Naruto Rebirth Vol 1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,251
  • Pages: 16
Naruto: G.U. // Vol 1 // Rebirth

A Dot Hack//Naruto crossover.

Summary: Remake of my first crossover. Naruto leaves Hidden leaf at the age of five due to the villagers. Wandering around he is discovered by the kage of Hidden Twilight Village and taken there. Watch as he grows up with powerful friends and face unusual problems.

Prolog: Running from the Leaf

He was running as fast as he could to escape, his tiny legs getting cut up and bloody. They just kept coming, it was as if they were everywhere and he couldn't get away. Five year old Naruto Uzumaki was being chased again by the villagers just like every year on this day, Oct 10.




These were just a few of the things they were yelling at him, he had heard them many

times before. Usually by now the Hokage would show up with the Anbu to stop them but it seemed they weren't coming this time. Sprinting out of the village and into the forest he became aware that he was slowing down, he just didn't have the strength to keep going any longer. By now he could no longer hear the shouts of the villagers so he stopped and slumped against a tree. That was when it began to rain, not a small drizzle by a down pour.

"Great, just great. Now I'm bloody, tired, and wet. Some birthday this turned out to be" he sighed as he let himself relax against the tree. It was raining so hard he could barely see anything, soon he began to feel tired, he had lost alot of blood after all. Passing out his body fell to the soaked ground, leaving him defenseless in the unknown forest.


The sound of heavy footsteps made as they walked through the forest. He was a very large man wearing unusal dark grey and white clothing, his left arm was encased in a large casket like object and in his right hand he held a unusal looking sword. Coming to a stop the figure looked down to see a young blonde boy lying on the ground, bloody and likely dying, with a look of pity to sheathed his sword and carefully picked the boy up and placed him over his shoulder like a sack of potatos.

Minutes seemed like hours as he walked on, the boy making moans of pain in his sleep as he shifted around. Soon he came to a stop in front of large stone doors that led into what

appeared to be a city, two ninja dressed all in black approched. "Lord Ovan sir, we didn't expect you to return so soon" one of them spoke, bowing to him. "Open the gate and fetch Shino, have her meet me in the tower" Ovan ordered, his voice serious yet gentle. "SIR" They obeyed and opened the large doors.

Walking in the doors closed behind him, people bowed in respect as he made his way past them. Soon he arrived at a large tower that looked like it reached to the heaven themselves and entered. He came to a large patient room and carefully placed the boy on one of the many beds, moments later the doors burst open and a young woman came running in. "You called Ovan-san?" she smiled and made her way over to the lord. She had blonde hair and emerald green eyes, she wore a black dress with white leggings and carried a white staff in he left hand, on he left cheek was a tattoo of a tear drop in black.

"Yes Shino-chan, I would like you to personaly heal this boy back to full health. I have questions I wish to have answered" Ovan spoke in a kind tone to the young lady. She took one look at Naruto and swore, "what happened to him?" she asked out loud. "That is one on the many questions I intend to have answered" Ovan replied and made his way out of the room. "Don't worry little one, your going to be just fine" Shino smiled as her hands glowed with chakra and started healing his various wounds.

As this was happening Naruto was currently in his mindscape which was nothing more then a sewer filled with red water, in front of him was a large gate with a peice of paper that had seal written on it. That was when Naruto found out why the villagers called him

a demon.

Chapter One: New Beginnings

White... white was all he could see. White walls, white cieling, white sheets... white sheets? He sat up rather painfully and noticed he was in a patient room of some sort, there was someone else in the room with him. A blonde haired girl dressed in black.

"Oh your awake" she smiled and walked over to him, "how do you feel?" she asked taking a seat on his bed. "Fine I guess" Naruto replied moving some of his hair out of his face to see the girl better. "Well that's good, my name is Shino may I know yours?" she smiled. "Naruto Uzumaki" he answered. "Well Naruto-kun I have to go tell Ovan-san your awake, promise to be good while I'm gone?" she asked with him nodding in reply. "Ok I'll just be a few moments then" she smiled and quickly left the room.

Naruto took this time to get his bearings, he was in a building he didn't know, with people he didn't know, and he was alone and only five years old... just great.

Minutes later Shino returned, with her a tall man with a strange casket like arm. He had a smile on his face though that Naruto believed he could trust. "Good morning Naruto-kun, I am Ovan, the leader of Twilight Village" Ovan smiled at the young boy. "Twilight Village? I've never heard of that village before" Naruto said confused. "I am not surprised, Hidden Twilight has always been a very private place, infact we have not

contacted another ninja village for the past hundred years" Ovan replied. Shino sat down on his bed and smiled saddly at him, "Naruto-kun why were hurt in the forest? You were fatelly wounded" she asked in worried tone.

"The villagers of my home attacked me, they called me a demon that killed their loved ones and when I passed out I found out I really am a demon" Naruto cried and buried his face in his hands. "What do you mean? You seem like a normal child?" Ovan asked slightly curious. "When I passed out I thought I died but then this large gate appeared before me and inside was this giant red fox with nine tails" Naruto explained. "Kyuubi no Kitsune" Shino gasped. "Yeah that what she said she was, she told me she was sealed in my at birth by the Forth Hokage and she was the reason the villagers hated me" Naruto cried.

"You are not a demon Naruto-kun! Your just a lonely scared boy that needs love and comfort now more then ever" Shino yelled and hugged Naruto with all of her strength, Ovan smiled seeing this. "Shino as of now Nartuo will be a citizen of Twilight village and I would like you to adopt him" Ovan smiled making Naruto gasp. "I'm... going to have a mother?" he asked with tears in his eyes. "If Shino wants to" Ovan replied looking to the blonde woman. "Of course I'll be his mother, he needs someone to love despite what he is" Shino smiled and hugged her new son tighter. "Congradulations Naruto, and welcome to the Village Hidden in the Twilight" Ovan smiled leaving the new mother and son to get better aquainted.

Clan Council Room...

They were assembled, the major clans of Twilight Village. Zelkova of Moon Tree, Yata of Raven, Gabi of Kestrel, and Taihaku of Icolo, they were there along with Ovan to discuss the demon vessel that had been admitted to the village. "Are you sure it was wise to allow him to stay Ovan? I would figure the fact he is a vessel would be enough to cast him out" Gabi asked. "Unlike you Master Gabi, I see the pontential in all beings, no matter what they are" Ovan replied. "What was the boys condition when you found him? I must require more data" Yata asked. "He was fatally injured and lost quite an amount of blood, had I not found him he would most likely have died" Ovan spoke in a serious tone. "What of him now? What do you plan to do with him Ovan?" Taihaku asked his friend. "I will allow him to experience a normal childhood and have him grow up with the respect of the village. He will be loyal to us and wish to defend his new home with all of his power" Ovan smiled. "A nice plan and I believe you have already started then?" Gai questioned. "Yes, he has been made a citizen and adopted by my assistant Shino of Moon Tree, he was quite happy to have a mother for the first time in his life" Ovan smiled. "I shall allow him to stay then if Shino will be looking after him, besides it might be fun to see how he reacts with others in this type of enviorment" Zelkova smiled. "Now besides Naruto-kun do we have any other business?" Ovan asked. "Yes, it concerns the rumors of Sakakai taking over the Moon Tree Clan. Those loyal to me have been reporting that he is trying to gather allies to over throw me and take over the clan"

Zelkova spoke in his serious tone. "Moon Tree is responsible for the police force in the village, if they are taken over the village will be at risk" Yata added. "I believe that Sakakai should be handled right away before he can cause an uprising. Also if he learns of Naruto he made try to gain the boys trust and that must not happen" Zelkova said crossing his arms and looking at the other clan heads. "Very well, I will have Sakakai arrested and charged with conspircy to revolt tomarrow" Ovan sighed. "As of now we are on high alert, I believe that the kage of Naruto's village is not aware he is missing but when he becomes aware he will surely send ninja to find him. If hunter nin or any ninja of another village come here you are to mention nothing of Naruto and instruct your clans to do the same understood?" Ovan questioned. "We shall tell them not to say anything about the boy and I will have an Epitaph watching over him for now" Yata answered. "Let me take a wild guess, Endrance right?" Ovan asked. "Of course, he is the best after all" Yata smiled. Meanwhile... Naruto was smiling brightly as he held his new mothers hand as they toured the village. Everything was just so different here then in Hidden Leaf, everything was made out of stone and marbel, there were flower gardens and parks for children to play in. Monuments and statues everywhere and in the center of the large village stood the Twilight Palace, home of the kage Ovan. Shino was taking her new role of a mother seriously. First she used her advanced medical skills to remove those wisker like scars on her sons face, then she had burned that god

aweful orange jumpsuit he always wore. She dressed him so he would match and look like other children. White kakai pants with many belts and pockets for his various items and a black sleveless shirt to highlight his hair more. She also introduced him to his new favorite food dango. Back in his old home Naruto wasn'[t allowed to have anything other then ramen and the second he bit into a piece of dango his ramen addiction was gone. Luckly Shino had more then enough money to afford her sons new favorite food, 16 servings of it. "Now Naru-chan how would you like to join the academy a few months from now to be a ninja?" she asked looking down at her son. "I want to be a ninja, my dream was to become hokage but now my new dream to protect those precious to me" Naruto answered with a smile on his face. "That is a nice dream naru-chan, I just know you'll make me proud and reach it too" she smiled and kissed him on the forehead. The day went without any problems. Shino and Naruto went shopping and got everything naruto could possibly need for training. They later met up with Ovan and had dinner at the Twilight Palace. Naruto met some people his age that would be joining the academy with him in two months, and he met a wonderful girl named Alkaid. Despite her temper and nack for cussing at some points Naruto really liked her cause she agreed to train with him. He also met Haseo of the Raven clan and Bo of Icolo who also wished to train before going to the academy. It was the greatest day in his life, he had new friends, a mother and a fresh new life letting his dark past be forgotten. Hidden Leaf Village...

"So your telling me Naruto is gone and the villagers are responsible?" the hokage asked a group of Anbu in front of him. "That's correct, we also believe the council new of the attack and had us in a meeting at that time to keep up from interfering" an anbu with a dog mask spoke. "Naruto is the vessel of the most powerful demon to walk this earth, we cannot allow him to fall into enemy hands" the hokage voiced. "Shall we go search for the child? It has only been a day so he couldn't have gotten far" an anbu with a egale mask asked. "No I have someone else to search for him, all of you are dismissed" hokage ordered and the anbu vanished. He sighed and sat down in his chair, "Jiraiya I have a S class mission for you and that is you find and return Naruto home" he spoke with a serious tone to the white haired man. "Fine I guess I owe it to the little gaki to return him. But this wouldn't have happened if you allowed me and Tsunade to take him when he was born in the first place" Jiraiya replied with an angry tone. Hidden Twilight Village... Night was falling, stores were closing, and everyone was making their way to thier homes for the night. It was an unusal feeling for Naruto to come home and have someone there with him. He liked this feeling when the door opened and Shino was standing there waiting for him with a smile on her face, he felt as though he belonged. "Hi mom, I'm home" he smiled as Shino led him inside for bed. Chapter two: Legend of the Avatars and Kite It had been three long years since Naruto was brought to Twilight Village. Many things

had happened since then, Naruto along with his friends joined the academy. His secret of the fox had been publicly anounced to the village and to naruto's surprise no one shunned him, everyone including the major clans accepted him as just the vessel. Also Naruto met a young man by the name of Endrance that wished to help Naruto master control of the Kyuubi's chakra. Naruto was growing fast and becoming stronger every single day. At the academy Naruto was currently ranked at number two in the class, Haseo was ranked at number one and a timid girl named Atoli was ranked at number three. Also Naruto was becoming quite the lady killer, attracting nearly every girl in his age limit, Haseo was happy for once that Naruto was better at something then him. Luckly for him, Alkaid managed to beat back his fan club with a stick every chance she got. Finally he managed to become a member of the Moon Tree clan like his mother was. But today was a specila day in the academy, today they were learning about the guardians of the Twilight, the Avatars. Salibus entered the room and smiled at his students, ready to give them the long speech that would most likely put them all to sleep. "Before we get to study of the avatars we must first get your titles for your combat style" he sighed before taking out a clipboard. "Haseo?" he asked looking to the silver haired youth. "Adept Rouge" came his serious reply. "Really? that is a very difficult style to master are you sure you can handle it?" Salibus asked. "Postive" came Haseo's smirk. "Fine next is Naruto" he said looking to the blonde. "I guess I'll be a twin blader since I have speed and power" naruto replied. "Decent choice now Atoli what is your choice?" Silbus questioned.

"Harvest Cleric cause I wish to become the best medical ninja I can" she said with a slight blush on her face. "Medical jutsu is highly needed in times of war, you have made a wonderful choice Atoli. Now Alkaid what will you pick?" he looked towards the red head. "Twin blader like my boyfriend so we can tag team" she smiled getting glares from every other female in the room. "Bo?" Salibus asked. "Um... Shadow Warlock since I have alot of elemental jutsus" came Bo's timid reply. This continued for another twenty minutes till he got everyone combat style. "Alright now you all wish to know about the Avatars correect?" Salibus asked and everyone nodded their heads. "Very well then please be quiet and pay attention" he started. Three Hours Later... The lecture was the only one Sailbus gave that didn't put anyone to sleep. They found the avatars to be the coolest things they had ever heard of, Naruto compared the avatars to the Tailed Beasts and found them to be similar yet different at the same time. They also learned about the warrior that defeated and sealed away the powers of the avatars, Kite. A being that even their kage Ovan looked up to. They learned about his many trials and adventures to defeat the avatars with his partners Blackrose and Balmung. That night after having a wonderful dinner with Ovan and his mother, Naruto went into a meditative state to speak with Kyuubi about the avatars and how he could become strong like his new hero Kite had.

Village Hidden in the Leaves...

The hokage sighed as he finished another pile of paper work. His student had found evidence that Naruto was still alive but didn't know his location. Jiraiya had made it as far as Twilight Village before hitting a dead end and it really bothered him. How had a child with no ninja experience managed to escape his student as well as the Anbu teams sent to find him while he was fatally injured? There were only two explations, one the Kyuubi took him over and fled or someone else helped him.

Twilight Village had flat out refused for Jiraiya to enter their village, they went so far as sending him back to the border with a thirty anbu escort to make sure he didn't enter and that made the hokage curious. He knew that twilight village wanted nothing to do with the other ninja villages, anyone that entered the village not wearing a Twilight Hitate was usually killed on sight. He dought Naruto went there but it seemed like the only place Naruto could hide himself and so when he informed the council his students findings they demanded the Kyuubi vessels return. (So they could kill him)

They had sent many messangers to Twilight Village but every one of them were refused. Even a letter from the Fiire Lord himself was turned down by the kage and that really made the council curious. Finally against his better judgement the hokage called in a favor to his old student Tsunade to enter the Twilight Village and find out if Naruto was really there or not.

Twilight Village...

Ovan sighed, this was like the millionth letter from Leaf Village asking for entry to search for a missing 'ninja' as they put it. He knew it was bullshit, they were searching for Naruto to take him back for more abuse and wasn't about to let that happen. Naruto had given up his last name when he joined Moon Tree so he didn't have to worry about it being trace too much.

"Lord Ovan" a jonin entered the room. "Yes what is it, Pi?" Ovan asked lokking to the pink haired girl. "Lady Tsunade is asking for entrance to the village, should we refuse her?" Pi asked. "Aw Tsunade of the Sannin, she hates the leaf for taking away all she cared for, allow her in but inform Endrance they she may be a spy looking for Naruto. Also tell Shino that she is to pick up Naruto from the academy early today" Ovan ordered. "Hai" she turned and left.


Luckly for Naruto the scholl was closing early anyway due to today being the day the village was founded two hundred years ago. Naruto was hanging out at the Moon Tree complex with Haseo and Atoli, working on new jutsu and training with their weapons.

Naruto having a wind element chose duel swords for speed and power. They were a very

unusal pair though with three curved edges and were made fr defense then offense. (Azure Kite's weapons)

Haseo had a strange red glowing scythe given to him by Yata, it allowed him to easily control his lighting style jutsu and had a decent range for both long and close range battle. (Haseo's Lost Weapon)

Atoli's weapon was a light green colored staff that was styled similar to Haseo's scythe. It had the ability to make its own chakra to refill her's when she needed it. It also allowed her to use her medical chakra much easier then normal, she loved that Shino had been kind enough to give it to her. (Atoli's Lost Weapon)

Naruto was currently learning the Azure Flame Style, an ancient style of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu said to have been the legendary Kite's fighting style. He found it easy enough to learn but with him being a wind element rather then fire, it was much harder to focus for the jutsu. Haseo was getting used to the Adapt Rouge style, having a scythe meant he could move much faster then normal but then again he had to master three different weapon styles in order for it to be fully mastered.

Atoli's style was perfect, stay back and heal her team mates or let loose with elemental jutsu to protect herself. She was already considered chunin level anyway despite being in the academy. Naruto and Haseo were at the same level, Haseo justu tried harder then the blonde did.

"Reaper's Touch!" Haseo sceamed as he charged Naruto, slashing away like crazy. Naruto back flipped away before rasing one of his duel swords and waving it in an arch form. A wave of blue fire appeared and Hasoe had to dodge so he wouldn't get burned to a crisp. "I hate the fact you don't have to announce your jutsu, that just makes you more of a challange" Haseo smirked before forcing more chakra into his scythe.

Naruto knew what was coming and cursed in his mind, Haseo was going to use the only jonin level attack he knew and Naruto knew it hurt like a bitch so he prepared himself. "Reaper's Dance!" Haseo leaped up into the air and flew towards him, his scythe glowing bright red before he launched into a endless combo that battered the blonde like nothing else.

It was times like this that he was glad to have Kyuubi's healing factor. His clothing was turned to shreds and he had long slash scars all over his body, he was so bloody that Haseo swore thinking he had gone to far in their spar. "That fucking hurt man!" Naruto shouted, picking himself up and ripping off what was left of his shirt. "Sorry, you just got me excited that's all" Haseo replied with a sorry tone in his voice. "Save that technique for an enemy then and not for a friendly spar" Naruto huffed.

"I'm just glad I don't have to waste chakra to heal your wounds Naruto-kun" Atoli smiled as they sat down to rest. "All thanks to Kyuubi, the fox isn't such a bad demon after all" Naruto smiled.

Other side of Village...

Endrance sighed as he watched Tsunade make her way to the Moon Tree District of the village. He had been ordered to watch her in case she was searching for Naruto and had been watching her for the past several hours. All she had done was wander and shop, not to mention gamble for awhile in the only casino in a hundred miles. He had made sure Naruto would be in the Moon Tree clan house today for his safety, Shino was working at the hospital and Ovan was at a meeting to decide Sakakai's fate for treason.

"This is going to be a long day" he sighed before vanishing in a whirl of rose petals.

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