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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 561
  • Pages: 2
Today, in Malaysia, the BN is pitting itself not against the opposition, but against the people of the country. The BN has yet to realise that fighting the people is roughly similar to A.Hitler fighting the entire Allied combination during WW2. There is no hope of victory at the final hour. But only defeat. Yet the BN still cannot realise its horror. The BN is still willing to ride roughshod over the voices of fairplay and the voices of conscience & more than ever the BN is still willing to use the police to back it up. The BN is fully unable to realise the fury being whipped up among the people of Malaysia as it continues merrily doing what it thinks is its political birthright. That birthright seemingly includes the demand that it be given full power to nourish corruption and moral decay among the ruling elite of the day. A lot of government money is wasted when BN politicians go around giving out money cheques to all and sundry whenever an election is held, a big one or a minor one, it does not matter. Should there be a BN victory, the BN's bigshots would crow and boast about it, little realising that they are trying most dastardly to turn Malaysian society into one that is based on worshipping material gtatification. Morality is being thrown out the window. Should the victory be taken by the opposition, the BN then goes around moaning about 'ingratitude' or to be a little more specific, manufacturing and fabricating accusations that the people took the money but did not reward the bribe-giver. The BN is still thinking that the right to govern can be bought or purchased as though the whole country is being put up for sale to the highest bidder. The BN is truly godless and has never possessed the ability to realise what is right and what is wrong. Corruption and immorality seemed legitimate as long as control was assured. The BN's willingness to seize what it failed to take at the ballot box is a clear signal to the people that they must continue to reject it at the polling booths. The people, more than ever, now realise that they must continue to hand out and hold onto their Bt Gantangs. The BN must be made to eat humble pie, though that could take some time to make it a reality. Still, the coming months could bring an opportunity. The trials for the turncoats who are facing charges are supposed to be held in June, and things might get interesting later. Would the BN resort to the use of illegal ways to maintain

its hold on the Legislative Assembly even if the people threw them out once more at the polling booths ? We cannot know yet. But what we know is that the BN is unable to realise that it has no more reason to deserve sympathy from the people. The fight is now between the BN and the voting public. It is no longer just limited to BN and Pakatan. It has become like December '41. The combination of the people and the people's representatives against the megalomaniacs. Ultimately, the final victory would be called BG-Day, or Bukit Gantang-Day. The people victorious over the BN. Corruption and immorality cannot be tolerated. Not anymore. PEOPLE, BT GANTANG


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