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if (isNaN(objBrMajorVersion)) { objfullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); objBrMajorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10); } } }); /* Global variable declaration*/ var typeAheadTimeout; // to clear Timeout var currentValue; var ajaxParam = { // to hold paramaters to send to ajax url1 : '', //for 1st IDOL call url2 : '', // for second IDOL call url : '', paramData : {} }; var countEachBind = 0; var KEY = { UP : 38, DOWN : 40, TAB : 9, ENTER : 27 }; var comingFromPFinder = false; var urlCreationFilteredData; $(document).ready(function() { typeAheadInit(); }); function checkValidity(val) { if (typeof val !== "undefined" && val != null) { return true; } return false; } /* Initialise the typeahead and attach event handlers */ function typeAheadInit() { $("input[type='text']").each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("reqTypeAhead")) { var typeAheadObjClass = $(this).data("predectivecontainer"); handleEvents(typeAheadObjClass, $(this)); });
} /* Event handler for keyboard and mouse events */ function handleEvents(typeAheadObjClass, reqTypeaheadBox) { // close typeahead on outside click - start - Richa $(document).click(function(e) { if ( != "search-input") { $('').hide();
} }); // close typeahead on outside click - end - Richa // call the typeahead function on input - insert or delete (reqTypeaheadBox).on("input", function() { if((reqTypeaheadBox.val() != undefined) && (reqTypeaheadBox.val() != (reqTypeaheadBox).attr("ghostText"))){ callTypeAhead(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass); } }); // call the typeahead function on input - IE8 if ($("body").hasClass("ie8")) { (reqTypeaheadBox).on("keydown", function(event) { if ((event.which != KEY.DOWN) && (event.which != KEY.UP) && (currentValue != (reqTypeaheadBox).attr("ghostText"))) { callTypeAhead(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass); } }); (reqTypeaheadBox).on("paste", function(event) { setTimeout(function() { callTypeAhead(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass) }, 1); }); jQuery(document).on("dragend",reqTypeaheadBox, function(event) { callTypeAhead(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass); }); } // handle arrow keys , enter, tab on typeahead box (reqTypeaheadBox).on("keydown", function(event) { if ($("." + typeAheadObjClass).length > 0) { if ((event.which != KEY.DOWN) && (event.which != KEY.UP)) { } else if ((event.which == KEY.DOWN)) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $("." + typeAheadObjClass + " li a").first().focus(); $("." + typeAheadObjClass + " li a").removeClass("hover"); $("." + typeAheadObjClass + " li a").first().addClass("hover"); (reqTypeaheadBox).val($(document.activeElement).text()); // $(".typeAheadBox").val($(document.activeElement).text()); } /* else if(event.which == KEY.TAB){ var clearIcon = (reqTypeaheadBox).parents(".searchbg").find(".clear-search"); if($(clearIcon).length > 0 ){ $(clearIcon).focus(); } }*/ else if ((event.which == KEY.UP)) event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $("." + typeAheadObjClass + " $("." + typeAheadObjClass + " $("." + typeAheadObjClass + "
{ li a").last().focus(); li a").removeClass("hover"); li a").last().addClass("hover");
// Click on the predictive results $(document).on("click", "." + typeAheadObjClass + " li a", function(event) { (reqTypeaheadBox).val($(this).text()); // If mobile device then check the type ahead behaviour if(isMobileDevice()){ //Since this is mobile & if the key is not true then we need to stop type ahead if(typeAheadClickBehaviorMobile && typeAheadClickBehaviorMobile != "true"){ $(this).parents(".predictive-results").remove(); (reqTypeaheadBox).focus(); //Also we are force returning the event here to stop the ajax call return; } } else { //Now this is not Mobile //Checking if the in Desktop/Tablet if the type ahead behaviour is disabled. if(typeAheadClickBehaviorDesktop && typeAheadClickBehaviorDesktop != "true"){ //Since it is set to something other than true, we are stoping this action $(this).parents(".predictive-results").remove();
(reqTypeaheadBox).focus(); //Also we are force returning the event here to stop the ajax call
function createQueryParams(val){ val = $.trim(val); if (val!='' || val!=null || val!=undefined) { var words = val.split(' '); lengthOfWordList = words.length; var text = ''; var fieldText = ''; //cn, hk, tw var cc = getCCLC('cc'); var lc = getCCLC('lc'); var addFieldTextData = false; //The "+AND+MATCH{pm_series_value,pm_name_value}:CLASS" was added for story 6921 as part of the RnD to improve the functionality of the type ahead. // This prevents the SKUs from Showing up in the type ahead. By restricting the class to "pm_series_value" & "pm_name_value". var addFieldText = 'MATCH{'+cc+',NoValue}:COUNTRY_CODE+AND+BIASVAL{pm_series_value,'+biasvalValue+'}:C LASS+AND+MATCH{pm_series_value,pm_name_value}:CLASS';
// if the user is on us-en/drivers/printer /laptop etc. var filterId = getFilterIdForDriversPage(); // if we have ID(s) defined in SSC if(filterId){ // add filter criteria addFieldText += "+AND+STRING{"+filterId+"}:NAVIGATIONPATH"; } if((cc=='tw'|| cc=='hk' || cc=='cn') && lc=='zh'){ addFieldTextData = true; } // adding false to override adding field text if(false && lengthOfWordList>1){ //more than one word fieldText = words[lengthOfWordList-1]; fieldText = 'WILD{*'+ fieldText +'*}:DRETitle'; if(addFieldTextData){ fieldText = addFieldText+'+AND+'+fieldText; } words[lengthOfWordList-1] = ''; text = words.join(' '); text = $.trim(text); ajaxParam.paramData['text'] = text; ajaxParam.paramData['fieldText'] = fieldText; console.log('FieldText --->'+ fieldText); console.log('Text --->'+ text); } else{ text = val+'*'; if(addFieldTextData){ //CR13588ALM fieldText = addFieldText; ajaxParam.paramData['fieldText'] = fieldText; } else{ // if we have a filter ID and haven't already added it if(filterId){ ajaxParam.url1 = addFieldTextConditionToURL(ajaxParam.url1, "+AND+STRING{"+filterId+"}:NAVIGATIONPATH", filterId); }else{ ajaxParam.paramData['fieldText'] = ''; if(ajaxParam.url1.indexOf('}:NAVIGATIONPATH') > -1){ ajaxParam.url1 = removeFieldTextCondition(ajaxParam.url1); } }
// This function makes the ajax call for typeahead function autocomplete(currentInput, typeAheadObjClass) { $("." + typeAheadObjClass + "").remove(); currentValue = (currentInput).val(); ajaxParam.paramData["cc"] = getCCLC("cc"); ajaxParam.paramData["lc"] = getCCLC("lc"); ajaxParam.paramData["searchContext"] = $( "#search-dropdown .search-category").val() != "" ? $( "#search-dropdown .search-category").val() : "All Support"; var modifiedCurrentValue = currentValue.replace("&","&"); //replace & with & for IDOL to understand //create query params including static params createQueryParams(currentValue); var requestJson = JSON.stringify(ajaxParam.paramData); var successHandlerParams = { 'currentValue':modifiedCurrentValue, 'currentInput':currentInput, 'typeAheadObjClass':typeAheadObjClass }; abortAjaxUtil(); // abort called to abort any previous typeahead ajax call //callAjaxUtil('typeahead',ajaxParam.url,'POST',getMatch,'JSON',requestJson,success HandlerParams,ajaxFailureHandler); //Updated Ajax call to Call IDOL directly: //Create the url here //ajaxParam.url = ajaxParam.url1.replace("QueryPlaceholder",modifiedCurrentValue); var idolUTF8Lc = $('#idolUTF8Lc').val(); //base URL from portal var url1 = ajaxParam.url1; ajaxParam.url = url1; if(ajaxParam.paramData['text']!=null){ ajaxParam.url += '&text='+ajaxParam.paramData['text']; } if(ajaxParam.paramData['fieldText']!=null && ajaxParam.paramData['fieldText']! =''){ ajaxParam.url += '&fieldtext='+ajaxParam.paramData['fieldText']; }
// Make the call here callAjaxUtil('typeahead',ajaxParam.url,'POST',recallIdol,'JSON',null,successHandler Params,ajaxFailureHandler); //callAjaxUtil('typeahead',ajaxParam.url,'GET',nonIdolTypeAhead,'JSON',null,success HandlerParams,ajaxFailureHandler); $(currentInput).parent(".hasTypeahead").find(".searching").show(); } /*This function takes the IDOL JSON response and makes sense out of it.*/ var RELEVANCE_DIFF = 10; //to be externalized var TYPEAHEAD_MAX_LIMIT = 8; //to be externalized /** * * * * * * */ var
This method is used when hp-core-service is utilized for type ahead in search. This method populates type ahead. @since R3.0 @author [email protected] nonIdolTypeAhead = function(data,successHandlerParams){ var extractedData = []; for (var i=0; i
} if(extractedData.length > 0){ createList(extractedData, extractedData.length, successHandlerParams.currentInput, successHandlerParams.currentValue, successHandlerParams.typeAheadObjClass); } } var recallIdol = function(data,successHandlerParams){ var totalResults; var responseDataJSON = data.autnresponse.responsedata.$; if(typeof(responseDataJSON)=='object'){ responseDataJSON = responseDataJSON.join(); } responseDataJSON = $.parseJSON(responseDataJSON); /* responseDataJSON = data; */ if(!(responseDataJSON.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:numhits"] == undefined)){ // if IDOL response is not error totalResults = responseDataJSON.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:numhits"].$; } else{ totalResults = 0; }
var modifiedCurrentValue = successHandlerParams.currentValue; var words = modifiedCurrentValue.split(' '); var lengthOfWordList = words.length; if (totalResults == 0 && lengthOfWordList>1) { // if there are no results //createQueryParams var fieldtext = ""; var addFieldText = 'MATCH{'+cc+',NoValue}:COUNTRY_CODE'; if((cc=='tw'|| cc=='hk' || cc=='cn') && lc=='zh'){ fieldtext = "&fieldtext="+addFieldText; } ajaxParam.url = ajaxParam.url1+'&text='+modifiedCurrentValue+fieldtext; //commenting to cancel the second call to IDOL //callAjaxUtil('typeahead',ajaxParam.url,'POST',callTypeAheadResultConstructor,'JSO N',null,successHandlerParams,ajaxFailureHandler); } else { callTypeAheadResultConstructor(data,successHandlerParams); } } var callTypeAheadResultConstructor = function(rawData, successHandlerParams){ new typeAheadResultConstructor(rawData,successHandlerParams).filter(); } var typeAheadResultConstructor = function(rawData, successHandlerParams) { var rawData = rawData; var relevantDataIntrim = []; var urlCreationTempData = []; //6523 - will store respoonse data to be used for url creation var relevantData = { "topic": { "suggestions": [] }, "product": { "suggestions": [] } }; var totalResults; var responseDataJSON = rawData.autnresponse.responsedata.$; if(typeof(responseDataJSON)=='object'){ responseDataJSON = responseDataJSON.join(); } responseDataJSON = $.parseJSON(responseDataJSON); /* responseDataJSON = rawData; */ if(!(responseDataJSON.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:numhits"] == undefined)){ // if IDOL response is not error totalResults = responseDataJSON.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:numhits"].$; } else{ totalResults = 0; }
var calcNodeDepth = function(clazzType, navPathValue){ switch(clazzType){ case "category_navigation": return 1; case "pm_series_value": return 2; case "pm_name_value": return 3; case "pm_number_value": return 4; default: return 5; } } this.filter = function() { //initialise array to store child node paths (array or arrays) us-6523 var childNodeParentArray=[]; if (totalResults == 0) { // if there are no results getMatch(relevantData,successHandlerParams); } else { rawData = responseDataJSON; //Initialize this function by creating an array of the relevant data from the raw data set by using the filtering logic by VKS var isMultipleResult = (rawData.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:hit"] ! = undefined && rawData.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:hit"].length == undefined) ? false : true; if (isMultipleResult) { //if there are multiple results, autn:hit would be an array otherwise a single object $.each(rawData.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:hit"], function(index, obj) { var tempData = {}; var tempDataforURL = {}; var elemNavPathValue = ((this["autn:content"].DOCUMENT.SHORTESTNAVIGATIONPATH.$).split('|').length) 2; //having a -2 as an empty string is created after the last '|' var elemClazzType = this["autn:content"].DOCUMENT.CLASS.$; var shortestNavPathLength = calcNodeDepth(elemClazzType, elemNavPathValue); //store child nodes if present only us-6523 //if(this["autn:content"].DOCUMENT.CHILDNODES.hasOwnProperty("$")) //{ // var childArray=this["autn:content"].DOCUMENT.CHILDNODES. $.split('|'); // childNodeParentArray.push(childArray); // }
} else { var tempData = {}; var tempDataforURL = {}; var elemNavPathValue = ((rawData.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:hit"] ["autn:content"].DOCUMENT.SHORTESTNAVIGATIONPATH.$).split('|').length) - 2; //having a -2 as an empty string is created after the last '|' var elemClazzType = rawData.autnresponse.responsedata["autn:hit"] ["autn:content"].DOCUMENT.CLASS.$; var shortestNavPathLength = calcNodeDepth(elemClazzType, elemNavPathValue)
} /*End*/ // Failure handler for ajax call function ajaxFailureHandler(){ $(".hasTypeahead .searching").hide(); } // Get the matched results for products and topics function getMatch(jsonData, paramObj) { // jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonData); var currentValue = paramObj.currentValue; var currentInput = paramObj.currentInput; var typeAheadObjClass = paramObj.typeAheadObjClass; $(".hasTypeahead .searching").hide(); var jsonProdLen = jsonData.product.suggestions.length; var jsonTopicLen = jsonData.topic.suggestions.length; var jsonTotalLength = jsonProdLen + jsonTopicLen; var jsonObj = new Array(); var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < jsonProdLen; i++) { if ((currentValue != "")) { var tempData = {}; tempData["label"] = jsonData.product.suggestions[i].label; tempData["productId"] = jsonData.product.suggestions[i].productId; jsonObj[j] = tempData; j++; } } for (var i = 0; i < jsonTopicLen; i++) { if ((currentValue != "")) { var tempData = {}; tempData["label"] = jsonData.topic.suggestions[i].label; tempData["productId"] = (jsonData.topic.suggestions[i].productId); jsonObj[j] = tempData; j++; } } createList(jsonObj, jsonProdLen, currentInput, currentValue, typeAheadObjClass); } // This creates the DOM for the predictive results and append it function createList(jsonObj, jsonProdLen, currentInput, currentValue,typeAheadObjClass) { (currentInput).siblings("ul").remove(); /* * type head highlighting - creating array with each word in user query for * search box */ var userQuery = (currentInput).val(); var userQueryWord; var userQueryWordLen = 0;
if (userQuery != undefined && userQuery != "") { userQueryWord = userQuery.split(" "); } /* * type head highlighting - creating array with each word in user query for * search box - end */ var jsonLen = jsonObj.length; var typeaheadLeftHook = (currentInput).siblings(".typeaheadHook").val() + "px"; if($("html").attr("dir")=="ltr"){ var stringList = "
"; } else{ var stringList = "
"; } for (var i = 0; i < jsonLen; i++) { /* * type head highlighting - using array to highlight type ahead * suggestions */ for (var count = 0; count < userQueryWord.length; count++) { var toBeHighlighted = userQueryWord[count]; var suggestedStr = jsonObj[i].label; if (toBeHighlighted != "") { suggestedStr = highlightSuggestion(suggestedStr,toBeHighlighted); jsonObj[i].label = suggestedStr; } } /* * type head highlighting - using array to highlight type ahead * suggestions - end */ if (i == jsonProdLen) { stringList += "
} //This function calls the typeahead function after an interval of 100ms after user inputs function callTypeAhead(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass) { // this is to get the typeAheadLimit i.e. beyond this count no typeahead call, #arka var typeAheadLimit ="typeaheadlimit"); // Don't call IDOL for type ahead if the lenght of text is less than 2 or greater than the configured limit #arka if ((reqTypeaheadBox).val().length > 1 && (reqTypeaheadBox).val().length < typeAheadLimit) { clearTimeout(typeAheadTimeout); typeAheadTimeout = setTimeout(function() { autocomplete(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass) }, 100); // autocomplete(reqTypeaheadBox, typeAheadObjClass); } else { clearTimeout(typeAheadTimeout); $("." + typeAheadObjClass + "").remove(); $(".hasTypeahead .searching").hide(); } } /* created for typeahead keyword highlighting - Richa * this function creates and array from suggested string. Logic is to separate already highlighted * (keywords enfolded with <strong>) from other words. * to handle if user searches for s/t/r/o/n/g, need to remove <strong>highlighted from the suggestedStr */ function createSuggestedArr(suggestedStr) { var startTag = "<strong>"; var lastTag = ""; var remainingSuggestedStr = suggestedStr; var suggestedArr = [], arrCounter=0; var strongLastTagL = KEY.TAB; var strongFirstIndex = remainingSuggestedStr.indexOf(startTag); var strongLastIndex = remainingSuggestedStr.indexOf(lastTag); while(strongFirstIndex!=-1) { if (strongFirstIndex == 0){ var endTagLastIndex = strongLastIndex + strongLastTagL; suggestedArr[arrCounter] = remainingSuggestedStr.substring(0,endTagLastIndex); remainingSuggestedStr = remainingSuggestedStr.substring(endTagLastIndex); } else { suggestedArr[arrCounter] = remainingSuggestedStr.substring(0,strongFirstIndex); remainingSuggestedStr = remainingSuggestedStr.substring(strongFirstIndex);
} arrCounter++; strongFirstIndex = remainingSuggestedStr.indexOf(startTag); strongLastIndex = remainingSuggestedStr.indexOf(lastTag); } //strong doesnt occur if(remainingSuggestedStr!="") { suggestedArr[arrCounter] = remainingSuggestedStr; } return suggestedArr; } /* created for typeahead keyword highlighting - Richa * this function sends suggestion array to createHiglightedStr for adding strong tags * */ function highlightSuggestion(suggestedStrComplete, toBeHighlighted) { var suggestedArr = createSuggestedArr(suggestedStrComplete); var suggestedArrL = suggestedArr.length; var suggestedStr, finalSuggestedStr = ""; var noOfMatches; var regEx = new RegExp(toBeHighlighted, "gi"); for(var counterArr=0; counterArr<suggestedArrL; counterArr++) { suggestedStr = suggestedArr[counterArr]; noOfMatches = suggestedStr.match(regEx) != null ? suggestedStr.match(regEx).length : 0; /* * for the first matched string, add <strong> to the keyword based * on its "keyword" occurrence */ if (noOfMatches != 0) {
if (suggestedStr.indexOf("<strong>")==-1) { suggestedStr = createHiglightedStr(suggestedStr, toBeHighlighted); } /* * from the second match onwards, add <strong> to the keyword * based on its "keyword+" occurrence */ else { var index = suggestedStr.lastIndexOf(toBeHighlighted+''); if (index != -1) { firstPartStr = suggestedStr.substring(0, index); lastPartStr = suggestedStr.substring(index); suggestedStr = firstPartStr + createHiglightedStr(lastPartStr, toBeHighlighted); } }
} /*created for typeahead keyword highlighting - Richa * this function adds strong tag around matching text * */ function createHiglightedStr(strValue, toBeHighlighted) { var startTag = "<strong>"; var lastTag = ""; var index = strValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(toBeHighlighted.toLowerCase()); strValue = strValue.substring(0, index) + startTag + strValue.substring(index, index + toBeHighlighted.length) + lastTag + strValue.substring(index + toBeHighlighted.length); return strValue; } /* created for typeahead keyword highlighting - end - Richa */ function isHidePrediction(typeAheadObjClass, reqTypeaheadBox){ setTimeout(function() { if($("." + typeAheadObjClass + " li a").is(":focus") || $ (".clearQuestionText").is(":focus") ||(reqTypeaheadBox).is(":focus") ){ } else{ $("." + typeAheadObjClass).remove(); } }, 200);
/** * @returns */ function getFilterIdForDriversPage(){ var url = window.location.href; var id = ""; if(url.indexOf('drivers/printer') > 0){ id = printerId; }else if(url.indexOf('drivers/laptop') > 0){ id = laptopId; }else if(url.indexOf('drivers/desktop') > 0){ id = desktopId; } }
return id;
/** * This method will find the parameter named fieldText and * append additionalFieldText to it and modify the original * URL with the new overall fieldText * * @param url * @param additionalFieldText * @returns
*/ function addFieldTextConditionToURL(url, additionalFieldText, filterId){ var finalUrl = url; if(url.indexOf('}:NAVIGATIONPATH') == -1){ var indexOfFieldText = url.indexOf("fieldtext"); var urlPartOne = url.substr(0, indexOfFieldText); var urlPartTwo = url.substr(indexOfFieldText, url.length); var indexOfFieldTextEnd = urlPartTwo.indexOf('&'); var oldFieldText = urlPartTwo.substr(0, indexOfFieldTextEnd); var newFieldText = oldFieldText + additionalFieldText; var urlPartThree = urlPartTwo.substr(indexOfFieldTextEnd, urlPartTwo.length); finalUrl = urlPartOne + newFieldText + urlPartThree; // URL already has this condition }else{ // the URL has this condition with some other ID if(url.indexOf(filterId) == -1){ var var i = var
fieldTextParamString = '+AND+STRING{'; i = url.indexOf(fieldTextParamString); i + fieldTextParamString.length; j = url.indexOf('}:NAVIGATIONPATH');
/** * Remove fieldText param of navigation * path. For any search other than * SWD Type Ahead * @param url * @returns */ function removeFieldTextCondition(url){ var fieldTextParamString = '+AND+STRING{'; var fieldTextParamNavigation = '}:NAVIGATIONPATH'; var i = url.indexOf(fieldTextParamString); var j = url.indexOf(fieldTextParamNavigation); j = j + fieldTextParamNavigation.length; return url.slice(0, i) + url.slice(j, url.length); }/* Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, HP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /******************************************************************************
* NAME * assetConversionIntegration.js * * DESCRIPTION * Has functions which can convert a potential Samsung product's * product or serial number into equivalent HP product number * or serial number, and vice-versa. * * *****************************************************************************/ /** * Converts HP product number to Samsung * and vice-versa using CAL * * @author [email protected] * */ function convertProductNumber(productNumberRequest, callback){ var responseData = {}; // set the request object var requestJSON = {}; requestJSON.productNumber = productNumberRequest.productNumber; requestJSON.captchaToken = productNumberRequest.captchaToken;;; var ssid = getSSIDForAssetConv('product'); var url = "/hp-pps-services/asset/conversion/productnumber?ssid=" + ssid; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url : url, dataType:'json', data: JSON.stringify(requestJSON), type: "POST", beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $("#conversionGifSpinner").modal("show"); }, success : function(data) { // Set HPPN and EPN in final response responseData.hpProductNumber = data.hpProductNumber; responseData.equivalentProductNumber = data.equivalentProductNumber; // Check if it is an HP asset if(productNumberRequest.productNumber == data.hpProductNumber){ // input PN matches HPPN in response, HP Asset responseData.isHPAsset = true; }else{
// Not an HP asset responseData.isHPAsset = false;
// Check if the response has both HPPN and EPN if((data.hpProductNumber != null && data.hpProductNumber != '')
&&(data.equivalentProductNumber != null && data.equivalentProductNumber != '')){ // set match found as true responseData.isMatchFound = true; }else { // no match found responseData.isMatchFound = false;
} function getSSIDForAssetConv(type){ var secureTokenVal = $('#secureTokenField').val(); //retrieve string in which key is stored var tokenId; if(type == "product"){ tokenId = $('#samsungProductBtn').attr("token"); if(tokenId == null){ tokenId = $('#hpProductBtn').attr("token"); } } if(type == "serial"){ tokenId = $('#samsungSerialBtn').attr("token"); if(tokenId == null){ tokenId = $('#hpSerialBtn').attr("token"); } } var ssidValue = ""; if(secureTokenVal.indexOf(tokenId)!=-1){ //check if the token key is present in the string of tokens ssidValue = JSON.parse($("#secureFieldJson").val()); } return ssidValue[tokenId]; } /** * Converts HP serial number to Samsung * and vice-versa using an external service * * @author [email protected] *
*/ function convertSerialNumber(serialNumberRequest, callback){ var responseData = {}; // set the request object var requestJSON = {}; requestJSON.serialNumber = serialNumberRequest.serialNumber; requestJSON.captchaToken = serialNumberRequest.captchaResponse;;; var ssid = getSSIDForAssetConv('serial'); var url = "/hp-pps-services/asset/conversion/serialnumber?ssid=" + ssid; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url : url, dataType:'json', data: JSON.stringify(requestJSON), type: "POST", beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $("#conversionGifSpinner").modal("show"); }, success : function(data) { // Set HPPN and EPN in final response responseData.hpSerialNumber = data.hpSerialNumber; responseData.equivalentSerialNumber = data.equivalentSerialNumber; responseData.status=data.status; responseData.statusMessage=data.statusMessage; if((data.equivalentSerialNumber != null && data.equivalentSerialNumber != '')){ // set match found as true responseData.isMatchFound = true; }else { // no match found responseData.isMatchFound = false;
"; if(!(typeof categories.category[0] !== 'undefined' && (categories.category[0]! == null))){ var hpeString = ""; var hpiString = ""; for(var key in categories.category) { var val= categories.category[key]; if(key=="hpiProducts" && val.length>0){ hpiString += otherProducts("",val,key,categorylistheading);/*sending a null string to other products as it is being appended on return*/ } else if(key=="hpeProducts"&& val.length>0){ hpeString += otherProducts("",val,key,categorylistheading); } } builtString += hpiString+hpeString + ' '
} if (!(jsonData.pfinder.worldwide.categories[0] == undefined)) { var globalCategories = jsonData.pfinder.worldwide.categories; var categoryString = "";
} function getResultCount(categories){ return categories.category.products.length; } pFinderResultClick = function(pOid){ //on click of certain pfinder results populate the value in a form and submit it instead of redirecting directly if($('#pFinderClickForm').length>0){ $('#pFinderClickPOid').attr('value',pOid); $('#pFinderClickForm').submit(); } } function isSWDPage(){ /*
$("#searchResultsWrapper").append(searchResultMarkupString); $(".search-result:not(:last)").after(""); } // External Link Image for Search Result Page // add external image symbol if needed $('.search-result a').each(function () { // "this" is the current element in the loop var link = this.href; // internal site regex var regex = new RegExp("([\w0-9._:/-]*))"); if(link.indexOf('http') > -1 && !regex.test(link)){ $(this).append(' '); } }); } var promoIdsArr = []; function createSearchResultMarkup(searchResultsObj) { var builtString; var resultObj = searchResultsObj.searchResult; if((typeof(resultObj.searchId) == "undefined") && (typeof(resultObj.searchType) == "undefined")){ var Url= resultObj.searchURL; var splitUrl = Url.split("/"); var docID = splitUrl[splitUrl.length - 1]; builtString = "
"; promoIdsArr.push(resultObj.searchId); } return builtString; } /*Pagination - Richa */ function parsePaginationJson(pageJson) { var pageJson2 = pageJson; var current = pageJson.pagination.current; var total =; var first = pageJson.pagination.first; var last = pageJson.pagination.last; var totalCount = pageJson.totalCount;
var searchQueryForDisplay = pageJson.searchQueryForDisplay; var searchQuery = pageJson.searchQuery; var actualQuery = pageJson.actualQuery; var searchResultLink = pageJson.searchResultLink; var resultsFor = pageJson.foundResultFor; var facets = pageJson.facets; var productFacets = pageJson.ProductFacets; var osFacets = pageJson.OSFacets; var topicFacets = pageJson.TopicFacets; var promotionList = pageJson.promotionList; $("#promotionList").val(JSON.stringify(promotionList)); $("#searchResultsWrapper").html(""); var seoFriendlyName = pageJson.searchResults.seoFriendlyName; $("#seoFriendlyName").val(seoFriendlyName); paintPaginationSection(first,last,current,total); paintSearchResults(pageJson.searchResults); paintCountQuery(totalCount,searchQueryForDisplay,actualQuery,searchResultLink,searc hQuery,resultsFor); // do not reload facets if(facets==undefined || (facets!=undefined && facets!='empty')) paintFacets(productFacets,osFacets,topicFacets); $(".searchSectionWrapper").show(); // to bind - on click of clear and clear all bindClearFacets(); } function nonEnglishLocale(){ $(".englishResults").on("click tap",function (event){ searchlc = "en"; var count = $($(".resultsCount2")[0]).text(); $("#storeResultCount").val(count); englishResultsAjax(searchlc); }); $(".localeResults").on("click tap",function (event){ searchlc = getCCLC(lc); $("#storeResultCount").val(""); localResultsAjax(searchlc); }); } /*Locale based rendering */ function parsePaginationJsonEnglish(pageJson) { //$("#resultsInLc").addClass("hide"); if(pageJson.totalCount>0){ parsePaginationJson(pageJson); resultsEnglishJson(); } else{ }
} function parsePaginationJsonLocale(pageJson) {
parsePaginationJson(pageJson); //$("#resultsInLc").removeClass("hide"); $(".optionsResultsInLc").removeClass("hide"); $(".englishResults").removeClass("hide"); $(".localeResults").addClass("hide"); $(".resultsInEng").addClass("hide"); $(".englishLocale").addClass("hide"); $("#resultCurrentLocale").removeClass("hide"); $(".resultsInLocal").removeClass("locale-results"); $("#nonUSLocaleSecondView").html(""); $(".searchForNonENLocale").clone().appendTo("#nonUSLocaleSecondView"); $(".resultsColor").addClass("color-black"); $("#searchProdInfo").removeClass("hide"); nonEnglishLocale(); } function resultsEnglishJson() { $(".optionsResultsInLc").addClass("hide"); $(".englishResults").addClass("hide"); $(".localeResults").removeClass("hide"); $(".resultsInEng").removeClass("hide"); $(".englishLocale").removeClass("hide"); $("#resultCurrentLocale").addClass("hide"); $("#nonUSLocaleSecondView").html(""); $(".searchForNonENLocale").clone().appendTo("#nonUSLocaleSecondView"); $(".resultsInLocal").addClass("locale-results"); $(".resultsColor").removeClass("color-black"); $("#searchProdInfo").addClass("hide"); nonEnglishLocale(); } function noResultsEnglishJson() { $(".noEnglishResults").removeClass("hide"); $(".optionsResultsInLc").addClass("hide"); $(".englishResults").addClass("hide"); $("#nonUSLocaleSecondView").html(""); $(".searchForNonENLocale").clone().appendTo("#nonUSLocaleSecondView"); nonEnglishLocale(); } function paintCountQuery(totalCount,searchQueryForDisplay,actualQuery,searchResultLink,searc hQuery,resultsFor) { // populate count, 2,search query - user enters and 3.actual query search query if search query is misspelled. globalDataLayer.Search.setValue('Count',totalCount); $(window).trigger('SearchCount',{ SearchCount : totalCount }); $('.resultsCount1').html(totalCount); var totalCountLocal = $("#storeResultCount").val(); if(totalCountLocal!= undefined && totalCountLocal!=totalCount &&
totalCountLocal!=""){ $('.resultsCount2').html(totalCountLocal); } else{ $('.resultsCount2').html(totalCount); } $('.resultsCount3').html(totalCount); /* $('#search-input').val(searchQueryForDisplay); Removing this as the search query now is painted directly from searchparent.jsp */ $('#searchQuery').val(searchQuery); if($('#actualQuery')!=undefined) { $('#actualQuery').val(actualQuery); //$('#actualQuery').attr("href",searchResultLink); } if(resultsFor!='') { //$('#resultsCountSearch').html(resultsFor); //$('#resultsCountSearch_val').val(resultsFor); //Changes made for XSS Vulnerability $('#resultsCountSearch').html(""); var searchInput_Text = $('#search-input').val(); searchInput_Text = $('<span>', {text: searchInput_Text}); $('#resultsCountSearch').append(searchInput_Text); } } function paintPaginationSection(first,last,current,total) { // clear the existing pages and remove disabled class from button. $('.pagination-container ul.pagination-pages').html(''); enableDisablePageButton('enable'); // if only 1st page is displayed. if(first == 0) { $('.paginationWrapper').hide(); return; } else if( $('.paginationWrapper').css('display') == 'none' ) { $('.paginationWrapper').show(); } //paint the pages and add active class for(var count=first; count<=last; count++) { if(count == current) { $('.pagination-container ul.pagination-pages').append('
} if(current == total) { enableDisablePageButton('disable','more'); } $('ul.pagination-pages li').on('click',function() { if(!($(this).find('a').hasClass('active'))) { var current = $(this).find('a .pageCount').html(); var currentNum = parseInt(current); pagination(currentNum); } }); } function pagination(pageNum) { var ajaxParam = facetsPaginationParams(pageNum); var requestJson = JSON.stringify(ajaxParam.paramData); var pageURL = $('#paginationURL').val(); callAjaxUtil("pagination",pageURL,"POST",parsePaginationJson,"JSON", requestJson, null,null,null,true,handleLoadingResult,true,handleLoadingResult,false); } function pageButtonHandle(buttonVal) { var current = $('ul.pagination-pages li .pageCount').html(); var currentNum = parseInt(current); if(buttonVal == "less") { pagination(currentNum-1); }else if(buttonVal == "more") { pagination(currentNum+1); } } //this function is called on beforesend and complete of ajax call for pagination function handleLoadingResult(showOrHide) { // showOrHide will be true for beforesend and false for complete if(showOrHide == true) { $('.hp-loading-results').show(); } else { $('.hp-loading-results').hide(); $(window).scrollTop(0); $("#searchResultsWrapper").find("a")[0].focus(); // This is to take the focus to the first result. } } function enableDisablePageButton(enableDisable,buttonName) { if(enableDisable == 'disable') { if(buttonName == 'less') { $('.pagination-button.paginationless').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.pagination-button.pagination-less').css('backgroundcolor','#DDD'); } else { $('.pagination-button.paginationmore').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('.pagination-button.pagination-more').css('background-
color','#DDD'); } } else {
// enable less $('.pagination-button.pagination-less').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.pagination-button.pagination-less').css('background-
color','#FFF'); }
// enable more $('.pagination-button.pagination-more').removeAttr('disabled'); $('.pagination-button.pagination-more').css('background-
} /*Pagination - RIcha - end */ function handlePaginationRtl() { // RTL for pagination buttons - Richa if($('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl') { $('.pagination-button.pagination-less i').removeClass('fa fa-chevronleft').addClass('fa fa-chevron-right'); $('.pagination-button.pagination-more i').removeClass('fa fa-chevronright').addClass('fa fa-chevron-left'); } // RTL for pagination buttons - Richa - end } $(document).ready(function() { hpExpandableInit(); }); function hpExpandableInit() { $(document).on("click", ".hp-expand-colapse", function() { $(this).addClass("opened"); $(this).siblings(".hp-expandable-section").slideDown().addClass("opened"); }); $(document).on("click", ".hp-expand-colapse.opened", function() { $(this).removeClass("opened"); $(this).siblings(".hp-expandable-section").removeClass("opened").slideUp(); }); } /** * Protect window.console method calls, e.g. console is not defined on IE * unless dev tools are open, and IE doesn't define console.debug */ (function() { if (!window.console) { window.console = {}; } // union of Chrome, FF, IE, and Safari console methods var m = [ "log", "info", "warn", "error", "debug", "trace", "dir", "group",
"groupCollapsed", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "profile", "profileEnd", "dirxml", "assert", "count", "markTimeline", "timeStamp", "clear" ]; // define undefined methods as noops to prevent errors for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { if (!window.console[m[i]]) { window.console[m[i]] = function() {}; } } })();// This plugin is based on the Bootstrap collapse component, with some extended functionality // This plugin looks for an element with a data-toggle="collapse" // The href attr of the toggle will determine which accordion to collapse/expand // If the toggle element also has a data-group attr, any accordion inside that #id will collapse, allowing only one to be visiblea at a time // Also you can pass in a data-scroll boolean on the toggle element, to determine wether the page will scrollTo the now visible accordion content // // This will control any expandable component, including Accordions, Sortable Table, and Instruction Panels Accordion = (function(){ var init = function(){ if($('[data-toggle="collapse"]').length){ addHandlers(); } }; var addHandlers = function(){ $('[data-toggle="collapse"]').on('tap click', checkState); $('[data-toggle="collapse"]').on('slideDown', slideDown); $('[data-toggle="collapse"]').on('slideUp', slideUp); $('.acc-ex-all').on('tap click', expandAll); $('.acc-coll-all').on('tap click', collapseAll); }; var checkState = function(e){ // This is the entry point. It checks the state of the accordion and handles its accordingly (lolz). e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); //Get the handler var $toggle = $(this); var scroll = $'scroll'); //IF IT IS UP, slide it down if(!$($toggle.attr('href')).hasClass('in')){ //IF IN GROUP, then we need to close all sibling panels in the group if($'parent')){ var group = $'parent'); $(group).find('[datatoggle="collapse"]').not($toggle).trigger('slideUp'); $toggle.trigger('slideDown', [scroll]); } else { $toggle.trigger('slideDown', [scroll]); } //IF DOWN, slide that up } else { $toggle.trigger('slideUp');
} }; var expandAll = function(e){ //This expands all panels in the group e.preventDefault(); var $toggle = $(this); var $group = $($'group')); $group.find('[data-toggle="collapse"]').trigger('slideDown', [false]); }; var collapseAll = function(e){ //Collapses all panels in their group e.preventDefault(); var $toggle = $(this); var $group = $($'group')); $group.find('[data-toggle="collapse"]').trigger('slideUp'); }; var slideDown = function(e, scroll){ //Slides down an individual panel var $toggle = $(this); var $panel = $ (this).addClass('toggled').closest('[class^="panel"]').addClass('open'); var accordionId = $toggle.attr('href'); var $accordion = $(accordionId); $toggle.attr("aria-expanded","true"); $accordion.slideDown(function(){ $(this).addClass('in'); if(scroll){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $accordion.offset().top-200}, true); } if($(this).attr("id") == "os-selector"){ $(".os-heading").css("pointer-events",""); } }); }; var slideUp = function(e){ var $toggle = $(this); var $panel = $ (this).removeClass('toggled').closest('[class^="panel"]').removeClass('open'); var accordionId = $toggle.attr('href'); var $accordion = $(accordionId); $toggle.attr("aria-expanded","false"); $accordion.slideUp(function(){ $(this).removeClass('in'); if($(this).attr("id") == "os-selector"){ $(".os-heading").css("pointer-events",""); } }); }; return { init: init }; }());// This has been made obsolete by the addition of iCheck plugin // Saving code here for backup for now
}; var dClose = function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); $this = $(this); $this.removeClass('open'); }; var dOpen = function(e){ $this = $(this); $this.addClass('open'); };
return { init: init }; }());// This is placeholder code to demonstrate filter functionality // It basically adds a bunch of handlers to fire mock-AJAX calls and update the filter breadcrumbs // This has a dependency on iCheck Filters = (function(){ var filterTitles = {}; var init = function(){ var $inputs = $('.filter-options input[type="checkbox"]'); if($inputs.length){ addHandlers($inputs); } }; var addHandlers = function($inputs){ $inputs.on('change', applyFilter); $('[data-filter="clear"]').on('tap click', clearFilters); $('[data-filter="all"]').on('change', clearSiblingFilters); $('#filter-form').on('submit', submitFilters); $('.expandable').on('tap click', expand); $('[data-more]').on('tap click', expandLevel); $('#filter-trigger').on('tap click', showMobile); $('#filter-close').on('tap click', showMobile); if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function(){ if (window.innerWidth > 800){
}()); //These elements are created from filters.js by clicking the input filters SCF = (function(){ var init = function(){ var $toggles; if ($('.applied-filters-item').length) { $toggles = $('.applied-filters-item').find('.filter-close'); addHandlers($toggles); } }; var initElem = function($el){ addHandlers($el.find('.filter-close')); }; var addHandlers = function($toggles){ $toggles.on('click', close); }; var close = function(e){ var $target = $(e.currentTarget); var $parent = $target.parent(); var $input; $input = $('#filter-form input.icheck\\[' + $target.attr('ref').split('[').pop().split(']').shift() + '\\]'); $input.prop('checked', false).change(); console.log($input.prop('checked')); if ($target.prop('tagName') === 'LI'){ $target.remove(); } else if ($parent.prop('tagName') === 'LI'){ $parent.remove(); } }; return { init: init, initElem: initElem }; })();Pagination = (function(){ var $pagContainer, $contentSelector, $controls, controlTriggers, maxResults, totalResults; var init = function(){ $pagContainer = $('.pagination-container'); if($pagContainer.length){ $contentSelector = $('.pagination-container li'); $controls = $('.pagination'); controlTriggers = '.pagination li a'; maxResults = 10; totalResults = $contentSelector.length; renderControls();
var renderControls = function(){ // // THIS MODULE IS STILL IN PROCESS // // }; return { init: init }; }());// This is to demonstrate functionality of the dependent select boxes // whenever a change is made in a parent select box, an ajax call needs to fire // to pull in the next set of options available // this is dependant on the fancy select plugin ajaxSelect = (function(){ // create a blank image object to reserver for our loader gif var loaderGif = new Image(); // var init = function(){ // grab all our instances var $ajaxSelects = $('[data-class="ajax-select"]'); var $fancySelects = $('.fancy-select'); if($ajaxSelects.length){ // add handlers addHandlers($ajaxSelects, $fancySelects); // this is dummy call fakeIt(); // set the image object's src loaderGif.src = ('_/images/i-pre-sm-hpe.gif'); $(loaderGif).addClass('select-loader'); // append a loader gid before each instance of the submit button or if no submit button // after all the select boxes $('.dependant-select').each(function(){ if($(this).find('input[type="submit"]').length){ $ (this).find('input[type="submit"]').before(loaderGif); } else { $(this).append($(loaderGif).clone()); } }); } }; // add our handlers var addHandlers = function($ajaxSelects, $fancySelects){ // change.fs is an event provided to us by fancy select $ajaxSelects.on('change.fs', callNextLevel); $fancySelects.on('open', open); };
// var open = function(e){ // } // This is a dummy call to hide all the results on one of the tabs in PDP, as well as hide all the // dependant select would otherwise not be visible/returned by ther server yet var fakeIt = function(){ $('.troubleshoot-results').hide(); // Hide all the selects except the first $('.dependant-select').each(function(){ $(this).find('.fancy-select.ajax-select').slice(1).hide(); }); // Make it so the first dropdown is expanded by default. omg this is so ugly why. much bad ux. $('').each(function(){ $(this).find('.fancy-select.ajaxselect').first().children().addClass('open'); }); }; // this fires after the change event on a fancy select box var callNextLevel = function(e){ // set up some variables for the AJAX call var $select = $(this); var $parent = $select.parent(); var $form = $(this).parents('form'); var url = $form.attr('action'); // show the loader while the AJAX call is made if( $select.parent().next('.fancy-select').length){ $select.parent().siblings('.select-loader').css({'display': 'block'}); } else { $select.parent().removeClass('last'); } // this timeout fakes the time it would take for an ajax to complete setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: $form.serialize(), // serializes the form's elements. success: function(data) { // DO SOME STUFF IN HERE TO BUILD OUT THE NEXT LEVEL's SELECT OPTIONS BASED ON DATA RETURNED FROM SERVER if( $select.parent().next('.fancy-select').length){ $select.parent().removeClass('last'); $select.parent().next('.fancyselect').show().addClass('last').children('select').focus(); $select.parent().siblings('.select-loader').hide(); } else { $select.parent().siblings('.select-loader').hide(); $('.troubleshoot-results').show(); } }, error: function(data){ if( $select.parent().next('.fancy-select').length){
$select.parent().next('.fancy-select').show(); $select.parent().removeClass('last'); $select.parent().next('.fancyselect').show().addClass('last'); $form.find('.select-loader').hide(); } else { $form.find('.select-loader').hide(); $('.troubleshoot-results').show(); } } }); }, 1000); return false; }; return { init: init }; }()); narrowModal = (function(){ var $resultsModal, $narrowForm; var init = function(){ $resultsModal = $('#refine-results-modal'); if($resultsModal.length){ $narrowForm = $('#narrow-results'); addHandlers(); } }; var addHandlers = function(){ $narrowForm.on('submit', fetchResults); }; var fetchResults = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#refine-results-modal').modal('toggle'); var url = $narrowForm.attr('action'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: $narrowForm.serialize(), // serializes the form's elements. success: function(data) { //HANDLE SUCCESS }, error: function(data){ //HANDLE THE ERROR } }); return false; }; return { init: init }; }());// This is placeholder code for predicitve results in the search bar
// You can see this in action on search.php // As of current, this functionality will happen if there is a #predictive-results element Search = (function(){ // Modukle variables var $searchInput, $predictiveList; // Check if we need to initialize var init = function(){ $searchInput = $('#search-input.predictive'); $predictiveList = $('#predictive-results'); if($searchInput.length){ addHandlers(); } }; // add our handlers var addHandlers = function(){ $searchInput.on('keydown', switchToList); $searchInput.on('focus', showList); $predictiveList.on('keydown','a', checkKeymap); $predictiveList.on('click tap','a', changeValue); }; // This code will change focus to the list when the user hits the down arrow var switchToList = function(e){ // Check for down arrow event if(e.keyCode == 40 && $predictiveList.length){ e.preventDefault(); // Find first li in the list and focus it and add a hover class // in some browsers, simply focusing an element does not add a hover state // so we need to do this manully $predictiveList.find('li:first a').trigger('focus').addClass('hover'); } }; var showList = function(e){ // Simple call to show the list $; }; var checkKeymap = function(e){ // A switch statement! Wow! switch(e.keyCode){ // Check if down arrow case 40: // Check if the parent is not the last element if(!$(this).parent().is(':last-child')){ $ (this).removeClass('hover').parent().next().find('a').focus().addClass('hover'); } // if it is, nothing should happen return false; //UP // Check if parent li is the first element case 38: if($(this).parent().is(':first-child')){
$(this).removeClass('hover'); //if it is, focus on the search $searchInput.focus(); } else { // if it isnt, then simply iterate up the list $ (this).removeClass('hover').parent().prev().find('a').focus().addClass('hover'); } return false; // Check if 'enter' key is pressed case 13: // trigger a click event to select this value $(this).removeClass('hover'); $(this).trigger('click'); break; };
// this is the function that swaps the value from the list to search bar var changeValue = function(e){ $searchInput.val($(this).text()); $predictiveList.hide(); }; return { init: init }; }());Tooltips = (function(){ var $modalTemplate = $('#tooltip-modal'); var init = function(){ if($('.badge-tooltip').length || ($('.with-tooltip').length)){ // Do not remove / modify - Varun. checkBrowser(); } }; var checkBrowser = function(){ if(Modernizr.touch || $(window).width()<768){ addTouchHandlers(); } else { addTouchlessHandlers(); } }; var addTouchlessHandlers = function(){ $('.badge-tooltip').popover({ trigger: 'focus', html: true, container: 'body' }).click(function(e){ if(!$(this).is(':focus')){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).focus(); } }); $('.with-tooltip').popover({ trigger: 'hover',
html: true, container: 'body' }).click(function(e){ if(!$(this).is(':focus')){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).focus(); } }); }; var addTouchHandlers = function(){ $('.badge-tooltip').on('tap click', buildModal); }; var buildModal = function(){ var $badge = $(this); var $modal = $('#tooltip-modal'); if($'title')){ $modal.find('h3').empty().html($'title')).show(); } else { $modal.find('h3').hide(); } if ($'content')){ $modal.find('.content').empty().html($'content')); showModal(); } }; var showModal = function(){ $modalTemplate.modal(); }; return { init: init }; }());CLC = (function(){ var init = function(){ // After selecting a country, // display that country flag and country name in the next step $('#clc-choose-country .country-options a').on('tap click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var selectedCountry = $(this).text(); var selectedCountryFlag = $(this).find('.flag').attr('class'); var totalLanguages = $('#clc-choose-language .language-options li').size(); $('#clc-choose-language').find('#selectedCountry').text(selectedCountry); $('#clc-chooselanguage').find('#selectedCountryFlag').addClass(selectedCountryFlag); // Count the number of supported languages // and display them in the modal-title $('#totalLanguages').text(totalLanguages); }); // When switching from Country to Language, // change the size of the modal from modal-xl to modal-sm $('.country-options a').on('tap click', function(e) { e.preventDefault();
$('#clc-choose-country').hide(); // $('#clc-choose-language').show(); $('#clc-modal').find('.modal-dialog').removeClass('modalxl').addClass('modal-sm'); }); // When switching back from Language to Country, // change the size of the modal back to modal-xl $('#clc-back').on('tap click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#clc-choose-language').hide(); $('#clc-choose-country').show(); //$('#clc-modal').find('.modal-dialog').removeClass('modalsm').addClass('modal-xl');//do not remove this - Pratisha }); // After clicking on a support language, // add the selected language to the Confirm button and enable it $('#clc-choose-language .language-options a').on('tap click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#clc-choose-language .language-options a').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var selectedLanguage = $(this).text(); $('#selected-language').text(selectedLanguage); $('#confirm-language').removeAttr('disabled'); }); }; return { init: init }; }());PSF = (function(){ var var var var
$window; $footer; $psf; psfHeight;
var init = function(){ if($('#psf').length){ $window = $(window); $footer = $('#footer'); $psf = $('#psf'); psfHeight = $('#psf').height(); addHandlers(); //$('#notifications-trigger').trigger('click'); uncomment this. This is handled in the portlet with session } }; var isMobile = function(){ if(viewport().width <= 800){ return true; } else { return false; } }; function viewport() { var e = window, a = 'inner';
//Please do not
if (!('innerWidth' in window )) { a = 'client'; e = document.documentElement || document.body; } return { width : e[ a+'Width' ] , height : e[ a+'Height' ] };
var addHandlers = function(){ // $window.on('scroll', checkPos); }; function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }, wait); if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args); }; }; // var checkPos = debounce(function(){ // if($footer){ // var footerPos = $footer.offset().top; // var psfPos = $psf.offset().top + psfHeight; // var windowScroll = $window.scrollTop(); // var windowHeight = $window.height(); // var oldFix; // if(isMobile()){ // oldFix = 0; // } else { // oldFix = 72; // } // if((psfPos > footerPos) || (windowScroll + windowHeight >= $ (document).height())){ // $psf.css({'bottom':'0', 'position':'absolute'}); // } // if(!(psfPos+oldFix <= (windowScroll+windowHeight)) && ($psf.offset().top >= windowScroll)){ // $psf.css({'top':oldFix, 'position':'fixed'}); // } // } // }, 10); var countNotifications = function() { var totalNotifications = $('.notificationsbg').find('.notification').size(); $('#totalNotifications').text(totalNotifications); }; countNotifications(); // Open notifications on click $('#notifications-trigger').on('tap click', function(e) { e.preventDefault();
// Close notifications on click of dismissal $('#dismiss-notifications').on('tap click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).attr("aria-hidden","true"); $('.notifications-bg').removeClass('open').addClass('viewed'); $('#notifications-trigger').addClass('viewed'); countNotifications(); // If there no more notifications, show the empty notifications message if ($('.notification').length === 0) { $('#empty-notifications').show(); // Automatically close notifications after 2 sec. setTimeout(function() { $('.notifications-bg').removeClass('open'); }, 2000); } }); var psfWidgetVisible=false; // Toggle the PSF on mobile $('#psf-gripper').on('tap click swipeleft swiperight', function() { //Ios transition hack fix if ($('').length) { psfWidgetVisible=false; $('#psf').css('-webkit-transition', 'right 300ms ease-in-out'); setTimeout(function(){ $('#psf').removeAttr('style'); //3439: restore position of PSF setPSFPosition(); }, 300); $(' #psf-gripper .icon').removeClass('iconrght').addClass('icon-lft'); } else { $('#psf-gripper .icon').removeClass('icon-lft').addClass('iconrght'); //3439: restore position of PSF psfWidgetVisible=true; setPSFPosition(); } $('#psf').toggleClass('open'); }); //3439 start: position psf according to steps bar presence setPSFPosition(); function setPSFPosition(){ var pageIdentifier=$("#pageIdentifier").val(); if($(window).width() < 776){ if($("#steps-bar").is(":visible")){ $("#psf").css("top", "53px"); } else{ $("#psf").css("top", "0px"); }
if(pageIdentifier == "multipleWarranty" || pageIdentifier == "multipleWarrantyResults"){ if(psfWidgetVisible){ $("#psf").css("right", "-41px"); } else{ $("#psf").css("right", "-103%"); } } } else{ $("#psf").css("top", "72px"); if(pageIdentifier == "multipleWarranty" || pageIdentifier == "multipleWarrantyResults"){ $("#psf").css("right", "0px"); } } } //position psf on window resize $(window).resize(function(){ setPSFPosition(); }); //3439 end return { init: init }; }());// This component handles stickyness in the responsive footer // Note, the desktop and mobile header use the same markup Header = function(){ //Set some module variables var $window = $(window); var $header = $('.hp-header'); var $input = $('#search-input'); var init = function(){ addHandlers(); //fire the reset function on load just to sync everything up reset(); // Check cookie to see if users already visted the site, if true then hide the search bar if (!(document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hpSession\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)| ^.*$/, "$1"))) { if (isMobile()) { $('#hp-search').slideDown(0); $('.mobile-search-toggle').trigger('slideDown'); } } else { if (isMobile()){ $('.mobile-search-toggle').trigger('slideUp'); } } $.cookie('hpSession','true');
}; // check if we are in mobile layout var isMobile = function(){ if(viewport().width <= 800){ return true; } else { return false; } }; // this gives us a better representation of screen width than window.width function viewport() { var e = window, a = 'inner'; if (!('innerWidth' in window )) { a = 'client'; e = document.documentElement || document.body; } return { width : e[ a+'Width' ] , height : e[ a+'Height' ] }; } //this limits a function from firing too many times unecessarily, good for optimization function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }, wait); if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args); }; }; // This function check our scroll position and positions the header correctly // Start HP 453 // This function check our scroll position and positions the header correctly // Depricated: caused buggy input focus when keyboard triggered scroll event on search. // var checkPos = debounce(function () { // if (isMobile()) { // var windowScroll = $window.scrollTop(); // // if we are past 80 pixels, sticky nav // if (windowScroll > 80) { // $header.css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': '0', 'z-index': '999'}); // } else { // // other wise, make it not sticky // $header.css({'position': 'absolute'}); // } // // once we scroll past 80, we want the search bar to pop up, but we dont want it to happen every time we // // scroll, so we limit this functionality between 80 and 120px // // Note: There is a better way to do this, perhaps making use of a libraries .once() function // if (windowScroll > 80 && windowScroll < 120) { // $('.mobile-nav-toggle').removeClass('out'); // $header.find('.mobile-search-toggle').trigger('slideUp'); Leave the search box open and not attached to scroll for keyboards on mobile that trigger
scroll event. // } // } else { // // if we are not in mobile, ensure header is not sticky // $header.css({'position': 'relative'}); // } // }, 10); $window.scroll(function() { var st = scrollY(), changeHeaderAt = 120, $header = $('.hp-header'); var pageTitle = $('#hpProductContextPageTitle'); // Shrink Header only if scrolling down if( st >= changeHeaderAt ) { //pageTitle.hide(); $header.addClass('sticky'); } else { //; }
}); function scrollY() { return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; } // End HP 453 // this function fires on window resize, and makes sure all functionality is cleared out between layouts // Not sure why this isnt handled by css classes, surely I had a good reason var reset = debounce(function(){ // if not in mobile, clear out all applied inline styles and change placeholder content //Do not remove - Varun var typeaheadLeftHookDesktop = "0"; var isDesktop = true; if(!isMobile()){ $('#hp-search').hasClass('in') && $('.hp-header .hpsearch').css({'display': 'block'}); $('#psf').insertAfter('#footer');/*Moved this to site.js VV */ //removed as it hides the H1 tag when browser is resized // $('#body').css({'padding-top': '0'}); //Do not remove - Varun $(".search-input").each(function(){ $(this).attr("ghosttext",$(this).data("placeholderlg")); if($(this).val()==$(this).data("placeholdersm") ){ // removed the null check as keeping it on null made ghost text editable while size changed on focus $(this).val($(this).data("placeholderlg")); } typeaheadLeftHookDesktop = $(this).parents(".searchbg").find("#search-dropdown").innerWidth() + 15; $(this).siblings(".typeaheadHook").val(typeaheadLeftHookDesktop);
// do not uncomment - Varun $('.hp-header #searchinput').attr('placeholder', 'Enter your product number, a question or keywords'); // if it is mobile, apply mobile styling and change search box placeholder content } else { // $header.css({'position': 'absolute'}); // now handled by .sticky in _hp-navigation.less // $('#body').css({'padding-top': '60px'}); //moved to _hpstructure.less //for positioning the widgets in mobile devices :: Pratisha $('#psf').appendTo('.fixedWidgets'); //Do not remove - Varun $(".search-input").each(function(){ $(this).attr("ghosttext",$(this).data("placeholdersm")); if(!($(this).is(":focus"))){ if($(this).val()==$(this).data("placeholderlg") ){ $(this).val($(this).data("placeholdersm")); } typeaheadLeftHookDesktop = $ (this).siblings(".typeaheadHook").val(); $(this).siblings(".typeaheadHook").val("0")
// do not uncomment - Varun $('.hp-header #search-input').attr('placeholder', 'Search HP Support'); } }, 10); // this is a simple handler to clear text out of search box var clearSearch = function(){ //modified by Varun do not change
$('.hp-header #search-input').val($('.hp-header #searchinput').attr("ghosttext")); $('.hp-header #search-input').addClass("placeholderText"); }; // add our event handlers var addHandlers = function(){ //$window.on('scroll', checkPos); $window.on('resize', reset); //Do not remove - Varun //$('#clear-search').on('tap click', clearSearch); $('.mobile-nav-toggle').on('click', function(){ $('.mobile-search-toggle').trigger('slideUp'); }); $('.mobile-search-toggle-close').on('click', clearSearch); //added by varun $('.mobile-search-toggle').on('tap click', function(){ $('.mobile-nav-toggle').trigger('dClose'); }); }; return { init: init, isMobile:isMobile, viewport:viewport, debounce:debounce }; }();/* Modified by Pavan Kamath Do not merge Modified By AA to add accessibility for the page */ Tabs = (function(){ var $toggles; var init = function(){ if($('[data-toggle="tab"]').length){ addHandlers(); $toggles = $('[data-toggle="tab"]'); checkState(); initCurrentURL(); } } var initCurrentURL = function(){ productSeries = $('#productSeries').val(); modelDetails = $('#modelDetails').val(); productNameOid = $('#productSeriesId').val(); // UAT defect fix: undefined is appending in url after clicking on homepage tabs var identifier = $('#pageIdentifier').val(); if( identifier == "Product Details Page"){ currentURL = "/"+getCCLC('cc')+"-"+getCCLC('lc') +"/product/"+productSeries+"/"+productNameOid; if(modelDetails!=""){ currentURL = currentURL + "/model/" + modelDetails; }
} if(identifier == "caseCreation"){ currentURL = window.location.href; } } var addHandlers = function(){ $('[data-toggle="tab"]').on('tap click', pushState); $('[data-toggle="tab"]').on('showTab', showTab); $('[data-toggle="tab"]').on('hideTab', hideTab); window.setTimeout(function () { window.addEventListener("popstate", function (e) { checkState(); }, false); }, 1); } var pushState = function(){ var activelink = $(this).attr("id"); if($("#pageIdentifier").val() == "caseCreation"){ link = currentURL; } else{ link = currentURL + '/' + activelink; }
//Remove query parametes as they will never come again if( location.href.indexOf('?')>0){ var queryparams = location.href.split('?'); link = link + '?' +queryparams[1]; } history.pushState(null, null, link); checkState(); //console.log('setCanonicalUrl called from tabs.js.....'); setCanonicalUrl();
var checkState = function(){ var $toggle = getActiveTabFromURL(); if($toggle.parent().hasClass('active')) return; $('.tab-content.col-lg16>').removeClass('active').addClass('fade'); $toggle.trigger('showTab'); $toggles.not($toggle).trigger('hideTab'); } var hideTab = function(){ var $toggle = $(this); if(!$toggle.parent().hasClass('active')) return; $toggle.parent().removeClass('active'); $toggle.parent().attr({"tabindex" : "-1"}); var $tabContent = $($toggle.attr('href')); $tabContent.removeClass('active'); $tabContent.attr({"tabindex" : "-1"}); $tabContent.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
} var showTab = function(){ var $toggle = $(this); $(".tab").removeClass("active"); $toggle.parent().addClass('active'); $toggle.parent().attr({"tabindex" : "0"}); var activelink = $(this).attr("id"); // if(activelink == "drivers"){ // if(typeof currentURL == "undefined" || currentURL == null || currentURL == ""){ // initCurrentURL(); // } // link = currentURL + '/'; // //Remove query parametes as they will never come again // if( location.href.indexOf('?')>0){ // var queryparams = location.href.split('?'); // link = link + '?' +queryparams[1]; // } // history.replaceState(null, null, link); // setCanonicalUrl(); // } var $tabContent = $($toggle.attr('href')); $tabContent.addClass('active'); $tabContent.attr({"tabindex" : "0"}); $tabContent.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } var getActiveTabFromURL = function(){ var tabString = "solutions+drivers+troubleshooting+how-to+productinfo+manuals+videos+more-options"; var removeHash = location.href.split("#"); var urllocation = removeHash[0].split("/"); //support for query Params urllocation = urllocation[urllocation.length-1].split("?"); var identifyActiveTab = ""; currentTab = ''; if(tabString.indexOf(urllocation[0])>0){ currentTab = $("#"+urllocation[0]); if(!':visible')){ currentTab = $('[data-toggle=tab]:visible').first(); currentTab.attr({"tabindex" : "0"}); } } else{
var stepsLabel = function(){ var $container = $('div#guided #steps-bar'); var $list = $('div#guided #steps-bar li'); switch (step){ case 1: case 2: case 3: $list.first().removeClass('next'); break; case 4: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: $list.first().addClass('done'); $list.eq(1).removeClass('next'); break; case 6: $list.eq(1).addClass('done'); $list.eq(2).removeClass('next'); break; } }; var showNext = function(e){ $('#step-' + step).addClass('hidden'); step++; $('#step-' + step).removeClass('hidden'); stepsLabel();
if (step == 6) { changeTitle1(); }
var changeTitle1 = function(){ $('#swd-title').text('Thank you for using the HP guided experience for your software and drivers'); $('#swd-title-text').remove(); }; var handleUncheck = function(e){ var self = this; if (!this.checked && this.value == 1) { $('#driver-download-warning').modal('toggle'); $('.cancel').unbind().on('click', function(){ $(self).click(); }); } if (!$('.download-list .list-body input').is(':checked')) { $('.download-list .button').addClass('button-disabled').unbind(); } else { $('.download-list .button').removeClass('buttondisabled').on('click',showProgressBar); } }; var resetStep3 = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); step = 2; showStep3(); }; var showStep3 = function(){ var $items = $('#step-3 .selection-group .product-selection'); var finishLoading = 6000; $('#step-3 .progress-bar-component').show(); $('#found-count').html('(0)'); $('#network-count').html('(0)'); $('#step-3 .header1').removeClass('hidden'); $('#step-3 .header2').addClass('hidden'); window.runProgressBar(); if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } $items.hide(); showNext(); $items.each(function(index, el){ setTimeout(function(){ $('#found-selections').removeClass('hidden'); }, finishLoading / 4); setTimeout(function(){ $('#network-selections').removeClass('hidden'); }, finishLoading / 2); setTimeout(function(){ $(el).show(); var $network = $('#network-selections .productselection:visible');
var showLoading = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); showNext(); setTimeout(showNext,4000); }; var showProgressBar = function(){ window.runProgressBar(); setTimeout(showNext,6000); showNext(); }; return { init: init }; }());OsSelector = (function(){ var init = function(){ if ($('#os-selector').length) { /* added as a part of new build during merge. Needs to be validated $('#os-selector').hide(); $('#os-heading2').hide();*/ addHandlers(); } }; var addHandlers = function(){ $('#os-update').on('click', updateOs); $('#os-heading1').on('click', wordHandler); $('#os-heading2').on('click', xHandler); /* added as a part of new build. Pratisha to validate $('#os-word-trigger').on('click', wordHandler); $('#os-x-trigger').on('click', xHandler);*/ $('.fancy-select .trigger').on('click', dropdownHandler); }; var dropdownHandler = function(e){ $('.fancy-select .trigger + .options').not($(this)).not($ (this).next()).removeClass('open'); }; var xHandler = function(){ $("#os-heading1").css("pointer-events","none"); $('#os-heading1').show(); $('#os-heading2').hide();
var wordHandler = function(){ $("#os-heading2").css("pointer-events","none"); $('#os-heading2').show(); $('#os-heading1').hide(); $('#os-selector').show(); }; var updateOs = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var resultArray = $('#os-selector').serializeArray(); $.each(resultArray, function(index, value){ console.log(value); var platform = 'os-' +; var text = value.value; $('#'+platform).html(text); }); $('#os-selector').removeClass('in').slideUp(); $('.os-selector-trigger').removeClass('toggled'); $('#os-heading2').hide(); $('#os-heading1').show(); }; return { init : init }; })();DownloadTable = (function(){ var init = function(){ if ($('.download-table').length){ addHandlers(); } }; var addHandlers = function() { $('#download-table .swd-dropdown').on('click', swdDropdown); $('a.accordionTitle').on('click', featuredDriverShow); /*VV*/ }; /* featuredDriver and swdDropdown function moved to swdAccordion.js in the portlet VV*/ /*AA - function ends here*/ var sort = function(ev){ var reverse; var $this = $(this); var sortCat = $'sort-trigger'); var $toggles = $('#sortable-table .panel'); ev.preventDefault(); $('[data-sorttrigger]').removeClass('active').parent().removeClass('active'); $('[data-sort-trigger]').not($(this)).removeClass('reverse'); $this.addClass('active').parent().addClass('active'); $this.hasClass('reverse') ? reverse = true : reverse = false $toggles.each(function(index){ var sortEls = $(this).find('[data-sort="'+sortCat+'"]'); sortEls.sort(function(a,b){ var result; if (sortCat === 'date') {
a = new Date($(a).html()); b = new Date($(b).html()); } else { a = $(a).html(); b = $(b).html(); } if (a > b) { result = 1; } else if (a < b) { result = -1; } else { result = 0; } return reverse ? result : -result;
}; var mobileSort = function(ev){ var $this = $(this); var sortCat = $'mobile-trigger'); var reverse = $'reverse'); var $toggles = $('#sortable-table .panel'); }; return { init : init }; }());$(document).ready(function(){ var set_tab = function(tab_container_id, tab_id){ $('#' + tab_container_id + ' ul li').removeClass('active'); // Now add class "active" to the selected/clicked tab $('#' + tab_container_id + ' a[rel="'+tab_id+'"]').parent().addClass("active"); $('#' + tab_container_id + '-content .tab-pane').removeClass("active").hide();
// Show the selected tab content $('#' + tab_container_id + '-content #' + tab_id).addClass("active").fadeIn();
// Function that gets the hash from URL var get_hash = function(){ if (window.location.hash) { // Get the hash from URL var url = window.location.hash; // Remove the # var current_hash = url.substring(1);
// Split the IDs with comma var current_hashes = current_hash.split(","); $.each(current_hashes, function(i, v){ set_tab($('a[rel="'+v+'"]').parent().parent().parent().attr('id'), v); }); }
// Called when page is first loaded or refreshed get_hash(); // Looks for changes in the URL hash $(window).bind('hashchange', function() { get_hash(); }); // Called when we click on the tab itself $('.tab-box ul li').click(function() { var tab_id = $(this).children('a').attr('rel'); // Update the hash in the url window.location.hash = tab_id; // Do nothing when tab is clicked return false; }); });/* ======================================================================== * Bootstrap: modal.js v3.0.2 * * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ======================================================================== */ +function ($) { "use strict"; // MODAL CLASS DEFINITION // ====================== var Modal = function (element, options) { this.options = options this.$element = $(element) this.$backdrop = this.isShown = null if (this.options.remote) this.$element.load(this.options.remote)
} Modal.DEFAULTS = { backdrop: true , keyboard: true , show: true } Modal.prototype.toggle = function (_relatedTarget) { return this[!this.isShown ? 'show' : 'hide'](_relatedTarget) } = function (_relatedTarget) { var that = this var e = $.Event('', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget }) this.$element.trigger(e) if (this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return this.isShown = true this.escape() this.$element.on('click.dismiss.modal', '[data-dismiss="modal"]', $.proxy(this.hide, this)) this.backdrop(function () { var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade') if (!that.$element.parent().length) { that.$element.appendTo(document.body) // don't move modals dom position } that.$ if (transition) { that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow } that.$element .addClass('in') .attr('aria-hidden', false) that.enforceFocus() var e = $.Event('', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget }) transition ? that.$element.find('.modal-dialog') // wait for modal to slide in .one($.support.transition.end, function () { that.$element.focus().trigger(e) }) .emulateTransitionEnd(300) : that.$element.focus().trigger(e)
}) }
Modal.prototype.hide = function (e) {
if (e) e.preventDefault() e = $.Event('') this.$element.trigger(e) if (!this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return this.isShown = false this.escape() $(document).off('') this.$element .removeClass('in') .attr('aria-hidden', true) .off('click.dismiss.modal') $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? this.$element .one($.support.transition.end, $.proxy(this.hideModal, this)) .emulateTransitionEnd(300) : this.hideModal() } Modal.prototype.enforceFocus = function () { $(document) .off('') // guard against infinite focus loop .on('', $.proxy(function (e) { if (this.$element[0] !== && !this.$element.has( { this.$element.focus() } }, this)) } Modal.prototype.escape = function () { if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) { this.$element.on('', $.proxy(function (e) { e.which == 27 && this.hide() }, this)) } else if (!this.isShown) { this.$'') } } Modal.prototype.hideModal = function () { var that = this this.$element.hide() this.backdrop(function () { that.removeBackdrop() that.$element.trigger('') }) } Modal.prototype.removeBackdrop = function () { this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove() this.$backdrop = null }
Modal.prototype.backdrop = function (callback) { this.options.backdrop = 'static' var that = this var animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : '' if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) { var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate this.$backdrop = $('') .appendTo(document.body) this.$element.on('click.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(function (e) { if ( !== e.currentTarget) return this.options.backdrop == 'static' ? this.$element[0]$element[0]) : }, this)) if (doAnimate) this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth // force reflow this.$backdrop.addClass('in') if (!callback) return doAnimate ? this.$backdrop .one($.support.transition.end, callback) .emulateTransitionEnd(150) : callback() } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) { this.$backdrop.removeClass('in') $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade')? this.$backdrop .one($.support.transition.end, callback) .emulateTransitionEnd(150) : callback()
} else if (callback) { callback() }
// MODAL PLUGIN DEFINITION // ======================= var old = $.fn.modal $.fn.modal = function (option, _relatedTarget) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) var data = $'bs.modal') var options = $.extend({}, Modal.DEFAULTS, $, typeof option == 'object' && option) if (!data) $'bs.modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))
if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](_relatedTarget) else if ( })
$.fn.modal.Constructor = Modal // MODAL NO CONFLICT // ================= $.fn.modal.noConflict = function () { $.fn.modal = old return this } // MODAL DATA-API // ============== $(document).on('', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (e) { var $this = $(this) var href = $this.attr('href') var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s] +$)/, ''))) //strip for ie7 var option = $'modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(href) && href }, $, $ e.preventDefault() $target .modal(option, this) .one('hide', function () { $':visible') && $this.focus() })
$(document) .on('', '.modal', function () { $(document.body).addClass('modalopen') }) .on('', '.modal', function () { $ (document.body).removeClass('modal-open') }) }(jQuery); /* ======================================================================== * Bootstrap: transition.js v3.0.2 * * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ======================================================================== */ +function ($) { "use strict"; // CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (Shoutout: // ============================================================ function transitionEnd() { var el = document.createElement('bootstrap') var transEndEventNames 'WebkitTransition' : , 'MozTransition' : , 'OTransition' : , 'transition' : }
"); } } }); }; sel.on('update.fs', function() { wrapper.find('.options').empty(); return copyOptionsToList(); }); return copyOptionsToList(); }); }; }).call(this);/** * * Version: 0.0.8 * Author: Gianluca Guarini * Contact: [email protected] * Website: * Twitter: @gianlucaguarini * * Copyright (c) 2013 Gianluca Guarini * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES
* OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **/ (function(doc, win) { 'use strict'; if (typeof doc.createEvent !== 'function') return false; // no touch events here // helpers var useJquery = typeof jQuery !== 'undefined', isTouch = !!('ontouchstart' in window) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('PhantomJS') < 0, setListener = function(elm, events, callback) { var eventsArray = events.split(' '), i = eventsArray.length; while (i--) { elm.addEventListener(eventsArray[i], callback, false); }
}, getPointerEvent = function(event) { return event.targetTouches ? event.targetTouches[0] : event; }, sendEvent = function(elm, eventName, originalEvent, data) { var customEvent = doc.createEvent('Event'); data = data || {}; data.x = currX; data.y = currY; data.distance = data.distance; if (useJquery) jQuery(elm).trigger(eventName, data); else { customEvent.originalEvent = originalEvent; for (var key in data) { customEvent[key] = data[key]; } customEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true); elm.dispatchEvent(customEvent); } }; var touchStarted = false, // detect if a touch event is sarted swipeTreshold = win.SWIPE_TRESHOLD || 80, taptreshold = win.TAP_TRESHOLD || 50, precision = win.TAP_PRECISION / 2 || 60 / 2, // touch events boundaries ( 60px by default ) tapNum = 0, currX, currY, cachedX, cachedY, tapTimer; // shall we use it just on the touch devices? // by default Tocca.js detects also the mouse events isTouch = true; //setting the events listeners
setListener(doc, isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', function(e) { var pointer = getPointerEvent(e); // caching the current x cachedX = currX = pointer.pageX; // caching the current y cachedY = currY = pointer.pageY; // a touch event is detected touchStarted = true; tapNum ++; // detecting if after 200ms the finger is still in the same position clearTimeout(tapTimer); tapTimer = setTimeout(function() { if ( cachedX >= currX - precision && cachedX <= currX + precision && cachedY >= currY - precision && cachedY <= currY + precision && !touchStarted ) { // Here you get the Tap event sendEvent(, (tapNum === 2) ? 'dbltap' : 'tap', e); } tapNum = 0; }, taptreshold); }); setListener(doc, isTouch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup', function(e) { var eventsArr = [], deltaY = cachedY - currY, deltaX = cachedX - currX; touchStarted = false; if (deltaX <= -swipeTreshold) eventsArr.push('swiperight'); if (deltaX >= swipeTreshold) eventsArr.push('swipeleft'); if (deltaY <= -swipeTreshold) eventsArr.push('swipedown'); if (deltaY >= swipeTreshold) eventsArr.push('swipeup'); if (eventsArr.length) { for (var i = 0; i < eventsArr.length; i++) { var eventName = eventsArr[i]; sendEvent(, eventName, e,{ distance:{ x:Math.abs(deltaX), y:Math.abs(deltaY) } }); } }
}(document, window));/* ======================================================================== * Bootstrap: tooltip.js v3.0.2 * * Inspired by the original jQuery.tipsy by Jason Frame * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ======================================================================== */ +function ($) { "use strict"; // TOOLTIP PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION // =============================== var Tooltip = function (element, options) { this.type = this.options = this.enabled = this.timeout = this.hoverState = this.$element = null this.init('tooltip', element, options) } Tooltip.DEFAULTS = { animation: true , placement: 'top' , selector: false , template: '
if (!self.options.delay || ! return self.timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (self.hoverState == 'in') }, } Tooltip.prototype.leave = function (obj) { var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ? obj : $(obj.currentTarget)[this.type](this.getDelegateOptions()).data('bs.' + this.type) clearTimeout(self.timeout) self.hoverState = 'out' if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.hide) return self.hide() self.timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (self.hoverState == 'out') self.hide() }, self.options.delay.hide) } = function () { var e = $.Event(''+ this.type) if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) { this.$element.trigger(e) if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return var $tip = this.tip() this.setContent() if (this.options.animation) $tip.addClass('fade') var placement = typeof this.options.placement == 'function' ?, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) : this.options.placement var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement) if (autoPlace) placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || 'top' $tip .detach() .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' }) .addClass(placement) this.options.container ? $tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element) var pos = this.getPosition() var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight if (autoPlace) {
var $parent = this.$element.parent() var orgPlacement var docScroll document.body.scrollTop var parentWidth $parent.outerWidth() var parentHeight $parent.outerHeight() var parentLeft $parent.offset().left
Tooltip.prototype.applyPlacement = function(offset, placement) { var replace var $tip = this.tip() var width = $tip[0].offsetWidth var height = $tip[0].offsetHeight // manually read margins because getBoundingClientRect includes difference var marginTop = parseInt($tip.css('margin-top'), 10) var marginLeft = parseInt($tip.css('margin-left'), 10) // we must check for NaN for ie 8/9 if (isNaN(marginTop)) marginTop = 0 if (isNaN(marginLeft)) marginLeft = 0 = + marginTop offset.left = offset.left + marginLeft $tip .offset(offset) .addClass('in') // check to see if placing tip in new offset caused the tip to resize itself var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow = function(delta, dimension, position) { this.arrow().css(position, delta ? (50 * (1 - delta / dimension) + "%") : '') } Tooltip.prototype.setContent = function () { var $tip = this.tip() var title = this.getTitle()
$tip.find('.tooltip-inner')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title) $tip.removeClass('fade in top bottom left right')
Tooltip.prototype.hide = function () { var that = this var $tip = this.tip() var e = $.Event('' + this.type) function complete() { if (that.hoverState != 'in') $tip.detach() } this.$element.trigger(e) if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return $tip.removeClass('in') $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ? $tip .one($.support.transition.end, complete) .emulateTransitionEnd(150) : complete()
Tooltip.prototype.getTitle = function () { var title var $e = this.$element var o = this.options title = $e.attr('data-original-title') || (typeof o.title == 'function' ?$e[0]) : }
return title
Tooltip.prototype.tip = function () { return this.$tip = this.$tip || $(this.options.template) } Tooltip.prototype.arrow = function () { return this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.tooltip-arrow') } Tooltip.prototype.validate = function () { if (!this.$element[0].parentNode) {
} Tooltip.prototype.enable = function () { this.enabled = true } Tooltip.prototype.disable = function () { this.enabled = false } Tooltip.prototype.toggleEnabled = function () { this.enabled = !this.enabled } Tooltip.prototype.toggle = function (e) { var self = e ? $(e.currentTarget)[this.type] (this.getDelegateOptions()).data('bs.' + this.type) : this self.tip().hasClass('in') ? self.leave(self) : self.enter(self) } Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () { this.hide().$'.' + this.type).removeData('bs.' + this.type) } // TOOLTIP PLUGIN DEFINITION // ========================= var old = $.fn.tooltip $.fn.tooltip = function (option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) var data = $'bs.tooltip') var options = typeof option == 'object' && option if (!data) $'bs.tooltip', (data = new Tooltip(this, options))) if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]() }
$.fn.tooltip.Constructor = Tooltip // TOOLTIP NO CONFLICT // =================== $.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function () { $.fn.tooltip = old return this } }(jQuery); /** * jquery.matchHeight.js v0.5.2
* * License: MIT */ (function($) { $.fn.matchHeight = function(byRow) { // handle matchHeight('remove') if (byRow === 'remove') { var that = this; // remove fixed height from all selected elements this.css('height', ''); // remove selected elements from all groups $.each($.fn.matchHeight._groups, function(key, group) { group.elements = group.elements.not(that); }); // TODO: cleanup empty groups return this;
if (this.length <= 1) return this; // byRow default to true byRow = (typeof byRow !== 'undefined') ? byRow : true; // keep track of this group so we can re-apply later on load and resize events
$.fn.matchHeight._groups.push({ elements: this, byRow: byRow }); // match each element's height to the tallest element in the selection $.fn.matchHeight._apply(this, byRow); return this;
}; $.fn.matchHeight._apply = function(elements, byRow) { var $elements = $(elements), rows = [$elements]; // take note of scroll position var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), htmlHeight = $('html').outerHeight(true); // get rows if using byRow, otherwise assume one row if (byRow) { // must first force an arbitrary equal height so floating elements break evenly
$.each(rows, function(key, row) { var $row = $(row), maxHeight = 0; // ensure elements are visible to prevent 0 height var hiddenParents = $row.parents().add($row).filter(':hidden'); hiddenParents.css({ 'display': 'block' }); // iterate the row and find the max height $row.each(function(){ var $that = $(this), display = $that.css('display') === 'inline-block' ? 'inlineblock' : 'block'; // ensure we get the correct actual height (and not a previously set height value) $that.css({ 'display': display, 'height': '' }); // find the max height (including padding, but not margin) if ($that.outerHeight(false) > maxHeight) maxHeight = $that.outerHeight(false);
// revert display block hiddenParents.css({ 'display': '' }); // iterate the row and apply the height to all elements $row.each(function(){ var $that = $(this),
verticalPadding = 0; // handle padding and border correctly (required when not using
// set the height (accounting for padding and border) $that.css('height', maxHeight - verticalPadding);
}); // restore scroll position if enabled if ($.fn.matchHeight._maintainScroll) $(window).scrollTop((scrollTop / htmlHeight) * $ ('html').outerHeight(true)); return this; }; /* * _applyDataApi will apply matchHeight to all elements with a data-matchheight attribute */ $.fn.matchHeight._applyDataApi = function() { var groups = {}; // generate groups by their groupId set by elements using data-match-height $('[data-match-height], [data-mh]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), groupId = $this.attr('data-match-height') || $this.attr('data-mh'); if (groupId in groups) { groups[groupId] = groups[groupId].add($this); } else { groups[groupId] = $this; } });
// apply matchHeight to each group $.each(groups, function() { this.matchHeight(true); });
/* * _update function will re-apply matchHeight to all groups with the correct options */ $.fn.matchHeight._groups = []; $.fn.matchHeight._throttle = 80; $.fn.matchHeight._maintainScroll = false; var previousResizeWidth = -1,
updateTimeout = -1; $.fn.matchHeight._update = function(event) { // prevent update if fired from a resize event // where the viewport width hasn't actually changed // fixes an event looping bug in IE8 if (event && event.type === 'resize') { var windowWidth = $(window).width(); if (windowWidth === previousResizeWidth) return; previousResizeWidth = windowWidth; } // throttle updates if (updateTimeout === -1) { updateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $.each($.fn.matchHeight._groups, function() { $.fn.matchHeight._apply(this.elements, this.byRow); }); updateTimeout = -1; }, $.fn.matchHeight._throttle); };
/* * bind events */ // apply on DOM ready event $($.fn.matchHeight._applyDataApi); // update heights on load and resize events $(window).bind('load resize orientationchange', $.fn.matchHeight._update); /* * rows utility function * returns array of jQuery selections representing each row * (as displayed after float wrapping applied by browser) */ var _rows = function(elements) { var tolerance = 1, $elements = $(elements), lastTop = null, rows = []; // group elements by their top position $elements.each(function(){ var $that = $(this), top = $that.offset().top - _parse($that.css('margin-top')), lastRow = rows.length > 0 ? rows[rows.length - 1] : null; if (lastRow === null) { // first item on the row, so just push it rows.push($that); } else {
// if the row top is the same, add to the row group if (Math.floor(Math.abs(lastTop - top)) <= tolerance) { rows[rows.length - 1] = lastRow.add($that); } else { // otherwise start a new row group rows.push($that); }
// keep track of the last row top lastTop = top;
return rows; }; var _parse = function(value) { // parse value and convert NaN to 0 return parseFloat(value) || 0; }; })(jQuery);/*! * jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.4.1 * * * Copyright 2006, 2014 Klaus Hartl * Released under the MIT license */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var pluses = /\+/g; function encode(s) { return config.raw ? s : encodeURIComponent(s); } function decode(s) { return config.raw ? s : decodeURIComponent(s); } function stringifyCookieValue(value) { return encode(config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value)); } function parseCookieValue(s) { if (s.indexOf('"') === 0) { // This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape... s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');
} try {
// Replace server-side written pluses with spaces. // If we can't decode the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable. // If we can't parse the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable. s = decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' ')); return config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s; } catch(e) {}
function read(s, converter) { var value = config.raw ? s : parseCookieValue(s); return $.isFunction(converter) ? converter(value) : value; } var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) { // Write if (arguments.length > 1 && !$.isFunction(value)) { options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options); if (typeof options.expires === 'number') { var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new
t.setTime(+t + days * 864e+5);
return (document.cookie = [ encode(key), '=', stringifyCookieValue(value), options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '', options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', ? '; secure' : '' ].join('')); } // Read var result = key ? undefined : {}; // To prevent the for loop in the first place assign an empty array // in case there are no cookies at all. Also prevents odd result when // calling $.cookie(). var cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : []; for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) { var parts = cookies[i].split('='); var name = decode(parts.shift()); var cookie = parts.join('='); if (key && key === name) { // If second argument (value) is a function it's a converter...
result = read(cookie, value); break;
} // Prevent storing a cookie that we couldn't decode. if (!key && (cookie = read(cookie)) !== undefined) { result[name] = cookie; } } };
return result;
config.defaults = {}; $.removeCookie = function (key, options) { if ($.cookie(key) === undefined) { return false; }
// Must not alter options, thus extending a fresh object... $.cookie(key, '', $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 })); return !$.cookie(key);
}); } /*create markup for os facets */ function paintOSFacets(osFacets) { var hierarchyLevel1Ct = 0; for(var hierarchyLevel1 in osFacets) { var hierarchyLevel2 = osFacets[hierarchyLevel1]; var level2Label, level2Id; // for upto 5 products if(hierarchyLevel1Ct<5) { $('div#osFacets ul.filter-level-1') .append('
'); } else { // for more than 5 records $('div#osFacets ul.filter-level-1') .append('
/*to create params for ajax call for pagination and facets search - Richa*/ function facetsPaginationParams(pageNum) { var var var var var var var var var
/*called on click of facets - ajax call to reload search and pagination - Richa*/ function facetsAjax() { var ajaxParam = facetsPaginationParams(1); var requestJson = JSON.stringify(ajaxParam.paramData); var pageURL = $('#paginationURL').val(); callAjaxUtil("facets",pageURL,"POST",parsePaginationJson,"JSON", requestJson, }
/*called on click of View English results - ajax call to reload search and pagination - Sushmita*/ function englishResultsAjax(searchLc) { var ajaxParam = facetsPaginationParams(1); ajaxParam.paramData["lc"] = searchLc; var requestJson = JSON.stringify(ajaxParam.paramData); var pageURL = $('#paginationURL').val(); callAjaxUtil("facets",pageURL,"POST",parsePaginationJsonEnglish,"JSON", requestJson, null,null,null,true,handleLoadingResult,true,handleLoadingResult,false); } function localResultsAjax(searchLc) { var ajaxParam = facetsPaginationParams(1); ajaxParam.paramData["lc"] = searchLc; var requestJson = JSON.stringify(ajaxParam.paramData); var pageURL = $('#paginationURL').val(); callAjaxUtil("facets",pageURL,"POST",parsePaginationJsonLocale,"JSON", requestJson, }
// hide facets in case of less than 10 results function hideFacets() { $('#filters-block').css('visibility','hidden'); $('#lessResultsText').hide(); $("#filter-trigger").hide(); $('#narrow-search-results').hide(); $('.filter-header').hide(); } /* For os facet pre-population which is selected by user from 300 modal popup */ function osPrePopulation() {
var selectedModalVal = $("#interstitialSearchOSL1").val(); if(selectedModalVal!="") { var allOSFacets = $("#osFacets").find('input[type="hidden"]'); var tobeSelectedFacet, selectedFacetSection; $.each(allOSFacets, function(index, obj) { if($(obj).val() == selectedModalVal) { tobeSelectedFacet = $(obj).parent(); selectedFacetSection = tobeSelectedFacet.parents('.filteroptions-nested'); tobeSelectedFacet.find('.checkbox').prop('checked',true); // making actual hidden checkbox checked tobeSelectedFacet.find('.icheckbox_flatblue').addClass('checked'); // making css created checkbox checked osPrePopulateClearFilter(); // showing selected facet in clear facets section; // open selected facet custom heirarcy level 1 section selectedFacetSection.siblings('.expandable').addClass('selected'); changing icon to expanded } }); } }
function osPrePopulateClearFilter() { $('.filter-options input[type="checkbox"]').not('[datafilter="all"]').each(function(){ var $input = $(this); var $filterList = $('.applied-filters'); if($input.prop('checked')){ var $tag = $(document.createElement('li')); var $button = $(document.createElement('button')); var parentTitle = $(this).parents('.filtercategory').children('.filter-title').html(); var title; var categoryList; $button.addClass('filter-close icon').attr('ref', $input.attr('class').split(' ').pop()); $tag.text($(this).parents('label').text()).attr('ref', $input.attr('class').split(' ').pop()).addClass('applied-filtersitem').prepend($button); if ($('.filter-selected-title[data-selected-title="' + parentTitle + '"]').length){ $('.filter-selected-title[data-selected-title="' + parentTitle + '"]').append($tag); } else { title = $(document.createElement('li')).html(parentTitle); categoryList = $ (document.createElement('ul')).addClass('filter-selected-title').attr('dataselected-title',parentTitle).append(title).append($tag); $filterList.append(categoryList); } SCF.initElem($tag); } $('.applied-filters').show(); });
} //Document Created on 30/March/2015 //This is to prevent all the portlet's title being read via screen reader. $('document').ready(function(){ var ariaTimer = window.setInterval(function(){ $(".ibmPortalControl").attr("aria-labelledby"," "); //console.log('aria lablelled'); window.clearInterval(ariaTimer); }, 1000 );
/*search Blue dropdown */ // $("#search-dropdown") // .on("click",function(){ // $("#searchDdDivAT.dropdown").toggleClass("open") // }) // .on("mousedown",function(e){ // if(e.which==1)$("#searchDdDivAT.dropdown").toggleClass("open") // }) }); // communities link /* * commenting this as after code merge, the focus is coming inherently $( "#navCommunities" ).focus(function() { $(this).css( "outline-width", "5px" ).css( "outline-style", "auto" ).css( "outline-color", "#4d90fe" ); }); $( "#navCommunities" ).focusout(function() { $(this).css( "outline-width", "" ).css( "outline-style", "" ).css( "outlinecolor", "" ); });*/var isUserLoggedIn = false; var isUserAdxLoggedIn = false; var hpUserProfileObject = {}; var $userEmail = $('#HPPEmailId'); var $CRM_CDX_URL = $('#CRM_CDX_URL'); // Create business account in register/sign in modal function redirectToHPSALogin(){ //Funtion that redirects to HPSA login var domain = window.location.origin; var url = domain + "/hp-pps-services/auth/login?cc=" + getCCLC("cc") + "&lc=" + getCCLC("lc") + "&pageurl=" + window.location.href;, "_self"); } /*
Create dynamic menu item and append to sign in menu @Param: data:{array} - contain link objects with URL and name attribute */ function createDynamicMenu(data) { if (data) { var $menuHolder = $("#signInOrEditMob"); for (var item in data) { var newMenuItem = document.createElement('div'); newMenuItem.className = "mobMenuElement"; newMenuItem.appendChild(createLink(data[item])); } }
/* Create dynamic anchor element for passed item. @Param: accept data object with name and url properties @ return: anchor element
*/ function createLink(item) { var a = document.createElement('a'); var linkText = document.createTextNode(; a.appendChild(linkText); a.href = item.url; return a; } $("document").ready(function(){ paintWelcomeHeader();
// defined in head.jsp if(signOutMenuOptions && $.parseJSON(signOutMenuOptions) && $.parseJSON(signOutMenuOptions).menuOptions){ }
function readCookie(key){ cookieName = key+"="; cookieArray = document.cookie.split(";"); var numberOfMatch = 0; for(i=0; i= 0){ var indexOfEq = cookieArray[i].indexOf("="); var value = cookieArray[i].substr((indexOfEq+1), (cookieArray[i].length-1)); numberOfMatch += 1; if(value !=""){ return value; } else{ return null; }
} } if(numberOfMatch == 0){ return null }
if ($userEmail.val() !== "null" && $userEmail.val() != undefined) { if($userEmail.val().length > 0){ $('#modalLoginTxt').val($userEmail.val()); $('#login-modal').modal('show'); } } // click event for after sign in menu for mobile and desktop $("#welcomeMessageNew").on("click", function () { if ($("#profileUtilityMenuMob").is(":visible")){ $("#profileUtilityMenuMob").slideUp("fast"); $(".welcomeOverlay").slideUp(); $("#welcomeUserLink i.hidden-lg").removeClass("iconup").addClass("icon-dwn"); $("#welcomeUserLink i.fa-caret-up").removeClass("fa-caretup").addClass("fa-caret-down"); $("body").css("overflow", "auto"); } else{ $("#profileUtilityMenuMob").slideDown("fast"); $("body").animate({ scrollTop: "0px" }, 100); $("body").animate({ scrollTop: "0px" }, 100, function () { $(".welcomeOverlay").slideDown(); if ($(window).innerWidth() < 786){ // overflow hidden only for mobile $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); $("#welcomeUserLink i.hidden-lg").removeClass("icondwn").addClass("icon-up"); } }); $("#welcomeUserLink i.fa-caret-down").removeClass("fa-caretdown").addClass("fa-caret-up"); } }); // Overlay click event to toggle icon class and close overlay $(".welcomeOverlay").on("click", function(){ $("#welcomeUserLink i.hidden-lg").removeClass("iconup").addClass("icon-dwn"); $("#profileUtilityMenuMob").slideUp("fast"); $(".welcomeOverlay").slideUp(); $("body").css("overflow","auto"); }); // signout button click calling method $("#signOutLinkMob").on("click", function () { var domain = window.location.origin; var url = domain + '/hp-pps-services/auth/logout?cc=' + getCCLC("cc") + "&lc=" + getCCLC("lc") + "&pageurl=" + window.location.href ;, "_self"); // open in new tab });
// edit profile button click calling method $("#editProfileLinkMob").on("click", function () { var domain = window.location.origin; var url = domain + '/hp-pps-services/auth/editprofile?cc=' + getCCLC("cc") + "&lc=" + getCCLC("lc") + "&pageurl=" + window.location.href; //, "_self"); //Open Edit Profile Window in new Tab -- HPID; }); if(readCookie("HPPSESSION") != null || readCookie("SMSESSION") != null){ //getUserProfile(); } $(document).on("click", "#btnCreatePersonalAC", function () { var lc = getCCLC("lc"); var cc = getCCLC("cc"); var domain = window.location.origin; var url = domain + '/hp-pps-services/auth/registration?cc=' + cc + '&lc=' + lc + "&pageurl=" + window.location.href;, "_self"); });
$(document).on("click", "#btnCreateBusinessAC", function () { if ($CRM_CDX_URL.val().length > 0) {$CRM_CDX_URL.val(), "_self"); }
}); /** * */ function paintWelcomeHeader(){ if (typeof profileDetails !== 'undefined' && profileDetails && (profileDetails.firstName || profileDetails.lastName)) { if(profileDetails.signOutLink){ $("#signOutLinkMob").attr("href",profileDetails.signOutLink); } if(profileDetails.editProfileLink){ $("#editProfileLinkMob").attr("href",profileDetails.editProfileLink); } isUserLoggedIn = true; // // hide sign in/register // $(".signInRegisterLink").addClass("hide"); // // show welcome user message // $("#welcomeUserLink").removeClass("hide"); // $("#welcomeHeader").show(); //adding code same as splitSearchBox.js for header var $userName = $(".userFirstName"); var cc = getCCLC("cc");
var userName; //Story R183-222- Display lastname+firstname+title for few locales if (cc == 'jp' || cc == 'kr' || cc == 'cn' || cc == 'tw' || cc == 'hk') {
// R182-70 - set the checkTime flag and start the timer handleTorontoTimer("start"); // R182-69 - save SN and PN in localstorage if page is product contextual handleProductContext("save"); // dismiss chat prompt dismissChatPrompt(); handleHoverText("unbind");
function loadChatBotIframe(token){ var iframeInstance = $("iframe.torontoChatBotIframe"); var chatBotUrlForIframe; if(isMobileDevice()) { chatBotUrlForIframe = chatBotUrlMobile; } else { chatBotUrlForIframe = chatBotUrl; } // if there are other query strings added to the bot // iframe URL via SSC (e.g. for debugging) if(chatBotUrlForIframe.indexOf("?")>=0){ // append a & instead of ?, if needed if(chatBotUrlForIframe.charAt(chatBotUrlForIframe.length-1)!="&"){ chatBotUrlForIframe = chatBotUrlForIframe.concat("&"); } }else{ // no query strings added yet chatBotUrlForIframe = chatBotUrlForIframe.concat("?"); }
// append token var iframeSrc = chatBotUrlForIframe+"t="+token; iframeInstance.attr("src", iframeSrc);
/** * @param iframeInstance
*/ function insertChatBotIframe(iframeInstance){ // if the chat bot iframe has loaded if($(iframeInstance).attr("src") != undefined){ // show a spinner hideLoadingSpinner(); // show the bot frame $(".torontoChatBotIframe").removeClass("hideChatbot"); $("#torontoChatPrompt").removeClass("hideChatbot"); $("#torontoChatHoverText").removeClass("hideChatbot"); // set the global data layer variable as true globalDataLayer.chatBotAccessed = true; }
function hideLoadingSpinner(){ //Hides the loading spinner console.log("SPINNER HIDDEN"); $(".chatBotLoadingIndicator").fadeOut(200); } function showLoadingSpinner(){ hideChatbotUnavailable(); //Shows the loading spinner console.log("SPINNER SHOWN"); $(".chatBotLoadingIndicator").fadeIn(500); } function showChatbotUnavailable(){ $(".chatBotUnavailable").show(); } function hideChatbotUnavailable(){ $(".chatBotUnavailable").hide(); } function closeChatWindow(){ $("#torontoChatPage").slideUp(100, function(){ $("#chatbotToronto").slideDown(300, onChatWindowCloseComplete()); }); // R182-70: reset checkTime flag and close the timer handleTorontoTimer("close"); } function onChatWindowOpenComplete(){ console.log("Chat Window is OPEN now!"); chatMinimized = false; $("#openChatForAccessibilityMessage").focus(); //56: check if accessed in mobile, make chat window full size if(isMobileDevice() || screen.width<750) { $("#torontoChatPage").css("width",screen.width+"px"); $("#torontoChatPage").css("height",screen.height+"px"); $("#torontoChatPage").css("left","0"); //$("#torontoChatPage").css("top","0");
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus){ console.log("!!!!!!!!Refresh Token service failed!!!!!!!!!!!"); hideLoadingSpinner(); showChatbotUnavailable(); });
function setTokenBuffer(actualTokenExpiry){ var today = new Date(); var secsFromBegining = today.getTime(); var tokenExpiryWithBuffer = actualTokenExpiry - 120; //in seconds, also
keeping a buffer of 120 sec. var expirationTime = secsFromBegining + (tokenExpiryWithBuffer*1000); //milliseconds localStorage.expirationTimeWithBuffer = expirationTime; } function startPollingTokenExpiry(){ var pollingInterval = setInterval(function(){ if(checkForTokenExpiry(localStorage.expirationTimeWithBuffer)){ clearInterval(pollingInterval); localStorage.removeItem("expirationTimeWithBuffer"); refreshToken(); } },3000); } function checkForTokenExpiry(expirationTime){ var today = new Date(); var secsFromBegining = today.getTime(); if(secsFromBegining >= expirationTime){ //token expired return true; } else{ return false; } } window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event){ if(chatBotUrl.indexOf(event.origin)>-1){ if( == "botReplied"){ botReplied(); // R182-70: reset timer handleTorontoTimer("reset"); } else if( == "botStartOver"){ botStartOver(); // R182-70: reset timer handleTorontoTimer("reset"); } console.log("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++"); console.log(event); console.log(JSON.stringify(event)); console.log("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++"); } } //BOT CALLBACKS, DO NOT CHANGE FUNCTION NAME! function botReplied(){ console.log("<==========================BOT REPLIED==========================>"); if(localStorage.torontoChatLaunched == "true" && chatMinimized && ! chatOpenedFirstTimeOnPage){
}); var openVideoModalId = ""; var eventHandlersAttached = false; $("html").on("click", ".videoContent", function(){ var targetId = $(this).children("a").data("target"); openVideoModalId = targetId.substring(1, targetId.length); }); var playlistMasterObject = {}; var accountId = parseInt($("#brightCoveAccountId").val()); //SSC controlled var playerId = $("#brightCovePlayerId").val(); //SSC controlled // function fetchPlaylist(playlistId, numberOfVideosPerPage){ function fetchPlaylist(playlistId, numberOfVideosPerPage){
playlistId = parseInt(playlistId); playlistMasterObject[playlistId] = {}; // var numberOfVideosPerPage = $("div[data-playlistid='"+playlistId+"']").data("perPage"); //Ajax call goes here $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: "/hp-ppsservices/brightcove/accounts/"+accountId+"/playlists/"+playlistId+"/videos", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data){ // on success playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage = numberOfVideosPerPage; playlistMasterObject[playlistId].playlistId = playlistId; playlistMasterObject[playlistId].copyofjsonData = data; playlistManager(playlistId); }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus){ }); } function playlistManager(playlistId){ playlistId = parseInt(playlistId); var jsonData = playlistMasterObject[playlistId].copyofjsonData; var perPage = playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage; if(!eventHandlersAttached){ eventHandlersAttached = true; $('.prev').on('tap click', function(){ var playlistContext = $ (this).parents(".videoPlaylistWrapper").children(".videoPlaylist"); var playlistId ="playlist-id"); var perPage = parseInt(playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage); var copyofjsonData = playlistMasterObject[playlistId].copyofjsonData; var curPage = parseInt(parseInt($ (this).parents(".containerForPaginationFoot").find(".paginationEndVal").text())/per Page); var remainder = parseInt($ (this).parents(".containerForPaginationFoot").find(".paginationEndVal").text()) %perPage; if(remainder > 0){ curPage = curPage + 1; } curPage--; response(copyofjsonData, "false", playlistContext, curPage); }); $('.showAll').on('tap click', function(){ var playlistWrapperContext = $ (this).parents(".videoPlaylistWrapper"); playlistWrapperContext.find('.showAll').hide(); playlistWrapperContext.find('.showLess').show(); playlistWrapperContext.find('.pagination-
less').attr('disabled','disabled'); playlistWrapperContext.find('.paginationless').addClass('disabled'); playlistWrapperContext.find('.paginationmore').attr('disabled','disabled'); playlistWrapperContext.find('.paginationmore').addClass('disabled'); var playlistContext = $ (this).parents(".videoPlaylistWrapper").children(".videoPlaylist"); var playlistId ="playlist-id"); var perPage = parseInt(playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage); var copyofjsonData = playlistMasterObject[playlistId].copyofjsonData; var curPage = parseInt($ (this).parents(".paginationText").find(".paginationEndVal").text())/perPage; response(copyofjsonData, "true", playlistContext, curPage); }); $('.showLess').on('tap click', function(){ var playlistWrapperContext = $ (this).parents(".videoPlaylistWrapper"); playlistWrapperContext.find('.showAll').show(); playlistWrapperContext.find('.showLess').hide(); var playlistContext = $ (this).parents(".videoPlaylistWrapper").children(".videoPlaylist"); var playlistId ="playlist-id"); var perPage = parseInt(playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage); var copyofjsonData = playlistMasterObject[playlistId].copyofjsonData; var curPage = parseInt($ (this).parents(".paginationText").find(".paginationEndVal").text())/perPage; response(copyofjsonData, "false", playlistContext, curPage); }); $('.next').on('tap click', function(){ var playlistContext = $ (this).parents(".videoPlaylistWrapper").children(".videoPlaylist"); var playlistId ="playlist-id"); var perPage = parseInt(playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage); var copyofjsonData = playlistMasterObject[playlistId].copyofjsonData; var curPage = parseInt($ (this).parents(".containerForPaginationFoot").find(".paginationEndVal").text())/per Page; curPage++; response(copyofjsonData, "false", playlistContext, curPage); }); }
var perPage= playlistMasterObject[playlistId].perPage; // var curPage= 1; var copyofjsonData;
var modalGlobal = ""; for(var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++){ var title = jsonData[i].description; var videoId = jsonData[i].id; var videoName = jsonData[i].name; var videoDescription = jsonData[i].description; var videoPoster = jsonData[i].images.poster; modalGlobal = modalGlobal + '