Receptive Skills Reading And Listening Plan 5

  • June 2020
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English Dept.2007-2008 Daily English lesson Plan(4-5) Semester Week Two 2

Unit Grade Date Teachers 4 6 17/ 02 /2008 Walid & Zain (Cambridge) Specific Learning Objectives and standards Through independent and shared reading, collect a range of dialogue verbs and explore their effects on meaning by substituting them in sentences, and using them in own writing. Consolidate ability to introduce, give and ask for information fluently; extend to greetings, respond to greetings, say goodbye; introduce oneself Time Lesson Sequence Teaching Aids & Evaluation I. Pre-Learning Phase • Vocabulary flash cards Ask students if they have pocket money and what do they do with it. Write m.10 • Worksheet suggested answers by the students on the board. • PowerPoint 1- How much was the cassette Ali wanted to buy? 2- What was the free item Ali bought? II. While- Learning Phase Students will listen twice to a cassette on what Mona and Ali want to buy. In m.20 groups they will read silently. Then will ask selected individuals to reread. Will correct whenever needed. Represent a PowerPoint presentation about shopping and phrases to practice. III. Post Learning Phase Homework m.20 1Students reflect on their learning by answering a group of Write a weekend diary, including questions. dialogues you did with any 2Students in pairs use page 34, exercise 4.3 (Practice in a salesperson. shop) to reproduce their own conversations about different shopping items. IV. Consolidation m.10 In groups students complete a dialogue worksheet about shopping. Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………… Eng.Dept.Supervisor:Mohammad

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