Rebirth Narutos Return

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,936
  • Pages: 7
Rebirth, Naruto’s Return Summary: At the age of five Naruto discovers the Kyuubi. He loses trust in everyone and flees the village. At the Valley of the End, Kyuubi summons the gates of the underworld to send them to hell where Naruto is going to become strong to make the villagers realize their mistake. Prolog: Into the depths of Hell He ran as fast as his small legs could carry him. He could hear the old man and his shinobi following him, trying to capture him. Pushing what little chakra he could control into his legs he willed himself to go faster, following the commands from the fox in his head. “Faster kit! If they capture you your gonna be sealed away for the rest of your life!” Naruto pushed himself harder as a kunai flew past his head. Bursting out of the forest he found himself in a large valley with two large statues standing on each side of a large shallow river. “Finally the Valley of the End. Now kit go between the two statues and perform the Dragon, Dog, and Ram seal while I channel my chakra through you” Naruto nodded, jumped down into the river and began forming the hand signs; his body was glowing bright red. Suddenly Naruto’s eyes went red, his whiskers grew darker and his fingernails became claw like. The hokage and his escort burst into the clearing just in time to catch the event. “Summoning Jutsu, Rashomon!” Naruto slammed his palms onto the ground and shortly after a large gate with huge spikes on its sides rose up. It was as tall as the two statues and towered over everything in its wake. With a smirk the red eyed Naruto began walking up to the gate, ignoring the hokage that was calling out to him. “I command the to open, thy ruler has returned!” The doors cracked open releasing vile and evil chakra into the valley, the shinobi were frozen in terror at its feeling, the hokage was struggling to reach Naruto as the boy slowly began walking into the gate. “Stop Naruto!” he yelled catching the boy’s attention. Naruto turned, his red eyes fading away into deep blue. “Why should I stop? So I can go back and be locked away like an animal? So I can have the rest of my life robbed from me so others feel safe? Screw you old man!” Naruto yelled.

The gates opened wider, releasing more vile chakra into the air. “Just you wait old man, when I finally return every shinobi village in every country is going to want me. I’ll become their weapon and show the village the result of their mistake” Naruto laughed evilly. The Third could no longer speak; he was being overwhelmed by the gates chakra. “See you is ten years old man, that is if you even live that long” Naruto laughed as he walked into the gates. The hokage watched with tears as the gates closed and slowly descended into the ground. “Minato I am so sorry, I failed to keep my promise” Underworld… Infinite Darkness was all he could see. He slowly walked on into the abyss, Kyuubi’s voice being his guide. Soon he reached a large temple made entirely of onyx stone. “Welcome to the Temple of Dark Sages. Here you will be molded into a perfect weapon; you will study, train, and go on missions for my fellow demons” “Welcome to Hell Kit” Chapter One: Guess Whose Back? Ten years had passed since Naruto entered the underworld. He hadn’t been allowed to leave the temple but he didn’t mind it too much. He had grown from the weak child he was to a strong warrior, skilled in many styles of combat and growing stronger every day. During his training he had been forced to study things like politics, history, math, and science. He had obtained a level four mastery in the art of seals and was able to create them with very little effort. He learned that Kyuubi was not a demon; in fact there were no such thing as demons at all. They were all former spirits of humans that had been blessed with power from Kami. They were often given fancy titles such as Espers, Eidolons, Aeons, or Avatars and most were worshiped by the humans of the mortal realm many centuries ago. During his training he had managed to impress many of the spirits with his unshakeable will and his ability to surpass any expectations that were placed on him. As a reward he had been given summoning contracts with the following spirits. Fenrir, Odin, Shiva, Ifrit, Valfor, and Bahamut Bahamut was his favorite though since the great dragon had granted him permission to summon his kin. So far Naruto had managed to summon a silver dragon named Zalkin, (Kuja’s silver dragon from FF9) and Bahamut himself. Naruto also received the kitsune contract from Kyuubi and spent most of his free time playing with the smaller fox cubs in the temple gardens.

Naruto learned tracking and hunting from Fenrir, weapon training from Odin, Elemental training from Shiva and Ifrit and learned Ninjutsu from Bahamut. From Kyuubi he learned the art of illusions and became cunning as a fox. Naruto’s chosen weapon however was much different from what was expected. A massive halberd sword made of tinted black metal. It had silver ruins etched into the surface which allowed Naruto to charge chakra into the weapon. Its hilt had been formed from one of Kyuubi’s fangs to insure it was indestructible. It was wrapped in black cloth to keep it from rusting. His sword was modeled after a powerful human’s that lived during the feudal era of Japan. A man by the name of Bonkotsu of the Band of Seven. Naruto had great pride in the weapon of Bankotsu’s and even went so far as to recreate his signature attacks Dragon Hammer, and Dragon Thunder. He was far more mature then he was when he first arrived. Gone was the baby fat, those whisker marks, the ugly jumpsuit and the old look in his eyes. Naruto now was very build with a six pack and not too overly developed muscles on his arms and legs. He wore a long sleeved black shirt with loose cuffs that held seals hidden under the fabric. Over the shirt he wore a short sleeved white hooded coat that nearly reached his knees. On the bottom of the coat were black flames that seem to glow with a creepy black light. His pants were also black but slightly baggy to not restrict his movement. Going down the sides were strange white lines forming seals that crisscrossed as they went further down. His boots were black too but had seals on to bottom that allowed him to move without disturbing the ground beneath him. Around his neck was a simple necklace made of black leather cord and a small fang of the Kyuubi which showed brightly against his black shirt. Printed on his left arm was a tattoo of a black fang which held Bahamut’s summoning contract and printed on his right arm was a red fang for Kyuubi’s contract. “You’ve grown well kit, now it is the time of your return. Do you have a plan?” “I have been thinking of going to Cloud or perhaps Mist since I am skilled it lighting jutsu and I’m a skilled swordsman” Naruto replied. “I have been watching events in your realm kit. The chunin exams are coming up in your former village. Its perfect for making those idiots realize how foolish they were, also all the kages and feudal lords will be present” “Excellent, but first let’s give everyone a little warning” Naruto smiled as he formed hand seals. “Summoning Jutsu, Rashomon!” Naruto slammed his fists into the ground and the large gate rose. Smiling Naruto steeped into the gates and began walking down the dark path towards his own realm.

Valley of the End… With a large rumbling the gates sprung up, frightening away all the birds that sat upon the statues. With a roaring thud the gates cracked open, releasing a huge amount of chakra. Hidden Leaf Village…. The third was suddenly felt it, the same vile chakra he felt 10 years ago when he failed to capture Naruto. The crystal ball on his desk cracked before shattering, this was not a good sign. Hidden Cloud Village… Yugito shivered as she felt the evil chakra ripple through the air, inside her seal the Nibi was reacting the same. It hadn’t felt that chakra in a very long time. Hidden Sand Village… Gaara fell to his knees and grasped his head in pain. The sand demon inside was shaking violently and wanted to run and hide under the largest sand dune he could find. Valley of the End… The doors opened slowly, revealing the blonde haired youth with his large sword. He walked through the gates and set foot on the river, watching as the gates slowly descended from wince they came. Top of Valley… Two figures clothes in black cloaks with red clouds watched as the gates sank. The taller one with a large sword wrapped in white cloth shivered under the malevolent chakra. The smaller one had a small grin on his face. “You have finally returned… Naruto-kun” he smiled as his eyes flashed to red. Chapter Two: A Fated Meeting Naruto moved swiftly through the trees that spanned the path towards the Village Hidden in the Mist. “Why am I moving to Mist first Kyuubi-san? I thought Cloud would be easier?” Naruto asked. “Because you are aware that Cloud has Nibi in its grip. However I have recently discovered another spirit in this realm that has been sealed inside a young girl from the land of Mist. She has an ice dragon named Vashtai who is a member of Bahamut’s clan. The girl’s name is Haku and she was just recently captured in the Land of Waves and is being shipped to mist to await her execution” “So you want me to rescue her and gain an ally” Naruto smirked and picked up speed.

“By doing this you will make your relationship with Bahamut stronger and gaining a cute girl wouldn’t be so bad either” the Kyuubi smirked. “Fine, fine, I’ll save her just don’t go putting perverted thoughts in my head like you did with Shiva” Pushing more chakra into his legs he increased his speed till he was nothing more then a white blur, racing towards the Land of Water. Three Hours Later… He had found his target. He was watching as a team of Mist jonin were escorting a young woman locked inside a cage towards the border. She was blindfolded, gagged, and had her wrists and ankles shackled to the inside of the cage. She also had chakra suppressing seals on her to keep her from using jutsu. He smirked, only six jonin? This was a joke. Reaching back he griped his halberds hilt he lifted it slightly, making the black wrapping cloth unwind and fall off, making his chakra spike tremendously. The jonin froze as a huge wave of killing intent rolled over them. It felt similar to the chakra their kage felt mere hours ago, gripping their weapons they took up positions around the cage. “How weak are you guys? Did you have to secure her to this level because you fear her?” Naruto’s voice laughed. “Show yourself coward!” one of the jonin yelled. Naruto just smirked and formed hand seals. “Genjutsu, Infinite Darkness Jutsu!” The field around the cage became engulfed in darkness. The poor jonin never stood a chance; seconds after they started freaking out Naruto charged in and when he came out there were six dead shinobi and an opened cage door. Naruto walked up to the cage and pulled out a small black dagger. “Relax I’m here to help you” Naruto said in a soothing voice. Haku tried to relax as Naruto used the dagger to break through the shackles, he then removed the gag, blindfold and ripped off the suppression seals freeing Haku from her imprisonment. Naruto finally got a good look at her. She had long beautiful black hair, dark brown eyes and beautiful pale skin. She was dressed in a slightly ripped blue kimono and black pants. “Thank you” she bowed. “My name is Haku, former hunter ninja of the land of Mist” she voiced. Naruto gave a slight bow himself; “I’m Naruto, former citizen of the Hidden Leaf Village and Vessel of the Nine Tailed Fox Kyuubi” he smiled. Haku was dumb struck, a demon vessel saved her. “Come on Haku-chan, let’s get out of here” Naruto smiled as he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her along back into the woods and away from the bloody clearing.

Two Hours Later… The duo had made their way to a small village just outside of Mist Country. It turned out that Haku didn’t even though she was a vessel for a spirit. When Naruto explained that the spirit was an ice dragon Haku realized why her father had really tried to kill her and her mother that day so many years ago. Haku’s blood limit was actually the dragon’s powers being awakened and when the villagers found out they became afraid and decided to kill her. It also explained why the current Mizukage was so desperate to capture her since the old kage only ranked her a C rank rouge. The new kage ranked her A and had a capture alive command listed in the Bingo Book. At the village Haku resupplied with senbon needles and medical supplies. Naruto bought some soldier pills and sealing scrolls. She also purchased a new white kimono and black bandages. Together they left the village and headed towards the Land of Lighting, they had another ally to gain. As they sped off into the woods they never noticed the two clad in black cloaks watching them. “He seems to be gathering the vessels Itachi, should we interfere?” Kisame asked. “No. We shall observe him for awhile longer before approaching him. We know very little of his abilities and to rush in without thinking could be dangerous” Itachi voiced. Itachi watched at the blonde boy and raven girl ran through the trees, he could wait to see his strength. Flash Back, Ten Years ago… He watched from the tree tops as five year old Naruto threw kunai with his eyes closed, with pin point accuracy they all struck dead center. He moved with grace and had a certain aura around him, icy blue chakra clashing against fiery red. The boy had such power but he hid his abilities. Acting like a fool in the village, playing pranks, wearing an orange jumpsuit. It was all a ploy of his, a way to make the village feel safe that the demon boy couldn’t do anything to harm them. He and the boy were alike in many ways; they both had power but were being forced to hold back. Naruto against the village Itachi against his clan He noticed Naruto stop and turn in his direction. “Are you gonna come down Itachi ni-san or am I gonna have to come up there?” he voiced. Itachi smirked and leapt down to join the boy. “Impressive, your training has been coming along nicely” Itachi voiced “What do you expect? You’re the one that taught me my skills in the first place” Naruto voiced

Itachi chuckled, “True, and I’m surprised your not using it yet, didn’t the Kyuubi give it to you?” Itachi asked. Naruto smirked before closing his eyes, pumped chakra into them, opened them and smiled. “Its my trump card” Naruto replied, his Sharingan spinning proudly End Flash Back… Itachi knew all about Naruto’s Sharingan, he was only one that did, well the only one alive that did. After Naruto had met the Kyuubi he gained the Sharingan to help make him stronger, however his father found out and decided to kill Naruto. That was the night Itachi killed everyone in the clan except for his mother and his younger brother Sasuke. “Show me your strength, and allow me to test the limits of my ability” Chapter Three: Secret Weapon Revealed, Naruto of the Sharingan! Naruto had decided that Haku need proper training to control her spirits powers. So after speaking with Bahamut and Shiva he opened the underworld gates and sent Haku to the Dark Sage Temple for proper training. He also did it to ensure her safety from others that wished to capture her. Naruto continued on his way to Lighting Country, only stopping to rest for a few hours. The severe lighting storms of the region just made it harder for him travel making him remember that he may have more power then kage level shinobi but he still wasn’t a god. Rain Village… Pein sneezed, blowing all the finished paper work off his desk. His eyes widened as the paper fell and began crying. “NO! I JUST FINISHED!” He screamed before his door opened. “Leader-sama, I got two more stacks for you yeah” Deidara said in a sing song like voice. “CURSE YOU PAPER WORK! CURSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” With Naruto… He felt like he just ruined someone’s day but shrugged it off. The storm was letting up and he was able to move faster then before but after a few miles he stopped. “You might as well come out, I sensed you thirty minutes ago” he voiced as two shinobi appeared a few feet away.

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