Re Policy

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 393
  • Pages: 2
R.E Policy Subject Leader– Lorraine Whiting Policy StatementWe see RE in school as being different from other curriculum areas as in that what is taught is determined by local agreement –The Norfolk Agreed Syllabus . We believe that through careful planning and delivery of this curriculum RE should be able to promote respect, understanding and tolerance of all peoples and beliefs as well as developing skills in enquiry, information gathering, critical and creative thinking skills.

Aims : 1. For pupils to develop knowledge of the principal religions represented in Great Britain 2. For pupils to start to explore how these religions influence the lives of the people who embrace them 3. For pupils to become curious and reflective about the world in which they live. 4. For pupils to develop a positive attitude towards others and respect the right to hold beliefs different from their own. This policy is written with regard to The Norfolk Agreed Syllabus, and our Teaching and Learning Policy, Race Equality Policy, P.H.S.E Policy and Equal Opportunity Policy.

The RE Curriculum : Knowledge, Skills and Understanding: • •

Learning About Religion Learning From Religion

Areas Of Study: • • • • • • •

Believing Belonging Prayer and Worship Leaders and Teachers Stories and Books Celebrations Symbols and Artefacts

To ensure continuity throughout the curriculum we have used guidance from The Norfolk Agreed Syllabus (non-statutory advice) It is through these units of study alongside our cross-curricular work that we endeavour to include the various strands of the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus.

Where possible teaching will include first hand experiences eg. visits, artefacts, dance, drama , music, food and visitors. It is acknowledged throughout the teaching of RE that each faith is pluralistic and that there are wide variations of belief and practice within them. The Right to Withdraw: Recreation Road Infant School recognises the right of parents to withdraw their children from Collective worship and RE. (DFE Circular 1/94) Recreation Road Infant School recognises the right of Teachers to withdraw from the teaching of RE. The responsibility of which then rests with the Headteacher. (DFE Circular 1/94) Monitoring and Evaluation: This policy will be monitored by the Headteacher and Link Governor through observations, planning and displays. The policy will be reviewed in line with the policy review timetable within the S.I.D.P. Headteacher………………………………………………………………………. Chair of Governors………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………………………………………………………… Date of Policy Review………………………………………..

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