. scoop Senzacionalna prva vest, ekskluzivna/vruea vest. The paper scored a major scoop with that revelation. scoot Jurnuti. When they saw the cops they scooted right out of there. scorcher 1. Vrlo vrue dan. 2. Osoba/stvar koja se mnogo ceni; "mrak" osoba/stvar. Slicno corker. This is the best tennis match of the year, a real scorcher. score 1. Situacija; novost. Obit. what's the score? ($ta se dogaaa?) 2. GB 20 funti. "I thought it was worth at least a hundred, but I only got a score for it. " 3. Uspeti, postiei uspeh. Slicno rate. The show didn't score with the TV critics. 4. Jebati, tucati, upisati recku. Slicno make it with sb. He finally scored At least he said he did. 5. lop. Dobitak, plen.

6. lop. Naruceno ubistvo. Isto hit. 7. ljS nark. Kupiti, nabaviti (drogu). Want to score, Blackie? 8. Stos. Old you just make the score? 9. lop. Pociniti kriminalno delo. 10. lop. Ukrasti, maznuti, gepiti. score off Poniziti, nadmudriti. scouser GB Stanovnik Liverpula. scram Gubi se!; brisi!; tutanj! Slicno beat it. Scram, you kids! scrap GB Svada, preplrka, tuca, makljaza. Slicno dust up. They scrapped for days over the appointment. scrape, a Problem. scratch US Kes, gotovina, suske. Slicno bread; dough. "What about you CharlIe; why don't you try to come up with some scratch for a change." scratch along Zivotariti. scream, a Krajnje smesna ili glupava osoba/stvar/sala itd. Slicno a hoot; a not. She thought it was a scream when I fell off my chair, but I fatled to see the joke. (h)abdabs, the GB 1. Delirijum tremens; nervoza. 2. give one the screaming (h)abdabs lei kome na zivce nervirati. ' screw 1. GB zat. Cuvar u zatvoru. 2. GB Plata, nadnica, prihod. 3. Jeba~je, sev~: tucanje. Isto fuck. She loves a good screw. 4. Jebatl, povalltl, potucati. Isto fuck. 5. Zajebati, zeznuti, prevariti. Slicno fuck. The sales clerk screwed me on this watch. 6. put the screw~. on/to. Pritisnuti, prisrafiti, izvrsiti pritisak na. screw aro~nd US Bltl promlskuitetan, sarati, svrljati. 2. Vatatl zjale, gluvariti, gubiti vreme. screw sth up Uprskati/zeznuti stvar; upropastiti, sjebati, zasrati. Who screwed up my stereo? screw sb over Zajebati, zeznuti koga. Isto fuck over. screw loose, h.ave a Biti eaknut/udaren/otkacen. screwball US Cudak, ekscentrik, uvrnut tip, lujka. Slicno freak' oddball. ' screw off Drkati. screv.'ed on (the right way), have one's head Nije veslo sisao; nlje nalvan/mutav. screw the pooch US 1. Mlatiti praznu slamu. Slicno fuck the dog. 2. Napraviti veliku gresku, zajebati se, popusiti, izduvati. screw up Sjebatl, upropastiti, zeznuti, zasrati. "She claims she's been screwed up by her upbringing."

screwy 1. GB alk. Pijan, pod gasom. 2. Ekscentriean, Iud, nastran, sasav, uvrnut. Slieno nutty; screwball. scrimshank GB Izbegavati duznost, zabusavati. Odatle scrimshanker Zabusant. scrounge (up) 1. Zic(k)ati; krasti. Isto cadge; mooch. 2. be on the scrounge Prositi, traziti milostinju, zicariti. scrounger Zic(k)aros; kradljivac. Isto cadger; moocher; schnorrer. "And the genes of the most powerful man on eatth with a great sex drive have less probability of success than the genes of a social security scrounger with 10 children. " scrub GB 1. (Jeftina) kurva; drolja. Isto scrubber. 2. Otkazati, eliminisati. They were forced to scrub the whole plan. scrub it! Zaboravi!; nista od toga! scrub round Ignorisati. scrumptious Prvorazredan, delikatesan (hrana). scuffer GB lop. Pandur, zaca, kljun. scum (of the earth) Sljam, olos, propalitet, dubre. Isto scumbag. scumbag US 1. Olos, sljam, baraba, mizerija, propalitet, propalica, kurton od eoveka. Slieno asshole; bastard. 2. Kondom, kurton. Slieno rubber. scupper 1. Okoneati, upropastiti (plan itd). I'm afraid he scuppered his chances at the interview by looking so scruffy. 2. US Kurva, fuksa, rava. sea, at Zbunjen, smusen. sea-lawyer Isto sto i barrack-room lawyer. see a man about a dog, go to lei u WC; iei u veneciju. seedy Otrcan. sell a pup Prodati rog za sveeu; prodati muda za bubrege, nasamariti. sell sb/sth out lop. Prodati, izdati koga/sto, odrukati policiji. send sb down lop. Ueorkirati koga. "Judge Richard Cole decided not to send them down." send-up GB Parodija, satira, burleska. Slieno spoof. settle/fix sb's hash 1. ZaprZiti kome eorbu, srediti koga. Slieno finish; cook sb's goose. 1'1/check you out after I settle his hash. 2. Poniziti; poraziti. Slieno fix sb's wagon. sew sth up 1. Zavrsiti, okoneati. They sewed up the contract today. 2. a) Izmoriti, iscrpeti (osobu). b) Izigrati, nasamariti. sex drive Seksualna zelja/zudnja, seksualni nagon.

sexy Privlaea~, primamljiv, pozeljan. "Acid rain is politically sexy but It hasn t half the allure of jobs. " shack job Ljubavnica, svalerka. "This was an early shack-job, not the girl mentioned above." shack up with Ziveti u divljem braku; deliti gajbu s (kime). She shacked up with him for a month or two. shackie GB Bela devojka koja zivi s tamnoputim muskarcem. shade pogrd. Obojeni, eamuga, eama, crnja, eokolada. shades Naoeare za sunce. shady stuff Mutne rabote, prljava posla. shaft 1. Kita, kara. 2. Tucanje, karanje, jebaeina. a good shaft. 3. Tucati, karati, jebati. 4. US P?stupiti nefer/prljavo; prevariti/izjebati koga. 'The oil compames you leased the land to shafted you out of an esti mated 650 mil/ion dollars." shag 1. Uhvatiti maglu, odmagliti, zbrisati. Isto shag ass. You'd best shag now. 2. Zezati, zavitlavati; muvati. Isto hassle; hound. 3. Jebati, tucati. "He wanted to marry the simple girl, but also shag the most powerful woman in the world while youre at it. " 4. Seks, jebanje, tucanje, kresanje. shag it up Siomiti, razbiti. You'll shag it up if you keep hitting it with that hammer. shagged (out) GB Iscrpljen, spao s nogu. shake-out Prestruktuiranje (u preduzeeu itd.) koje podrazumeva otpustanje osoblja. "The recorded-music business is going through a significant shakeout" shag-room Jebarnik. shakes, no great Nista naroCito/posebno. shake one's pants Igrati, plesati, duskati. "When you're out with the Chelsea boys do you like to shake your pants on the dance floor?" shambles Zbrka, nered, rusvaj. Everything was in a shambles. shamus; shammus; shamos; shommus US 1. Privatni detektiv policajac. Slieno cop. ' 2. Dousnik, cinkaros, taster. Slieno stool pigeon. shark 1. Ekspert. 2. Beskrupulozni prevarant. Slieno hustler; sharp. sharp; sharper; sharpie 1. Prevarant, varalica. Slieno card sharp. 2. Ekspert, majstor. Slieno pro. 3. Izvrstan. Slieno cool.

shat on Izjeban, popisan, izmaltretiran. Isto sh~fted .• shaver Zutokljunac. Obic. young shaver NevalJali decak. shavetail Siljokuran, naivko, zutokljunac, novajlija, "guster". shebang, the whole US 8uture; sve zajedno, cela stvar. shekels hum. Lova, bogatstvo. shelling peas, easy as Veoma lako, prosto k'o pasulj. shemozzle 1. Zbrka, konfuzija. Slieno mess; rhubarb. 2. Isto sto i shebang. shenannicking Prevara, podvala, ujdurma, varka, trik, smicalica; nestasluk (obic. seksualni). Isto shenanigan(~).; shenanegan; shenangin; shenanickin; shenanlkm;. . shenannegan; shenannigan; shinanegan. Pullmg a sIckle from work should, in theory, involve a day of bedroom shenanigans with the lady. .. shindig Buena i velika zabava, gungula. SHeno clambake. shine pogrd. Obojeni, eamuga, cama, crnja., . shined-on US Ignorisan. "I'm not going to be shmed on! I thmk I deserve some attention." shine tolfor, take a US Zaljubiti se u, zatreskati se u, zagrejati se za, zapaliti se za, naloziti se na. shiner 1. Modrica na oku, sljiva, "monokl". Slieno black eye; mouse. 2. GB Perac prozora. shirt on, keep one's Ostati miran/pribran, savladati ,se. shirty GB Iznerviran; zlovoljan; Ijutit. Slieno huffy; He was a little ashamed of himself for gettmg shlrty wIth Ivar. shit 1. Sranje. . 2. Govnar. You stupid shil! Look what you dId!. 3. in the shit U govnima, u nevolji. 4. in shit order U haosu. 5. nark. Hasis, has, sit. "Hey, this is excellent shit, man." 6. nark. Heroin, sit. Isto smack; junk; skag; "H"; brown; horse; Harry; boy. .' 7. Glupost, budalastina. "Come on, don't gIve me that shlt, I wasn't born yesterday." 8. cut the shitl Ne seri! 9. I don't give a shit Bas me briga, boli me ?upe. . 10. crock of shit Gomila lazi/gluposti. Isto pile of shlt. . shit a brick; shit bricks 1. Popizdeti. I was so mad, I almost shit a brick! 2. Prestraviti se, utronjati se, ukenjati se. Isto brick it. shit·faced Pijan, usvinjio se. shit-for-brains Gluperda, blenta, duduk, dileja. Slieno shithead. Man, you're a real shit for brains.

shithead Seronja, kreten, idiot, dileja, krelac. shit hits the fan, when the Kad pukne bruka; kad nastane sranje. "When the movie was released, the shit hit the fan." shit-hot 1. Napaljen, nalozen. He's shit-hoton spit and polish. 2. Prvoklasan, izvrstan, sjajan, mocan, "mrak". The new play is really shit-hol! Go see it! shit·house 1. Kenjara, klozet. 2. Prljavo, neuredno mesto. What a shit-house camp! 3. zat. Buvara, cuza. shit load Velika koliCina. I have a shit load of work to do tonight. shit-scared GB Uzasnut, na smrt preplasen, usro se od straha. Isto scared shitless. shit on a shingle Sranje na kvadrat, tesko sranje. shit or get off the pot Iii kenjaj, ili sidi sa solje; ne seri nego uradi. Isto fish or cut bait. shit-stirrer Onaj ko pravi probleme/sranja; problematiean tip. shitty 1. Los, zao, pokvaren, kvaran. "That was a really shitty thing to do. " 2. Inferioran, loseg kvaliteta; grozan, odvratan. "That cassette machine's got shifty sound." shmeg GB Idiot, kreten, krelac, dileja. shmo; shmoe; shmuck; schmuck Budala, krele, dileja. "She seems to like him but the guy's a bit of a shmo if you ask me." shocker Kriminalno losa stvar/osoba. shoe-string, on a S ogranieenim sredstvima. He started his business on a shoestring and built it up. shook up Uznemiren, potresen. "So Woody kept his voice down, but he was all shaken up." shoot the breeze/fat US Caskati, traeariti. Slieno chew the fat; schmooze. "Who can Whitney Houston call, day or night, to tell her innermost thoughts or just shoot the breeze? Gospel singer CeCe Winans." shoot the bull/crap/shit Prieati gluposti, traeariti, kenjati. Isto bullshit. They sat around shooting the bull until late at night. shoot the lights Proci kroz crveno (svetio). shoot a line Duvati se, razmetati se, hvalisati se, preterivati. Odatie line-shooter Duvadzija, puvadzija, razmetijivac, hvalisavac. shoot one's bolt/load/wad Ejakulirati, svrsiti. "After you shoot your bolt, head back to the office to witness your sweet revenge." shoot one's mouth off 1. Hvalisati se, duvati se. Slicno talk big. 2. Izbrbljati se, izlanuti se. Isto spill the beans.

shoot, the whole (bang) Sve duture. Isto the whole shooting-match. shooter GB lop. Pistolj, puca, utoka, prangija, cevka. shoot up nark. Roknuti se, srediti se. Isto jab a vein; mainline. shooting gallery nark. 1. Mesto gde narkoman moze bezbrizno da se ufiksa. 'The Commons committee report, which recomended downgrading ecstasy from class A to class Band cannabis from class B to class C, also suggested prescribing heroin to addicts and setting up shooting galleries where addicts can inject in controled surroundings." 2. Zabava ili okupljanje narkomana s mogucnoscu intravenskog drogiranja .... in a fellow musician's hotel room during a shooting gallery (dope party) ... shop 1. GB lop. Izdati, cinkariti, otkucati, prijaviti. 2. talk shop Govoriti 0 poslu; biti poslovan. shop, all over the GB 1. U neredu, u rusvaju. Don't leave your things all over the shop; put them. 2. Svuda (naokolo), u svim pravcima. I've been all over the shop trying to find that pen. short and curlies, have sb by the GB Drzati koga za kovrdzave dlacice, drzati kome muda u procepu; imati koga na milost i nemilost; imati koga u saci. short hairs, have sb by the Drzati koga za kovrdzave dlacice, drzati koga u saci; drzati kome muda u procepu, biti nadmocan nad kim. short out US Pobesneti, razljutiti se. "He tries to keep his cool, but every now and again he shorts out" shot nark. Fiks. shout the odds 1. Preterano/preglasno pricati; razglabati. 2. Hvalisati se, razmetati se. shove it up your ass Zabi to sebi u dupe!; jebi set Isto up yours! show off Razmetati se, praviti se vazan. Slicno grandstand; hot dog. He ran a quick eight miles, just showing off show sb where to get off Red nekome da je dosta, postaviti koga na njegovo mesto. "Britain is now a place occupied by rude, crude, vulgar people, and those who formed the jury in the trial of Archer were determined to show these tofts where they got off" shunt (off) Prebaciti odgovornost (na). shut it Isto sto i shut up. shut one's face/mouth/trap Umuknuti. Isto shut up. shut the fuck up! Umukni!; zacepil

shut up Umuknuti. shutters up, put the 1. Ucutati. 2. put up the shutters Staviti katanac; okoncati posao (na kraju dana ili zauvek). shyster US Korumpiran covek (pogot. advokat). sick building syndrome Losi uslovi rada zaposlenih u firmama (manifestuju se glavoboljama, respiratornim problemima itd). sick to death of Sit (cega) do guse. sick up GB Ispovratiti. silly buggers, play Ponasati se budalasto ili provokativno; izazivati. sing US lop. Pevati (na policiji), cinkariti, drukati. Slicno squeal. "Last month the alleged cocaine importer from America was driven north to a secure house where he is said by detectives to be 'singing like a bird'. " sink alk. Piti alkohol, cugati, lokati. Let's go out and sink a few beers. We can talk at the pub. sissy US Pickica, mekusac, slabic, seka-persa, zenskast . de~ak/muskarac. Slicno daisy; lily; pansy. Situation, have a Imati problem. sit back and take this shit, not Ne sedeti skrstenih ruku; ne trpeti vise sranje. "The abused woman said she would no longer sit back and take this shit." sit on one's duff Dokoliciti, vatati zjale. sit-upon GB hum. Zadnjica. sitter Lak posao; ono sto se moze s lakocom napraviti. sitting duck Laka meta. six feet under Mrtav i pokopan. sixty-four thousand dollar question, the Poslednje i najteze pitanje; sustina problema. Did that mean the whole area had extractable tin underneath it? That's the 64,000 dollar question. skag i/i scag 1. nark. (Jeftin) heroin; los dop. Isto smack; junk; shit; "H"; brown; horse; Harry; boy. 2. Kretenka, glupaca. Isto bat; skank. 3. Mamlaz, krele, mentol. Isto jerk. skank US 1. Smrad; nesto odvratno/neprijatno. 2. Gadura. Isto skag. 3. Kurva. Isto hooker. skat Moderan, pomodan, fensi, u trendu, in. skate 1. Problematican mladiCltip. 2. US Nesto lako, macji kasalj. "Relax, it's going to be a skate."

skates on, get/put one's GB Pozuriti. skids on, put the Usporiti. skid row, on US 1. Skitnica, klosar, protuva. 2. Bankrot. skim Prikriti, ne prijaviti za porez (npr. novac od kockanja). "...their clergyman leader is secretly in cahoots with Tony to skim money." skin Operusati, oguliti. "He thought he was pretty smart but those guys skinned him. " skin, get under sb's 1. lei kome na nerve/jetru, nervirati koga. 2. Podvuci se kome pod kozu, umiliti S8 kome. skin off my asslbutt/nose, no Svejedno mi je, bas me briga, zabole me. Whether you make it or not, it's no skin off my nose. skinful, have a Popiti previse alkohola. skin-head Skinhed; celavac. skint GB Dekintiran, bez love, Svorc. Isto broke. "Are the British really as skint as we like to make out." skip Nestati, pobeci, klisnuti, furnuti. They skipped out of the motel at 2 AM. skipper GB 1. Sef; kapetan. 2. Klosariti, ziveti kao beskucnik. "I tell you, I was forced to skipper. I never had any choice." skirt Devojka, riba, '·suknja". Isto crumpet. skirt-chaser Zenskaros. skive (off) GB Eskivirati (posao, duznost itd); zabusavati. skiver Zabusant. sku(l)duggery hum. Prevara, trik, stos, marifetluk. Slicno dirty work; hanky-panky. Some skulduggery no doubt went on during the elections. sky-blue pink Neodredene boje. sky's the limit, the Nema granice (mogucnostima); postoji samo jedna granica - nebo. slack Kurva. slacker Lenstina, lezilebovic, zabusant. slag GB 1. Kurva. "I had an argument with this other girl over a boy. Her mates wrote 'Donna is a slag' in the school toilet." 2. Sitan kriminalac, prevarant. slag downloff Vredati, zestoko kritikovati, ocrniti. He followed me down the street, slagging me off. slog one's guts out Satirati se od posla. Slam, bam, thank you Ma'm Uso, zaso, hvala ti, snaso; seks na brzaka. Isto wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am.

slammed GB alk. Pijan, pod gasom. slammer US zat. Cuza, mardelj, bajbok, rupa, corka. slamming muz. Slemovanje, sutka, grub pies u prvim redovima na pank i rok koncertima gde ucesnici namerno guraju i sutiraju jedni druge. slant Pogled (na stvar); videnje, misljenje, tacka gledista. Slicno angle. This disclosure puts a new slant on the matter. slant-eye US pogrd. Kosooki (pezorativan izraz za Azijce u Americi). slap 1. Tacno; direktno. * Slap on time. * Sla,:rbang in the middle. 2. GB Obrok, jelo; gozba. a good slap. slap and tickle GB hum. Ljubakanje, peting. slap in the eye, better than a Prihvatljiv, moze da prode. slapper GB Kurva. slate loose, have a Caknut, flipnuo, odlepio. slave one's guts out Crnciti, dirinciti, skapavati (od posla). sleazy; sleazo; sleazoid GB Odvratan, ogavan, los, Ijigav. Isto grungy; scuzzy. 'The question now is weather the term 'crony' will prove as devastating as the word 'sleaze', which hastened the end of 18 years of Tory rule. " sleep on it Pazljivo (ios jednom) razmotriti; pustiti stvar da prenoci. slewed GB alk. Pijan, naliven, pod gasom. sling your hook GB Gubi se!; brisi! "We don't want you here. Go on, sling your hookt" slinky Seksi. "...the return of slinky dress." slip it across one Prevariti koga; prevesti koga zednog preko vade. Isto US slip sth over on sb. slog 1. Dirincenje, crncenje, tegoban posao. I always found school different: it was a hard slog. 2. Crnciti, dirinciti. Obit. slog away at. Vidi slogger (1). 3. Jak udarac. Vidi slogger (2). 4. Zestoko udariti, odalamiti, mlatnuti, pripaliti. slogger 1. Onaj ko uspe naporno radeci. 2. Onaj ko zestoko udara, razbijac. slosh 1. (Sentimentalna) glupost; nesto srceparajuce. 2. GB Jako udariti, klepiti; prilepiti, zavaliti (kome). "Say that again and I'll slosh you. " sloshed GB alk. Pijan, uletvljen, usikan. slot Picka. slow Kasno pali, ima kasno paljenje, priglup. Isto slow-coach; slow-poke. slut 1. Kurva, kurvica. She is the most notorius slut in town. 2. Nacin obracanja. You slut! Get out!

slyboots Prepredenjak, namazanko, lisac. smack ili shmack ili shmeck nark. Heroin. Isto horse; junk; skag; shit; brown; horse; Harry; boy. smack at, have a Pokusati. smack-head nark. Heroinoman, dzanki. smack in the eye Samar; odbijanje, sutka, dvojka, noga; razocarenje. smack one silly Iscupati kome usi, izgrditi. smacked-out nark. Na heroinu. smacker 1. GB 1 funta. US 1 dolar, zelembac. "00 you wanna take the thousand smackers or try for the sensational bath room suite?" 2. Zvucan poljubac. Slicno smack. "She gave him a big smacker and sent him on his way." 3. Jak udarac. I caught him a right smacker on his jaw. smackhead nark. Heroinski zavisnik, dzanki. small beer/potatoes Sitna riba; nesto beznacajno. "That Guy de Maupassant makes Representative Hayes look like very small potatoes." small-time Drugorazredni, beznacajan. Slicno bush league. 'The heroes of the film 'Fat City' are two small-time boxers. " small time, the Drugorazredni, inferioran posao, poduhvat itd; sitna riba. smalls GB Donji ves, gacice. smart-ass Pametnjakovic, pametnica. Isto wise-ass; smart/wise guy; know-it-all; bigmouth. " get the felling that right under the surface is a foul-mouthed smart-ass who could shoot pool with the boys ... " smarty-boots Sveznalica, mudrica. smash hit Izuzetno veliki uspeh; mega-hit. Slicno hit. smashed 1. nark. Jako nadrogiran, "razbijen". 2. alk. Pijan, olesen od alkohola. smasher 1. GB Sjajan, fantastican tip; famozna stvar. I thought the book was a smasher. 2. (Seksualno) privlacna zena/muskarac. smashing Izvanredan. smell a rat Nanjusiti prevaru. "When it comes to Disney, we parents don't smell a rat" smells like jack shit, he Smrdi kao tvor. Isto he smells like road hell. smeller Nos, surla. smoke 1. pogrd. Obojeni, camuga, cama, crnja. 2. Pusiti (seks).

3. Cigareta, pljuga. 4. nark. Cigareta marihuane, ·'duvanje". Have you got any smoke for tonight. 5. the (big/great) smoke GB London; svaki veliki grad. smokey; smoky US lop. Policajac, pandur, pub. smoothie; smooth article Izvestacena osoba. "/ have nothing but contempt for the international art market. It is a racket none the better for being operated by cultivated smoothies." (smooth) operator Prevejan/prefrigan tip. Vidi operater. smooth talker - easy walker Slatkoreciv, prevejan tip; premazan svim bojama. snaffle Ukrasti, cornuti, maznuti. snap, a Nesto veoma lako, macji kasalj. "Is your job difficult?""No, actually it's a snap. In fact, it's so easy that it's a little bit boring." snap out of it Postati energicniji/aktivniji; prenuti se. snappy, make it GB Hajde brzo, pozuri! snatch 1. GB Brza pljacka/provala/krada. "The child muggers told with chilling frankness how and why they resorted to 'snatches' as they are sometimes called." 2. Picka (ili zena uopste). "Know what / did when I was fifteen? Sent a lock of my snatclrhair off in an envelope to Marlon Branda." 3. Ukrasti; kidnapovati. The kid was snatched as he left school. 4. Uhapsiti, corkirati. snazzy Elegantan, privlacan, moderan. Slicno nifty; ritzy. While they may appear snazzy now ... time will take its toll. sneeze nark. Kokain. snitch 1. GB hum. Nos, njonja, surla. 2. lop. Cinkaros, potkazivac, dousnik, taster. Isto snitcher, rat; stool pigeon. "Maybe some of myoid snitches have run across something new. " 3. lop. Cinkariti, "pevati". Slicno sing; squeal. Someone must have snitched on me, she says. 4. lop. Ukrasti, maznuti, gepiti. Slicno swipe. He snitched a couple of cookies. snog GB 1. Vatanje, peting. 2. have a snog Vatati se. 'They were having a quick snog while the lights were out." snooker Nadmudriti, prevariti. Slicno scam. 'The Chinese clearly believe that they snookered Nixon." snoop Njuskalo. Private snoop, hunh?

snooty Uobrazen, odbojan, snobovski. Slicno sniffy. snorter 1. Bilo sta izuzetno veliko/snazno/znacajno. When he finished the tale, it was time for another snorter. 2. Vrlo atraktivna osoba/stvar. snot 1. Slina. "Whipe the snot off your face and cheer up." 2. Odvratan tip, "slina", Ijiga. snotie Nadobudno, nadmeno. I wouldn't go to that snotie club forthe life of me. snout GB zat. 1. Cigareta, pljuga. 2. Dousnik, cinkaros, taster. 3. Obavestavati, cinkariti, njuskati. snow nark. Kokain, belo, lobe. "And he was also snorting snow" snow job Prikrivanje pravih motiva sa ciljem da se neko ubedi u nesto; laskanje. snowball (iti -flake) in hell, no more chance than a Nikakve sanse; ni teorijske sanse. Takode not a snow ball (ili -flake) in hell's chance. snowed underlup Biti zatrpan (npr. poslom). snozzle Nos. snuff nark. Kokain, koka. snuff out lop. Ubiti, ucmekati. If I cause too much embarrassment, they'll just snuff me out sob; SOB = son of a bitch sob sister Novinarka koja odgovara na pitanja u vezi sa licnim problemima citaoca (uglavnom su to srceparajuci tekstovi). sob story Srceparajuca prica. sob stuff Srceparajuca prica/film itd; sentimentalan, jeftin nacin pisanja. "Eppingham had prepared to lay on the sob stuff." sobs Novae, lova. How many sobs did that Armani suit cost? sock GB Udariti, mlatnuti, odalamiti. Slicno clobber; paste. sock in it, put a GB hum. Umukni, zacepi (gubicu). socks up, pull one's GB Zasukati rukave, pljunuti u sake, biti efikasniji. sod GB 1. Homoseksualac, peder. 2. Kreten, krele, moron, dileja, tupadzija. "I'm sorry I was such a sod to you. " sod all Nista, sipak, pampur. "He got the profit and I got sod-all" sod off Gubi se!; brisi!; tornjaj se!; nosi se! "I told them to sod off and leave me alone." sodding GB Prokleti. I'll remember this sodding day until the day I die.

soft 1. Budalast. Takode soft in the head. 2. Lak. Takode soft option Lak posao. soft ha'porth Naivko, ovca, mekusac. soft number Lak posao, laka sluzba. soft on Slab prema (kome). soft sawder 1. Laskanje, ulagivanje. 2. Laskati. softball Trivijalan. Slicno piss elegant. softie; softy Budala, zvekan; mekusac, mlakonja. soixante-neuf Sezdesetdevetka; poza koja omogucava da partneri istovremeno jedno drugo oralno zadovoljavaju. SOL = shit out of luck Gotov, sjeban, unisten. Isto kaput. If the press gets a hold of this we're SOL. sold a pup Nasamariti, prodati rog za svecu. soldier on Nastaviti muski/junacki, nastaviti uprkos teskocama. The odds were against us, but we decided to soldier on anyway. solid 1. Celih, ciglo. twenty solid minutes. 2. US Impresivan, zadivljujuci, sjajan, izvrstan. Slicno grat; groovy. "He blew some real solid sax." 3. GB nark. Hasis. something 1. Naglasen dodatak pridevu ili prilogu. She suffers something awful from migraine. 2. "Mrak" osoba/stvar. Did you see his shirt? It's something! something about one, to have Biti sarmantan, imati stila/smeka. son of a bitch Kuckin sin, skot, govnar, gad, pederCina, dzukela. sort sth out GB Srediti, urediti sto. sorted GB nark. Snabdeven. Odatle get sorted Snabdeti se. "I've just been into town and got sorted for tonight's party. " sou, not have a Biti bez kinte. soul food Hrana koja se obicno povezuje sa crncima americkog juga (kukuruzna kasa, kukuruzni hleb, pasulj itd). sound Sjajan, izvanredan. soup, in the U sosu/cabru/skripcu. Isto in hot water. sourpuss; sourpan Mrgud, namcor. soused alk. Pijan, pripit, naliven, "mokar". Isto soused to the gills. south-paw Levoruka osoba. Many brilliant persons are south paws, although perhaps only by coincidence. sozzled GB alk. Pijan, pod gasom. space US Sanjariti; "otkaciti". "She puts on the headphones and just starts to space."

space out Otkaeiti, otkinuti, flipnuti (obic. usled konzumiranja droge.) spade pogrd. US Crneuga, ernja, eamuga. The spades ihabited Harlem and let the ofays have Wall Street to themselves. spanker Izvrsna osoba/stvar; sjajan momak; sjajan primerak. spanking 1. Izvanredan. 2. Nov. spank the monkey Masturbirati, samarati majmuna. spanner in the works, throw a GB Baeati klipove pod toekove; sabotirati; osujetiti, poremetiti. "Mr. Cousins has thrown a spanner into the Labour Party's works." spare GB 1. Vrlo ijut, besan. Obic. go spare Popizdeti, pobesneti. 2. Lenj, dokon. 3. GB Siobodan, dostupan za seks. "What's it like down the dancehall? Plenty of spare girls?" 4. standing about like a spare prick Dokon k'o kurac. 5. a bit of spare Devojka dostupna za seks. spare prick Nekompetentna/beskorisna osoba. sparklers Dijamanti, dragulji. spat US Svada, rasprava. specs Cvikeri, dozluci. "You don't see many goalies in epees." speed nark. Spid, amfetamin. speedball nark. Kombinacija heroina/morfijuma i kokaina. speeder Vozae koji prekoraCi dozvoljenu brzinu. speed-merchant 1. Vozae koji juri; brz trkae. 2. Osoba koja brzo deja ili se brzo krece. spew (up) one's gutslring 1. Ispovratiti ereva. 2. Pevati na polieiji, sve prinati. spic(k) pogrd. Meksikanac, Portorikanac, Spanac, Hispanoamerikanac. Isto pedro. spifting GB Sjajan, prvoklasan, izvrstan. spiky GB Bogomoljac. spill Priznati, propevati. "1 couldn't get him to spill" spill one's guts Ispljunuti (tajnu), reci sve sto zna. "They put a lit tie pressure on him and the creep spilled his guts. " spill the beanslworks Izbrbljati tajnu. spin doctor Struenjak za manipulisanje javnim mnjenjem; ekvilibrista u vladi; savetnik politieara koji daje iskrivljeno objasnjenje za medije, onaj ko opravdava poteze politieara i popravlja nji hov ugled u javnosti. "President Bill Clinton has tried to recruit Britain's best-known spin-doctor to help fight off impending impeachment and blunt the impact of the Monica Levinski affair."

spit and sawdust Bilo koje nepreteneiozn%bieno mesto za . z~bavu (restor~n, bar itd). It's a bit spit and sawdast splttmg feath~rs Zedan, suvog grla. splash 1. GB Caj. 2. US nark. Pilule amfetamina. 3. ~ave a splash ili splash one's boots Pisati (samo muskarel). 4. make a splash Pobuditi senzaeiju; ostaviti jak utisak. That's the book that l17ad~ such a big splash a couple of years ago. splattered, get Bltl tesko porazen, potueen do nogu. splay US nark. Marihuana. splice 1. Veneati se. Odatle spliced Veneani. 2. GB Tueati, povaliti, "skratiti". "1spliced his woman while he was on bar duty downstairs. " splitt nark. Cigareta marihuane/hasisa. spondulicks; spondoolicks; spondulix Novae, bogatstvo. No one seeme.d ve~ anx~0u.s to come up with the spondulieks." sponge Parazlt, onaJ ko ZIVI na tudi raeun. spoo~y Jeziv, sabJasan, zastrasujuci. sportmg chance Siabe/nikakve sanse. spot 1. Mala koliCina. 2. Teskoca, nevolja. Obic. in a spot U nevolji. 3. GB Prepoznati, identifikovati. I spotted her as a phony long ago. 4. on the spot Pripravan, spreman. Whenever she's needed she's quickly on the spot spot of, a Malo, m~lk.o, malCiee. have a spotoftea. spot (sb) US PozaJmltl (novae). "Spot me a twenty will you?" spout 1. GB spout oft Mnogo prieati, razmetati se. 2. up the spout U skripeu/sosu. spring !or GB Platiti za. "OK, keep your hand in your pocket, I'll sprmg for the grub. " sprog GB voj. 1. Regrutovati. 2. Regrut ili novi deeak u skoli. spud 1. Rugoba. 2. Prijateljski naein obracanja drugaru. square, a 1. Konzervativae; strejtas. Slieno clyde; uncool. I do a little vocal number for the squares. 2. Postenjaeina. 3. Konzervativan, malogradanski. square-bashing GB Vezbanje, dril. square broad Postena zena (nije kurva). square-eyes 1. TV manijak. 2. Zaludenik za kompjutere.

square-head pogrd. Nemac, Svaba; stranac germanskog porekla. squashed US alk. Pijan, pod gasom. squaw Skvo, zena. squeal GB lop. Cinkariti, otkucati, drukati. Slieno rat; sing; squawk. squeal(er) lop. Cinkaros, taster, drukara. Slieno rat; snitch. squiffy GB Pripit, pod gasom. squirt Bezveznjak, dripac, budala, krele. Slieno peanut. squitters Proliv. stack cards Napakovane karte. Odatle: napakovati (kome). The cards are stacked against him. staggers, the Posrtanje, teturanje. "The next day you've got the staggers and your fine coordination is destroyed for 72 hours." stage-dive muz. Skoeiti sa scene u publiku na rok koncertu. stamping-ground(s) Okupljaliste, sastajaliste, steciste. stand one's hand Platiti raeun (ili svoj deo raeuna). stand sb up Prevariti, ispaliti, zavrnuti koga. You will keep our date. You wouldn't stand me up, would you? stand-up Ispravan, hrabar, pouzdan, na svom mestu. Slieno gutsy. Obii';. stand-up guy. He handled the humiliating defeat like a stand-up guy stand-up (row) Ozbiljna (svada/rasprava). star-bollock naked Vidi bollock. starfucker 1. Grupi-devojka. Isto groupie. 2. Snob. starkers GB Go, k'o od majke roden. Slieno bare-ass. "You jog about, absolutely starkers, and then dive straight into a swimming pool. " starry-eyed Zanesen, sanjalaeki; nepraktiean. state GB 1. Stanje nereda, zabrinutost, uzbudenje. 2. in a state Uzbuden, napet. state-of-the-art Najmoderniji, ultramoderan, koji koristi najmoderniju tehnologiju. "Cool venue, top OJ, state-of-the-art sound system - that's all the punters need for a night out. " stavros GB pogrd. Grk. stay tuned Ostanite na nasem kanalu, ne menjajte stanicu. steam, under one's own Bez tude pomoCi, vlastitim snagama. steamboats GB Pijan, usikan. "He was completely steamboats by midday" steamed 1. Ljut, besan. 2. Pijan, usikan. step on it ili the gas Dati gas, nagariti, ici brZe, pozuriti. We'd better step on it, there's only five minutes left. step out of line Ne ponasati se prikladno, preci granicu.

stewed (to the gills) GB Pijan, uletvljen, naljoskan. stick 1. Dosadna/neprijatna/ukoeena/zadrta osoba. Obii';. old stick ili dry old stick. 2. GB Fizieka ili verbalna kazna. "You've done nothing but snipe at me since I got home what have I done to deserve all this stick?" 3. nark. Dzoint, dzokavac. stick around Muvati se okolo. Slieno hang around. I asked the cops to stick around for a few minutes. stick inthe mud Zadrta/konzervativna osoba. Slieno fogy. Be cautIOus, but don't be a stick in the mud stick it (out) IzdrZati, ne popustiti. Slieno hang in. It's rough as hell, but I'll stick it. stick it (up his jumper, etc.), he can Maze to da okaei maeki 0 rep. stick of furniture Komad namestaja. st~ck-up Prepad, pljaeka. Slieno hold-up. sticky 1. GB Neprijatan; gadan; odvratan, tezak. We all had a very sticky half hour until the firefighters came along. 2. Sentimentalan, patetiean, sladunjav. Slieno schmaltzy; soppy. 3. Vidi wet and sticky. sticky end, a Neprijatan zavrsetak. sticky wicket 1. Nezgodna, problematiena situacija. 2. GB be/bat on a sticky wicket Funkcionisati u teskim uslovima. stiff 1. Lesina, les, mrtvak. They found a couple of stiffs in the millpond. 2. Ubiti. 3. Iskoristiti (finansijski); prevariti, nasamariti. Slieno scam. "She tried to stiff me for the fare." 4. US Pijan, usikan. 5. Dosadna osoba, smarae, davez, smor. stiff with Pun, krcat, nabijen. sting 1. Prevara, pljaeka. 2. Prevariti, opeljesiti. Obii';. stung Prevaren, nasamaren opeljesen. ' stinger Neprijatan elemenat, zaekoljica, "kvaka". Slieno catch. . Seems lik~ a good proposition, but there's a stinger in it. stmk 1. NepnJatno/skandalozno otkrice. 2. Sjajno, super, "mrak". I like those real stink clothes. 3. kick up a stink Napraviti zbrku/haos/nered. 4. like stink Vrlo brzo/energieno; furiozno. She wasn't really clever, she just worked like stink

stink of money Vrlo bogat, pun k'o brod. . . stinker 1. Smrad, dubre, skot. Slieno bastard. Stop actmg like a stinker. 2. Tezak, nezgodan posao; nesto vrlo lose, odvratno. Takode stinkeroo. "If it proves to be a 'stinkeroo' leave the theater quietly or suffer in silence." stinking 1. GB Znatno, veoma. stinking rich, drunk, etc.. . 2. Odvratan, antipatiean, los. Slieno lousy. It was a stmkmg way to treat her. . 3. Mortus-pijan, uletvljen. Takode stmko. stir GB zat. Cuza, mardelj, bajbok. Obic. in stir. stir one's stumps Pozuriti. stockbroker belt Elitna stambena eetvrt (obic. u prirodi, nadomak grada). Isto gin and Jaguar be~t. stoke up Dobro se najesti, nakrkatl se. stone Pravi, potpuni, totalni. People think it's a stone groove being a superstar. stone cold sober Trezan, trezvenjak. stone-wall GB Blokirati, vrsiti opstrukeiju, odugovlaeiti, zavlaeiti. I want you all to stonewall it. stoned 1. alk. Mrtav-pijan. Slieno bombed out. They get themselves stoned on beer. 2. nark. Ustondiran, "uraden". 3. stoned out of one's mind nark. Ustondiran, "uraden". stone(e)y(-broke) Bez prebijene pare, svore, liht-roze. stones Muda. stonkered alk. Mortus-pijan. stonkers GB Sise, sifoni, baloni, "pluca". stonking GB 1. Izvrstan, sjajan, fantastiean. 2. Krajnje. When they've got their dash, they go out and have a stonking good time. . stooge about/around GB Gluvariti, lunjati, eunjati, smueatl se. stook, in 1. Kratak s lovom. 2. U nevolji/nezgodi. . stool (pigeon) lop. Dousnik, cinkaros, taster~ Isto Us. ~toohe. storm in Uleteti, upasti. The cops stormed mto the Jomt and arrested the big guy. straight 1. Ispravan; direktan, neposredan. . 2. go straight Ponasati se u skladu sa zakonom (posle penoda provedenog u zatvoru); ziveti ispravno. .. '" 3. nark. Strejt; nije pod utieajem droga, ne konstl droge. Don t offer her any, she's straight" 4. Strejt; heteroseksualan, nije homoseks~al~n. 5. Dosadna, konveneionalna oosoba, strejtas.

straight as a dog's hind (ili back) leg Prevarant. straight as they make them Vrlo posten; ispravan. straight face, with a Bezizrazajnog/ozbiljnog liea. I don't know how he managed to keep his face straight straight up and down 1. Posten. 2. Lak. strap, on (the) Na veresiju/kredit; na kredu. strapped 1. Svore, bez kinte, dekintiran. Slieno broke. He happens to be strapped financially. 2. US Naoruzan pistoljem. He was strapped when he went to meet them. streak 1. Mrsava osoba. 2. (long) streak of misery Mrsav k'o saraga; bijafra. 3. like a streak Brzo, kao munja. street Arab Besprizorna osoba; skitniea, uliear, propalitet. street (with), not in the same Ni prineti (kome/eemu), nejednakog kvaliteta. streetwalker Uliearka, prostitutka. "After a three-week trial, the jury accepted his claim that he had never met the streetwalker in question ... " stretch lop. Period proveden u zatvoru. string 1. Prevariti, nasamariti, nasankati, zavrnuti. 2. on a string Napet, kao zategnuta ziea. string out nark. Pod dejstvom narkotika. stringer Novinar honorarae, spoljni saradnik. strip off Vidi tear a strip. strongbox, the GB zat. Samiea. stuff 1. Ree koja se siroko upotrebljava umesto mnogih imeniea kojih govornik ne moze da se seti ili da ih identifikuje. 2. nark. Bilo koja droga, "roba". 3. bit of stuff Zgodna zenska, dobra riba. 4. the hard stuff a) Viski, rakija itd. b) Novae. 5. Vidi hot stuff. 6. Jebati. Isto fuck. 7. Jebanje. 8. go (and) get stuffed Jebi se; nosi se. stuff and nonsens Potpuna glupost, krajnja besmisliea; kojestarija. Stuff and nonsense! You're talking rubbish. stuff, do your Pokazi sta znas; daj najbolje od sebe. stuff to give the troops, the Bas one sto se trazi. stuffed, get GB Nosi se; ko te jebe. Slieno fuck you. He can go and get stuffed stuffed shirt Naduvenko.

stuffing out of, knock the 1. Ubiti boga u (kome). 2. Iscrpsti (bolest). 3. Preneraziti, Sokirati. His death knocked the stuffing out of her. stumer 1. Budala. 2. Bilo sta bezvredno. 3. Greska, zbrka. He made a bit of stumer of that 4. come a stumer Pasti k'o prostac; propasti finansijski. stump up GB Isplatiti, ispljunuti (trazeni novae). stumped 1. Na gubitku; u nevolji. 2. Zbunjen, u konfuziji. stung Prevaren, nasamaren, nasankan, izigran. Paula got stung, but recovered real fast. stunner 1. Fenomenalno dobra riba; 2. Strava/"mrak" stvar. stymied Onemogucen, osujecen, blokiran, doveden u tezak polozaj. We have to figure a way to stymie that guy. suck 1. Pusiti, sisati (seks). Isto eat. .....none of my clients impressed me to the point that I sucked their dicks. " 2. it sucks Nista ne valja, grozno, odvratno, "trulo". "Jim's taste in music sucks ... " suck ass Ulizivati se, lizati (kome) dupe. suck off Pusiti (seks). suck-off Uvlakac, ulizica, dupelizac. Isto brown nose. suck up to GB Flasterisati se, ulizivati se, laskati. He gets ahead by sucking up to the mayor. sucker 1. Zutokljunac, naivcina, sisoje, bezveznjakovic, ovca, budala, kreten, krele. Slicno mark; patsy. I'm a sucker for a beautiful blonde. 2. Ulizica. 3. Namagarciti, nasamariti. 4. Eufem. od cocksucker. sugar daddy Bogati matorac, sponzor. "I see Natalie's managed to find herself another sugar daddy. " suit Poslovan covek, biznismen; onaj ko radi od 7 do 3. sultry Zestok, vruc. summat = something sun shines out of sb's backside/arsehole/ass, think the Viriti kome iz dupeta, ponasati se krajnje snishodljivo. supergrass Cinkaros pod zastitom policije (kome menjaju identitet); korisnik "Programa za zastitu svedoka". "He carried out armed robberies on post offices around the capital. In March, he turned super grass and gave evidence against the rest of his gang."

sure as eggs is eggs, as Bez ikakve sumnje, sto posto siguran. Takode as sure as God made little apples. swad; swaddy Vojnik. sweat box "Sauna", blindirana policijska kola za prevoz zatvorenika. sweat-on, get/have a Unervoziti se iscekujuci nesto. Isto sweat on the top line. sweat one's guts out Satirati se od posla, skapavati, crnciti, dirinCiti. sweeten sb up Podmititi, podmazati. He had to sweeten the cops up even after he had the licence. swell-head Naduvenko. She acted like a swellhead after she got the prize. swelled head, have a Biti naduven, uobrazen. swig Piti, dobro potegnuti, cugnuti. swing both ways US Biti biseksualac. swing the lead Zabusavati. Come on Mark, stop swinging the lead, there's work to do. swinger Svinger; osoba koja menja bracnog ili Ijubavnog partnera sa drugim. "Many swingers even pride themselves on pre serving their marriages through these arrangements." swinging Razmena partnera medu bracnim parovima radi seksualnih odnosa. swipe Ukrasti, gepiti, maznuti. swish 1. GB Luksuzan, elegantan, u modi. Slicno posh; ritzy; swanky. 2. US Pederast, zenskast. 3. US Zenskast peder. Slicno queen. 4. Tuci. 5. Kazniti. switched-off Nije pomodan, nije u toku; nekonvencionalan. Slicno out of sync. switched on 1. GB Moderan, poslednji krik, in. Slicno gear. A large number of women were in short, switched-on dresses. 2. Obavesten, informisan, u toku. 3. nark. Nadrogiran.

TGIF = Thank God It's Friday tal = Thanks! tacky US Kieerski, dziberski, seljaeki, jeftin, sladunjav, otrcan, prost; dreeav, upadljiv. Slieno icky; ratty. She talked in a manner that would be considered a bit fake, if not slightly tacky. tadger GB Kita. ta-ra (ili - tal = Good-bye. Taff(y) GB pogrd. Velsanin. tagger US Osoba koja ispisuje grafite po zidovima. tail 1. Zena kao seksualni objekat, "riba". Isto a bit/piece of tail. 2. Jebati, povaliti. Isto give tail. "So, I tailed his wife ... So what?" 3. Dupe, zadnjica, guza. Slieno ass. "He had been after her tail for months, but Judy, being an old-fashioned girl, declined his advances. " 4. Policijska pratnja. Odatle be/get on one's tail Pratiti koga. The security officer was going to put a tail even on the children. tail-end Charlie "Trinaesto prase"; poslednja osoba u nizu. take US 1. Pogled, stanovise, taeka gledista, ugao posmatranja. That was a feminist's take on the situation. 2. Tumaeenje, interpretacija. What is your take on his speech? take a bath Pretrpeti finansijski gubitak; bankrotirati; biti prevaren. Slieno go to the cleaners; take a beating. "So the bank stands to take a bath of one and threequarter million dollars." take a hike! Gubi se!; brisi!; setaj!; pali! Isto get lost. take a knock Pretrpeti gubitak (obic. finansijski); krahirati. take a leak Pustiti vodu, piskiti. Isto piss; whiz. You worry you'd miss it if you took a leak and went to the refrigerator. take a pew Sedi, smesti se, raskomoti se. take a poor view (of) Gledati popreko/ispod oka (na). take a rain check Ueitvo odbiti ponudu (a Ii podrazumevati da ce ponuda mozda kasnije biti prihvacena). 'The opt-out negotiated by John Major at Maastricht may yet prove one of the most valuable rainchecks ever to be secured by British diplomacy in Europe. "

take a rise out of Zadirkivati, zafrkavati, zavitlavati. take a running jump (at oneself), (go and) Idi dodavola, nosi se. take it easy 1. Pozdrav pri odlasku, do videnja. 2. Samo mirno, opusti se, smiri se, ne uzbuduj se. take off 1. Otici, krenuti. He had to take off early. 2. lop. Ubiti, ucmekati. Slieno waste; zap. 3. Ismejavati, imitirati, karikirati. 4. lop. Orobiti, opljaekati. take one's hooks OtiCi, pokupiti se. take one's lumps US Pretrpeti nezgodu, nadrljati, nagrabusiti. Slieno take it. The boys were taking their lumps trying to stay on wild Brahma bulls. take one's medicine Prihvatiti kaznu, dobiti svoje. Slieno face the music. take out Ubiti; unistiti. "The Brits were just seeking to reassure themselves that we were not planning to take out a country." take (sb) to the cleaners Prevariti, izraditi, "uraditi", opljaekati, operusati (koga). take the can back Snositi odgovornost, biti kaznjen. Isto carry the can. take the mick/mickey/michael GB Ismejavati, zavitiavati, zajebavati, zezati. "When I... found him listening to Dolly Parton on his headphones so his flatmates wouldn't take the mickey, my heart was won!" take the piss (out of sb) GB Zajebavati (koga) da popizdi. He failed his test again. That'll take the piss outa him. take the rap/fall US Prihvatiti krivicu ili biti kaznjen za nesto (obic. bez krivice). If she gets caught, I'll take the rap for her. take the weight off one's feet Sesti. take to the streets Javno demonstrirati, izaCi na ulice. The antiwar sentiment became a serious concern when activists took to the streets in their hundreds of thousands. take too much on (one's) plate Preopteretiti se. Slieno bite off more than one can chew. talk big Hvaliti se, duvati se; preterivati. Isto shoot off one's mouth. He was talking pretty big about how they treated him. talk bollocks GB Prieati gluposti, bulazniti, lupetati, kenjati. Isto US talk bullshit. "Here, everybody knew he was talking bollocks, but he went to the States and did really well and came back with these deals signed. " talk through the back of one's neck Prieati budalastine/glupostil kojestarije, lupetati.

talk to the big white (tele)phone US Povraeati u klozetsku solju; bacati peglu u (klozetsku) solju. Isto drive the big bus. talk to Ukoriti, izgrditi. Isto give one a talking to. talking head Televizijski spiker. Isto hairdo. tampi nark. Kanabis. tan sb's hide Isprebijati koga na mrtvo ime; izmlatiti koga. tank along lei brzo (auto). tanked; tanked-up GB Pijan, naljoskan, naliven (pogot. od piva). "I'll do the washing-up tomorrow if I don't get too tanked-up tonight." tap out Dekintiran, svorc. Isto be cleaned out. tap sb for sth Pozajmiti od koga novae. Slieno hit sb; touch. I tapped my brother for another two hundred. taped out 1. Iscrpljen, baldisao, spao s nogu, lipsao od umora. Slieno frazzled; pooped. 2. US Svorc, dekintiran. Slieno broke; tap city. "I'm tappedout, Mark. American Express got a hitman out looking for me. " tapper 1. Onaj ko postavi prislusni telefonski uredaj (bubu) i prisluskuje. 2. Prosjak, zicaros. tar 1. Mornar. 2. Opijum ili mortijum. tard US BUdala, "slueaj", krele. Isto retard. tar(r)adiddle GB Laz, izmisljotina. tart Devojeura, kurvica, fufica, promiskuitetna zena. Slieno hoker. tarty Devojka/zena sklona promiskuitetu. "Tough but tender Marlon Branda is a widower and Maria Schneider is a tarty, ringlet-headed French girl." tash Brkovi, breoni. tasty Dobar, privlaean, atraktivan. tater GB Krompir. Isto tatur; tator; tattie; taty. tea nark. Marihuana, trava, vutra. tead-up; tea'd-up nark. "Naduvan". teahead nark. Onaj ko non-stop pusi marihuanu. tear a strip off Ukoriti, izgrditi. tear off a bit Potucati, povaliti, "skratiti". tear-jerker Srceparajuei film, pozorisni komad, knjiga itd. tearaway GB Huligan. tear off a piece Potucati, "pocepati", "rasturiti". Isto tear one off. teaser 1. Tvrd orah; tesko pitanje, koska; tezak problem/zadatak. 2. Flertusa, koketa. Slieno prick-teaser; cock-teaser. "Maybe Bella was right in calling his 'uptown lady' a 'teaser'. " ted GB Mladi huligan.

tell off GB Izgrditi, odjebati; oeitati bukvicu. Slieno chew sb out. The man had just been told off, and told off plenty. tell on Obelodaniti einjenice; potkazatiltuziti koga. If I'd known you were going to tell on me I'd never have told you my secret. tell sb where to get off Poslati koga u pizdu materinu. "If she mentions my acne once more 1'1/tell her where to get off." tell t'other from which Razlikovati konja od magarca. tenner, a 1. GB Noveanica od deset funti. 2. US Noveanica od deset dolara. that would be telling! Odbijam da kazem!; nije za prieu! that's tough Bas lose, bas bez veze. there's no such thing as a free lunch Ni kod babe nema za dzabe; nista nema za dzabe. thick 1. Intiman, prisan. Obic. thick as thieves Prisni prijatelji. The two of them are very thick 2. Preteran. It's a bit thick to expect me to do it. 3. Gluperda, budala. thick as two short planks Glup k'o noe/euskija. What a thick I was to come! thin 1. Razoearavajuei, uznemirujuei. 2. have a thin time Imati neugodan dozivljaj ili biti u losem periodu. think one is King Shit Misli da jemali bog, misli da je uhvatio bog a za muda. Isto think one's shit doesn't stink. think tank "Mozak", grupa eksperata. think up Izmozgati, izmajstorisati (npr. plan). The prisoners tried to think up a plan for escape. third wheel Levo smetalo. three sheets in/to the wind Pijan k'o zemlja, nakresan, usikan, naljoskan, betoniran. throw a fit/hyper Razljutiti se, razbesneti se, udariti kap. Slieno have kittens. She just about threw a fit when I told her we weren't going. throw a fucklbop/bof/screw into sb Jebati, tucati, povaliti, uvaliti miska. Isto fuck. "It's inevitable that someone is going to want to throw a bop into someone else's wife." throw a mental US Popizdeti, pobesneti. "I totalled the car and Mom threw a mental" throw a punch Udariti pesnicom u glavu, prikucati, pripaliti (koga). "8agalot threw a punch to Skinners face ... " throw lead 1. Pucati iz vatrenog oruzja. 2. Pucati iz svih raspolozivih sredstava. "It was one of those moments where you either jab and throw your lead or you're pummeled and show the door."

throw (one's) weight about Razmetati se, duvati se. tich 1. Coveculjak, kepecilo. Takode tichy Veoma mali. 2.Dete. tick 1. Trenutak, moment. Please wait two ticks. 2. Krele, dileja, dijabola. 3. Kredit. "I always bUy electrical goods on tick." 4. GB that's tick! Do jaja!; mrak! tick off, to Kazniti, ukoriti. ticked (off) Iznerviran, Ijut. Slicno pissed off; tee'd off. ticker GB Taksimetar. Isto clock; kettle; hickory; Mary Ann. ticket, the GB Prava stvar (da se uradi); ono pravo; prava roba. That's the ticket, my dear, exactly what we needed. ticket to ride, have got a Nema pravila; moze da se radi sta se hoee. tickle the pickle Drkati, igrati dzepni bilijar. tickled pink/to death Prezadovoljan, presreean, odusevljen. I am tickled pink to have been asked. tiddler GB 1. Bilo sta veoma malo; detenee. 2. Novcie od pola penija. tiddling Veoma mali. tiff Mali nesporazum; nesuglasiea. tight 1. Pijan, nakresan. Takode tight as a drum/newt/tick Mrtav pijan; pijan k"o klada. 2. US Blizak. "Me and Harry been tight since we were kids." tight-arse GB; tight-ass US Seronja, usranko; eepidlaka, strejtas, (moralni) Cistunac; Skrtiea. tight spot/corner Teska situaeija, nevolja, 50S, cabar. tightwad, a Skrtica, cieija. "Will Charlie donate any money to the activities fund? - Absolutely not! He's a real tightwadf" tike Klipan, prostacina, seljober, dziber. tile loose, have a Sulud, senuo, siznuo, flipnuo, otkaCio. time, in no Za tren oka. time-lag Odloziti. timer, old Iskusna osoba u poslu itd. tin Lizzie Jeftin stari automobil/kamion/avion. tin-pot Nevazan, inferioran. Slicno tinhorn. tinkle, give a GB Telefonirati, zvrenuti, eimnuti. tinkler GB Kita. tip-off GB Mig, "tip", nagovestaj, upozorenje, korisna informacija. tiswas Vidi all of a tiswas. tit 1. a) Sisa. b) Zena, picka. 'There's loads of tits around." 2. Budala, krele. 3. get on one's tit(s) lei na nerve/jetru.

tit about/around GB Gluvariti, gubiti vreme, badavadzisati. tit man Sisoljubae. titch Vidi tich. titfer GB Sesir. tits Sjajan, super. Isto great; neat. What a tits car she's got! tittie Vidi titty. titty Sisa. tizz(y) GB Uzrujanost, uzbudenost; zbrkanost. Takode tizwas. toast U velikoj nevolji, najebao. Obic. you're toast. toasted 1. alk. Pijan, uletvljen, usikan. 2. nark. Nadrogiran, "uraden". 3. Iserpljen (fizicki ili mentalno). toast, have sb on Imati koga u sakama. tad, on one's GB Sam. todger GB Kita. toe-rag GB Prosjak, skitniea, protuva, olos. toes, on one's Pripravan, spreman na akeiju. toffee-nosed GB Snobovski. toing and froing Muvati se. There was a great deal of to'ing-and-fro'ing before everybody got settled down. toke, take a nark. PovuCi dim (marihuane), "dunuti". tommy GB Obican engleski vojnik. tommy rot GB Krajnja glupost, potpuni besmisao, budalastina, nebuloza. Slicno baloney; bullshit. ton of bricks, hit like a 1. Sokirati, zapanjiti, preneraziti. 2. (come) down on (sb) like a ton of bricks Kazniti, ukoriti koga; obrusiti se na (koga). He soon spotted my mistake, and was down on it like a ton of bricks. tonk GB 1. Udariti, mlatnuti, odalamiti. 2. Jebati, tucati, zveketati. 3. Peder; zenskast muskarac. toot GB Novae, lova, kinta. tootle off Otiei. tootsie GB Devojka, devojcurak. top 1. Vidi over the top. 2. Obesiti. "Head of the Gestapo, Heinrich Himmler, saved us the bother and topped himself in 1945." 3. Ubiti (se). Slicno bump off; hit. "He took a full bottle of pain-killers and topped himself. " 4. from the top Od pocetka. 5. be on the top line Zeljno iscekivati. 6. sweat on the top line. Unervoziti se iscekujuei nesto. Isto get/have a sweat-on.

top dog Glavni baja, voda, sef. "We'll se who the top dog is in New York." top drawer 1. Krajnje vazan, strogo poverljiv (vojni plan ili tajna). 2. out of the top-drawer (uglavnom u negativnom smislu) Pripadnik vise klase, burzuj. top gan va). Vrhunski pilot. top-notch Izvrstan, superioran, vrhunskog kvaliteta. She's a top-notch racquetball player. top story Glava. He's not quite right in the top story. topping GB Prvorazredan, kolosalan, silan. "That was a really fine performance ... really topping, really first rate." tosh GB Glupost, kojestarija, besmislica, nebuloza. "He gave me some sort of explanation, but it was basically a load of old tosh." toss 1. GB Nesto beskorisno, bezvredno. 2. US Traziti, pretraziti. Slicno shake down. The cops regularly toss anybody they stop on the street. toss off 1. Drkati. 2. Biti uobrazen/pretenciozan/dosadan, imati ego-trip simptome. total US Potpuno unistiti, rasturiti (obit. auto). "I was so out of control/totaled the car, crashed it somehow into the side of the road." touch of the tar-brush, have a pogrd. Biti africkog/indijskog porekla, biti tamnoput. tough bounce/buns Zia sreea, smola, peh, maler, baksuzluk. tough guy Zestok momak/tip. tough shiUnibs/noogies/rocks/tiddy/titty iron. Bas steta. Well, my friend, that's just tough shit about your lost plane ticket. toughie ili toughy 1. Teska osoba, tezak tip. That servant will talk her out of it. She's a toughie. 2. Nesto tesko; tezak test; tesko pitanje. "Is freedom chaos? Hmmm ... That's a toughie." tout GB lop. Cinkaros, dousnik, taster, drukara. town pump/bike Kurva, fuksa. Isto tramp; punchboard. tracks 1. Vidi make tracks. 2. in one's tracks Na mestu; u kolotecini. The discovery stopped them in their tracks. 3. nark. Oziljci od igle, stepovi. Takode trackmarks. train spots nark. GB Tacke uboda duz zapaljenih vena kod intravenskih narkomana. Isto tram lines. trainspotter GB 1. Zaludenik (obit. za ne mnogo smislene stvari). "If you want to watch a OJ in action, you're either a trainspotter or a Japanese student."

2. muz. Ljubitelj (tehno) muzike koji "enciklopedijski" prati sva izdanja pravca koji slusa (verzije, remikse itd). trainspotterish Besmislen. I suppose that some readers will find this sort of trainspotterish detail about rocks lineage almost as boring as I find jazz buttery. trainspotting Brojanje sina, gubljenje vremena, gluvarenje, besposlicenje. tramlines nark. GB Tacke uboda duz zapaljenih vena kod intravenskih narkomana. Isto train spots. tramp Kurva, fuksa. Isto town pump; punchboard. trashing "Razbijanje", premlaeivanje. "After Eng/and's 5-1 thrashing, newspaper Bild"s headline is indicative of the country's misery: This was a deeply sad day for German football. " trick US Prostituisati se, prodavati se. Obit. turn a trick. "Whenever she runs out of dope she goes out tricking." tricky 1. Sumnjiv, lukav, nepouzdan. 2. Zamrsen, zapetljan. "This problem is tricky. I don't really understand it. " trip US Lagati, obmanjivati. Are you tripping me about that? trip (out) nark. Tripovati, biti na LSD-u. Odatle tripped-out Pod dejstvom LSD-a. tripe 1. Bilo sta bezvredno, tricarija; losa roba, dubre, skart. Slicno crap; junk. "What the hell do they have to give us that tripe for?" 2. Glupost, preterivanje. Slicno bullshit. Stop peddling that tripe. trag; trogg GB Moron, krele; staromodna osoba. Trojan US Kondom, kurton. trollop 1. Bludnica, drolja, prostitutka. 2. Neuredna zena. tram nark. Marihuana, trava. trot 1. lei. 2. on the trot U kretanju/pokretu, u poslu. I've been on the trot all day at work. trotters hum. Noge. trouble-shooter US Posrednik (vrlo grub) u politickim ili poslovnim pregovorima. trough GB Jesti (proidrljivo), ozdirati se. trout, old Stara kajla; matorka. trowel, with a Preko mere, preterano. Obit. lay it on with a trowel Laskati bez mere, podilaziti. true blue GB Torijevac, konzervativac.

tub Debeljko. tubes, work the GB lop. Dzepariti u autobusu ili u metrou. tucked up GB 1. Iza resetaka. "Adjusting back to normal society is not easy when you've been tucked up for a bit." 2. Prevaren, nasamaren, nasankan. tuckered (out) US Iscrpljen, baldisao, spao s nogu, lipsao od umora. tumble (to) Ukapirati, ukopcati, shvatiti. I tumbled to what she was really up to. turd 1. Govance, govno. 2. Govnar. Slicno prick; shit. Don't be such a goddamn turd! turf, on the Prostituisati se, kurvati se, (biti) na ulici. turkey 1. Fijasko. Stars generally attract an audience no matter what picture they are in (unless it's a turkey). 2. Budala. 3. nark. Apstinencijalna kriza. Vidi cold turkey. turn it in/up! 1. Prestani! 2. Umukni! turn off Politi hladnom vodom; izbedaciti. She was turned oltby his stinginess. turn on Napaljen; nalozen; ushicen. turn on the heat Dati gas; povecati napor/aktivnost. Slicno come on strong. turn (sb) in Prijaviti, otkucati (policiji). turn sb off Oneraspoloziti/izbedaciti koga. It seems like everybody turns you off. turn (sb) over GB Prevariti, nasa mariti; izruciti, prijaviti (policiji). "I never thought my best mate would turn me over." tush; tushie US Dupe, zadnjica, guza. twat; twot GB 1. Picka. Isto cunt. 'This young thing with the swinging hair and partially revealed twat" 2. Budala, moron, krele. twerp; twirp Bezveznjak, krele, budala. Slicno cunt; pratt; jerk; nerd. twig GB Razumeti, ukapirati, skontati. twist 1. Prevariti, izigrati, "uraditi" (koga). Don't imagine that all the boys in the trade are out to twist you. 2. US Zgodna zenska; dobra riba. twist sb's arm Ubediti (obic. s mukom); pritisnuti koga (i saljivo); prisrafiti. *You grab this opportunity to twist my arm. *Have another drink? - Well, if you twist my arm perhaps I could manage to force one down!

twister 1. GB Prevarant; spletkar. "I think he's an absolute twister, but he's never really harmed anybody. " 2. Perverznjak. twit GB Budala, krele. two-faced Dvolican, licemeran. "I thought he was my friend, but he's two-faced He says nice things to me when we're together, but makes jokes about me when we aren't. two i/c Zamenik. two-time Prevariti (obicno sa drugom zenom/muskarcem). two-timer Varalica, prevarant. twopenny damn, not care (or give) a Biti bas briga, boleti uvo. tycoon Poslovni ili finansijski magnat; novi bogatas. "The go-between in the release of Ms Carr and Mr James was Boris Berezovsky, a Russian billionaire and media tycoon. .. "

umbrella GB Kita. uncle; Uncle Dick 1. GB Bolestan. "You look a bit uncle to me." 2. US (Pripadnici) FBI. "He belongs to Uncle, now", said the police captain to my wife as they left the house. Uncle Bill; Uncle Bob GB Policija, murija. Uncle Mac GB nark. Heroin. Uncle Sam Sjedinjene Americke Drzave; americka vlada. under Seksualni odnos. Obit. a bit of under. under-dog Gubitnik. luzer. After years as an underdog I was going to be overdog. " under the influence Pijan, pod gasom. under the umbrella of Pod cijom zastitom, pod cijim patronatom. unearth Otkriti. pronaci, "iskopati". "...police unearthed an arsenal of 35 guns ... " unflappable GB Miran/pribran u svakoj situaciji. unstuck, come Zapasti u neprilike, propasti, stradati. His plans came unstuck up nark. Drogiran, stondiran. up against it U ozbiljnoj nevolji, nagrabusio. nadrljao. When they saw the gap they knew they were really up against it up and downer Zestoka svada. rasprava. I happened to hear them in a proper up-and-downer. up for grabs Lako dostupan. *Land in the new colonies was up for grabs and could be claimed by whoever got there first. *Last week our florist died suddenly, and now his business is up for grabs. up for it GB Spreman k'o zapeta puska. If you thought Ibiza was simply a place where battalions of up-far-it clubbers go every summer to get out of it, think again. up shit creek U sranju/sosu, u nevolji. I'm really up the creek Could I borrow 50 bucks? up the duff/spout GB U drugom stanju, zaglavila, napumpana. zakevila. up the poke/pole/stick 1. U drugom stanju. napumpana, zakevila. zaglavila. 2. Lud. up the wall Popizdeo, pobesneo.

up to much, not NezadovoljavajuCi, nije bog zna sta. nije sjajan. up to no good Spremati neko nedelo; ici u stetu. up you(rs)! Jebi se!; ko te jebel (Skrac. od up your arse.) "Up yours, sister, he thought tardily as the barbs quivered home." upper nark. Droga koja "dize" raspolozenje. Suprotno downer. upper and a downer, an Isto sto i up and downer. upstate US zat. U zatvoru. She got married while I was upstate doing time. uptake, slow (etc.) on the Siabo kapira. sporo shvata, ima kasno paljenje. kasno pali. use one's loaf Mucnuti glavom. upotrebiti mozak. user nark. Narkos.

v VIP (Very Important Person). Isto US veep. Slicno big shot. vag Protuva, skitniea. vamoose; vamose US Odmagliti, strugnuti, pobeci, otici, "zapaliti". Slicno lam; scram; split. OK I think it's time we vamoosed" varsity = University veep US Potpredsednik. velcro pogrd. Lezbejka, lezbaca. velcro-head pogrd. Crnae, camuga, cama. velvet US Laka lova; dobit na koeki; novae uopste. ventilate lop. Upueati, ukokati, izresetati. ventilate sb's shorts US Istresti koga iz gaca; ispreskakati, zestoko izgrditi koga. verboten Zabranjen. Talking to his girlfriend is absolutely verboten." very devil, like the Vrlo brzo/energicno. vic US lop. 1. Osudenik, kaznjenik. 2. Zrtva, '·ovea". 3. scope a vic "Snimiti" zrtvu (s namerom da se opljacka). vidaholic Televizijski adikt, TV manijak. vitamin A nark. LSD ili ekstazi. vitamin C nark Kokain. vitamin E nark Ekstazi, eks. vitamin T nark Marihuana. vitamin X nark Ekstazi, eks. vote with one's feet Emigrirati.

w wack US CUdak, ekseentrik, lujka. Isto whack. wack off Drkati. wacko; wacky; whacky US CUdan, ekseentrican. Slicno nutty; weird. "Let's face it, Lady Sylvia is so wacky there are no boundaries of taste. " waddy Neprivlacan, neatraktivan. waggon, on the 1. Bivsi alkoholicar. 2. fall off the waggon Ponovo se propio. waldo US Budala, krelae, krele. walk (it) Lako pobediti, "pregaziti". walk tall Biti ponosan, ici uzdignute glave. walk(ing)-on part Sporedna uloga (u pozorisnom komadu). wall 1. golcrawl up the wall Razbesneti se. 2. up against the wall U ozbiljnoj nevolji, u sosu. 3. drivelsend up the wall Izludeti. walloping Nezgrapan, veliki. wamba; womba GB Novae, lova, kinta. wang(er) Kita. Isto cock; prick. wank (off) GB Drkati. wanker 1. Osoba koja masturbira, onanista. 2. Drkadzija, pederCina, smrad, gad, dripae, dileja. washed up ili all washed up Izandao. Isto finished. washout GB Neuspeh, fijasko. Slicno flop. I'm afraid our big birthday bash was a washout waste (sb) US 1. Tesko poraziti. Slicno clobber. 2. Unistiti, urnisati. Slicno trash. 3. lop. Ubiti, uemekati, likvidirati. Slicno blow sb away; take sb/sth out. They wasted Barrett because he blew their deal. wasted 1. Iserpljen, baldisao, spao s nogu, lipsao od umora. 2. alk. Pijan, usikan. 3. nark. Ustondiran, "uraden", "razbijen". Slicno strung out. Everybody was getting kind of high on acid, wasted, in fact. 4. US Svore, dekintiran, bez kinte. Slicno broke. 5. lop. Unisten, likvidiran. watch the dicky bird Pticiea! (Kaze se prilikom fotografisanja.) water bewitched GB Vrlo slab caj ili slabo alkoholno pice; zasecerena/obojena vodiea.

waterworks, turn on the Liti/raniti suze. wax, in a Ljutit, besan. way-out Neobiean, nekonvencionalan, avangardan. weather-eye open, keep a Paziti, vrebati, biti na oprezu, otvoriti eetvore oei. weaving, get Poeeti, zapoeeti, pozuriti. Come on, we must get weaving! wedding kit/tackle GB Muske genitalije. wedge GB 1. Novac, bogatstvo. I've come into a bit of wedge. 2. Mlatnuti, odalamiti, klepiti, zveknuti. weed; the weed 1. nark. Marihuana, trava, vutra; kanabis. "I was smoking weed every day before I went to court." 2. Ouvan, jeftina cigareta, krdza. Throw that weed away and have a good one. 3. GB Siabic, mlakonja. 4. at the weed Krade; u kradi. He's been at the weed again. weed head US nark. Onaj ko stalno "duva" (marihuanu). Slieno pothead; acidhead. weedy GB Slab. weight about/around, throw one's Praviti se vazan, razmetati se, puvakati se, duvati. weird 1. Sjajan, super; "strava", "mrak". Isto cool. 2. Cudan. weirdo; weirdie; weirdy CUdak, ekscentrik, uvrnut tip, "pacijent". Slieno bird; creep; geek. well-hung GB Ima velika muda, mudonja. Isto hung. well-oiled Pijan, naliven, pod gasom. He happened to be welloiled, as was usually the case. wet GB Siabic, smokljan, sonja. "Oh Nigel, you're such a wetl" wetback US pogrd. Meksikanac. wet and sticky, the Teskoce. Obic. drop one in the wet and sticky Uvaliti koga u nevolju/sos. wet behind the ears Zelen, neiskusan, nezreo, naivan. wet blanket "Mokra cebe"; partibrejker; osoba koja kvari raspolozenje/minira zur. Slieno US buzz-crusher. wet week(end) GB 1. Oepresivac. 2. look like a wet week Izgledati, osecati se jadno/sumorno. whack 1. Udariti, mlatnuti, odalamiti, tresnuti. 2. Sed. He whacked off a big slice for me. 3. US lop. Ubiti, ukokati, ucmekati. You think the royal family had Diana whacked? 4. US Pokusaj, sansa. Slieno bash; crack; shot. "He was given a whack at drama reviewing. " 5. Idiot, krele. Isto jerk.

whacked (out) 1. GB Iscrpljen, baldisao, spao s nogu, Iipsao od umora. 2. US Lud, sasav, uvrnut. whacking Golem, silan, ograman. whack(o); wack(o) Ekscentriena osoba, lujka. Isto nut; screwball, weirdo. whack off Orkati. Isto jerk off. whacky baccy nark. Marihuana, trava, vutra. wham-bam Bum-tras; na brzaka. He was a king of a wham-bam action. wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am GB Bum, tras, i gotovo; uso, zaso, hvala ti snaso; seks na brzaka. "I was hoping for something interesting or exciting, but it was just wham-bamthank-you-ma'am. " whammers; wammers GB Sise, sifoni, baloni. whang(er) US Kita, kara. whank (off) Orkati. Isto jerk off. what gives? Sta ima?; sta se dogada? Slieno what's up? What gives? I asked her. what's cookin{t? Sta se desava? what's the score? 0 eemu to govoris? when the shit hits the fan Kad pukne bruka; kad nastane sranje. "You're in big trouble when the shit hits the fan." wheel man Vozae. whiff 1. nark. Snifati (kokain). Slieno snort; toot. 2. nark. Kokain, koka, belo. Isto snow. Hey, man, know where I can score some whiff? 3. GB Vonjati, zaudarati, kandisati. whifty GB Smrdljiv. "It's a bit whitty in here, isn't it?" while the going's good Ook su prilike povoljne. whip GB Ukrasti, maznuti, gepiti, zdipiti. "I had my wallet whipped last night. " whisper Trae, glasina, govorkanje. whistle-blower lop. Potkazivae, dousnik, drukara, cinkaras, taster. whistle on Svima reCi, rastrubiti. whistler Potkazivae, dousnik, drukara, cinkaros. white bread US Konvencionalan; burZujski. Slieno plastic; square. "Some of the sequences are Middle American. Evans calls them white bread" white-collar 1. Zaposlen kao einovnik ili sluzbenik. The whitecollar workers don't strike very often. 2. Izvrsen od strane sluzbenika ili einovnika neke firme. "But there are plenty of examples of organized criminals, whitecollar criminals and political corupters ... "

white hat US Pozitivae (obit. u politiekom skandalu). Suprotno black hat. .' white-knuckle Uzasan; napet; strasan. "I tell you It was a whlteknuckle experience." white meat pogrd. Belo meso; belkinja dobra za seks. whitener nark. GB Kokain, belo. . white space Siobodno vreme. "I think I have some white space towards the end of the week." white trash Beli olos; propalitet. . whitewash Lazirati; falsifikovati; prikriti. "Sever~1 Repu~"ean senators reported that the report was a 'whitewash of McCarthy's charges." whole cabooselcaboodle, the Sve (duture). whole shebang, the Sve, eela stvar. Slieno the whole schmear. We could move the whole shebang. .. whole shooting-match, the Sve (duture), eela stvar. Slleno the whole schmear. whop 1. Izbatinati, izlemati. Slieno whack. 2. Pobediti, potuCi, poraziti. .. whopper GB 1. Veliki, glomazan, nezgrapan predmet; grdoslJa. Did you catch that fish? What a whopper! .. 2. Gruba laz. He told a whopper and got away with It. whore Kurva. wick GB 1. Kita. 2. dip one's wick Jebati, "umoeiti':. 3. get on one's wick lei na nerve/Jetru/kurae. . wicked 1. US Impresi~~n, sjajan, super, Izu7eta~, Izvanredan, I "jak", "opasan". Sheno bad,; great. That s wlcke~ stuff, man. 2. Veoma, mnogo. "I got Wicked drunk last mght. wide to the Potpuno, sasvim, krajnje. wierdo; wierdy Cudak, ekseentriena osoba. wiggy US Lud, ekseentriean, uvr~ut. .., . '. wig out 1. Otkaeiti, f1ipnuti, siznutl. Sheno flip; freak out, ~Ig, go balistic. The first time I read The Collected Stones I wigged out 2. Poremetiti, izgubiti pamet. wild-cat 1. Lakomislen. 2. wild-cat strike Neofieijelni strajk. wilf GB Budala, krele. willie GB Kita. Isto willy. . willies, it gives me the Podilaze me zmarei od to~~; uhvatl me strah/nervoza od toga. Flying gives me the willies. wiltshire GB Impoteneija.

wimp Siabie, smokljan, mekusae; Ijiga. Slieno drip; nebbish. "It's official, George Bush is a wimp. He admitted it himself last week - to David Frost, of all the people. 'We Bushes cry easily, , he told the veteran broadcaster. " windbag Brbljivae, razmetljivae, duvadzija. wind up (sb), put the GB Prestrasiti, prestraviti. wind sb up GB Provoeirati, zavitlavati koga. "It took me a few minutes to realize that she was winding me up." window-dressing "Friziranje", udesavanje podataka. windy GB Kukavieki, nervozan, uplasen. "/ could see he was getting windy, so I tried to reassure him. " wing it 1.US Improvizovati. Slieno fake it. 2. OtiCi, odleprsati, odmagliti. winkie; winky 1. GB Kita. 2. US Dupe, zadnjiea. Slieno ass. "Had Kaufman discovered a bump on his winkie, he probably would have shared that with us too." wipe lop. Ubistvo. "I don't know a goddam thing about this goddam Covino wipe." wipe (a person's) eye for (sth) Opljaekati, opeljesiti, orobiti. wipe out lop. Ubiti, uemekati, ukokati. wiped out 1. Iserpljen, baldisao, spao s nogu, lipsao od umora. At the end of that hearing she felt wiped out 2. US Drogiran; pijan. Everybody had been too wiped out to watch. 3. be wiped out Bankrotirati. Slieno get it in the neck; shoot sb down. wipe the hell out of (sb) PotuCi do nogu. wipe up Ukrasti, marnuti, eapiti, lapiti, gepiti, diei. wired 1. nark. Stondiran, drogiran. That night Elvis was wired for speed. 2. Nervozan, uznemiren. 3. Dobro pozieioniran, pogot. u politiekim i finansijskim krugovima. Isto in the loop. "Bob Gray was wired There wasn't a political celebrity there who wouldn't return his phone calls." 4. Osiguran, izvestan, potpuno pod kontrolom. Isto wired up, racked, taped. This deal has already been, er, wired wires crossed, get/have got one's Krivo spojiti; ne razumeti se; pobrkati loneiee. wiseass US Pametnjakovie. wiseguy 1. Pametnjakovie, mudroser. Slieno smart-ass. 2. US lop. Gangster, mafijas, mafioza. Isto goodfella. "The final scene of Pastore's wiseguy weeping in the john is a knockout."

wise-up US Postati obavesteniji, ukapirati. Isto get smart. with one's hand behind one's back, do Uraditi kao od sale. Slieno do with one's eyes closed. wobbly, to throw a GB Pobesneti, popizdeti, razljutiti se. Slieno US throw a fit. woe betide Bice nevolja. wog GB pogrd. Arapin; svaki tamnoputi stranac (sire uzev, svaki stranac.) "Salman (Rush die) was sent to Rugby and then Cambridge. At Rugby, he was unhappy, people wrote 'Go home wogs' on the wall." womble GB Nesposobnjakovic, gubitnik. wonky GB Klimav. wood in (the hole), put the Zatvoriti vrata. wooden nickels, don't take any US Pazi da te ne prevare; pazi da te ne prevedu zednog preko vade. wooden spoon, get the Osvojiti drvenu medalju, biti poslednji. wool on, keep one's Ostati miran/pribran/stalozen. wop US pogrd. Italijanski ili juznoevropski useljenik u SAD; zabar. Slieno dago. word go, the Poeetak, start. work one's ass/buns/butUtail off Oguliti bulju od rada. Islo bust one's ass. *1 worked my sweet ass off trying to convince her. *The dead acoustics ofthe room force the quartet's ensemble students to work their tails off. work behind the stick Raditi kao (patrolni) policajac. work one's finger/trousers to the bone erneiti, skapavati. working boots Cizme "kanadanke". working girl Prostitulka, uliearka. works US nark. Pribor za ubrizgavanje (spric, igla, kasiCica, eep itd). Isto fit. "I went into the bathroom to get my works. Needle, dropper, and a piece of cotton. " works, give sb the 1. Izgrditi, oeitati bukvicu. 2. lop. Ubiti koga. wrap nark. Paketic (heroina). "Rachel would often buy a £10 wrap, which was enough for her and her boyfriend. " wreck 1. Krnlija, krsina. Isto heap; jalopy. 2. Ruina od eoveka; propalitet. "Terry is a sunken wreck who suffers the guilt of the survivor but his wife eventually turns on him and accusses him of lack of fight. " wrecked US alk., nark. Pijan; drogiran, "uraden". wrinkle Nagovestaj, mig, dobar savel; (nova) ideja, caka. Cesto give one a few wrinkles Dati korisnu informaciju. She tried a couple of new wrinkles in writing that script.

wrongo Negalivac. wrong un Los tip, negativac. wroughty Isto slo i rorty. WTF skrac. od what the fuck.

y yackers GB Novae. yak; yack Blebetanje, brbljanje. How much longer are you going to be yakking into that damn phone? We're late. yakety-yak Bla-bla; lupetanje, blebetanje, zvanjkanje. yang US Kita. Isto jang; wang. yank; yankee GB Amer, Jenki. yank (off) Drkati. "He looks like he's been up all night yanking." yank/jerk (sb around/sb's chain) US Varati, zavoditi na krivi put. yank sb's crank/weenie/zucchini US Izrugivati se; zavoditi na krivi put; vuGi za nos; nervirati. yap Brbljati, laparati, torokati. Slieno jammer. yard (on) US Varati, biti neveran, "sarati", "svrljati". Slieno cheat. She told him she didn't like to yard on her man. yatter; yatter on Brbljati, traeariti. Slieno yak; yammer. year US Dolar, zelembac. yellow 1. Kukavieki, uplasen. Slieno chicken. Don't get into this race if you're yellow 2. Kukaviea. yellow-belly Kukaviea; mekusae. He's a contemptible yellowbelly, scared of his own shadow. yen Snazna zelja, zudnja, strast, eeznja. He has a yen to be alone in the boat. yen shee nark. Opijum. yeti GB Primitivae; moron. yeyo nark. Kokain, "roba". Yid pogrd. Jesa, Jevrejin. Videti kike. yob(bo) GB Uliear, huligan; frajer, klipan. "The Singhs are being threatened by a gang of racist yobs. yonks GB Citava veenost, dugo vremena. God, I haven't seen her for yonks. you bet! Nego sta! you've got a hope! Nema sansei; mozes samo da sanjas


tome! yucky Grozno, uzasno, neukusno, neprijatno. "Don't eat the soup at the cafeteria. It's yuckyf"

zap 1. Ubiti. 2. Udariti. 3. Unistiti, nadvladati, potuCi, poraziti. Slieno clobber; waste. 4. rae. Unistiti eitav kompjuterski program. zapper Daljinski upravljae, daljinae. zero-out US 1. Bankrotirati, biti dekintiran. But, dad, I'm totally zeroed out 2. Dostici najnizi nivo. zig-zig US Tueanje, rke-koke. Isto jig-jig; fuck. zilch US 1. Ama bas nista, nula. Slieno zip (city). "How much money do you have?" - "Zilch. I'm broke until payday." 2. Nula od eoveka, nistarija. zing Snaga, energienost, vitalnost, seksepil. Slieno oomph; pep; pizzazz; zip. I'll soon get that paleness off your faces and put some zing into those limbs. zip US 1. Ama bas nista. Slieno zilch; zip city. 2. Moron, krele, dileja, dijabola. Where is that zip with my cof fee? What do I pay him for, anyway? 3. Vitalnost, energija. zip it! Umukni!; zavezi! Isto zip one's lip!; shut up! zip one's lip 1. Tajiti, drzati usta zatvorena. "What I told you is really important, so zip your lip'" 2. Umuknuti. She ordered me to zip my lip. zippo Nista. zizz GB Spavati; dremati. Obie. have/take a zizzo zod US Budala, krele, dileja. Slieno creep; nerd. zombie Zombi, apatiena osoba. zone out Otkaeiti, f1ipnuti; '·odlutati". I didn't really notice - I guess I must have zoned out zonked (out) 1. Iserpljen, baldisao, smoren. "Any chance we can rest? I can't go any further, I'm totally zonked" 2. alk., nark. Pijan, drogiran, "razbijen", "uraoen". 3. Otkaeio, flipnuo. Brian would come, completely out of his head, and zonk out on the floor with his guitar over him. zoob; zoo brick; zubrick Kita. zot; zotz Nista; nula. Isto zilch; zip.

The American Thesaurus of Slang L. V. Berrey and M. Van Den Bark (1952) Bloomsbury Dictionary of Contemporary Slang Tony Thorne (1990) Brewer's Dictionary od Modern Phrase & Fable Adrian Room (2000) A Concise Dictionary of English Slang Brian A. Phythian (1978) A Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (ed. Paul Beale, from A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by Eric Partridge) (1989) A Dictionary of American Idioms Adam Makkai (1987) Dictionary of American Slang Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner (1975) A Dictionary of New Words Sid Lerner & Gary S. Belkin (1995) A Dictionary of Slang Ted Duckworth (2001) A Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins Martin H. Manser (1990) A Dictionary of the Underworld Eric Partridge (1968) A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Eric Partridge (1970) Everyman's Modern Phrase & Fable Gyles Brandreth (1990) Flappers 2 Rappers (American Youth Slang) Tom Dalzell (1996) Forbidden American English Richard A. Spears (1990) A Guide to Living English Diana Diklic (1986) A Learner's Dictionary of English Idioms I. McCaig and M. H. Manser (1987) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1981) Longman Dictionary of English Idioms (1989) New Dictionary of American Slang Robert L. Chapman (1986) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English A. S. Hornby (1987) Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English (vol. 1/2) A. P. Cowie, R. Mackin and I. R. McCaig (1986) The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang John Ayto & John Simpson (1992) The Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms D. M. Gulland and D. G. HindsHoweil (1986) The Penguin Dictionary of Historical Slang Eric Partridge (1972)

The Penguin Dictionary of Troublesome Words Bill Bryson (1984) SerboCroatian-English Coloquial Dictionary Danko Sipka (2000) Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language (unabridged second edition) (1969) Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (College Edition, 1964) The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase & Fable Ebenezer Cobham Brewer/lvor H. Evans (1994)

Enciklopedijski englesko-srpskohrvatski recnik S. RistiClZ. SimieN. Popovic (1963) Englesko-hrvatski ili srpski rjecnik Rudolf Filipovic (1989) Englesko-hrvatski ili srpski rjecnik Milan Drvodelic (1990) Englesko-srpski recnik fraza i idioma Borivoj Gerzic (1991, 1994,1995,2002) Englesko-srpskohrvatski recnik Morton Benson (1980) Englesko-srpski recnik Svetozar Koljevic, Ivana Durie Paunovic (1999) Frazeoloski recnik hrvatskoga ili srpskog jezika Josip Matesic (1982) Recnik novih reci Ivan Klajn (1992) Recnik seksualnih razlicitosti Tea Nikolic (1999) Recnik zargona Dragoslav Andric (1976) Sinonimi i srodne reci srpskohrvatskog jezika Miodrag Lalevic (1974) Sjaj razgovora - leksikon srpskih narodnih izreka Doko Stojicic (1994) Srpske narodne poslovice Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic

Borivoj Gerzic, pisac i prevodilac sa engleskog. Sastavio Englesko-srpski recnik fraza i idiom a i Recnik savremenog beogradskog iargona (sa Natasom Gerzic). Vazniji prevodi: Oablinci - Dzejms Dzojs, Kraj i druga proza - Semjuel Beket, Svet otkrica - Danijel Oz. Borstin, Svici s Mrtvog mora - Stiven Hodz, Integritet licnosti - Entoni Stor Drame: Izabrane nove drame - Harold Pinter, Bog - Vudi Alen, Lepotica i zver; Son, budala, cJavo i macka; Tigrove kosti - Ted Hjuz, Americki bafalo - Dejvid Mamet, Prokletstvo vladajuce klase - Sem Separd, Bracna igra - Edvard Olbi, Ubica - Entoni Sefer

CIP - KaTanon.13al..\~ja y ny6n~Kal..\~j~ Hapop,Ha 6~6n~oTeKa Cp6~je, 5eorpap,

iEP3V1n, 50P~BOj Recnik anglo-americkog slenga : preko 5000 izraza = A Dictionary of Anglo-American Slang: over 5000 entries / Borivoj Gerzic. - 5. izd., preradeno i dopunjeno izd. = 5th ed., revised and enlarged. - Beograd: Istar, 2002 (Beograd: Publikum). - 256 str. ; 21 cm Tiraz 2000. - Str. 6-7: Bekstvo od suvoparnosti - Recnik anglo-americkog slenga / Ksenija Jankovic. - Beleska 0 autoru: str. 255. - Bibliografija: str. 253-254.

1. EHrnecK~ je3~K, aMepw-1K~ - >KaproH~ .. Pe'-lH~I..\~6) EHrnecKo-cpncK~ pe'-lH~I..\~>KaproHa

Semjuel Beket, Kraj i druga proza Zora Topalovic, Zemljana vaza ad moga tela Borivoj Gerzic, Portreti znamenitih Srba Igor Blumenau, Vetrovi strasti Bozidar Marjanovic, Saga sa Detinje Borivoj Gerzic, Englesko-srpski recnik fraza i idiom a Borivoj Gerzic, Natasa Gerzic, Recnik savremenog beogradskog iargona Mamet, Separd, Olbi, Pinter, Izbor iz savremene angloamericke drame Harold Pinter, Izabrane nove drame Stefan Cvajg, Zvezdani casovi covecanstva Monografija Gera Recnik anglo-americkog slenga i ostala izdanja izdavacke kuce Istar mogu da se naruce na telefon 011/653917 i na e-mail: [email protected] sa popustom od 30% u odnosu na cenu u knjizarama (placanje pouzecem). Pod istim uslovima knjige mozete da kupite i u knjizari Istar, Krunska 42, u Beogradu (tel. 0111 3237 632).

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