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  • Words: 1,043
  • Pages: 3
Last week's riots in the streets of Urumqi have brought some serious realities to the fore. One, innocent lives were lost, and the people responsible are not the lawless arsonists and gangs of roaming street hooligans but the leaders of the PRC. The leaders of the PRC have learnt nothing from last year's orchestrated riots in the streets of Lhasa. There, innocent lives were lost too and their properties burnt. More than ever, the leaders of the PRC are going overtime in cavorting and frolicking and generally going about trying to make love with foreign leaders, especially those in the West. The leaders in the West only view them as nothing more than political prostitues, trying to win favour and approval for even more dazzling GDP growth and the accompanying applause. On 12 July, our local station ran a programme reviewing the unrest in Urumqi and the 'conclusion' was it was caused by 'oppression and discrimination'. The PRC leaders should now explain if the republic has passed and practised laws to such effect. To oppress and discriminate against minorities. In many countries, including the US, laws were passed to allow discrimination and prosecution of minorities, especially in the case of discrimination against people of Chinese descent. In some of these countries, such laws are still in force even today. Perhaps the PRC is among one of these countries. In Urumqi, just as in Lhasa, the video cameras and the sideshow freaks were out in force. Interviews and closed up shots and videos showing emotionally charged actors and their supporting cast were made and distributed and worldwide anger aroused. PRC flags were set on fire and embassies attacked and foreign politicians were quick to issue denunciations. Surprising, those similar street unrests in Kashmir did not merit such treatment. In many street unrests around the world which target minorities, especially minorities of Asian or Chinese descent, properties were set on fire and innocent people injured or murdered. The local police were usually helpless and now in the PRC, the same thing has occurred. Los Angeles, Jakarta, Medan, Kuala Lumpur, Tonga, Solomon Islands and many other places have witnessed such happenings. And now, places like Lhasa and Urumqi have joined the list. While the PRC leaders could do nothing for faraway places, at least they should have guaranteed protection, safety and the rule of law for places inside the PRC. But they failed to do so. Another stark reality is the response of world voices like the UN chief and that of the White House. Such voices carried the implied message that the PRC was at fault. Therefore, the PRC was in the same class or league as Darfur or Bosnia and in the future, UN intervention might be necessary. Since the Coalition forces are just nearby in Afghanistan, these troops could be useful as the spearhead of a peacekeeping UN force. This possibility could only come about due to the reckless and directionless leadership of the PRC. And today, nothing has so

far indicated that the PRC leadership is awake to this possible future scenario. Perhaps the PRC leadership is of the view that some innocent lives needed to be sacrificed in order to gain acceptance and approval and friendship from abroad. Certainly, the past torment experienced by the people has been thoroughly forgotten. This could explain why Japan has consistently refused to pay any compensation to the victims of forced labour, sex slavery, human experimentations and the like. Even appeals to the Japanese courts of law have been totally fruitless. The PRC leadership has also conveniently forgotten that the country was almost selected to join Hiroshima and Nagasaki more than once in the recent past. During the Korean War, the American military leadership urged the US government to use atomic bombs against the country. And during the 1954 cross-shelling between the PRC and the ROC, the US military leadership again recommended for the use of atomic weapons against the PRC. And in 1955, Dulles, the US Secretary of State publicly made the threat of a 'possible nuclear strike' against the PRC. This was soon followed by a statement from Carney that the US President was planning to 'destroy' the PRC. A decade later, the USSR was to make a similar threat. The PRC leadership would be most responsible if ever a foreign power deemed it necessary to intervene inside the PRC or to use nuclear weapons against the country. The leadership has certainly failed to learn anything from the past lessons of history. A weak and totally unprepared people allowed Western powers and later, Japan, to run riot all over the place. Later, the US could freely issued multiple threats of nuclear Armageddon against the people, followed later by the USSR. The sufferings and helplessness of the past have no effect on the present PRC leadership today. They are merrily trying to make love with foreigners, even though the foreigners are viewing them as nothing more than prostitutes. The people have the right to demand a leadership that is ready to guard their security and safety and their continued prosperity. If any leadership failed to do so, it should be replaced. This is the harsh reality today. A failure must be put aside. Only the capable and the responsible should be allowed to gain leadership. A good capable leader knows what to do. He is not interested in making pretty speeches and uttering pompous words. He knows that actions speak louder than words. No need for big but empty slogans. "Better future" ? Yes, but only if it can be grasped in the hand. No hot air needed. Not at all. A good capable leader knows that frolicking with the fake and the false is very dangerous. He should never forget the words spoken by the late Zhou Enlai. After Zhou met with the KMT shortly after his return from Europe, he said to a close confidant: They (the KMT) are nothing more than a bunch of treacherous characters. The fake and the false with their artificial and empty smiles should be avoided at all costs. This is a lesson that should never be missed by any PRC leadership worth its salt.

REMEMBER THAT !!!!!! For more views on the PRC go to

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