Rcuc Pillars

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,797
  • Pages: 13
Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success







Presence: Be visible in the LGBT2Q+ community




Member Engagement














Spirit of the Game


Topic: Rule Knowledge


Topic: On-Field Positive Attitude


Topic: Off-Field Positive Attitude


Topic: Positive Team to Team Interactions


Topic: Positive Inter-Team Interactions


Topic: Spirit Prizes


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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

FOUNDATION: LGBT2Q+ Adopting QMUNITY - ​QCT guidelines RCUC’s pillars are the fundamental components of the mission, vision, and values that the club strives to uphold and motivates its activities. These pillars all are built on top of the foundation that the organization is an LGBT2Q+ organization. What does it mean to be an LGBT2Q+ organization? We are a part of a rich community that is inclusive to all walks of life. We support and encourage self-discovery for club members by way of playing ultimate frisbee.

MISSION STATEMENT: The purposes of the club are: ➢ to provide a safe, comfortable, and amicable environment for LGBT2Q+ individuals and allies to play ultimate in an atmosphere of friendly competition, free of discrimination in accordance with the true spirit of sportsmanship. ➢ to provide the membership with a league (or leagues) for the playing of ultimate. Each year, a board of directors will be appointed or elected for the business of coordinating leagues, facilities, finances and special events, as well as regular business in order to represent and facilitate the needs of the membership;

Rain City Ultimate Club is a community organization dedicated to promoting ultimate to LGBT2Q+ individuals and allies by providing a supportive and fun atmosphere in which to develop as athletes and individuals.

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

COMMUNITY (presence, engagement, inclusivity, LGBT2Q+)

❖ Presence: Be visible in the LGBT2Q+ community ➢ HOW: Volunteer at as many Pride Society events as we can. Have proper booths at all festivals we can. Booths include giveaways, sign up lists, and ENGAGEMENT. Face the crowd and talk about RCUC instead of just giving away stickers. Get interest, and make people want to come and hangout and learn Ultimate. Interesting booth set up, bring the energy we have at tournaments and games!

➢ HOW TO TRACK: The amount of events we volunteer at, have booths at, and how we many people we recruit.

➢ GOALS: Attend 2 events within LGBT2Q+ community. Strengthen relationship with 2 organizations outside of Pride Society. Foster stronger relationship with VUL.

❖ Inclusivity ➢ HOW: Be leaders in the community with Ultimate and LGBT2Q+ combined. By developing our coaching, we can reach out to youth groups (QMUNITY) and educate youth with a hybrid of here is a sport you can love with people just like you. WRT to adults, developing our coaching program allows us to have a definite growth plan for different levels of play. Need to be inclusive to all people, as well as all types of players.

➢ HOW TO TRACK: How much engagement from coaching clinic/development camps, how much interest from youth events.

➢ GOALS: Engagement with youth through other organizations

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

❖ Member Engagement ➢ HOW: More social events to keep members interested and meet each other. Member benefits to make the membership worth it. Encourage members to join us with our volunteer work, sub-committees, and board.

➢ HOW TO TRACK: Membership number growth, number of people interested in volunteers and involvement with our initiatives.

➢ GOALS: 4 major social events through the year, increase member benefits, create volunteer pool to support organization and initiatives, encourage social activities initiated at the team level.

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

ATHLETES (coaches, competitive, training, knowledge, growth, confidence, empowerment, etc)

❖ Coaches ➢ GOALS: To build a team of dedicated coaches that will run clinics, practices, attend league games, and tournaments.

➢ STAGES: Year 1 - Provide clinics in March/early April and continue periodically throughout the summer. Provide higher level training through outside ultimate organizations. Have interested coaches attend training sessions to increase their coaching skills. Year 2-5 - RCUC coaches develop coaching plan for year. Interested coaches continue to increase coaching skills through attending workshops and training sessions.

❖ Competitive ➢ GOALS: To be able to field a Div 4 summer league team. Have a presence at a majority of tournaments in the Pacific Northwest.

➢ STAGES: Year 1 - Put at least two teams into the summer league with a focus of one of the teams reaching a higher division level. Year 2-5 - Continue improving the skills of players so that the higher division-focused team can achieve Div 4 status.

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

❖ Training ➢ GOALS: Run yearly skills clinics (either in conjunction with the VUL/Elevate Academy or on our own) that also focus on training philosophies and conditioning for the betterment of athleticism. Encourage intelligent play and support the development of our players on and off the field as athletes.

➢ STAGES: Year 1 - Run a minimum of 4 clinics for summer/fall season and 1 winter clinics. Provide documentation to members to improve athleticism.

Year 2-5 - Run a minimum of 6 clinics for summer/fall season and 2 winter clinics. Provide documentation to members to improve athleticism.

❖ Knowledge ➢ GOALS: RCUC’s athletes have a proficient understanding of the rules of ultimate. All RCUC players can confidently throw the basic backhand/forehand in game settings. All players know of atypical throwing options and game strategies. Player will be able to play different positions and implement different game styles on the field.

➢ STAGES: Year 1 - Attendance at practices and clinics give members the tools to understand the rules, the basic throws, and strategies involved with ultimate. Create 2 media resources on rules and skills.

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

Year 2-5 - Develop and expand media resources surrounding rules and skills.

❖ Confidence/Empowerment ➢ GOALS: All players/athletes will feel confident enough to make calls on the field. All players/athletes will feel confident enough to step up and take a leadership role to the best of their ability.

➢ STAGES: As an overall integral life skill, will aim to get weaved into all previously stated subtier stages.

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success


❖ Topic: Rule Knowledge ➢ GOALS: Have all members playing with Rain City understand the rules of the game.

➢ STAGES: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Provide link to the VUL Handbook Promote Rules Guru per team Cover a new rule per game Create a Rain City document for main/common rules Provide a Rain City quiz to test rule knowledge

❖ Topic: On-Field Positive Attitude ➢ GOALS: Have all members promoting positive attitudes while playing. If conflicts arise, everyone to approach with a perspective of learning and future avoidance. ➢ STAGES: Raise rule awareness per player ■ Have players learn facts about opposing team members/marks ■ Knowledge of rules to increase safe play

❖ Topic: Off-Field Positive Attitude ➢ GOALS: Maintain a positive & energetic sideline culture that supports on-field play of both teams

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

➢ STAGES: Promote a spirit liaison per team/game to up sideline energy ■ Provide a spirit prize at the end of season for high energy teammates

❖ Topic: Positive Team to Team Interactions ➢ GOALS: Increase the spirit score provided by opposing teams. Be known in the VUL as a high spirit team. ➢ STAGES: Have a captain and spirit liaison attend the pre-game meeting with the opposing team. ■ Flip disc ■ Spirit rules/variations ■ How to handle on-field conflict learning ■ Have the full team attend the post-game spirit huddle ■ Spirit liaison provides spirit prizes to opposing team ■ Talk about what went well during the game ■ Share who we are and learn about who they are ■ Spirit game

❖ Topic: Positive Inter-Team Interactions ➢ GOALS: Increase the team dynamic and create a positive & comfortable space every game ➢ STAGES: Have captain host the pre-game huddle ■ Round of names/gender pronouns (if necessary) ■ Personal goal to complete during the game

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Have rule guru cover a rule Influence a post game discussion What went well Who accomplished their goal What questions are raised

❖ Topic: Spirit Prizes ➢ GOALS: Provide a spirit prize to mail/female matching opposing team players. Increase the spirit prizes provided to RCUC members ➢ STAGES: Have a spirit liaison provide the spirit prizes to opposing team male/female matching players ■ Points for safety and spirit ■ Provide end of season prizes for RCUC members ■ Points for attendance, safety, attitude, growth, rule knowledge, social media posts


Rule Knowledge


Provide a link to the VUL rules handbook - Quiz - Rules Guru, provided a different rule before each game - Regular email - Posting regularly a new rule, helpful tip - Common rule pocketbook, guide


Winning spirit prizes in VUL -

Being conscientious of how we are rated - Resolving issues that are brought up from other teams in a timely manner - Starting ontime

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success


Interactions Pre-Game Other Team (Captain, spirit liaison) - Flip the disc to determine side, colour, gender-side - Spirit rule - How to handle on-field conflict (explanation and learning, or moving on) Inter-Team Huddle - Round of names, gender pronoun (if necessary) - A personal goal to complete - Deciding if a rule variation is to be played - Cover a rule - Reminding about spirit on and off the field

Post-Game Spirit Huddle - Spirit prizes - Male and female matching - Category is: conflict resolution, spirit energy, good play - Spirit game - Ending a game with enough time for a proper spirit game - A quick game


Before, after game - beginning game with positivity regarding other team Rule calls on field - increase confidence in knowing when to call and what to call while playing Spirit prizes after games Spirit circle after games

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Rain City Ultimate Club: Pillars of Success


Gender matching - advocacy for/promotion of - Gender side - All female lines

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