Rajawat High

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,295
  • Pages: 8
Hi The swatch ‘sweet bonbon’ or the guess watch? In deference to the advice doled out by her mother in the morning, she decided to keep it low profile and went with the swatch, pink had always been her weakness after all. Hair perfectly arranged in fashionable disarray, skirt notched up just so the edge hovered above her knee a little over an inch, and kohl lined eyes, Aaliyah was good to go. Though having no desire to overwhelm her future classmates, there was no need to repress her self. After all, should not everyone shine true to their potential?

“Baby ji, the car is ready.”Shoving her lunch box in her jeans sling back bag, Kanak followed the maid out of the house. Excitement and sheer nervous energy coursed through her blood like caffeine, she couldn’t believe that she was headed to the same school she had been going to for the past twelve years. Going to eleventh standard was like a whole new experience, fewer subjects, chosen by the student or thrust upon him due to bad results, and a future though still pretty hazy, somewhat taking shape. Her life had truly been charmed; always having been admired by the students and adored by the teachers of St. Patrick’s Kanak had cemented her position as the queen of the popular students, by scoring 97.2% in her I.C.S.E examination. The importance of hard work drilled into her head since forever by her father, who was an I.A.S. officer, she never took studies lightly but saying that she sweated night and day to get fabulous results would not be true by any stretch of imagination either. Kanak was one of those blessed people who could get fabulous results by just studying for a few minutes; and hadn’t this skill come handy. It had never been lost on her that her major source of happiness was the approval of her peers and parents. Being the only child never had she lacked any attention at home, but good scores in school and a remarkable face had made her the ‘Belle of the ball’ in her school also. Ultimately, she would crack the U.P.S.C. exams like her father and get one of the most prestigious jobs in the country, for what else were the bureaucrats if not the ‘nobles’ and ‘landlords’ of modern India, but all that is way into the future, for now her mind was on her present goal, to get the position of the school vice-captain. Pondering on the subject she sat in the white ambassador with the blue light and the uniformed driver ready to take sahib’s daughter to Rajawat High, one of the most prestigious and elite schools of the country.

The assembly hall was buzzing with energy, and as Aaliyah walked into the airconditioned hall with her Guess tote she saw several heads turning in her direction, most dismissible, some noteworthy, and a few, very few genuinely interesting. But she had to figure out what to do next and she focused her attention on the rotund, balding, middle-aged man standing on the stage and shouting into the mike. “Eleventh standard students would most properly stand height wise in the left hand side, and right hand to them, the twelfth standard students would make lines. The Science-Biology stream would stand first, then Science-Math, then Commerce, then Arts. Lining would be done section wise alphabetically. First A section, then B, then C of each stream, then next stream, and next and next. Section knowledge can be gained from noticeboard-I at main entrance of hall. Please maintain quiet girls and boys. Assembly to be starting in ten minutes at seven-forty-five exactly. Maintain quiet please.” Having already checked the notice-board she headed left, towards the Sciencebiology stream which had only one section. There were hardly many students on this side, on further scanning of the hall she noticed that most of them were huddled in small or average-sized groups. There were ten to twelve students standing around a dusky slim short doe-eyed girl with an incredibly pretty face and glossy shoulder length hair tied back in a pony with a red hair-band. Her each word was being paid complete attention to, and she clearly enjoyed every minute of it. A group of boys was standing only a little away from there, boys who looked very tight, like they had been friends forever; a tall curly haired boy looked towards her and held her gaze. Aaliyah smiled for his benefit but turned her head to finish her scanning; he was cute but no point in booking goods without browsing completely through the market. Among several unexciting groups there were two that caught her attention, one a group of boys looking like nothing else if not the rowdies of the school (each one of whom gave her a long, slow once-over by the way!), and a group of confused and lost looking boys and girls huddled together for want of any other option. Aah! The rest of the new kids. As the teachers started moving in, the students started lining up slowly and in five minutes there was complete silence in the hall. The principal ----, a kind faced woman walked up on the stage and spoke into the mike, “Good morning. Every year in the course of admission to eleventh standard, we bring into our school many new students. All the admissions are based on scores of board exams of tenth standard, so only the best of the old remain, obviously we have to let go of a few students who were with us in middle school, but we bring much needed new blood to the institution. The new boys and girls should be made to feel at home in our family. To the new kids, it will take some time for all of you to become acquainted with the surroundings, students and staff of the school but feel free to approach any of the teachers here. Mr. Peters, our physical education teacher, was on the stage a few minutes ago and the rest of the teachers, you will

meet as you proceed with your classes. The selection of students for the official student council will begin in a few days. From the twelfth standard a school captain, a captain for each of the four houses Sutlej, Jhelum, Ravi and Beas, and a Proctor, and from the eleventh standard a vice-captain, along with vice-captains for all the houses, and a prefect who would basically assist the proctor will be selected. One sports-captain would be selected from both eleventh and twelfth standards. The details of selections would be put up on notice-boards by the house masters. The new comers should look up notices after lunch today to find out what house they have been allotted. All the best to all of you for this new phase of life, this is the time when you lay the foundation on which your future will be raised. Good Luck.”

“So, how is the ‘School Darling’ today?” Kanak saw Sahil walking towards her, his hands making quotation sign, a very familiar habit of his. “Hey, where were you all summer? I thought you would give me a headstart for the new year, I am a little worried about Math you know! Could have used a senior’s help. Especially that of the prime contender for ‘school captain’ this year.” “’A’ I was away visiting my parent’s folks in Mussourie. B, you Kanak Mehta do not need any headstarts as far as I am aware, and C,” he finished counting on his fingers and ran his hand through his curly hair, “I don’t really know if I should be up for the position of School Captain this year, I want to keep it a little low profile this year, I just feel like finishing my schooling and getting on with the rest of my life.” They started walking towards the steps together. “Ok, ‘A’ you have to apply, it is expected of you, ‘B’ everyone including the teachers listen to you and have faith in your abilities so you are like, the best guy for the job, and ‘C’ I don’t see how not becoming School Captain would rush things through your schooling, whatever is left of it anyway, in fact more responsibilities mean less time on your hands.” Kanak started climbing up the steps with Sahil by her side. “Fine, you made your point…..” he turned his head towards the hall entrance, “Many new faces today, huh! Novelty is always a welcome change.” “Is that so?,” kanak made a face and looked at him with a doubtful expression, “How many newcomers last year became good friends with you or actually stood out in any way at all? I never really cared much for novelty.” They had paused on the first floor. “This year’s crowd is different though, I can feel it.” He waved to her as he continued climbing to the third floor to the classroom assigned to his section. As Kanak entered the classroom and walked to the rightmost bench in the second row, the seat preferred by her throughout her school years, she mused over her

relationship with Sahil Bakshi. Classically good looking, brilliant student and having the same dreams as her, he was perfect for her. True, there existed no real romantic relationship between the two besides the occasional flirting as of now, she was sure this year he was going to ask her. It would be perfect for her last two years in school, and with both of them holding principal positions in school, it would be like being crowned the queen of Rajawat High, not that she was treated any different even now. Smiling to herself she sat down in her seat, next to Akanksha who had taken her place next to Kanak’s preferred seat in advance. “Hi K, so tell me.” Akanksha asked eagerly, her green eyes wide with curiosity. “Tell you what?” “Tell me about your chat with Sahil in the corridors.” “What about it?,” Kanak tried to stall but conceded when Akanksha rolled her eyes, “All right so we talked about the upcoming selections for student council and his visit to his grandparents in mussourie.” “And????” she raised her eyebrows in a dramatic expression typical of her, “That can’t be all!” “Actually it is.” Kanak whispered as Mr. Kirti, their Maths teacher and also their class teacher entered the class. “Sometimes I think neither of you have a single romantic bone in your bodies.” Akanksha pursed her lips together. “Hmmm, me too.” Kanak replied coolly, but smiled in amusement at her friend’s annoyance. Mr. Kirti stood and examined the faces in the class. Only a few were new admissions but as he only taught the senior students they were all new to him, a few like Kanak Mehta he had obviously heard about, but he decided to start with introductions first. As students stood up and gave their introductions K heard them and stored any interesting information about the ‘new comers’ in a neat folder in her head; and as she had expected hardly any of them were worth any notice. After the last of the introductions were over Mr. Kirti turned towards the board with his marker to chalk out the study plan for the term. “Excuse me.” Heads of twenty-eight students and the teacher collectively turned towards the door. The silhouette of a willowy slender girl could be seen against the sunlight pouring in through the doorframe. As she sauntered in, K could sense the stirrings of insecurity that she could not even identify properly. After the end of the whisperings that ensued between the new girl and Mr. Kirti, he turned towards the

class and explained that the student had taken mathematics as her optional subject and though in the science-biology stream, she would be attending math classes with them; throughout this explanation K kept her gaze fixed on the new arrival trying to gauge her. The girl smiled at the class, and Kanak realized with despair that this new girl was truly, very charming, “Hi, I am Aaliyah Bose.”, and confident too; that alien feeling of insecurity might just be in the right place Kanak, looks like you have to be careful now.

Aaliyah walked to the back of the classroom and took an empty seat next to a tall, friendly looking sikh boy. “Amandeep,” the boy said extending his hand. “hello.” Aaliyah shook his hand with a smile. The math class was pretty uneventful, besides the thousand and one questions asked by the pretty and prim Kanak at regular intervals, the same girl who had been surrounded by her enrapt audience in the assembly hall. It appears that the school motto here is ‘Geeks Rule’. She was definitely relieved that she had to see her in only one class everyday. After exchanging numbers with Amandeep, thank god they allowed cellular phones in the school, Aaliyah walked to her allotted classroom on the same floor where she finally saw her classmates for the first time, not that they were much different, or any surprise after the math class. Aaliyah took a seat on the last bench, which was empty, and as the day proceeded she noticed that there was a clear divide between the ‘new comers’ and the old students all of whom were extremely wary, well not exactly all of them, the boys were quite welcoming to Aaliyah, and no surprises there, but the boys to girls ratio in the biology stream class was pretty low, there were just six boys in a class of twentyone students, moreover none of them were even remotely worth her time. The school bell going twice in succession announced the lunch break, and Aaliyah turned to her bag to take out her apple. “hi, I am Sana, do you want to go to the canteen?” Aaliyah turned her head and saw a chubby girl standing behind her, and when she smiled, the girl smiled back, wow, thick-rimmed schoolmarmish specs, and braces on big teeth too; this girl sure is a prize.

“Sure, I’ll just pack my bag.”

“so, where are you from?” “Caramel High Boarding Dehradun, well that’s where I have stayed most of my life, my parents are.. were doctors based in, Oklahoma City in the states, we shifted because of my grandmother, she hasn’t been keeping well lately.” “So why were you…” “…in India? ‘coz my father thought I would turn into a wild child if I grew up in U.S, my did he get a shock when he met me during holidays after I turned thirteen! So where are you from?” “Aaaaa…. here.” “so you’re an old student!!” The incredulity pouring from her voice could not have been more obvious, stuck with a social reject on the first day; fat, with braces, and judging by her response in class more of a tubelight than a lightbulb, ‘It totally figured! This could result in complete social death!’ Aaliyah closed her eyes and took several deep breaths; it doesn’t matter, admittedly her climb to the top of the social order would be slow, but all she had to do was take one step at a time and she would be there. “did you see ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ yesterday, it was so good…….” Alrighty then! Change that to one baby step at a time. While Sana, after gobbling down three patties and a five-star, began wiping her hands down her skirt, Aaliyah was taking a stock of her surroundings. The curly haired looker was standing just a little away and just as she was about to move her head he turned and saw her; before she knew it, he was walking towards her. “New admission? How is the school?” “New……,” she smiled, “I guess! I don’t really know anyone in the school, or even in the city for that matter.” “I know it can be tough here. Rajawat High doesn’t admit any new students after the sixth standard, so most students get almost too comfortable and set in their old friends and groups. Plus some of them resent the fact that a few old students have to leave to make place for new comers with better marks. Take my number though, you can call me anytime.” He took out his mobile and gave a missed call on the number Aaliyah gave.

They had started walking back towards the building on the north of the quad, which had the classrooms and laboratories for the senior students, with Sana following two steps behind them, all eager eyes and big ears. “So, you’re a senior?” “ya,” he squinted his eyes at her and added, “you should sign up for the selections for the council.” “I was going to actually, what prompted you to suggest this though?” “I don’t know, it would be good for the school, there is some innate.. thing in you; you bring something new to the table, its like the rest of us are almost out of the same mold.” “Tell me about it.” Aaliyah rolled her eyes at him. “Hey! You don’t like us!” “I don’t get ‘us’. I don’t get the mold.” “SAHIL!” He had just opened his mouth to say something when they were interrupted by a sharp voice. All three turned in its direction. Kanak was standing with a smile on her lips but an expression on her face which made it clear that Sahil was required to go to her immediately. “Oh, by the way, that’s my name.” Sahil said with a grin. “I am Aaliyah Bose.” With a nod in her direction he turned and left. ------------------------------------------------------------She had caught up with Aaliyah and was trying her best, but after walking a couple of steps Sana couldn’t keep it in any longer“Oh my God! You just talked to Sahil Bakshi .” “Are you just realizing that now?” Aaliyah asked with sarcasm. Sana’s social position had become clear to her, and she was going to treat her in exactly the same way as unwritten social norms demanded; it wouldn’t do if people perceived her to be on the same level as this loser. “do you know, do you have any idea what that means? Sahil Bakshi talked to you, he approached you himself!! You can’t even begin to imagine what impact this can have on your social standing.”

“Actually,” Aaliyah said noticing that girls and boys of both middle and senior wings were gaping at her brashly, “I can somewhat begin to imagine that.” She smiled to herself; the situation wasn’t as bad as she had thought, there just might yet be hope for her in this school.

Aaliyah entered the classroom and started walking back to get her bag, Sana had asked her to sit together. When she reached her seat she felt someone tapping at her shoulder. “you can sit with us, we have one spare seat.” A fair girl with light brown eyes and a red head band, that kept her short hair back was standing with an inviting smile. Her name was, if Aaliyah had heard the other girls in class correctly, Maya. She and her friends had occupied three middle rows near the windows. “ok, make place for two, for me and Sana both.” “its ok, she will understand,” turning towards Sana with a sweet smile, she asked, “Won’t you now Sana?” Sana was about to reassure Aaliyah that she could sit alone in her old place, but Aaliyah spoke before her. “No….. she will sit with me.” Aaliyah’s sharp voice brought everyone’s attention to her, Maya’s eyes darted to her bag, her watch, to Sana and then back to the watch, and to Sana’s surprise, Maya simply shrugged and led the way. ---------------------------------------------------------

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