Rebecca Jacket Tricot Con Termin Crochet

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  • Words: 1,233
  • Pages: 2 No 31 February – August • USA $ 16,95 | Great Britain £ 8,99 | Germany 8,80 €

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Pattern 32 from Rebecca 31

Chenille Jacket with Crochet Edging ggh yarn VENETO: % cotton, % acrylic, % polyester (about  m/ g) ggh yarn MYSTIK: % cotton, % viscose (about  m/ g) Size: to fit bust / cm ["/"], / cm ["/"] and / cm ["/"]. Directions for the smaller size are before the stroke,with larger sizes behind.If there is only one figure, it applies to all sizes. All measurements are in centimeters (cm). For approximate inch sizes simply multiply by 0.4 (or divide by 2.54). Materials: yarn ggh, quality VENETO, (/) g # mottled black; for the crochet edge quality MYSTIK,  g # black.  mm [size ] needles and same size long circular needle, one .- mm [size E/-G/] crochet hook, or size to obtain gauge. Accessories:  small black buttons. Basic pattern: on RS rows K tbl; on WS rows P. Gauge: - sts. and  rows basic patt, each to  cm ["].

METHOD Back: cast on (/) sts. VENETO and P  WS row, then cont in basic patt. On th row dec  sts. for peplum. Work edge st., then a slip dec (= slip  knitwise, K, pass slipped st. over), (/) sts. in patt, K tog,  slip dec, rep once from *, (/) in patt, K tog, edge st. = (/) sts. Rep these dec in the same positions on every th row another  times, reducing the (/) sts. accordingly = (/) sts. When work measures  cm inc at each end  st. once, then  st. on every th row  times = (/) sts. When work measures  cm bind off for armholes at each end (/) sts. once, then on every nd row  sts. once and  st.  times =  (/) sts. When work measures (/) cm bind off (/) sts. at center for neck and finish each side sep. At neck edge bind off on every nd row  sts. once and  sts. once.

When work measures (/) cm bind off rem (/) sts. on either side for shoulders. Left front: cast on (/) sts. VENETO and P  WS row, then cont in basic patt. At the same time inc at left edge for front shaping at the end of every RS row  sts. once,  sts. once,  sts. twice and  st.  times. At the same time, on th row dec  sts. for peplum as foll: work edge st., then a slip dec (= slip  knitwise, K, pass slipped st. over), work (/) in patt, K tog,  slip dec, work rem sts. in patt. Rep these dec in the same positions on every th row another  times = (/) sts. at end of peplum. Cont with side and armhole shaping at right edge as for back. At the same time, when work measures (/) cm bind off at left edge for neck shaping  st. once, then  st. on every nd row  times and  st. on every th row (/) times. When work measures (/) cm bind off rem (/) sts. for shoulder.

sponsored by © by HW-Verlag All rights reserved. Our patterns are for personal use only. None of our designs nor any part thereof may be used or reproduced commercially in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior written permission of the publisher. * ch, into rd foll st. of collar  dc (UK = tr),  ch and  dc, then  ch,  sc into rd foll st. of collar, rep from * to end of collar. Do not cut thread but continue with button band over the next  cm of right front edge, working sc. Then work picots to last  cm of left front edge: * ch,  sc into st of the  ch,  sc into the garment, missing  sts., rep from *.Work sc over the last  cm of left front, making  button loops. For button loop miss about  cm of edge with  ch. Crochet along lower edges of sleeves as for collar, starting with (s/) sc, then rep motif from * to *. Sew on buttons. 12

15 (17/19)


6 (9/11,5)


sponsored by © by HW-Verlag All rights reserved. Our patterns are for personal use only. None of our designs nor any part thereof may be used or reproduced commercially in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior written permission of the publisher.

11 4 (12/13) (5/6)

32 (34/36)

1/ 2 sleeve




1/ 2 back and left front

44 (46/48)



bind off all sts. with MYSTIK purlwise. With the long circular needle pick up with MYSTIK along entire jacket edge, starting at neck or collar edge of left front, and ending in reverse. Inc at each front edge  st. into every nd row, and at lower edge  st. into every st. On foll WS row bind off all sts. purlwise. Now work crochet edge with MYSTIK as foll, starting at lower edge of collar of left front. Crochet  sc (UK = dc), then

32 (34/36)

 times =  sts.Work  more RS row,then

16 (18/20)


(8/8) (11/13,5)(7/7) 7,5 9,5 6


Right front: work in reverse, thus to dec for peplum work to (/) sts. from end of row, then K tog,  slip dec, (/) in patt, K tog, edge st. Sleeves (make 2 alike): cast on (/) sts. VENETO and P  WS row, then cont in basic patt. At the same time inc for sleeve shaping at each end  st. on every th row (/) times = (/) sts. When work measures (/) cm bind off for sleeve cap at each end of every nd row  sts. once and  sts. once, then dec  st. on every nd row  times as foll: at beg of row work edge st., then  slip dec; work to  from end of row, then K tog, edge st. Then bind off  sts. on every nd row twice more, then bind off rem (/) sts. Finishing: block pieces to measurements, cover with a damp cloth and allow to dry. Join all seams and sew sleeves in position. For collar pick up and work  sts. along outer edge of back neck edge and work in basic patt on inside; when turned out the RS of patt is on outside. Inc  sts. evenly across st row =  sts. Now inc at each end of every row at front edges  sts.  times,  sts.  times and  st.

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