Reach Attachments And Basic Metaprogramming

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 206
  • Pages: 8
Reach Attachments And Some Metaprogramming, Too

The basic problem

Need to be able to attach arbitrary attachments to various model objects Don’t want to have to create new models for every relationship

Need to have multiple kinds of attachments on each model object

Basic Implementation •

Using attachment_fu as a base Basic Data Layout: •

attachment_fu stuff

attachable_id & attachable_type (polymorphic belongs_to) relationship (the relationship between the main model object and the attachment)

position - used for ordering

Things We Need

Easily add relationships Easily add the attachments from the controller

Easily create the input/view boxes on the view

The Interface •

Model: reach_single_attachment :relationship_name Controller: @model_obj.attach_relationship_name(par ams[:file_field_name])

View: •

<%= file_field :file_field_name %>

<%= link_to_attachment “View”, @model_obj.relationship_name %>

The Metaprogram

module ActiveRecord class Base def self.reach_single_attachment(relationship) has_one relationship, :as => :attachable, :class_name => "Attachment", :conditions => "relationship = '#{relationship}'", :dependent => :destroy define_method("attach_#{relationship}") do |file_field| if file_field.size > 0 new_relationship_obj = self.send("create_#{relationship}", :uploaded_data => file_field, :relationship => relationship.to_s) return new_relationship_obj end end end end end

Usage in Reach Models


nity_map reach_single_attachment :community_video re

Using Metaprogramming

Allows you to generalize in wierd ways Allows you to automate common tasks

Allows you to codify application-specific conventions

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