Lunath High

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,779
  • Pages: 12
CHAPTER 1 School ugh! Every teenager in the world can agree with me there. Not just the academic stuff, but the social crap that we had to put up with every day. As me and my B.F.F Julie walked to English on a dreary wet October Friday morning the weirdest thing happened. My locker fell down. What the hell? Why did my locker fall down? And why is it still moving? Yeah I said moving, it was hopping around, up and down like a jack in the box or in this case a jack in the locker. Everyone stopped and stared, pointed and whispered, well more attention coming my way, great. As I walked slowly and cautiously down to the fallen locker, my cheeks burned a deep scarlet when the torment of whispers increased two fold. I grabbed the lock that was facing upward and turned my code into the old second-hand combination lock. When I opened it a small cat wandered out with a note tied to its color. Uh oh, the cat was black, which is the emblem for the magic high school as my friends called it. It’s really called Lunath High. The school of werewolves, witches, and you guessed it vampires. Great. Just what I needed. When you get tracked you don’t know what the want first they just tell you to get there real soon. Because well if you don’t you’ll grow real old real fast and well die. It’s the whole ‘I got to be around my own species’ thing they have going on. Yup it sucks. I nearly started to cry when I remembered that half the student body was staring at me. I pulled myself together, stood up shot an apologetic glance Julie’s way, and walked out of the large hall with the little cat trotting along after me. When I was outside it was drizzling and misting. When I found my way through the fog that matched my mood perfectly, I slid into my black mini cooper and drove the fifteen minute trip home. The cute black cat sitting in the back (on a towel, I mean my cooper no way!). You have to admit even though the cat was basically an omen of impending doom she was such a cute little kitten. My house was the next turn on the winding lane of the upper-class estate I lived in. I really hate it here a bit ironic now though seeing I have to move away and all. My dad got re-married and she was a total gold-digger but he was blinded with “love”. I made metal air quotes around love because obviously it was a one way street in that relationship.

I drove into our massive over sized garage where my dads escalade and stepmoms (should be sister by her age) Porsche and big brothers Harley were side by side and my car still fit in with room to spare. See what I mean by massive??? As I walked into the kitchen my (With little kitty in tow) dad was in there making dinner. Which is actually rather normal my dad does not cook with a capital NOT but neither does the gold-digger. Rory Gallagher basically screaming from the stereo (Rory G. is an Irish rock singer I think he’s awesome but he’s dead now) He was singing along and when he turned around he was shocked to see me. Of course he was I’m nearly two hours home early from school. “Where’s Greg?” he said once he turned down one of my favorites “I Wonder Who”. I mentally cussed myself. Derek was a senior in our school and his bike was out of gas so I gave him a ride today. “Dad can you pick him up later I have something to tell you” I said thinking it was loud but it was barley a whisper. “What honey?” he asked his hazel eyes filling with concern. “Um well here’s the well um, thing” I stumbled over the words. I bent down scooping up the cute kitten and popping her up onto the shining kitchen counter. I took a few seconds but then it sunk in. “Honey, why are you so sad? This should be exciting for you.” He said sadly with absolutely nothing exciting or happy in is voice or eyes. “You don’t sound so happy or excited.” I said simply. I felt tears running down my face, hot and salty as they coursed over my cheeks and into my mouth. “Honey I’m just sad to see ya go. You know I’m going to miss ya.” He said embracing me in a bear hug like he used to when I was a kid. “Let’s read this note this little sweetie got tied to her neck.”

Dear Ms.Johnson You have been invited to come to Lunath High. You will be more informed on arrival. Your classes start at 8p.m and end at 3.30a.m. You will be issued a time table and uniform on arrival. Your cat’s items will be in your room. Your roommate will help you along the way acting as a big brother/sister. Signed Alison Woods


“Honey do you want to get packed I will feed this little sweetie and I think Rachel used to have a cat, so I will hunt around to find a cat-carrier.” He said sweetly. When he was this nice it almost made it hard to leave. Almost. She was home. And she was wreaking havoc on my life. “Sweetie you’ll never imagine what happened at the mall today with Annie, she is such a cow” Rachel came in bags on hand walking like a bow-legged duck. She saw me and continued on a different path in her psycho-babble. “Hey, why are you home its like, way too early like, did you like, cut-school? Like, get in trouble or something?” she asked in her incredibly annoying high pitched voice that went with blonde curls and pink bubble gum. But she was platinum blonde that was silky and straight the kind you see in commercials. Her perfect body and stylish clothes made her look sixteen not twenty five. Yup I said it twenty five and you wondered why I said gold-digger. Then it hit me. I’m moving away and when or if I come back I will be around ten times more powerful than her. “No, I’m not in trouble I wasn’t a slut in high school or a pot head like you.” I said staring her straight in the eye I squared my shoulders waiting for my “punishment” which was going to my room for an hour. “A

“You ho



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“ Love him that’s rich coming from some one who is a hole nine years older than me! And has the I-Q of a peanut and the attention span of a mayfly” “What is a mayfly? Who cares anyway why are you frickin’ ho and you are so grounded like totally for like a month ain’t that right sweetie?” she practically hissed. Batting her eye lashes at my dad. My dad. Not hers mine! “Actually dad I’m going to have to stop ya right there, I want to tell it where I’m going.” I took a deep breath and stared her in the putting on my best poker face. “I’m going to Lunath High and become a vampire/werewolf/witch and there’s nothing you can do about it” and with that I stormed from the kitchen grabbing a suitcase from the hall closet and storming upstairs to my room and began to throw bits and bobs into the case grinning to myself that I finally faced the gold-digger. When I had finished packing my clothes I dug under the bed looking for my favorite blue and black ruck-sack with my name

Jenny on the back in sparkling gold letters. I hated my name it’s so common maybe I will change it when I get home (I was already calling it home what the hell!?).

I filled my bag with shoes and my riding hat. By the way my shoes were so well, normal. I had three pairs of different color converse, jimmy choo’s that my lovely hateful step-mummy. I never wore them but I could sell them on the internet for money. My saddle, bridle and my favorite numna were coming with me one way or another. I ran down stairs with my bags and Viking hat (it’s a European brand name not a dorky thing with horns and two braids) and my dad was waiting there a sad, stern look on his face. “What were you thinking talking to Rachel like that?” he said a whine was clear in his husky voice. “She is a worthless ho-bag. Anyway who do you love me or her?” I asked semi-scared of the answer. “Both of ya honey but she’s my wife I love her but never as much as you, or even Greg.” He said his cute smile playing on his lips. I love his smile it makes his whole face light up like a school boy. “Dad have to bring glen with me he is mine and he’s my best friend him and my new cat are going to get along fine please” I said putting on my best puppy dog face which always worked ‘cause I have these huge big blue round eyes.

Big surprise, it worked Dad got the

escalade out of the garage and drove it round back to where we kept our horse box it was a single, cause well we only have one horse. Glen was in his stable quietly munching on a square of hay. Penelope was right next door when I said we only had one horse I was not lying. Penelope is an overgrown (but a tad bit under-weight Rachel is a nut case, you’re only figuring that out now!?) Barbie horse, so technically not a horse, a plastic one. Obviously its Rachel’s horse but she only does trotting, slowly, with a lead, and full padding. You see she heard your butt gets a good firming when you ride and (having the typical saggy but as a twenty five year-old!?) she was determined to get her own horse and so my daddy bought pin-head. I grabbed glens blue and purple halter and rope and bought him out to the still drizzling evening. He was wearing his fleece rug that would properly do him for now. I ran back to my tiny-tack-room and got my tack-box with all my stuff and glens stuff, grabbing three bags of glens treats I heard a whine from out side. Great, I thought, just great. She was out there again annoying the crap outta everyone not just me lemme tell ya. “Sweetie you said we were in this together and now your helping the brat!?” Rachel squealed four octaves above her normal shriek. “Brat? I’m not five ho.” I stated not a question nor and answer to hers. “You, this is all your fault I mean why did you have to go

and get your self chosen?” she said sounding like a fourteen year old who was having a fight with her friend over something huge (to her) like lip gloss. We fought like this four ten minutes, then it happened. I started puking, blood. It was horrible, for two minutes straight, blood. Why? Why am I puking blood? Just as soon as it started it stopped, Rachel was complaining I got some blood on her shoes, but all I knew was I really have to get there not soon now. “Dad I can drive in my cooper you bring glen and his stuff in the escalade okay?” I said gasping for breath when a banger broken down car pulled up on the drive it was Gary Horse’s car, Greg’s friend’s car. I could have kissed someone. Greg was out of the car and over here in two seconds, it helps that he is six feet of quarter back build and strength. He gave me a big bear hug, us Johnsons are experts in that particular field. “I heard everything sis, you ok?” he said still hugging me. “Can’t….. Breath….” I whispered in his ear. “Oh, sorry.” He said with his cute smile that he stole from my dad lighting his entire face. “I’m fine dude, I gotta go though. Now.” I told him fishing my keys out of my pocket; throwing them to him I said “wanna drive?” “Sure” he said, catching them in his huge hands. And with that we were off. Off to a new life. And I was about to get a case of raging nervous butterflies right about, Now.

CHAPTER 2 The school was beautiful. There was a big castle like building and other huge buildings that I guessed were dorm or teachers quarters. Out back there was a football field and a track round the perimeter of it. Thankfully there was a stable area with another two paddocks for grazing, and two large sand arenas with jumps in one and the other a dressage ring. A woman dressed in black and purple was standing outside the big oak doors to the castle like building. “Ah Jenny you made it, why what’s all this?” the beautiful woman asked cocking her head to the side and her eyes unfocused for a little while. “I see, this is your horse, is it not?” she asked her perfect smile stretching across her pale cheeks and her brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light of the evening darkness. Just then my dad’s escalade pulled up against the curb and he climbed out all smiles and dimples. Ah poo, he brought Rachel. She was way too scared to speak so she just stood there and glared in envy at the beautiful woman. “Yup he’s mine alright” I managed to say after some time. I was petting Lu-Lu anxiously (I deciding to call my kitty that for no reason.) as the woman smiled down at her and descended the brick steps towards me. “I’m Alison, I wrote you the letter Lu-Lu delivered you and I will be your headmistress for the next four years.” She reeled off as if she’d been spending hours composing and practicing it. “How do you know her name? I just came up with it.” I asked perplexed by her knowledge. “I am a wise woman of our community I have been granted many gifts by Lunetta our goddess and Lunette our god. We worship them for we are of course, children of night and moon. My gift is I can read instantaneous thoughts and also I can move large or small objects with my mind but I have a preference for my mind-reading as humans would call it though the mind is not a book with words etched into the skull it is a complex being that changes all the time, so Harry and Peter will take your father, horse and belongings to where they may go and we can get you settled in.” she said with a warm welcoming smile. My head was spinning with information, and I hugged my dad and Greg and said visit anytime, I glanced at Alison and she nodded kindly. I stared at Rachel who was picking at her perfectly manicured nails she looked up and a sarcastic look appeared with in her eyes. “You are

not welcome so don’t come.” I said staring into her cold eyes and nothing not one emotion passed through her cold demeanor, nothing at all. “What-ever

me and you dad are getting a divorce anyways.” I was shocked with happiness. “Really? Dad Really?” I asked in disbelief turning to face him and he nodded. “She doesn’t get me right hon?” he said grinning. No wonder she looked scared, who’s money is she going to spend now? I walked with Alison up the brick stairs and glanced over my shoulder and Greg was waving and he used the call-me signal and I giggled and nodded at him. He was the best, ohmygod. The foyer was a marble paradise, if I was a sedimentary rock I would want to be in this stair case. It was a shining high ceilinged hall with portraits of old men, women and landscapes, there was also a big emblem with a full moon, crescent moon and a black cat. There were many mahogany doors. Leading off from the hall but we went up the immaculate staircase to Alison’s office. Her office was like no other principle (or head mistress’s) office I’d seen. It was painted a deep purple with little black streaks, there was the big mahogany desk which was incredibly organized. There were huge arm chairs and desk chairs and a very modern and expensive looking computer sitting amongst the neatly stacked papers on her desk. Oil lamps with ornately carved handles were sitting here and there along the window sill. She walked elegantly over to her desk, sat down and began ruffling through paper until she found the one she was looking for around three sheets of paper clipped together with a paper clip. She handed them to me, one was my details they proberly got off my school or the hospital. The next page was my hospital record (I totally rock at guessing!), the third page was the note Lu-Lu brought to me, But on this one there was my new room number 109, and a name, Lindsey Bates, who’s she? And the last was a time table. All night times though. “Our classes are at night and we take every full moon of, for our own reasons.” She said a bit sheepishly. I looked up and was shocked for the zillionth time today. In the dark and my total oblivion of every thing outside I hadn’t noticed she had a tattoo of a black cat under her left eye. And a curling web of golden Celtic not’s under her right eye. “Oh, humans can’t see our insignia so you couldn’t see until you came in, you are going to be a, well see for your self.” She said holding out a beautiful silver mirror. I took it out and saw my reflection, I looked at myself, I mean, I looked at my face. My eyes were always my best feature but now they were even bigger and my lashes which were always short and thin, were long and thick and really dark, I looked lower my eyes had big dark

rings under them and under my left eye was a full moon insignia. My lips were full and a deep red and I was very, very pale. “I’m going to be a werewolf?” I asked semi-scared semi-happy. “Good guess. You will have one class with just werewolves and the rest will be with the other 1st years.” She said happily. “So, you’re a witch?” I said and then around five seconds later thought maybe that was rude, “no it’s not rude and yes I am one of the most powerful ones that’s how I ended up with the headmistress title.” Alison interrupted my mind babble. “Your special, I feel your power already. That’s a good sign.” She said her voice like a proud mama looking at her babies, then a knock on the door and a young girl walked in she was cute, her hair fell in long blond curls down past her shoulders and her eyes were huge and green. She was my height and her legs went on forever. She was wearing her own clothes but a really cute jacket with the emblem on her left breast-pocket. “Ah Lindsey you made it.” She smiled at Lindsey and ushered us out of the room. “I’m Lindsey I was so excited I was getting a roommate no one ever becomes a werewolf it’s always a vampire, but that’s because we’ve been around longer. Kay so your first class is werewolf soc. 101. With me.” She grinned at me her perfect white teeth showing. “Cool, so where’s the room? I’m beat.” I yawned emphasizing my question. She giggled a laugh that was close to chiming bells I was shocked, again. We walked towards the dorm, well she walked and I was jogging to keep up with her. “I hate walking so slow.” She said. “What? I’m like jogging to keep up with you!” I gasped and laughed. “Oh sorry your new I forgot, werewolf’s can run really fast like inhumanly fast so walking is new to me I mean walking slow consistently.” She smirked. I smiled and we were at the dorm in like, two seconds. There were big glass windows in the front like a greenhouse that was obviously an extension of the amazing red-brick building. I walked in and fell in love. Ok not technically

in love I loved the room. It was filled with beanie-bags and fluffy couches and foos-ball tables and wide screen T.V’s. I barely notice it at first but then we went up stairs and five doors to the left (weird five doors to the left?) and my door was a hot pink and all the other doors were cute girly colors too. There were two beautifully dressed beds and I just wanted to jump on them and sleep so that’s exactly what I didn’t get to do, Lindsey walked me over to a wardrobe and a window which were next to each other. She opened up the

door of the wardrobe and pulled out my ruck-sack and a jacket, like the one she was wearing just in purple and it was leather instead of denim. Okay so it was nothing like hers, but they both had the school emblem were the breast pocket would be. “Here” she said handing the jacket to me she threw my bag onto the bed and said “BRB” which I thought was funny so I was giggling when she came back in. she was carrying several books and a sheet of pink paper that reminded me of detention slips. My schedule read:

8.00p.m – 8.45p.m

Werewolf Sociology.

8.50p.m – 9.35p.m

French ~or~ Spanish ~or~

German.9.40p.m – 10.15p.m

Literature ~or~ Spells

and Rituals. 10.20 – 11.05p.m ~or~ Art.

11.10 – 11.30p.m

Drama ~or~ Music Evening Break.

11.35p.m – 12.20a.m Advanced equestrian studies. 12.25a.m – 1.10a.m


1.15a.m – 2.00a.m


2.05a.m – 2.50a.m 2.55a.m – 3.40a.m

Study Hall. Fencing ~or~ Track ~or~ Shooting.

Well at least it was colorful. I took my books of her and stuffed them into my bag and fell asleep and wondered how all my stuff got put away, and where were my suitcases?

Chapter 3 I have no idea why I didn’t just sit up and cry all night, I mean I’m not a very emotional person but I was leaving my whole life behind me. But in a way it made me stronger because I was leaving my life behind and not ahead to deal with later, I had taken two steps forward instead of two back. Then I had heard it the soft snoring of my little cat had stopped and the sound of a running shower pulled me from my semi-slumber. I stood up and walked over to the mirror and was shocked to see my insignia jump out at me and an added surprise was that I had a small flower under my right eye. I touched it and it burned like crazy. The cafeteria was a large dinning hall with well I could say the “works” but it wouldn’t do it justice. There were four tables in total one for witches one for werewolves and the one farthest to the left was the vampire table. They were all different, but the same. Ok so ill try and make it easy so here we go: Vamps: pale(duh) eyes were a beautiful blue that would just take your breath away. They were longer and leaner than the rest you could say more ‘dead’ but that’s stupid of course there not dead. Um… aren’t they? Witches: were all female funnily enough. There hair was all long and thick. There was a certain charm about them I had felt it on Alison but not as much because there was so many of them, but they looked pretty normal to me. Werewolves: were more toned and tanned than the rest we tended to look more agile as well. We were hot, I mean the guys were hot. And like the witches our hair was long and thick. Get that? Good cause I still haven’t. On the table furthest to the right there were loads of teachers all eating laughing and chatting. Lindsey guided me to our table and sat down next to two girls and two very hot guys. I was blushing like a tamato by the time Lindsey started to speak. “ Guys this is Jenny. She’s our new werewolf!” she sqeaked excitedly. One of the girls spoke first. “Hey I’m Chris. Christina but its way to long. Nice to have some new meat here.” Chris said she was a very deep tanned olive colour that girls spend hours in the sun trying to get, and hair that went passed her waist and

was bouncy and wavy like she belonged on the hair commercials. “Hey I’m Nicole. Nice ta meet you. Girl what have you been doing with your damn hair?” she had turned to Chris and they started babbling on about products and secret blow drying tricks. “Hi, I’m Derek.” Said hot guy no.1 and smiled at me and I nearly died and went to heaven. “And I’m George” said total hot guy no.2. I love this school. “Lindsey told us about you we just couldn’t wait to get another she-wolf and she if she was genuine unlike the rest of the well I guess I can’t call them bitches as an insult cause that’s what girl dogs are called right?” Derek said turning to George for confirmation. “That’s true dude, only too true.” He said smiling at me again, I was beginning to totally love this school. “And well we don’t want offend the she-wolves. Do we?” Derek said with a cheeky grin spreading across his tanned face exposing some very white teeth, the kind you see on the tooth paste commercials. “No, no we don’t. we better go Derek that fencing thing is on soon. We will see you lovely ladies in wolf-soc. Bye!” George replied being cute and serious at the same time. “OK see y’all later, nice meeting you Jen.” Derek smiled again and then he and George left, chatting and looking back at us with smirks and laughs. “Players.” Nicole and Chris said at the same time. “So the guys seem to like you. You like them?” Lindsey said stifling a laugh. “Um I don’t know I don’t have experience with guys liking me.” It was a sad sorry truth. I wasn’t the girl at the clubs who had guys buying her drinks. I was the girl who was flustred and giggling whenever a hot guy looked my way. Again, sad sorry truth. “What?? You are like, so pretty!” Lindsey, Nicole and Chris said at once and I got all embarrassed. “Can we change the subject please?” I pled. “Sure” they chourused. “Anyways who are these bithces I keep hearing of?” I said trying to be nonchalant when I was really pooing myself. “That’s Crystal shes the wolf bitch, Cara is the vamp bitch and Ciara is the witch bitch. And there all best friends and all hate eachother. Makes perfect sense huh?” Lindsey reeled off taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh at the end. She was playing with her salad when this guy, vampire obviously by his pale beauty and crystal blue eyes, walked by and brushed off my back and I turned to look at him but he had dissapeerd. “Who was that?” I said a little breathlessly, his touch left me with an electric current running through my veins. “Shane, he’s a vamp. He is a, well he cant hold down a girl.” She said her salad was messed up on her tray, she had spilt some when he walked by. “Why? He is so hot. I mean if you were into the other species type

thing.” I said wondering if we were allowed to date vamps or witches (if you were a guy or a lesbian, either was good I guess seeing as all the witches were girls). “He is really intense.”

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