�������� mcafee(r) virusscan (r) enterprise 8.5i �� �ۧ@�v (c) 2006 mcafee, inc. �o�d� ��v�q ========================================================== - dat �����j - ��:�����j
4893 5100.194
�d�`�p�±z� � virusscan(r) enterprise �n��c���ɮ �]ץt���� �������n�����t�c�̱ڭj�p��ij�z�\Ū�����c ���n�ƶ��j mcafee ��� ���n�餧�w�o�g�����i��۰ ʤɯšc�y�n�ɯ� ���ܥn�骺��s�� ����b� 睊���ΥͲ������a������Ѱ� �w�˥��n�骺�{�������c __________________________________________________________ ���ɮ ����תe -
²�� ���~���v
�w� p�t�λݨd �� z���w�� �w�������d �w�ˡb�ɯũm�Ѱ��w�� -
�p��L���~���ۮe�� - alert manager(tm) - antispyware enterprise standalone - epolicy orchestrator(r) - epolicy orchestrator agent - mcafee installation designer(tm) - microsoft windows vista - prescan - protectionpilot(tm) - groupshield(tm) - spy sweeper �s��O�@ �s�w�ɮ�������ɦw autoupdate �w�İϷ���O�@
�q�l�l� y - �q�l�l��ǰe���y - lotus notes ���y �����ɮ�
�o���ɮ 榡
�蹳�u�@ �o�d�]�w �l�ε{����h ������ � p mcafee �� �� �s����T
�ۧ@�v�m� ��k���n�� ���v�m�m�q��T
__________________________________________________________ ²�� mcafee virusscan enterprise ��O�@�z���ୱ�p�ɮ �צA���k�� �h�١¯ثa�]�a�g�f�r�bį�ίf�r�b�s����차�{���μ�b�l�ε{ ���x�p�{��. ��������� h�u�s�w�Χ�}�\��G -
64 �줸�@�~�t�Ρc
����G 64 �줸�@�~�t�Τ�� �u�c�\��β��~�g -
�w�İϷ���O�@�c ���y lotus notes ��Ʈw�c alert manager 4.7.1�c
quarantine manager ��h�c�]�w��h�h� z�j��ءc�u�� �s��v�Ρu���w�v���y�{���m���Χr���ɮ e�a�|�b�j��� �� �إl�ɮ p�n�� ��ƥ�ƥ��c�o� ƥ�إi�b�� �w� Ƥ���۰ ʧr���c�z�]�i�h��ܩʦa��٭B�r���έ��s�� �y�j��ءc
5100 �t�c���y��:�c�����~������� u�c��:�w�j�\��G -
�����:��s�c�i��s�d�n��:�����������s��:�\��C ��� virusscan enterprise ���u���v�����ܤ ��:�����a�i���ܤ:�t�c�p�̷s���w�q��s�����c�� �p�a5100.0194�c
5100 �t�c��:��������تg32 �줸�����p 64 �줸�����c virusscan enterprise ���u���v����ܤi��� 32 ��
���p 64 �줸��:�������x (�y� � 64 �줸��:����)�c -
����O���餺�� rootkit�c�i�]�w���w���y�{���ӧ�X�t�� �o���餺�w�w� � rootkit�crootkit �|���ð�椤���b�z�{ � b�ɮ שΨt�θ�ơa�y�j�i�̧q�� rootkit �h�b�ϥΪ̤� ���������p�u����s��t�Ρa�n�|�o�@�١¯ثc
�����w���s����B�ɮ p
��Ƨ��b�@�Τεn���X�p�Ȫ��s��A�H����L�Ϊ���ܧC�� �w�j�w�h�i�X�r�ư���O�δ�� ����o�@�g -
�u�s��O�@�v�w�h�]�w� �]�a�u�n�]�t���b�z�{� v�p �u�n�ư����b�z�{� v�c�а \�mvirusscan enterprise ���~��n�n���u�s��O�@�v���`�a�h��o� Ӹ�ơc
�o�@�h�šc�w� ��~�ɡa�z�i��ܱҥΡu�зǫo�@�v�Ρu�� �j�o�@�v�w�h�ӧ@���w�]�ȡc - �зǫo�@�c���r�p�@��W�h�|����@�ǭ��n���]�w�p �ɮ d���קA��q�`���\�x�k�n�骺�w� p�� ��C - �̤j�o�@�c���r�p�@��W�h�i����̭��n���]�w�p�� � d���קC�o� w�h�i��� ����o�@�a��] �i��ϱz�l�k�w�˳n��c�p�g�l�k�w�˦x�k�n��a ��ij�z�b�w�˳n��e��Ρu�s��O�@�v�\��A�� �b�w�˫�A�� ҥθӥ\��C �z�i�h� �ܧVirusscan enterprise �w� �nΤΰ� ҥ �έ�� w�h�c
__________________________________________________________ ���~���v �u�c virusscan enterprise 8.5i ���~���v���ɶ�����p�u�g -
�� � 4 ���v�� 2006 �~ 12 �� 31 ���ac �u���v���v��w� ��~������ 90 � ��ac
__________________________________________________________ �w� p�t�λݨd �p�ݦw� p�t�λݨd�������t�a�а \���~������c
__________________________________________________________ �� w�� �z�i�h�b���w�w� ӳn�骺�q���w���ueicar (european insitute for computer anti-virus research) �зǨ��r����� �סv�h�� ӳn�骺�@�~�c�ueicar �зǨ��r����ɮ סv�o���@�� ���r��3�ӳq�o�x�@�����g�a���ϥΪ����Ҩ��r�n�骺�w� �� f �@� з ǡ c �� w�ˡg 1.
�n�u��ƻs������ ܨɮ סa�ýt�w���]�a���Ů�Τ&�� ���c�n�ɮ��x�s�ér�w�� eicar.com�c x5o!p%@ap[4\pzx54(p^)7cc)7}$eicar-standard-antivirus-test-file!$h+h* �ɮ פj�p�n�� 68 �� 70 �Ӧ 줸�աc
� ʨ��r�n�����䱽�y�]�t eicar.com ��� �C �n�鱽�y�즹�ɮ ɡa�|��i���F eicar ����ɮ סc
�����w� ��� �a�Чr�����ɮ סa�h�קk���������ϥΪ̦� ��ĵ�i�c ���n�ƶ��j �Ъ`�n�a�o���ɮ ��פo�f�r�c
�p���a�� eicar ����ɮ ���תh��T�a�гy�x�g http://www.eicar.org _________________________________________________________ �w�������d �w�ˡb�ɯŻp�Ѱ��w�� 1.
�y�n� � msiexec.exe �w�� virusscan enterprise ���~�a �Ш̷ӥh�u�b�J���g a.
�b�r�o���ܦr������J�h�u�r�o�a�h��#�Y .msi �p�� �l�ɮ סg setup.exe -nos_ne [-nos_o"<��X��|>"]
����G �vnos_ne �r�o�|�n�w���ɮ ױq setup.exe ��#�Y�a ��O���|��� setup.exe �Χr���w���ɮ סc �vnos_o"<��X��|>" �r�o�Ψӫ�w��#�Y�w�� �ɮ ��תи�Ƨ��c �p�g�z����w��x��|�a�o���ɮ |�q��#�Y��� �Ϊ̳]�w�ɪ� temp ��Ƨ��c b.
�t�o� ��v���̪����~���w�����a�]�a�ª� mcafee virusscan �p virusscan enterprise�c
�y�n�b�w� ��~�e�n�w���a�ƪ��r�괡�j msi�a�Цb�r �o���ܦr������J�h�u�r�o�g "setupvse.exe /importmsistrings"
�b�r�o���ܦr������J�h�u�r�o��� msiexec.exe�g "msiexec.exe /i vse850.msi"
�b�w�ˡu�w�İϷ���O�@�v�ɡa���h�u����G -
�p�g�b�w�w�� mcafee entercept �� host intrusion prevention �n�z�{�����q���w�w�ˡu�w�İϷ���O�@�v �a�h�|���Ρuvirusscan �d���x�v�����u�w�İϷ���O �@�v�\��C ����G mcafee entercept �� host intrusion prevention �� �~�i��� �[�\�d��A�]�����u��� Virusscan enterprise �����u�w�İϷ���O�@�v�\��C
�u�w�İϷ���O�@�v�l�k�w�˩� 64 �줸�@�~�t�Ρa�� microsoft windows vista �@�~�t�Τw�c
�z�l�r�o�c�w�� virusscan enterprise 8.5i �ɡa��ܦw�� �u�зǫo�@�v�Ρu�̤j�o�@�v���ݩʬ� "protectiontype"�c �u�зǫo�@�v���w�]�w�ˡc�y�n�l�t���w�ˡu�̤j�o�@�v�w�h�a �Ш Τu�c�r�o�g setup.exe protectiontype=maximum /q ���r�o�c�ݩʥ��o���uVirusscan enterprise 8.5i �w�˫� �n�v���c
������� � Ρu� z�w���i (aip, administrative installation
point)�v���p�c��O�A�z�����q aip ��� setupvse.exe �h�i��ɯũθѰ��w�˨�L���r�n��c �y�n� �إaip�a�Цb�r�o���ܦr������j setup.exe /a�c�� �F�|�x�{�ä ɱz����� �إaip ���b�z�l�{�c�b� �إaip ��A #�Y (.zip) �ɤ���� ����n�ɮ �|�]פƻs�� Aip�c�o���ɮ� �]�a�g -
setupvse.exe msistrings.bin setup.ini uninst.dll uninst.ini vse850.msi windowsinstaller-kb893803-v2-x86.exe
� �o���ɮ |�q�۰ ʽƻs�� Aip�a�]��� z�� �ʽƻs �o���ɮ סc ����G �p�g�z� � active directory �s� �h���p virusscan enterprise (�y� � msiexec.exe �i��w��)�a�h�����b�w�� virusscan enterprise ���e����� ��{�������r���~�c 5.
�b�l�t���л\�w�� computer associates etrust antivirus �{���ɡa�Ӱʧ@�ä��o�����l�t���i��Ccomputer associates etrust antivirus �{���|���@ܤӦ��u�t�w�v�� �s���t�����a����ݭn���s�}��C��@�u�u�t�w�v����A�� �\�w� |���`�a�~����c�����d�o�w���� computer associates ���d�acomputer associates ��w���
qo19636 �������즹���d�c� ��� ������ץd���i�u���� �סccomputer associates etrust antivirus 6.0 ���s�b�� ���d�a��O����]��ץa�Ω� 7.0 ���c
�y��� 1.
��s�u�@�i��� �ܤp�u�s�� Autoupdate �s��w�m��v�� ���ܤ����ܪy���a�p�uvirusscan �d���x�v�����d�λy�� ���۲ šc� � Autoupdate �u�@�p������|��ܤo�d�t�λy ���a�]���n�d���x�����d�λy���]�w����L�y���ä������ץ ���d�c � � epolicy orchestrator � z virusscan enterprise 8.5i �ɡa�z�i�h�g��ñ�j epolicy orchestrator agent �y���m��
�a�ñn�䳡�p�ܥΤ� q���h� ����d�c 2.
�s��ƹ��k�䱽�y�p microsoft outlook �� lotus notes�u�� ��w���y���e�v����ܤɡa�t�Ω�����ܪy���p�uvirusscan �d���x�v�����d�λy�����۲ šc� �o� \��|�o�d�t�λy ���a�]���n�d���x�����d�λy���]�w����L�y���ä������ץ ���d�c�а \��� w�峹 1935692 �h��o����ܤy�������� ��T�c
�b���w�˨ w�r�����@�~�t�Τw� � w�������~�ɡa virusscan enterprise 8.5i �ϥΪ̤�������r�i��|�l���c �y�n� ����d�a�Цb�@�~�t�Τw�w�˨ w�r���c
�p��L���~���ۮe�� alert manager 1.
virusscan enterprise 8.5i �ȯ�ǰeĵ�i�� alert manager 4.7.x�c�l�k�ǰeĵ�i���ª��� alert manager�c ���~�a����b�w�w���ª� alert manager (4.7.x �θ��ª��� ) ���q���w�w�� virusscan enterprise 8.5i�c�p�g�z�n�b�w �w�� alert manager 4.5 �� 4.6 �����t�Τw�w�� virusscan enterprise�a�h3�@�֦w�� alert manager 4.7.x�a���|�۰� ��N�ª� alert manager�c ��O�A�Ъ`�n alert manager 4.7.x �]�i�h�������ª� netshield �p virusscan ��� �ĵ�i�c�z�i�h�n�o���ª��n ��{���]�w���nĵ�i�ǰe���w� � alert manager 4.7.x�c
antispyware enterprise standalone 1.
� � epolicy orchestrator �w�� virusscan enterprise 8.5i �h�л\ antispyware enterprise standalone 8.5 �ɡa�z�� ���b virusscan enterprise �w�˧���� �sʥΤ� Ұ �c
epolicy orchestrator 1.
virusscan enterprise 8.5i ���i�p epolicy orchestrator 3.5.0 �Χ�s�����ۮe�c���p virusscan enterprise �e�a�z ������N ePolicy orchestrator agent 3.6 �Χ�s�������p �ܥΤ� q���c
�p�g�z���b� � epolicy orchestrator 3.5 �� 3.6 � z
virusscan enterprise �� ����a�h�����n�̷s�� epolicy orchestrator agent nap �ɮ� (cma360.nap) �s�w�� epolicy orchestrator �s��w�a�æb���p virusscan enterprise 8.5i ���~�e�a��N���ɮ��׳p�ܥΤ� q���c ����G �z�i�h�b mcafee �u����o Cma360.nap �ɮ סc�@ 3.
virusscan enterprise 8.5i ����� z��� .nap �ɮ סa�а� ���n��s�w�� epolicy orchestrator �s��w���c�o���ɮ ]ץ �t�b virusscan enterprise 8.5i �w� m� a�z�i�h�b�u ���ɮ ���תm��쥦�̡g
vse850reports.nap�c���ɮ o�����i .nap �ɮ סc
�n vse850reports.nap �ɮ צw�˦ܦs��w�g a.
� Ρuepolicy orchestrator ñ�j���F�v�h�n vse800reports.nap �ɮ s�w�ܦs��w�c
�b epolicy orchestrator �w�˥ �A�r�� avi � � ���� reportversions.sql �ɮ סc
� � �uepo authentication (epo ����)�v�n�j�u��i�v�d���x�c
��@�u �uyes (�t�w)�v�u��s����i�C
����G ���滷�ݡuepolicy orchestrator �d���x�v���c���q���� �ƨb�J b �� e�c 5.
�y�n�b�ɯŬ� virusscan enterprise 8.5i �ɫo�d�]�w�a�� ���w� m� � epopolicymigration.exe �ɮ סc
�n vse850.nap �ɮ s�w�� epolicy orchestrator �s ��w�c
�b�w�w�� epolicy orchestrator ����A���w��� epopolicymigration.exe�c
�p�g�z���b� � microsoft sql server 7.0 ���f�t epolicy orchestrator 3.5 �Χ�s�����a�h�l�k���� epopolicymigration.exe �ɫo�d���w���y�u�@�c�z�����w �� microsoft sql server 2000 �Χ�s�����a�~��O�d���
�w���y�u�@�c 7.
epolicy orchestrator ��i�|�] dat �p��:�������x����� �榡���p�Ө��v�t�c�̾ڨϥΪ� epolicy orchestrator �n �z�{���b�����t�Τ��e���ӷ����~�a�h�� epolicy orchestrator Ū��e�ɬo�_�ഫ�榡�өw�a�������x���� ���|��� ��p�c� p�g dat -
�����i��|�h�u�c��@�榡��ܡg 4.0.4841 4841.000 4841
��:�����i��|�h�u�c��@�榡��ܡg 5.1.0002 5100.0194 ���榡�t���|�v�T� ���� dat �p/�Τ�:� � epolicy orchestrator ��i�άd� a�p�u�Ŧx�ʰ��d�v�p�udat/��: �[�\�v��i�C� p�adat �t�Τ��e�� 4.0.4841 ���q���p� 4841.000 dat �ɮ ��תt�Τ��ɡa�l�k���ͲŦx�ʪ����g�a �]�� epolicy orchestrator �l�k��� �̬��ۦp�����c epolicy orchestrator 3.5 �7 ��{�_� ״Χ�s�����a�p epolicy orchestrator 3.6 �4 ��{�_� ״Χ�s�����w����ץ ���d�c �p�g�z���b� � epolicy orchestrator 3.5 �� 3.6.0�a�z�i �h�q�γ�i�z��{�����۲ Ū� dat �p��:�������x�c� p �a�y�n�t�w�q���p 4841 dat �ɮ ��תŦx�ʡa�z�������u�� �x�ʰ��d�v��i�H�z�� 4.0.4841�a���ۦa���@���h�z�� 4841.000�a�m��A���@���h�z�� 4841 (�y�]���ϥθӮ 榡 ����)�c�а \ epolicy orchestrator ������p��� w�� �� 5263068�a�h��o� Ӹ�T�c ����G �z�l�k�z��u�Ŧx�ʰ��d�v��i�H��� 64 �줸��:���e���� �x�ʡc�t�η|�p�p��i�t 32 �줸��:���q���@��A��i� � �t 64 �줸��:���q���c 8.
��z�n�t���s��O�@�w�h� ܧs dat �ɮ�ñ�j epolicy orchestrator �s��w���ɡa� ܧw�h���|��� �ܩuaccess protection
policies(�s��O�@��h)�v���c�z�����w�� epolicy orchestrator 3.6.0 �_״ �{�� 2a �Χ�s�����h� m�����d�c 9.
�p�g �uprevent remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files(��� ��ק/�����إإɤγ]�w��)�v�w�h���u�s��O �@���e�v�]�w�� �ublock(����)�v�a�h�Ƽg���s��w�i��|�d�����c ���w�h�w�]�� �ureport(��i)�v�c
�b�z�l unc �q epolicy orchestrator ��A���n�s��w�Ƽg �ܤw�b�u�s��O�@���e�v���ҥΤu�c�ɮ ���W�h����A�� �ɡa�Ƽg���s��w�i��|�l���g �uprevent remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files(��� ��ק/�����إإɤγ]�w��)�v ���w�h�]�w�� �ublock(����)�v�ɡa�y���ɮ Ƽg�|�d�����a��]�o epolicy orchestrator ��A���|�q��� }���ɮ ץh��o�g�j �s���v���a�è λp�(ɸ�O��į�ίf�r�ۦp���覡��ק �e�c �p�g�z����z�l unc �q epolicy orchestrator ��A���Ƽg �s��w�a�аȥ��b���Ƽg���e���Υ Ц�A���w���ɮ ��� �w�h�c
epolicy orchestrator �Ŧx�ʰ�u���|�b�����s��w����خ ���s�p��Ŧx�ʡc � p�a�b�n virusscan enterprise 8.5i ñ�j epolicy orchestrator �s��w�ɡa���|�q�Х �����ܬҪ��s�Ŧx�ʰ� �u�c� ��w�˦��� Virusscan enterprise 8.5i �������q�� ���|�q�Х ����ܬŦx�w�h�c��O�A�p�g�z�q�s��w���� virusscan enterprise 8.5i�a�Ӥ��o���s�p��Ŧx�ʡa�Ŧx �ʰ�u�n���o 8.5i ���c�y� ��s�n virusscan enterprise 8.0i ñ�j�s��w�a�Ŧx�ʰ�u��u�|�w�j�c
�̾ڦw�˨�� virusscan enterprise 8.5i .nap �ɮ �����ת �avirusscan enterprise 8.5i ���^�廡��b epolicy orchestrator repository �s��w���umanaged products (� z�����~) �xwindows�xvirusscan enterprise�x8.5.0�v�u�i��L�k��ܡc -
�p�g�z��N VSe850.nap �w�˦ܡu�s��w�v�a�a�w�� vse850reports.nap�a�h�l�k�� ^�廡��C
�p�g�z��w�� vse850reports.nap�a�a�w�� vse850.nap �a�k�i�� ^�廡��C
epolicy orchestrator agent 1.
�p�g�z� � epolicy orchestrator � z virusscan enterprise 8.5i�a�z�����p�ɨ � epolicy orchestrator agent 3.6 �Χ�s�����c ����G �Фűn epolicy orchestrator agent 3.5.x ���0e�ܥh��O �t�ӳ��p�u��A�Υh����覡�w�� virusscan enterprise �� �t�Ρc
�n�z�{���o��X�{�������~�T���c��z� � epolicy orchestrator �b�Τ� q���w�w�� virusscan enterprise �� �a�i��|�b�n�z�{���o����줣�����~�T���c�t�� ����uCan`t get the installed language for virusscan8600. (�l�k�w�� Virusscan8600 ��o�w� ��y��)�v�c���t�� �|�~�ɨϥΪ̡f��3����O�� virusscan enterprise ���� ��� �ثe� w� � epolicy orchestrator agent �����c virusscan enterprise 8.5i � �ݦepolicy orchestrator agent 3.6 ���Χ�s�����c
mcafee installation designer 1.
�� virusscan enterprise 8.5i �����p mcafee installation designer 8.5 ���Χ�s�����ۮe�c�p���ª����h���ۮe�c
microsoft windows vista 1.
��� s�u�ܧt�� windows vista �@�~�t�Ϊ��q�����e�a�z�� ����u�c�b�J�g a.
�b�t�� windows vista �@�~�t�Ϊ��q���w�a�n�uwindows ������v���]�w��\���קאּu���ݪa�Ⱥ z�v�a�p�u�� �ܡg
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microsoft windows vista �@�~�t�Τ�� �u�w�İϷ���O�@�v�c
prescan 1.
mcafee prescan 1.0 service pack 1 �θ��ª����p virusscan enterprise 8.5 ���ۮe�c�а \��� w�峹 kb4095245 �p kb7675743 �h��o� Ӹ�ơc
protectionpilot 1.
�� virusscan enterprise 8.5i �����p protectionpilot 1.5 �Χ�s�����ۮe�c�p���ª����h���ۮe�c
groupshield 1.
�p�g�z���f� � virusscan enterprise 8.5i �p alert manager 4.7.1 ���~�a�٥��� � groupshield�a�h�аȥ��� �w�� groupshield 5.5�a�m��A�w�� alert manager�c�аȥ� ����Ǧw�˥h�t�oĵ�i�\� �`�u�@�c
spy sweeper 1.
spy sweeper�c�p�g�z���b� � spy sweeper ���y virusscan enterprise �w� �Ƨ��a���� Bho.dll �ɷ|�o� �~�� ����C���ɮ רëd���ҳn��f�Ӭo�@�� virusscan enterprise ���@���� w� � scriptscan ����C
�s��O�@ 1.
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�s�w�ɮ�������ɦw 1.
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autoupdate 1.
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�q�l�l� y �q�l�l��ǰe���y 1.
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lotus notes ���y 1.
microsoft vista �@�~�t���
lotus notes ���y�c
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�o���ɮ 榡 1.
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epolicy orchestrator(r) 3.5 ��s��������� c
protectionpilot(tm) 1.5 ����� c
mcafee installation designer(tm) 8.5 ����� c
alert manager(tm) 4.7.1 ����� c
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_____________________________________________________ �ۧ@�v�m� ��k���n�� �ۧ@�v (c) 2006 mcafee, inc. �o�d� ��v�q�c���g mcafee, inc. �Ψ��3�өΪ����ݤq��� ��\�i�a���o�h���Φ��Υ��覡�� �s�b�Ǽ��b���X���~���� e�a�αn���x�s��� ht�Τ��� ΩĶ�����y���c � � active firewall�bactive security�bactivesecurity (and in katakana)�bactiveshield�bclean-up�bdesign (stylized e)�b design (stylized n)�bentercept�bepolicy orchestrator�bfirst aid�bfoundstone�bgroupshield�bgroupshield (and in katakana) �bintrushield�bintrusion prevention through innovation�b mcafee�bmcafee (and in katakana)�bmcafee and design�b mcafee.com�bmcafee virusscan�bnet tools�bnet tools (and in katakana)�bnetscan�bnetshield�bnuts & bolts�boil change�b primesupport�bspamkiller�bthreatscan�btotal virus defense �bvirex�bvirus forum�bviruscan�bvirusscan�bvirusscan (and in katakana)�bwebscan�bwebshield�bwebshield (and in katakana) �o mcafee, inc. �� (��) �����ݤq�b���� (��) �� �l��a (�a��) ����U� Щΰ Сc�n��u�w���v�����o mcafee �~�p�����~�s��C���夤�Ҧ���L�w��U�Υ���U� Ч����� � U� � ��h���m���]���c _____________________________________________________ ���v�p�m�q��T ���v�x��
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* gunnar ritter �֦����v���n��c* sun microsystems, inc.�b 4150 network circle�bsanta clara�bcalifornia 95054 �� u.s.a. �֦����v���n��a(c) 2003�c* gisle aas �֦����v���n��c(c) 1995-2003�c* michael a. chase �֦����v���n��a(c) 1999-2000 �c* neil winton �֦����v���n��a(c) 1995-1996�c* rsa data security, inc. �֦����v���n��a(c) 1990-1992�c* sean m. burke �֦����v���n��a(c) 1999�b2000�c* martijn koster �֦� ���v���n��a(c) 1995�c* brad appleton �֦����v���n��a(c) 1996-1999�c* michael g. schwern �֦����v���n��a(c) 2001�c * graham barr �֦����v���n��a(c) 1998�c* larry wall �� clark cooper �֦����v���n��a(c) 1998-2000�c* frodo looijaard �֦����v���n��a(c) 1997�c* python software foundation �֦����v���n��acopyright(c) 2001�b2002 �� 2003 �c���n�骺���v�x��ƥ���� www.python.org�c* beman dawes �� �����v���n��a(c) 1994-1999�b2002�c* andrew lumsdaine�b lie-quan lee�bjeremy g. siek � g���n�� (c) 1997-2000 university of notre dame�c* bordet �m marco cravero �֦��� �v���n��a(c) 2002�c* stephen purcell �֦����v���n��a (c) 2001�c* indiana university extreme!lab (http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/) �}�o���n��c * international business machines corporation �Ψ�L���q�� �����v���n��a(c) 1995-2003�c* �� university of california, berkeley �Ψ���̶}�o���n��c* �� ralf s. engelschall
�}�o�Ω� mod_ssl �m�� (http://www.modssl.org/) ���n��c* kevlin henney �֦����v�� �n��a(c) 2000-2002�c* peter dimov �m multi media ltd. �� �����v���n��a(c) 2001 �m 2002�c* david abrahams �֦����v ���n��a(c) 2001 �m 2002�c�а \ http://www.boost.org/libs/bind/ bind.html�a�h��o������ �c* steve cleary�bbeman dawes�bhoward hinnant �m john maddock �֦����v���n��a(c) 2000�c* boost.org �֦����v���n��a (c) 1999-2002�c* nicolai m. josuttis �֦����v���n��a (c) 1999�c* jeremy siek �֦����v���n��a(c) 1999-2001�c * daryle walker �֦����v���n��a(c) 2001�c* chuck allison �m jeremy siek �֦����v���n��a(c) 2001 �m 2002�c* samuel krempp �֦����v���n��a(c) 2001�c�а \ http://www.boost.org�a�h��o��s�b������m�����o��C * doug gregor ([email protected]) �֦����v���n��a(c) 2001 �b2002�c* cadenza new zealand ltd. �֦����v���n��a(c) 2000
�c* jens maurer �֦����v���n��a(c) 2000�b2001�c* jaakko jarvi ([email protected]) �֦����v���n��a(c) 1999�b 2000�c* ronald garcia �֦����v���n��a(c) 2002�c* david abrahams�bjeremy siek �� daryle walker �֦����v���n��a(c) 1999-2001�c* stephen cleary ([email protected]) �֦����v ���n��a(c) 2000�c* housemarque oy �֦����v���n��a(c) 2001�c * paul moore �֦����v���n��a(c) 1999�c* dr. john maddock �� �����v���n��a(c) 1998-2002�c* greg colvin �� beman dawes �� �����v���n��a(c) 1998�b1999�c* peter dimov �֦����v���n�� �a(c) 2001�b2002�c* jeremy siek �� john r. bandela �֦����v ���n��a(c) 2001�c* joerg walter �� mathias koch �֦����v�� �n��a(c) 2000-2002�c* carnegie mellon university �֦����v ���n��a(c) 1989�b1991�b1992�c* cambridge broadband ltd. �� �����v���n��a(c) 2001-2003�c* sparta, inc. �֦����v���n�� �a(c) 2003-2004�c* cisco, inc �� information network center of beijing university of posts and telecommunications �֦� ���v���n��a(c) 2004�c* simon josefsson �֦����v���n��a(c) 2003�c* thomas jacob �֦����v���n��a(c) 2003-2004�c * advanced software engineering limited �֦����v���n��a(c) 2004�c* todd c. miller �֦����v���n��a(c) 1998�c* the regents of the university of california �֦����v���n��a(c) 1990�b1993�a��{���x�l� � chris torek ��� � berkeley ���n ��c
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