Rails 2.3
Brian Turnbull http://brianturnbull.com
Templates rails app rails app’ template rails app -m template.rb rails app -m http://example.com/template rake rails:template LOCATION=template.rb
Templates # template.rb gem "hpricot" rake "gems:install" run "rm public/index.html" generate :scaffold, "person name:string" route "map.root :controller => 'people'" rake "db:migrate" git :init git :add => "." git :commit => "-a -m 'Initial commit'"
Pratik Naik — http://m.onkey.org/2008/12/4/rails-templates
Templates Jeremy McAnally’s Template Library http://github.com/jeremymcanally/rails-templates/tree/master
Engines Rails Plugins turned to Eleven Share Models, Views, and Controllers with Host App Share Routes with Host App
Engines Not Yet Fully Baked Manually Manage Migrations Manually Merge Public Assets
Nested Transactions User.transaction do User.create(:username => 'Admin') User.transaction(:requires_new => true) do User.create(:username => 'Regular') raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end User.find(:all)
# => Returns only Admin
Nested Attributes class Book < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :author has_many :pages accepts_nested_attributes_for :author, :pages end
Nested Forms class Book < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authors accepts_nested_attributes_for :authors end <% form_for @book do |book_form| %>
<%= book_form.label :title, 'Book Title:' %> <%= book_form.text_field :title %>
<% book_form.fields_for :authors do |author_form| %>
<%= author_form.label :name, 'Author Name:' %> <%= author_form.text_field :name %>
<% end %> <% end %> <%= book_form.submit %> <% end %>
Dynamic and Default Scopes ## id Integer ## customer_id Integer ## status String ## entered_at DateTime class Order < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer default_scope :order => 'entered_at' end Order.scoped_by_customer_id(12) Order.scoped_by_customer_id(12).find(:all, :conditions => "status = 'open'") Order.scoped_by_customer_id(12).scoped_by_status("open")
Other Changes Multiple Conditions for Callbacks HTTP Digest Authentication Lazy Loaded Sessions Localized Views and More!
Rails 2.3
Rails Metal
SPEED Simplicity
Metal Endpoint ## app/metal/hello_metal.rb class HelloMetal def self.call(env) if env["PATH_INFO"] =~ /^\/hello\/metal/ [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello, Metal!"]] else [404, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Not Found"]] end end end
Equivalent Controller ## app/controllers/hello_rails_controller.rb class HelloRailsController < ApplicationController def show headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' render :text => 'Hello, Rails!' end end
Sinatra! require 'sinatra' Sinatra::Application.set(:run => false) Sinatra::Application.set(:environment => :production) HelloSinatra = Sinatra::Application.new unless defined? HelloSinatra get '/hello/sinatra' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' 'Hello, Sinatra!' end
Rack Object.call(env)
[status, headers, response]
Metal Endpoint ## app/metal/hello_metal.rb class HelloMetal def self.call(env) if env["PATH_INFO"] =~ /^\/hello\/metal/ [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello, Metal!"]] else [404, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Not Found"]] end end end
Rack Middleware in Rails Rails Dispatcher call(env)
Middleware call(env)
Middleware call(env)
Web Server
Rack Middleware in Rails % rake middleware use Rack::Lock use ActionController::Failsafe use ActionController::Session::CookieStore use Rails::Rack::Metal use ActionController::RewindableInput use ActionController::ParamsParser use Rack::MethodOverride use Rack::Head use ActiveRecord::QueryCache run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
Rack Middleware in Rails % rake middleware use Rack::Lock use ActionController::Failsafe use ActionController::Session::CookieStore use Rails::Rack::Metal use ActionController::RewindableInput use ActionController::ParamsParser use Rack::MethodOverride use Rack::Head use ActiveRecord::QueryCache run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
Django > Rails? ## lib/middleware/django_middleware.rb class DjangoMiddleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) status, headers, response = @app.call(env) new_response = [] response.each do |part| new_response << part.gsub(/Rails/, 'Django') end [status, headers, new_response] end end ## config/environment.rb config.middleware.use DjangoMiddleware