Reaction Mechanism Alkylhalide reactivity
Outline Synthesis Chemical Properties of Alkyl Halide Nucleophilic substitution Elimination
Among the “building block” molecules used as starting materials to prepare new substances, alcohols and alkyl halides are especially valuable
Alcohol Substitution
Secondary and primary alcohols do not react with hydrogen chloride at rates fast enough to make the preparation of the corresponding alkyl chlorides a method of practical value. Therefore, the more reactive hydrogen halide HBr is used; even then, elevated temperatures are required in order to increase the rate of reaction.
Halogenation of Alkane
Chemical Properties
Nucleophlilic Substitution Nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides are related to elimination reactions in that the halogen acts as a leaving group on carbon and is lost as an anion. The carbon–halogen bond of the alkyl halide is broken heterolytically: the pair of electrons in that bond are lost with the leaving group.
SN2 Mechanism
SN1 Mechanism
Elimination vs Substitution