Rajesh .k Mba

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 721
  • Pages: 24

Soft Skills = Success Skills

Defining Soft Skills A cluster of skills that

‘influence’ how we interact with one another. Ability to relate and connect with people.

Soft Skills Effective Communication Skills Right Attitude and Values Innovation and Creativity Analytical Thinking Flexibility Change – Readiness

Interpersonal Skills Negotiation Skills Persuasive skills Time Management skills Problem solving ability Adaptability Leadership and Team building

Type of Skills Hard Skills Learned from books Learned from hands-on experience Abilities to do things in your chosen career Soft Skills Not learned from books Work ethics Habits and traits

Hard Skills Reading Writing Math Computer abilities Logic Skills for particular job requirements

Soft Skills Communication ability People skills Professionalism (demeanor) Positive attitude Group/team abilities Understanding of continuing learning Critical, logical, enthusiasm – “thinking” 


Why Soft Skills? For a Smooth Professional Life For More Integrated Operation For More Effective Management To Integrate Strategic Goals For More Appealing Personality

BASIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS Communication is a Series of Experiences Hearing Smell Touch Seeing

Communication Meaning through this process we convey a thought or

feeling to someone else. how it is received depends on a set of events, stimuli, that person is exposed to. Communication is a dynamic process… how you say what you say plays an important role in communication.


Speaking 30%

Reading 16%

Listening 45%


 You have probably already heard you shouldn’t cross your arms as it might

make you seem defensive or guarded.

 This goes for your legs too. Keep your arms and legs open.

HAVE EYE CONTACT,BUT DON’T STARE If there are several people you are talking to, give them all

some eye contact to create a better connection and see if they are listening. Keeping too much eye-contact might creep people out. Giving no eye-contact might make you seem insecure. If you are not used to keeping eye-contact it might feel a little hard or scary in the beginning but keep working on it and you’ll get used to it.


SMILE AND LAUGH  ligh ten up, d on ’t t ake you rself too ser io usl y.  Rela x a bit, smil e an d lau gh wh en som eone says

so met hi ng fu nny. People wil l be a lot mo re inclin ed to list en to yo u if yo u seem to be a posit ive p er so n.  But don ’t be the fi rst to lau gh at you r own jo kes, it mak es you se em ner vou s an d need y. Smi le when yo u are introd uced to som eone but don ’t keep a sm ile pla ster ed on yo ur fac e, yo u’l l se em i nsin cer e.

KEEP YOUR HEAD UP Don’t keep your eyes on the ground, it might make you seem insecure and a bit lost. Keep your head up straight and your eyes towards the horizon

USE YOUR HANDS MORE CONFIDENTLY  Inst ead of fidge ting wi th your ha nd s

and scra tchi ng your face us e the m to co mmuni ca te wha t you are trying to say.  Use your hands to de scr ib e somet hi ng or to add we igh t to a po int you are tryin g to ma ke. But don ’t us e th em to much or it mi ght be co me dis tract ing . And do n’ t le t your ha nds fla il around, us e the m wit h some co ntr ol.

KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE  las t b ut n ot l eas t, keep a po si tive, ope n an d rel axed att itude.  How you fee l wil l come throu gh in your bod y langua ge and

can mak e a majo r d iffer ence.

Soft Skills Vs Hard Skills Hard Skills Measurable or

technical skills Things done in the Workplace Primarily Solitary

Soft Skills Immeasurable

Skills Dealing with Mental Make-Up Ability to deal with other people at the Work Place Predominantly

Soft Skills + Hard Skills = Core Skills

Ready for Co-Operation?

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