Reading Taks Vocabulary

  • April 2020
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5th Grade Reading TAKS Vocabulary Objective 1 Terms: 1. Synonyms words that mean the same thing – or almost the same thing 2. Antonymswords that have opposite meanings 3. Context Clues- words or phrases that help give meaning to unknown words 4. Examplean item that is the same as other things in a group 5. Expressiona phrase that doesn’t mean what it says word for word 6. Main Ideawhat a piece of writing is mostly about 7. Themea more generally stated topic concerning a passages main idea 8. Important Details-usually tell who, what, when, where, why and how 9. Summarybriefly restates the main idea and important details of a story 10. Authorthe person who wrote the story of article 11. Prefixletters added to the beginning of the word to make a new word 12. Suffixletters added to the end of a word to make a new word

Objective 2 Terms: 13. Characters14. Motivation15. Setting16. Plot17. Problem18. Climax19. Resolution-

the people or animals in a story the reason a character does or says something the time and place that a story happens the series of events that happen in a story the conflict or trouble that the characters have in a story the turning point or point of greatest interest in a story how the problem is solved in a story

Objective 3 Terms: 20. Text Structure- the organization the author uses to show how his ideas are connected 21. Chronologya TS showing what happens first, next, and last in a story – sequencing – showing the events in the order in which they occur 22. Cause & Effect- a TS showing how one thing leads to another – why something happened and the result 23. Compare & Contrast – a TS showing how two or more things are alike and different 24. Graphic Organizers- a way to keep track of information – sometimes in picture form 25. Outlineshort phrases used to organize information in a story or article (G.O.)

26. Venn Diagram- two overlapping circles used to compare two things (G.O.) 27. Story Mapcircles connected by lines that show important information from the story (G.O.) 28. Time Linea type of line graph that shows dates in the order in which events happen and the amount of time that passes between each event (G.O.) 29. Author’s Purpose- the reason the author wrote the story or article 30. AP to entertain- a story or article that you might read for fun – such as a narrative 31. AP to inform- a story or article that gives information or news 32. AP to explain- giving directions how to do something or why something happened 33. AP to persuade- trying to make the reader believe a certain way – to influence 34. Paired Selection- two stories or articles that are meant to be read together to show comparison – similarities and differences 35. Point of View- how the author sees something – his perspective – that affects the way he writes about it

Objective 4 Terms: 36. Making Predictions- trying to guess what will happen next 37. Drawing Conclusions- trying to figure out things that aren’t stated 38. Facta statement that can be proven to be true 39. Opiniona statement that can not be proved – it is what someone thinks or feels 40. Supporting an Answer- finding a sentence in the story to prove a conclusion 41. Fictiona story or article that is made up – not real 42. Non-Fictiona story or article that tells about real life people, places or events

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