Rapture: Who What Where When Why

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The Rapture: Who, What, Where, When, and Why They say that anything can be described or explained with the five W's, or, Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Starting with 'What' and simply put, the Rapture is a gathering of Christian Believers by Christ to His presence for His purpose. This group of Christians will not experience physical death but will be brought directly from a mortal shell to an immortal being. It is extremely important to understand the Rapture especially with regard to 'When'. Most Christians have heard of this "blessed hope", but there are a myriad of teachings on the subject, and the conflicting opinions are not without a measure of acrimony. It is not prudent to think or say, "It is not my concern; God will reveal His will in His time", or "No need to be concerned, I will not be here", or as a pastor recently told me, "I am not concerned with that, I will find out what He meant when I get to heaven". This subject is of the utmost, contemporaneous importance to all Christians. Cautions to dogmatic pre-Tribulation thinking will be presented with an attempt to prepare the reader with some facts and insight. Although this work is constructive criticism of the pre-Tribulation position, it is done with respect for differing opinions. Please keep an open mind, and at the very least, search out the evidence for yourself. One of the best apologies for the pre-Tribulation Rapture is a book [1] by Tim LaHaye and by Jerry B. Jenkins. These learned gentlemen are also the authors of the "Left Behind" series. Tim LaHaye is also a founder of the Pre-Tribulation Institute, (now called the Pre-Trib Research Center). In "Are We Living in the End Times?" these authors lay out four main, "compelling" reasons that support preTribulation dogma. These points will be approached in turn. But first let us quickly address the remaining four W's. 1. 'Who' should be obvious; Christians who are acceptable to the Lord will be taken. It is futile to attempt to define "acceptable", but it is prudent to find out for yourself. 2. 'Where' is easy; everyWhere. 3. 'Why' is also easy. As explained in His word, the Rapture will occur because God does not wish us to be here during His wrath [3]. 4. 'When' is the issue and the subject of this paper. And finally, one last item of introduction. The Rapture will happen, and it will happen soon. Do not get bogged down in dogma, and if you are to err, it is best to err on the safe side. Get your ministers and pastors involved. If they are not preaching this stuff, they are not serving one of the most important needs of their congregations. There is no more important message today than that of preparation for the End Times. Now, let us take a look at the four main LaHaye/Jenkins (L/J) reasons supporting a pre-Tribulation doctrine. 1. 2. 3. 4.

"The Lord Himself promised to deliver us". [4] "The church is to be delivered from the wrath to come". [5] "Christians are not appointed to wrath". [6] "The church is absent in Revelation 4 through 18".

R.C. Law

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The Rapture: Who, What, Where, When, and Why Upon closer examination, only two reasons are given. The first three all say the same thing or essentially, "The Lord promises to deliver the church because Christians are not appointed to wrath", (my wording). This is addressed first. The Tribulation is a seven-year period that will literally take place some time before the generation that saw Israel reborn as a nation passes away from this earth [7]. That generation is now getting old and so time is short! These are defining times. The Tribulation has two 3.5 year parts. Both contain trials and tribulation. Although the first 3.5 year period starts out smoothly with secular jubilance over a new charismatic world leader, tribulations will come. This period will also see the beginning of persecution of Christians by the this charismatic leader, the Antichrist. The end of this first period is a very important differentiating point. The Antichrist performs the abomination of desolation. Jesus himself makes the differentiation: "So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel - let the reader understand . . . . For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." Matthew 24:15-21 NIV The words of Jesus are clear – the wrath of God is about to begin. There is a clear definition and differentiation here between the first and second halves of the Tribulation. God's judgments and wrath are poured out only in the second half. This is a clear teaching from the book of Revelation. Also note that at least some of God's elect will yet remain in those days prior to the abomination of desolation. The Antichrist continues his wrath against those remaining Christians and Jews but God's wrath starts in the second half – this is an important concept. Both halves contain trials and tribulations, but only the second half includes wrath and judgment imposed by God. Quite simply stated, God never promised to keep His people from the wrath of Antichrist or from His signs of the times and warnings in the form of tribulation. To the contrary, He states through His word that we will be tested and tried during this time. This testing and trying is by tribulation because many of us respond to no other discipline. Additionally, many of us will be deceived [8]. But, as with Noah and Lott, His people will be delivered from His wrath and judgment which takes place only during the second 3.5 year period. Considering the above, the Rapture may or may not take place before the Tribulation begins. It will more likely occur near the halfway point when God's two Witnesses are withdrawn and God's wrath and judgment are about to begin. Let us examine this in more detail. The very scripture quoted by L/J, Revelation 3:10, backs up the mid-Tribulation view for timing. "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial [9] which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth". Examine this carefully. For the most part, what have today's Christians persevered, prosperity? Plain sense tells us we may be required to persevere the wrath of Antichrist during at least a portion of the Tribulation; [10] but, as promised, not His wrath and His judgment.

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The Rapture: Who, What, Where, When, and Why And, why would God remove witnesses early? They will be needed because the Rapture will not be manifested as a sign to those left behind. [11] The last sign this wicked and adulterous generation got was the sign of Jonah – the resurrection of Jesus 2000 years ago. Many can be saved during the first half. [12] We will however be delivered from the hour of testing for all remaining people; those who do not heed the witnessing, the signs of the times, and the warnings. To repeat a L/J referenced quote, "When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense, but take every word at its primary, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context clearly indicate otherwise." [13] And yes, there will be more converts in the second half of the Tribulation. Lukewarm Christians may be left behind and hopefully many will see the light and convert rather than receive the Mark and follow the Antichrist. Their numbers may be few, but all are important, and what Saints they will be! This concludes the discussion on the first L/J argument stating "the church is not appointed to wrath". The second L/J argument sound good on the surface but does not hold up to scrutiny. The fact that the Church is not mentioned in Revelation Chapters 4 through 18 is simply just a fact without connotation. The Bible is good literature. It is well written. The Church is not mentioned in Chapter 4 because Chapter 4 is about the Throne in Heaven. The Church is not mentioned in Chapter 5 because Chapter 5 is about the scroll and the Lamb. The Church is not mentioned in Chapter 6 because Chapter 6 is about the Seals. Need I continue? The Church is simply not the subject of these Chapters. It is an important consideration that two things may trigger the deception for many Christians First would be the lack of a pre-Tribulation Rapture. Remember, the Antichrist will be a peace maker and he will be very charismatic. He will fool many. Second would be a manifestation of the Rapture that was not expected. If the Rapture is not a sign to this last generation, it will have to appear non-miraculous and secularly explainable. [14] Can I be wrong about a mid-trib Rapture? Yes! Can you be wrong about a pre-trip Rapture? Yes! In summary, this is really a simple argument that involves semantics and interpretation. The midTribulation Rapture position makes more sense, but keep in mind that neither a pre-Tribulation position nor a mid-Tribulation position can be proven from scripture. This make one wonder why there is a need for a Pre-Trib Research Center and why Tim LaHaye would be "concerned about a perceived swaying from the pretribulational doctrine". [15] How does this doctrine serve the Church? The Rapture can take place at any time. There is nothing in the prophetic sequence of events lacking for this whole thing to kick-off and only the Father knows the exact time. Be ready and be prepared for we are certainly in the season. The dangers here are dogma and indifference. Many people are so convinced that they will not be here that, if the Tribulation Week starts and they have not seen the Rapture, the door will be wide open to false teaching and deception.

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The Rapture: Who, What, Where, When, and Why And one last note. Is the Church today as it should be? Has it ever been? Where is the Church today? Does the Church need discipline? Does the Church need testing? The world is a mess and the American contingent of the Church is shopping at the mall. You and I are the Church and we need to get busy with our appointed work. [1] Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, Are We Living in the End Times?, (Tyndale House, Wheaton, IL, 1999) [2] Addressed separately in "The Manifestation of the Rapture". [3] The Great Tribulation, the second 3.5 years [4] Revelation 3:10 [5] 1 Thessalonians 1:10 [6] 1 Thessalonians 5:9 [7] Matthew 24:34 [8] Mark 13:22, Matthew 24:11 and 24:24 [9] God's wrath [10] Luke 21:12 [11] Matthew 12:38-39 [12] See "The Sign of Jonah" [13] Dr. David L. Cooper [14] See "The Manifestation of the Rapture" [15] From http://www.pre-trib.org/

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