Reading Skills Reading for meaning: I understand how writers create texts Analysing my own writing: An information text 1.What is the purpose of your text? 2.Who is it aimed at? How do you know that? 3.What layout and structure have you used for your text and why? (Sub-headings, question and answer sequence, topic headings) 4.Have you used any bold writing or under linings? Where and why? 5.Is there a picture? Why has this been used? 6.What is the overall effect of this piece of writing?
Reading Skills Reading for meaning: I understand how writers create texts Analysing my own writing: An information text 1.What is the purpose of your text? 2.Who is it aimed at? How do you know that?
3.What layout and structure have you used for your text and why? (Sub-headings, question and answer sequence, topic headings) 4.Have you used any bold writing or under linings? Where and why? 5.Is there a picture? Why has this been used? 6.What is the overall effect of this piece of writing?